Sky Rojo (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Sex and Blood

I know you love a good fight ♪
In your darkest night of the soul
Guess what? ♪
You are the shining light, come on ♪
What the hell? Are you crazy?
It's Ma. She's in the hospital.
She broke her hip.
Get in.
It's an emergency.
Excuse me,
what room is Dolores Expósito in?
- Uh, room 310.
- OK, thank you.
She's sedated right now,
but, uh,
they said the operation went well.
I was with her when she fell.
Come with me for a sec.
We'll chat outside.
Let's go somewhere quieter.
How are you feeling?
they say a broken hip's
supposed to be quite painful,
but honestly, I don't feel anything.
- How'd you say the fall happened?
- It was nothing. It was just an accident.
Well, her hip's broken
in three different places.
I was walking her in the garden
after her telenovela,
and and a colleague called me.
A resident had fainted, and
You left my mom on her own?
It was just for a second, though.
- That way.
- I swear.
I'm gonna remove this
because the drip's empty.
Where were you going dressed like that?
To a striptease.
I think she just tried
to walk down the step and fell.
Really, you fucking idiot, you left
my mother on her own next to a step?
Huh? Come here. Jesus.
certain calmness in sinking,
in letting yourself fall sweetly.
I'm gonna have to fucking kill you!
In that soft, fluffy feeling
you get from narcotics,
which allows you
to somehow live through the horror
and feel like you're floating.
But that's only because
you haven't hit rock bottom just yet.
Stop. Stop, stop.
For God's sake, we're in a hospital.
Yeah, yeah.
How's the water?
It's nice here, isn't it?
Outside bar, swimming pool
Really nice.
What dirty bitches you are,
swimming in your panties.
Why don't you jump in butt naked?
Show us that anteater snout
of a foreskin. Huh?
Yo, what the fuck did you just say?
We didn't come here for a fight.
Yeah, we didn't.
We came here in peace to watch you bathe.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat things.
Romeo's pretty banged up.
But he wants to forgive you
and have you ladies come back home.
What about leaving us only with our holes?
Or parading us around in a baby blanket?
Or butt-fucking my son?
Nah Just threats
in the heat of the moment.
You wake up in the hospital
in the middle of the night half paralyzed,
I mean, what do you expect?
And as far as hurting a kid
Romeo's a dad.
You know he'd never do anything like that.
Well, we're not going back.
We're free now.
So go and tell Romeo to forget it.
That's option A.
Then you have option B.
Where Romeo goes to the police
and tells them everything you girls did.
Maybe you weren't aware
that when you beat him up,
you broke his skull in two.
In two.
Then when you killed Charlotte
by running the poor girl over.
How many years for that?
Twenty years in prison?
Twenty years?
Yeah, twenty.
Twenty years.
And then you would really be fucked.
I can't do anything for you
once you're there.
Hi there.
Excuse me, ladies,
are these gentlemen by chance with you?
No? Then why are you here?
We're just chatting with our gal pals.
Enjoying the pool and all that.
You can join us if you want.
Unfortunately, if you're not staying here
as a guest, I'll have to ask you to go.
Are you really sure you want me to stand?
Because if I have to stand up,
you'll be leaving this resort
in a body bag, asshole.
He said get out.
You need to leave now.
There are times
when you make the wrong choice,
and you don't know exactly why.
Like when Christian thought
they'd actually come in peace
and tried to drag Moisés away
instead of fighting.
Or like when I took a canine anesthetic
so I could close the curtains for a while,
and it turned out
I should've probably left them wide open.
Now's when you should
beat the shit out of someone!
Not the driver.
Not the caretaker. This was it!
How am I supposed to
tell the difference, man? Seriously.
Between punching the bus driver
and the guy at the pool?
Tell me. What's the fucking difference?
'Cause you're driving me crazy, Moi!
I can't even fucking breathe.
I'm living in a state of constant anxiety.
- Calm down.
- I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
- You're just a bit sensitive.
- Jesus Christ.
- That's not the fucking reason!
- Just breathe. Relax.
Here. Lay her here.
- Coral!
- Naloxone.
- Where is it?
- My purse.
How much?
All of it.
And where?
Hurry up, Wendy.
Ready, Coral?
I can't find the vein.
Come on!
Come on, Coral.
Everything OK? Don't worry,
I I called the police,
and they'll be here in five minutes.
- I don't want you smoking that.
- You're not my dad, all right?
Nice try, but I am.
Because the one we actually had
fucked up our mom's life,
your life, and everyone else's.
He left you when you were five.
So you're gonna do exactly what I say.
You're not gonna be some junkie
who has to smoke just to work. Got it?
I don't smoke to be able to work.
I smoke to be able to work with you, Moi.
Because I never seem to be good enough.
I can't do enough.
I don't know what to do anymore, man.
Gimme a hit of some of that.
We gotta leave now.
Way before the police get here.
Get dressed, Gina.
but they're waiting for us out there.
If we go out, they'll kill us.
And what if the police catch us
with the security guard's gun?
He's probably still tied up.
Or he's dead.
And what happened to Charlotte
and to Romeo.
- So we're trapped, then?
- There's another option.
But not like lambs to the slaughter.
We'll go back to the club with you now.
Oh, good.
Though we're not the ones
being kidnapped this time.
'Cause we're the kidnappers.
You're gonna open the safe,
and you're gonna give us our passports.
Then it's ciao. Hmm?
Now drive.
Drive the fucking car.
Go on, Moi.
Do what they say. Let's get going.
Yeah, but we're gonna take it
nice and easy.
There's no way
this is gonna work.
I don't like this.
They're way too calm.
They have us exactly where they want us.
You're the one
who thought of this idea.
Now you're getting
cold feet and all of that?
If I see something I don't like,
am I not allowed to change my mind?
Stop the car.
I said stop the car!
Sorry, can't stop now.
You told us to go to the club.
We're going.
She told you to stop.
Stop the car or I'm gonna
blow your brother's brains out.
When your life
starts plummeting into the abyss,
there's always a split second
where you ask yourself how it all started.
Who were you calling puta?
My girlfriend.
I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Not anymore.
Can I come up here for a while?
It took a while to come out of the closet.
I was 25.
Before I met her,
I'd only had super-shitty relationships,
but this felt
like a new chapter of my story.
She was the great love of my life.
The best love story
in the worst place in the world.
Villa 31 in Buenos Aires doesn't seem
like the place to love anyone.
Especially if you're lesbian.
That's why we had to
get out of there however we could.
She didn't want to work here.
She couldn't. So, uh
So I told her that I would do it. So
That I would come here.
That I'd do anything for her.
And now she dumped me, so
I sent her every single cent I had.
Now I'm a prisoner here.
When you finally realize
that the club is a trap,
a prison
that you'll never be able to leave,
you realize
the worst part isn't the fucking.
The worst part is having to laugh.
No, no, no!
Hold her! Hold her!
- Leave her alone!
- No!
- Hijo de puta, let go of her!
- Let her go!
You fucked up, bitch.
That was a big mistake.
Ay, hijo de puta!
You're fucking dead!
Please. Stop, stop!
Open your mouth.
I said, open your mouth.
Bitch, I said open up!
- Christian! Wait, wait, wait.
- Are you gonna tell me what to do again?
Because she blew my face off.
And my ear.
And now I'm gonna kill you.
Open your fucking mouth.
Good girl.
Listen to me.
Look, personally, I don't care
if you kill and bury her right here.
But Romeo wanted them unharmed.
And you know his wishes come before
anything you or I want. OK?
Please tell me you didn't leave the key
in the fucking ignition, Moi?
What should I have done?
Put on the blinker and parallel park
while you blow her brains out?
What are we gonna do now?
Hitchhike all the way back,
holding a girl at gunpoint?
I got no idea, Moi!
I'm trying to come up with something.
- Just give me a moment!
- OK.
Chill out.
Just calm down.
Fuck! Fuck!
Easy. Easy, bro.
Gina, stop. Stop the car. Stop!
- Where are you going? They'll kill her.
- To the club.
You just grab your passport and run, OK?
I have to stay.
Now that you're free,
you're gonna stay?
What about my family and my little boy?
Do you understand what could happen
to them if I don't go back?
Don't you think you could've thought
of that before attacking Romeo?
Gina, there's a ditch!
Coral, I'm pregnant.
If I'd stayed,
Romeo would've made me get an abortion.
I don't know, maybe when I hit him,
I was instinctively defending my child.
You're pregnant?
They're not gonna kill Wendy.
They won't take that risk.
'Cause they don't know
if we've already called the cops. Or
Hey, but are you all right?
With the stab wounds and all. Are you OK?
Yeah, my baby's fine.
The veterinarian said so.
Well, shit.
Holy shit.
- I'm gonna go stop that car.
- What are you gonna do with the driver?
Put him in the trunk, obviously.
Oh, good. Next to
the hooker we just kidnapped.
What do you want? You have a better idea?
Just cover your face,
so they can't ID you.
Cover your head.
We work all day and nothing gets done ♪
Are you OK?
The fuck? What the fuck are you doing?
I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
- What?
- I'm so sorry. I didn't see you.
- What are you thinking?
- I'm sorry. I'm so so
No, no, no!
What the hell's
wrong with you, man?
- What were you
- No, you shut the hell up!
You always say,
"This is right. That was wrong."
Right. Wrong. Right. Wrong.
It doesn't matter now.
Because what's done is done.
I wasn't going to say anything, OK?
We should put him in the trunk,
is what I was gonna say.
That's a good idea, yeah.
Now help me out.
Holy shit, man.
Oh, uh-huh make me tonight ♪
Tonight make it right ♪
Oh, uh-huh make me tonight ♪
Tonight ♪
Tonight ♪
Oh, uh-huh make it magnificent ♪
Tonight ♪
Right ♪
Oh, your hair is beautiful ♪
Oh, tonight ♪
Atomic ♪
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