The Guild (2007) s01e04 Episode Script


It was delicate after that, with Zaboo exposed and everything, but I was quick to establish parameters.
I started crying hysterically, and then he put his pants back on.
Well, we're gonna go to the meeting.
And then he will go home.
Hopefully without a restraining order.
Don't get the door.
I'll get it.
I'm sorry about the shower.
It took so long.
It's just that your shampoo got all in my nose and Okay.
It's fine.
I started thinking about you in the shower with me and I just really hate being late, you know? I just I always get everywhere a half-hour early and just sit in the car waiting, mostly so Okay.
That's a little neurotic.
Codex! I'm Clara! How are you? And you must be Zaboo.
I am.
And your breasts are very pillowy.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Hi, Clara.
So, did you recognize my voice? No.
Zaboo posted photos of you sleeping last night.
Flash didn't even wake you.
That's fine.
That was a very angry look.
So, we're looking for Vork, Tink, and Bladezz, right? Bladezz isn't coming.
Vork didn't want to invite him.
Something about "firewalling our priorities.
" Hey, guys! Wait up! - Zaboo! - It's a Guild meeting.
Everyone should be here.
All right.
Let's get this party going.
Welcome to Cheesybeards.
Arrrg you ready to be seated? No, we're just meeting people.
So, what do Tink and Vork look like? Right.
Good point.
Don't talk to me.
Haven't decided if I'm joining you yet.
Tink? Hi! I'm Codex Seriously.
Don't talk to me.
Okie dokey.
So, where is Vork? Um, what does he do? Oh, he's a fighter.
But you know, skills are metalworking In real life, Zaboo.
I don't know.
I didn't have time to research him, okay? So Back off, lady.
Uh It's our first fight.
Maybe we'll have makeup sex later, or No.
What about that guy over there? - Oh, the bald guy? - Yeah.
I never pictured Vork being bald.
He's so confident on the mic.
He can't be bald and confident? Um, your skull is out all the time.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Hey, I think it's cool that you're Asian.
I'm saying we're from the same continent.
Yeah, yeah.
Soothe a wizard's ego, finish Parched Forest delivery, then proceed to timber mill Night Spiders.
That might be him.
You think? - Oh.
- Hey.
Vork? Hi.
Hi, I'm Codex.
Real name's Cyd.
It's not short for anything.
Greetings, Guildies.
Uh, Herman.
Call me Vork.
I simply respond to it better.
You don't look like your picture.
Maybe that's because my eyes are open.
Um, this is Zaboo, real name Sujan Balakrishnan Goldberg.
Really? Yeah.
I'm a Hin-jew.
It's, like, part Hindu, part Jew.
So And I'm Clara.
Real name Clara.
Oh You use your real name for your avatar.
Well, I tried an alias on another game, but my kid picked it up and started calling me Mominatrix.
My husband got pissed.
Oh, yeah, I have the same name as my character, too.
Your real name is "Tinkerballa"? As far as you guys know, it is.
Well, it's great to finally meet everyone.
After spending six hours a day together, we can finally put a face to a voice.
Talk about real life for a change.
The epic dagger dropped for me this morning.
Oh, my God! Really? Loinslicer or Zombieblade? Epic'd! I'll get the table.

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