He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

The Champions of Grayskull

1 I have the Power! The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours Hey, we'll find our purpose 'Cause we know we're worth it And we'll be remembered We are the defenders, defenders - Oh - We fight for the win We fight till the end - We fight for the win - The Power is ours It's in our soul Get on with it.
It's time to take back the kingdom I'm owed.
Which one of them will force your hand, I wonder? Leave her alone.
Use the power to heal me, or you'll need to use it to heal this one too.
He-Man, don't do it! Silence! "He-Man"? Is that what you're calling yourself now? What about it? Let me guess the rest, hmm? Of course, there's Helmet Girl Skeleton Hand.
Wrench Boy.
Oh, you hear that? Wow.
I-I've got a cold, so you might not want my energy or whatever.
Street Rat.
What? No witty comeback? Trust me.
Nobody wants to hear the words I'd like to say right now.
And, last but not least "Last but not least" what? Nothing.
You're a talking tiger.
That's well, that's amazing.
Maybe I'll just infect you all.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
Please don't hurt him.
I'll do it.
I'll reactivate the chamber.
Wise decision.
Place the sword and unlock the power of Grayskull, now! So how does this work? I just hold the sword over the pit, or Yes.
And then, boom, the power turns on, we're and we're all good? And you let my friends go, right? Yes, whatever.
Just do it already.
So this sword, for sure.
I hold their lives in my hands, and you're toying with me right now? Absolutely not.
She just needed enough time to pick the lock.
Never use the same trick twice on a magician.
No! I'll keep them busy.
You guys get the heck out of here.
The sword must be talking to the castle.
Okay, sword, let's see what else this castle can do.
Castle, we need a distraction! Bring the children back.
Sicus ventus! Foolish child.
No respect for the power he wields.
Always was a bit of a spoiled brat.
Any other tricks up your sleeves? I'm not wearing any! Ahh! See? Me and the Power of Grayskull have this covered.
What does that even mean? You know, lightning and punches and muscles.
The Power will be mine, boy, one way or another.
The Power will be ours, Keldor.
This isn't the kind of thing one shares.
That wasn't the deal.
What if it is the kind of thing you share? Remember what you guys were trying to do by the campfire? Why would that work now? You promised if we helped you You never learn.
It's sad, really.
All will be well.
It'll work.
Trust me.
Enough! I'll just take the Power through you, nephew.
Back to the big room where the energy lives? Back to the big room where the energy lives.
What? Grayskull wakes.
Glorious! By the Power of Grayskull I have the Power! I have the Power! I have the Power! I have the Power! Now, that's what I call a claw.
Whoa! Yeah.
Still fits.
Look what mine does! Look! Cool.
We have the Power.
"We" have the Power.
I like that! Thanks, I thought of it while you guys were transforming.
No! Wha ah! Ahh! He-Man! Finally, I can free myself of this affliction and claim my rightful Evelyn, Kronis, deal with the children.
I'd like a word with my nephew alone.
Oh, you're gonna pay for that.
I'm a Ram Ball? I'm an actual Ram Ball! Ah! She mean to do that? Of of course she meant to do that.
Yeah! You are still somewhat outnumbered.
Not for long.
Animatum obumbratio! Ahh! Oh, great.
Two giant cats.
What is this witchcraft? Ah! Do something! Use your new space-hair powers or something! - You do something! - Ahh.
This one's mine.
Oh, thank goodness.
Get him, Talky! Ahh! Whoa.
I have wings? I'm flying! Okay.
I got this.
Oh F-f-f-flap your wings.
Have fun, Kronis, dear.
Ad caelum! Think I forgot to teach you something, apprentice.
Wha what what what's what? How to stay down.
Where are you? Come out, come out, wherever you are.
You never were good at Hide and Seek.
It's only a matter of time before I find you.
Then what? We have a long heart-to-heart about the nature of family and forgiveness.
Ha! Let's just hug it out instead! Amazing.
Never thought chasing my own shadow could be so much fun! Ram Ma'am needs some help! "Ram Ma'am"? Grayskull juice makes me feel all classy, I guess! Battle Cat is on the way! "Battle Cat"? Grayskull juice makes me feel less classy.
Nice claws.
Nice helmet.
You can't hide from me forever.
Not hiding.
Just watching.
You seem upset? Sacrifice.
My entire life has been dedicated to finding this castle to harness the power within, and you you luck into it? This castle, that woman with the staff, they called out to me.
They chose me, and that isn't something you can change with words, Witch.
Magicis ignis! Impossible! You didn't use your hands or even words.
That would make you A Sorceress.
Whoa! Whoa! Ahh! There's nowhere to run.
You're all alone now.
You should've stuck with me, kid.
I can teach you the important stuff.
Hammer twirling? Like how to fight dirty.
So long, apprentice.
Wha You can't beat me, apprentice! Maybe, maybe not Huh? But at least now I have a tool that works as fast as my mind does.
I was a Royal Weapons Master to the King! A Man-At-Arms to all Eternos! Yeah? Well I think I just got promoted to Man-At-Arms for Castle Grayskull.
So I quit! You guys good? Any bright ideas, Battle Cat? - Release it.
- Then it'll come back after you.
I'm counting on it.
You're good.
I'm good, too, so no worries.
The Power in these walls will be mine to command! Grayskull doesn't want you.
And so it chose to to ruin me out of spite? You did that to yourself.
You know how Grayskull brought out the best in my friends? I think it brought out the worst in you! Ahh! You think you know how everything works.
You're just as arrogant as your father! I'll have to take your word for it.
Ahh! Did I miss anything cool? So much cool.
We all did quite well.
What do we do with these three? Do you think this place has a dungeon? I bet it's really big or really weird.
Probably big and weird.
- Yeah.
- You were wrong.
Grayskull brought out the best in me.
My best is just a little different than yours, nephew.
Ah! I think the kid broke my jaw.
I recommend a hasty exit before you lose anything else.
No, stop! Adam, no! You can't save him.
No! Ah! What a world! Hmm.
What just happened to them? I think we won.
Then why doesn't it feel like it? Aww.
How are we alive? I used the Havoc to save you.
We should get you back into one of those stasis shells before that leaves a mark.
As you recover, I'm sure I can discern some way to reverse your affliction.
Thanks, but no.
My curse is a blessing in disguise.
I've been looking at everything wrong for so very long.
Grayskull, the light I once sought to wield, is the tool of a soldier, one who fights at the behest of others.
Havoc, on the other hand From the ruins of this fallen kingdom, from where the Snakes failed to bring Ancient Eternia to its knees, I will usher in an era of brimstone and blight that will bless the modern age and all ages yet to come with the purity of Havoc! The time of Grayskull has passed.
Welcome to the age of Skeletor! Adam? We just wanted to make sure you were okay after After watching the first living relative I've ever known vaporize himself and his minions? Yes, exactly that.
I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about any of this.
We all have this Power now.
What are we supposed to do with it? A question for the ages, Champions.
Told ya this place was haunted.
You're the woman from the statues.
The voice in my head.
What you do with it is for you to decide and discover.
To know oneself is to truly become a master of the universe.
A master of the what, now?
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