Revelations (2005) s01e04 Episode Script

Hour Four

/Houston, we're looking at something /unusual between Acturus and Izar.
/There shouldn't be anything beetween them, /Just open space.
/There is something.
It's solid and it's reflecting light.
- Hello? /- Richard.
/- Jonah.
- Is your telescope up? - No, I haven't touched it since I got back.
- You better get over here.
- There's something you must see tonight.
- I'll be right over.
I had a beautiful dream.
Tell me.
Take a look.
I saw it right through her own eyes.
There are many Sisters of Mercy Convents, but we'll get right on it.
Nathan? I want her heart.
Can I help you folks? Can you tell us which is the window of Isaiah Haden? Why? We'd like to park where we could see him.
He's going to court tomorrow.
We're here to pray.
All of us are.
- How could it have just popped up over night? - At first I thought comet, or asteroid, but in the past 3 days it has tripled in size.
Can we be watching the birth of a star? A star on steroids getting bigger and brighter every moment.
I bet your nun would say the birth of this star in the East is a sign of the second coming of the Christ.
Unless she believes Christ is here.
Then this star in the East, when it's viewed from the Holy Land, with the Earth's rotation, it wouldn't be in the East, It would be in the West.
They know Haden and his network.
Maybe they know something about Hawk.
- Who's taken him.
Where and why.
- They're in the Witness Protection Program.
I don't need to know where they are.
I just wanna have a phone conversation.
We've been through this before.
Time Time is everything now.
You call the switchboard at 6:00 p.
You tell them you want my bypass.
You punch in this code and you answer the voice menu.
You will be given a cell phone number that will only be good 'til 6:15.
Thank you.
That's all I can do.
/This is WKSP News for all /of New England.
/In Boston today security forces at /Wilton penitentiary were prepared /for a gathering of media and local spectators /here to get a glimpse of Isaiah Haden /on the way to his first /court appearence.
/But few expected the hundreds of pilgrims, /as they call themselves, drawn here /to show their support for their /cult leader, /alleged to have sacrificed /the 12-year-old daughter /of professor Richard Massey /in a brutal Satanic ritual.
/No question, this case is /a potential star maker, /certainly for the new /District Attorney Nelson Boyd, /whose mettle will be tested /by Nathan Volk, /known for defending cases /of hate crimes and terrorism, /which often collapse /before ever going to trial.
There's a rich tradition for this sort of case in this state where in Salem county, citizens were once jailed and executed based on hysterical claims they practiced witchcraft.
My client has been jailed on just such claims brought by a man who is suspected /of kidnapping a brain-dead child /from a hospital in Miami, Florida, just as he kidnapped my client from the streets of Santiago, /just as he is now on a quest, worldwide, to kidnap Jesus Christ himself.
- It's so good to see you, Josepha.
- And you.
I can always count on you to smile, when all looks lost.
All but hope.
Hope is never lost.
You found the child.
We traced him to Patmos, but he was gone when we arrived.
We don't know where.
But there are eyewitness accounts of the miracles that he performed and of his powers to heal.
Some of the healings were undone which led me to doubt.
- But then I met the mother.
- She's alive? - Yes.
- Listen, I'm confused.
The healings were undone? Yes, but, as in the scriptures, by the foot soldiers of Satan, "so man would put it to death as man has done before.
" What holds your belief? Anna-Theresa.
Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted to meet a saint.
I'd imagined it completely differently.
I'd imagined perfection.
She's young, she's innocent.
She's flawed.
You know, perhaps she's as Mary was.
But when you look in her eyes, there is such truth.
I know that she is the Virgin Mother of the child that we're looking for.
All we have to do is to find the child.
And all the while, Satan rages.
And the Devil plays in the fields of the Lord.
More miraculous pregnancies.
Dozens of them.
Called in from every point of the globe.
Argentina, Peru, Africa.
Reported by ministries of health, the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders.
There's a woman from Romania who wrote to me herself.
I had her flown to a hospital in Canada.
I'd like for us to go see her.
- These are immaculate conceptions? - No, I didn't say that.
But you said miraculous.
And I'll say no more until we've seen for ourselves.
We can pinpoint the exact location of whoever answers my call on a cell phone? Yeah, that's what it's designed for.
The FCC requires all cell phones to carry a GPS chip so the police can track 911 calls.
So, call anywhere in the world.
/- Hello? - Rubio, where are you right now? /- The office.
Why? - Hang on.
- You want the address? - No, I'll find him.
What is it that I am looking at right now? People asking for directions - phones, cars, planes, trains, - ships at sea-- - Ships at sea.
We just have to isolate the satellite relay and bingo.
That your address? - That's impressive.
- So, that took us 12 seconds.
- We need to keep him on the line that long.
- We've only got a 15-minute window.
- So I'll be back at 5:30.
- Okay.
Samaael? Hey, come up here and see the lives that are gonna go on without you.
Take a look.
Scorched by the fires of passion, she deserted young Hawk.
- That's my mom.
- And what bliss she did discover moving into a house with no room for you.
Just for your replacement, who slumbers in her womb.
You wanna go to her? Go ahead.
Step out of this truck, go down on that porch, and say, "Mom, I'm home.
" And we'll never bother you again.
We'll have to take the one that's inside of.
- Why? - A bargain's a bargain.
And that's how we play.
For everything given, something is taken away.
- You'd take her baby away? - A bargain's a bargain.
That's how we play.
You can come, you can go.
But we own you either way.
Try it, Sam.
Remember, a bargain's a bargain.
You give us up, it'll be taken away.
How you doing? - Car registration? - Absolutely.
Here we go.
- You're Harold Clement? - I am.
- And these people? - This is my wife, Cleo.
And my little brother, Sam.
Have we offended? - Open the back.
- Okay.
Cold one out here, isn't it? Open the tire well.
All righty.
- No firearms? - No sir, we're Mormons.
- Why isn't Sam in school? - We're Mormons.
Out of state driver, parked alone in the back country this time of year.
Lot of bloodthirsty guys are out here pushing the season.
- The season? - Deer season.
Well, we're Mormons.
What did you say your name was again, son? He's profoundly hard of hearing.
Well, tell him in sign language.
You speak sign language? I sure do.
Am I pushing the season? /Today is the day that friends and family /of Lucinda Massey have been waiting for, /particularly her father, /Richard Massey - /to see the man that admits only /to practicing his religion - /come into court and answer for /the murder of an innocent child.
/Unrepentent, /Isaiah Haden faces justice.
The security agent sent me.
- You're early.
- I like the cold.
Can I see your security clearance? Okay.
I have to check the car.
- What happened to Gavin? - He left.
- Are you the new guy? - I'm the new guy.
- Welcome aboard.
- Thank you.
All rise.
Residing Judge Arlein Caine.
/ This court is in session.
We adhere to The Constitution in this court, and do not mix Church with State.
But I will say, God hel whoever is responsible for the charges brought forth this day.
- I would like to speak about Church and State.
- Your presence here today is not for speaking, but listening to the charges brought against you-- I would like to speak about that when there's time.
You've been charged with 6 counts of criminal felony.
One count, false imprisonment.
One felony count, conspiracy of kidnapping and transport across state lines.
One felony count, criminal battery.
One felony count, conspiracy and torture.
And one felony count, premeditated murder in the first degree.
How do you plead? Oh, I can speak now? - You answer guilty or not.
- What for? With all due respect, Your Honor, I'm in a prison full of people who sat here and did exactly what you told them to do.
/Did their faith in your laws and their /blind obedience made any difference? - Be quiet! - Did it?! All the other false prophets elevated on stepping stools to play almighty God.
Behold the fury of their wrath, when the true Ruler of men reduces the hypocrites to dust! Beware of that day when their flesh will rot where they stand - and their tongues will rotten in their mouths.
- Get him out of here and shut him up! And that is the first smart thing you've said, little man! /My words will make the walls /of your prison crumble! Because the word is like a caged bird.
Once it is out, there's no calling it back.
- Take him out of here.
- The word from my cage is Holy War! Holy War! Go.
They're picking up.
It's busy.
No, it's not going through.
Here, here, here, here.
Try mine.
Try mine.
It's ringing.
This is the phone company.
We're setting up your new number and we'd like to transfer it over directly with you on the line.
No, no it's a new system, actually.
It's a way that we hope you can save some money and-- I can't have any way to call you back, so-- No, I really wish you wouldn't do that, sir, because-- Sir, please, no.
I don't have-- I lost him.
We got him! 3457 Main, Alpine, New Jersey.
It's 5 hours from here.
Our sonograms are state of the art.
We've taken some very detailed pictures.
These pictures were taken in Romania.
It's an outdated technology.
You'll find it very hard to read.
It might have gone unnoticed except for her story, - which no one believes.
- What was the story? She was raped.
Jennot? Tell the story for us.
Can you tell us your story? It was-- It was night and storming.
And there were many.
And I was alone.
I-I could hear them.
This was not voice of man.
Other voice.
This was not man's feet.
Other feet.
And I-I run.
I run into the garden.
But I could not see.
And they hd me down.
And I cry, "Please, God," I cried.
"Please!" And I see I see this is not a man.
This is a beast.
Where is God? Where is my God? No, God is with you.
God is with you.
I think you should see this.
Torvald, what does it mean? I know Revelations, chapter and verse.
I know what it predicts, but this-- I don't know what it means and I-- I don't know how to deal with it.
It means that the game is escalating.
That miracles heaven-sent are being answered with miracles from Hell.
How to deal with this? None would know.
Except the scholar of the dark side, Bugenhagen.
And he's gone.
But, his work? His writings? Someone must have it, no? No.
They say he took it to his grave.
You can build your muscles all you want.
But power comes not from the physique but the strength of the soul that lives within.
And that soul is born of discipline.
Not theirs.
We are born in a brotherhood of discipline.
For we are all brothers here.
Our fate is the same.
Massey's office.
/It's sister Josepha.
Are in front of your computer? Could you tap in Bugenhagen for me? B-U-G-E-N-H-A-G-E-N.
It should be under exorcism.
He was lt in a line of 15th-Century exorcists.
- He disappeared about ten years ago.
- In the Holy Land.
"Taking with him an irreplaceable scholarly works in the art of Satanic combat.
" If you could find out where he was last seen, who he was with, and the names of anyone who might know where his papers are.
It's Asteroth.
I found the child at Sisters of Mercy in Northern Pennsylvania.
How you wish it to be done? Put some pressure on them to try and make her run with her.
I'd rather avoid the attention of turning a nunnery into a slaughterhouse.
Don't forget your prints.
- Is it too late to get an enlargement made? - Sorry, we're just about to close.
This--this one.
Andrea? Just wait! I just wanna talk to you.
Listen to me.
My name is Richard Massey.
Lucy is my daughter.
I just need your help.
I have a flower delivery for a Olivia Beaudrey.
There's no Olivia Beaudrey here.
/- Yes? - We just had a delivery for Olivia Beaudrey.
We didn't know what was gonna happen there.
We were afraid of him, we still are.
We didn't know what he was gonna do until he did it.
We couldn't stop it.
I don't know how to talk about it to you.
It's nothing I would wanna hear if I were her father.
You have a child? Little girl.
If you could save her from something like what happened to mine, you'd-- I'd do anything.
So would I.
- Another's been taken.
- Her stepbrother.
We saw it on television.
Is there anything you know that could help him? Help me find him? Is he a virgin? If he's Lucy's replacement, he has to be pure.
- Replacement? - As the offering.
He considered her perfection.
He wanted to tutor her, prepare her, but she wouldn't cooperate.
She loved God.
It made him very angry.
You made him angry too.
He called you arrogant.
A blasphemer.
He'd looked at many children, and he took her to humble you.
What kind of offering was she supposed to be? The birth of the unholy child.
The birth-- what? The blood of a virgin must be spilled on the altar.
When? Where is this supposed to happen? Nobody knows when or where, but that's what Lucy was for.
Maybe her stepbrother now as a sacrifice at the birth of the Antichrist.
- Dr.
Massey to see Isaiah Haden.
- Open the door.
Call if you need help.
Otherwise, we'll be looking the other way.
Good to see you.
I'm gonna make this short.
Hey, I'm just grateful you could squeeze me in.
I know you've been traveling a lot lately.
But anytime you're in the Boston area please feel free to-- Could you bring me some toothpaste next time? Look, I want him back.
More than I wanna see you die.
Do I hear a deal in the offing? I spoke to the District Attorney.
He says that he'll consider an insanity plea.
I'd have to be insane to agree to that.
This is your last shot at a life-span.
You can read, you can write.
You can preach.
And you can live to an old age in a hospital facility.
Sounds so attractive.
- Listen to this-- - No, you listen to me! We've got him.
And we're keeping him.
And you know what? He likes it.
He took to it like a tick to blood.
His teachers say he's doing excellent work.
I know why you took him.
And why you took her.
Really? Are you a believer now? I think I liked you better as a fool lumping Satan in with Santa Claus.
- Do you think he's a joke now? - You took my daughter for this? Open your eyes.
It's a battle of the gods.
The nun speaks to heaven.
I speak to hell.
And you who worships matter that matters not, think you're better than us all.
You blaspheme her God, you blaspheme mine.
I took your daughter to bring you to your knees.
Do you still wanna save me, Richard? I can't save you.
Bet I know what my daughter would've said.
May God have mercy on your soul.
I actually believe she did.
/Henry, I'm at the courts.
/Your email said 4:00, /now it's 4:22.
/It's 4:35 and I'm hoping for your sake /that something awful happened to you /and that's why you're so late! /Henry, I didn't mean what I said.
/I'd die if anything happened to you.
/You're the only one who understands me anymore.
/So be okay.
/Okay? /Henry, you won't believe /this creepy guy out here.
That's what he's been carrying inside.
- Are you there? - Oh, yes.
We'll be here for the rest of your life, Henry.
- Where is he? Is he in yet? - Look what I found.
- I've got to speak to him.
- I found the world's expert on Bugenhagen.
Daniel Goran.
/- Hello? /- Doctor Goran? /- Speaking.
/- This is Sister Josepha Montafiore.
/Sister Josepha Montafiore.
/I knew we'd meet someday.
I'm in urgent need of some information.
I've got the key to all the information you need.
Shall I come to you? /Meet me in Prague, at the Narodni Museum.
Oh, and can you bring /Dr.
Massey? I don't know.
He's dealing with a problem right now.
/Well, that's why he should come.
/Urge him to.
It may be his only hope of finding the boy.
I see.
Heels off the edge.
The sin you've chosen to mark your life with will vanish into the abyss with the life of a man who called himself Hawk.
If his body survives, it will be as Samaael.
Immune to God's judgment for all eternity.
What sin did Hawk choose above all others for which his God would never forgive him? He let his stepsister down.
He was late because of basketball.
He forgot to pick her up after school.
She's dead because of it.
He let Lucinda down.
Think about that as you fall.
Forgive me.
/The discovery of a rising star /isn't always about red carpets.
/Today, it's about a phenomenon /astronomers are calling unprecedented.
/The accelerated formation /of a new star.
/The sceptics say it's an optical illusion /and will soon pass away.
/Others are convinced it's here /to stay.
This is Mark Rubio, Dr.
Massey's assistant.
/It's Mother Francine.
May I speak with either Sister Josepha or Dr.
Massey? /- We need help here right away.
/- They're on a plane right now.
Somebody sent her flowers here.
Somebody knows she's here.
- But you're okay, right? /- The point is we're not.
We will try to manage this.
Anything that you can do I would deeply appreciate.
/I don't know.
Where are you? The mathematician in me says it doesn't add up.
An archaeologist half a world away holds the key to finding Hawk.
Makes as much sense as thinking you can hold Armageddon at bay.
Do you know why the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden away? - No, I don't.
- Because centuries ago people believed - that Armageddon was at hand.
- But it wasn't, was it? Perhaps it was, but people like us, who didn't want to give up on humanity, managed to put it off to another day.
Little Virgin Mother, we've been looking for you.
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