Selection Day (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

When I chose this school, I told you everything about what we went through.
You promised me that you would take care of him.
This is unforgivable, and I assure you - the culprit will be found and punished.
- Look at him.
He can't be bullied like this.
Javed, d'you have any ideas about why this could have happened? These new kids, ma'am, from the village, they're very aggressive.
- You take too many of these type.
- They're obsessed with cricket.
I think they see me as a threat.
Bullying is the scourge of our times.
It is cowardly.
It breeds ugly people.
It poisons society.
And what's more important, it runs counter to everything that we hold dear here at Weinberg.
I will not shame the victim any further by going into details, nor will I give the coward his satisfaction.
Suffice it to say that a cricket bat has been defaced.
Be assured that the culprit will be found and my punishment will be severe.
But, you do have a chance to redeem yourself, to show some courage by owning up.
So, come on, raise your hand.
This is your last chance to earn some self-respect.
I did it, ma'am.
Just for the record, I do not believe you.
- It was me only, ma'am.
- Why? What has Javed done to you? I don't like him.
He's very arrogant.
You realize I have to punish you.
Yes, ma'am.
No cricket for a week.
That's not a punishment, ma'am.
Oh, yes, it is.
And, until further notice, you will stay back in school after hours and, uh, clean the science lab.
It's very dirty.
I would happily do that, ma'am.
I can stay in the lab as long as you want.
Well then, consider yourself punished.
You've been a very naughty boy.
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you, ma'am.
Hi, Gulshan Model Agency, how can I help you? - Hi.
- Hi.
- Anand Mehta for Gulshan.
- Please come.
Thanks so much for meeting me on such short notice.
He-he, chill, bro.
Anything for Bini's friend.
That's great.
So, how do you and Bini know each other? Long story.
Boring and filled in equal parts.
He said that you needed 8 million USD.
for a property venture.
Wanna tell me where? Yeah, sure, once you give me the money, I will.
I like your style, huh.
But, you are asking me to trust you with 8 million of my cash, hm? My father is the president of a mining corporation, I have a 4,000 square foot Bandra apartment, my collateral is solid.
And so is this deal.
So But here you are.
We're men of today's world.
We can't be held back by the way things ought to be in tradition.
- Right? We gotta see an opportunity, - Mm.
- we gotta grab it.
- Yeah.
- Right? - Yeah.
You have had your problems.
That, uh, salmon farm, is never going to work out, by the way.
I hate to break it to you, some of your other investments are plain dumb.
Yeah, yeah, but, this is a zero risk deal.
I could flip the land for double.
You are a high-risk bet.
I like you.
And if things go wrong, you have your collateral, hm? So, why not? - All right! Right, great.
- Yeah? Yeah.
It's yours at 22% hm? 22.
Take it or leave it.
You have a balancing scale and two weights of 10 and 40g.
Can you divide 1kg of flour into two piles of 200g and 800g by balancing the scale 3 times? Hey, chicken boy! I should say thanks to you.
For the cock on my bat.
It was old anyway.
But thanks to you, Dad got me a new one.
Much better than the last one actually.
- Ooh, wow! Great! Super! - Great job, Javed! Hey, Manju, ball! Come on boys, come on.
Let's do this! Done? Yeah.
First, balance the kilo evenly between two pans, second, put one pile aside and split the remaining 500 to create two piles of 250g.
Come on, Manju.
Let's talk about something interesting.
Like time dilation.
Can I ask you something about my mother, please? I just want to know if she's okay or not.
My dear friend, you seem a little confused about our rules of engagement.
And I'm not a genie who's popped out of a bottle.
Yes, my lord.
No, my lord.
Forget it, my lord.
I come to meet you only because I want to.
Reason: because more than most of my followers, I find you a lot more interesting, my friend.
The others keep constantly begging for this and that.
I thought maybe you'd be different, but you're not.
but you had said that you would help me out.
Weird, and here I was thinking that you're going to help me to understand black hole event horizons.
But you're busy measuring flour, and just asking questions about your mother and nothing else.
I'm only 15.
At least give me one chance.
Manju, what was the need for you to be a smart-arse over there, huh? I don't need your protection.
I can deal with that bastard by myself.
Mum isn't here, that doesn't mean you can do what you want.
I did it because I wanted to take a stand.
- Are you mad or what? - What's your problem, huh? Actually, you should be the happiest person right now.
You got whatever you wanted, didn't you, Manju? Mum could have called us at least once, right? She did.
Papa said he spoke to her.
And you believed him? Didn't you see what happened before we came to Mumbai? I didn't see anything.
He beat Mum really bad.
He dragged her and threw her out of the house.
And now she has gone to her village, to her aunt's house, like how she always does.
She will come back once everything is okay.
What if she's not okay this time? - And what if he's lying to us? - Manju, come on! Why do you have to bring up all this bullshit right now? For the first time things are working out for us.
I'm really scared, Radha.
- I feel like Ma is not - Manju, stop.
I have heard enough.
Please don't put all this bullshit in my head, okay? Look here comes our hero.
He just doesn't give up.
I have something to show you.
Right here, at the click of a button, there would be $10 million in your account.
Am I supposed to be impressed? Look, I know you don't like me.
- That's just fine, all right.
- No, no, no, no.
It's nothing like that.
I just don't know you well enough yet, thank God.
I've been looking at the numbers and, uh, looks like you've been running at a loss - for quite some time.
- Hey! Hey, look out! Ah! God damn it! Look, your student numbers are down, infrastructure is creaking, your competition has better facilities, result and reputation than you have.
Pretty soon, everything you and Max built, all of this, is just gonna go bust.
And you think I don't know about this? What are you gonna do about this? Mr Mehta, you've done a lot of research, but, you have missed the essential point.
- What's the essential point? - You get an A for effort, but a D for interpretation.
Go back and do your homework.
Good morning, Madam Weinberg.
Seems I'm very popular today.
You'll have to excuse me.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Madam! This, uh Tommy Sir, when did you meet him? Tommy Sir and my husband, Max, go a long way back.
Okay, so, madam, you must be aware about his scandal then? I do know about the lies that were spread to ruin his reputation.
But he's corrupt, madam.
- He took a bribe and ruined Shenoy's career, and - Stop! Mr Kumar, please.
I cannot listen to you slandering my close friends.
Tommy Sir's an extremely - honourable man, understand? - Stump him! Stump him! Howzat?! - Saw that, madam! See what happens when - Ooh! when he doesn't open with Manju? This is what happens with him.
- Yeah! Come on! - Come on boys, very good.
And now Manju is not going to bat? - What is going on? What is this man doing? - Manju is not playing this match.
He's being punished.
He drew a penis on somebody's bat.
Mr Kumar, this - Hey! What the hell is going on here?! - Uh Hey, you?! What are you doing?! - What the hell are you you up to, mister?! - Mr Kumar? - I'll come inside and talk to you.
- First you stop their batting, then you took them to have an ice cream! - Now you change the batting order also?! - Look, look, mister, now you have trained your boys really well, okay, but I'm not their enemy, am I? - Please trust me on this.
- That's exactly what I did when I left both of them to train with you, and you are hell-bent on ruining their career.
- What are you saying, Mr Kumar? - Papa, - Sir hasn't done anything.
- Don't be stupid! He's thrown all the discipline out! Do you know what he did? Do you know? Papa, it's okay.
Nothing has changed.
And on a woman's order, you threw - your star batsman out of the team?! - No.
- Bastard! - Sir! Sir, sir, sir! You are a disgrace! You're a bloody disgrace to coaching! All right? Go back in.
- Come on, let's go.
- Let's go! Back on the field, come on.
Quick everybody.
Go back.
Manju? Oops.
What's your problem, huh? I'm guess I'm just bored with myself.
Or maybe I'm trying to get attention.
But what's your story, Manju? I just want to be left alone.
Not gonna happen.
Well, enough about you.
Let's talk about me, okay? Your favourite subject? Now, that's more like it, Manju Kumar.
I always knew there was a spark in there.
Okay, what do you see when you look at me? Beyond the good looks and natural charisma.
What do you see? Look at me, Manju, don't be shy.
Tell me what you see.
What do you see? Just spit it out.
Nothing at all.
You are a liar.
Manju, go and call for help! Go get help! - Javed, stop! Are you mad?! - Manju, go! Is anyone there?! Please, somebody help up! Javed?! Javed?! Javed?! When do you think I can get this report? I'll let you know once it's ready.
I didn't want to be helped.
What if something happened? Like what? Where do you live? Sewri.
Let's go.

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