Freedom Fighters: The Ray (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode Four

RAY: And when other me died his body blew up into like a thousand beams of light which went right into me.
I think I'm okay though.
Oh, come on, John.
The longer it takes you to say something, the crazier I think I am.
I don't think you're crazy.
I think you're a really good liar.
I mean you said other me with such a straight face.
Like I almost believed you.
It really happened.
Where do you think I got this? The flea market? You know my grandma has a paperweight just like that.
Exactly like that.
(HUMMING) (YELLS OUT) Okay, maybe not exactly like that.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What's going on, Ray? How should I know? It's your weirdo people way from crazy town.
This is exactly what you should know.
If subsystems are functioning properly, this is Earth 1.
Actually, I think there's only one Earth, dude.
What are you talking to? There are thousands of different realities in a multiverse.
I am an artificial life form from a world designated Earth X.
Earth X's history deviates from yours in that the Axis powers won World War II.
Holy crap.
Seriously? I am one of a group of freedom fighters who opposed the Axis forces.
RAY: That's other me! And that guy looks like you.
Oh thank God I'm not a Nazi.
(CHUCKLES) I look good though.
I look good.
My neuro-cortex contains information vital to the resistance including the location of our base of operations.
No doubt the New Reichsmen are searching for it at this precise moment which is why it must be destroyed.
Won't that like kill you? My reserve power is already being depleted.
I have not much time left.
Destroy the cortex, save the world.
Goodbye, Ray.
Seriously? How are we supposed to destroy this thing anyway? Like run it over with a car? I don't have a car.
And even if I did Technology from another earth? (CHUCKLING) This is way too cool to destroy.
But dude, the hologram said maybe we shouldn't Exactly.
A talking hologram? That asked you to save the world.
I'll destroy it.
Stop looking at me like that.
Seriously, why are you looking at me like that? What's going on? I was gonna ask you the same question.
When other you blew up, he could've transfered some photo kinetic energy to you.
What? I minored in Physics in college.
Don't look at me like that.
Like radiation? Well, sort of.
But instead of giving you cancer, it made you one of those meta thingies.
A super hero.
What? Are you crazy? I'm not a super hero.
You're floating in my apartment wearing a costume.
Speaking of do you know how to get down or are you just going to stay up there or what? Let's see.
(SWISHING) (GROANING) You could probably use some practice.
(RAY GROANS) You never liked that chair, did you? Not really.
(SWISHING) (GROANS) But I did love that TV.
What are you doing? I'll get you a new one.
Uh When I have a job.
Well, you know, next time break a lamp.
Okay? I don't think I'll need any more of those while you're around anyway.
- Like you've gotta take it easy.
- Cute.
Look, if you wanna test your powers can I recommend somewhere like not my apartment? Good idea.
You know, if Michael could see me now with these powers, he'd be so jazzed.
Jazzed? What about the cortex? Aren't you worried about those Super Nazis? I'll get to it.
They're in a whole other dimension or whatever.
I think we got some time.
We're still searching for Phantom Lady, Black Condor and Vibe.
What about The Ray? No sign of him.
But Vibe opened a breach for him just before he escaped.
And we think he took something with him.
Red Tornado's neuro-cortex.
That'll contain all his memories.
Including the location of the Freedom Fighters' base of operations.
Ready our forces.
Tell them to prepare a final strike.
Once we find the base, we can eliminate the last of the resistance forces.

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