Friday Night Lights s01e04 Episode Script

Who's Your Daddy

MATT: Grandma's going through one of her good spells right now, so that's good.
Yeah, but I keep hearing that, like, they're trying to bring in this Katrina refugee.
This quarterback from New Orleans.
We got ourselves a quarterback, coach.
Welcome aboard, son.
If I get in that car right now, I'm never coming back.
Do you understand? I get it.
JASON: My legs are never going to get better.
Football, over.
You and me, we're not getting married.
Don't say that, Jason.
Lyla, get out! LYLA: What is wrong with you? Jason is in the hospital and you won't even go to see him.
Why don't you go and see him? (SOBBING) He's never going to walk again.
God help me.
Hey, Julie.
Finally came to one of our parties.
And if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see if vomit comes out of suede.
Hey, good luck.
Tim Riggins has been gawking at us all night.
I don't think he's I don't think he's been I always suspected he was into me.
Word on the street is he totally dumped Tyra.
GIRL: Voodoo! Are you cool with that guy? What? He won state last year in Louisiana, broke like five school records.
You're history, Saracen.
But you and your girlfriend have a nice night.
He's a nice guy.
Yeah, he is the best.
(MUSIC STOPS) (DIFFERENT SONG PLAYING) Hey, who changed my tunes? Hey, doo doo, what the hell you think you're doing, man? Seriously, son, you got to climb some trees, brother.
Touch something.
You ever touch me again, I'll break your fingers.
(SNICKERS) BOY: All right, let's go! (BOYS CLAMORING) BOY 2: Tigers rule! RODELL ON TV.
' Now, everybody knows that the Dillon Panthers and the Arnett Mead Tigers have been rivals for a long time.
So we are looking forward to another great football game.
And to make it even more interesting, we've got a little wager going here.
Winner takes all, isn't that right, Mayor? All being Sally here.
Now Sally is mine, my prize heifer.
Honey, when are you going to be able to get home on Friday? What time? Friday, we've got a scrimmage.
So I don't know.
It'll end when it ends.
(CLATTERS) I'll be in the car.
What? What did I do now? Honey, Friday is her dance recital.
You know that.
All right, I know.
And you know they plan those things on biweeks just so maybe somebody will show up.
I understand that.
I just messed up the dates a bit.
All right, I love you.
Tell Julie I'll tell her.
I don't want her to be mad at me.
PHIL: One, two, three.
There you go.
Hey, when you're done putting the newbie in that gay wheelchair, let me know.
You are talking to a gay man, Herc.
I don't mean gay as in homosexual.
I mean gay as in retarded.
Maybe I have a retarded son.
Is he gay? I'm joking.
Though there can be a genetic component to homosexuality.
Watch the Discovery Channel, Phil.
When you're done, the bench press on the second floor gym is busted again.
I need a walkie to help me fix it.
Welcome to paradise, kid.
What the hell was that? Your roommate.
(CHUCKLES) Rivalry.
Hey, Grandma.
I'm going to school to talk to Dad.
Any messages you want me to give him? Thank you, honey.
Oh, is he coming over for dinner tonight? I'll ask him.
Be sure he's taking his vitamins.
I will.
You be sure to take your pills, okay? I love you.
You, too.
Have a good day.
All right, sweetie.
' Hey, hey, boy, how are you doing? I'm doing good.
I'm doing good.
How are you doing? Well, I'm hanging in here, man.
It's pretty hot.
So did you get to play this week? I did.
I started.
Very good.
Yeah, it was my first start.
We didn't win, but Oh, that's all right.
You got to start, though.
I threw pretty well.
I hit my receivers pretty well.
So what about next week? Are you gonna start again? Well, I don't We'll have to see 'cause we got this new quarterback.
He's supposedly like this big star from Louisiana.
Is that right? Yeah, but we'll just have to wait and see what coach decides, you know.
Well, this takes the pressure off, don't it? Yeah.
I guess.
PHIL: Jason, try and take a bite of food, okay? I'm really not hungry.
It's all right.
I just want you to try to use your hands.
I can't use my hands, all right? Yeah, Jason, you can.
You know, you're going to get the use of your hands back.
Not everybody around here can say that, so you're going to have to work at it.
You're going to have to try.
I'm just I'm really feeling tired right now and I'd like to lay down.
Jason, I know you're tired.
But if you work at it, you're gonna get to be able to do almost everything that you were able to do before your accident.
Look, I'm not hungry and I'm tired and I'd just like to lay down.
He said he's tired.
Why don't you let him rest? LYLA: Hey, babe.
Listen, I know you'll do it when you're ready, Jason, but you do have to eat.
All right? Let me help you.
Come on.
Come on, babe.
There you go.
Hey, all! This is Corey.
Ah, a girlfriend.
That's all right.
You can shake it.
It won't bite.
It's nice to meet you.
LYLA: Nice to meet you, too.
JASON: Herc, you want to get out of my food? Excuse me.
Don't worry.
He ain't gonna be eating any of it soon.
Yo, Corey, we're out of here.
Later on, Sparky.
I've got to get out of this room.
INSTRUCTOR: One, two, three, four.
Out, hit.
Good job, y'all.
TAYLOR: Let's go.
Bring it in.
Get in here.
Come on, let's hustle up now.
I have to tell you all something.
I'm pissed at these boys from Arnett Mead.
I know you're pissed, too, but let's get one thing straight right now.
This ends here.
There's not going to be any retaliation.
There's going to be no getting back.
Rivalry week ends now.
Tell you what we are going to do, we're going to take this energy that we have and we're going to take this anger that we have and we are going to use it to kick their ass where it counts, on the field.
Is that understood? ALL: Yes, sir.
Who are we? ALL: Dillon Panthers! Who are we? ALL: Dillon Panthers! Let's have a good practice now.
Hey, where's Voodoo? I don't know, Saracen.
He's probably jerking around in front of a full length mirror right now.
PANTHERS: Yeah! McGILL: Come on, boys, get your heads in the game! Set! McGILL: Watch him coming in.
Bring it in.
Practice starts at 4:00.
I want you here at 4:00, you hear me? Hey, you hear what I say? TIM: I hate him.
Hate him.
PANTHERS: Yeah! Set! Red eight, red eight to hut! BUDDY: That's pretty good.
McGILL: Good play! Hustle back.
Good get, coach.
He's doing something with that chance you gave him, isn't he? I love this boy.
I've got my voodoo working.
I've got my voodoo working.
(BUDDY CHUCKLING) Ray, what were you thinking all those days when you were trapped inside the Superdome, not knowing if you were going to live or die? God wasn't going to let me die.
He told me to war up, dance with fear.
Now you see, I knew that the heavens had opened up when this young man landed here in Dillon after his family had been through that devastation with Hurricane Katrina.
I mean I just thought to myself, this just might be our new starting quarterback.
Now are you saying that Coach Taylor's given the nod to Voodoo to start next Friday against the Tigers? Oh, no, no, no.
That's not my department.
You'll have to talk to Coach Taylor about that.
What are you pounding around about? Nothing.
It's just this guy.
Voodoo? Well.
Don't let Voodoo get into your mind, babe.
I just got a bad feeling about this Well, you should play Matt Saracen.
I wish I could play Matt Saracen.
I can't play Matt Saracen.
TAMl: Why don't you just play him? 'Cause Matt Saracen is self-destructing.
My feeling is he's letting his cat run all over him.
Are we having some kind of party? TAYLOR: Hey, monkey noodle, come here.
How are you doing? What did you say, sweetie? Some football party? 'Cause Louise told me about this party and she's definitely the last person in the entire state of Texas to find out about anything.
That sounds just like a vicious rumor to me.
I mean I can't imagine we'd be having any kind of football party.
I mean, 'cause if we were having some kind of a football party, that would involve food and drink, a lot of advanced notice.
It's a weekend rivalry.
I didn't know anything about it.
It's tradition that everyone comes over to the coach's house and parties.
When? When is this? When? A couple days.
You mean, like Thursday? A couple days? All right, for how many people, sweetie? Just the team.
Just the team.
I mean, it'll be the team and then probably be a few others here.
There's going to be boosters probably.
How many people? I'll help.
It'll be fine.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
MATT: Grandma? Hmm? Did you forget to take your pills yesterday? No, I took them.
Well, then, how come they're sitting right here where I left them? 'Cause you're mistaken.
I took them just like I always do.
You might have made a mistake.
Well, how about Would you mind maybe today taking them while I'm standing here? Matthew, give me those pills.
Give me that juice.
Don't take your eyes off my face.
Now watch.
Now you go to school.
Yes Hey, hey, I saw that game tape of yours again, and I know what your problem is.
It's your feet.
Oh, yeah? What's wrong with my feet? They're slow.
They're slow.
Slow as molasses.
You need to move them faster.
All right.
Let me see you.
SARACEN LAUGHING) I'll work on that.
Hey, we need to talk.
(SIGHS) I've been having these feelings, like flood of feelings.
Me, too.
For Jason, Tim.
What happened with us came from all these feelings about Jason and what he's going through.
I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but do you understand? Yeah.
What I'm saying is, I don't feel anything for you, okay? That wasn't even me that night.
That was I don't even know who that was, but it will never happen again.
No one can ever know about it and it meant nothing.
Do you understand me, Tim? Yeah.
I hate myself for the other night.
I just hope I don't go straight to hell.
I really do.
(WHISTLE BLOWING) TAYLOR: Heads up! McGILL: Get off the line now! Let's go linemen! COACH: Watch him coming in! McGILL: Get off the ball now! COACH: Get your heads in the game, boy! Get your heads in the game! McGILL: Saracen, focus! Get your head in the game! Hut! McGILL: For God's sakes, Matt! (GRUNTS) Get on the ball! (WHISTLES BLOWING) (COUGHS) Show me your right hand.
Show me your left hand.
Well, that's a relief.
He knows his right from his left.
Flush with your right, wipe with your left.
Listen to me, between the ears, son.
Mental errors are unacceptable.
You got that? Play smart.
Mom says you're supposed to give me a head count for the party.
I don't have that.
Hey, Reyes, get your head out of your ass while you're at it! Nice, Dad.
That's really elegant.
Head count? Hut! McGILL: There you go! There you go! You almost look like you know what you're doing.
Is that more like 50 or more like 100? Sixty.
Say sixty.
All right.
All right? I love you, Daddy.
I love you, too, babe.
You have a good day.
Hey, hey, sixty-ish.
TAYLOR: Yeah, sixty-ish.
(SHOUTING) Son, you're a mess out there.
Yes, sir.
You need to get more focus, son.
Yes, sir.
I know what's distracting you.
You do? Yes, I do.
And I'm going to tell you something.
You forget about Voodoo, you understand me? This is within your reach.
But not if you don't attack the opportunity.
I mean attack the opportunity, everyday, every practice.
You got a girlfriend? No, no, sir.
Do you have someone you're interested in? Sort of.
Kind of.
Sort of.
Forget about sort of.
You know what, take her out.
You understand me? Yes, sir.
Movies, dinner, get her in the back seat of your car.
I don't care.
But I'm telling you, you need to get loose out there.
You're wound up tighter than a rubber band, son.
Yes, sir.
So tomorrow, you come to practice loose and focused.
Loose and focused.
Yes, sir.
Get out of here.
Yeah, yes, sir.
Thanks, coach.
You're welcome.
Grandma? Grandma? Grandma? Hey, Mrs.
Johnson, I'm really sorry to bother you.
Have you seen my grandmother? No.
Matt, is everything okay? Yeah.
I'm sure everything's fine.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry I woke you.
Let me know.
I will.
How many do you want? Like seven? I don't know.
I think I've got enough, sweetie, of the ribs.
All right, let's go.
Come on.
Hey, how are you? Hi, Mrs.
Got a big pile for you here today.
Oh, honey, did we get onions? I don't know.
That was on your part of the list.
Well, I can't remember if I got them.
Can you see them? Are they over there? Just will you please I'm just going to go get some more.
Will you please? Thank you.
I appreciate that.
You're welcome.
Put the gum in there, too.
Now, if it's all right with you, I'm just going to leave those cans of Hey.
Looks like rivalry week team dinner at the coach's house.
That's right.
Anything I can bring? Oh, no I think I've got it under control.
Thank you, sweetie.
Well, we'll see you there.
Oh, are you all coming? Are the parents coming? We wouldn't miss it.
Wouldn't miss it.
Oh, great.
Go Panthers.
Have a great Okay.
Okay, see you then.
MATT: What? What happened? What happened? Where? What? Matt Saracen? Yeah.
Looks like she wandered into a neighbor's house around the block.
They came home and found her taking a bath.
Is she all right? She's fine.
She's fine.
Grandma, you all right? She's all right.
She's okay.
Grandma, are you all right? (SOBBING) Matt.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Let's go in.
Don't let anybody see me.
You're home now.
You're home.
It's okay.
MATT: Well, they said it's dementia.
' But she's okay now? Yeah, I guess.
Look, son, you're just going to have to hold down the fort.
I've got my hands full here, man.
Well, I'm fine.
She's She's fine.
She's just Grandma, you know? Well, I shouldn't be around here too much longer.
Anyway, I just re-injured myself.
Here for a little tune-up.
Another couple weeks I should be getting out of here.
You, you're here for quite some time.
I hope you get better real soon.
Lord have mercy, where have you been all my life? Hey.
Look, I know we were never close buddies.
And I can only imagine the load of fake crap that you've had to put up with from people you hardly even know.
And I am so not doing that.
I just I came by to tell you how sorry I am that Tim hasn't been in to see you.
He wants to.
Of course, although, he won't admit it.
But he can't, he just can't do it.
And why is that? He's scared.
Oh, he's scared? Well, that's temporary.
Sure is.
Well Well Thanks for coming.
You tell Tim whenever he's ready, he can come on by.
Jason, I'm really sorry.
No, I mean, something like this shouldn't happen to a good person like you.
(KISSES) Thank you.
Who in the hell was that? That was Tyra.
(CHUCKLING) McGILL: Come on line! Get off the ball! Get some protection.
PANTHERS: Yeah! VOODOO: Blue 35! Blue 35! Hut! (GRUNTING) (WHISTLE BLOWING) McGILL: There it is.
Good play.
Huddle up! Come on! Let's go! Huddle up! COACH: Get it up! Get it up! Let's go! (DOORBELL RINGING) Let's go.
Hey, y'all! Hey, Tami! Good to see you.
TAMl: Come on in.
Hey, how are you? Oh.
Hey! Hi, girls.
GRANGER: It is so good to see you again.
TAMl: You, too.
Great to see you.
Honey, go to the market.
(DOORBELL RINGING) Buy all the steaks.
Buy all the ribs.
Buy all the barbeque sauce.
Buy it all.
Sweetie, go now.
Honey, go now.
(CHATTERING) Honey, can you please help me put some ice in this cooler? Yeah, just a second.
Honey, where's the ice? The ice? TAMl: Ice.
The ice I was supposed to pick up.
The ice you forgot to get.
Get my wallet.
I know.
I know.
Buy the ice.
TAMl: Thank you.
TAYLOR: I'm sorry, honey.
I'm sorry.
You know what, I got to go smoke some more meat.
I got cranberry juice and caramel apples.
TAMl: Oh, good! Fantastic.
Excuse me.
Hey, Julie.
How's it going? Hey, it's great.
Going really great.
This Tatum kid can bust the season wide open for us.
Because he's got great vision, he's got great feet.
He runs like a running back.
And he can throw the football.
Well, has coach decided who's going to start next week? I don't know.
There he is, right there.
We'll just ask the man.
Who are you going to start next week? (CHUCKLES) Who am I going to start? Yeah.
Tell you what, gentlemen, I'm thinking about revolutionizing the whole offense.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid of the quarterback and I'm going to have four running backs do a hell of a lot of reverses.
That's what I'm going to do.
(CHUCKLES) What are you doing down there? I'm cleaning up some beer.
When you get done, would you help me try to host up here? No, actually, I think I'm going to stay down here for a little while.
I know, that man's got a fine jaw line.
To these jaws.
SMASH: Hey, listen, I got the address in Arnett Mead.
The QB's car is a red '02 Mustang.
We going tonight.
Where did you get it? I got my ways.
Well, I'm sorry you're upset.
Well, yeah, I'm upset.
Well, you know what, I should have given you more notice, all right? But I was a little bit busy.
I know, I know.
Your job is really stressful.
Look, Tami You know what, honey? I'm doing it, all right? I threw the party for over 100 people in two days time.
I did it with no help.
And I'm cleaning up after your football stars, who by the way, happen to be pigs.
I'm doing it.
But I'm not going to pretend to like it.
Not right now.
Not down here.
When I go back up there, I'll give you a big smile, all right, just like I know you need.
But down here, I am pissed.
And I am going to stay down here until I can get back up there and give you your smile, all right? When you're done down here, it would be really great if you could come up and help me host.
Hey, coach.
I know this is kind of not done, but I was wondering if maybe, off the record, you could maybe tell me who you're thinking about on the game on Friday.
Who you're thinking about starting as quarterback? Seriously, you know who I'm gonna start? I'm gonna start who I have to start.
If you want it to be you, you're gonna have to show me a lot more than what you've been showing me on the field this week, all right? Hey, you need to take a deep breath and calm down before you go out there and you say something that you're not gonna be able to take back.
Something like what it's really like to be the wife of the Panther's coach? Like sometimes I hate it.
Like right now.
I'll tell you something, this is my job.
This is what I do.
It's a job, that's all MAN: What the hell was that? (TIRES SCREECHING) Hey, QB baby, you coming? No, I don't think so.
Oh, come on.
Later, baby! Saracen, let's go.
You're coming.
SMASH: Come on.
Get in the car.
Let's go.
(SMASH WHOOPING) BULL: Last piece of the puzzle, gentlemen.
Let's go.
(WHOOPING) SMASH: Oh, that's it right there.
Come on.
Come on.
Now let's do this, baby.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's go, man.
(GRUNTS) (CAR ALARM BLARING) SMASH: Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Get in! (GRUNTING) SMASH: Saracen! Saracen! Come on! Saracen! Saracen! Now! Now! Dad! Get out here! Saracen! Come on! Saracen! Saracen! Go! TIM: Get in! Get in the car! Go! Go! Go! TAMl: Your scores are just fine.
You've done a great job.
GIRL: Thank you.
Hopefully, I won't be seeing you again soon.
I'll see you in the halls.
TAMl: All right.
Hey, I'm next.
What are you doing here? TAYLOR: It's very uncomfortable sitting out there.
I'm sorry that you're mad at me.
I don't I'm sorry I'm not sure that that counts as an apology.
"I'm sorry that you're mad at me.
" I'm not sure that that's actually, officially You see what I'm saying? All right, come on, now, listen, you know what I got going on out there.
I know.
I've got a very stressful job.
But, you know, everybody's got a stressful job.
All right, yeah, but Oh, you don't think I have a stressful job? No, no, I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying I don't think Look, I just came to apologize for the party.
You know what I would love? I would love for you to try to talk to a bunch of confused young kids who are all hopped up on hormones and anxiety and stress.
Not just, you know, bark at them or tell them where they need to carry the ball for the next 30 seconds.
But just to really sit down and talk to them.
No, I mean seriously.
You sit down and you do that and then you get back to me.
Watch out.
She's a little pissed off this afternoon.
Where's the dutiful little girlfriend? You don't know anything about my girlfriend, and you don't know anything about my life.
So how about we just leave it alone and you stay out of my face, okay? Actually I know everything about your life.
Let me write down the next two years for you.
You see, you're still in the golden "everyone rallies around you" phase.
Yeah, they'll start to get bored with that in about six weeks and then all the letters and cards and visits and prayers will die down dramatically.
All right, just shut up.
In another three months after that, the girlfriend is going to tell you all about how you're different people now and how you need to find out who you are apart.
That'll be the end of her ass.
Then maybe about two months after that, the lawsuit will be in full swing and you will lose people Herc.
who mean the world to you Herc! Don't.
so you can pay for fun things like colostomy bags.
JASON: Get out of my face.
Then about maybe three, maybe four months after that Herc, get out of my face.
your parents will announce Shut up.
that the stress of all this Shut up! has driven such a wedge between them Herc! Herc! I'm warning you.
that they've decided to go ahead and Herc! Will you shut the hell up? Good.
I knew you had some fight in you.
(SIGHS) When I say there will be no retaliation, I want you to remember how you feel right now.
That's ten.
Now is there anybody that wants to tell me who went on this little raid last night? We could end this all right here and right now.
Anybody want to fess up? All right, let's run ten more.
Let's go! Whoo! It's hot.
Well, look who it is, Mr.
Alamo Freeze himself.
That is a real cute hat you have on there.
Who was with you? No one.
No one? There was no one else.
I had the bat and the crowbar.
I even drove the car that I jumped into.
Any of you all want a Swizzler? Get him! Get him! (GRUNTING) You were supposed to beat us on the field.
Hey, coach, can we go over some special team sets? That is going to have to wait.
I've got to get to my daughter's dance recital or Tami's going to have me neutered.
All right.
(PHONE RINGING) Coach Taylor.
' Coach, it's Saracen.
I'm at the hospital.
Thank you, sir.
I wouldn't get too excited.
You and I are going to a dance recital.
You want to tell me what happened? Some of the Tigers players wanted to know who trashed the QB's car.
And why would they think that you'd know about that? Because I was there.
Did you name names? No, sir.
With all due respect, sir, I still won't.
Look, I'm sorry I put you on the spot the other night asking about who you're going to start.
It just seems like the whole town wants you to make Tatum QB One.
It even feels like my dad expects that.
Let me tell you something.
Your dad's not able to see what I see.
You're a different kid than you were two weeks ago.
I am? You are.
You may have been happy sitting on the bench letting Jason take the pressure.
I don't know.
I don't need to know.
But I'll tell you what, I'm a firm believer in, "You can do anything you put your mind to.
" And yourself, you, I believe you can do anything you put your mind to.
Do you really believe that, sir? I do.
Thanks for coming to get me.
You're welcome.
(MUSIC PLAYING) Excuse me.
Could you scoot down please? Hey.
TAMl: Hey, Matt, how are you? What happened? You all right, Matt? Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Julie hasn't gone on yet.
All right? I was wrong.
Well, of course, you were wrong.
I mean, you gave me no advanced warning, you know.
And you just assumed No, not about that.
Listen, what I am saying is, I know how hard it is what you do.
I know it's not easy talking to those kids.
I know it's difficult.
And I know my job has put you through a hell of a lot.
I understand that.
I just want to make sure that you knew that I'm thankful for everything that you do, and I know you do a hell of a lot.
Thank you.
Friends? (CHUCKLING) Friends? Friends? Friends? Hey.
Oh, wow, what happened? Oh, yeah, I just got beat up a little bit.
Just a little.
But you were really That was I really liked it.
The music, too.
The music was really cool.
I don't know why, but for some reason it kind of reminded me of this painter that I really like.
Which painter would that be? This guy, Jackson Pollock.
I've heard of him before.
Really? You ever seen any of his stuff? Some of it, but I don't really see the connection.
You don't? Not really.
I guess it is kind of a stretch, huh? Maybe a little bit.
TAMl: What? What? What? What? I think I told that kid to get our daughter in the backseat of a car.
Mamma! Daddy! (WHOOPING) You were amazing.
Come here.
Come here.
Thank you, Mamma.
I can't believe it.
JULIE: Daddy.
Very much.
Very much.
Thanks for coming, Daddy.
Good job.
I love you.
Good job.
What are you doing here? Lyla.
My father is right downstairs.
I know.
Lyla, I can't.
I can't stop thinking about you, Lyla.
I can't.
' Now this is Slammin' Sammy Meade signing off on the worst kind of Friday in Dillon, Texas.
That's a Friday without a game.
Yeah, next Friday night, I don't need to tell you it's a biggie.
And I'm not the only one saying it could be the biggest game of the season.
The moment where this team either gets past the loss of Jason Street and moves forward or we watch the whole season crumble right before our eyes.
Now I got to believe we'll win because this town wants that win so bad.
And didn't Daddy tell us? Winning goes to the one who wants it most?
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