Seraph of the End (Owari no serafu) (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

Vampire Mikaela

1 "Vampire Mikaela" It's a Four Horsemen of John! Run! It'll kill us all! My sword.
We're saved --We'll get protection like Osaka now! --We're saved! "Protection," he says.
That's hilarious.
Who would protect livestock? You own it.
Right? Anyway, you're strong as expected.
Rumor has it you became a vampire after drinking the blood of the Third Progenitor, Queen Krul Tepes.
Is that really true? Regardless of his background, he acted arbitrarily and took all the credit.
In the end, he's just a greedy human that turned.
I'm not interested in getting credit.
Do what you want with it.
This district will be protected and ruled by the vampires from now.
In exchange for guaranteeing your safety, we'll be asking for you to donate blood.
Um, you saved my life.
Thank you very much.
To show my gratitude, I'd like to offer you my blood.
If it's for you, I This is a memory.
This is like we're livestock.
So Mika, let's start a revolution.
We can't be livestock forever.
Jeez, Yu.
You're always stupid.
What do you mean always? You can't beat a vampire with strength.
Use your brain, your brain.
I actually have an escape plan.
Let's run away from this world of vampires.
Just leave it to me! A memory from before the end of my humanity.
And because of my shallow plan Just go, you idiot! G-Good.
If even just Yu got away, I'm What happened? Lord Ferid has been shot.
How dare livestock lay a hand on a noble? Stop.
That human is mine.
M-My Queen.
Why are you here? Oh, my.
Looks like he'll be dead soon.
So, what exactly happened here, Ferid Bathory? Well, hello, hello.
Our Vampire Queen Krul Tepes.
It's been a while.
You're beautiful as always.
Oh, thank you.
Your smile is atrocious as always, too.
How mean.
I just got shot in the head.
The reason why I'm managing to put on a smile is my love for you.
Yeah? I thought the love you have is for my power.
I love that, too.
So you, a Seventh Progenitor, was shot by a human child? Are you joking? But it's true.
No, you let my seraphs that I owned escape on purpose.
One escaped, and the other's barely alive.
If you can explain this incident, then now's-- Well, isn't it you that has some explaining to do? It's against the law to fiddle with the curse of the seraphs.
One word from me to the Progenitor Council-- What? I couldn't hear you.
I said, if I talk about this to Perhaps I've made her too angry.
I couldn't hear you well.
Do you mind repeating it? You're horrible, Krul.
It'll stick back on, but it still hurts when ripped off.
You want me to rip off your head, too? That'd be a problem.
OK, I'll throw in the towel.
I won't meddle in this case anymore.
I swear.
Besides, even I don't think I can survive here after crossing you.
Hmph, fine.
But if you pry into this case again Don't worry.
I value my life, too.
But I'll come see you again, Krul.
After all, I love you.
Hey, human, do you want to live more? I can give you life, an eternal life.
I don't want it.
I see, you don't want to live.
But you have no choice.
Drink my blood and quit humanity.
And so I quit humanity.
Hey! What's the big idea bumping into me? Huh? Are you picking a fight? Whoa, what are you talking about? Ow! What the hell? It's on! Yu, what happened to your face? I walked into a telephone pole.
T-Telephone pole? That's right, a telephone pole.
A telephone pole with a really nasty look.
What? You're late.
Oh, it's you, Shinoa.
Hey, your face So another suspension is in order? I wasn't in a fight.
Well, whatever.
Anyway, today's finally the day.
Yes, that's right! We get to start the training classes for the Moon Demon Company today-- I don't need any training.
Just let me fight already! OK, if you aren't going to go through the training, you can head to the battlefield without a gear and uniform.
That's almost butt-naked.
Excuse me.
I brought these two here, Lieutenant Colonel Guren.
Lieutenant Colonel! Hm? Oh, OK.
Listen up, guys.
The reason for this rare appearance of me, your supervising teacher, is because we've got transfer students.
For your information, a supervising teacher normally comes to class every day.
You shut up! So, um, anyway, these guys are it.
Yuichiro Hyakuya and Yoichi Saotome.
To put it simply, an idiot and a wuss.
Who's an idiot?! It's the truth.
Shut up and introduce yourself.
I don't need to.
I'm not here to make friends.
I'll say it to you guys here, too.
I don't plan on mingling with you guys! Huh? Yu Let me make it clear! I don't know what you nobodies learned till now, but it was all a waste of time! I'll be the one getting the best gear.
That's all! "That's all" my ass! What exactly did you learn from the general ed class, you idiot?! Ah, that's enough.
Sit down, idiot.
Uh, your seat's over there.
Damn, stupid Guren and his brute force.
Hm? What's with you? This is my seat now so move your feet.
Hey you, are you listening to me? "Practicing Spellcraft by Japanese Imperial Demon Army" What is it, dammit? Is it already lunchtime? You're that telephone pole from this morning.
Why are you here? Don't mess with me, that's my line.
What do you mean "telephone pole"? --What's wrong with them? --You bumped into me, dammit! --I also had Kimizuki making friends --You were the one not paying attention, you idiot! --I also had Kimizuki making friends --What did you say?! --in the general ed class under your watch.
--You wanna fight?! That's right.
And the result? Just as you see it.
Come on, do your job.
But I did watch.
This morning, Shiho Kimizuki attacked Yuichiro Hyakuya to test his ability.
And? Did you break it up? I hid and watched, enjoying the show.
Seriously, do your job Shut up! Y-Yu? Leave them.
All right then, it's been a while but let's start class.
Excuse me.
May I have a word, Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose? No, and don't come in without permission.
Regarding the Cursed Gear Aptitude Test a week from now, naturally, I'll be granted a tryout for the top-ranked "Black Demon Series," right? I said, don't come in.
I should have the best grades in all subjects.
Why are you in such a hurry to seek power? Why would you ask that? The army has all the intel about my Yeah, of course we know.
You need money to cure your sister that's infected with the Apocalypse Virus.
The Moon Demon Company is an elite squad.
If you join and do good, you may get unlimited treatment or disenchantment unavailable to the public.
But, in your current state, you won't perform well.
You can't even touch a Cursed Gear, since they feed on people's lust.
So then, are you saying that idiot Hyakuya would do all right? I'm not sure, but at least he has broken free from a demon once.
And surprisingly, I think he takes care of his friends, too.
Bullshit! I'm stronger compared to him You need more than just power! You need to make friends.
Stop taking it all on yourself.
If you don't, when a demon possesses you, it'll take you in and you won't be able to come back.
Desperation and rage are demons' favorites.
In your present state, lust will swallow you and you'll end up a real demon.
All right! Today, in preparation for next week's Cursed Gear Aptitude Test, I'll be judging your ability.
If you can't get results here, you won't be able to take the Cursed Gear Aptitude Test, so give it your best.
I-I wonder if I'm up for it.
Whatever it is, I'm gonna get the strongest gear! Here you go again.
Today, I'll be evaluating on your cooperativeness training.
So please pick a partner.
Huh? What?! Partner? Hey, Yoichi Yoichi.
Let's partner up, Yoichi.
Oh, OK.
Hey! Wait, you guys! Hey! Umm Hello? Seriously? All right, then.
Let's begin.
I'll be scoring you and stuff, so put on your game face! --Really? --No way Army curse puppets, huh? They aren't that fast.
Let's quickly break them and get our scores up.
Idiot, which puppet were you going after? Are you fooling around? You're the one fooling arou-- Oww! Hyakuya/Kimizuki pair gets -10 points.
I'm sorry to interrupt your training.
Kimizuki, come to the hospital ward immediately! Your sister, Mirai took a sudden turn for the worse! What sister? Shut the hell up.
I apologize.
Please don't worry and continue the training.
Hey, hold on.
You don't have time for that.
Your sister's in danger, right? I told you to shut up.
I have to perform well here! I've gotten this far.
Even if it means abandoning your sister? Shut up.
Don't stick your nose into other people's business.
I'm joining the Moon Demon Company.
Please continue.
Are you stupid?! Your family's life is in danger! If your family dies If they die, you'll never see them again! Kimizuki, we got through the crisis today, but commercial medical equipment against this virus isn't I understand.
But I'll soon join the Moon Demon Company, and then I can transfer her to the army's facility.
Please take care of her a little while longer.
Thank goodness she's OK.
Anyway, you may look like a sourpuss, but you're doing all this for your sister? Why didn't you say so? Of course, I won't let you have the strongest Cursed-- It's your fault.
Because of you, I got a poor evaluation.
I won't be able to join the Moon Demon Company.
Then my sister can't be saved.
Don't you dare give up on your sister's life that easily.
Poor evaluation? Can't be saved? Bullshit.
I'm going to get what I want no matter what.
To do that, the army or the Moon Demon Company doesn't matter! But you, you're going to simply give up on your family's life? What?! Who said anything about giving up?! Dammit! What the hell is with you?! It's your fault that But you're right.
Huh? I'll say I'm grateful for just this once, since I was able to be with my sister during a critical time.
Because of my sister, I made you get a poor evaluation, too.
I'll be the one evaluating me.
You're seriously annoying! Today, we've gathered all nobles with the progenitor's blood for one reason: threat! Running wild around Northern Tokyo is a human organization called the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.
--They are killing our brothers, expanding their territory, --A human organization.
and flirting with the forbidden enchantment as they desire.
According to our intel, they are experimenting on the Seraph of the End again.
If we keep letting them run loose, another plague like the one eight years ago will occur for sure.
Therefore, we have decided to exterminate the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.
This is war! To protect world stability, we will wipe out the greedy humans! War, Seraph of the End Yu, I'll come to your rescue, soon.
The blended white, the bird cage in the corner, and flower buds with a heartbeat.
The abandoned voices, dizzy from the shadow of memories.
I need your blood.
I chant, "you read love.
" The red lights struggle.
The sound that I sniffed out and the reason that I forced open simply line up parallel.
Come on, break it down for me.
A river will flow.
The never-ending lust, even though the bell of interest rings.
Even the confession dried out, and the intent played by the quadruple-time is traced back.
The red in the sunshine streaming through the leaves is making noise.
Next time on Seraph of the End, "Black Demon's Contract.
" "Black Demon's Contract"
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