Snabba Cash (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Was Never 'Bout the Cheese, Things Just Happened This Way

Long time, no see.
What do you want?
- Ravy wants to meet up with you.
- Yeah? I want nothing to do with him.
You don't owe this to Ravy.
This is about what you owe me.
I don't owe you anything.
- You don't?
- No.
Someone shot my husband.
Remember all that?
After a parlay that you set up.
Doing well for yourself.
What's that have to do with this?
You work with Tomas Storm, don't you?
I read about it in the news.
If that's the case,
then you must be doing pretty well.
We can have that meeting with Ravy,
but I want you there.
And then you'll owe me.
Hey. Are you Salim?
- Yeah. Hey. Salim.
- Eva.
Welcome to the gang intervention program.
Hey, man.
Glad you're here.
Are you okay?
Would you like to tell us
how it all started?
I don't think it had to do with money.
Just something that happened.
I swear, you piece of shit
I'll fucking shoot you now!
- Don't touch him! Get off!
- You're fucking deaf!
- Hey! Hey! You need to calm down!
- Ravy!
- Get fucking your hands off!
- Ravy!
Both of you! Are we going to meet,
or are we just going to scream all day?
Are we fucking children?
Are we having this meeting?
Will we settle this like adults?
- Don't touch me!
- What are you doing shoving us?
- This is fucking stupid.
- Are we gonna meet, or what?
Do you wanna keeping fighting,
or do you wanna make cash?
Do you think my Amsterdam connections
are gonna keep selling to you idiots?
He didn't hold up
his end of the deal.
You're selling outside your turf,
so you can shut the fuck up!
The only reason we're sitting here today
is because Leya asked me
to give you a second chance.
- Who is she? Who the hell is this bitch?
- Shut up.
- Shut your fucking mouth, idiot.
- Shut up, man.
First of all,
both of you owe me an apology.
Let's hear it, Ravy. Tell me you're sorry.
- Are you serious?
- You bet I'm serious.
Marko, I
Hey, did I stutter?
I Yeah, let me apologize for this
not holding up my end of the deal.
It won't happen again.
Fucking bullshit, man.
Well, we won't be leaving
till you give me an apology.
All right. All right. I'm sorry, okay?
For what?
For not holding up my end of the bargain.
Good, good, good.
I want compensation, okay?
I get five percent
of everything you make from now on.
- Hold on, bro.
- Five is shit!
- What the hell, man?
- Are we really doing this?
Five percent, and that's the end of it.
Man, what the hell?
What do you mean? For free?
All right. This meeting is over.
Hey, Leya. Just listen. Hey!
I'm talking to you. Will you stop?
Do I look like a fucking gangster
who belongs with a bunch of dealers?
What the fuck do I look like, huh?
Let me tell you something.
Never in my life has anyone
disrespected me like that.
I hate you for doing that to me.
All, "This is your life, not mine."
Don't ever get me involved in this shit!
- Give my love to Sami.
- Hey. Where are you?
I'll visit him soon.
Right. No, it's I think it's
It's an old yellow warehouse.
- I'll call you later.
- No, go to the back. I'm here.
Hey, Leya, Leya, Leya!
Chill, chill, chill.
- Can we talk?
- Salim, don't. I have to go.
Get out of my way. Will you move?
I wanted to tell you.
What was I supposed to say?
- I don't care.
- Was I supposed to be honest about this?
- That's your problem.
- I didn't know you guys knew each other.
- Of course we do. All of you know that.
- For real, I didn't know.
Yeah, but I didn't know
that you knew each other.
Listen to me. I swear, I've never been
as happy as I am with you and Sami.
What do I say to that?
I swear on my mother's grave.
I swear I'm getting out.
What was I supposed to do?
What could I say, Leya?
Hey, Leya, please.
- Hold on, Leya.
- Stop.
Come on, wait. Leya, I love you.
I'm standing here telling you
that I fucking love you!
I've never been
this fucking happy in my life!
Tim, where are we going?
- Here.
- Oh, fuck!
Grab it.
- Where the hell did you get that?
- Let him hold it.
It's heavy.
- And is it loaded too?
- Yeah, of course.
Wanna try it?
- Come on. Try it.
- What's up with you, Tim?
This is wrong, Tim.
Hey, super-Swede, huh?
What's goin' on?
- Everything good?
- Yeah.
- Sleeping with your girl?
- Yo.
- How'd it go last night?
- Good.
- How much?
- Uh, 18 grand.
- Eighteen grand!
- What I'm talking about.
Dude, you can't keep on underestimating
the Swede. I'm telling you, man!
- This kid!
- Here's your cut.
Listen. Pay attention.
This is an important delivery, all right?
- Take this bag here uptown, okay?
- Yeah.
I'll text you the address on the way.
We've gotta dip.
This one's for our people, okay?
Yalla. We gotta go.
Hey. Don't forget what I told you
about the bank account.
- You have to get new account for yourself.
- Yeah.
So no one can find out
how much money you're making.
- Yes.
- Let's go.
Good. No, no. These are fine.
It's vegetarian and vegan today.
Oh, my gosh!
You did it! Tomas Storm!
Thanks. I know!
- Congrats!
- Your welcoming committee.
- You're the best.
- Great!
We have to celebrate. This is huge!
I'm talking VIP section, bottle service.
Just eave it to me.
- You don't have to.
- Help yourself.
Poke bowls or anything.
Please. Anything you want. It's all on me.
- Leya, can we talk?
- Okay.
I just want to have a quick word.
So, I was thinking, can we put everything
on paper as soon as it makes sense?
What? Which thing?
My co-ownership.
Course. Yeah. Sure, sure. Yeah, of course.
Okay. Thanks.
Where are you, Tim? Come on.
Fuck's sake, Tim.
Tim! What the hell are you doing?
Me? What are you doing here?
- Where did you get that moped?
- It's my friend's.
You and that moped
have been all over town.
- I've been tracking your phone.
- What the fuck?
- What have you been doing?
- What were you doing tracking my phone?
You gave me no option.
Just follow me, okay?
- No, I'm going.
- Tim, that is just enough!
You follow me, or I'll call the police
or social services or something.
Know who this is?
- Yeah. That's you.
- Yeah, that's me. But the other picture.
Um, no.
Mikey. That was
That's from a party in Vänersborg.
We used to hang out in junior high.
"Ginger Mike Tongue."
We got wasted for the first time together
on light beer.
We didn't take
the same classes at high school,
but sometimes we met downtown.
He couldn't get into any bars,
he was always so drunk.
After we both were out of school,
he started using drugs. Amphetamines.
A few years later,
he started breaking into places.
He stole a hunting rifle from one house,
then went next door to try to steal a car.
The old man it belonged to
went out to stop him.
He came up to confront him.
Mikey shot him.
His wife came out, and he shot her too.
He killed both of them.
What I'm trying to say here, Tim,
is that the stuff you're doing now,
it will have consequences.
And so even though right now
it all seems like this is cool and all,
you sure as hell don't want to end up
like Ginger Mike Tongue.
Tim, I trust you.
- You didn't even need to worry!
- Po, po, po! It's Ravy, baby.
- What's going on?
- There he is!
That fucking asshole Marko
finally agreed
to send the drugs within the next week.
- Back in business.
- Fuck, yeah!
- This is for you, Osman.
- Are you for real, dude?
- 100 per cent.
- Let's go!
- 100 per cent.
- Thank you, man.
For you,
little sister, only the best.
What can I say?
- You know what I like, cuz.
- Damn! That's fuckin' nice!
- Here.
- Oh! Breitling! Mm!
- Wow, Ravy. You're crazy.
- Look at this chain! Damn right!
- You like it?
- Yeah, of course, fam.
Salim, my fucking brother.
Here's what I got for you. Steel, gold,
chocolate, oysters, rosé, and 150 grand.
What do you think?
Pretty fucking dope, isn't it?
Thanks, brother.
- Bro, for real. This watch is so awesome.
- Yeah, nice, huh?
I don't know what I'd do without you.
You all deserve the best of the best.
- I fuckin' mean it.
- We love you, bro.
I wanna talk to you about something.
Sure. Course.
Salim, Salim, Salim.
Whose hair is this? Is this from a girl?
I don't know what to do.
I can't sleep at night.
What the fuck
kind of a life are we living?
- What do you mean?
- It's been eating at me on the inside.
Every day, I don't eat,
don't sleep much, and just get high.
Bro, I'm a fucking mess.
Salim, bro, that's just how it is.
It's ghetto stress. We've all felt it.
It comes and goes, just like that.
But that'll change now.
You're gonna forget about it
once the cash starts coming in.
Go home, get some rest, then
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- No, bro.
- What do you mean, "No"?
- I'm out. I can't take this anymore.
I can't do this shit.
Bro, listen. Come on.
Don't say that shit to me.
Why not bring someone else in?
There are a hundred guys out there.
Just get one of them instead.
I'll get you a hundred dicks
to suck, man. The hell?
- Come on. Chill.
- Hey, listen to me.
Listen to me right now.
Haven't I always been loyal to you?
- Huh?
- Yeah.
- I've had your back.
- Hundred percent.
Bro, so haven't I always
been at your side?
You want out? The hell you talking about?
This ain't no middle school.
- For real, it's eating at me inside.
- Cut this bullshit out!
- Don't fuck with me, you idiot.
- Chill out. Relax.
We're brothers, okay?
No one gets in or out of this business
unless Ravy says he can.
No more fucking around.
- Go home and get some rest.
- Yeah.
Call you later.
- Put your fucking hand away.
- Hey!
Salim. I blew it, man.
I fucked up, Salim.
- Salim!
- What the fuck is it, man?
I look like I'm in the mood to chat, huh?
But I lost a bag.
My dad was on to me, so I had to ditch it,
and now I can't find it.
- How much was in it?
- A lot. A full bag, dude.
You're a fucking idiot, dog.
What did I tell you?
I told you, you should get out.
Why the fuck didn't you listen?
- I don't know. I just
- You've got to clean your own mess up.
I don't have time for this.
Nice one, Leya! Argh!
Are you just waiting for him, or what?
Heads up!
- Coming at you, Martin!
- Oh!
- That's too bad!
- Shut the fuck up. Let's go again. Ready?
- Beautiful shot!
- Get it!
- Yeah!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- Enough!
- Nice job, Leya.
Does it hurt, Martin?
Right here. Right on the shin.
Okay, 4-0. Wipe off those tears, Hasse.
Okay, Leya, talk to me.
- How is the upscale going?
- I think it's coming along.
- We'll try and build a team around Vlad.
- Sounds good.
That way, he can go and pick up
whoever he wants to work with him.
Then there's Viktoria who we'll have
as a great project manager on this.
I'm talking about
the best in the business.
She wants to be a partner,
or else she won't join up.
- What's the problem? That means she's out.
- No, I promised it to her.
- Why'd you do that?
- She gave me her place to pitch it to you.
I'm kind of in her debt.
- If it wasn't for her
- Slow down for a second.
She did you a favor, so you're giving her
a stake in your company?
You and I never would have met otherwise
Come on. What? Does Hassan get
a percentage for not kicking you out?
Are you kidding me? What the hell?
How much did you promise her?
- Six and a half.
- No, come on!
You're kidding!
Are you fucking stupid or something?
Get your shit together, Leya.
What the fuck?
Well, Vlad, what do you think?
Uh, I don't know. Um
I have a contract with Viktoria.
Yeah. Technically, yes,
but I've checked the contract,
and it's pretty fucking weak.
- But still I mean
- Look
I still have a contract.
We'll give you an affiliated company
where you will have total ownership.
We'll also give you a lot of warrantees.
I I don't know. I don't know.
I'd probably be more comfortable
if she'd be here with me to go through it.
What do you get from working
with Viktoria, besides a shit salary?
I I I don't know. I don't know.
- I, um
- Vlad
- I still need more time to go through it.
- I don't think you understand.
This is a big fucking deal.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Where's Sami?
- Leya.
- Where are you?
- What?
- Tell me where the fuck you are!
In the parking lot.
Both hands on the wheel.
- There. Turns around okay?
- Hm-mm.
That's right.
Give it a little gas.
Ah! Don't look down when you push the gas.
What are you doing? Watch the car.
- I want to drive.
- No, Sami. You're going home.
- No. Leave him.
- Okay.
- Leya, let him stay.
- Let's go. Shut up!
You have no respect for me!
- No fucking respect at all!
- No respect?
- Don't yell in front of the kid.
- I'll yell as much as I want. His things.
Hey, you promised me I could see Sami.
Hey. So, how's our company?
Hey, wait. Hold on.
Wait a second. Listen to me.
Looking sharp.
Our company must be doing good.
I don't give a shit about what you say.
It's my company.
- Your company?
- One, two, three, four
Who gave you the money? Your dad, huh?
I invested
two million crowns in our company.
Did you forget that?
Send an invoice,
and you'll get your money tomorrow.
Leave the money in our company
to make sure it grows.
- That's what I want you to do.
- Come on, Sami.
Bye, Sami.
Your uncle loves you!
Love you too!
Hey, Leya. Just get those shares up, huh?
I moved the seat up,
and I turned on the light,
and then I drove really fast.
Wait till you grow up, buddy.
But I wore a seat belt and everything.
Uncle Ravy said it was very important.
Uncle Ravy can be my new dad now.
What? What did you say?
I can drive really fast, and I can turn.
No, no. Wait, wait. Not that.
What was the other thing you said?
Uh, if Uncle Ravy can be my dad?
- Open it!
- What is it?
So, come on!
A car!
Oh, and hey, this is much cooler
and better than the last one, okay?
Wanna get in?
Yeah! Here you go.
Start it.
Did Uncle Ravy get this for me?
No, no, no. Darling, look at me.
Your mom did, Sami.
I bought it with my own money. Okay?
- Hm-mm.
- So this present's from Mama.
- Yeah.
- Okay?
Now go! Hit the gas!
Look at you go! You're going so fast!
We're gonna crash!
- Oh, no! We're gonna crash! Hold on!
- It's great, huh?
That won't do. The house is too little.
We need a much bigger one,
don't you think?
With room so you can drive
as much as you want.
In one week, we'll be in our new apartment
with a sauna, and a Jacuzzi, everything.
- Mama?
- Yeah?
- What is a Jacuzzi?
- A Jacuzzi?
It's a big bathtub,
but then it makes these little bubbles,
and the bubbles tickle like this!
Oh, no!
- Are you happy with your car?
- Yeah.
- Is it really cool?
- Yeah.
- Can Mama have a kiss?
- Yeah.
We've got five, four, three,
two, and one. Recover.
I'll go over your next week.
There's the mixer
at the KTH Tech Summit.
We can't miss that.
And then there's Vlad.
He's doing a talk with Cody Fausino
and some people from EdX Tribe.
- It'll be awesome.
- Vlad's not going to be there.
He is.
- I spoke to him
- He's going over to TargetCoach full-time.
What did you say?
It was Tomas's idea.
I guess he really must have wanted Vlad,
so he hired him
without telling me about it.
I know it's really messed up,
but it's what he wants.
- Wait. So you took Vlad from me?
- Please. I didn't take him from you.
But, obviously, it's just that Tomas knows
that Vlad's a superstar in engineering.
Of course he wants him.
And my stake in all this?
What happens to it?
Leya, come on.
What happens to my stake now?
Hey, just answer the question.
Are you screwing me over?
You're really going to screw me over?
This is Amnesia.
Too slow.
Hey, Salim, come here.
How's it going, bro?
Let me finish this game, bro.
Just shoot him in the head
and come here.
Come on already. I have something
to show you. Come on. Let's go!
- Chop-chop.
- Yeah.
Hey, man. What's up?
I'll be a singer like you
in no time, Salim.
Do you know what I love
about being up here? Huh?
What is it?
I feel free up here, bro.
This is the only place on Earth
where I feel fucking alive.
You know why?
Because I'm not down there.
Down there, that's fucking death, Salim.
This isn't for us, bro.
Leave it for Nala and Osman.
I know how we can get out.
You know that girl Leya?
She's working for Tomas Storm.
I invested two mill in her company.
She could be our ticket out.
How long can we do this shit, huh?
Listen, bro.
The delivery is on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
Things are good now, bro,
and more work will be coming.
You and I will meet an hour before
the delivery and go over everything. Okay?
Let's stick it out a bit longer.
Things have been rough,
I know, but we'll work it out.
Bro, it's now or never. Come on.
- You can count on me.
- Yeah, bro. That's what I like to hear.
Welcome back, Salim, huh?
I saw that laugh.
Shut up, man.
You're such an asshole, dude.
Oh, man.
I can't remember
the last time I made you laugh, man.
Hey, buddy.
How's it going?
There's food on the stove,
so help yourself whenever you want.
- I'll eat when I get back from my workout.
- Okay.
I'm meeting Robban for a 10k run.
I need to talk to you about something.
Absolutely, bud. What is it?
- Well, I
- Just talk to me.
I can tell something's wrong.
No, it's not. I, uh
Hey, Tim. So I spoke to your mom.
What? What for?
Because we love our son.
I know there's been a lot of drama
between me and her,
but we're gonna be adults
and put that aside.
The three of us can meet to have a chat.
- Daniel, let's get going.
- Just give me a sec.
I'll invite your mother over soon. Okay?
- Okay.
- That's a deal.
You should come work out with us
one of these times. It'll be fun. Huh?
That'd be awesome.
Are you ready?
- Of course.
- Then let's go.
Hey, you little son of a bitch!
He's trying to hide from us?
- No!
- You scared, huh?
Did you really think you could hide
from us, you fucking gopher, huh?
- Where's the bag?
- I don't know.
- It's gone.
- Are you fucking dumb?
Come on. Move.
What's your name?
You were responsible for that bag.
I know.
What happened?
- Where is it at?
- I don't know.
Hey, you little fuck!
How about I slice off that head of yours?
Easy, Nala.
Go sit down.
Do you think this looks good for me?
How do you think I feel?
I think you're angry.
Here's what I think.
From now on, you're gonna help me
with whatever I ask you to do.
- What d'you think about that?
- Um
- Sounds good to me.
- Right?
I'll come help you guys.
I'll help with anything.
I swear.
Whatever I need?
Leya. Leya, Leya. Open up.
- I don't want to talk to you.
- Please. Can we just talk?
Just give me three minutes.
- You have two minutes.
- Okay, two minutes.
I knew we were gonna end up like this
if I told you the truth about me.
Yeah, so you thought that it was better
for you to lie about everything?
No. I
Leya, I want I just want to be with you
so much. Do you understand?
I couldn't tell you about
What is it?
Ravy's trying to take over your company.
He was mentioning a guy you work for.
Like, Tomas I think he said.
I'm helping him
with the last delivery on Tuesday.
Then I just want to be with you.
I think your two minutes are done.
So Ravy's got a delivery coming Tuesday.
You'd better lock your windows tight ♪
Lock the doors
And turn on all the lights ♪
'Cause I'm creepin'
In your neighborhood ♪
Lookin' for a fight ♪
And if I see your kids walk by ♪
And you ain't around ♪
I will steal their lunch money ♪
Rough 'em up
And leave 'em crying on the ground ♪
And I will skillfully replace them
With brand new ceramic ones ♪
That look real, real good ♪
So that when they grow up ♪
They'll look much smaller
Than they otherwise would ♪
Yeah, you'll remember me ♪
Yeah, you'll remember me ♪
By your kid's small front teeth ♪
Baby teeth, baby teeth, baby teeth ♪
Baby teeth, baby teeth ♪
Baby teeth, baby teeth ♪
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