Rescue Me s01e04 Episode Script


You got a letter from the Bureau of Investigations and Trials.
Probably a ruling in that case of yours.
Thought you might be interested.
Funny, huh? These assholes.
They want to suspend me for 60 days and give me a seven-day vacation rip? There's no way I'm accepting this.
You're a retard if you don't.
How did they come to this decision so quick? I mean, they just hooked me up on charges last week.
You're telling me they've spoken to everybody involved already? Send it in and be happy they're letting you slide.
Letting me slide.
They're crucifying me.
This is political bullshit, Ron.
Eat it, Jerry.
The department doesn't want any more bad press.
Consider that a gift.
You know, this happens any other time, your head would be on a chopping block.
Oh, it's a gift.
What about my rights to a hearing? You don't want a hearing.
They bring this guy Teff into court in a wheelchair, you won't have a chance.
I'm not gonna let him make an example out of me.
Let him! Jesus, Jerry.
Use the little bean God gave you on this one.
You make a stink here, you could be out of a job and a pension.
Hey, what's up? Hey, remember that blonde we met at the Bubble Bar last month, you were with me, right? Yeah, yeah.
The one you banged that night? Actually, I've been banging her ever since, but I don't know her name.
How you pulling that off? Well, it's like a late-night booty call.
Not a lot of conversation.
Yeah, those are the best.
Well, I got to come up with a name soon, man.
You know what? You could do that thing where you introduce her to somebody.
You say the other person's name but not hers, and then she has to say, "Hi, I'm" Fill in the blank.
Never going to work.
Why not? 'Cause I don't take this chick out in public.
- Oh, yeah.
- See? Yeah.
You got yourself a real goddamn dilemma there.
It's not enough that you're banging them like crazy, now you got to know their names.
Very demanding.
- Later.
- Later.
Excuse me? Hey, can I help you? I don't know.
Can you? I'm Nez.
Um, Sean Garrity.
I work here.
Kind of figured that out.
Is Franco here? Boy, I'm not sure.
I could check, though.
What was the name again? Nez.
Think you can remember that? Yeah, yeah.
Sure, Nez.
I'll be right back.
Hey, Franco.
What's up, man? Some chick named Nez here to see you? - Nez? - Yeah.
Are you sure? Yeah.
Why? Who is she? Ex-girlfriend.
The greatest piece of ass I ever had.
In bed, she's in the Hall of Fame.
Out of bed, she's a nightmare.
She's nuts, you know? Loco.
She stabbed me once.
Technically, twice.
Technically? Yeah.
The second time was with a pencil.
Didn't break the skin.
I couldn't really press charges without looking like a pussy.
One time, she beat the living shit out of me.
Oh, come on.
She's a chick, bro.
Not when she's high, she ain't.
Touch of tequila, dollop of blow, she's the Jolly Green goddamn Giant.
Well, what do you want me to tell her? You know what? Tell her I'm not here.
Better yet, tell her I died in a fire.
Hey, I'm serious, man.
Frank, I'm a terrible liar.
Yeah, well, look, to stay clear of this chick, I promise I'll die in a fire real soon, okay? That way, you're not really lying.
Please, Sean.
All right.
Find him? Uh, listen, uh, I was off last night, so I just found out.
I can't believe this, but, uh, Franco-- He died in a fire.
Frankie's dead? Yeah.
Pretty much.
Well, totally.
It was a fifth alarm, and he ran back in to save an old lady, and he never made it back out.
Excuse me.
What? I called you a liar.
Do you have a pen? Some paper? No.
I-- I don't.
Work out? Not really.
My membership at Bally's ran out.
They wanted me to join for, like, three years-- - That's my number.
- Okay.
Tell your dead friend to call me or you can call me yourself.
DNA Ahh.
Yeah? Where are you? Oh, hey.
I'm on my way.
How far are you? Uh, like five minutes.
I looked outside a few seconds ago, and I thought I saw your truck.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm still driving.
As a matter of fact-- Watch where you're going, asshole! Jerk! I'll be there in a couple of minutes, hon.
All right? Bye.
Oh, God.
What's going on? Mm.
Mm I missed you the last two nights.
Guess so.
I'm gonna jump in the shower.
If you'd like a drink, help yourself.
Hurry up.
Listen, I don't want to get in between anything that you and Franco got going on, so There's nothing to get in between.
He's dead, right? I'm usually not that kind of guy.
You know, the lying kind.
I was put in an awkward situation.
Don't sweat it.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong.
What's wrong with having a drink with a new friend? Nothing, I guess.
Hey, asshole! Get me another Jack on the rocks! A double! Lauren.
- Maybe she's got a roommate.
- She never mentioned a roommate, and I never seen one.
Maybe it's just mail from a chick that used to live here, you know? Yeah.
You know, that's possible.
So it's Nancy or Lauren, huh? She didn't look like a Nancy to me.
I'd go with Lauren.
I kind of secretly was hoping she was a Nancy.
Why is that? 'Cause Nancys give better head.
Oh, you've researched that? Basing it on the two Nancys that I've known.
Oh, yeah.
So have you been with a Lauren? - One.
- Yeah, and the head was, uh Look, there's no such thing as bad head.
It was just, you know, a matter of degrees.
Girls, what are your names? - Heather.
- Brittany.
What about Heather and Brittany? Where do those two names fall on the chart? Heather and Brittany? I'd say, top three.
Oh, yeah.
It's my night.
I got to go.
I got another call.
Hey, bro.
Hang in there, all right? Until you get more evidence, just, you know, keep it simple.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hello? Dad, it's me.
There's a-- No.
But you don't even know-- No.
- Can I just tell you--? - No, no, no, no.
If it's a place, you're not going.
If it's a thing, you're not getting it.
If it's an animal, vegetable, mineral, absolutely not.
Actually, vegetables are good for you, so take that off the list.
It's a Matchbox 20 concert in the city.
You're kidding me, right? Let me guess.
The Murphy kid's driving, right? So what? Bye-bye.
Ah! He's such a jerk.
Did he say something about me? No.
So you can't go to the concert.
Dick around with me, huh? You pencil-pushing bastards.
You like that, baby? It's a little tight, but it's nice.
Ooh! Okay.
Don't go anywhere.
Yeah, that's not going to be a problem.
Ohh! Hey, Nez, what are you doing? Getting ready, baby! Here comes Mama! Oh, Jesus! Who is it? Hey, dude.
It's Andrew.
I was just in the neighborhood.
I was just walking by.
I thought maybe we could have a drink.
Who's that? A friend of mine.
Go to bed.
I'll be right down.
- Asì, asì, ah! - Oh, yeah.
Ah, ah, ah, ah! Ow! Jesus.
What are you doing? Aah! Holy shit! Hey, it's a little late to be buzzing me, bro.
Um, I was in the neighborhood.
I thought I could get you a drink or something.
I mean, I haven't seen you in two weeks.
I thought we'd hook up.
I've been real busy.
Um, well, what about tomorrow night maybe? I work until 9.
That's perfect.
I know a great little bar in this neighborhood.
Yeah, well I don't know.
Did I do something wrong? No.
I mean, because I'm getting, like, this This negative energy from you, like I'm being a nuisance or something.
I mean, all I'm trying to do is just-- I just want to show you my gratitude for saving my life.
Damn it! I did it again! - Hey! - I did it again.
It's okay.
- I don't believe it.
- Andrew.
It's okay.
No, it's not okay.
I just Look My therapist has told me that I drive people away because I have this fear of intimacy, and I just-- Damn it! Asshole! Asshole! Aah! Okay, okay, fine.
Tomorrow night we'll have a drink.
You sure? Yeah, yeah.
I can't wait.
Cool, man.
Cool, man.
Oh, that's nice.
Oh, yeah.
You like that, baby? Ohh! Oh, that feels good, baby.
Turn around.
Turn around, baby.
Face me.
I love you, baby.
I love you, too, baby.
I knew you loved me! I could tell.
What time are you going to be back? I should be back about 5.
Oh, and make sure that Connor eats his vegetables.
Hey, where you going? Just to do some errands.
Colleen needs some shoes.
Yeah, she doesn't have enough shoes.
Well, apparently, these shoes she can't live without, so, what are you gonna do? I don't know.
Try saying no? Oh, that's great, Tom.
All I'm saying is, I'm doing my job.
You might pay a little more attention to yours.
Excuse me? You know, every other night I see you going out.
I don't know where you're going.
Dinner, movies, whatever.
Having a grand old time.
Meanwhile, she's running around with the Murphy kid, she's got a tattoo on her, uh area.
Colleen, get in the car.
You know what I'm saying? I tell you what, Tom.
Why don't I move the three kids over there, and you see what kind of parenting you do by yourself.
I couldn't do any worse.
Priorities! Sounds like this guy's got a savior complex.
What's that? Well, you saved his life.
He feels indebted to you.
It happens to all of us.
One time, I saved this old broad.
She just had to thank me.
So get this, she puts me in her will.
What happened? Nothing.
Waiting for her to die.
You think this guy's violent? No, but He might want to, you know I think he's interested in me in that way.
I see.
Well, you got two choices.
One is you be honest and you tell him you don't play on that team.
Or? Or go back to his apartment, you set it on fire, and this time, you let him burn.
Hey, man.
Where were you last night? I called you twice from the Hudson looking for a wingman.
I had twins hanging all over my jock, Sean.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
I just fell asleep at home watching some reality show.
Oh, yeah.
I hate those things.
I mean, how many times in your life has somebody offered you Shit.
Maybe that's somebody's reality.
It sure as hell ain't mine.
Damn, papi, what happened to your neck? Oh, I was watching my neighbor's cat.
You're allergic to cats, Sean.
Man, you are a bad liar.
What, you, uh, you get a little something-something last night? Yeah.
- Yeah? - I did.
So what? What? Give me the details.
What, some crazy little pussy claw you up? - What was her name ? - Hi, Frankie.
Dead man walking, huh? Guess you heard I was in town and rose from the grave just for me.
Hi, Sean.
- Come here.
- Cut it out.
I told you to never come to my job.
Cut it out! What do you want? - I just want to talk.
- Yeah? Well, seeing as how we don't have anything to talk about, I can only categorize that activity as a complete waste of time.
Actually, we have quite a lot to talk about.
Hey, you just keep in mind, if you've got a weapon, I got witnesses.
I didn't come here to fight.
Nothing's ever going to happen between us again, Nez.
It's been five years.
I mean, you know, you got to know that.
Things are different now, Frankie.
I'm clean.
Nez, I'm really not in the mood for your bullshit.
Please, just say what you want to say and get out of here.
Remember Lazara? Yeah.
Hey, Frank.
And this is Keela.
She's real cute.
Glad you think so.
She's yours.
Frankie, you can't walk away from this.
Yeah? Watch me.
You have a responsibility.
No, I don't.
That's not my kid.
She's yours.
You thought you'd wait five years to tell me? I always planned on coming back, but I knew you wouldn't see me until I got better.
I hate to tell you, sweetheart.
You better give it five more years.
That's right.
Bring it on, bring it on, baby.
That's the Nez I know.
Why don't you go snort some coke.
Smoke some crack, okay? It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
Mommy and Daddy are just talking.
That's Daddy.
Say, "Hi, Daddy.
" Hi, Daddy.
Wave to Daddy.
Hi, Daddy.
Believe this shit? The bitch shows up out of the blue and tells me I'm the father of some kid? Shit, it's probably not even hers.
Well, what if you are? What? What if you are the father? - I'm not.
- But what if you were-- You think you're helping me here? I'm not the father.
You want to be sure, right, Frank? I mean, grab a piece of the kid's hair or something.
Get a DNA test done, and then you'll know for sure.
- I already know.
- You scared? Why you pushing me? I'm not pushing you.
I don't need any goddamn test, Sean.
That is not my kid.
It's an easy test.
It takes, like, two seconds.
How is this any of your business? I don't know.
I'm your friend, maybe? I want to see you clear of this.
Until you know for sure.
Come on, Frank.
What, you want peace of mind or not? Frank! Things are getting worse.
Yeah? You remember I told you-- Oh, thank you.
I told you that I found 300 in Damian's drawer? Yeah? Where does a 15-year-old kid get this kind of money? Two days ago, he bought a brand-new leather jacket, and then last night, get this, he comes home with an iPod.
Christ, he bought a car? No.
It's not a car.
It's like a music thing.
Oh, an iPod.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This thing costs almost $500.
This is a kid with no job.
Did you even talk to him yet? No, not yet.
Oh, Jesus.
God rest his father's soul, but if Jimmy knew what was going on, he would pop out of the grave and give his son the beating of his life.
Want some more wine? Hmm? Mm-hm.
I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this thing, you know? He's probably just, like, tutoring after school with, like, you know retards, you know? They have retarded kids at that school, right? Mm-hm.
You in a rush to go someplace? I'm sorry.
It just, uh takes the edge off.
I feel so guilty drinking wine while you're sitting there with a ginger ale.
You miss booze? Nah.
You kidding? Master of restraint.
Really? Mm-hmm.
Like a night like tonight with the dinner and the candles and a pretty girl? Well, maybe just a little bit.
How's your day? Save anyone's life? No.
It doesn't happen too often.
Menus? Thank you.
Look ahem.
Andrew, before we go any further, I think there's something you need to know about me.
I'm just going to come right out and say it.
I'm not a homo sexual.
Well, neither am I.
Wonder what they have on tap.
I think about dating again, and then reality sets in.
I mean, what a personal ad that would be, right? Enjoys cooking and walking on the beach and sobbing uncontrollably at the drop of a hat.
No smokers.
You know what? You are a catch.
You were always a catch, and I think you're hotter now than you were before.
You're full of shit.
I'm serious.
You look great.
- Okay.
- Here.
Got it? All right.
I'm not you.
I'm a guy.
I'm not a chick.
I can't walk in your shoes, but I'll tell you, the thing with you and Lisa, that's nobody else's-- What Lisa thing? You know The thing.
The thing? You know, the, uh The lesbian thing.
What?! Look, I don't care.
You know? It's your life.
You've got to be happy.
That's the bottom line.
Lisa is my psychic.
That's--? That's all? Ohh.
I'm sorry.
I thought-- I thought, uh something else.
Tommy! Shh! I would never, never be with another woman! Oh, my God! I mean, other than that one time in high school.
Really? Kidding.
It was after high school.
Very funny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Had you thinking about it.
Oh, God! I cannot wait until my fiancée gets here.
I got to tell her this.
Fiancée? Oh, man.
I was way off.
She's great too.
Her name's Geneva.
Oh, like the salami? Uh, no.
That's "Genoa.
" Like-- Like the city.
You are going to love her.
And she's really going to be into you too.
You are totally her type.
Speaking of the devil.
Hi, baby! Hi.
Mmm! Mmm.
You smell good.
Thank you.
Geneva, this is Mikey.
- Mikey, this is my fiancée, Geneva.
- Oh, my God.
You are my hero.
Thank you so much for what you did.
As you can see, she's very affectionate.
She also believes in the "one good deed deserves another" theory.
The way I figure it, we're getting married soon, and this may be our last chance to really, you know, let loose and, uh, do this.
Do what? What are you guys talking about? You didn't tell him? I was just about to.
Dude We want to have a three-way with you.
You mean like sexually? Yep.
There he is.
Working away like a busy little bee.
Told you everything was all right.
I hope that you're right.
This was fun.
Our date.
Let's make it a thing.
You want to make it into a thing? Yeah, you know, like a weekly thing.
A weekly thing.
Um What exactly--? Sheila Call me.
Be careful, now.
Be careful.
You okay? Oh! Holy shit.
Hello? Hey.
What are you doing spending that money so quick? Didn't you ever see Goodfellas? I heard it was very violent.
Very funny, very funny.
I tell you what, you're cut off, pally.
Okay? Not one more cent.
Oh, that's too bad.
Two little mouse clicks and I can have Roger's car repossessed.
Really? Take less than 24 hours.
Hey, hey.
By the way, here's the plan, okay? You're going to tell your mother you've been tutoring some dumb kid at school, okay? That's the plan.
That's what you're doing now.
Here she comes.
- Hey, cutie.
- Hey.
I'm home.
How was dinner? Good.
Who you talking to? Oh, this dyslexic kid from my class at school.
I've been tutoring him the last couple of weeks, trying to make some money so I don't have to take any from you.
You're so sweet.
What's his name? Who? The dyslexic kid.
Oh, it's, uh, Jake something.
You tell him I said hello.
All right, Ma.
Will do.
All right.
She's gone.
Hey, um How much you think the repossession would cost? Uh five bills.
All right.
I'll get back to you.
That kid's gonna put me in the poorhouse.
Where the hell you been? We married now? Oh.
Excuse me for caring.
By the way the whole Sheila-lesbian thing? False alarm.
See, I told you she wouldn't be into that, didn't I? I'm just worried about a guy.
What do you mean? Is she seeing a guy? She's completely in mourning over you.
- Forget about it.
- Good.
I mean, it's not good.
It's just, it's better than her seeing some other asshole fireman, right? Yeah.
What do you got, you got, uh something.
What? What is that? It's red.
You know what that is? That's, um It's marinara sauce.
I had, uh I ate at Luigi's tonight.
What was that? What? I don't know.
You just made a weird face.
What are you talking about? I didn't make a weird face.
Yeah, you did.
This is my normal "come home, relax and have a drink" face.
Now it is, but two seconds ago you made a weird, "Jimmy's talking about his wife and I feel guilty" face.
What are you, nuts? That was the "I have marinara sauce on my face" face.
I don't even have the other guilty face thing you're talking about in my face repertoire.
The fact that you even have a face repertoire makes you suspect.
You know, it's like talking to a broad, it really is.
Okay? Blow me.
Kiss my ass.
Yeah? Mr.
Rivera? It's Dr.
Oh, hey.
The test was positive.
It looks like you have yourself a daughter.
Um Thank you.
Thank you.
It's that goddamn West Side Highway again.
So, what did you do? I excused myself, went to the bathroom, and stayed there for an hour and a half till they went home.
Wait a minute.
You passed on a three-way? Was she hot? Way hot.
Are you nuts? Lou, I would've had to have sex in front of another guy.
So block him out.
What if I got hit with friendly fire? Well, then make sure you're done first and get the hell out of the way.
You know, Jesus, it's true what they say.
Three-ways, like youth, are wasted on the young.
Get that line stretched, will you? Tommy, Franco, Sean.
Grab some of those chucks.
I want to shore up the SUV to make sure it doesn't tip over on us.
All right.
I got a sawbuck that says the driver in the SUV was drunk.
I'll take that bet.
- Yeah? - Let's do it.
What's the matter with you, Franco? Nothing.
I'm good.
Five paramedics on scene.
Check underneath, all right? All right.
Hang on, sir.
We're going to get you out of there, okay? - Smells like I win, huh? - Yeah.
You win.
Can you feel your fingers and your toes? Hey, Tommy, I need a neck collar and a long board.
Silletti? I need a collar and a long board now.
Got it.
You feel that? All right.
Just be patient, all right? We're gonna get you out of here.
And the driver is-- Come on, Silletti.
Christ, it looks like they're pulling a kid out of that car.
Tommy, I need you to stay over here.
Stay over here and help these guys.
I think I may know that driver.
Just stay over here.
Go over there and help the guys get the-- Tommy, come on.
Help these guys.
What's going on, man? Nothing's going on.
Just stay here.
Guys? Franco! Shit.
- Hi, this is Colleen.
- Oh, my God! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy, take it easy! Tommy! No, no.
Take it easy.
Come on.
Tommy, listen to me! Is she dead? Is she dead? She's hurt bad, Tommy, but she's alive.
Okay? Now, you got to let the EMTs do their job.
Okay? Okay, Tommy? Now, listen, we're going to get you in the chief's car, we're going to take you to the hospital.
Okay? That's the deal.
Okay? That's the deal.
Now, I'm going to get the truck right now, Tommy.
Okay? Now, you're okay.
She's okay.
She's alive.
Okay? Oh, my God.
She's going to be all right, Tommy.
- Hey.
- Where is she? They're working on her.
I want to see her.
No, you can't.
Believe me, I tried.
Who's in charge here? Who do I have to talk to? Did you know she was coming into the city? No.
I told her she couldn't go.
- That's what I told her.
- Well, that's it.
She's never allowed to see this kid again.
Roger What, do I have to be related to care about her? Is that how it's got to be? Tommy.
Come on.
Come on, guys.
Come on.
Hey, hey.
Wrong time, wrong place.
Come on, now.
It's okay, Janet.
Don't let this yuppie asshole get under your skin.
I heard that.
Douche bag, you come in here on a visit You want to be a patient? It's your call.
Manhattan to Battalion 1-5, Manhattan to Battalion 1-5.
Battalion 1-5 to Manhattan, respond to the box.
Tommy, look, we got to go.
All right.
Let us know how you make out.
She's going to be okay.
See you, guys.
Tommy, I can't get any answers in there.
You know what? What did I tell you, huh? What did I tell you? Get the hell off of me! I told you to get your priorities straight.
You wanted to be in charge of the kids.
She's laying in a hospital bed while you're trying to get laid with your loser goddamn boyfriend! And where have you been? Where was I? At work! Paying your goddamn bills! Tommy, this isn't about our bullshit.
This is about our little girl in there.
Don't tell me.
Goddamn you, Tommy.
It's on your head! Colleen Gavin's parents? Yeah, right here.
Your daughter has sustained trauma to the head.
Can we see her? Not yet.
We're still working on her.
Is she gonna be okay? I can't say just yet.
I have to get back inside.
I just wanted to let you know that she's being well taken care of.
Doctor, we're just trying to get some information-- Hey, hey, what did I tell you? Huh? Get him out of here before I put his head through the window.
Good time to pick a fight.
Shut up! Roger, please.
What? This is causing too much confusion, and I can't handle the stress anymore.
Can I please talk to you? Roger, no! Just leave.
You faxed this to the commissioner's office? What? "Stick it up your ass"? Oh, yeah.
I thought they might enjoy a speedy response.
Real smart.
You got your wish.
They're giving you a hearing a week from today.
You also got yourself suspended.
What? The commissioner didn't see the humor in your fax.
He wants you out of the house, effective immediately.
What are you talking about? You don't understand English? You are suspended.
Go home.
I love you, baby.
Give me a call soon, okay? It's me, lover boy.
I just wanted to hear your voice.
The doctor said there's still no change.
Next couple of hours are key.
You know what? I'll be back.
Where are you going? I got to go see someone.
Hey, coz.
Thought you might be stopping by.
Hey, Mick.
You looking for me? Looking for him, actually.
But you'll do.
I didn't see your car out front.
I was at Joey Fuller's wake.
Joey Fuller from our class? Heart attack, two days ago.
Dropped dead at his daughter's Little League game.
Heard about Colleen.
I'm going to try and get over there.
She okay? Not yet.
So you're stopping by to say a prayer? Maybe.
I remember when you baptized her right up there on that altar.
She smiled.
She did.
Most babies cry.
She smiled.
I remember standing up at that altar and watching Janet walk down that aisle on our wedding day.
Man, she was beautiful.
I don't know, Mick.
Sometimes I just I wish I could go back.
Even just a couple of years.
Do some things different.
Look, Tom, God has a certain-- Ahh.
Don't give me the "God has a certain plan" speech.
Please? I remember when we were kids, man, this place really meant something, you know? No matter how bad things were in the world, how many Mansons there were, how many Kennedys they killed, we knew on Sundays, we'd come in here for an hour, and everything was going to be all right.
Tom, I, uh I don't know what you want me to say.
Mick I want you to say that it's all It's bullshit.
You know? There is no plan, there is no map.
There's no golden ring at the end of the ride.
It's just bullshit.
You know? I want you to take away the hope, man.
That's the thing that's killing me.
It's just It's like, uh I'm just hanging here, man.
Hope is making me think I can fix my marriage, you know? The day of Jimmy's funeral You stood up on that altar and you said sometimes we don't know why God does the things that he does.
But I'm telling you Mick if he takes my little girl tonight I'm gonna wanna know why.
That's why you got to hold on to the hope, Tom.
Because in the end that's all we got left.
I'm gonna hang around for a little bit.
Take your time.
I found out the results of the test! She's your baby, Frankie! Shit.
What's wrong? I might need a minute here.
I, uh need a little bit of help here.
I know I haven't been coming around a lot, but, uh if you can help me out, then I'll, uh see to it that maybe that changes.

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