Brave New World (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


- I have concerns.
- It's common for them
to watch pointlessly
over their dead.
- In terms of what is to be
done with him.
The truth is, we don't know how
the social body will react.
If he can even be integrated.
Their conditioning makes them
impulsive, erratic, dangerous.
In the interest of stability,
I would prefer
to handle this myself.
- Counselor Marx is
an Alpha Plus, same as you.
- No, that's my point,
not the same.
- He's familiar to John.
You see that?
What he's doing there?
It's called prayer.
- I'm versed in their customs.
I was Warden
of the Savage Lands for a time.
- Not a custom.
It's a communication.
That's their belief.
[light dramatic music]
- They also believe in fate.
And witches.
And whales, so
- Whales are real.

There was once a thing
called God.
- In moments like this, John,
it's very hard to know
[dispenser clicks]
Which color soma to
Green, I think.
Well, maybe I'll just
I understand, John.
You're burdened
by these feelings
of parental attachment.
And you know,
though it is a shameful thing
to be a mother or a father
Well, it's intolerable,
but no one blames you
for being an offspring.
That is not your fault
- Stop.
- S stop?
Stop what?
- Stop talking.
- Why?
- 'Cause I have nothing
to say to you.
- Well, John, I'm
- Don't.
- You should know,
you belong here.
After all, you did make it
through the Barrier.
Which was which was,
well, surprising, wasn't it?
Don't worry.
It's my job to help you.
[dramatic music]
No one is alone.

[indistinct chatter]
Don't you look nice?
I sense you're still emotional.
I have just the thing.
Um, this way.
[hushed whispers]
- [gasps]
[door shuts]
- You know,
I find your silence to be, um
It's intentional, isn't it?
[lift whirrs]
Is this your first time
in a lift?
There is nothing
to be afraid of.
- [breathes nervously]
- What exactly is the concern?
[dispenser clicks]
You're strange.
On the rocket,
you seemed more at ease,
when in fact,
you were much higher then
than we are now.
- No.
- Something that might
interest you
This is New London's
largest building.
Not the tallest, mind you
- Stop.
- But the, um, largest.
[lift beeps]
That was fast.
[door opens]
[serene music]

- Coming soon
"Savage Lands 2."
Bigger, better,
more savage than ever.
And somewhere else.
- I can't believe you got
the last tour
of the original Savage Lands.
I heard they put on a whole
big, authentic riot
to celebrate.
New London was
an absolute thrill
while you were off doing
whatnot with Bernard Marx.
a new tropical simulation
in the body district.
It's as if you can feel
the water on your skin.
I could take you.
Of course, we could
actually go swimming,
but what would
be the fun in that?
Still in bed?
[display chimes]
[birds chirping]
[display beeps]
[water rushing]
[display beeps]
- [exasperated sigh]
[quiet chimes ringing]
- So tell me.
- [grunts]
- It was amazing, wasn't it?
- What are you doing?
- What do you think I'm doing?
I know when you want
a little tickle.
- Oh, not now.
- [laughs softly]
You've always had
the prettiest ears.
- Not now.
- What's up with you?
- I don't know.
- After all that Savage fun,
it's back to the real world.
[dispenser clicks]
You missed me, didn't you?
[lively music]
- Hello there.
My name's Anna, and I want
to welcome you to New London.
In fact, we all do!
We're here to help
you transition
from your primitive world
of hardship and strife to ours,
an evolved society
of harmony and happiness.
To experience all the wonders
New London has to offer,
you'll need to be fitted
with an optic interface.

In addition
to operating numerous
environmental controls
and entertainments,
your optic interface
connects you to Indra,
and Indra connects you
to, well, everyone.
With your OI,
you'll always be connected.
You can see
through anyone's eyes
and they can look through yours
and see just how fabulous
your life is.
[chimes ring]
Your OI lets everyone know
who you are
[bell dings]
and who they are to you.
There's a place
for you here, John.
All: We can't wait
to meet you!
- Oh, this is the one, huh?
- This is John.
John, this Beta
is both: Julian.
- Nice to meet you, John.
Welcome to New London.
- He's not speaking.
- He doesn't speak?
- No, he does,
he just he's not.
- I hear some of them
are defective.
- No, he's not defective,
he's just, uh
John's perfectly normal.
Aren't you, John?
- Are you sure this is safe?
- Yes, it's safe.
Why don't do your job.
- Sure.
[device chirps and whirs]
- It's all right.
You'll thank me.
- You just keep your eyes
on the projection there.
He can hear me, right?
So, how'd you get
stuck with this?
- I was chosen.
- Yikes.
- It's a special assignment.
I'm charged
with John's care until
Well, until he becomes part
of the social body, I suppose.
- Fun.
- What?
- Look this way.
[device buzzes]
I'm just, uh,
getting some measurements.
- He he's just getting
some measurements, John.
- DS392.
We have this profile
in the system.
- We don't. He was conceived
in the Savage way.
We'll have
to customize something.
[inquisitive music]
- His ocular dimensions,
the, uh, bio-topical details
of his target neurons
They're rare.
Alpha-Exotic, even.
Less than 1%,
but he's definitely
- He's not an Alpha.
- Well, his eyeball is.
- He's coming back.
He's coming right back
with just the thing to get your
levels up where they belong.
[dispenser clicks]
You're choosing to be angry.
You can't help
your conditioning, John.
None of us can.
But eventually, you'll learn
to think like we do
about these sorts of things.
And I'll help you.
You don't need to be unhappy.
- [sighs]
- You don't wanna talk to me?
Fine, fine.
Well, you're gonna have
to talk to someone, John.
This is where you are.
There is nowhere else.
- Uh, where are you going?
- Uh, just give me one minute.
I'll be right back.
- There's no need to worry.
The OI does all the work.
[device beeps]
Nothing is ever going to look
the same again.
[foreboding music]
- Fuck off!
- Well, you spoke,
that that's good.
[device buzzes]
[suspenseful music]
- [panting]
[indistinct laughter
and chatter]

- [gasps]!
- There he is!
- What's his level?
[glasses shatter]
[crowd yelling]
- Now, it's a fascinatingly
complex machine,
the the autocar.
It's quite a challenge.
Um, but somehow I found
myself up to the task.
[appreciative murmurs]
- Wow.
- A task that somehow
even a Savage can master?
- Well, sure, but
[dramatic music]

- Who is he?
- What is he?
- Is he real?
- Who is he?
- I don't know.
- [indistinct]
- I don't know.
- He's a Savage?
[overlapping whispers]
- A Savage.
- It's a Savage.
[indistinct conversations]
[plaintive music]
[rod zaps]
- [gasps]
- Maintain contact
with your Alpha.

- Takes you back, doesn't it?
- Mm.
- I remember
my first correction.
Smell of the singed little
hairs on my arm.
[sucks breath]
Once was enough for me.
[laughs softly]
But not for you.
I used to think you enjoyed it.
And then I realized
you couldn't help it.
It's just how you are.
[laughs softly]
- How am I?
- You know, you still get that
look in your eye sometimes,
like when we were little.
You'd go somewhere else
in your head, and then zap!
[light tense music]
- Frannie, I'm sorry, I didn't
- No, it's nothing.
Nothing happened.
[dispenser clicks]
[indistinct conversations]
So I'll see you tonight
at the Feelie?
- [laughs softly]

[brisk unsettling music]

[footsteps thumping in unison]
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter
and laughter]

[unsettling music]

- You know what
I like about you, Marx?
- I'm very disappointed.
I left him with a seemingly
capable Beta, and I
- You always meet
my expectations.
- But not to worry,
we can track him.
He's sure to create emotional
disturbances wherever he goes.
- When I sent you
to the Savage Lands,
I thought you'd find your place.
That maybe, for once
in your life, you could fit.
I wanted that for you, Bernard.
But you never quite
follow through, do you?
- Sir, I
- You know,
I had a thought once.
If I threw you off
the precipice,
somehow you'd find
a way to not hit the water.
- It's a matter of time, sir.
I know John,
I know how he thinks.
- You should never
have come back.
- Well, I did come back, sir.
So it seems you made a mistake.
- There are no mistakes.
Well, perhaps one.
- Now you listen
to [Sprite dings]
[vacuums whirring]
[thrumming tense music]

[image beeps]
[dispenser clicks]

[lens squelches]
[liquid fizzes]
[faint laughter and chatter]
[somber dramatic music]

[dispenser clicks]
[program beeps]
[alarm blaring]
[surprised gasps]
[quiet ominous music]

[faint laughter and chatter]
[lively music]

- You're lost.
- My mother's dead.
[utensils clatter]
[furniture squeaks]
[footsteps rumbling]
[foreboding music]

Who are you?
- I'm here to help.
- You all say that.
- I'm different.
I'm important.
I'm not like the others.
I can give you what you want.
- You don't know what I want.
- Of course I do.
We want the same thing.
A way out.
[light suspenseful music]
I was there when they
brought you in,
screaming for your mother.
The word means nothing to them.
Her death means nothing.
What they've done to you
is unconscionable.
What they will do,
you can't imagine.
If you come with me now,
you have a chance.
- Come where?
- John, there isn't much time.
You don't belong here.

[image beeps]
[door opens]
- What are you doing?
- N-nothing.
Hi, how are you?
- Is this a bad time?
- Uh, no, no.
I didn't
Sorry, I didn't
Didn't think you were due
for another session until, um
- Oh, no, I'm I'm not.
I guess I thought
I'd come up here to talk.
[laughs softly]
- Oh.
Um, of course.
What should we, uh
What should we talk about?
- I haven't been myself.
- Who have you been?
- It was different there,
wasn't it?
- It's best not to think
about it.
- Well, all I do
is think about it.
- Oh, then you've come
to the right place.
How are your levels?
- I want to think about it.
- [sighs]
- It's like
It's like a piece of me
got stuck there,
or a piece of it
got stuck in me
Um, I I don't know.
[sighs deeply]
Do you ever wonder
what would've happened
if we'd never left
that hotel room?
- Yes.
- And we'd probably all
have done
like every Alpha and Beta,
gone on a tour.
Orgy in the pool.
Come back here.
And nothing would be different.
Soma, work,
Pleasure Garden, Feelie.
- It can still be like that,
Lenina, it's
Nothing has changed.
- I did.
- Nonsense.
I'm gonna get you a yellow.
- I'm trying to talk to you.
I'm trying to tell tell you
- No, I'm listening.
It's just you're
not making much sense.
- I was born a Beta Plus.
I'll be a Beta Plus
when the soma man comes.
I really don't choose anything.
- It's chosen for you.
That's the beauty of the system.
- Don't do that.
Don't be an Alpha right now.
Just be Bernard.
- Now, I don't know
what you mean
when you say things like that.
- You do.
I know you do.
When we were there
- We're not there.
We're here.
And we are lucky to be alive,
Lenina, so
- Where is he?
How is he?
- [sighs] Who?
- Bernard.
- He don't worry about him.
- His mother died.
- And?
- Well, that matters
to them.
- He's fine.
- I want to talk to him.
- I don't think that's
a good idea for either of you.
- I think I liked you
better there.
- You're right.
We never should've left
the hotel room.
I should never have let you
talk me into it.
- We both wanted
- W-why did you come here?
- Bernard!
- W-what do you want me to say?
D-do you want me
to validate this?
Your your solipsism, your
Here's my recommendation.
If you wanna go back to feeling
like yourself, act like it.
Take your soma, go to work,
go to the Pleasure Gardens,
do your duty,
do all the things you did
before we went to that
horrible place, because
Because you were happy.
- I wasn't.
And neither were you.
- Everybody's happy,
unless they choose not to be.
[light dramatic music]

[object clatters]
[sighs deeply]
You think I'm weak.
You think there's some part
of me that's missing,
you and everyone else.
Well, you're right.
We're not equal.
Because I've had to make
myself something more.
I was shot, burned, hunted.
You have no idea what I've lost.
And yet, I'm And
yet, I'm still here.
What other Alpha Plus
has ever given
more of himself
for the social body?
And that's who
you try to banish?
It can't be done.
So you see,
the mistake was not mine, sir.
It was yours.
You think I'm weak.
You think there's some
part of me that's
[abrupt tense music]
[door shuts]
[sighs deeply]
[suspenseful music]

Who's being private now?
[exhales sharply]
[birds chirping]
- Try not to draw attention.
- I don't like the way
they look at me.
- You're a Savage, a curiosity.
If I let them, they'll put you
in a little box on display,
feed you pills until
you can't remember who you are.
Don't worry,
we're going somewhere safe.
Somewhere beautiful.
- I just want
to get out of here.
[waves crashing]
- What you see is an ocean.
[wind whistling]
- Holy shit.
- Here it comes.
That flivver will take you
to the last rocket.
- To where?
- To your home.
You wouldn't believe what
I had to do to arrange it.
[aircraft whirring]
There won't be another.
Get in.
Get in.
- I can't go back.
- There's no life for you here.
- I go back, they'll kill me.
- Not to your old life.
You can be something new.
There is more beyond the
Barrier than you can imagine.
Wide open spaces.
Roads leading
I don't know where they go,
but they're beautiful.
There are people out there.
- How do you know that?
- All Alphas go there
when we're young.
[quiet dramatic music]
- Don't lie to me.

You were Warden
of the Savage Lands?
- It doesn't matter now.
- It mattered to her,
to my mom.
You remember Linda.
- Get in.
- She'd get drunk every night
trying to bring you back.
She waited for you for years,
- Get in.
- Get off of me!
[both grunting and panting]
What happened?
She always said you were
coming back for us.
You never even tried, did you?
Did you?
- I wanted her.
And she wanted me.
We were monogamous,
and [sighs]
Then she started to swell.
We didn't know
what was happening.
How could we know?
- She loved you.
- I know.
That's why she wanted me to go.
- Bullshit.
- There was no way
for her to come back.
She wouldn't leave you.
There are no mothers here.
No fathers, no sons.
- There is now.

- There can't be.
[fast tense music]
[both grunting]

John, wait!

[melancholy music]

[waves crashing]
[unsettling music]

[low ominous music]
- [panting]

- [laughs]
- He just keeps going on and on
and on, and he doesn't know
when to stop, and
Oh, Marx.
- We have a problem.
- Uh-huh.
I guess we'll have
to pick this up later.
- See you later. [laughs]
- [indistinct]
- In the Savage way
of conception,
certain characteristics
are passed down
- Whoa, Bernard, hold on.
Slow down.
- Inherited from one
of two genetic contributors
- Bernard!
- What?
- How are your levels?
- My levels?
No, look.
They're identical.
This is the Director's,
and this is the Savage's.
- What are you doing
with the Director's optic?
- He left it on his desk,
in his office.
- And what were you doing
in his office?
- You're missing the point.
- Bernard.
Sit down, please.
- You have a better view.
- Oh, I doubt that.
Can I offer you some hydration?
- Yeah, sure.
[bottle cap clicks]
How well do you know
the Director?
- Ice?
- No, thank you.
I've found him
quite evasive lately, private.
- Bernard, I know you've always
felt somewhat overlooked
By our Director, for example.
- Do you know he sent me
to the Savage Lands?
And not on holiday, but - Yes.
- Wait, you knew?
- To tell you the truth,
I thought it might
do you some good.
Bernard, I've always
liked you, but
I know you don't mean
to be destabilizing.
- Destabilizing?
- But I do worry
about how this appears.
You raising these questions now,
given your personal feelings
about the Director.
- You're not listening.
- And I know that you lost
the Savage today.
- That
- Embarrassing.
- That has nothing to do
with this.
- So you see my concern.
Bernard, if I wasn't
hard on you,
I wouldn't be doing my job.
[driving dramatic music]

[faint indistinct chatter]
- Is that the Savage?
- Yeah.

- [panting nervously]
[low ominous music]
[faint shouting]

[crowd moaning and yelling]
[water bubbling]
[unsettling music]

- Get away from me!
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Get away from me!
Get the fuck away from me!

Get away from me!
- Are you seeing this?
- Yes.
- Over 100 feeds and counting.
[display chimes]
I do believe we've found
your Savage.
- Stop it!
Get the fuck away from me!
- He needs help.
Why aren't they helping him?
- Get the fuck away from me!
- Oh, my.
- What is this?
Stop it!
[display chimes]
- Where are you going?
- H-he needs me.
- Sit down, it's under control.
There are counselors en route.
- I have to go.
- Bernard, I'm concerned
about your behavior.
- Absolutely, so am I.
Thank you.
- [sighs]
[display beeps]
[birds chirping]
[display beeps]
[water rushing]
[display beeps]
[serene chimes ringing]
[display beeps]
- [sighs]
[package crinkles]
[exhales deeply]
[device clicks]
[Neil Young's "Natural Beauty"]
- I heard a newborn baby cry ♪

Through the night ♪

I heard a perfect echo die ♪

Into an anonymous wall
of digital sound ♪

Somewhere deep inside ♪
Of my soul ♪

A natural beauty
should be preserved ♪
- What are you all looking at?
What are you looking at?

- Don't judge yourself
too harsh ♪
What are you all looking at?
- John? John!
- Or someday you might
find your soul ♪
- Bernard.
- John.
John, John
Can we get these people
out of the way, please?
It's all right, John.
It's all right, John.
I'm here now.
- Preserved ♪
Like a monument ♪
To nature ♪

- I wasn't expecting you.
- I need you to do
something for me.
- What?
- Be the same.

- You be the same
as you were before.
I'll be the same.
We're same.
Do you understand?

- I wanna see my mom.
[fire whooshing]
- What you saw
in that theater was fear.
It defined them, the Savages.
Their actions, customs,
obsessions, inventions.
Fear was their undoing.
He trusts you?
- I'm the only person
he knows here.
- We're being tested, Counselor.
That's what this is.
- Tested?
- The system applies
strain to itself.
Indra introduces
a destabilizing element
to make itself stronger,
more stable.
- John?
- He needs someone like you
to guide him.
To bring him
into the social body.
- Wh How do
So you you you
You want me to condition him?
- He's not the one being tested.
Your Director's dead.
- Dead?
- He fell.
[quiet dramatic music]
- No, he didn't, did he?
- [laughs softly]
- I've seen it before.
- Yes, you have, haven't you?

- Wha what what is happening?
- We're at the beginning
of something, Counselor,
something necessary.
This is our test.
We will pass.
- [breathes deeply]
- And you've just
become important.

[door closes]
[lift beeps]

- I don't want you
to feel like this, John.
I'm gonna help you.
[dispenser clicks]
- [sighs]

[sighs deeply]
[Car Seat Headrest's
"Drugs With Friends"]
- Drugs are better,
drugs are better with ♪
Friends are better,
friends are better with ♪
Drugs are better,
drugs are better with ♪
Friends are better,
friends are better with ♪
Drugs are better,
drugs are better with ♪
Friends are better,
friends are better with ♪
Drugs are better,
drugs are better with ♪
Friends are better,
friends are better with ♪
Drugs are better
than friends ♪
Are better than drugs ♪
Are better than friends ♪
Are better than drugs ♪
Are better with friends ♪
Are better with ♪
Drugs are better,
drugs are better with ♪
Friends are better with ♪
[bright fanfare]
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