Fog and Crimes (2005) s01e04 Episode Script

I segreti delle donne

Fog and Crimes Happy New Year 2015 - New Year, New Color ;-) Matt, where are you? Matt, I'm lost! Where are you? What is this? Matt! Matt! What is this? Matt, are you in here? Matt, are you in here? Matt! Matt! Matt! Matt! Matt! Oh, my God! Matt! Matt! Matt! Madam Madam, the ilm's over.
Madam Thank you.
Thank you.
Don't get up straight away, wait a minute.
Is everything OK? Fine See you tomorrow? Yes, sure.
"The Mystery Film Club" Angela Angela Hi I don't recognise you.
Why? You're relaxed.
- I know, I eel good.
- I can see.
- I had a great massage.
- Did you enjoy it? Very much It's sorted out my neck, it always gives me trouble.
So I did well to drag you here? Yes, I admit it.
- After all that uss, I'd hope so - Are you trying to take advantage? You could go on a diet, clear out your system.
That's something I do on my own.
This vegetable jelly is really good.
You want to try it? It's too healthy, it would make me ill.
I don't trust it, it's snail mousse Hello.
You know her? No, I met her at the bar and we chatted a bit.
- She's nice.
- What does she do? She's a lawyer, but much more important than me.
- She earns a ortune.
- Where does she live? Milan.
- She's really good-looking as well.
- She's not my type.
She was asking me about you, says she saw you in a newspaper - but she couldn't remember why.
- What did you tell her? That you're a police inspector and this is the irst time we've been on holiday together.
You swore you'd leave that in the room.
Hello? What is it, Luvara? Where? See you.
When? Straight away.
You shouldn't have done that.
Sorry, I'm not hungry any more.
Her driving licence was in her bag.
Her name was Emma Recanati, she was 36.
- Daughter o a head o cardiology.
- How was she killed? Someone sitting behind her shot her.
The bullet hit her between the shoulders, she died immediately.
- Did they use a silencer? - I think so, but the ilm was ull o screaming and special effects.
- It's a proessional job.
- Yes.
Don't ask me why he chose a cinema, don't ask me about the autopsy either.
Any sign o a struggle? No, she might not have even noticed.
Sir, the girl who was on duty last night is waiting.
I'm coming.
I was supposed to be in the pool now, eating with Angela listening to Chopin.
- Chopin? - I've evolved Prepare a statement or the press.
Ask the cinema audience to come orward as witnesses.
- What are you thinking, Sir? - What kind o woman would come on her own to watch a horror ilm? I was the irst to see her.
She looked like she was sleeping.
You didn't notice her beore you went in? No, there are two screens lots o people.
You're in the cinema, checking, you see people Was there anything unusual that attracted your attention? Everything was normal.
Yesterday aternoon, there were some kids, men on their own, old ladies.
The only strange thing was that my horoscope had oretold it all.
It said, "A surprise event will put you in the limelight.
" - Amazing - Thank you, that was really useul.
Luvara, let's go.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
The city is in shock over the murder of Emma Recanati, a member of a well-known family.
Her father is a cardiologist of international repute, and her mother a noblewoman of Austrian origin.
The murder has caused a great deal of fear.
It has to be done quickly.
Sir, I don't understand women.
Do you? - What are you asking? - Listen to this.
"Coming rom an important amily and being rich makes everything harder.
" "I've spent my lie running away rom memories o the past.
" Do you understand a woman like that? Women are hard to understand.
It was an interview Emma Recanati did with a local paper.
When she should really have run away, she didn't - I've got other inormation on her.
- Go on, hurry up Sure.
At 27 she married a doctor, separated three years ago, no children.
She signed up to do psychology, then law, but quit.
She began designing jewellery, but it didn't last.
The usual.
- I want to know about the husband.
- Sure.
- Who inormed the amily? - The chie.
He was a close riend o Proessor Recanati, the victim's ather.
I think this affair is going to give us grie.
My daughter didn't have a happy lie and this had an effect on us.
How? She was a good-or-nothing.
Really? In what way? She had lots o men, like a prostitute but she didn't charge.
Do you think this propensity o hers to do certain things - is connected to the murder? - You can call it a perversion.
But, yes, I think so.
The murderer will be one o the many men she went with.
I'm sure o this, otherwise I wouldn't have told you such unpleasant things.
- Was she married? - Sure With an invertebrate Instead o giving her a slap and sorting her out her husband let her have all the lovers she wanted.
Paolo is weak and Emma overwhelmed him.
I you're sure she was killed by one o these men give me a name.
- There were too many o them.
I don't know any o them, except that imbecile o a husband.
Thank you.
I you need me, I'll be in the office.
- Inspector, can I ask a avour? - O course.
I'd like a bit o discretion.
I don't want to see in the papers all the names o my daughter's lovers.
- I've suffered enough already.
- I understand.
Unortunately, I can control my men but journalists are a bit more difficult.
For once, our inquiries are all leading in one direction.
- Which is? - A crime o passion.
The victim was very partial to men.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Sit down.
You wanted to talked to me about the victim's men? No, I'm just asking you or a bit o discretion.
What's it got to do with me? It's you who speaks to the press.
I was very close to Proessor Recanati.
This has got nothing to do with the murder Am I wrong? I mean, i it's not absolutely necessary or your investigation you could try not to look into her private lie too much.
I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
Nothing Never mind.
Do what you have to do.
Investigate where you have to investigate The bullet entered between the shoulder blades.
It stopped two centimetres rom her heart.
The pistol is a Glock.
- It's not an everyday pistol.
- Had she had sex recently? No, there are no signs.
- I there's nothing else, I'm off.
- There is one thing.
She had a congenital malormation that stopped her having children.
It was just as well she didn't have any or the children, I mean.
Saltapicco, save these pronouncements or court.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Goodbye.
Soneri I don't want to argue.
Me neither, that's why I never come to see you.
Judge - What have you got to say? - About what? The victim.
She was a woman with lots o problems.
All women have problems, but they don't get killed or it.
What do you mean? I want to understand who Emma was.
- Are you worried? - No, but it's the beginning o the investigation.
I'm not talking about the investigation, but about you.
How's it going with Angela? With Angela it's going well.
You want to eat at Alceste's tonight? You're kidding? I I don't go home, Lucia will kill me.
She's made tripe soup.
Have supper with us.
No, I'm not in the mood or amilies.
Thanks anyway.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Doctor, you're strange this evening.
You didn't inish the lamb.
It was too much.
I think you didn't like it or you have a problem.
- I liked it a lot.
- Well, then, you have a problem.
- Bring me a ried cream.
- Straight away Angela, I called you yesterday, but your phone was off.
- Are you still angry at me? - No.
You're in town on your own looking or a killer.
Instead, I'm here in a wonderful hotel.
In hal-an-hour I've got a massage, then the pool.
Lucky you! I'm sorry you're not here with me.
Can we meet tonight at mine? Sure.
- Was that him? - Yes.
- Has he got this case? - Yes, a woman killed in a cinema.
Criminals have imagination.
I once deended this guy who - shot his wie at an amusement park.
- Let's change the subject.
I only want to think about nice things here.
Me too.
I'm going to get something to eat.
Soneri Soneri It has been ages since I saw you.
How's it going? The investigation? - Yes, the Recanati case.
- It's going.
- Want a tip? - Sure A riend o mine knew one o her lovers.
So? She was into heavy-duty stuff, sadomasochism.
- That's her business - Those are dangerous areas.
There are perverts, maniacs, psychopaths Go and give it a look.
- Thanks or the tip.
- You're welcome.
Doctor Emma Recanati's husband is waiting or you.
- Did you call him? - No, he came in on his own.
- Good morning.
I'm Doctor Lipari.
- How do you do? I thought you might want to speak to me.
O course.
We'd have called you.
Sit down.
Well - You're a doctor, yes? - Yes.
Tell me Go ahead, tell me.
Emma and I separated three years ago, but we stayed good riends.
I was close to her, I gave her advice.
That's why I eel responsible or what's happened.
I should have realised that sooner or later she'd be in danger.
Danger? Maybe you've discovered that my wie was an exuberant woman.
She had a lot o lovers.
Yes, some.
She tried to hide it rom me so as not to hurt me.
I preerred to know.
They were just lings, she didn't all in love with anyone.
Did you know your wie couldn't have children? Yes.
That was her problem.
She thought it was some kind o punishment, or what, I don't know.
- Emma never harmed anyone.
- Only you.
Where were you the aternoon o the murder, Doctor Lipari? At the clinic, I was on the aternoon shit.
Now I'll ask you an easier question.
I'd like to know the name o your wie's last lover.
Get those legs up Come on Go You should do a bit o exercise.
- My mother says so as well.
- Really? Tomorrow I'll ask the office to organise you a step session.
- Thanks, but it's OK.
- There he is.
Let's see i he really was the last on the list.
Hello, I'm Marco Giannini.
You know what I want to speak to you about? About Emma.
I haven't much to say.
We were together just or our months.
Sit down, it'll just take ive minutes.
She came ater me and it was her who inished it.
- Emma had a lot o problems.
- I think so too.
- Go ahead.
- She was sad, unhappy, - troubled about the past.
- When did you last see her? Four months ago, when she let me.
I you think I did it that day I was in Umbria at an aerobics course.
- Was there someone else ater you? - Yes.
Emma went rom man to man, she couldn't be alone.
You know who? I know he was someone important.
It was a secret affair.
She seemed to be really caught up in it.
- Were you in love with her? - Emma was hard work.
She was attractive, but when she let me it was a relie.
- You're early.
- I wanted to see you.
Come into the kitchen, I'm nearly ready.
- I'm not hungry - We can't.
In there, there's Remember Virginia? - We met at the beauty arm.
- Sure.
I convinced Virginia to stay with me or a couple o days.
Is it a problem? Why would it be? Virginia and I are on a diet.
For an evening, so are you - Salmon contains saturated ats.
- Unsaturated.
They've brainwashed you.
No, I just want to know what I'm eating.
Food is a medicine that we've changed into a poison.
- Poison? - No, thanks.
Thought so.
You'll kill yoursel with that restaurant.
- Each dish is a week off your lie.
- Who comes up with this crap? Me.
I once represented a man against a ood multinational.
I know all about adulterations and the illnesses they cause.
I'd rather live less and enjoy it more.
Oten eating badly is a sign o affective disorders.
Are you a psychoanalyst or a lawyer? To be a lawyer you have to get inside people's heads, understand what they're thinking and what they're araid o.
That's why I win cases.
We do the same thing to understand who the killer is.
In act, good policemen look or clues inside people's minds rather than in their pockets.
How's your investigation going? The papers says inquiries are at an advanced stage.
Rubbish - What stage are they at? - He won't tell you anything.
- He doesn't even tell the judge.
- He doesn't have an easy character.
Men with easy characters are boring.
Is that a compliment? Good morning, sir.
Have you seen what a beautiul day it is? Hello, it's not a beautiul day, it's going to rain.
- Why are you so happy? - Manuela arrives tomorrow.
Manuela? - Who's she? - Remember? The girl I met in the chatroom.
- That you've never seen? - Yes.
But it's like we've always known each other.
She sent me a photo.
- That's her on the right.
- You can't see anything.
- It's blurred.
- Anyway, she's arriving tomorrow.
Where do you think we should meet? Take her somewhere romantic, a wine bar with candles.
You're shy.
Even i you've nothing to say, you'll make a good impression.
- What i you don't like her? - No way The wine bar's a good idea.
A ax is coming in.
It's the list o calls rom Emma Recanati's mobile.
There are a lot o calls to and rom a concealed number.
Who is it? Lt'll be the last lover, the mystery man.
There's another number that appears a lot.
At different times o the day but never ater six, only in the aternoon.
- The code is a village near here.
- Check that number straight away It's a private clinic, "Villa Ortensia Clinic," "help and treatment o mental illnesses.
" You're clutching at the wheel.
The car's not going to run away.
Relax and don't go too ast, you're not sae.
- You said they close at six.
- Yes, but don't go too ast and leave yoursel a braking distance.
- "Leave a message.
Thank you.
" - Angela, it's me.
I always get the answer phone I wanted to invite you to supper but without your riend.
But you're not there, so see you.
Maybe you're right, women are a mystery.
Yes, I know Emma Recanati.
Her death was a terrible shock.
- Why did she come to your clinic? - She came to visit a riend, - and she phoned her a lot.
- A emale riend? Yes, rom school.
Her name's Anna Pasini, we've been treating her or years.
She comes and goes rom the clinic, it's a difficult case.
What's wrong with her exactly? She's been depressed from the age of 15.
She was given the wrong treatment, stuff full of drugs.
Her mother's dead and her father is always away.
When she came here, she was 25 and she reused to speak.
Then, little by little, we managed to communicate with her.
- Did she speak with Emma? - Yes, rom day one and with no problems but not i we were there.
They always wanted to be alone.
It's strange.
Who knows what she's thinking? Anna doesn't want to grow up.
She wants to stay where she is.
Can I speak to her? Yes, but I don't know how you'll get on.
Hello, Anna.
When she eats she wants to be alone.
I'm a riend o Emma.
Madmen are much less scary than madwomen.
It might be because we associate women with our mothers.
You're the only person who thinks o mum when you see a woman.
It made quite an impression on me seeing that woman.
Do you think there's a connection with the Recanati murder? A riend o Angela's says that clues need to be looked or in the most obscure corners o the mind, but this is a mind that's been destroyed.
I went to school in Ferrara and it has a strange effect on me being here.
I lived a very different lie in this city to the one I live today.
I I went back to Russia, the same thing would happen to me.
Why don't you go back? My mother and I are too different.
I don't know i I want to see her.
But you should do it.
The past has to be erased or conronted, otherwise it's waiting or you, always ready to ruin the present.
- What did you do with your past? - I erased it.
- Hi.
- Angela, I let you a message.
I wanted to surprise you.
I still have your house keys.
You did well.
What a lovely smell.
What are you cooking? Fresh tomato sauce.
- I didn't want to eat out tonight.
- Me neither.
- Can I go on or is your riend here? - No, she had something to do.
- Really? - Yes, she was busy this evening.
- With what? - What do you care? - It's none o your business.
- It's none o my business? No.
When's your riend leaving? Soon.
Don't worry.
She wanted to go tomorrow, but I convinced her to stay until Saturday.
- I've got a hearing on Friday.
- What's that got to do with her? - I'm going to Milan with her.
- To do what? She invited me to her house.
I've got three days off, so I said yes.
- Is it a problem? - No but I think she's in love with you.
You men are incapable o understanding anything Virginia isn't in love with me and she isn't gay.
- Well, no problem, then.
- No, actually, there is a problem.
You know why I like being with Virginia? No.
Because with her I can speak about me.
She asks me about my lie, she's interested in what I am.
- Do I not do that? - Not like her.
Come in.
Come in, come in.
I've been expecting you or a ew days.
- I have to take an antacid.
- Have you got an upset stomach? Only when they give me one o your cases.
- You should avoid seeing me.
- I can't get out o it.
- At what stage is the investigation? - At irst, it seemed a simple case.
- Sex, men, weird stuff Instead - What? Instead, no case is ever what it seems to be at the beginning.
In what direction are you heading? I'm ollowing various lines.
Something isn't clear to me.
May I? - Really? - Emma Recanati had inside her something awful.
I I don't ind out what it was, I won't know who the killer is.
- In your opinion, can I sleep easy? - O course Soneri, with you I don't sleep easy as a point o principle.
Now the icing on the cake is you want to be a psychoanalyst Doctor, you're more interested in my way o thinking than in the investigation.
That's why you can't calmly discuss the line I choose.
I don't tell you everything to avoid upsetting your stomach, the acidity.
Can I speak to you or a moment? What's up? - What is it? - A present.
To ask orgiveness? I've nothing to ask orgiveness or.
Yes, the dislike you eel or my riend.
- Your riend's not that unpleasant.
- Thanks.
OK Bye.
See you later.
She's angry and she's right to be.
- Why? - Yesterday aternoon, I disappeared.
I was supposed to send her an e-mail to conirm where we were meeting - and I orgot.
- You wanted to orget.
No - I wasn't expecting anything else.
- Is Lipari not meant to be here? Yes, at 12.
Did you get any inormation on him? Not a lot, but interestingly, he barely graduated in medicine.
He never specialised in anything.
He was taken on in his uncle's clinic.
- Some career - Four years ago he was reported or battering a certain Piersanti.
I knew it.
In truth, he's very jealous and paranoid.
- Doctor Lipari is here.
- Send him in.
Yes, sir.
OK, yes.
I hit that guy because he was kissing my wie in the doorway o our house.
So, you were a little bit jealous? Sometimes I could have killed her.
Jealousy is a tricky beast, it's hard to domesticate.
But I was jealous only at the beginning o our marriage.
Then I got used to it.
Emma was a antastic woman.
She couldn't be happy just with me.
Lipari why do you say "at the beginning"? You battered Piersanti three years ago when you were separating.
Come on Yes.
I'd lost control, I'd had a bit to drink as well.
It's not nice to go home and ind your wie practically ucking in the doorway.
It's not nice.
Certainly, you suffered a lot.
A whole lot, Inspector.
I can see you understand me.
I didn't kill her.
I swear I didn't.
- Have you ever heard o Anna Pasini? - I don't think so.
- Who is she? - A riend o your wie.
She's in a clinic or people with mental problems.
Emma didn't have girlriends.
Women hated her, they always saw her as a competitor.
Only someone sick in the head could have been her girlriend.
Look at this Roast rabbit in wild ennel with potatoes Thank you.
Angela says this will take a week off my lie.
- Who cares? - All women say meat is bad or you.
It's impossible, they're two different worlds.
Their brains are made differently.
My wie says that only her girlriends understand her.
They can only understand each other.
It's the same with men, you understand me better than my wie.
That's so satisying - luvara, what is it? - A boy has come orward to testiy.
- Can you come? - OK, I'm on my way.
A boy who was at the cinema the day o the murder has come in.
- This is a prehistoric model.
- Don't touch it, please.
I bet you don't even have wireless.
What I have or don't have is nothing to do with you.
But it does have something to do with me.
I'm a citizen and I want to know how the state is deending me.
I you don't let me work, no one will be deending you - Hey, what's going on? - Nothing.
We were waiting or you.
I was checking the I capacities o the police.
Good Now sit there, we'll talk a bit.
Are you tired? Sit down.
What did you see the other aternoon? I saw the woman who was killed.
What was she doing? Nothing, but there was a man beside her.
- Are you sure? - Yes, I was sitting in ront o them.
Every now and then I turned round to look.
- How was the man? - Angry.
He was taking his glasses o all the time to clean them, arguing with her.
Did you hear what they said? No, the lights went out and the ilm started, but they kept arguing.
Then he let.
- After how long? - Ten minutes.
Then? She watched the ilm and I didn't turn round any more.
It was a good ilm.
You didn't hear anything, not a single word? No, but I heard the tone.
It was like when a woman is leaving a man and he's unhappy about it.
Would you be able to describe the man? Yes.
No, I've never seen him.
Who knows how many men with glasses Emma had had? There was only one at the cinema with her.
I meant it'll be difficult or you to ind him.
- Did you daughter conide in you? - In the normal sort o way.
Emma wasn't the type o girl who came to ask me advice.
All I'm interested in is her childhood, why she was disturbed i she had problems.
My husband and I have nothing to eel guilty about.
She wanted or nothing, she went to the best schools, she could have gone to the best universities, but didn't want to.
She had a demon inside her, she wanted to ruin hersel.
I think she wanted to die.
Inspector, you didn't say you were coming.
I the police gave warnings, they'd never arrest anyone What? - You've come to arrest me? - Not now, Doctor.
Anyway, we want to arrest the right person.
Luvara Could that be him? I've never seen him beore.
- Emma's last lover wasn't the gym guy.
- No? - Who was it? - I think it was someone important.
It was a secret affair and they wouldn't be seen together.
In act, I never saw them.
What would you know? Were you spying on her? No, no I happened to meet her and she didn't try to hide or anything.
It might be the person Emma let me or, but I've never seen him.
Emma was going to leave him.
That doesn't surprise me, it was her game.
She'd take someone, keep him a bit, then leave him.
It was obvious someone would get annoyed.
You're right.
- Thank you.
Luvara, come on.
- Wait, I have an idea.
Do you know the "Vecchia Locanda" restaurant? - No.
- In Via Taurina.
Emma took me there when she didn't want to be seen.
They know her well.
You could ask there about that man.
She'd have taken him there to eat.
I might have a look.
Thank you.
Oh, one thing How much would it cost to get luvara in shape? It's all right.
- I work out every day.
- Yeah, the ravioli leap - Let's go.
Thanks or the advice.
- Goodbye.
Sit down, Inspector.
We're becoming riends, let's not be ormal.
Where's Angela? She's on her way.
Come in, don't be araid.
Afraid o what? O me.
Why would I be araid o you? You're araid I'll take Angela away rom you.
I think that would be very difficult.
- You're araid or another reason.
- What reason? You're a man I like because you stand up to me.
I'm sorry I didn't meet you beore.
It's a strange quality or a woman to like.
For me, it's the most important quality.
What do you want rom me? See? You're araid.
Virginia, are you there? Hi.
- You're becoming riends.
- I'm trying but he doesn't want to.
Excuse me a moment.
Yes? What? Sure, sure.
No, you did well to tell me.
I'll be there right away.
It's increasingly difficult to spend an evening with you.
It worked out, but it shouldn't have happened and I eel responsible.
She was in a room with a nurse.
It all happened in an instant.
- Where is she now? - She's in Accident & Emergency.
She's being monitored, but considering what happened she's OK.
She has mild concussion and a ractured tibia.
She ell rom the third loor but the awning sotened the blow.
- Do you think she did it deliberately? - I'm araid so.
She opened a closed window and threw hersel out.
It happened in an instant.
She'd ound out that Emma had been killed.
We'd hidden it rom her, but she ound out.
Can I see her? Anna.
Anna, talk to me.
She's not replying but she's talking more now.
- What does she talk about? - Things that make no sense.
It's like she's at school.
She says, "I you test me, I know nothing.
" Then she says, "I can't stand the geography teacher.
" Anna.
Talk to me, Anna.
No, I'm saying nothing.
I swear I won't say anything Don't be araid, I'm here now.
I'm here, I'll look ater you.
Remember rule number ive o the group.
The headmistress is coming now, but I won't say anything.
No one will be ailed, I swear.
I won't say anything about Isabella.
Who's Isabella? I swear, I didn't want to.
I'm sorry, I didn't want to I didn't want to - What? - That's enough.
That's enough.
She could have another crisis.
Yesterday when her riend let she began to cry and screamed all evening.
- What riend? - I wasn't here, the nurse told me.
Her riend came and they shut themselves in her room.
I don't know what she's called.
When she let, Anna had a crisis.
Maybe she told her Emma was dead.
- Then, this morning, she jumped.
- I want to speak to the nurse.
Can I? O course.
Chiara, can you come here a moment? Yes, Doctor.
The inspector wants to ask you about the woman who visited Anna yesterday.
- Do you remember her name? - She didn't say.
I was surprised, but Anna knew her and I let them alone.
- Could you describe her? - She had short hair beautiul light-coloured eyes.
Apart rom that, she was normal.
She was tall and dressed well.
Please, wake up! Your life is a torment! Remember rule number ive.
I won't say anything.
I swear I won't say anything about Isabella, I swear There he is.
- What time is it? - Quarter past two.
That's why I'm hungry.
I'd do anything to help ind whoever killed her.
I knew her as a girl.
She came here with her ather.
So do it.
I can't do what you're asking.
Proessional conidentiality.
- We're like priests.
Clients trust us.
- You're not a priest.
But you are not a priest.
I'm a police inspector investigating a murder Alright, Inspector.
You can't eat like that.
When you diet, stop, or it's no use.
You'd have to do 15km a day to work that off.
I'm already on a diet.
Here, look.
It's a meal with the rector ater a convention.
Which one is he? The one with the glasses, Proessor Lucchesi.
He's a philosopher, a writer.
- He's been on TV as an expert.
- Yes, I've heard o him.
Miss Emma came here with him two evenings a week.
They were secret meetings and I've never told anyone about them.
I it helps, I can tell you the last time they were here, they argued.
It helps - Good.
The spelt is good.
- Thank you.
Enjoy your meal.
Thank you.
Are you sure? Yes.
I asked or an appointment and he seemed to be expecting the call.
- Want? - Is it whisky? - Yes.
- Thanks.
Lucchesi is very well known in town.
He's one o our major intellectuals.
He wrote a book on idelity as a undamental value.
In act, it's strange he had an affair with Emma.
What do you mean? Emma was attractive, sexy.
I think she was good with men.
I don't think writers believe everything they write.
Lucchesi is a philosopher.
Philosophers don't have sex? - I spent the night chatting with Manuela.
- So she replied to you? - She didn't disappear.
- I don't know any more what to do.
- You really haven't understood women.
- First she was angry.
Now she wants to know when she can come.
What did you tell her? I've got the investigation and can't see her.
We might end up being busy that day.
Say you're working and you'll call her when you're inished.
I told her that.
- Did she get angry? - No.
See, it's impossible to understand women.
Where's the meeting? He didn't want to meet at his office, so here.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Sorry or the trip to the gardens.
It doesn't matter.
A bit o air is good or you, clears the cobwebs.
- I made a mistake, Inspector.
- I'm glad you admit it.
I should have come to you earlier.
- Why didn't you? - I was araid.
- It seemed you'd have thought - Sure You let the cinema and one hour later Emma gets killed.
- You're not in a good position.
- I was right to be araid and I'm even more araid now.
Why were you and Emma arguing? The usual stuff.
I wanted to have supper at home and she didn't.
She said she wanted to leave me, but I was mad or her.
Then my amily matters to me, the success I've had with my books Inspector, I didn't kill her.
I'm a coward, but not a killer.
Give me a reason to believe you.
Maybe you'll think I'm saying it to clear mysel, but I swear it's true.
Emma was scared.
She'd come back rom Rome a month beore, she was scared.
Why did she go to Rome? I didn't ask her because I didn't want her questioning me.
Tell me something she said, something to explain her ear.
Once she asked me i I thought murder become statute-barred.
- Maybe she'd discovered something.
- It's possible.
Maybe she didn't tell me because it was about the past or a lover and I was very jealous.
- Really? How much? - Not as much as you think.
You have to tell me what you did ater you let the cinema.
I went home.
I hugged my wie, we made love and I told her I loved her.
I'd decided to stop running ater Emma like a little boy.
You realise I'll have to speak to your wie? Inspector, do you like my house? Doctor, what's happening? Have you let the clinic? No, I'm on holiday.
And my wie died, the only person I loved.
- You won't solve your problems drinking.
- Nor in any other way.
That's not true, you could help me.
To ind the killer? I think about it day and night.
No one comes to mind.
You maybe know better than anyone your wie's lovers.
I have the complete list.
Could someone on the list be involved in a murder or have died? None o them are dead, unortunately.
How come you have a list o your wie's lovers? You had her ollowed by a private investigator? Always.
Yes, I dealt with the lady or two years.
When my client couldn't pay any more, I stopped.
But I never came across anything useul or the investigation, otherwise I'd have come to you.
I saw the photos.
They're good.
Well done.
I do the best I can.
I was in the army beore and I did photographic surveys.
Shame you weren't on the Recanati case recently.
It would have been a big help.
Sure, it's a shame.
We're trying to ind out about a journey she made.
- Where? - To Rome.
But it was a month ago and you were off the case.
She went to Rome when I was tailing her as well.
Where did she go? She went to meet a girlriend and I ollowed her.
Her husband believed she had a lover, instead she was going to meet an old school riend.
Wait a moment.
It's all here.
There you are.
This girlriend is Laura Avalli.
She lives in Via Giulia 1 and Mrs Recanati's trips were on the 2nd December and the 20th January last year.
Watch where you're going - Sure, but The traffic - Watch where you're going - That must be number one.
- This is the house? Yes.
Who is it? It's Inspector Soneri.
Good morning.
- I'd like to speak with Laura Avalli.
- Yes, that's my mother.
She died three weeks ago.
I'm sorry or bothering you.
No, it's no problem.
My ather is in the study.
Since my mother died, he hasn't gone to work.
Paola, what is it? - It's the police.
- You've come at last Sorry or bothering you, but I didn't know your wie was dead.
- So you haven't come to investigate it? - Investigate what? They say my wie committed suicide, but it isn't true.
How did she die? She threw hersel rom the Ponte Mollo.
They declared it was suicide? Yes, but Laura would never have done that.
Recently she hadn't been sleeping, she had religious obsessions.
She was the sweetest woman in the world, she wouldn't have let us.
I she didn't jump, someone pushed her.
That's what I think.
Do you have any idea who it might have been? Unortunately I don't know.
Laura didn't have enemies, everyone loved her.
Only a lunatic could have hated her.
You don't need to hate to kill someone.
Do you know Emma Recanati? Yes, she's a riend o my wie.
They went to school together.
Paola, get the class photo.
Emma had the same suspicions as me when she heard about her death.
Emma Recanati was murdered.
Look, this is their class photo.
This is my mother, and next to her is Emma.
- Inspector.
- I'm looking or Anna Pasini.
This isn't visiting time.
And the doctor's not in.
- I need to speak to her.
- I'll take you.
Hello, Anna.
Anna, I want to speak to you a bit.
I you want, don't answer.
I want to talk to you about school.
Do you remember? Do you remember when you went to school? Look, I've brought a photo.
There's Laura.
You remember Laura Avalli? She was in your class.
Then there's Emma.
Isabella's there as well.
Which one was she? - Sir, I took your advice.
- What advice? - About the wine bar.
- I don't remember.
What did I tell you? You told me to take Manuela to a wine bar.
You're meeting? Good.
Yes, in hal an hour.
- You don't seem happy.
What is it? - I'm araid I won't like her now.
Don't listen to everything I say, I can make mistakes.
- OK.
- I'm exhausted.
- Yes? - Hi, it's me.
- Hello - Can we meet? - Where? - Come to mine.
We'll eat and be together.
I've got things to do.
I'm with Virginia.
OK I you've things to do, stay with her Bye One less problem.
You're sure you don't want to go to him? - Yes.
- Not even later? Not even later.
- Here I am - OK, then, I'll continue.
- Well? - A strange combination.
- Why? - The cards o the past indicate parting.
You've overcome the pain you elt when your ather let.
Yes, it might be.
The cards o the present aren't clear.
One card has a double meaning, it depends on outside inluences.
What does that mean? Love can be deceitful, you can never be sure o anything.
Are you talking about Soneri? That's enough.
I'm tired.
Virginia, what did you see? Nothing important.
- I didn't see anything important.
- I beg you, tell me.
Something is going to happen.
Good morning.
Inspector, your assistant explained everything.
I'll show you the way.
I've been here our years and I didn't know Emma.
We prayed a lot or her.
They all liked her here.
Sister Matilde is waiting or you, she was Emma's Italian teacher.
She'll be able to tell you what you need to know.
Thank you.
- Please.
O course.
- May I? - Excuse me.
- Thank you.
- Praise be to Jesus Christ - For ever and ever.
Inspector Soneri.
Sister Matilde, I'll leave you with our visitors.
Girls, break is over.
I don't want to take a lot o your time.
You remember this class? Yes Sit down, please.
Look at them, all there There's Sister Lucia as well, rest in peace.
Sister Luciana was taken rom us last year by pneumonia.
I'm sorry.
Tell me about the class, about Emma.
It was a good class, all good girls.
Emma was beautiul Poor thing.
- There was also a Laura Avalli.
- O course.
That's her.
Did you know she's dead? Mother o God Then there was another one called Anna Pasini.
Yes, yes, I remember Anna well.
They were a little group o riends.
Anna went mad.
She's in an institution.
It's strange.
They were three riends.
Two are dead and one's in a mental hospital or ever, perhaps.
It's strange because Isabella died that year too.
Mother o God It's like the devil's work with all these deaths - Isabella was the name Anna said.
- There she is, look.
She was the happiest o them all and she met a terrible end.
She drowned in the river.
That day they'd gone swimming.
They went in secret because we hadn't allowed them to go.
Isabella moved away rom them, but she wasn't a good swimmer and the current took her away.
Her riends came back terribly upset, shocked They elt guilty, poor things.
Was there anyone else at the river? Let me think.
The usual riends.
There was Emma, Laura and I think Anna as well.
No one else? No there was also the other girl.
Who? Her, Antonio's daughter.
She lorded it over all o them.
She ruled with a rod o iron.
She convinced them all to go swimming.
What was she called? Just a moment.
Virginia? That's it, Virginia Well done.
Has something happened to her as well? Virginia, should I bring my trainers? I can't hear you, I'm in the shower.
I'll tell you later.
- Yes? - You're leaving? - Yes, soon.
- Where's Virginia? Showering.
- Angela, leave the house immediately.
- Why? Do as I say.
That woman's dangerous.
She killed Emma.
Virginia's a killer? I beg you, go I'm on my way right now.
I beg you! - Put it down.
- Angela? Angela? Angela? The inspector will be worried.
- She hung up.
- She'll have run.
Call headquarters.
Get all the units out.
Why did you kill Emma? It cost me so much to get where I am now and I didn't want to lose it all.
This way you've lost it anyway.
I might still have a chance.
Come on.
You check below.
They're not there.
They've taken the car, the keys are gone.
I'll tell the traffic cops.
Follow the river.
They'll have blocked the main roads and motorway.
Where's the mobile? Look in the back.
- Where? - Beneath the seat.
There it is.
It was underneath.
- There it is.
- It's Angela.
What is it? - Are you with Virginia? - You want the earpiece? I'll use the speaker.
- What are you looking at? - It all began there.
On the river.
It was hot that day, unbearably hot.
What happened that day? Isabella wanted to leave the group.
There were ive o us and we had made a pact.
The group is the group.
It's sacred.
We swore with blood, and we had our secret rites like powdering laurel leaves and then burning them.
We thought it worked or class tests, or boys.
We were in college and i the nuns discovered our rites they'd have expelled me.
I was the leader.
I was the only one who wasn't rom a good amily.
My ather was the nuns' warden.
He was killing himsel just to get by.
Isabella wanted to leave the group and I had no choice.
She'd have told Sister Matilde, I'd have lost my chance o studying.
I wanted to become rich like the athers o those our incompetents.
So Isabella had to die.
No It's a terrible thing.
Go aster, go on.
- There's a fork there, which way? - Go left.
- Towards Mirabello or Santa Bianca? - Mirabello, the iron bridge.
Mirabello, the iron bridge.
Hurry! Cornelio's car is going towards Mirabello.
Alert the patrols.
Mirabello at the iron bridge.
- What are you doing? - Short cut.
Organise a road block.
Yes, sir.
Then what happened? Emma wanted to talk? We were to orget it and live without ever meeting again, but they weren't able.
Anna was weak and not very dangerous.
Emma punished hersel with men.
- You said you were ive.
- There was Laura who'd orgotten.
She's even got married, but one day it came back to haunt her.
She had a mystic revelation.
She wanted to make me coness or she'd go to the police.
- What did you do? - I had to get rid o her then I got rid o Emma too.
She was seeing Laura and I didn't know.
That's why Emma was suspicious o me.
- We're here.
The road's blocked.
- We're coming the other way.
You were at the beauty arm that day.
I went away or two hours.
Take that road.
- It goes to the airport.
- I'm sorry, Virginia.
- I'm sorry or it all.
- Me too.
They'll stop you at the airport.
Not i they want to see you alive again There they are Turn back Virginia, it's pointless.
Go, go Virginia, it's over It's over Get out o the car.
Virginia, stop Let Angela go Throw the gun down.
Take me instead o her.
You know something? After the group you're the only riend I had - I like you as well.
Please, give up.
- Take me Don't come any nearer We can say you're sick.
You can still do it.
No, I'm a much better lawyer than you and I know I'll end up in a criminal asylum.
That wasn't my dream.
Virginia, throw away the gun.
I beg you, listen to him.
I beg you Stop No No - Are you ready? - Yes.
You don't want to go to another beauty arm? - No.
- It's a pity.
My osteoarthritis in the neck was getting better.
You'll survive.
There's a really luxurious one near Padua.
Exactly It's better to be a long way away rom your work.
3,000 km is a lot.
Welcome aboard.
Please put your hand baggage beneath your seats.
Switch off mobile phones and portable computers.
- I haven't been home in ten years.
- Did you tell your mother? No.
I want to surprise her.
It's another climate there.
16 below zero, reezing It's a dry cold, you get used to it immediately.
You'll like it a lot.
Sure How long are we to be stuck in here? Welcome aboard this Boeing 747.
Please fasten your seatbelts and switch off your mobile phones.
- Is yours off.
- Yes.
Switch it off.
It's luvara.
He'll be wishing me a good trip.
What? Sir, there's been a murder.
- Sir, switch off your phone.
- I'm a policeman.
It makes no difference.
OK, I'll see what I can do.
Switch it off.
- OK, I've disconnected the battery.
- Thanks.
Someone's just been killed.
You know how I eel? I'd like - What? - No, I'm really happy to be here because I need a holiday.
Happy New Year 2015 - New Year, New Color ;-)
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