Girlfriends (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

1 Where are you going, Mum? I'm going to Corrine's flat to get our Ben back.
Don't be stupid, you'll make things worse.
No, I won't, I'm his grandmother, I've looked after him for two and a half years.
Once she gets something in her head.
I'd never have let her take him if she hadn't have said she was bringing him back! She can't just take him! I'm coming with you, then.
No, you can't, you're tagged and it's past your curfew, you'll end up back inside, only it'll be for good this time.
I'll ring my probation officer.
You can't go on your own.
Oh, I'll go with her.
No, Mum, you'll stay here and Tom will look after you.
I can look after meself! No, you can't, Mum! I'll see if Linda or Sue will come with me.
Linda? Sue? Oh, what the hell? Oh, shit! Oh, my God! Linda? Sue? Gail! Scream and she's dead, do you hear me? I know.
I'm not gonna do anything.
Down on the floor.
I don't think I can do that cos, I, I, I've got a bad knee On that chair then! What's going on? Well, instead of making out like I'm some crazy, deluded liar, she's writing down what really happened.
A confession.
So, come on, what happened next? I can't remember.
Oh, well maybe if I dig this in a bit harder it'll jog your memory.
Don't hurt her! Please! I do remember.
I went into the room, at the cabin, and, and, and I heard him talking on the phone to someone.
You've already put that.
And, and, erm, I think I called Micky, I can't remember, to ask him Yeah.
Write it down.
Write it down! And then what? And he dropped the phone and I heard you screaming, "What's happening, Micky?" on the other end.
Right, and that's when he told you he was leaving you, right? No.
Oh, yes, it was! Don't you lie to me.
He never said anything.
I picked up the balcony chair and I bashed him as hard as I could with it.
And, and the ship listed at the same time and he just, he lost his footing.
He fell overboard and I chucked his phone in the sea after him.
It all happened in a couple of seconds.
Write Write that down! And, and then will you leave? When I'm good and ready You murdered the man I loved! You never loved him.
He told me.
She did.
Shut your mouth! What do you know? Because we were all friends, we always knew that and Micky were meant for each other.
That's right.
That's right.
Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors.
He told me stuff about her, you would not believe.
Do you know, he could've had a proper music career? A manager wanted to take him on, but she wouldn't let him.
She said he had to stick with the printing.
That doesn't sound like Linda.
Oh, well, you would say that, wouldn't you? You're her mate.
They had two kids, somebody had to pay the bills.
We had loads in common.
He wasn't just my, my lover .
he, he, he was my best friend.
And he promised me He promised me, as soon as he got back from the cruise .
we were going to be together properly.
I was going to meet him at the port.
And he was gonna tell you that he didn't love you anymore and he was leaving you to be with me.
There, there you are.
There you go.
Yeah! You've got what you wanted.
No, I have not! I wanted Micky, didn't I? But I can't have him now, can I? Linda can't do anything about that.
I'm not gonna let her get away with it.
What do you want her to do? Shut your mouth, you! You haven't put that you chucked his phone in the sea.
Write it down! What's the matter with you? Write! She killed Florence, and she's in our house right now and she's gonna kill me mum.
Hang on slow down, Ruby, take a breath.
Who is it? We had a full-blown love affair.
Oh! There you go.
Now you've got the confession so why don't you take it to the police station? But it's not gonna bring my Micky back, is it? I, I don't know what you want from me.
All I want is for you to suffer like I'm suffering.
Micky was her husband for 30 years.
Of course she's suffering.
She didn't love him! How do you know? All right, all right.
Calm down.
So what are you gonna do, kill me? Get off her! Are you all right, Mum? One move and that's it! Do you hear me? Right back off! Back off! Right now! I mean it.
Right back against the wardrobe, go on! Back against the wall.
If you hurt her.
Yeah, what? What? What you gonna do? Don't you care that she killed your dad, she pushed him overboard into the sea.
I've got her confession here.
You wanna read it? I don't wanna read anything.
That'll be the police, they're coming for you.
So right now, you'll be charged with trespass and GBH.
And if you stick that knife in any further, it'll be murder.
Or at least attempted murder.
And a life imprisonment inside.
You don't want that, believe me, it's grim.
Put the knife down.
They'll be up here in a minute, and then what are you gonna do? You can show them the confession.
Police! Police! Up here officer! AH! No! Ah! Don't touch it, Mum! Are you Thomas Dreyton? Yeah, were the one's that rang you.
You've broken your curfew again.
You what? Wait, a minute.
You don't understand! Where do you think you're going? No, you don't! It's her you wanna be arresting! NO! Get off me! Get off me! Will someone explain what's going on? Me mum and her mates will vouch for me.
Get off me you bitch! AAAAH! No.
You're making a mistake.
You're making a mistake! It's her, she's a killer.
She's a killer.
It's not me! Oh, no, they're gonna lock me up again.
Argh! PLEASE! Right, let's get you back home and get that alarm reset.
You're not taking me back in, then? No.
'Extenuating circumstances'.
Oh, thanks, mate.
Don't thank me.
The copper in there who decided.
I suppose it saves a court hearing in the mornin'.
You wouldn't do us a favour? Me ex has taken me little lad.
Me mum wants to go get him back, but I'm frightened she'll start kicking off.
No, I can handle meself.
No, you can't, Mum.
I'll give you two hours, I'll be at your house waiting.
One minute over and you'll be back inside, do you hear? Cheers, mate.
You couldn't give us a lift up Beacon Hill flats, could you? I just kept making things up and writing it down.
I could hardly write, me hand was that shaky.
I don't know how she did it, she just kept really cool.
So this Carole has a history of obsessive behaviour? Oh, yeah.
She's been sectioned twice.
DI Donoghue knows all about her.
It's the inquest tomorrow, so I expect that's brought things to a head.
Gail and Tom have gone to get Ben back and we've buried Florence.
Oh, come here, my baby girl.
Right, well, I'll, erm I'll get off and I'll keep you posted.
Yeah, thanks.
Oh, if you could just let me know if she's locked up or roaming about.
Yeah, just, er, just keep your door bolted anyway.
Thanks, I will.
Poor Florence.
I know how to handle her.
It's no good shouting and bawling.
I'm not gonna shout and bawl.
I'll just tell her she's breaking the law.
I was awarded custody.
She has to apply to the court if she wants to keep him overnight.
That's all I'm gonna say.
This is it.
I don't want Ben getting upset.
He's not gonna be upset.
Will you stop worrying? Corrine! Open this door! I know you're in there! You can't keep him, you're breaking the law! Corrine! I don't think there's anybody in there.
Where else is she gonna go? She's probably off her head and Ben'll be locked in back bedroom.
Ben! Ben, can you hear me? Open, or I'll ring the police! Ben, can you hear me? What's all noise? Sorry, love, me son's in that flat and his mother's a junkie.
If you're talking about Corrine, then she went into labour, and her boyfriend took her St Cats.
Come on! What if he was having an affair with her? Oh! I knew you were thinking that.
She's stark raving bonkers, Linda.
I thought he loved me.
He did! How do you know? I just know.
Everybody knew you loved him and he loved you.
What if everybody's wrong? You'd have known if he was having an affair, believe me.
He'd have acted differently.
Made excuses to go out on a night, go on trips on his own.
Come home smelling of perfume.
You'd have got phone calls and when you pick up the phone, nobody answers.
I've been the other woman, trust me, they want you to know.
God! It's her again.
Gail! Tom! Tom! Are they there? It's Edna.
Oh! I've lost 'em! Oh! Edna! Oh.
Oh! I've lost 'em.
No, you haven't.
No, they've gone to get Ben.
Come inside.
'Scuse me, love, I'm looking for Corrine Anderson.
She was brought in this evening.
Ah, she's still in delivery, are you a relative? Brother.
Delivery room three, straight through those double doors, down the corridor, turn left, I'll buzz you through.
Thank you.
Ben's got a little sister.
Oh, thank you.
I normally have some supper before I go to bed.
Thanks for looking after her.
I don't need looking after.
I was just worried about where you'd got to with him being tagged and everything.
Is Ruby in bed? I've got five minutes before I have to be back in the house.
Go up if you like.
How are you doin'? Oh.
I don't know, I just feel numb.
I've told her I've got some Tramadol in my bag, but she won't take them.
Oh! Did you get Ben back? Yeah.
It wasn't that she wasn't bringing him back, she'd gone into labour.
Oh, right.
I didn't even know she was pregnant.
Yeah, she had a little girl.
We had to go to the hospital to get our Ben.
It was really weird seeing her with a baby in her arms.
Did you want it to be your baby? Oh, God, no.
No, no.
Me and her, we just, we didn't get on.
We fought the whole time, but after Ben was born, things changed.
For a bit.
It didn't last.
I'm glad you said that because I think I'm pregnant.
What? I did a test and it was positive.
I haven't told anyone yet it, it's early days, so if you don't want me to have it Of course I want you to have it! That's fantastic! I don't believe it! Bloody hell! I know, me neither.
My age discrimination tribunal's next week, that means John will have had his notification too.
That was quick.
It'll be Andrew pushing it through, making sure I don't change my mind.
Well, you're not going to, though, are you? It's what you want, isn't it? My son cross-examining his biological father, acting on my behalf.
Not really.
It's the thought of standing up there and telling everyone my business.
That's daunting.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
I'm dreading this afternoon.
Going over it all, again.
At least you'll get a death certificate.
You can find out when you'll get paid out by the insurance company.
Yeah, there is that.
Is Ryan flying in? Yeah.
With the ship's captain and their solicitor.
Mm, it's quite a big deal, then.
Your Andrew's gonna be there, he said he'd speak for me.
That's good.
Oh! It's the building society saying I have to start me mortgage repayments again next month.
How am I gonna do that? Oh, shit, I knew it, it's him.
Don't answer it.
Let it go to answer machine.
I have to say, you're looking great.
Much more relaxed now you've, er, you've retired.
I didn't retire, I had my job taken away from me.
No, you had a, a different job offered to you, that was all.
I I'm not going to I know that your feelings were hurt and I'm sorry about that.
Anyway, what I was saying was, and I'm not sure I should be saying this in this present climate, but, erm you look, you look younger.
"More like the age of our readers"? I'm sorry I said that.
I didn't mean it and I was completely out of line.
And this isn't about how I look, John, it's about feeling humiliated.
Feeling like I had no worth in a business I helped create.
I will stand up in court and say that.
I have to.
You absolutely, 100% had worth.
And without a doubt, I mean, I don't know how you could even think that.
I honestly thought that's what you wanted.
No, you didn't, John.
You knew I loved my job and I was bloody good at it.
Anyway, you should've asked me if I wanted to step down as Features Editor, instead of just presenting me with it.
No, I know, I know, you're right.
I Maybe I I thought of it because I was thinking of slowing down myself.
You're just saying that.
No, I'm not, it's true.
I'm still thinking about maybe doing three days a week, seriously.
Jason's struggling to find something that he wants to do, settle down in a job.
I thought, you know, maybe he could pitch in with the magazine a bit, earn his keep.
He knows nothing about the wedding magazine industry.
He can damn well learn, he needs to do something useful with his life.
It may interest you to know that OUR son, Andrew, do you remember him? Of course I remember him.
He's doing very well at work, he's been made a partner.
And he's got two children.
So, technically, you're a granddad.
Well Er, that's lovely.
You must be thrilled.
Yeah, I am.
They're beautiful children.
Belle and Sam.
Boy and girl.
Do we really have to go through this age discrimination thing? Can't we settle it like adults? You're really not interested in him, at all, are you? Of course I am.
You never were.
I'm just, I'm just trying to get this thing sorted.
It's on my mind, I can't concentrate properly.
Well, I must get back, it's Micky's inquest this afternoon.
Is it, is it money that you want? No, it's not money, John.
It's your old job back or a new car? No.
Me? I don't want any of those things, John, not even you, anymore.
Well, what is it? It's not gonna be nice in this court room for either of us, you know? It's gonna be a real ordeal, and for what? Do you wanna publicly humiliate me, or what? Eh? New car? It's yours if you want it.
You can't buy me, John.
I'm just trying to make amends, that's all.
Can I drop you somewhere? No, it's all right.
I'd rather walk.
I worked at Alf Cooks for two and a half years, after I left school.
Doing what? I was a comptometer operator.
But then they got rid of all the comptometers, so I just did the filing, went on the sandwich run and made tea.
So, how have you survived all these years? Micky, that was me husband, erm, was a printer before he got made redundant, so we've managed on his money and the family allowance, cos we had two kids.
The thing is, I got this letter saying I had to start paying the mortgage again, and I haven't any money.
So I've come here to find out how I get some.
Well it's not quite as simple as that, we're not a bank.
To get your JSA, you need to prove Sorry, what's a JSA? Jobseeker's Allowance.
And to get that you need to prove you're actively seeking.
At least he admitted I was good at my job.
Does Andrew know you've been to see him? No! He'd go berserk, he hates him.
Please stand for the coroner.
Please be seated.
So, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for giving up your time to attend this pre-inquest review.
Today is about gathering what information we have here in the UK.
What does that mean? I don't understand.
I'll tell you later.
I thought this was the actual inquest.
So did I.
I think we all did.
We have been in contact with the foreign office as Michael Hutchinson disappeared in Spanish water.
But, unfortunately, we've had very little back.
According to Interpol, there have been no sightings or contact from Mr Hutchinson? That's right.
Mrs Hutchinson? Nothing.
No bank or benefits activity? Correct.
And no suicide letter? No.
So, Mrs Hutchinson, could you tell us in your own words what happened on the evening of June the 15th? I thought you were gonna talk for me.
Just tell her what happened, love.
Go on, Mum.
Oh, God, it's hot in here? Are you going to speak, Linda? Is there something the matter? Mrs Hutchinson is a little nervous.
What are you afraid of, Mrs Hutchinson? Nothing.
I just get tongue tied sometimes.
This is just an informal hearing, nothing to be frightened of.
I thought this was the inquest.
The actual inquest might not happen for another five to seven years.
Oh, my God! Well, we're hoping that this review will help speed things along.
Well We'd, erm, we went to see our Ruby in the show, on the cruise.
Did you have drinks at the show? Yeah, Micky likes a drink.
Er, our Ryan bought us some cocktails, it was lovely.
And then the waiter gave us another one each, on the house.
Everybody was very generous.
So how many cocktails did you have? Well, I just had one, cos Micky drank me second one.
I'm not very good with alcohol, I get a bit silly.
So your husband had three cocktails? Why does she keep asking about drinks? And a couple of beers before we went to the show.
We WERE on holiday.
So, this is the ship's security footage of Mr Hutchinson heading back to his cabin to get his glasses.
He's pissed.
As a fart.
The next bit of video surveillance was taken in the restaurant before Mr Hutchinson left to get his glasses.
That's when someone texted him.
You can see the captain nod to the waiter to pour champagne for Mr and Mrs Hutchinson.
Mr and Mrs Hutchinson are the parents of two members of our crew and it was a gesture of hospitality to mark their wedding anniversary.
Right, let's move on.
What's he getting angry about? Let's just see how this plays out.
Tell us what happened next, Mrs Hutchinson.
So Micky went back to get his glasses, cos he couldn't read the menu.
Only, he didn't come back, so I went to the cabin to look for him.
Why didn't you let your son or daughter go back to the cabin to look for him? Mrs Hutchinson? I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to make out I killed him.
Linda, if you just allow Well, I didn't! And I wouldn't! And I'm not stopping here, I've had enough crazy people saying stupid things, thank you very much.
Mum? Just try and stay calm, all right? Nobody is accusing you of anything.
My client has been under an enormous strain.
If you look at article 17, you'll see an accusation was made Mum, sit down, please.
I see, but it was unfounded.
I didn't want either of the kids to go to the cabin, cos when Micky didn't come straight back I thought he might be having a sly cigarette.
He promised me he'd given up.
He really tried, but he couldn't do it.
I knew they'd both be upset if they found out he was still smoking.
Well, you've answered my question.
Thank you.
Would you like to take a break or we can reconvene next week? No.
I want to get this finished with.
So, when you got to the cabin, what did you find? The balcony doors wide open.
Erm All the curtains blowing in.
I went out on the balcony to check, and one of the chairs was over on one side.
Did you think perhaps he'd fallen overboard? I thought, at first, he was having me on, you know? Having a joke, cos he was like that.
And then I started to panic.
Could the doors have opened by themselves when the ship listed to one side? No, they're on a three-lever catch mechanism.
He would've had to purposely open the door.
Carry on, Mrs Hutchinson.
Well, then I just ran back upstairs as fast as I could, to get Ryan and Ruby and the captain.
We had issued a warning to keep all balcony cabin doors shut.
In keeping with the duty of care to your customers? Yes.
As soon as I saw the cabin doors wide open, I asked the bridge to sound the alarm and we contacted the Spanish coast guard.
How long did that take? Less than 15 minutes, probably more like ten.
We lowered the rescue boat, and the coast guard's helicopter arrived within half an hour.
Half an hour in the sea, Dr Jones, at that time of night, could he have survived? Very unlikely, he'd probably have died from hypothermia.
OK, so, I think that concludes today's pre-inquest review.
So how long do you think it'll take now, before we can have the proper inquest? With no body, I'm afraid it's going to be a long and drawn-out process.
That's the last thing I need.
If any fresh evidence comes to light, I'd ask you to get in touch immediately.
Thank you for your time, it's been most helpful.
This pre-inquest review is now adjourned.
All rise.
I'll ring the Spanish authorities myself, see if I can get anywhere.
Why didn't you tell me this woman broke in and had a knife to your throat? Cos I didn't want to worry you.
Your mum was so brave though, I'd have just gone to pieces.
She was amazing.
Are you all right? Er, not really, I've been to the Job Centre.
I'm worried about how I'm going to manage.
I'm gonna have to sell the house before they take it off me.
You won't have to sell it.
Listen, I've been thinking.
See, I know the wedding magazine industry inside out, I have all the contacts.
We could start our own on-line magazine.
Oh, I don't understand all that Internet stuff.
I'm getting off.
Oh, thanks for coming today.
He was a mate.
I thought it was the proper inquest.
I wanted to find out what had happened to him.
And I want to say sorry about last night.
That's all right.
I just I just can't stand being caught in the middle of you and our Tom.
I can't help meself sometimes, but it's only cos I care about you, Gail.
Yeah, but I've had enough, Dave.
I can't be doing with it anymore.
And if you are still seeing this Shelly I'm not seeing her, she's just a friend.
Look she's 17 years younger than me, we've got nothing in common.
You wouldn't lie to me would you? Of course I wouldn't.
What's point in that? I get £73 a week to live on.
That's not gonna pay the mortgage and the bills.
You're entitled to more than that.
No, that's what they said to me, and I've got to go for any jobs they send me for.
And I have to prove I'm applying for jobs meself.
I don't know how I'm supposed to do that.
That's shocking.
Mm! When do you get your pension? Not till I'm 66, and then I'm not sure how much I'm gonna get, cos I've not got the right number of national insurances.
Well if the magazine takes off, you'll have a job.
What could I do? I'm too old.
Ah, sh! Never too old.
It takes time to establish an online business and she's got to start repaying the mortgage next month I can chip in for the next month or two.
And I should pay you something for staying with you.
Well, I could get a job, but won't be for long, cos Cos what? I might be having a baby.
What did you say? I think I'm pregnant and I'm having it.
Oh, my God! Whose baby is it? Tom's.
Oh! What? This is great news.
Have you heard this? Come over here.
You're gonna be a granny.
What's up? I think me and Tom are having a baby.
Oh! That is best news I've heard all day.
I don't know how they'll manage, neither of them have got a job.
I've got news.
The cruise company want to settle out of court.
They don't want the paper getting hold of this.
They want to call it compensation.
How much? For what? The insurance investigator made a case against the ship.
The two free cocktails, the captain filling Micky's glass with champagne.
Oh! But the cruise people were all lovely.
They've got a duty of care to their customers and it was a rough night and they were seen to be plying Micky with alcohol.
But they weren't.
I know.
That's how the insurance company will play it, they've shown their hand today.
The last thing the cruise line want is for it to be splashed all over the papers.
That's me losing me job.
No, no, they can't sack you.
You've done nothing wrong.
How much are we talking? I think we ask for a 100,000.
What? They'll pay that.
I won't be a minute.
I'll see you back at the house.
A hundred thousand pounds would pay off the mortgage off and, and that's all I need.
Oh! Oh, darling! Oh, love.
It'll be OK.
Oh! Oh! I've never missed a shift before, but I was involved in an incident last night, it's had a bigger effect on me than what I thought.
Yes, I know that the parents rely on me and I do take my job very seriously.
Sorry, I missed what you said then, could you say it again, please? Right.
Just because I missed ONE shift? I don't think that's fair.
Bloody hell fire.
Sorry, I was talking to myself.
But I'll be writing a letter to the council.
Anyway, I'm gonna have to go now.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! What's happened? Where's me mum? I went to pick up our Ben from nursery and when I came back Where are you going? You can't go in, love.
No, no, my mother's in there and she's Nana's in the police car.
She's upset.
Oh, my God, why didn't you say? Cos you didn't give me a chance.
Are you all right? I thought I'd do you some chips.
So, erm, it's good news about your friend.
Linda? Yeah.
Linda, right.
Yeah, nobody likes to have these things hanging over them, especially at our age.
Well, at least she gets to keep her house.
Which is good, considering I'm staying there too, cos I've got nowhere else to live.
You could've stayed at the flat.
You made it quite clear that I wasn't welcome.
I expect you've let it by now.
I thought you were staying with your mother.
No, my mother has moved her boyfriend, well, fiance in, and I don't fancy playing gooseberry.
So I'll be staying at Linda's for now .
until my settlement comes through.
What settlement's that? Whatever the tribunal decides.
Right, so, I see.
You're determined to go through with this.
I have to, John.
It's not personal, it's Well, it sort of is.
How much were you hoping for? I told you it's not just about the money, I'm doing this because I have to.
Why? Well, for what other reason than to cause heartache for me and my family? I said I was wrong, I've offered to put things right.
What more can I do? I promised Andrew I'd go through with it.
My son, Andrew? Do you know, that's the first time I've heard you call him that.
Well, he is, I've never denied it.
Well, you have, actually.
And so have I.
Do you remember we bumped into you one time, you and Beth, when you were in town? You had the boys, I had Andrew.
Er, well vaguely.
It was years ago.
Andrew was 15.
You held out your hand to him and said, "Pleased to meet you," as if you'd never seen him before in your life.
And, I'm ashamed to say, I played along with that.
He's never forgotten it.
And so now he's, he's trying to act out some kind of vendetta using you as a pawn.
What did you call me? "A strong independent woman".
I don't want to go through with this, John, but I'm going to, for my son, and for every other woman who's ever been marginalised because of her age.
Oh, for God's sake, what was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to have kept you on till you were 70! Yes! If I was good at my job.
You have to know when it's time to let someone younger with fresher ideas take over.
Well, we'll see, won't we? Because I'm starting an on-line bridal magazine, Adorable Again.
You can't use "Adorable".
I can, actually, because it was me that first came up with the name.
I'll sue you.
Well, I've got a GREAT solicitor.
I'll see you at the tribunal, John! So does Tom know? Yeah, course he does, he's thrilled to bits.
That's why you were throwing up all the time, eh? Yeah, I went to see the ship's doctor, but he told me I'd be better off coming home, so.
Ooh! That looks lovely, Mum.
Last time I made a shepherd's pie, you were both still at home and your dad was alive.
I don't bother cooking much these days, with it just being me.
Well, I'm back home now, Mum, and I'm eating for two, so you can start again.
I'll be back home, too, the way things are going.
You heard what Andrew said, they can't sack you, it's got nothing to do with you.
It feels funny not having Florence rubbing 'round me legs.
Don't just open door! Check who it is first! Hello? Who is it? It's me.
Gail! Is it all right if we come in? Course.
What's happened? Me nana left chip pan on and fell asleep.
Oh, my God! Oh! Are you all right? Come in, come in.
I didn't fall asleep, I was just resting me eyes, cos I was listening to me programme and the next thing I knew this big fireman is lifting me up out of me chair and the room's full of smoke.
What happened? Me mum set house on fire.
I didn't mean to.
Oh, I'm just dishing up tea, there's enough for everyone.
Come on.
Thank you.
Sit down.
I had four missed calls.
I don't know what's the matter with me, I just forgot to go to work.
I couldn't do your job.
I mean, you're out in all weathers.
I hate bein' in the rain.
Rain don't bother me, it's if it's freezing cold and me arthritis starts playing up, which it is now.
But that's from running.
Oh, I should know better.
I can't run, or I want to wee.
Yeah, well, that's to be expected at your age, Mum.
So, what's gonna happen? I don't know.
They said that this other woman was gonna do it for rest of week while they decide.
Hello! In here! Look what I found on the doorstep.
- I'm not going in no home.
- Mum! Sorry.
We're off now.
We've doused everything down.
There's toxic fumes and your kitchen's in a bit of state.
You'll need somewhere to stay while things dry out.
Cheers, mate.
You're a life saver.
So, I'm, er, I'm just checking that you've got somewhere to stay.
Tom and Ben can stay in Ruby's room, we've got that camp bed.
We'll sort something out.
Don't worry about us.
We have a B and B in Headingly that we use for emergency situations.
We were in a B and B in Scarborough when our Gail and her sisters were little and her dad were still alive.
It was spotless.
She can remember that, but she can't remember puttin' chip pan on.
Oh, what now? I'll get it.
I'll leave you the address and me number.
I'll let 'em know you're coming.
If there's anything else, just let us know.
- Thanks, that's really good of you.
- No bother.
What's your excuse this time? I can explain! It's not his fault.
Our house burnt down.
If I hadn't gone straight back home, I hate to think what would've happened.
I opened door and smoke just billowed out.
I couldn't even run in and get her cos I had Ben with me.
She's a bit of a liability.
Yeah, well, she can't be left on her own that's for sure.
Good night, God bless.
In future, I'm gonna have to take her with me when I go pick up our Ben.
You need to get a job.
We need to get a place of our own if I am pregnant.
I know.
I'm on it.
Don't worry.
We'll get our name down for a council house, and we'll be priority cos we'll have two kids.
So I told him I'd see him in court.
Good for you.
Can't believe you've finally stood up to him.
Well, I knew it was either him or Andrew.
He would never forgive me if I didn't go through with it.
That's how I feel sometimes, torn between our Tom and Dave.
So, I bought a selection of this month's bridal magazines.
Oh! Thank you.
Oh! Wait.
Hey! This one's got that article that you were gonna do, about second-time marriages.
Really? Yeah.
Have a look.
My God! It's It's the same article.
He's taken MY article and he's put Stacey Cook's name to it.
Could he really be that stupid? Who's that, at this time of night? I'll get it.
Check who it is before you open the door! - I honestly - Is your mum in? .
can't believe it.
Yeah, of course.
Come in.
It's Andrew.
Hiya, love.
Hello, hello.
Andrew, I'm so happy to see you, have you seen this? That's the article I was telling you about, he's published it and put it under a different name.
He's even used the same photograph, the bride he said was too old.
Yeah, you see? He says my ideas are not relevant now .
and they're in this month's edition.
Oh, that's funny, isn't it? Hm! Do you have a copy of this? Yes, of course, it's on my laptop.
Well, I guess, we'll slaughter him then.
Do you want a beer? Er, it's all right, I'm driving.
I was gonna call you.
See what the timescale is with that pay-out.
Yeah, erm Well, things might have changed now.
Really, why's that? What's the matter, Andrew? After the inquest review, I phoned the Spanish police to try and speed things along and, erm Yes? Well, it, it turns out they had a body washed up there, in a small Spanish cove called Playa De Cabria a couple of days ago.
They may've said weeks, my Spanish isn't great.
They think it's Micky? Oh, my God! So, how does this change things? Well, it, erm I'm afraid it throws everything up in the air again.
If it does prove to be Micky, then the actual inquest will happen much faster.
You'll get a death certificate and some closure.
Er H-How are they gonna prove it's Micky? Evidently the, erm, the body's not in a great condition as it's been in the water for some time.
And they want you to go over there to identify it.
No, I can't do that.
Yeah, you can, Linda.
We'll come with you.
You've got to do it, love.
It's the only way you're gonna find out.
What about me doing it? They want a spouse.
Well, when do they want me to go? As soon as possible.
Then they can start to get the whole thing processed.
Anyway, I didn't want to ring you, I thought I'd better see you face to face to break the news.
- Yeah, thanks, love.
- Right.
Yeah, I'd better get back.
I've, erm, gotta put the kids to bed.
Give them a kiss from me.
I'll see you out, I've got a couple of things I wanna ask you.
Oh, my God, who'd have thought that would happen? And would they ever have let us know if Andrew hadn't rang them? You know when you said I'd have known if he was having an affair, he'd have made excuses to go out on a night, he'd have come home smelling of perfume, I'd have got strange phone calls and they wouldn't say who they were? Yeah? Well, I did know.
You knew what? That he was having an affair with someone.
That Carole.
What, what are you saying all this for, Linda? Cos it's all true.
And everything I wrote in that confession was how it really was.
You You killed him? Oh, my God! Linda?
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