Bloodline (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

Part 4

1 It was found pretty far south from where we discovered the body, but come on.
See why I'm thinking what I'm thinking? Hm? Yeah, I do.
- For me? You shouldn't have.
- Hey.
- Hey, brother.
- Hey, Kev.
- How you doing today? - All right.
That's a piece of work.
You think there's any way you can tell me where this boat was built? Well, it's definitely been repurposed.
Cobbled together from God knows where.
Doubt it's local.
Thanks for letting us tow it out here.
My God.
How many times do I have to tell you, John? Don't smoke and boat.
We've been over this 100 times.
You helping Danny out with the truck? What an idiot.
What is he messing with that truck for? - Your dad's truck? - Yeah.
We can't find the parts for it.
Yeah, but are you helping with it? Yes! I'm gonna help him.
I'm gonna help him.
You're right, my love.
That's nice to know.
About what? Exactly what you're thinking.
Ha, I don't even know what I'm thinking.
How can you? That little critter.
He's in the same boat as us.
Just hanging on.
Feel like playing that thing? No.
Guess not.
Feel like going home.
Our guys said they can't get us any point of origin information on this boat.
All the serial numbers, they were burned in the fire.
Is there any evidence the fire was started intentionally or caused by an explosion? No.
But, ahem, check out Page 3.
Right there.
Go right there, right there.
The chemical markers in the boat's fuel matched that found on the, uh, girl.
She was on the boat, John.
For sure.
All right, well, let's start simple.
She's on the boat.
It was an accident.
End of story? No.
I ain't buying that shit.
No way a 15-year-old girl's gonna be on a boat like that.
Not alone.
Oh, no.
Very unlikely.
So there was someone else.
They killed her? Possibly, and/or immigration.
See, that's where my money's at.
Except she's not gonna cross the Gulf Stream on her own.
Maybe they made it to dry land.
So, what? We have fire.
Do I check burn wards for survivors? Burn wards.
That's what I'd do.
That's where I'd start.
- Well, this looks like my signature.
- I know.
- Well, it's squiggly.
- That's why I didn't file it.
You really expect me to read all this? I thought you and John and What's his name? What's his name? - Kevin.
- Kevin, yeah.
- You were gonna divide it equally.
- It's whatever you like.
If you have anything you want me to explain or any questions, let me know.
I already signed it.
I know, Dad, but you were in the ICU.
I thought maybe you might have changed your mind, so I didn't file it.
Nothing's changed.
Danny is living and working at the inn now.
Oh, Danny.
Danny, Danny.
And he's doing a really good job.
Look, sunshine, what do you expect me to do with this, huh? I was hoping you and Danny could work things out.
But I'm your lawyer.
If that's what you want, I will file it today.
- Did you hear me? - Yes! Okay.
I'll think about it.
Oh Fuck me.
You know, Danny's the one who saved you.
That's what you told me.
I asked him to stay.
I know you wanted him to leave, and I hope it doesn't upset you.
Whatever makes you happy.
I missed you.
Good morning.
- Thank you.
- Guess who's upstairs winning another gold medal for snoring.
- They cut him loose? - With flying colors.
And he's okay with you being here.
Maybe I should stay with John for a couple days.
- No.
He wants you here.
- I don't mind.
We're gonna all be fine together.
The beach looks perfect since you've been doing it.
We start fresh every day.
- That's the word for it.
- Yeah.
Fresh start.
- I told you I liked compliance.
- Shut it.
You got something against a motel? Shit.
I gotta get ready for the meeting.
- You don't look sweaty at all.
- It's a thousand degrees in here.
Okay, Reynolds, 27 boat slip, Hey There.
Gone for the season, but they said we could take her out.
- You got it.
What? What? - Oh, fuck.
Sachs, he wanted us to put in a new jack plate by the end of next week when he gets back.
- Three weeks is pushing it.
- I know.
Please say we can do this.
I can't afford to lose this guy's business.
- Come on.
- We'll make it happen.
- Thank you.
I love you.
- I can't tell.
- I love you.
- Yeah, yeah.
I love your pretty, round - Howdy, Kev.
- Hey, Susie.
Who do you think she's talking to? Well, they don't look like tourists.
Oh, fuck.
Nick the dick is home.
That fucking car.
Hey, how are you? Say yes.
- I'm here again.
- Hi, there.
I'm sorry, but it's just not gonna happen.
But how can you be so sure? Look, you could lobby the committee for the next year.
But at the end of the day, they won't let you put in a landing strip.
Well, we cater to a clientele that expects that access.
You said there's nothing within the regulations that forbids it.
Right, but you hired me for my advice.
Even if the committee says yes, the community won't allow it.
But it's not impossible? It'll be a waste of your time and your resources.
If it's a deal breaker, you might consider pulling out of the project.
Well, is it a deal breaker? - Let's go, kids! - Look alive, look alive! Here we go, Ben-o! - Come on, Benny! - Look alive! Here we go, Jaguars! - Come on, Jaguars! - Here we go.
Look alive, Ben! Here we go, Jaguars! Here we go! - What's he playing? Left field? - No.
Coach Louie took He's at third base right now, Pa.
He's at third base.
Get out of here! Hey, thanks for coming out today.
It means a lot to him.
It really does.
Thank you so much.
So how's he going in the old Jaguar tail department? Dude.
Shut up, man.
Dad - It's a compliment.
- Inappropriate.
There are kids around.
- Jaguar what? - Never mind, Dad.
I wished that I looked half as good as he did when I was his age.
I would have done a little better in the friendship department.
I'll wash your mouth with soap.
- Jaguar tail.
- Hey, Dad.
Dad! When did everybody get wrapped so tight? I thought I asked it quiet enough.
- Benny, you got this! - Let's go, kid! - Heads up! - Go number two! Number two? - The one in the center is new.
- Not fair.
Oh, she's always doing something out there.
Yoohoo! - I forgot the tonic.
- Oh, I brought it.
- Hey.
- I'm so glad to be out of that hospital.
I wish I could stay longer.
Don't apologize today.
Come on.
Just relax and have fun, Mom.
Let the wheels stop turning.
Well, I do really only have an hour.
Good, 58 more minutes.
Who's tending bar? I'll shake and stir.
Gotta be 5 p.
I really did miss being with you guys.
Let's have a toast to Dad coming home.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Mama.
I'm sorry I didn't get to the hospital.
I'm not good at doing hospitals.
Don't worry about it.
There's probably tequila if you want it, Mom.
I think somebody's trying to get me drunk.
Oh, look.
- She just pours.
- I just pour.
You get yourself drunk.
- Thank you, honey.
- Oh, oh, oh, you guys move fast.
Ready? To Dad coming home.
- To Dad coming home.
- To Mom.
- Mama, eyes.
- Eyes.
- Eyes.
- This is creepy.
Go, boys! All right, boys, look alive! Here we go! Please, God.
Please, God.
Get a hit.
Has he been sneaking beers in here or something? What? Look at Dad.
Let's go! I'll take him home.
No, leave him.
He needs his rest.
Hey, Pop.
You want me to take you home? Nope.
What's the score? No, we should have it at the inn.
Oh, I would love to see Janie and her friends all dressed up.
- I had mine on the front lawn.
- That could be fun.
Oh, it was so fun! Do you remember? Until Kevin and John crashed the party and started singing with the band, trying to impress my friends.
My husband should never be near a microphone.
Never let him sing in front of the children.
Janie's talking about wanting to keep it real small.
Kevin told me about what happened.
I just If you want to talk, I'm here.
- Thanks.
Not now.
- She wants it on the boat.
Have an overnighter with her best friends.
- Is she old enough for that? - One of us would go with them.
- I mean - Oh! Then that's fine.
I wanna be with my friends and parents on a boat in the middle of the ocean.
What do you think's gonna happen? - I don't know.
- She's 16.
Well, I just was a little bit worried there for a second.
- Whoa! - Ew! God.
- Well done.
- Did you hear that? - Yes! - Okay, that's it.
I'm done.
Give me another glass of chardonnay.
- Thanks.
- You coming? - Yep.
- You all right? Yeah? That was a pretty good catch old Ben made, huh? In left field.
- Yeah.
- Out of bounds.
Dad, you gave, uh You gave myself, Meg and Kevin the decision on whether Danny was gonna stay or not.
You remember that, don't you? I remember that.
We decided all together that he shouldn't stay, but I I told Danny that that was your decision.
I lied.
I'm sorry.
I Well, we all lie.
How's it going? This fucking thing, man.
You know, I just I can't get this thing to turn over.
Didn't I tell you not to start messing with this truck? Who told you not to mess with this truck? Could have tried some reverse psychology.
Hey, you got any ideas? Look, changed the carb.
Changed the battery.
Changed all the ignition shit.
I still can't get it to turn over.
What about the cap and rotor? - Did you? - No.
- Fine.
I'll look at it.
- Yeah? Because I gotta go do the welcome tour.
- All right.
- All right.
Thanks, man.
If you're doing the tour, take a shower.
- Oh, you think? - Yeah.
You smell like ass.
Fucking hell.
That's the pot calling the kettle black.
I mean, man.
You're the fucking smelliest motherfucker in the family.
That's it, you motherfucker.
You'd better run.
- Rayburn.
- John.
Yeah, I got a call on my way in.
I think we may have caught a break.
I'm at the Oceanside Marina.
Can you make it down here? So how's everything going? Well, I got a call from Mr.
Morris late last night.
He's decided not to move forward with the project here.
Yeah, he's gonna start looking at other locations.
Well, that's probably the best decision.
- Thank you for letting me know.
- Of course.
I hope your firm was happy with the service.
Actually, that's something I wanted to discuss with you.
Alec mentioned it, but I would have said the same thing.
We were all very happy.
Frankly, impressed.
Have you ever considered joining a larger firm? Oh, God.
Uh I have a lot of FSU law friends who did.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Miami, D.
, Houston.
- I did my third year summer in Dallas.
- Mm.
So I've seen that world.
Yeah? Any appeal? Oh I don't know.
Work 80 hours a week.
Just to make enough to vacation in a place like this.
Fair enough.
- I'm gonna tell you a little secret.
- Yeah.
I actually don't give a shit about the law.
- Does anybody? - I don't know.
But I do like helping people.
And I get to do a lot of different stuff here.
Family law, estate planning.
I help my parents with their business.
- That's great.
- My family lives here.
We're very close.
No, I get it.
I'm from a big family myself.
- Vermont.
- Oh.
A place almost as beautiful as this.
- Without the heat, of course.
- Oh, God.
I don't know how the fuck you people do it down here.
Thank you.
- Have you ever been to New York? - A couple of times.
It's a completely different world there.
You could really stretch yourself.
Personally, it'd be great to have someone like you.
Someone with your perspective working at the firm.
You should give it some thought.
I appreciate that.
Don't appreciate it.
I want you to consider it.
Let us fly you up there.
Show you around the firm.
You can meet some people.
Um, I I'm flattered.
Thank you.
Oh, and just between us I put in 60 hours, tops.
Gas with the same chemical marker found on the boat and on the girl was stolen from here two weeks ago.
- What about those? - Yeah, I saw that.
Owner said the cameras have been here since he bought the place.
They never worked.
Well, that's useful, isn't it? The only other place where you can get gas with this same exact chemical marker is south of Marathon.
- Marathon, huh? - Yeah.
So they steal the fuel, they fill the boats, they take them back wherever they came from.
And it explodes.
- Your eyes all right? - Yeah, why? Just wondering.
Hey, why don't you find out who owns this boat? Why? Because of that.
Ah, come on.
I mean All right.
Eight a.
to 11 a.
, then we begin serving lunch at midday.
That goes to 2, 2:30.
And later on this afternoon, near sunset, we're gonna take you out on a cocktail cruise.
What a depressing place to grow up.
Yeah, it's the worst.
Mom, Mom! Dad.
There are flowers growing out of the trees.
Where? Why don't you show them, girls? Please, after you.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That is Mama Ray's handiwork right there.
Can we pick them? We can enjoy looking without touching.
- Can I put one in my hair? - I'll climb and get it.
Look, I'll see what I can do, okay? Oh, that's my dad.
That's my dad.
That's Papa Ray.
Wave and say, "Hi, Papa Ray.
" Hi, Papa Ray.
Actually, out on this cruise that we're gonna go out to is the best place anywhere to see the sunset.
Which is a great Keys tradition.
Also, Didi makes a mean margarita.
- Now, that's what I could use.
- Yeah.
Long flight? - Bumpy.
- I'm not the greatest of flyers.
Well, you're here now.
The only thing you gotta worry about is not worrying.
- Sign us up for that, yeah? - Cool.
Let's bring you over to the bar, and let you get one of those margaritas.
How about that? Oh, look.
The ladies look like they're enjoying themselves already.
The big questions here are salt or no salt.
And that's it.
It starts quick once you get here.
And we try to do everything we can to make sure you don't have to do anything.
Oh, we know this at the inn And to that end, anything that you guys think of that you need, any questions you have, anything, please don't hesitate to ask me or one of our Nicky! Kevin.
I thought we lost you to those Berkeley fuckers for good.
- Stanford.
- Mm.
My bad.
So, what are you doing home? - You miss the fishing? - I came to help my mom.
She officially put the property back on the market.
- We got a few buyers.
- Yeah, I saw.
Those Merrill Lynch-looking douche bags.
Looking for some property to build a vacation home together? - They're developers.
- Developers.
- What do they want to develop? - It's not really my business.
Or yours.
I'm sure they'll clean this place up though.
Even Florida deserves a bit of class.
Listen, Nick, I wanna make an offer.
We seem to be pretty far downfield with these guys.
Besides, how can you afford it? - You're barely staying afloat as it is.
- I'm doing just fine.
Okay, Kev.
Yeah, it's a good thing you made me get this footage.
All right.
I'm trying to back it up.
Just hold it there, would you? - They can't get any clearer on that? - No.
I mean You've asked? No.
You know what? I'll ask.
I'm pretty sure this was the best they could do.
You know? It's great to see you up and back in action, Pop.
It really is.
You look good.
- Play something.
- What? - Anything.
- I don't know anything.
I never knew how much that thing reminded me of this place until you weren't here to strum it.
We missed it.
Oh, hey, Dad.
I gotta be honest.
I'm really surprised.
Danny's really, uh I think he's actually He's actually turning it around this time, you know? He's doing great.
You know, I was watching that young Ben in the game, and that big, strapping kid.
And I was wondering when you're gonna have a boy.
Huh? I hear you, okay? We're working on it.
Soon enough.
Don't worry.
I'm working on it.
- You sure you're all right? - Yeah, I'm good.
I'm great.
Well, you're young yet.
Did I just fuck these up? I think I did.
Hold on.
Hold up.
All right.
Everything's consistent with the other girl, except that this body's been in the water longer.
So I'm gonna have to take a closer look.
- Talk to you soon.
- All right, guys.
Be well.
That's a second body.
But we don't know if they were on the same boat.
- Sure we do.
- We'll see when we get the tests back.
We don't need tests.
Let's say that they were on the same boat.
It could have just been an accident.
You really believe that's an accident? Well, the evidence isn't saying otherwise, so, yeah, I do.
Two Hispanic teenagers.
Both burned.
Both on the same boat.
What the fuck does that tell you? Immigration run gone bad.
- Yeah? - O'Bannon.
Oh, hey.
I got another job for you.
- Uh, great.
- You prep those cans? Yeah.
Doing it right now.
How big a delivery you thinking? Thinking two, three dozen.
Later this week.
- Okay.
- Is that a problem? Yeah.
No, no, no.
That's no problem.
I'm good.
We need this done quick.
- Okay.
- When can you have it done? Uh Any night you want works.
You keep doing things right and I'm planning more work for you.
Very cool.
Yeah, you know how to get in tou You just call Ladies, I cannot be the only one who's wearing these.
Okay? So pick a pair.
Any pair.
- She's scared.
- No, I'm not! - Are too.
You said so.
- You said you were.
Okay, okay, ladies.
No, no, no.
There's nothing to be scared about.
You know, I'm the best swimmer in the whole of the Keys.
So you're safe with me.
Dad, they're scared.
- Yeah, I don't blame them a bit.
- Hey, you gonna be around later? - Yeah.
- I have a surprise for you.
That man there That's my dad.
He taught me how to swim.
He taught me good.
Now I'm gonna teach you guys.
And one day, I'm sure, you guys are gonna teach someone else.
I think my mom's pregnant.
There you go! All right.
There you go.
Come on, let's pick a pair.
Let's pick a pair.
Take a look.
See what you like.
That's good.
They look like they're gonna fit.
Get the other one? That's good.
They wanna feel too tight here so that when we're in the water, they fit you perfect.
You don't have to put them on here! You don't have to be a jackass like me.
Just pick a pair.
But let's go.
That fits you good.
You ready to put the other one on now? Don't be scared.
Go ahead.
Put the other one on.
Yeah, that's good.
You want them under your feet.
- Hey.
You wanted to see me? - Hi.
- It's about work.
- Oh, the project's dead.
- I thought Susannah talked to you.
- She did.
But, uh, she offered me a job.
Well, an interview.
Is it your way of getting me to New York? What? I don't need your help with my career.
Okay? I like what I do.
I'm fine here.
I'm glad.
Thank you.
That was very nice of you to put in a good word.
You're welcome.
I didn't.
- She said you mentioned it.
- All I said was you did a great job.
So if you impressed her, that's on you.
- You don't believe me? Meg.
- No.
I don't.
Susannah has her own firm.
She has her own hiring practices.
I would never tell her what to do.
She wouldn't listen to me anyway.
Get used to the fact that if she wants you, it's based on merit.
Think you can handle that? - Of course I can.
- Okay.
So you interested in the offer? I've been in the bend too long I was alone in the bend I was alone in the bend I was alone, my friend I lived down in the bend And I was alone in the bend - Hey.
- Hi.
Made any decisions? It's no rush.
I mean, we shouldn't take too long.
We should file something.
I'm closing in on it.
You remember that song? - How? "I've been in the bend"? - Uh-huh.
I've been in the bend so long I've been in the bend so long - It's the bend, right? - Yes.
It's the bend.
I've been in the bend too long Yeah.
We still on? All right.
I'll see you in about five minutes.
All right.
Yeah! Hi, honey! Hi, sweetheart.
Watch out he doesn't kick that gas and you go flying back.
And he went around in the fishing boat.
And they must have had three campers.
Big, strapping guy.
You know, as best I could.
Good job.
So I should wait to start cooking? It won't be long.
I'm just going to have a beer with the boys.
- Oh, great.
- You can start without me.
Oh, I can wait.
Whatever suits you.
Maybe I'll just catch up with the newspaper.
Have you thought about things? I mean We have to file the will.
There's nothing to discuss.
You're not dying.
You're doing your exercises.
You're doing everything they ask you to do.
Sal I don't wanna talk about it, Robert.
I don't need to think about who's gonna run the inn.
I am.
You are.
You're not going anywhere.
So there's no need to talk about a will.
Well, this is a good place.
I haven't been here in years.
- What are you drinking? - Um, I thought we'd sit out back.
Okay, I'll tell them to let Kevin and John know.
Um Actually, they're not coming.
So how you feeling? You getting tired of being asked that 50 times a day, thought you'd try it out on me? You wanna sit with us? You supposed to be drinking? No, I'm supposed to be dead.
Kind of hard to care about things like drinking.
You know what I like about you and me, Danny, is that we can lay all our cards on the table.
You know, there's no bullshit.
What's going on, Pop? Well I want you to go.
I want you to leave and not come back.
It's never worked out with you being here, has it? - But why do you think that is? - I don't know.
I don't know exactly.
Yeah, you do.
Yeah, you know.
You know.
Too many memories.
I don't remember anything.
Bad things.
Bad things.
Bad things follow you around, don't they? I saved your life.
I want to stay and you're kicking me out? No, I'm not.
I'm your son.
I gotta do what's right for everybody.
For the family Here.
Take this.
And use it however you want.
Start brand-new or something, you know? Do something for yourself.
I'm too old to start brand-new.
I'm too old for that.
Don't you want it? You want it? Yeah.
Yeah, I want it.
And more.
Because it feels to me like we're in a negotiation now.
So why don't you come talk to me when you're sitting at my table? - Do you know how much money this is? - It's not enough.
That's not enough.
I know I'm not in the will.
Why don't you show me what it's worth to you? I mean, really show me what it's worth to you to protect your family.
Go on.
Show me.
Not just tell me about it.
Really show me.
I am showing you! That's not enough.
I mean, I will leave.
For a price.
Tomorrow morning you tell me your price, and I'll wire it to you wherever you are.
I will.
I'll wire it to you.
You will never see my face again, Dad.

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