The Green Glove Gang (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Oh. I guess she missed the local cuisine.
- Coffee?
- I'm not in the mood for jokes.
Igor was outside my apartment.
Maybe he got early release
for good behavior.
Just think what my ex-husband
might want from me after all these years.
Why should I think about it?
Oh, how wonderful.
I'm with a a mobster's girlfriend.
- Fuck me.
- It's so exciting.
Was he abusive?
Is he a con artist?
Ahh, he's a murderer.
Marian, could you come over here?
Do you know where boyfriends
of mobster's girlfriends end up?
In a shallow grave.
And if they're lucky, they only get
their balls cut off after they're dead.
And what's that saying?
"You can't count on luck."
There's no need to thank me.
Good morning.
We've had breakthrough
in the Brykalski robbery case.
It now seems that the only victim
is actually Mrs. Brykalska,
and the main suspect is
Mister B.
The victim's husband.
- Thank you.
- Commissioner!
- Yes?
- Is there any new information
concerning the stolen artwork?
Do you think Mister B, Mrs. Brykalska's
husband, is behind the Green Glove Gang?
Both the paintings that I'm holding here
have been posted on our police websites
for the past several days, and
as usual, some of the journalists here
are still unprepared.
- As regretful as that is.
- Yes, but Commissioner you said
I'm not gonna give you any money,
so get out!
We had an agreement.
That you'd send a mole here?
Your wife's
finishing breakfast on the terrace,
why don't you go say hello?
Why did you bring her here?
You wanted to check on me? Me?!
She was gonna snitch on me!
I don't have a wife anymore.
Igor, just leave.
You want war?
There'll be war.
You would've done anything for me once.
Well, I was in love with you once.
And then I got to know you.
My darling children.
And grandchildren.
They're all just so beautiful.
Oh, my lovelies!
I simply can't thank you enough.
- How on Earth did you do it?
- Like this.
Oh, so by cheating and manipulating.
So a woman on death's doorstep
should be made to feel until the very end
that all her relatives have
completely abandoned her?
We'll talk about it later.
Lemme get this straight.
You ladies didn't tell me
that this woman is the wife of a criminal,
who's also, as I understand it,
skulking around Second Home.
- Why do you care?
- You have a truly terrible haircut.
You're always so brusque.
And have no sense of humor.
And you take yourself too seriously.
The food and coffee are awful.
Remind me again
why I let you all stay together?
Because you like our money.
And the fact that we're not woken up
by the Eden hearse on its nightly visits.
- Bravo!
- My darlings
Thanks to all of you,
thanks to your goodwill and your
your words of compassion,
your understanding,
when it comes to my weaknesses,
it has been much easier
to endure the abandonment..
by those who
who weren't supposed to leave me.
Today, a miracle has occurred.
I felt their presence.
I know that they're thinking of me.
Life is about loss, don't you know.
And moments of joy, just like this one.
And I'm just so happy you
So I propose a toast.
We've waited for this day ♪
We shed some tears of love now ♪
Like a desert in the rain ♪
When some of the dead are waking up ♪
There's nobody like my mom ♪
There's no place like my home
since I was born ♪
When I was young ♪
The flavor is so strong
I've missed it so long now ♪
Uh, when I found her
this morning, she was
- clutching these wishes to her chest.
- She was smiling.
I'd never seen Teresa look so happy
as when she passed away.
I'm so sorry. Traffic.
It's vegetarian.
I wanted to say goodbye.
It's time for me to retire.
The investigation is over,
once you grill Brykalski
he'll admit to all the robberies.
Think it's too early to say.
Yeah, he stole the necklace. From himself.
But not the money.
This case is more complicated
than it seems.
What would Mom say about this?
One, two, three four
Come in.
My beloved Maria,
could you look after her for me?
Of course I can.
She'll have good company
too, it'll be wonderful.
Is something wrong? I mean besides
Today is meant
to be a visitation day.
It's the loneliness that gets you down.
More and more.
And then our shattered hopes
are ultimately
destroyed by our resident cheesecake.
Resident cheesecake?
It's always the same cake.
And when no guests appear,
and they never do, they just put it away.
The resident cheesecake,
a local tradition.
Yeah. Like the never-ending
promises of music therapy sessions,
and they always postpone aqua aerobics
Or the regular trips Zofia makes to the
pawn shop, to get her stolen watch back.
Stefan noticed it there,
when he was buying a radio
for his camper van.
Krystyna, ma'am?
Your daughter's here.
- Hi Mom.
- Hello.
Oh, it's heavy.
Let's sit.
- It's nice. Here.
- Yes, yes, very nice.
How are you?
Yeah, great.
Magda's turning eighteen on Wednesday.
We wanna give her an apartment.
So she has something that's her own.
Mm-hm, that's
- That's a very good idea.
- The one on Chełmska.
But that's my apartment.
- I can live here thanks to that lease.
- In unnecessary luxury.
I'm not interested
in your living standards.
So you stay out of mine okay?
Anything else?
It's funny, what is it they say?
Parents are meant to help their children?
Why's that? You're not a child anymore.
You weren't like this before.
You didn't just think about yourself.
And you have always been like this.
Mom, please. I'll return the favor.
Magda will get it as inheritance.
I guess she's grown up
since I saw her six years ago.
Have a nice day, Mom.
Seventeen hundred?
It'll be two thousand.
But you said one thousand
seven hundred last time.
You know that watch was stolen from me.
My grandmother bequeathed it to me.
My grandfather bequeathed me
Napoleon's golden chariot from Waterloo.
But it got stolen too,
and they won't return it.
Well I'll bring
I'll bring the two thousand in a month,
I'm begging, please,
please will you make sure that
you keep a close eye on that watch?
Anything can happen in a month
Uh, could I please use the restroom?
Second door on the left.
Do you have any
beautiful blue earrings?
The price doesn't matter.
Oh, I think so.
That's Andrzej's signet ring.
I think he got it
from a German in the war.
How about a watch, to match?
Right away.
And that Fabergé egg
it belonged to Mariola, the tall one.
Her family took her away,
but the egg stayed and then it was stolen.
- Antique.
- Oh, silver?
I prefer gold.
And that necklace
belonged to Sonia, from Puck.
Apparently there's a piece
of fern in there older than the dinosaurs.
Silver, gold, and platinum, ma'am.
Zofia, what do you think?
Oh, I don't know
In that case I'll hold off.
Do you have kids?
I don't.
And I don't regret it at all.
I dunno.
Maybe I should give 'em the apartment.
I mean she did say,
"Mom I'll return the favor."
Come have a drink with me.
- Ah?
- From a secret old stash.
What are you doing?
I'm arranging a date.
Well, I've had enough of
experiments with marriage.
Experiments are conducted
in a controlled environment,
so marriage is not an experiment.
I have a feeling that
I'd find living with a woman much easier.
The problem there is
that I am so hopelessly straight.
I wanted to be a painter too, you know?
Oh yeah? So what stopped you?
A real lack of talent.
So you became a an art critic?
Pretty close.
A museum curator.
It turned out that
my husband was stealing paintings.
I found out
Then he got
Never mind.
What about that date?
A widowed radiologist.
Silver fox.
Could be interesting.
good luck to you!
What the hell have you been eating?
My adrenal glands've been in overdrive.
The police are after me,
Igor's watching me,
plus I'm currently living in a dump
ruled by a crazy psychopath
who steals from old people.
Stress can make anyone
gain weight.
Okay, okay.
So tell me why we need that hearse?
Can't you just
carry the jewelry out in your pockets?
Because Marzena
doesn't just stick to the small stuff.
And I wanna know what part Rawski plays.
God, you look like
a goddess.
Oh, girls
why are you doing this to me?
- Because we don't care if you come back.
- Yup.
- And don't give a damn about your safety.
- Yup.
And besides
- we just don't love you.
- Mmm.
- Listen up, we got twenty minutes.
- Oh!
So why would someone do that?
You steal 'em and then what?
You go into hiding and just stare
at two boring birds all day?
Well, what isn't boring
in this day and age?
Well, here,
sometimes, we have turkey meatballs,
or it's stuffed turkey,
or turkey schnitzel.
It's exciting.
So the usual?
That'd be great.
Dinner for the Police Commissioner.
Nice job, by the way,
working out that it was Brykalski.
You got two birds with one necklace.
Mrs. Halina
would be really proud of you.
Stop! Alfred!
- We need to retreat.
- What're you talking about?
We've busted the grating.
Gimme a minute.
Excuse me sir!
Geez lady, what's happened?
I was watching some ducks in the fountain.
Then suddenly, one got
struck by lightning or something.
And she's all confused, she's left
her ducklings, will you help me?
Uh sorry I can't.
But this is about children
and their mother!
I don't see anything
to be worried about.
That's exactly why you should be worried
where's the mother?
It's weird because
well, women have those special
hormones to help 'em raise their young.
Makes 'em stay with the kid.
Not all of them.
My mom looked after me till the very end.
The last ever batch
of baked beans that she prepared
lasted me until five days after she died.
And that there?
No, that's
In accordance with her last will,
I scattered mom's ashes in the Baltic Sea
and I got left with the urn.
Mom was always against this stuff.
She said, "All they are
are silly pieces of decoration."
They just sit there gathering dust.
Mom was always very
practical when it came to things.
Well I'm sure that she'd be
proud of you.
All done.
Let's meet behind the church.
My mom liked puzzles.
Yeah. D'you remember the Welder Gang?
She figured that one out.
And the currency exchange robbery?
She worked out the escape route,
before the forensic investigator
could even open his case.
All you had to do, was lay out
the evidence photos next to the meatloaf.
And what are you investigating now?
The Green Glove Gang, heard of it?
Those last robberies,
the, the, the stolen artwork.
We've had a lot of
anonymous, uh, tip-offs,
and we gotta verify all of 'em,
even the dumb ones.
And what are the dumbest ones?
Well, we had a guy call in
who said he recognized
his girlfriend's tattoo the other day.
She's an older well, an old woman.
We don't have a name
because he hung up, but we'll find him.
I mean we know he has a sort of,
like a birthmark on his face or something.
I mean can you imagine an old woman
being an actual serial robber?
Excuse me sir, I need to be going now.
Looks like I troubled you for nothing,
- So sorry about that.
- Nah, it's okay.
But I hope that the mother duck
finds her children.
I knew that I would, now ♪
I feel good ♪
I knew that I would, now ♪
So good! So good! I got you! ♪
That bracelet's Teresa's.
She wore it on her birthday.
Marzena must have stolen it
hours after she died.
Which of your boyfriends
has a birthmark on his face?
Well then, Marceli
has sent your regards to the police.
They now know about an elderly lady
with a tattoo on her arm.
Even when he's tipping off the police,
that fucker mentions my age.
And when I hold you in my arms ♪
If Alfred's mother was still alive,
we'd already be in jail.
And I feel nice ♪
Could she go today, you think?
I feel nice ♪
Like sugar and spice ♪
So nice! So nice! I got you! ♪
They do wonderful scallops here
as an appetizer.
Do we need an appetizer?
I thought we could do without them.
Are you ready to order?
Uh, well in that case I'll have
the sole and a glass of chardonnay.
I'll just take a glass of wine.
The same is fine.
We'll look at desserts later, thanks.
Thank you.
What kinda dessert?
You're more beautiful than in your photo.
Thanks, wow!
We won't be late, don't worry.
- For what?
- The.. theater.
We're not going to the theater.
Could I please have
a bottle of the chardonnay?
No I got us a hotel room.
You'll love it, you'll see.
Uh I'll have those scallops after all.
Of course.
And the Caesar salad.
- Uh is the chicken free-range?
- Of course.
That's great. Then I'll have
a Caesar salad with chicken.
Extra sauce on the side.
Forget the sauce.
One scallop, one salad.
Would you like them in that order?
No all together.
And chocolate lava cake.
Would you like to have one as well?
We'll order a second one later if need be.
Thank you.
- And the bill please.
- Thank you. Right away.
Lava cake is a very sexy dessert.
- It's nice here.
- Hello.
It's hot,
liquid in the middle right?
- Let me show you to your table.
- Thanks so much. Thank you.
Are you a widower?
I'm almost a widower.
It's not what you think.
Your wife doesn't understand you.
No, lemme guess, she never did. Mm-hm.
Hey, if she sees you here,
maybe she'll understand you better.
- Uh, have you lost something, sir?
- Just his face.
Of course, madam.
Shall we give this table to your wife?
Time's ticking,
you don't wanna waste that hotel
Kinga I'm begging you.
If anyone asks,
this was a professional dinner.
I'm supposed to say
I came here for an X-ray?
No I'm not a radiologist.
I sell medical equipment really.
A tool for endoscopies.
You know what?
I don't need an endoscope
to know you're full of shit.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry! Forgive me Kinga, I now realize
that you're a classy woman.
Is that your car?
Good evening all. Officer Gujska.
- Coffee?
- No thanks.
I'm sorry to disrupt your meal like this,
but we found a torched car nearby.
I would like to ask if anybody here
recognizes this vehicle,
or perhaps
you might even be the driver of it.
This is what it looked like
before the fire.
I'm afraid we won't be able
to help you this time, officer.
A driver? In here?
The only journey these folks have planned
is in a car with curtained windows,
where they'll be on their own
and lying on their back.
It seems the orderly
thinks it's appropriate to express
herself using some kind of metaphor
about the situation in which
we all find ourselves.
So is the owner of the car
involved in something?
That's classified information.
But please, take a good look.
Would you look at that?
The pawn shop's just been robbed
and the police are here.
Two pieces of jewelry
and some money were stolen.
Have you heard?
How remarkable.
I also happen to read the crime section,
and there was no mention of what
was taken, but somehow you know.
Such news travels fast.
Only among interested parties.
What do you mean by that?
That it would be inconvenient
if Second Home was searched, am I right?
- Somebody call an ambulance!
- Alicja! Alicja!
Come on, wake up! Alicja!
There's no need to call an ambulance.
It's the third time this month,
it's nothing serious, honestly.
I mean we don't
keep healthy people here.
Gentlemen, would you carry Alicja out?
Of course allow me.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Uh please could I see
the photo of that car again?
Now that I think of it,
it does actually seem familiar.
No, I guess not. And you Krysti?
Uh, what color was it?
Milky coffee.
Maybe more milk than coffee.
Oh, not if it's more milk.
We'll be praying for the
success of your little investigation.
Everything is going as planned.
The meteorite will be here tomorrow.
Na na na na na ♪
Na na na na na ♪
Na na na na na ♪
Na na na na na ♪
When the world broke into pieces
in front of your eyes ♪
When you can't escape
even into numb sleep ♪
When every day bares its teeth at you
like an angry dog ♪
There is one thing that you can do
in the madness ♪
Chill out, the sky is full of holes ♪
Chill out, skin clings to skin ♪
Chill out, our last shelter ♪
The radiator's scalding,
they turned off the heat ♪
Maybe I'll go to hell
and heaven's not for me? ♪
Even if I have to smuggle,
I'll take you there! ♪
When every day bares its teeth at you
like an angry dog ♪
There is one thing
that you can do in the madness ♪
Chill out, the sky is full of holes ♪
Chill out, skin clings to skin ♪
Chill out, sweet, sweet pain ♪
Till we lose breath,
till we lose breath ♪
Chill out, the sky is full of holes ♪
Chill out, skin clings to skin ♪
Chill out, our last shelter ♪
The radiator's scalding,
they turned off the heat ♪
Your head is bursting
The mask grew into your face ♪
Trust me ♪
I will give you great tenderness
A ticket to the heavenly gates ♪
I will buy you ♪
You don't have to swear anymore
Fight, lie, and bow ♪
This is your shelter ♪
Come closer, be closer
Stop asking me about the price ♪
Start flying with me ♪
Chill out, the sky is full of holes ♪
Chill out skin clings to skin ♪
Chill out, our last shelter ♪
The radiator's scalding,
they turned off the heat ♪
Na na na na na ♪
Na na na na na ♪
Na na na na na ♪
Na na na na na ♪
Subtitle translation by Kel Barksdale
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