Ties That Bind (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

It Doesn't Show

1 Help us understand Colin.
We know you did it.
You just need to tell us when you got so hungry that you decided to do it.
And how long and how carefully you planned to kill your ex-wife.
The judge will need to know.
[Loud crash.]
When was it, Colin? When she got engaged? Or when they talked to you about moving your children out of state? Or when you realized she couldn't stand the sight of your smug face? [Chair being kicked.]
I understand your frustration Colin.
Some people can't appreciate a love so profound that it requires total commitment.
Complete submission.
Few deserve it and even fewer receive it.
That is true.
When you demand that of someone and they fail you, you have to correct the situation, don't you? Of course you do.
You have to make them understand that you are in control.
You choose who is loved, who is forgiven, who is punished.
It's my decision.
I would never reject a gift like that.
But your ex-wife, she threw it all away, for what? For a spineless school teacher with no future.
How could she be so stupid? So blind? She needed to be punished.
And I explained that to her and she laughed.
She laughed.
I tried to stop the laughter and make her listen, but the more she laughed, the more I had to squeeze.
[Handcuffs rattling.]
I didn't mean to Not premeditated good work.
We could see the guy was unhinged.
So Devin presses, then I pretend I'm on Mr.
X's wave length, and he just opens up and tells us everything.
Cries all the way through processing.
It was a little unnerving.
Isn't that incredible? The most exciting thing that happened to me today was having to run my own PowerPoint during my lecture because my T.
called in sick.
That's gotta keep you on your toes though Matt.
Always being seconds away from an interrogation.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
What's it like to have that kind of power over other people's lives? I don't really think of it like that.
I usually meet them when they've lost control.
You're not leaving without saying hello to the McLeans, are you, Krista? Hello, Mr.
and Mrs.
Hey Krista, it's been ages since we've seen you.
You're so tall and pretty.
Not that you weren't always pretty.
No, of course! How's school? Super busy, in fact I've gotta run over to Rosie's.
We've got this massive lab report tomorrow and the data's not crunching the way it should.
Okay, don't be too late.
I won't, as long as the silver nitrate cooperates.
Nice to see you.
Nice to see you too! She's on the Honor Roll, again.
It's okay to brag, isn't it? Required.
Come on.
Umm Allison? Are you having a rough time with Rachel? No, we're actually going through a really nice phase right now.
Krista's gotten quiet, she's almost withdrawn.
Well it's hard work staying on the Honor Roll.
Maybe it's stress? I wish I knew.
Probably it's just hormones.
Mine, if not hers.
I am not a poet! Don't I know it.
You and Jeff have Ms.
Lowens, right? Yes.
Just wait until she makes you read them in class.
Out loud? That's why I did a haiku.
Seventeen syllables and I'm back in my seat.
When I had her Ms.
Lowens always said, write what you know.
Shortest poem ever.
[Sarcastic laugh.]
Ha ha ha.
Hey, gang.
How's it going? Most of us are done with our homework.
But not all of us.
Thank you.
I need a more creative space.
Did you have a good time? Mrs.
Harris is off sugar, so dessert was avocado pudding.
I may never recover.
Hey, Dad, can we change the light fixture in my room? Since I moved the lamp, it feels dim.
Wait, how bright are we talking here? Krista says hi.
Really? Well, not in so many words.
Do you guys talk much these days? We pass in the hall, but that's about it.
We didn't have much in common once I stopped taking ballet.
So you wouldn't know how she's doing? No, why? Is she in trouble? No, I don't think so.
Her mom's just a little worried about her, that's all.
You always say that's a mom's job.
Yeah, that and encouraging ice cream consumption.
Jeff! Let's get some for Dad.
That avocado thing was disgusting.
[School bell ringing.]
[Students chatting.]
[School bell ringing.]
This is one of my favorite days in the quarter.
Who'd like to share their poem first? As the Bard said, "Boldness be my friend.
" Mariah! I always knew you were a brave soul.
Let's hear it.
Forever Alone.
Caged in a room so small I can barely breathe.
There are no windows.
The air, dusty and stale, not a single crack of light.
The door is a barricade, locked up tight.
No chance for escape.
I call out, no one comes.
Forever alone, I sit small and still, shut my eyes and try to remember to breathe.
[Class applauding.]
Exactly what I asked for: pain on the page.
Very real.
Excellent job, Mariah.
Who else is ready to bare their soul? Hey, Krista.
How've you been? Why would you want to know? I realized we haven't talked in a while and my mom and dad got together with your mom and dad.
Yes, I saw them.
They were talking about you All of them? No, our moms.
Our dads were probably talking about sports or politics or something.
But it made me realize we hadn't talked in a while and I wanted to come over and say hi, see how you're doing.
I'm great.
Tons of homework tonight, so I've got to get home and study.
It was nice to talk to you.
Good morning.
Good morning! You have a friend waiting for you.
May I help you ? Diane? I don't know what to do.
Okay, tell me what happened.
Krista never came home last night.
She's gone.
I think we'll be more comfortable in here.
Have a seat.
Walk me through what happened.
She just went to see a movie with a friend.
And it got later and later.
I kept calling her cell and it kept going to voice-mail.
So I thought her phone died or she lost track of time.
But then the sun came up Krista's a good girl, she doesn't stay out all night.
What if something terrible happened? Let's not jump to conclusions.
Is it possible Krista ran away? No, I checked her room, there's nothing missing.
Something awful happened, I just know it.
We're going to treat this as a missing person case.
I'm going to need to ask you a few questions.
Okay, who was she out with last night? I'm not sure she said.
Best friend? Liz Holloway, they're on Yearbook together.
Boyfriend? No, she's so focused on her schoolwork, she doesn't have time.
All right.
I know this is hard, but I want you to go home and just stay there.
Where's Charlie? He's out looking for her himself.
I will keep you posted on everything we learn, everything we do.
We're going to find Krista.
Mariah, come sit for a sec.
I wanted to check in and see how things are going.
Your poem was really powerful.
That small, dark room; ideal metaphor for loneliness.
Thank you.
The caged and neglected imagery was powerful too.
I knew that your family situation was difficult, but I didn't realize how challenging things had been.
That's why I loved this assignment.
It let me express my pain.
I'm glad you did.
Expressing your feelings is important, and so is knowing that you're not alone.
People care about you, okay? I really appreciate it.
Okay, just don't be late.
So Liz, you're Krista's best friend? Not really.
I mean, she's sweet and all, but we aren't super close or anything.
She was our lead photographer, but she quit a couple weeks ago.
Why'd she quit? A fight with someone? No, she just quit.
We've been scrambling to cover stuff ever since.
Could we see her pictures? Sure.
Did she mention any other problems? Krista runs pretty cool and quiet.
What exactly are you guys looking for? Anything that stands out.
Like that one.
Oh, him! Who is that? He doesn't go here.
Trust me, I keep track of the cute guys.
I ran into him and Krista at the mall, but he pulled her away.
Talk about rude.
Was there anything else distinctive about him? He was wearing a Lakeside High Letterman jacket.
That's great.
You've been a really big help, thank you.
Could you print us off one of these pictures? No problem.
So it looks like she has a boyfriend.
What's up? My editor sent me to ask you Can the Crestview High Clarion print your poem on the Arts page? The editor? She's a senior! How did she hear about my poem? Who knows? I'm not really a part of English Geeks Underground.
But, if it's too private, I can just tell her Tell her yes! Really? And tell her there's more where that came from.
Who told you to talk to me about Brent White? And why don't you just talk to Brent? Your principal told us he's at the volleyball game.
Be careful.
They're going to get creamed, so he'll be lots of fun to talk to when they get back.
Several people told us you dated him.
For all of ten seconds.
Mind telling us what happened? He was all worked up about a loss, I told him it was just a game, and he slapped me.
I was out the door.
My mother taught me: a man raises his hand, you leave.
Good for you.
Did you tell anyone what he did? No.
But people know what he's like.
Everything has to be a certain way, his way.
Most girls steer clear.
So he found a girl at another school.
He did? Is she okay? We hope so.
Excuse me.
I'm Detective McLean, this is Detective Stewart.
We're looking for Brent White.
Yeah? Me too.
If we'd had him, we might've had a fighting chance.
He didn't play today? No, fool kid said he'd get to the game on his own, and never showed.
So, Krista is missing, and then her boyfriend, who has a history of violence, disappears too.
I don't like where this is headed.
You think he took her by force? [Knocking.]
White? Ma'am? Crestview PD.
Let's check around back.
If you're salesman, I don't want any.
If you're cops, I'm clean.
Detectives Stewart and McLean.
Why're you sniffing around my place? Are you Gwen White? Brent White's mother? What did the little jerk do? Did your son come home last night? How should I know? I didn't.
White, Brent's girlfriend Krista is missing.
We believe they might be together.
Do you have any idea where they might be? Look, My son and I have a don't ask, don't tell policy.
I don't ask who he spends his time with, and I don't tell him who spends time with me.
Oh, maybe he is home No no no no Ah, crap! That lousy, good-for-nothing That weasel stole my savings! Three thousand dollars! Ms.
White, focus! Can you think of anything that might help us find your son? I wish I could.
But I want you to get out there and track him down, and bring him back to me, and I will rip those heard-earned dollars out of his hand myself.
[Door slamming.]
Hey, Rachel.
Do you have a sec? Yeah, I guess thermodynamic equilibrium can wait.
What's up? Ms.
Lowens said I could write another poem for extra credit.
Could you read it? I want to make sure it sounds okay before turning it in.
Yeah, sure.
The Prisoner I have been in this room for days, The Princess in her prison.
Only rags to wear, scraps to eat.
I huddle in the corner, covered in filth and shivering.
The darkness my only blanket.
The King and Queen are too busy to care for their forgotten princess, to hear her anguished cries.
And so I remain alone.
My only companions, the rats that scurry across my feet.
I dream of the sun on my face, but I am scared I will wither here 'til there's nothing left of me but bone.
Mariah Intense, right? Yeah, definitely, You're going to freak Ms.
Lowens out.
Perfect! Thanks.
The lojack on Brent's jeep is disabled, as are the location apps on their phones.
We should move to an Amber Alert.
We can't.
She doesn't meet the criteria.
There isn't enough evidence she was actually kidnapped.
Even with Brent's history of abuse and the stolen cash? Allison.
Charlie, Diane.
This is my partner, Devin Stewart.
and Mrs.
Harris, we're doing everything we can to find your daughter.
What have you learned? It appears that Krista is in a relationship.
With a boy named Brent White.
I'm sorry, what? Brent White.
He's also missing.
Did you know about this kid? No! I'm as surprised as you are.
What happens now? We're issuing a countywide alert.
I'm gonna need some recent photos of Krista, and I can come pick them up.
That way we can get them to all agencies as soon as possible.
Of course.
We're assembling a timeline of recent events, and looking for electronic footprints, financial transactions and other online activity that led up to their disappearance.
And we're continuing to talk to people who know them.
This is unbelievable.
Who's this kid? Where are his parents? I want to talk to them! Charlie, that's not productive right now, okay? I know you're hurting, and I'm so sorry, but can you just let us take care of it? - Keep us in the loop.
- Find her.
Of course.
Isn't that your English teacher, Jeff? I've turned everything in, on time.
McLean? Ms.
Lowens, hi.
How are you? Hi, good.
Hey Jeff.
I hoped I might catch you.
There's something I wanted to share with you.
It's not about you, Jeff.
You're doing just fine.
And your haiku was delightful.
It's about your niece, Mariah.
She's struggling? Her grades are fine.
Her poetry assignment troubles me.
Troubles you in what way? She's very creative and I don't want to stifle that.
But her imagery has a consistent theme of abandonment and neglect.
I just wonder if maybe she's trying to reveal something.
She hasn't had the easiest road, but We'll read all these and we'll talk to her.
Thanks for your concern.
And if I, or our guidance counsellor, can be of any help, just call.
Yes, we will.
My haiku was delightful.
That's awesome Jeff.
Her teacher said what? Neglect? We'll certainly talk about that No, nothing on Krista yet.
I'm actually at Diane's right now.
Listen, do you want me to pick up dinner? You're a good man.
See you later.
[Doorbell ringing.]
Allison? I came to pick up the pictures of Krista.
I I don't know where they are.
I need the pictures so that I can distribute them.
To find Krista.
Diane! I was so tired.
I just Wanted to take a nap.
So I took a sleeping pill, and then I got up off the couch to go to the bathroom, and I tripped on a wrinkle in the rug and fell into the corner of the china cabinet.
It was just a stupid accident.
There's There's no contusion that matches the corner of a cabinet.
What? Diane.
I want you to be honest with me.
Did Charlie do this to you? Allison, don't be ridiculous.
I'm a klutz, that's all.
There are steps we can take to make sure you're safe.
Allison, really.
You're turning this into something it isn't.
Where's Charlie now? He's upset about Krista, he went out.
For a drink? Has Charlie hurt Krista? Allison, you know us better than that.
Your cop imagination is working overtime.
Thank you for coming over.
I appreciate it.
But I really need to get some sleep.
I could just stay and have Devin come pick this up No, please go.
I'll call you the minute I have anything, okay? Diane tried to tell me it was an accident, but Charlie hit her, Matt.
She probably can't even admit it to herself.
But they're our friends, people we care about.
How could we not know this was going on? Because we assumed they're like us.
We don't go around thinking that our friends are hiding some big dark secret.
We have to get them some help.
You mean we need to get them to accept some help.
You know if abuse is happening in that house, then maybe Krista went with Brent willingly.
As an escape or something.
I don't mean to add to your list of worries, but we really need to talk about Mariah.
Nothing left of me but bone? No wonder Ms.
Lowens was worried.
But Mariah doesn't seem depressed.
Or am I missing that, too? She may be expressing something in those poems, that she's not expressing with us, I don't know.
I think we have to have a conversation with her and be frank about what things are like with Tim and Jackie, and then we can take it from there.
Yeah, okay.
We should just talk to her together.
[Loud knocking.]
Who could that be? I'll check.
Allison McLean! You mind your own damn business! Where is she? She's upstairs.
You get her down here right now.
She's ruining my family, and she will answer for that.
You're drunk, Charlie.
I suggest you sleep it off and then we'll talk.
My wife locked me out of my house because your wife is telling her lies about me.
You can walk to the Crestview Inn from here.
You get that nosy cop of yours down here right now.
She owes me an apology.
Nobody owes you anything, except maybe a taste of what you've been dishing out.
Allison's gonna put a patrol car on your house tonight.
You leave your wife alone, you leave my wife alone, and you pull yourself together, Charlie.
This is all Allison's fault.
No, this is your fault pal.
Crestview Inn.
Two blocks.
Go ahead.
Get control of your woman, Matt.
Tell her to find my daughter and leave my wife alone.
Okay gang, have a great day.
Can you ask Mom to text me if she learns anything about Krista? Yeah sure.
Mariah, remember, your aunt and I want to talk to you after school, okay? Yeah, no problem.
What'd she do? I need you to be honest with me, okay? Were you and Mariah ever afraid when you were living with your mom and dad? What do you mean? Mariah's been writing some poems for English that are a little troublesome.
Her teacher was worried maybe there are things that she or maybe both of you should talk through.
Your aunt and I are worried, too.
Mom and Dad took care of us the best they could.
Better than they took care of themselves.
Mariah's making junk up.
Why would she do that? We just want to help, Cam.
What do you think is going on? I'll find out.
Still no activity on Krista's credit card.
You getting anything with Brent's bank statements? Nothing unusual not much activity at all.
No wonder he raided his mom's cookie jar.
I'm going back through Krista's bank account now.
Since Charlie is abusive, I'm wondering if Krista's disappearance is less spontaneous than we've been thinking.
More of a planned escape? Yeah.
Instead of charges and withdrawals in the last day or two, maybe they've been saving up.
Hang on.
Krista withdrew four hundred dollars from an ATM three weeks ago.
But not the one by her house that she typically uses.
This ATM's downtown, east side.
Why so far away? Excuse me, we're looking for two missing kids, a boy and a girl.
She came in a few weeks ago and used your ATM.
She's too young to buy what you're selling, so you should remember her.
I sell other stuff: soda, candy.
It's a long drive for a candy bar.
Haven't seen either one of them.
An underage girl comes here and spends $400.
Either you tell us what she wanted, or we bring a team in here and sweep through this place from top to bottom and bust you on every infraction we find.
My eyes aren't as good as they used to be.
If I squint, I think maybe she was in here and maybe he was with her.
And maybe she bought something? Maybe.
$400 buys a lot of maybe.
We're not interested in charging you with anything.
We just want to find her.
Remember when you were young, and you couldn't wait to grow up? Maybe she wanted a little help getting a jump on that.
You sold her a fake ID? Maybe.
So she wanted to be 21 for No, that's the weird thing.
She only wanted to be 18.
Krista's going to be 18 in six weeks.
Guess something couldn't wait.
Maybe, thanks.
So what's so magical about being 18? You can't drink and who's that invested in voting? You can get married.
Krista and Brent are eloping.
What's with all these stupid poems? They're not stupid.
Lowens likes them and one's getting published.
The one about how our parents neglected and abused us? What are you talking about? Ms.
Lowens told Aunt Allison and Uncle Matt that you're hiding some dark secret.
So they think Mom and Dad neglected us or some stupid thing.
I was being poetic.
You're grinding our parents to get attention.
No, I was exploring! We already have trouble fitting in.
Why'd you have to make things worse? Okay, thank you very much.
Please continue to be on the lookout.
The sighting in Bremerton didn't pan out.
Well their pictures have gone out to the airports and the border crossings.
Okay, great.
Diane? Diane, are you all right? Got it.
What happened? Oh Diane! I need a response to a domestic violence incident.
Please, don't do that.
He has to, Diane.
316 Meadow Drive.
Let us help you.
He didn't mean to, he is under so much stress.
He's so worried about Krista.
Okay, walk me through it.
What set Charlie off? I got a text from Krista.
It was a photo of her and that boy.
They were on a beach.
The text said: The happiest place I ever knew is now even happier! Newlyweds! I couldn't help it, I started crying.
Charlie demanded to know what was going on, so I told him Krista had eloped.
He went into a rage, he started destroying things.
He was hitting me.
I've never seen him so angry.
What did he do next? He grabbed my phone and he looked at the photo.
He said he knew where they were, and then he took off.
Did you recognize the beach? No.
If I knew, I would tell you The happiest place I ever knew.
Do you have any idea what she means? No.
I don't remember her being happy.
Isn't that horrible? You can do this, Diane.
Just think.
The summer that she was nine.
Go on.
We went on a family vacation.
To Rialto Beach.
There's a little inn on the water.
Of course! We still talk about how perfect that trip was.
Things were so much better then.
A special team will be here in three minutes.
You need to go with them.
They will protect you from Charlie.
I don't think I can leave him he's all I know.
I know it seems impossible, but it's a process.
Diane, you have to do this.
Oh, good.
That's our room service Mrs.
That's wonderful, Mr.
Dad? Daddy, no! Get out of here, old man! My daughter is coming home with me! No! I'm his wife! I'm staying here! Hey! [Struggling.]
Krista, stay back! He's going to kill you! [Glass shattering.]
Police! Get off me! Brent! Shut up! Think you can just take my daughter? I need to be with my husband! No Krista, listen I'm not done with you.
No daddy, we're done with you.
Brent and I are our own family now.
And we never have to see you or listen to you, or be afraid of you again.
Krista! This is not the answer.
Krista, just look at this room with all its satin and hearts.
It's just a fantasy.
Marriage is much more complicated than that and it takes a long time and work to get it right.
Marriage is more than just love, it's about respect and forgiveness.
And those are things you haven't learned in your house.
Krista! [Struggling.]
Stay out! Hey! Don't you dare.
You're trading one man who doesn't respect you or your mother for another man who doesn't respect you.
Has he hit you yet? Hey! You can't I can and I will.
We're taking you in, too.
What do I do now? You start over.
Come here.
It's okay.
It's okay, it's over.
The hotel management is filing charges against Brent and Charlie for the fight in the suite.
And the marriage wasn't valid, so it's over.
How's Diane doing? I don't know.
You don't she'll take Charlie back, do you? I don't know.
A week ago, I would have said I don't know what I would've said, a week ago, I wouldn't have believed it.
I just hope they get the help they need.
You guys said you wanted to see me? Yeah.
Come on, sit down.
We want to talk about your poems.
Yeah, sorry.
I'm starting to realize I was giving people the wrong idea.
But I was just being creative.
Mom and Dad have issues, but they didn't hurt us.
Something must be bothering you though.
I'm not good at anything.
Since we got here, Cameron figured out he's great at track.
But I haven't found anything.
So when Ms.
Lowens liked my poem so much, it felt amazing.
I just wanted it to keep feeling amazing.
I think you've found something you're good at and we want to support that.
But if you're sad or hurt or anything else we want to help you.
I'm okay.
I'm just figuring stuff out, you know? Yeah, well that's going to keep going for another couple of decades.
Just be aware of the power of what you write.
And know that we're here for you.
Okay thanks.
And if you want to keep expressing yourself with poetry that's totally cool too.
I'm really glad you guys liked my poems.
Think Emily Dickinson ever had that conversation with her aunt and uncle? [Doorbell ringing.]
That's you.
I'll get it! Diane, Krista.
You're probably about to eat.
No, it's fine.
Come on in.
We can't stay, I just wanted I needed to come thank you.
For what you did for both of us.
Of course, I'm just glad you're both safe.
So Krista and I had a big talk.
And now I'm going to do something I should have done a very long time ago.
I'm pressing charges against Charlie.
And I'm leaving him.
That's a huge step for both of you.
In case you need to reach me, we're going to be staying with my sister in Chicago for a little while.
Just until we figure out what to do next, together.
We'll miss you.
Email me, let me know what you think of Chicago.
Thanks, I will.
Thank you.
You're a good man, Matt.
Take care of yourself, Diane.
Hungry? Yes.
Before we eat, I was wondering if I could read my new poem? Of course.
We'd love to hear it.
It's called Family.
A house is made up of many rooms and every room is different.
Some are small and cozy.
Others are big and bright.
Some have doors that never close, while some are locked up tight.
But a calming breeze can find its way through, and into them all shines the sun.
That was lovely.
Great job.
I feel the truth.
It's really nice, but I kind of miss the rats.
Pull my hair, until the courage sticks Shine the light until the darkness lifts
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