Another Life (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Guilt Trip

- [NIKO.]
It's okay.
It's okay, all right? It's gonna be okay, all right? - [GROANS.]
- William? [RAPID THUMPING.]
William! He's offline.
Be honest.
Do I look worse or better than my brother? - [SIGHS.]
- What was it like? Did Billy say anything? [GASPING.]
Was he Was he scared? - I bet he wasn't scared.
- You should save your strength, okay? Don't talk.
When my parents ask about me, will you please lie? Will you tell them I wasn't afraid? [GROANS.]
- [SOBS.]
- Listen to me.
You are gonna be okay.
We are together now, and we are gonna get home.
Okay? - Okay.
- Okay.
Sh, sh, sh, sh.
Sh, sh.
- Okay.
Hold that.
- Cas? - Oh, Niko? Oh, my God.
We need to get to the observation deck, restart the engines and get the fuck off this planet.
- We landed? - Yeah.
Are we on Canis Majoris? - Yeah.
- Where's everyone else? - We got separated.
Oh! August? We need to get her to the medical bay.
That thing is still out there.
- We have to get to the observation - No.
I am not losing her.
Now, help me.
You're doing good.
I can't - [NIKO.]
Okay, look at me.
If you really wanna know, your brother was brave and so are you.
All right? - You are such a liar.
- Come on.
No, no! - Grab her! - [GROWLING.]
Don't let go.
Don't let go! - No! - [SCREECHING.]
- [CAS.]
Niko, get up.
- I fucking had her.
I had her.
Niko, we have to go now.
- Let's go.
Okay, go.
- [YELLS.]
- [NIKO.]
Oh, Jesus.
It's us.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Is everyone all right? Well, no one's injured, if that's what you mean.
Where's August? Is she alive? We need to get this ship in the air.
Hold the fuck up.
Some of us need a fucking second.
- Holy fuck.
Oh, God, she's dead, isn't she? - [MICHELLE.]
What are they doing? - First contact.
- We must follow procedure.
- Oh, God.
Holy fuck.
- Niko, there's a protocol.
- How's protocol workin' so far? No one on Earth is ever gonna know how dangerous these things are.
If someone fixed the comms like they were supposed to - [MICHELLE.]
Bernie - Hey, everybody, just shut up! All right? We don't need to tear each other apart because that fucking thing's gonna do it for us.
We have gotta stick together.
Everybody strap in.
Here's what's gonna happen.
We are going to get our engines back up and running.
We are going to deal with that fucking hitchhiker, and then we are going to set a course for Earth to tell everyone that these aliens are not friendly.
- Do it.
This mission is not over.
So we get our shit together and we keep going, you got it? - [ENGINES RUMBLING.]
We We had a raccoon trapped in our house once.
Oh, yeah? What did you do? Feed it rat poison? We opened a window.
So I I say that we get that monster in the airlock and we shoot it the fuck out into space.
- Okay? - Okay.
- [THUMP.]
- [THUMP.]
Oh, shit! - Oliver! - [SCREAMS.]
- [THUMP.]
Oh, God! - [SCREAMS.]
- [THUMP.]
- [THUMP.]
William, what the hell is going on? Why are we all awake and and Niko isn't? The batteries to the soma system are hemorrhaging power.
I've pulled you all out, but - Why isn't she waking up? - I don't know.
The soma technology is so new and complex, I barely understand how it works.
- When it works.
- She was the last one in, right? [WILLIAM.]
Yeah, she was still being put under when I initiated the override.
Our dog does that when she dreams.
She, you know, moves her little paws around and Read the room, man.
She might be in a hybrid state between REM and wakefulness, which would explain why her somatic won't disengage.
She's trapped.
So we're gonna wait for her somatic cycle to finish, - then we'll try again.
- We don't have time for that.
Her tube's got less than 30 minutes on it.
If she is still plugged in when this thing shuts down she'll be brain-dead.
Then we pull her out now.
No, no, this isn't like unplugging a hair-dryer.
This is sophisticated technology.
The interface is melded directly into her brain stem.
If done incorrectly, it could cause a stroke, neural damage So, we can't leave her in and we can't pull her out.
Am I missing a third option here? Can you do this? Can you pull them out, Zayn? Really just lookin' for a yes or no.
Then do it.
Niko? Niko? Niko? [ELECTRIC BUZZING.]
What the f What the fuck? What Dubois? Hello, Niko.
Glad you're awake.
If you prefer to do this another time Do what? I I I I Why am I here? I I was on the ship.
You're here to talk about the Pilgrim.
We'll have a full investigation over the next few months into exactly what happened.
The Pilgrim? I I Yes, we've spoken to several of your crew already Are you fucking with me? No.
You You are.
You're You're fucking with me.
Asking me questions about something that happened years ago.
What about the Salvare? Niko, I can see you're agitated.
Don't say my name like that.
I - But I - Niko, it's not uncommon after a trauma to experience memory loss and delusions.
I was I was on the Salvare.
You You put me on that goddamn ship because an alien artifact landed on Earth.
I I mean, I [SIGHS.]
You know, after after my first tour, it took me months before I stopped waking up to the sound of gunfire at three a.
I don't I don't have PTSD.
Um I I have a husband.
We We got married in Baltimore at at City Hall on a on a Tuesday T-Tuesday.
Um I have an eight-year-old daughter.
- You lived through a terrible accident.
- Something isn't right.
And if it weren't for you, your entire crew would be dead.
Niko, you're a hero.
Fuck you.
Jana! Jana! Jana! Jana! Jana! [YELLS.]
Jana! [MAN.]
were the most courageous group of people I've ever had the honor of working with.
My brothers and sisters who died around Saturn and those of us who made it back to Earth alive.
There are actually two people we should be honoring today.
James Hudson, of course and Niko Breckinridge.
Her heroic actions on the Pilgrim saved ten lives, including my own.
I know some of us can't even choose between cookie dough or mint chip ice cream.
Now, imagine a button that, if you pressed it, would sacrifice half your crew but was the only way to save the rest.
But that's the kind of hero Niko is.
There aren't a lot of people who could do what she did.
I also want to say this, and this isn't part of my speech, but I know that there is a lot of anger.
There is a lot of families here who suffered a profound loss.
And, yeah, it's it's easy to to blame the living, but I know Niko and Niko is a good person.
It was an honor to be on the ship with you, and I wanna give you this.
Something to remember your crew.
This is so fucking morbid.
My hero.
I'm proud of you.
You've always made the tough choices.
- Guys, hold her.
- Okay.
Got her.
I can't remove the somatic implant while she's thrashing around.
If I am off by even a fraction, - she's dead.
- Her limbic system's gone hyperactive.
- Translation? - Her emotions are going haywire.
I'm sorry, Cas, but I can't do this.
Let me out.
Jesus Christ, let me out.
- Oh, life could be a dream If I could take you up - In paradise up above - Sh-boom If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love Life could be a dream, sweetheart Hello, hello, sh-boom And hopin' we'll meet again - Oh, life could be a dream - Sh-boom If only all my precious plans Would come true - Erik? Oh, my God.
Hey! I missed you so much.
- [GASPS.]
- Okay, yeah.
I missed you, too.
Over here.
Throw it.
Jana? No running by the pool.
It's Jana's birthday.
I missed her birthday? What are you talking about? - It's today.
- [GASPS.]
Look I know you're thinkin' about your work.
The slingshot around Sirius? It's all over the news.
But Yerxa's got a handle on it because you trained him yourself.
Yerxa's leading the Salvare? I stayed on Earth? Well, they asked you, but Fucking goddamn fucking soma sleep.
Only upside to getting up this early is no rehydration drinks.
All right.
No, thank you.
You gotta eat.
I can't just sit here.
Uh, there might have been something that I missed.
It could be a problem with the somatic mainframe.
No, we double-checked already.
Well, then triple-check.
I need your help.
Sure thing, boss.
Mm! Yes, please, that looks tasty.
The food.
Not you.
Mira, no toques.
I'm saving this for August.
Uh She's not here.
I am.
I'm hungry.
Hand it over.
I will spit in your food.
Vete pa'l carajo, okay? Hey.
Nothing new.
She's the same.
Okay, so, then, that means that you're, like, in charge or something, right? Until Niko wakes up, yeah.
Right, right.
Anyway, so, um some pretty cool news.
Our sensors picked up a moon.
- So? - So, it's in the Goldilocks zone around a nearby star.
- Not too hot, not too cold - Well, that's amazing.
Do Do you think there's life? Do I look psychic? I mean, yes, it has all the right ingredients.
Ingredients? There could be food.
You'd think you'd be less excited after what happened last time.
I don't know if you've noticed, but there's not enough blood, sweat, tears and duct tape to fix those soma tubes, - and we have many, many mouths to feed.
- Yeah.
I I, for one, am in favor of this moon.
Uh To be back on solid ground.
Food, which means water.
Perhaps a beach, even? [CHUCKLES.]
- What? - I was trying to picture it.
What? Me in my swim trunks? No.
You useful.
Okay, that sounds amazing and all, but right now, - we need to focus on getting Niko back.
- Cas? Uh, listen.
This could be fucking huge.
Right? It's a whole planet, full of alien life.
File a report for some future mission.
We stay on course.
Okay, so the good news is I've stabilized her.
When she enters a lighter sleep cycle, I will be able to remove the neural link.
I'm sensing a "but.
" But there's still too much activity in the limbic and not enough in the prefrontal cor Again, this time in English.
She may not even know that she's dreaming.
Uh What if we could convince her to jump back over the fence from within her subconscious? If I pair with her neural link Have you ever attempted anything like that? Oh, yeah, all the time.
It's better than going to the movies.
- No, of course I haven't.
- So, dreaming is a sort of therapy.
When we dream, we take our emotionally arousing experiences and store them in our long-term memory.
Obviously, there is something keeping Niko under.
Whatever is happening to her she needs to work through it.
That's where William may be able to help.
Is that my cake? It's beautiful.
Attention, Earthlings! - Who's ready for some cake? - [WILLIAM APPEARS.]
- This is a surprise.
- Niko, I don't have a lot of time, but you're in a dream.
- Two steps ahead of you.
- No, no.
You don't understand.
You need to wake up, now.
It's an emergency.
None of this is real! Niko, you're in danger.
Did you hear what I said? Do you wanna go watch me blow out my candles, Mommy? Absolutely, baby.
Just one second, okay? Oh.
Uh Do you have to work? It's fine.
Daddy will make a holo-video.
It'll only take a minute.
It's a trick, Niko.
Your mind is trying to keep you here.
Jana is not real.
You are scaring her.
Look, the real Jana needs you to wake up.
I need you to wake up.
Get out of my head, William.
William? I saw her.
I saw Niko.
We talked, but she She kicked me out.
I You're drowning and I'm trying to throw you a life preserver.
but you wanna stay and have birthday cake.
- Birthday cake? - What do we do? I don't think we can do anything.
- If Niko doesn't wanna wake up - No! Zayn, that is not good enough.
Figure it out.
We need her awake and alive.
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Jana Happy birthday to you [ALARM SIREN BLARING.]
Now my wish won't come true.
No, it's okay, baby girl.
I'll make sure that it does, okay? [SIREN CONTINUING.]
- It's all right.
Don't be sad.
The mission to Canis Majoris is over.
I repeat.
- The mission to Canis Majoris - What is it? has come to a fiery end after it has been reportedthat the Salvare has plummeted into Sirius.
Commander Ian Yerxa and his entire crew are feared dead.
May God rest their souls.
Second-in-command, Cas Isakovic, - communications specialist Michelle - Everyone, gather round! - Let's cut this big, beautiful cake.
- All right, you ready, Jana? Hey, baby, do you know there's a secret to making a wish? Wanna know what it is? - Okay.
- We cut through the cake, and as the knife slides through, that's when you wish away, all right? - Okay.
What did you wish for? I promise I won't tell anyone.
I wish that you never leave me, ever again.
- [GASPS.]
Do you want a big slice? A really big slice? Or an extra big slice? - Mm.
- All right.
- All right, come on, Niko, we gotta go.
We gotta take shelter.
All right, come on.
Niko! - Erik, I can't.
- You can't? All right, come here.
- I have to get to the Salvare.
- The Salvare plummeted into a star.
- They need me.
Mommy, come with us.
- Please.
- Goddamn it, Niko.
How could you do this to me? How could you do this to your daughter? I am so sorry.
If you leave even if you come back, you're never seeing us again.
- gasps.]
Zayn? Breckenridge, we've got trouble.
We've only got a couple of minutes before they notice we're missing.
Hey Hey! I'm sorry.
I'm an asshole.
I was just playing with you.
There's no emergency.
I'm just in a good mood.
Big day.
You had a chance to look outside? I swear, I've never felt so alive.
Commander Hudson, report to the bridge for Saturn docking.
Hudson, no.
Something's gonna happen.
Something terrible.
You've gotta trust me.
I get it.
Trying to give me a taste of my own medicine? - What? No - All right.
I'll play along, I'll be your second.
- No - Tell me what to do, boss.
Your wish is my command, Commander.
No, I No.
Hudson? Breckinridge! [GROANS.]
Commander Cas, just the person I was lookin' for.
Has a nice ring to it, right? Commander Cas? - It sounds like - Bernie? Get to the point.
Okay, look, no one planned for us to be awake for this long, right? At some point, we will run out of food.
We need to plan for the worst.
If that piece-of-shit rogue planet can actually harbor life, there is a good chance the moon Michelle found - has everything we need - It's four light-years.
It's not that long of a detour, okay? I just I really think it's worth the extra time it'll take - to go in - Bernie? That's a decision for Niko to make.
Okay? [SIGHS.]
Fuck! I'm getting nowhere.
- [SIGHS.]
- Do you think she'll be okay? Of course.
She's Niko.
- Although - What? I trust this soma tech about as far as Oliver can throw it.
We won't be able to reroute the power from here back to Niko's chamber.
Maybe we'll have better luck in the mess hall.
- Do you wanna try? - Can't do any harm.
Every second I was under, it was like a fever dream.
Oh, yeah? What did you dream about? No one wants to hear about someone else's stupid dreams.
Oh, come on.
Ooh, was it the one where we arrive on some distant planet and you realize you're totally naked? [CHUCKLES.]
I dreamed I was a dad.
You know Not like it'll happen.
Not now.
Uh You didn't get your stuff frozen before you left Earth? Oh, my parents sent me to this fertility guy up in Canada.
Uh, he extracted 26 healthy eggs.
I thought it was overkill, but I guess not.
No, I I, uh I never got up to Canada.
- Something I said upset you.
- No, no, you didn't upset me.
- You're just kind of - What? Not in reality, maybe? Most people don't have parents who own an asteroid.
I'm sorry, is this about my parents? Back home, I gotta pay rent, insurance, food, water.
Tell me, have you got any idea how much clean water costs? Right.
So, uh freezing my "stuff" up in Canada? It's not on the list.
- Javier? - [SIGHS.]
I got my eggs frozen so that if I died on this mission, my parents could still have grandchildren.
Hey? Hey.
So, I've dropped us out of FTL.
Yeah, thought I felt a bump.
Yeah, I'm taking us to that moon.
Thought you should know.
I knew you had a set of ovaries in there somewhere.
You know, even when you compliment me, it still sounds like an insult.
You're welcome.
- [ZAYN.]
Cas, I need you in soma one.
- On my way.
Oh, no.
What? Your bra.
It's still on.
- Oh, no.
- I know.
- Huh.
- Seems dangerous.
We should take it off.
- I could help you.
- Really? Yeah, I think so.
- Oh, that's so nice of you.
- I'm a nice guy.
- Guess I was wrong.
You are useful.
- I've been trying to tell you that, okay? - Yeah? - Yeah.
Oh - You look so scared.
- Are you scared of me? - Yeah.
Zayn, tell me she's waking up.
Not only is she not waking up, she's gone deeper into her REM cycle.
We should try deep brain stimulation.
She's already got wires in there.
- It's at least something! - You don't think I'm trying? - How much time is left? - Thirteen - No, twelve minutes.
- Let me go back in.
There's no telling what would happen if the soma shut down with you still inside.
- I'll be back before that happens.
- William? We can continue the mission without Niko.
Without you, we don't know what direction we're pointed.
You're talking hypotheticals while Niko is lying here dying [CAS.]
William, do not go back in.
Do you hear me? That is an order.
Niko, have you looked outside at Saturn? - It's surreal.
- You guys get back to work.
There's nothing to see.
Billy? Hey, Niko.
Something weird We're coming up on a dark patch in the rings.
We should keep an eye out for moonlets.
That's what you were gonna say, right? How did you know? We should have listened to you.
- [SIGHS.]
Oh, William, thank God.
William, I'm sorry that I sent you away.
That's not important.
We're running out of time.
- You need to wake up now.
- I tried.
I thought I was in the Salvare and I am, but this is the Pilgrim crew.
- That's August's brother, Billy.
- Why is he here? Why are you here? [GRINDING.]
That's why.
Worst day of my life.
Two moonlets within Saturn's rings collided.
Debris took out an engine and breached the hull.
I knew that if I didn't do something fast the entire ship would explode, so I pressed that button.
It split the Pilgrim in two, and everyone on the other side of this door Ten wonderful people died because of a decision I made.
None of this was your fault.
It was some of you or none of you.
You had to choose.
But what if I didn't? None of this is real.
You can't actually save anyone.
Everyone said I was a hero.
- But I never felt like one.
I still don't.
I made a call that wasn't mine to make.
So, this time [GROANING.]
We're not gonna make it.
I'm removing myself from the equation.
Critical breach imminent.
- Critical breach imminent.
Critical breach imminent.
Fuck! I'm still in the dream.
- There's less than eight minutes, Niko.
- I tried.
- You know who Sigmund Freud was? - [SIGHS.]
Psychoanalyst, early twentieth century.
He argued that dreams are nothing more than wish fulfillment.
You tried doing nothing the last time.
Maybe what you're here to do is the exact opposite.
The thing you weren't able to do the first time.
The thing you wish you always had to save everyone.
This is Breckinridge.
Evacuate modules K through W on the starboard side of the ship.
- Evacuate.
- Is everybody here? Billy? - Danny? - Evacuate.
- We're both here.
- Okay.
- Twelve, thirteen - I'm not reading an emergency.
- Why did you initiate an evacuation? - Help me with the count.
- Twenty.
- Twenty.
For fuck's sake.
- Here goes nothing.
Mommy? [NIKO.]
Jana? - Mommy? - Jana! Mommy? Somebody help me.
Jana? Jana! - Mommy? Mommy, please! - Jana! - Mommy, please! - Oh, my God! Jana! [SIGHS.]
God, this is pointless! No, it's not.
You're here for a reason.
What's holding you back? Dig deep, Niko.
Look into the things you don't want to see.
I have been reliving this nightmare, in one way or another, for the past nine years.
Nine years.
No matter what I do, no matter what I try, I always end up right back here.
I'm drowning in guilt.
I don't let myself move on.
So, maybe what I need to do is William? Where in your programming does it say it's okay to disobey a direct order? - You pulled me out? - You're damn lucky we could.
I was making progress.
No, you were risking this entire mission.
Mommy? Where are you? Mommy? Can't you see me? I'm right ahead of you.
Please, Mommy.
Find me.
I need you.
Niko needs me.
- There's still time.
- It was a direct order, William.
Guys, guys! Niko's prefrontal cortex is lighting up with activity.
- Is that bad? - She's fighting to wake up.
- It's now or never, Cas.
Pull them out.
Mommy, why did you stop reading? This book again? Mm-hm.
But you always get scared when she almost drowns in her own tears.
I don't get scared now that I'm eight.
Oh! You have to go now, baby.
Why? Because I have a scary book of my own.
One that I have been reading for a very long time.
Way before you were even around and I'm finally ready to close it.
It's okay, Mommy.
You can read it to me when you come home.
Can make immune If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? And this'll be My one remorse But this stream's kept me abused And this stream Is a hungry course And time can make it new If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? [CRASH.]
In these partin' days I am losin' all my senses In these timeless days I can barely see through In this crowded space I am losin' all my senses In these drowned out bays I can barely see through If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? [ALARM BLARING.]
If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? If it doesn't make you wiser Doesn't make you stronger Doesn't make you live a little bit What are you doin'? [GASPS.]
Soma deactivated.
- [GASPS.]
You wanted to see me? I'm still a little fuzzy from somatic.
Can you explain this to me? Yeah, we took a slight detour.
Four light-years? You and I have a very different definition of "slight," Cas.
Bernie advised me that now that somatics are out for good, that we'll run out of food and Michelle found a moon that could possibly support life Possibly? So you don't even know if this moon has anything we can actually eat? You were in a coma.
Oh, fuck, Cas.
I did what I thought was best for the mission, Niko.
It's my fault.
It's not like I've been the most attentive mentor lately.
Um, sorry to interrupt.
I'm catching the same transmission as the one from the Artifact on Earth.
What? Where? This moon.
It's faint, - barely even there, but - Get me eyes on the surface.

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