Marvel Ant-Man SHORTS s01e04 Episode Script


Oh, come on, please? Just pick a spot and go potty, Grant.
You're stressed.
Is Perry picking on you again? I need to talk to that guy.
An exterminator? At the apartment building? [PANTING.]
Hey, big guy, what's the rush? What did these poor ants every do to you? I bet nothing.
Out of my way.
- SCOTT: H-Hey! - Don't ever stand between me and my job again.
You hear me? SCOTT: Okay, guys, get ready, that's it.
- Easy now.
- EXTERMINATOR: That'll do it.
My mustache will be back, but you won't.
Huh? Okay.
All right I've had enough of you! Say goodbye, ants.
Oh, yeah.
Great job, James.
Awesome, little Hank.
Good job, Ben.
Awesome, Grant.
Perry, I'm talking to you later
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