City Hunter (2010) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

It's been a while.
I heard that you were living like this but I'm working hard so Moo Yul can be acknowledged by the government.
Moo Yul? I thought he was missing.
You know something.
Right? Tell me.
By any chance have you heard anything about Jin Pyo? Jin Pyo? You didn't? I'm the one who wants to ask.
28 years ago He disappeared after taking my baby who was only a month old.
That was the last I heard from him.
Baby? Jin Pyo did? He said that Moo Yul died, told me to start a new life, left with only a note saying he'll take care of the baby.
What happened to Moo Yul? What about my child? You know something.
If I knew, would I be here asking? Is there someone that the President couldn't find? I'm fine with everything my baby my son, let me meet him once.
Find my son for me.
Let me see my child Let me see my child just once.
I clearly told you to kill him not hand him over to the police.
I told you that this is my way of revenge.
Do you think that the police are going to really prosecute him for his wrongdoings? If they were afraid of the social community pointing fingers at them, they wouldn't have killed our soldiers like that.
Those guys have no conscience, no responsibility, and no loyalty.
I'm sorry.
A revenge that spills blood because of blood spilled before I don't want it.
If you're really my son, then you wouldn't let them have a tomorrow.
If you're really my biological father, would you have asked me to take on a revenge that spills blood? I want to rip them apart too for making my life like this.
If I kill them.
will their children just let me be? It's just a revenge that will go in circles.
Step down from this.
I will take matters into my own hands.
I'll do it, it's my destiny.
It's just, I want to show them that it's more painful to be living.
Let's do it this way.
If you find the second target first, I'll leave it in your hands.
But if I find him first, he'll die by my hands.
Since you came all the way here even though she abandoned you, go meet your mother.
Oh, welcome.
Sit down.
What should I give you? Ramyun please.
This is my favorite place.
Ahjumma, I'm here.
Oh, welcome.
You didn't come for a while.
Sit down, what should I get you? 3 order of extra spicy rice cake.
You guys are going to eat tempura too right? Yeah.
Not me.
Did you know that you have to do tae-kwon-do kicks 256 times in order to get rid of the calories for one tempura? I'd rather not eat and not kick.
Wow, cruel.
Can you put two fritters and two seaweed in there please.
Okay give me a second, I'll make it delicious for you.
A problem that you can't solve, you bombed an exam, if you have a lot of stress, one taste of this extra spicy rice cake will make it all go away.
Do you want water? It's self-serve.
Oh, unlucky bastard Lee Yoon Sung, what are you doing here? Somebody put it up on their blog that it's good here.
Oh, so nice to see you! Professor Lee.
I was having trouble with a math problem, so Na Na Unni brought me here to relieve my stress.
She said that I won't have trouble raising my grade up by 20 points if I eat their spicy rice cake.
If you ate it 365 days, you would've been valedictorian.
Lee Yoon Sung.
So Professor, stop being stubborn and tutor me, yeah? Yeah? You seem young, but you're a professor? Your parents must be proud of you.
Enjoy your food.
Ahjumma, are you not well? You don't look so well No, it's just I'm getting old and I'm just tired.
It's going to swell, aren't you going to eat it? I lost my appetite.
Oh I can remake it if it's bad.
Oh my gosh.
How can he just leave like that just because I asked him to tutor me? Geez.
Something's wrong.
Oh hot.
Come drive for me.
Blue Moon on 3000 Dong St.
I had something on hold.
Give me that.
The reason I asked to see you please was, Lee Kyung Wan is a problem, but bring in that guy they call City Hunter.
The citizens are going to protest against it, but it's against the law to kidnap him and put him in a box.
Am I wrong? So you want me to bring down the City Hunter too? Even though he did something good, he still went against the law.
Yes? Oh.
Hey, hurry up and come.
I came as soon as I saw the text.
You should be faster.
You 'cause you know you're going to be my driver to pay up, you're being lazy aren't you? You're drunk, let's leave.
It's okay I can pick it up.
It's going to be hard because your nails are short.
Lee Yoon Sung, go with me.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Lee Yoon Sung.
Detective Kim, what are you doing? My glass is empty.
Do your parents know that you're acting like this in Korea? Every day you're at a club, or with girls, or a bar.
Just drive.
Who did you learn to talk like that from? Mom? Dad? I said to just drive.
It's so obvious your rich parents must have spoiled you.
If you cry, they quiet you down.
If you fall, they pick you up.
You grew up preciously like flower plants in a greenhouse, didn't you? It's so obvious.
But, do you talk to your mom in such a rude way, too? I don't have a mom to talk rudely to.
I didn't have a mom when growing up, that's why I'm like this, ok.
Stop the car, I feel so crammed.
You should be happy You should be living a good life I don't want you to live a hard life, I don't want you to be old Drink it, sometimes it's very refreshing that you feel free.
I'm sorry about before.
I was blinded by anger at the way you were talking.
But, we're the same that we don't have moms.
I'm glad we have a similarity.
Why are you trying to build a relationship with me? I'm sorry about before and we both understand what it's like to not have a mom so I don't want to understand you.
You're filthy and I don't like how uselessly happy you are.
Who's a justice detective? I can't understand you who just talks to random guys they haven't seen before.
No, I don't want too.
Go ahead and talk, I'll just take it.
What? I grew up with my mom until I was 17, so I have a heart that's 3cm more understanding than yours.
So I'll just take whatever you say even if it bashes on every inch of my body today.
I really miss my mom sometimes too so I'll just let it go today.
What if today passes? Then you're dead.
You can't even take a punch.
I don't really like you either, but I think your smile is a little okay.
I want to see my mom too.
The Boss came? Why? When? Why without letting us know? Is it because I was right.
I noticed something was up ever since he was so angry that you handed the guy over to the police.
You begged to him that you were wrong, right? You begged him to forgive you, right? Otherwise, you and I are both dead.
Oh well.
Dad and I are total rivals now.
What do you mean by rival? Why do you always stand up to the Boss? If you don't like my way, then you can stay out of this.
Hey, you punk! Dad lost his comrades, but I lost my parents.
Do you think his desire for revenge is bigger than mine, who got abandoned by his mother? So why did you hand him over to the police, you should've killed him.
After this is done, I want to live normally like everyone else.
But if I'm a killer after killing someone's father, someone's husband do you think I can live happily? You're too nice.
Aigoo, you thoughtful kid.
You're right, yeah you're right so do what you want.
Since the day you saved my life, I'm forever on your side.
I doubt that the Boss will go as far as to kill us, right? Oh.
Lee Yoon Sung.
I feel like you're following me since yesterday.
Lee Yoon Sung, you seem like you only go to the most expensive bars and shopping malls.
I don't think you're any different Detective Kim.
I only went to the bar yesterday because my boss said he was going to buy and I have a present to buy today.
Hearing what I heard yesterday, it seems you're in charge of the senator's case.
But it looks like you have a lot of time.
Let's work living like a person, I try to live off that motto.
- Can you open that? - Can you open that? Excuse me, I got it first.
Shall we rewind the security tapes? Customers, we have enough in stock for both of you.
Oh really, then can you put this in there for me too? Wrap this please.
You must have bought a girl's wallet so you can live like a human? Is it a present? You seem like you're done with one night stands, there's no way you're buying a gift for one of them.
I usually receive the gifts.
Take care.
The warrant was already given to us.
Lee Kyung Wan himself admitted that he embezzled the Undernourished Children Food Grant.
Therefore, he stands guilty under the current law.
As for the National Assembly session, there shouldn't be an issue whatsoever.
The person who left us the senator, the City Hunter guy or something.
Did you find out about him? We looked at the security tapes to investigate it, but the license plate was a fake.
And the faces aren't viewable because of their hats.
We look for fingerprints as well on the box, but there was nothing there.
One of us couldn't even arrest the senator, but somebody else was able to kidnap him and even deliver him us.
And he aired a clip of the senator that couldn't be disrupted.
Everyone else leave except for Detective Kim.
I understand what you want, so I'll ask.
But you still have to go to the academy, yeah? If you don't get into college again, Dad's really going to be embarrassed that he won't be able to raise his head to anyone, yeah? That's why! Make him be my tutor, please! Okay, I understand.
So first go to the academy, okay? No, get an agreement with him right now, then I'll go.
How are we going to break your stubbornness We can't have a senator that steals from the government and starves our children.
In front of the National Assembly, protests against Congressman Lee Kyung Wan has been going on every day.
Having current and former accountants at the forefront, civil groups have been established.
Their main goal is to investigate the Social Welfare Grants.
It's not like we can ask the President for help, we're in a real sticky situation.
They're protesting against the Senator, the citizens' anger is really high.
If you stand on Senator Lee's side, you're going to die with him.
And be extra careful since you're going to run as a candidate soon.
I think our Detective Kim want to go as far as he can.
It's the best right now to stay out of the law enforcement and citizens' sight.
We can't do this and we can't do that, geez.
My name is Kim Sang Gook.
You're the one that called, correct? My name is Lee Jin Pyo.
Nice to meet you.
How did you know about me? You were a cop once.
You got dishonorably discharged because you hacked into the police and the White House database and caused disturbance.
People who do a background check aren't to my taste.
Didn't you want to find out the whereabouts of Corporal Kim Sang Joong? The reason why you hacked into the police and the White House database.
Kim Sang Joong is my child, I raised him with my own hands in the military and I'm one of the few that saw one of his last moments.
Do you know about my brother's death? My brother isn't missing from action.
He was secretly killed on a secret mission.
Tell me if what I said is wrong.
In the oceans near North Korea he died, at the hands of our own people.
At the hands of our own people? Your nephews are doing well? I believe the oldest nephew is teaching as a professor right now.
How did you Were you on the same team as my brother? I'm looking for someone who has the same things that I want.
What about it? Do you want to work with me? Using Choi Woo San and Lee Kyung Wan's people, we have to find the whereabouts of the other three targets.
You only have to put place blood on my hands.
- However, - However? However, if you reveal this secret to anyone, don't forget that I will make you fish food without anyone knowing like your brother.
Keep in mind, out of the 21 people I was the only one that survived.
During his campaign, Lee Kyung Wan's college senior.
A representative from New Zealand that came to attend Lee's ceremony, Moon Gi Joo.
Is it him? A member of rich club with Lee Kyung Wan.
For over 30 years, he's been attending secret club meetings with Lee, Kim Jong Shik.
What are you doing that you're not even eating? Oh, baseball.
There's an interesting match, do you like baseball? I like it.
I guess there's another baseball fan here.
Lee Yoon Sung, the President is calling for us, let's hurry up and go see him.
Is he? I heard that the IP address that was used for Lee Kyung Wan's clip was traced back to the White House.
Can you please investigate that? It's a matter of the White House's security, so you have to keep it a secret.
And please report back to me personally.
That's like eating pizza while lying down.
President, just trust us.
If it's that easy, then shouldn't you have taken care of it before? If we couldn't block the hack, then it means there's a hole in our system.
Find that out and take care of it.
I didn't know that Lee Kyung Wan would steal from the taxes like that.
They said that you can know everything about what's underwater, but never about a person's inside.
Just a couple of days ago, he told us right here that he wasn't guilty of anything.
I heard that there were military tags that showed up is it related to what happened in the past? 28 years ago, where we wiped out Nothing is for certain still.
Because I'm going to run for presidency the next term, I'm just worried someone is out there with a grudge against me and doing this.
I understand.
I'll talk with the security team and make sure you have more protection.
If you do, I'll be very grateful with nothing more to ask.
But it's not like you're in life-threatening danger, it's just a precaution because there was a terror attack on one of our candidates before.
B Boss, I'm going to take a personal leave.
Where are you going? I'm sorry, just mark me down for a sick day.
We have to train the trainees later.
What letter was it that she's in such a hurry? It was a letter from court.
Yeah Ahjussi.
He's a New Zealand representative, Moon Ki Joo.
He's Lee Kyung Wan's senior.
Look into him.
There's going to be no end at this rate.
It's not like we can go ask them individually.
During the time you're whining, go investigate it more.
By the way, what relationship are you with Na Na? Did you know that their house is being bought out? Oh oh my gosh.
Is she going to end up on the streets? No way.
You said that she has no money, you said that she has several part-time jobs to pay for her dad's hospital bills.
If you're so worried, why don't you buy her a house? I just thought that you should know, that's why I told you.
I'm busy, hang up.
That's right, but we can't do anything about it.
I just got the letter, I have personal issues so I can't move out of the house right now.
If the owner forces you out of the house, we can't do anything.
You have to move out.
Then I'm going to go personally ask the owner so can you give me their contact information? Bring me coffee.
I'm busy.
Thank you.
For over thirty years he's been in a relationship with Lee Kyung Wan, and he was in the government 28 years ago too.
It's one of these five people here, who is it? What's going on Ahjussi? You went to the court long ago, why aren't you back, yet? Sir, our order.
Yeah, yeah I'm coming.
Please try to understand my situation.
If I leave that house I have no place to live.
Just a few more days let me please live there, please? How many times do I have to tell you that you can't? I'm not working for charity or anything, am I crazy to let you live there and lose my money? It's no use clinging on to me.
Hurry and leave! Owner.
- Geez, why do you keep - Order please.
Yes, yes I'm coming.
If you keep doing this it's going to disturb my work.
Hurry up and leave.
Hurry, hurry, hurry up and leave.
Leave already.
You've done enough so leave.
If you come back again, I'm going to call the police.
Please think about it one more time.
I said no.
Hello? Where are you right now? Why? Drive for me, come here right now.
Right now? Something came up today, can you call a different driver today? It's something really important.
If you come within 30 minutes, I'll get rid of all your debt.
What? Are you joking right now? If you don't believe me, then record this call.
Come right now to the water fountain park.
Give me the key.
You didn't even drink, why'd you call for a driver? I'm going to start drinking now.
What did you say? I was stupid for coming thinking you'd get rid of my debt.
Lee Yoon Sung, you're not even a bit curious where I was or what I was doing, right? Isn't that a given? You're the one that said you'll work as my driver to pay off your debt.
I said I'll get rid of your debt, shouldn't you be thankful? You know, even though you talk with no respect or act mean, I never I did think that you were a bad person, but not someone that's actually immoral.
I just believed that you were a little awkward at expressing your feelings.
But I was wrong.
Lee Yoon Sung, you are the person that I saw the first time.
Mom, are you well? Today, the guy who bought our house said that if he reconstructs our place and the price goes up, then it's good and if it doesn't, then oh well.
Because he invested with his extra money.
If I leave this house, I have no place to go.
I have to protect this house so that Dad has a place to come back to when he wakes up, right? Somebody gets to invest and somebody is broke.
Earlier, I was in a horrible mood but he said that he'll get rid of all my debt if I came.
So, I ran after getting off the bus.
In case Lee Yoon Sung changed his mind, I ran with everything I had.
So stupid Kim Na Na.
So miserable Kim Na Na.
Mom, but I'm so tired.
Without you mom by myself trying to keep a firm stand is so hard and so scary Mom Yeah Ahjussi.
I'm on my way back, I'll talk to you there.
Without my permission, you neutered Sam Soon.
You convinced my helpless wife.
The owner of dog agreed to it, which is why I did it.
The owner of the dog is me lady.
Did you hit me? Yeah, I hit you.
Why? Why? I heard that Sam Soon left your house and came back last year.
Do you know why he left? He's changing, but you won't take care of him, how do you want the dog to live? If you want to raise him, then properly take care of his needs or either put him up for adoption so someone else can take better care of him.
I don't know, I don't know.
Screw all your difficult words and either make him the way he was before or pay up for what you did.
You can't? I'm not leaving.
Cut me, cut me, cut me, cut me, cut me The owner and the dog What? The owner and the dog? According to your wife, you left the house and came back too.
Sam Soon too.
I did the operation because she asked me to.
Do you want to get hit oww.
Yeah, 911? I'm at the vet and there's a guy who's making a ruckus, please send someone over.
The address is Seoul DongBok Joo Street 22-8, Animal Hospital.
Who are you calling right now? Let's see who the longer and shorter one is at the police station.
Oww, arm, arm, arm.
Wait, hold on, hold on, Ahjussi, hold on.
I'm really, hold on, I'm not Thank you for helping.
I wasn't helping.
The cars were jammed up, so I just tried to get free.
I'm Jin Soo Hee.
I'm Lee Yoon Sung.
Bodyguard Kim and Bodyguard Shin.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Starting today, your duties are to protect an outsider.
An outsider? Who? A candidate running for the next presidency term, Seo Yong Hak.
There's been a lot of events lately so security has become more tightened.
There was a case of a terrorist attack on a candidate before so be cautious while you guard.
It's a good chance to gain experience so do well.
- Yes.
- Yes.
If I'm lucky and become the next President then you will be in charge of the President's security.
So, let's work hard to build good relationships.
I look forward to it.
- We look forward to it too.
- We look forward to it too.
Yes, yes.
Oh, hold on.
Yes? - Sir.
- Yes? There's a lot of tension amongst the reporters.
I think questions of Lee Kyung Wan will be asked.
Get the list of questions to be asked from the reporters ahead of time and get rid of anything related to Lee.
Come over and sit down.
You're Kim Na Na? Yes.
I hope it's not being rude in asking you a favor even though it's the first time we met, but can you pick a song for me that people in their 50's would like? Oh, don't take it the wrong way.
It's my wedding anniversary in a couple of days and I wanted to hold a surprise event at a restaurant.
I need background music to be played during that time.
I've always been working for the military so I don't know anything about that.
My wife seems to be a little upset these days that she even showed tears at an interview a couple days ago.
I only have bodyguards and secretaries that are all guys around me, so I was thinking that someone who is a female also would be able to pick a good song, so I'm asking you.
I'll try my best to find the best song.
Thank you.
He's been in charge of relations between Thailand and the U.
He's been highly acknowledged in our country.
If he were to run as a candidate for next year's presidency, it seems that he would have a good chance of winning.
Seo Yong Hak is going to run for presidency? He has the title as our nation's war hero, so it's quite possible.
In 1983, he was deeply involved in foreign affairs so he was very likely to have been part of the secret organization.
Lee Kyung Wan's oldest friend and Oh Yoon Joo's brother, it's very likely.
What? Na Na is Seo Yong Hak's bodyguard? You didn't know? She started today.
Something happened between you and Na Na right? Tell the truth.
It was acting weird on the phone before.
Forget it, it's not the time to talk about her right now.
If father finds out first, something undoable will happen.
That's right I think Seo Yong Hak is a very possible candidate.
I feel like it too, but there's no evidence.
Nothing was recorded about that event and no one knows about it.
There is someone who knows.
Who? Lee Kyung Wan.
What? I have to go see Lee Kyung Wan.
You're going to go pay him a visit at prison? If I have to.
He knows your face.
But he doesn't know your face.
Even though my outer appearance may be big, my guts are very small.
You know that, what's wrong with you? Don't worry.
I'll wait outside and you just ask what I tell you to ask.
You have to be good to Na Na then.
Oh, the computer won't turn on.
What's wrong with it? Did it get a virus? There's a computer professional.
Who? Go Ki Joon.
I'm Shin Eun Ah from the security office.
Can you help us? Kim Na Na's computer broke.
I have to do something, can I use it real quick? It'd be great if you can come right now.
Does this girl think we're here to fix computers? I'm in the middle of the database check, so I can't leave my seat right now.
I'm not someone who fixes computers.
Bodyguard Kim Na Na's computer broke.
Since she's your partner in training, can't you go help her? Who knows, maybe she'll throw you softly next time.
I'll go then.
I heard your computer broke.
This is a great bodyguard business.
A MIT professor comes to fix their computers.
It's this computer.
You've been searching for songs this whole time, what song are you looking for? It's Seo Yong Hak's wedding anniversary today and it's the music to be played at the restaurant he's having dinner at.
What restaurant? Chel Bru? It's the place where he proposed to his wife.
I heard their steak is really well known.
Then do we get to eat their steak while guarding them? How do you eat while guarding? How is this song? It's perfect for a wedding anniversary.
Yeah? Then I'm going to use this.
You should do a disk cleanup and run the disk defragment on a regular basis.
It may seem like nothing, but it can stop the computer from starting up.
I fixed it.
Thank you.
I fixed it.
I said thank you.
Bodyguard Kim, a package is here for you.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh, it's Long Leg Ahjussi.
Long Leg Ahjussi? Did you order something online? No, there's someone like that.
Oh, it's pretty.
It's pretty, right? How did he know I'm here.
Oh, so cute! Isn't he nice? Bring me coffee.
I fixed your computer, gotta give something in return.
I'll be right back.
Since I fixed your computer, shouldn't you bring me coffee as a thank you before I asked? If I get you coffee just for fixing my computer, people will assume things about us.
I don't like getting unnecessarily involved with you.
You said that, the way I talk is rude? The way you talk cuts close too.
You learn bad things fast.
I can leave, right? Wait, wait a minute.
I have to stamp for you, there's the two stamps I owe you.
Did you forget? You said that day if I come within 30 minutes you'll erase all my debt.
Give me the stamp.
Oh, that wallet.
Why? Are you surprised that I don't have a dirty and filthy wallet? I got it as a gift.
From who? He's called 'Long Leg Ahjussi.
' Long Leg Ahjussi? The person I like the most in the world, after my dad.
Did I buy it because I wanted to buy it? I bought it because she carried such a soiled one, so I was embarrassed being with her because others will see.
What? The person you like the most in the world? Yeah.
Yes, yes.
I understand.
Bae Shik Joong.
The person you requested to visit, Lee Kyung Wan, is being transported for investigation so he can't be visited right now.
Oh, so I can't see him? No.
The badge.
Yeah Ahjussi, he's being transported right now? What do you think the country will do for you when you die? Hey, hey.
Hey, what are you doing right now? What are you doing? Hey why are you doing this to me? Do you recognize who I am? Are you doing this cause of the tax money? Are you going to kill me because of tax money? Being in peace after you get killed is even too nice of a sentence for you.
28 years ago, the horrible death that my comrades faced in the cold waters, you have to get a taste of it too now.
28 years t.
t Did you really live these years forgetting about that incident? Did you think that if you destroyed all the records of the mission, made all the comrades missing in action, and locked all information if you looked up their social security numbers that everything will be completely forgotten? 20 Korean military men dead in the hands of their country in front of my eyes.
I'm thinking of starting the revenge I waited for 28 years.
Tell me, who was involved.
Their lives depend on what you say.
You should already know the embarrassment they're facing because of you right now.
Do you want to kill all your family.
Hey look here, please.
Please not the family, please don't touch the family.
Then tell me, who else were involved.
Should I say it? Seo Yong Hak.
H How? Who else is there? The call cannot be connected because We have to stop dad, he's going to kill them all.
We shouldn't have stood up to the Boss whether they die or not.
I think we're going to have to put a locator on dad.
Hey! What are you doing! Do you not know the Boss? We're really going to die at this rate without anyone knowing.
It's not too late, let's go apologize to the Boss now.
Oh my god, I'm about to die.
Look here Manager.
If I make this hand gesture, then turn on the music that's prepared.
And if I make the hand gesture again, bring in the cake, wine, and the flower without any error to the table.
I understand.
Thank you.
It's a song for you honey.
Thank you.
Youngest son, do your best and make a living for yourself.
You were bold in following me.
Father, stop.
I'll take care of it.
I specifically told you.
Whoever finds the target first will get to do it their way.
The song suits the wedding anniversary well.
How is this song? It's perfect for a wedding anniversary.
Then I'm going to use this.
Kim Na Na.
Chel Bru? I heard it's the place where he proposed to his wife.
Now, to the happiness of our family.
What is it a power outage? Sir, don't move and get under the table.
Family, please don't panic and get under the table.
You can't see, right? All right, this way.
Main Translator: sparklinghugs Spot Translator: purpletiger86 Timer: dizzybugs Editor/QC: puela Coordinators: mily2, aylink Watch dramas legally at dramafever.
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