Roswell s01e04 Episode Script

Leaving Normal

- Previously on Roswell.
- Liz! There's a bullet hole in the dress.
I'm telling you.
The girl was shot.
Thank you, Sheriff.
Your work is done now.
We'll take it from here.
Where are you from? Up north.
You can't talk to anyone about this.
- Oh, my God.
You told her.
- What do you make of that mark? So with this picture, what we're saying is there's more of us? - Kyle Valenti headed this way.
- Like, in this general direction or, like, towards me? - Liz! - Kyle! - What's going on? - Nothing.
- We're just - Different.
It's October 19th.
I'm Liz Parker, and this is what I've been thinking.
Can life ever go back to normal? - It's, like, crazy.
- Orthodontists' convention.
Why would orthodontists want to convene in Roswell? - That's a good question.
- Listen, Jose.
If table three doesn't get fed soon, they're gonna attack.
- Busy, ladies.
Very busy.
- Oh, my God.
I forgot to tell you.
Grandma Claudia's coming on Friday.
I have been going through grandma withdrawals.
I love Grandma Claudia.
I know.
She's the basis of my existence.
- Table six.
- Oh.
Thank you.
Jose, what about me? - Here she is.
- Okay, gentlemen.
I've got one Venus meat loaf platter.
There you go.
Two Trekkie specials.
Enjoy your dinner.
- Your space fries will be right out.
- Miss? My colleagues and I were just appreciating your wonderful overbite.
Well, thank you.
That's That's a first, actually.
Would you mind if we just take a look at your bite? For medical purposes.
[Liz Narrating.]
Part of me wants safety wants to go back to how things were to a life that I could predict, where I know what is gonna be.
And the other part of me wants to go somewhere else into the unknown.
Enjoy your dinner, gentlemen.
- It's an orthodontists' convention.
- Apparently.
So, um, are you waiting for Michael or No.
[Clears Throat.]
I'll just have, uh, an Alien Blast.
- Me too.
- Excuse me? Nothing.
Um, one Alien Blast.
He's the guy.
What's going on, guys? - Evans, right? - Yeah.
- Stay away from her.
- Who? #[Rock.]
It was those jocks from the football team, right? Kyle and his friends? Kyle wasn't there.
I've seen them giving you those looks.
- It was them, wasn't it? - It doesn't matter who it was.
- I'm gonna kill them.
- Michael, no.
So what are we gonna do? Nothing.
What do you mean, we're gonna do nothing? Michael, listen to me.
This is bad.
Kyle does something to us.
We do something back to him.
This kind of thing gets all over school, all over town.
Rumors start flying.
The whole thing about what I did to Liz starts coming up again.
- We get exposed.
- That's exactly what I'm saying.
We go, and we shut those guys up right now.
Michael, we have to stick together now more than ever before.
We have to go back into our shells.
You can't do anything to those guys.
I have to stay away from Liz.
[Bell Ringing.]
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, catching up on upcoming athletic events? - Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
It couldn't be that Max has P.
Fourth period and you're conveniently positioning yourself - to just happen to run into him? - [Bell Ringing.]
- Good-bye.
- Bye.
- Hey, Max.
- Hey.
- What happened to your face? - I fell.
- Are you okay? - Yeah.
When did it happen? It looks really bad.
Look, I gotta get going.
I have an English midterm.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Liz, hey.
- Hey.
So, tonight's movie night, right? - Yes.
- Video store at 6:00? - Sounds great.
- All right.
See ya.
Hey, watch where you're going.
Dude, I'm sorry.
#[Man Singing.]
#[Rock Ballad, Indistinct.]
- Grandma! Hi! - Honey Bear.
! [Chuckling.]
Oh! - Hello, Jeffrey.
- Mom.
Oh, you're still listening to them.
- You're dating yourself.
- Well, you know, some things defy time.
- Oh, look at you.
- What? Last year when I left, you were a child.
Now I come back to find a beautiful, young woman.
Let me help you upstairs with your stuff.
Oh, Jeffrey'll get it, won't you, dear? I thought you weren't supposed to be here till Friday.
Tell me what's going on.
Did you finish the book you were working on? Oh, book schmook.
Let's dish.
- Hey, Claudia.
- Oh, Nancy.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Come with us.
We're going upstairs to catch up.
- Really? Should I? - Yeah.
Come on, Mom.
I don't think so.
I have a lot of laundry to do, so We'll be back just as soon as Liz has told me about all the boys who are head over heels in love with her.
Don't waste your time, because she never talks about that stuff.
So, in any case, Kyle's not somebody that I'm gonna marry or anything, but it's You know, we have a good time together.
It's good.
What? Well, not every relationship has to be the be-all and end-all.
- It doesn't? - No.
Everybody wants to find her soul mate but there's so much time for that.
I think it's nice that you have somebody you can have fun with.
What if there was something else? "Something else.
" Someone else.
Now, this is worth the price of the airfare.
What if this someone else could potentially be you know, what you said? Is there? [Sighs.]
But what if it were, like, complicated like, incredibly, incredibly complicated? One thing I can tell you.
If it isn't complicated he probably isn't a soul mate.
- Grandma! - Oh! Maria! Look at you! Another beauty! Oh! God help this poor little town with you two running around! - Okay, I love this woman.
- Maria, look at this.
It's an article on the first findings of the Navajo Indians in hundreds of years.
Lost Treasures, by Claudia Parker.
It's gonna be in The American Journal of Archaeology.
That is so cool.
All right.
So, let's talk about me.
The hair thing.
Does it work for you? I kind of see it as like a Meg Ryan style after an electric storm.
- I think it's you.
- She's good.
- So, what were you guys talking about? - Nothing.
- Boys.
- Oh, Kyle or Max? - Thank you.
- Aha, Max! No.
Max he's so not possible.
He's just like this whole different - Life-form? - Type.
- How intriguing.
A dangerous man.
- Spacey man.
- A mystery man.
- Okay.
You two? - You're out of control.
- [Chuckling.]
So, what are we doing tonight? Tonight.
Whatcha doing? Oh, some kid pulled these out.
Great job you found, Max.
Real dignified.
Gotta feed the monkey.
Seventeen people at school already told me about your face.
Oh, my God.
What happened? Uh, Michael and I were just He told me the story about you falling on the basketball court.
What really happened, Max? Some guys roughed me up last night.
Why? They're friends of Kyle's.
I think Kyle must be upset about me and Liz.
You were just gonna tell me some story, like I can't handle the truth? I guess I knew how upset you'd be, and I don't want you to get mad.
We have to stay inside now.
We have to be careful.
Max, this whole thing with Liz and the sheriff s son I know.
I'm staying away from Liz.
Pretty raw.
Why don't you just get rid of them? Because they have to heal normal.
Everything has to be normal.
I can't believe you actually rented this.
This looks like the worst movie in history.
Well, for your information, Massacre at Sunset Village is a modern-day classic.
The serial killer hones in on this retirement community so it's got something for your grandmother.
I am not showing this to my grandmother.
Twenty minutes of Wings of Boringness, we'll all be ready for some action.
[Sirens Wailing.]
- [Indistinct.]
- [Woman On Radio, Indistinct.]
- What've we got? - Patient complained of weakness in her left side.
Then her family members noticed slurred speech before she lost consciousness.
160, pulse 100, respiration's 20.
Give me an E.
, smack seven, and keep them out of here.
- I'm sorry.
I need to have you wait.
- That's my mother! - I understand that, but I need you to wait out here.
- Get ready to scan her.
Drop a P.
And a P.
And hold an extra red top.
We also need a portable chest X ray.
I'm gonna go I'll be right back.
[Line Ringing.]
It's Max.
I'm not here right now - but please leave a message.
- [Beeps.]
Hi, Max.
It's Liz.
Um I'm at the hospital.
Something happened to my grandmother.
We don't know if it's serious, but it seems really bad, and I'm just scared.
Look, I don't even know why I'm calling you.
I guess I just wanted to hear your voice or something.
Um Now I just feel completely stupid.
Look, you Don't come here or anything, 'cause everybody's here.
I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Sorry for the weird call.
[Dial Tone.]
[Woman On P.
, Indistinct.]
- Jeff, hi.
- Thank you for coming.
- We're so glad you were able to be here.
- Of course.
- How is she? - Jeff, your mother's had a stroke.
This is serious, but she's been responding very well.
Her vital signs are good.
She's stabilized.
Is she gonna be okay? A lot of people fully recover from a stroke like this.
But it's early.
We're going to need time before we can determine what the repercussions are.
- Thank you.
- We have reason to be positive here, okay? Thanks.
My grandmother just had a stroke.
I'm sorry.
How are you doing? You okay? Yeah.
- Everyone, this is Max.
- Hi there.
So, what are you doing here? My cousin got into a car accident.
I'm sorry.
I don't think it's serious.
I better go find out how he's doing.
[Siren Beeps.]
So how's your cousin? He's gonna be okay.
Your cousin wasn't in an accident, was he? - It was a mistake.
- [Sighs.]
Max, I know that something happened between you and Liz the day of the shooting that you helped her out or whatever.
She was shaken up, and you calmed her down, and I appreciate that.
But what I don't appreciate is that ever since then, you've been all over her.
I see it, Max.
My friends see it.
The entire school sees it.
Now I like Liz, Max.
A lot.
And I don't want you around her.
Believe me, I can see that.
[Sobbing, Growling On TV.]
Hey! Improving your mind, eh? [TV Continues.]
How was your day? Just got back from the hospital.
The hospital? Liz's grandma had a stroke.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
- They think she's gonna be all right, though.
- That's good.
Give my regards to the family, will you? Yeah.
Kyle, is something bugging you? No.
Just girl troubles.
Nothing you'd understand.
Why don't you try me? All right.
[Clears Throat.]
Let me just ask you then.
- With you and Mom - Mm-hmm.
Back when things were good, if you can remember that far back did you ever feel like you didn't know what was going on with her? Like she was just going through the motions like there was something else on her mind all the time? Is that what's going on with Liz? There's something on her mind? Why am I talking to you about this? I'm, like, deranged.
Well, what else is on her mind? - School stuff? - No, no.
It's just, like like someone else maybe.
Does this have anything to do with that Max kid? What, like, the entire country knows? Kyle, listen to me.
I don't want you getting mixed up with that kid.
What are you talking about? What do you care about Max Evans? Kyle, I don't want you around him.
Do you hear me? Yeah.
How's your grandmother? We're waiting, but I think she's gonna be okay.
If anybody can pull through this, it's her.
She's so full of life.
I was thinking that, um when she gets better, I'd really love for you to meet her.
I hope she's okay.
- So, about last night.
- Yeah, I shouldn't have come.
- You told me.
- No, I'm glad you did.
It really meant a lot that you were there.
I'm just really sorry that it got so awkward.
It was a mistake.
I mean, you had your family there.
And Kyle.
- I know I shouldn't have called - Yeah, you shouldn't have, probably.
I mean we said we agreed to, you know.
See you later, Liz.
Ow! Gandhi feeling frustrated? Shut up.
Let me guess.
You're in love with a girl and she's with another guy.
You realize that you can be really annoying, right? I got something else that's gonna cheer you up.
What's the matter with you? You forget your combination? - What the hell are you doing? - What am I doing? - What are you doing? - I'm helping you out.
No, you're not helping me out.
You promised me you wouldn't do anything to those guys.
I promised I wouldn't hurt those guys.
You're putting us in danger.
You're the one who put us in danger when you saved Liz.
- You're the one who screwed up.
- And I would do it again right now.
Let's hope we can trust her.
We can trust her.
Well, I don't trust anyone these days.
Liz, how's she doing? She's okay.
We're just gonna wait and see.
Come here.
So what are you doing in school? I was at the hospital all night.
My parents just wanted me to take a break.
My mom said she'd page me if anything changed.
Well, you know, you should be home then.
You know, bingeing on junk food and Rosie.
Maria, I'm getting this really weird feeling from Max.
What kind of feeling? It's like he's pulling away or something.
He can't even be pulling away, because we're not together to begin with, but I feel him, like, avoiding me.
Well, wasn't that the whole agreement that you guys wouldn't be seen together for a while? Yeah, but it's different.
I saw Max before, and he had this, like this tone, like I was this like I was this enemy or something.
Maybe you're just reading into this too much.
- I mean, with everything that's going on.
- Maybe.
[Bell Ringing.]
All right.
So I'll just I'll see you at work.
Work? No way you're working tonight, Liz.
Stephanie's on vacation, Karen's pregnant and those tooth people are gonna invade.
I cannot leave you by yourself.
Liz, you should be with your family.
I can handle the Crashdown.
- Are you sure? - Absolutely.
And besides, I'm not alone.
I have Agnes.
And besides, I'm not alone.
I have Agnes.
- I've been here a half an hour.
- Enjoy your meal.
- Enjoy your meal.
- Thanks.
- Miss, could I order now, please? - Yeah, just one second.
- Hi.
What can I get for you, sir? - Let me ask you.
Would you recommend the Will Smith burger over the Tommy LeeJones bacon basket? - Miss.
! - That sounds terrific.
Agnes, could you get that guy's order, please? So which one would you recommend? - The first one.
- The Will Smith? - Suck a duck.
- Excuse me? Agnes! Agnes! - What are you doing? - I'm on break.
Break? You're on a break.
You just had a break.
They'll get their food when they get their food.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- [Deep Breaths.]
- [Girl Chuckles.]
- I'm sorry.
Do I know you? - I have to talk to you.
I'll meet you guys at the movie.
I thought we agreed that you would never address me until we've established complete privacy.
I am gonna hate myself for this, but I need to ask you for a favor that will leave me forever indebted to you.
I am so dead here.
Will you help me wait tables? [Chuckles.]
- You're kidding, right? - Please.
To put this as succinctly as possible I'm not really a service-oriented person.
Wait, wait, wait.
Liz's grandmother is in the hospital.
If she doesn't think I can do this, it's just gonna give her one more thing to worry about.
It's not for me.
It's for Liz.
Well, since you put it that way, no.
Well, your grandmother was hiking in Yosemite and she came across this guy who was deer hunting.
And it wasn't even deer season.
Well, I think it was.
But anyway he's hunting inside the national park.
And it was off-season too.
- Anyway, she arrested him.
- Who, the hunter? Yeah.
It was him and his brother and, um, and their buddy, too, right? - Right.
- Made a citizen's arrest.
You should've seen your grandma.
She's dragging these three gun-wielding beer-guzzling hunters into the sheriff s office.
- It made national news.
Am I right? - She's so incredible.
[Woman On P.
Code blue, I.
, room 104.
- Code blue, I.
, room 104.
- Oh, my God.
That's her.
All right.
Got no pulse, no B.
- Paddles ready.
- Charge 200.
- Clear! - Nothing.
- Charge 300.
- 300.
- Still nothing.
- Charge 360.
! - [Paddles Discharging.]
- Let's have some lidocaine.
[Heart Monitor Beeping.]
- She could still come out of it.
- The doctor doesn't think so.
I saw it in his eyes.
I can't believe this.
I mean, you saw her yesterday.
- You know, she was so full of life.
- I know.
I can't believe I went out.
I was out all day.
I wasted all that time in a video store.
I had all this time that I could've spent with her, and I left.
What was I thinking? I know.
It's irrational.
I'm being irrational.
Liz, I'm glad you're being irrational.
I mean, this is hard.
This is really, really hard.
Are you sure you don't want me to stay? Yeah.
It's fine.
But thank you.
- Okay.
I love you.
- I love you too.
- Oh, that's weird.
- What? Looks like it melted.
No way.
Shut up.
- It's a temporary situation.
- Why are you You're covering for Liz, aren't you? So, depressed? Feeling sorry for yourself? - Angry at the world? - All of the above.
Listen, I heard Liz's grandmother isn't doing so well.
She could probably use someone to talk to.
She's got Maria.
She's got Kyle.
And who'd she call when she first found out? You're the one who's always telling me I have to stay away from her.
What are you saying, Iz? I'm just saying that, you know if something like this happened to Grandma or Grandpa I wouldn't want to be kept away from who I really needed.
So, anyway, wish me luck.
Or should I say, wish the orthodontists luck? [Man.]
Excuse me, ma'am? "Ma'am"? Okay, you're not gonna get anywhere calling me "ma'am.
" I ordered this burger well-done.
Well, not rare.
Looks well-done to me.
Isabel Evans? Cleaning people's remains? Isabel, image means everything in this world.
- You know that.
- We base our lives on that.
If you're seen in this capacity, it's notjust you that suffers.
It brings us all down.
Chill out.
Can you heat this? [Bubbling.]
- You're a genius.
- [Doorbell Ringing.]
Can I talk to you for a second? So I've been thinking about why I called you you know, that day from the hospital.
Because l I knew that it was against the rules and it led to that whole awkward moment, but I called anyway.
Sort of couldn't help it.
Because when something like this happens what's what's happening to my grandmother you don't really listen to logic, to what you're supposed to do.
You listen to your heart.
And my heart told me to call you.
Because you were the one person in the world that I really wanted to talk to.
Max, I've been thinking something and I'm really not gonna be able to get it out of my head unless I just say it.
I'm really sorry for asking you this but is there is there anything that you could do for my grandmother? You know, do? Liz, when I saved you, it was because you were shot and there was a bullet in you.
Something was happening to you that wasn't supposed to happen.
It was before your time.
But I can't just heal people.
I'm not God.
I know.
So the locker just melted closed.
How do you explain that? Metal's gotta be, like, 500 degrees to melt.
Maybe it was that Max guy getting back at us.
Getting back at us for what? We beat the crap out of the bastard.
What? You're the one who told us he was hitting on Liz.
You idiots.
[Woman On P.
Nurse Rush to Pharmacology.
Nurse Rush to Pharmacology.
How's she doing? She's okay.
Listen, l I need to talk to you.
Liz, I'm sorry.
I know you have other things on your mind right now but I just wanted to tell you I had nothing to do with what happened to Max.
What happened to Max? You know, Tommy and Paulie those guys.
They're degenerates, and I had no idea that they were gonna do that.
- Do what? - You know, beat him up.
You didn't know? Why would they do something like that? I don't know why.
They just were trying to help out.
Help out? How would that help out? I told them it was wrong, Liz.
How could you be friends with people that would do that? - Come on, Liz.
They're good guys.
- No, Kyle.
They're not good guys.
- Why are you getting like this? - Like what? I'm tryin' to explain something to you, and you're letting it get out of hand.
You must've said something to them about Max.
They must've had They must've had a reason to do what they did.
Why are you so damn worried about Max? Because he got attacked for no reason.
He is the last person in the world who would ever want to hurt anyone.
So you are, aren't you? You and Max are together.
No, we're not.
- Neither are we.
- What? Kyle, I just I really don't think that we should be together anymore.
So you're gonna break up with me because my friends knocked Max around.
It's complicated.
It's because of Max.
- No.
I told you that Max - Listen, Max is trouble.
My dad's got an eye on him.
I have to go and see my grandmother.
I'm sorry, Kyle.
Mom? Dad? Hi, guys.
I got you coffee.
- Thank you, baby.
- Got it? Here.
Why don't you guys just go outside and get some air? You sure? Yeah.
I'll be fine, okay? [Monitor Beeping.]
I can't stop, you know, what's gonna happen.
But maybe I can help you say good-bye.
[Heart Beating.]
[Breathing Heavily.]
[Beeping Continues.]
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Honey Bear.
Let me guess.
Grandma, I guess the thing that I really wanted to say to you more than anything else was just how much you mean to me.
And somehow you just always managed to make me feel really special.
And l I just don't know what I'm gonna do without you.
You're gonna do just fine.
And I want to tell you something.
When I look at you, so excited about life I can see myself.
And that's a gift a gift I'll take with me that I'll always treasure.
Promise me one thing that you'll follow your heart wherever it takes you.
Trust it.
Will you do that? I will.
[Sustained Beep.]
[Liz Narrating.]
The tough thing about following your heart is what people forget to mention that sometimes your heart takes you to places you shouldn't be places that are as scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring.
And sometimes your heart takes you to places that can never lead to a happy ending.
Max, thank you for It's okay.
- Good night.
- Night.
[Liz Narrating.]
And that's not even the difficult part.
The difficult part is when you follow your heart you leave normal you go into the unknown.
And once you do, you can never go back.

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