Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Ruby Ring What is it now, Chorim? We were so busy, but she did nothing but play with her phone.
But boss, you see, I'm not feeling well today.
I was taking a quick break when Chorim What? A quick break? Quick? Chorim, she says she's unwell.
I'm not well either.
I'm exhausted.
I should be taking deer antler tonic.
Deer antler tonic? You don't need that.
I know a miracle cure for you.
What are you talking about? Dongpal Hey, Ko Soyeong.
Be quiet.
What's "dung pal"? Dung pal.
She said, dung pal.
Why you I've had enough of this.
What's the matter with you two? You little jerk.
Come here.
My goodness.
Chorim! Soyeong.
I won't let go either.
What's going on? Dongpal, I didn't do anything wrong, but Chorim smacked me in the face.
I can't live like this.
My goodness, Chorim.
Did you really smack her? You see Chorim, you should've held back.
Just look at yourself, fighting with someone so young.
But Gilja Act your age.
How embarrassing.
I'm immature.
Why is it always my fault when something goes wrong? Fine.
I'm the bad one.
Happy now? Move.
What right does she have yelling at us? Spinsters are quick to fly off the handle.
Dongpal, my eye really hurts.
Can you take a look at it? Why me? I'm not your boyfriend.
Ruby, are you free? Chairman Bae.
Keep up the good work.
There's no need.
Don't mind me and do your work.
This place is famous for their shaved ice.
Taste it.
How much is this? $12.
It's just crushed ice with mixed grain powder and red beans, and they're charging $12? It's really good though.
Try it.
What is it this time? Another row with mom? Aunt Chorim.
I don't want to be like this.
Good grief.
Ruby, tell me if this makes any sense.
I don't understand Gilja.
Soyeong was talking back at me at the restaurant, right? But your mother took Soyeong's side, not mine.
What happened with Soyeong? Dongpal and I were Dongpal? No.
I meant, a dung beetle.
It was a dung beetle.
It crawled into the restaurant.
I tried to catch it.
I'm serious here.
How can you be laughing? Okay.
I'm sorry, Aunt Chorim.
Have some shaved ice.
Yes? Director Bae, the chairman and the president are here.
Dad, what's going on? I've come to check on you.
President Kim, is Gyeongmin doing okay as the director? He's thorough, just like you.
You keep him in line.
What for? He's doing well on his own.
Please sit down.
What brings you here? You didn't mention anything this morning.
I stopped by at HQ in Seoul and decided to drop by here as well.
This place has changed a lot.
I still shudder when I look back on how hard it was to get this built.
But I think that's why I feel more attached to it too.
That's true.
I think of those times as well.
We were young back then.
Yes, we were so bold and driven.
Does the director work hard? He doesn't play hooky? No, sir.
See? You don't have to keep an eye on me anymore.
Ever since he came here, many good things have happened.
The Juni deal for one, and the Hoban Concert the marketing department is organizing.
They were in the works for some time, but maybe Director Bae brings good luck.
Everything's smooth sailing.
Really? That's good to hear.
Are you leaving already? Yup.
I'm a busy man.
I was actually just going to go, but I decided to drop in just to say hi.
Stay put.
I'll take a quick look around alone and head back to Seoul.
But still I'm not a little kid.
Just stay right here and discuss business and the company.
Stay right there.
I'm off.
So she's in marketing, right? That woman? She's not Gyeongmin's style though.
I saw her picture, but I can't identify her in person.
Should I just ask Gyeongmin? I'm sorry.
I know you're busy.
Don't be sorry.
I got to have shaved ice thanks to you.
It was lots of hard work getting this place built.
When was that built? Sir! Sir! We contacted his family, so they'll be here soon.
Please wait until someone gets here.
Ma'am? Yes? I'm at the hospital, Ms.
I'll be back as soon as his family gets here.
You should've just minded your own business.
The plan is due tomorrow morning, but it's not done yet, is it? What am I supposed to do? They say I have to wait for his family.
Who is he to you? You don't even know him.
I'm sorry.
I'll head back as soon as possible.
I'm Mr.
Bae Changgeun's son.
Where is he? Number 3, sir.
We're so busy today.
Where was she? Thanks to you, I'm stuck here helping out.
You owe me big time.
One more soju, please.
Coming up.
How much do we owe you? Coming.
It's $23.
Thank you.
Information Gyn Ob 2nd Floor Ms.
Jeong Runa.
Please lie down.
Um I'm not here for an exam.
I'd like to ask you about something.
Go ahead.
Um, I'm not ready to have a baby.
Could I get an abortion? You're not married.
Yes, that's why You came with a male companion last time.
No wedding plans yet? Why don't you just get married? The surgery is one thing, but you should know you could suffer from uterine perforation and other serious side effects.
Plus, the government is encouraging people to have more babies.
I'm not here for advice.
Abortion is illegal.
I don't do it.
Try to be more punctual.
You kept me waiting for 2 hours and didn't even pick up your phone.
What's wrong? Are you sick? I don't know.
You don't have a fever.
Do you have morning sickness? This is all your fault.
I told you to be careful, didn't I? I'm going to lose it.
What are you going to do? Don't think about it and rest.
The pregnancy's made you edgy.
Stretch your legs.
No, no.
I want to die.
Runa, you shouldn't worry.
What're you worried about? I'm here.
You're too pretty to cry.
Plus, stress isn't good for the baby either.
No, no.
I don't want to live like this.
I won't live like this.
I don't want a dingy, pathetic life.
I don't want a baby yet.
I don't want anything to get in the way of my life.
Get in the way? Say that again.
Do you really consider this baby an obstacle? Yes.
We've made no preparations.
Just have the baby and see what happens? Marriage? Marriage isn't for everyone.
I'm not ready yet.
My goal isn't getting married.
It's becoming successful.
I don't want to live like this.
I don't want to live like this.
What am I going to do? Dad.
Where are we? You're at a hospital.
Are you okay? I think I'm fine.
Why am I here anyway? A motorcycle knocked you over, and you passed out.
Oh Does your head hurt? I feel a bit dizzy.
Why did you come all this way? Why go through the trouble? Are you okay? I was so scared.
What for? I got a bit lightheaded and passed out.
I told you to stay home and rest.
Who? She works at our company.
She's the one who brought dad here.
Oh, I see.
You saved my life.
No, I didn't, sir.
Which department are you in? I'm Jeong Ruby of marketing.
I see.
Your name It's Jeong Ruby, sir.
Gyeongmin, so is she? Yes, she's the one I told you about, and she's also the one who called 911 and brought you here.
What perfect timing.
We didn't have to go through a formal introduction.
This is a sign that we're meant to be.
I didn't know your parents knew about me.
Of course they do.
I told them you are the woman I want to marry.
Jeong Ruby, I'll say this again.
I won't lose you again, so don't even think about leaving me.
If it weren't for all these people, I'd just kiss you.
What's wrong with you? Have a good night.
Thanks for your hard work.
You're welcome.
Chorim, you could've said bye to her at least.
Why should I? She's undeserving.
Let's go.
Regardless, she's part of our work family.
Plus, didn't you see her black eye? Every time I saw her eye, it made me feel awful.
I didn't come out unscathed either.
I'm sore all over.
So why'd you get into a scuffle like a kid? You shouldn't be like this.
Regardless of what happened, you should've taken my side.
Both in terms of age and position, I'm way above her.
What? Hello? Chorim.
Oh, hi.
I worked in your place today.
I need to collect my pay.
I'll settle for 3 glasses of booze.
Tonight? I'm not sure, girlie.
Girlie? Okay.
But I need something for having worked all day.
I'm only free tonight.
Hang on.
Gilja, you go ahead.
I have to meet a friend.
Who's this friend? Who is it? Huh? Someone you don't know.
Who's this friend I don't know? Oh It's Dongsuk.
So Dongsuk, where are you? Dongsuk? Nice name.
I'll come to you, so tell me where you are.
In front of the restaurant.
I'll be right there.
Gilja, you should go ahead.
I'll be home in a little while.
What's up with her? She's acting strange as of late.
- Chorim! - You startled me! - You startled me.
- It's me, No Dongsuk.
Good grief.
You really startled me.
What if Gilja sees us? Let's go in.
Where to? Why waste money? We can drink here.
There's food and booze.
Unlock the door.
Good grief.
Pour me a glass.
I'm not a bar hostess.
They say a woman should only pour drinks for her father and her husband.
I'm impressed.
So you pour your own drinks tonight.
I like that you're principled.
I can pour my own drinks.
Give it to me.
Wait a minute.
I forgot today's sales slips.
Looks like you had a round before coming here.
Why'd you come here for a second round? You should take better care of yourself.
If nothing else, I'm strong and healthy, so don't worry.
Feel it.
What's the matter with you? It's just my chest.
Are you sure you're not interested in me? Are you out of your mind? So feel it.
So? Isn't it rock hard? I bet my pecs are bigger than your boobs.
Give me a break.
My boobs are fine.
You're as flat as a pancake.
When it comes to boobs Oh, right! Soyeong's.
Soyeong's very well-endowed.
When she threw herself into my arms Her boobs are a work of art.
Soyeong Should I make a move on her? Go for it.
How odd.
We turned off all the lights.
Soyeong's boobs? Are you kidding me? I've been to the sauna with her.
You have? She has nice boobs, right? Nice? Give me a break.
They're the size of watermelons.
This is so odd.
I could've sworn we turned off the lights and tidied everything up.
You're holding me way too tight.
I can't breathe.
Do you think I want be here like this? It's just that there's no room.
How odd.
No one's here.
If there's no room, come on out, Chorim.
Oh, no.
Gilja, let me explain.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I, uh, wanted to have a few more drinks.
Drinks are expensive at bars.
Did I say anything? Go ahead and finish your drinks.
I'm done here.
Why don't you join us? Yeah, Gilja.
What's up with her? Why should she be angry? If she was just going to go, why couldn't she just leave? Why come into the kitchen? Right, Dongpal? You don't say.
Jeez, it's not like I'm a slave here.
I have my rights.
How dare she belittle me? What are you doing? What? You're too old to drink like that.
Be quiet.
And enough with the "old" talk.
I'm only 2 years older than you.
How dare you call me old? Ask anyone out there.
You look 10 years older than me.
What? 10 years? When you're with Soyeong, you could pass for her mother.
Fine, Chorim.
You're not old.
That's enough.
Your arms must be sore.
Are you okay? How's your head? It's fine.
I told you to stay at the hospital another day.
Why'd you have to be so stubborn? It was well worth being stubborn.
I got a massage from you.
Good grief.
You have to take good care of yourself.
I will.
You're talking to me like I'm a child.
Because you act like one.
Yes, ma'am.
About that young lady Gyeongmin's seeing Yes? What did you think about her? I really liked her.
Gyeongmin seems to take after me and has good taste in women.
You said that earlier.
All the way home, you were full of praise for her saying how she saved your life.
If they love each other, let's hurry up with the wedding.
What's the rush? I'd like to meet that TV news anchor first.
What's that going to do? Gyeongmin seems absolutely smitten.
He won't even blink if Venus were before him let alone the TV news anchor.
- Changgeun.
- Yes, mother.
What happened? I heard you passed out.
I did, but I'm fine, so don't worry.
Goodness gracious.
Are you sure you're okay? Yes.
You have to take good care of yourself.
Did you do something wrong? What are you talking about? You reek of alcohol.
How can you be so immature? What did I do? You're not a child.
You snuck into the restaurant.
A child wouldn't have been able to sneak in like I did.
Is something going on between you and Dongpal? What do you mean by "something"? I don't like what you're insinuating.
So why did you have to lie to me and rouse suspicion? Dongsuk? How creative.
I would've been fine with it if you had been honest.
I feel so betrayed.
Betrayed? Don't even go there.
It's me, Jeong Chorim, who really feels betrayed.
What are you talking about? What did I do? Okay, Chorim.
Why don't you lay it all out? What did I do? Why do you feel so betrayed? Tell me.
Fine, I will.
Gilja, what you did just wasn't right.
I feel petty even bringing this up, but the tonics You got them for everyone but me.
You tried to keep them hidden from me.
You got Ruby and Runa tonics, but what about me? What about my health? If you had only gotten them for the girls, I wouldn't have said anything as I'd assume money was the issue.
But then I find out you got yourself a box too.
You've been sneaking around, drinking it behind my back.
Am I not family? I feel like an outcast.
I know how to drink tonics.
I toil away day in and day out.
I'm aching all over, from my arms and legs to my back and shoulders.
And you always take Soyeong's side, humiliating me in front of her.
You can hate me, but you shouldn't be like this.
Wait a minute.
Who said the girls looked tired and needed restorative tonics? It was you.
In any case, you do hold a grudge against me.
You still hate me for bringing you the baby my brother had with his mistress.
But was it my fault? My mom put a baby in my arms and told me to bring her to you, so I merely did as I was told.
How can you hold a grudge against me? What did I do so wrong? Why do you hate me? What are you saying? Come to your senses.
How could I tell whether Ruby was your daughter or Runa was? They were newborns.
How could I tell them apart? - Chorim.
- But you think I did it on purpose and still hate me for it.
Why don't you get a DNA test done and kick one of them out? Kick Ruby or Runa out.
- Chorim.
- What? Did I say something wrong? These days, a single strand of hair is all they need for parental testing.
Enough with your drunken rant.
How dare you bring that up? You came in late last night, dear grandson.
I did.
I'm sorry, grandma.
Dad, are you feeling better? Of course.
I may be sick and old, but I'm resilient enough.
Still, you should've been more careful.
I was so worried.
You must be more careful if you want to see Gyeongmin get married and have babies.
You shouldn't stay out so late either.
And always drive safely.
The boy's in love.
You can't expect him to come home early.
You should tell him to enjoy and come in as late as he wants to.
So when are you getting married? Mother.
Why dilly-dally? There's nothing to really think about.
If they love each other, what more do you need? Right, Gyeongmin? I'm not old-fashioned, am I? Since we're on the subject, let's get some details.
What do her parents do? Her mother runs a grilled chicken restaurant.
Her father passed away a long time ago so her mother had it tough.
Ruby worked her way through school.
She also got scholarships.
Tell us about her family.
She has a twin sister.
She's a twin? What does that matter? All that matters is that she's a nice person.
That's right.
Go, Changgeun.
Have her come here for dinner.
And if your mind's made up, don't drag this out and start making wedding plans.
I'm confident that you're a good judge of character.
Thank you, grandma.
My pumpkin.
Eat before the soup gets cold.
Yes, ma'am.
Hello? Let's set a date.
For what? For our wedding.
What do you mean set a date for our wedding? Don't worry.
Jeong Ruby's in a passionate relationship.
He wants to get married? Yeah.
The most precious gift? It's my baby.
I make the decisions.
If you're going to be like this, I'll kill myself.
What is the matter? Have I ever discriminated against you even when Ruby and Runa were little? Dad asked me to invite you over.
He's totally taken with you.
Once I make my way to Seoul, I'll make it big.
Let's get married.
See you next time
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