Undercovers (2010) s01e04 Episode Script


[Siren blaring.]
[cellphone ringing.]
Did you get it? Yes Brian.
Of course I got it.
Where the hell are you, then? Change of plans.
The cops are on to me, so I had to hid it.
What do you mean, "hide it", Sean? Hide it where? You don't need to worry about that yet.
Listen, I'm mailing you a key for a Safety Deposit Box.
I need you to look after it for me until we figure this out.
Figure what out? Sean, where's the Safety Deposit Box? That I can't tell you.
Well what am I suppose to tell the buyer's.
then? Well, whatever you have to Brian.
Nothing personal.
Just an insurance policy.
Brian? What Marie? Something wrong, honey? [Thundering.]
[Tires screech.]
{Police siren blaring.]
[Tires screech to a stop.]
Cullen! Show us your hands.
[door opening.]
Lizzy? Huh, morning guys.
What are you doing here? Working, silly.
Mixing garlic, julienning carrots, and chiffonading shiso.
How do you even know those words? I learned it from the master.
I'm sorry, I know i should have checked with you before testing a new recipe, but Do you realize it's 7 o'clock in the morning? When was the last time you even saw 7 o;clock in the morning? I know, but I've been obsessing over the Asian cole slaw for the Yamaguchi-Sawyer wedding.
I will be right back.
I need more cabbage.
Your sister's drinking again.
She is not drinking again.
Maybe she's turning over a new leaf.
Maybe all my talking to her finally sunk in.
maybe she's making real progress, Steven.
I don't buy it.
Sweetie I'm a human lie detector.
Okay, so I'm not blaming you for not getting it but I know when I'm being played.
Okay? And your sister is puh-laying us.
[cup clinks.]
[cell beeps.]
We need to talk about the Blooms.
Anything new to report? No, but I am concerned that if we're not careful, they will discover the true nature of there reactivation.
Despite there rustiness, they are not unintelligent.
Are you suggesting we tell them the truth? I am suggesting that it would be better for the Agency to control their discovery.
Get 'em on our side.
Out of the question! The plan stays the same, Mr.
Shaw Understood.
I got it.
What? She wants money.
Who wants money? Lizzy.
100 bucks says she asks for a loan.
Good plan.
Either way, you lose money.
Oh, so you're already giving her the loan, huh? She hasn't asked me for a loan.
But she will.
And I got a feeling you are going to give it to her.
ParanoidBrother In-law.
Why is it always a conspiracy with you? 'Cause it usually is.
Do you actually enjoy sneaking up on people? Old habits die hard.
You two want to finish out your magical marital moment or could we maybe get to work? We can get to work.
We can finish talking about her sister wanting money later.
Or you could just ignore the issue.
God knows, worked like a charm for my marriage.
All three of them.
Sean Cullen.
Currently residing in Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, Ireland.
Been there 48 hours.
You two leave tonight to have a little chat with him.
A few assaults.
Armed robberies.
Seems a little run-of-the-mill.
Cullen worked at the Shannon airport as a baggage handler.
The Irish government has afforded us the use of that airfield for extraordinary rendition operations.
Meaning moving terrorist suspects? Among other types of cargo.
Suffice it to say, Sean outgrew his taste for petty theft.
He stole a hard drive from one of our aircraft.
What's on the drive? You are aware of CIA black sites? Top secret agency detention centers around the globe? The hard drive has not only their locations, but details of their detainees.
So any terrorist group in the world could pay for this information and know who we have and where they are.
Still seem run-of-the-mill? When the Irish authorities tracked him down, the hard drive wasn't on him.
We need to get it back.
You need to get there and make Cullen talk.
You both have histories as excellent interrogators.
Furthermore, you can't go in as CIA agents.
We don't need to broadcast to the world that this hard drive is missing.
And we don't want the Irish to know that we're operating on their turf.
Get the info, get the drive, and get out before anyone knows we've infiltrated an Irish prison.
[Cell door closes.]
Get out of bed, Cullen.
Open seven.
Call a doctor! [Monitor beeping.]
[Rapid beeping.]
[Muffled shouting.]
I am all over it.
I am happy to look after Waldorf while you are out of town.
I just need to ask you one tiny favor.
I need to borrow some money.
It is for a cooking class so you can think of it as less of a loan to your sister and more of an investment in your company.
How much? $500? $700? I'm sorry, I ran out of fingers on the first hand.
Please, Sam.
One time.
And you're paying me back.
Let me get a check.
Oh, actually, here you go.
I already have it filled out.
If you could just autograph it.
I totally would have torn it up if you said no.
Seriously, who is better than you? No one.
Now you need to do me a favor.
Don't tell ste-- [Footsteps.]
Uh, hey, Steven.
Uh, you know what, I think that I'm going to take the dog for a walk.
Come on, Waldorf.
Have a safe trip, you guys.
Whoa, whoa! What? Nothing.
[Irish rock music.]
So you're with the Department of Justice, Equality, and Law Reform? Prison investigation unit? That's right.
For Sean Cullen.
I have a copy of our jurisdictional orders.
No problem.
I suppose you'd like me to show you the escaped inmate's cell.
Unless you prefer to start with the murder scene.
Murder? Cullen killed a prison doctor on his way out.
You two are looking for a real charmer.
Here we are.
Cellblock H.
Has Sean's cell been disturbed in any way since--what time did this happen again? The guard found Cullen unconscious yesterday afternoon.
The doctor said he had some sort of seizure.
I can assure you, ma'am, none of my boys have touched a thing since then.
Of course, I can't vouch for what the chief inspector has touched.
Sorry? Chief inspector? You mean you didn't know your boss was here waiting for you? [Ominous music.]
Thank you, Governor.
Took you two long enough.
Undercovers 1x04 Jailbreak What are you doing here? Shaw called me when he heard Cullen escaped.
And since I was already in Paris, I hopped on over.
Leo, you do know the goal of going undercover is to be inconspicuous? That's why I went balls out.
No one questions the boss, guys.
Always remember, you can't spell "inconspicuous" without "conspicuous.
" We don't need a babysitter.
Ah, Stevie, relax.
I'm just here to help you two till you get your spy legs back.
Spy legs? Okay, guys.
Now we have to find Sean.
Just tell us what you've found, Leo.
Nothing yet.
Just the usual prison crap.
A few magazines I had to confiscate for research.
Did you check his medical file? No issues.
Meaning we have a fugitive who faked a seizure to escape.
Not as easy as it sounds.
Intentional overdose is my guess.
Guys What's that? Some kind of powder.
What do you think it is? Where's Hoyt when you need him? Tell him I'm right here, matey.
What do you have for me, sir? I'm transferring a sample for analysis.
Aye-aye, matey.
And stop saying "matey.
" You're supposed to be Irish, not a pirate.
Aye-aye, sir.
This is it.
It's called darvix.
Completely mimics the effects of a seizure.
The stuffed animal came in the post.
No return address.
Any gang associates visiting while he was here? Who said anything about a gang? Ink from the Black Hand Brigade tattooed on Sean's neck.
The Brigade is ex-IRA mostly.
They allegedly broke 12 of their own out of a crumlin road prison in Belfast back in '88.
Well done, junior inspector.
I'd keep an eye on my job if I was you.
This young fella's going places.
Are you done yet? Patience, sir.
Would you have rushed Michelangelo when he was painting the Sistine Chapel? If he had taken this long, yeah.
[Hair clipper buzzing.]
We're done? Yeah.
It's unbelievable.
So is this gonna be an every mission type thing? You showing up out of nowhere? Pretty much.
At least until you and your husband are back up to speed.
I'm just saying, your first few missions back haven't been exactly textbook.
It's not been that long since we stopped working.
I don't mean to pry.
Okay, I totally mean to pry.
But speaking of that, did you ever tell Steven why you really left? No.
I didn't.
And I'd rather you not either.
Feel like getting a disgusting drink in a dirty IRA criminal bar? Sounds perfect.
Who is this? That is Sean's ex-wife Fiona.
I say we check her out.
If someone is helping Sean hide out, it seems like she's a pretty good place to start.
I mean, am I wrong? Gosh, guys.
I'll be your wingman.
That's funny.
Sean never mentioned any American friends from his job.
Well, perhaps "friends" is overstating it a bit.
Colleagues maybe.
He never mentioned me? Goose? The way I remember it, Sean hated every last Yank who came through Shannon.
Well, the truth is, uh Fiona.
The truth is, fiona-- wow, is that a beautiful name to roll off the tongue.
The truth is we're just a little worried because Sean hasn't been at work in a while.
Could be because he's in prison.
Which if you're friends with Sean, you would know.
Okay, cards on the table.
Sean just escaped and we were trying to figure out if he contacted you.
And seeing you now, I don't know why he wouldn't have.
You didn't send any packages to Sean when he was in prison, did you? I wouldn't spit on my ex-husband if his hair was on fire.
Okay, so that's a no on the packages? Don't you flyboys have somewhere to be? Just two last questions.
Do you know a place around here I can get a drink, and can I buy you one when we get there? Are you asking me on a date? Come here.
What are you doing? What about those? That lady doth protest too much.
What does that even mean in this context? I don't know.
I just know I need to dig a little deeper with this Fiona bird.
How do you want to crack her? I'm naturally more of a bad cop 'cause my mom was so mean to me.
But I could play good cop too.
How about good-bye cop? So what's the plan? The head of the black hand brigade holds court here.
If anyone's harboring Sean, this guy will know about it.
[Irish rock.]
Can I help you? Just got out of Mountjoy this morning.
Three-year trip.
On the house.
Looking for a friend who also got out.
Name's Sean Cullen.
Hey, lads, he says he's looking for someone named Sean.
Spent time in prison.
Your friend ain't here.
Maybe I'll just wait for him.
Good work today.
See you next weekend.
[Bottle shatters in distance.]
[Ominous music.]
[footsteps running.]
Surprise, Marie.
The boss wants to see you.
Why doesn't your boss come out here? If you want to talk about Sean Cullen, you'll follow them two into the back room.
Girlfriends aren't allowed.
Have a seat.
Now, why don't you tell me who you really are and what you're doing in my bar? [Grunts.]
Like I said, I'm looking for Sean Cullen.
You can stay.
You two, you're fired.
Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot.
The right foot? That'll be you telling me what you want with Sean Cullen.
And don't tell me you were in Mountjoy prison for the last three years because I was there for two of them.
Truth is that bastard double-crossed me.
Cut me out of a deal.
I'm just looking to get my fair share out of him.
You know everything that happens in this town.
No one lifts a finger unless you say they can.
And rumor is one of your fellas helped him escape.
There's no way that happened.
You think you're the only one that Sean Cullen stole from? Maybe you can tell me where I can find him, then? I'll take care of Sean for both of us.
Make him suffer a little.
I knew where he was, I'd have already made him suffer more than a little.
He'd be bleeding from both kneecaps.
Sean made enemies of us when he got with that Brian Murphy.
Last I heard, the two of them were planning a job down at the airport where Cullen worked.
Agent Bloom, you okay? That place looked pretty rough back there.
He's fine.
We're both fine.
Thank you for your concern, Hoyt.
What did you get in the back room? Name.
Brian Murphy.
Cullen's partner.
You think he was telling the truth? Oh, he was telling the truth 100%.
How do you know? Here we go.
Human lie detector, Hoyt.
Oh, right.
Of course.
I read about that in your file.
The interrogation in Prague.
Okay, honey, did you hear that? My file? It's huge.
So maybe now you believe me about Lizzy? You need to check Interpol for Brian Murphys.
Oh, and cross-check names against Shannon airport.
See if any Brian Murphys work there.
I'm on it.
Where's Leo, by the way? Not that our marriage was ever great.
But once Sean started hanging around with Brian, that's when it all went to hell.
Suppose that's right around the time he started cheating on me.
You ready for round two, love? Back to bed.
What kind of crazy man would cheat on you? The kind that would check into cheap hotels under George Best, the name of his favorite footballer.
That's how I caught him.
It was a relief, really.
Knowing that Sean was someone else's problem.
[Cell phone vibrates.]
God Hold that spot.
So how'd the ex-wife check out? She's clean.
Hoyt seems to think she was hung up on her ex.
She's over him.
Trust me.
No, I'll bet you five Euros that my potato's bigger.
I've got a very big potato.
I'll talk to you soon.
What did Interpol have to say? We got a hit on a Brian Murphy who was fired from Shannon last year.
Worked with Sean.
Knows about the CIA flights that passed through the airfield.
Where does he live? Mapping it now.
All right, let's go pay Brian a visit.
[Pick gun clacking.]
Took you two long enough.
I've already swept the place and there's no sign of Sean anywhere.
You actually can't help yourself.
No, Steven, I can't.
And I'm so sorry.
What are we talking about? Always having to be the first one on the scene.
Look, right now, I'm going to be ahead of you.
I can't help it.
Would you tell a cheetah on the African plains to slow down? No.
But once you guys get your spy legs back, you'll start to close the gap.
I mean, you still won't be able to catch up to me, but-- how did you find this place, Leo? Fiona gave me the address.
Just like that, huh? You just walk into a flower shop and Sean's ex-wife just-- you slept with her.
What? That's crazy.
Oh, yeah, you're gonna do that human lie detector crap you used to do? He slept with her.
Whenever you're done talking about Agent Nash's sex life, I have something important to show you that I found in Brian's trash.
So what did you find, Hoyt? This.
An untraceable cell phone doesn't do you much good when you leave the box behind.
Even if you shove it deep inside of a dumpster.
So can you trace the phone? Thanks to the bar code on the box, I can identify the SIM card, which I've duplicated.
You're welcome.
As soon as he gets a phone call, we can pinpoint his location.
I was probably like five years old when I realized that clowns are as scared of us as we are of them.
[Computer beeps.]
He's getting an incoming call.
Can you intercept? I mean, first I'd have to wake up an Irish judge, get him to sign a subpoena authorizing a wiretap I'm sorry.
You're not in the mood for jokes.
Hello, Brian.
Sean, I've been waiting for your call.
I had to make sure no one was following me and let the heat die down a little.
The real question is are you ready to get rich? Look, I'm only doing this if we're going to get the hard drive together.
Of course.
I wouldn't do it any other way.
You remember the dockyard down at Ringsend? Be there in 20 minutes.
Not to ask the obvious, but you did take care of that Safety Deposit Key? Relax.
I'm not coming empty-handed.
[Computer beeps.]
And there he is.
He's moving in a car.
Either that or he's running really fast.
Like a cheetah on the African plain.
Excellent simile, sir.
Actually, that was mine.
I mean, at least Sean hasn't recovered the hard drive.
That's good news.
Bad news is the dockyard's on the other side of town.
[Harbor horn blows.]
You can stop there, Brian! Let me guess, Sean, another change of plans.
Put the gun down, Brian.
And why would I want to do that? Because if you don't, I'm gonna put a bullet into your wife's head.
Get out.
Get out! Marie.
Put the gun down, Brian, before I blow her bleeding head off! I think you know what I'm going to ask for next.
Okay, Sean, you've got the key.
Buyer's all set up just like we planned.
Now please just let her go.
My pleasure.
Come on, Marie.
Let's get out of here.
No, Marie, don't.
No, Marie, don't! Marie? What are you do--unh! Brian stopped moving.
He's got to be on the other side of that building.
Car is clear.
So you're Sean and you now have the hard drive.
What's your next step? Sell it to the highest bidder.
Yeah, but Sean could sell this thing anywhere to any terrorist group and could be traveling under any name.
Try George Best.
What, the old soccer player? That's the one.
And Sean's favorite.
Run it through the computer see if he's booked any flights.
Yeah, George Best and a companion just hopped a 9:00 flight to London.
But how do we know that's not the real George Best? Well, considering he's dead, it's probably Sean.
Start checking the hotels.
[Big band music.]
So what's our play to get George Best's room number, huh? Hack their mainframe? Tap the phones? Break into the office? Oh, we're good.
I can hack her mainframe and get the room number in about four minutes.
Watch this.
Actually, you know what, let me just throw this out there.
Toss it in the air.
See who salutes.
What if for this time, we switch roles? You stay here while I go hack inside of her mainframe or whatever it is you just said.
Be my guest.
Yeah? Yeah.
See you soon.
May I help you? Yes, you may, milady.
My friend George Best just checked in.
He's having a little "do" tonight to celebrate his new book.
But he forgot to give me his room number.
If you'd care to join me, I'm flying solo.
I'm sorry, but we have a strict policy against sharing our guest room numbers.
If that's all Actually, lovely, two more questions.
What's the best place to get a drink around here and Can I buy you one when we get there? Is there anything else I can do for you? If not, I do have other guests to help.
No, ma'am, thank you for your time.
Crash and burn.
You got to shake it off, man.
Believe in yourse-- George Best is in room 312.
How do you-- oh, yes, my friend.
Bill Hoyt's got his own bag of tricks.
I call one that the reverse seduction.
You get the target so focused on rejecting you, she doesn't realize you just downloaded the hotel registry.
[Mimics explosion.]
Did I just blow your mind? Huh? Do you want me to teach you how to do it? No, I'm good.
We're setting up in room 412.
Our boy George Best is in the room below.
Let's go over the plan one more time.
The buyer approaches me.
As soon as I have the money, I text you, it's okay to turn over the drive.
When you send me the text, just make sure the message is blank.
Why? In case we're being monitored.
Don't send anything that might give the deal away.
A blank text and nothing else.
Then I'll text you where to bring the buyer.
And tomorrow, we'll be ten million richer.
I'll see you there.
See you later, sweetheart.
[Energetic music.]
Isn't that the woman in the picture from the apartment? That's Brian's wife.
Technically his widow.
She and Sean obviously murdered her husband, snagged the drive, and now they're gonna sell it so they can spend the rest of their lives having sex someplace sunny.
That's why I'll never get married.
Right, because all married people are lying, cheating, murderers.
Maybe not murderers.
You are ridiculous.
Really? What about you and Steven? What about us? I've never lied to him.
It's easy to say when you're not allowed to ask questions about each other's past.
Steven and I made that pact for a real reason, Leo.
Case confidentiality is CIA policy, or haven't you heard? Come on, Sam.
Who are you really protecting, the agency or yourself? Hey, somebody's at the door.
You can just put it over there.
Hey, the plan was for us to wait for Sean.
Sorry, Stevie, change of plans.
That could be the money drop.
He's never gonna learn.
It's good right there.
Mind if I have a look? Huh.
Not really your color, huh? Either Sean is really into Beethoven or I know where our bad guy is gonna pick up the drive.
We should probably talk.
Okay, so just to recap, other than you two killing your husband and your smuggling a stuffed animal filled with drugs into prison, you're totally innocent, right? How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know where the drive is.
I don't know who's buying it.
And I don't know where Sean is.
So all Sean said was to go to the symphony tonight and wait for the money drop from a complete stranger? And you're supposed to text him when it's safe to turn over the drive.
What are you supposed to text him? "Beatrice.
" My middle name.
One last question.
What dress size are you? [Classical music.]
Sir, I have a few additions to your outfit.
Nothing cosmetic 'cause, I mean, you look like a statue.
Pneumatic tranq gun.
Totally quiet.
Insanely powerful.
What else? Yeah.
Mini concussive grenade.
Creates 12 atmospheres of pressure.
Knocks anyone within a 30-foot radius flat on their ass.
What else? That's it.
Uh, I didn't bring anything else.
That's fine.
She's already in position.
How you gonna get backstage? I thought I'd use my backstage pass.
How did you get a backstage--? I told one of the musicians I was part of the royal protection squad.
And God save the queen.
I'm more concerned about my wife.
You're in charge now.
Keep an eye on Marie.
Steven, where are you? I thought you were gonna cover me.
Don't worry.
I got you covered.
You never told me you played Timpani.
Eight years in a youth orchestra.
Wild times.
Didn't want to scare you off.
Stevie and I used to talk about it all the time.
All those wild nights in Cairo talking about Beethoven and Timpani.
[Violin Concerto in D Major.]
Hey, Sam, I don't hear you telling your husband to be more inconspicuous.
Shut up, Leo, I'm trying to concentrate up here.
Hey, don't talk down to the little people, Mr.
big time.
Exquisite phrasing, sir.
It's a shame all those other instruments are playing at the same time as you.
Any sign of Sean in the audience? Not yet.
Any sign of the buyer? He's right behind you.
Lovely dress.
You must be Marie.
And you must have my money.
We can skip the pleasantries.
As promised, $10 million in negotiable bearer bonds.
Now where is my hard drive? Good question.
Where the hell is Sean with the drive? Okay, I am tapped into Marie's cell.
As soon as she gets a text message, we'll be able to pinpoint Sean's location.
You're good to text, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
Is there a problem? I'm just sending my partner a message to let him know I have the money.
[Gun chamber clicks.]
Sean's message says a40.
" It must be a seat number.
That's where Sean stashed the drive.
He's transmitting from inside the hall.
How does nobody have a visual on him? Maybe he's in disguise.
Yeah, a really good one.
This isn't it.
You must be standing right on top of him.
You're coming with me as insurance.
I got you, sweetie.
Now take me to your partner.
When the strings kick in, step to your left.
[strings begin.]
[Dart flies.]
Well played, honey.
Hoyt, where is Sean? I don't know.
His signal's really weak.
It's almost like-- Sean is underground.
The parking garage.
A40's a parking space.
Sean's downstairs.
Hold on, Leo, I'm on my way.
Here's an idea, why don't you both wait until we can take Sean together? Because we don't have time.
I hid the money under my seat.
Pick it up when you're finished.
Put the gun down.
Who are you? What's this? [Static.]
Whoever is listening, your friend here is gonna die unless I get my money.
Ah! Son of a-- let him go, Sean.
Where's the hard drive? Or were you planning on double-crossing the buyer like you did Brian? It's in the car.
Do anything stupid and I'll kill you.
There you go.
Hard drive is yours.
That should make the next part rather simple.
It's his life for my money.
Uh, sounds reasonable to me.
I don't negotiate with hostage takers.
Company policy.
Really, Sam? Since when did you become such a stickler for the rules? I can think of, like, three times you broke protocol.
Shut up.
Do what you want with the hostage.
You're not getting the money.
Bloom, are you listening to this? Is your wife telling the truth or is she bluffing? She's not bluffing.
[Suspenseful music.]
You really don't want to shoot him, Sean.
Oh, yeah? And enlighten me as to why that is.
Because we have your girlfriend.
And you shoot him, we shoot her.
Don't worry.
We're not gonna shoot you.
She's bluffing.
I think.
I don't care about Marie.
Like I said, all I want is my money.
Hold on.
Nobody's gonna shoot anybody.
Steven, what are you doing? What does it look like, huh? I'm giving him the money.
Absolutely not.
'Scuse me? Absolutely what? You're not giving $10 million to an escaped fugitive just because he asks for it.
We can't let our friend die now, can we? Thank God, Stevie.
I knew I can count on you.
He's not going to hurt Leo.
He's obviously bluffing.
You don't even know when your own sister's lying.
It's okay.
They're married.
Open it! Wait, Stevie, what the hell are you doing? You don't give a hostage taker the money until after he releases the hostage, which in this particular case is me.
I know what I'm doing, Leo.
Man, you do know he's going to shoot me once we leave the garage, right? No different than what you did to me in Belgrade.
Worst 90 seconds of my life.
No messing around.
[Engine starts.]
[Tires screech.]
You were right.
As soon as we get out of here, I am gonna kill you.
Hoyt, I'm gonna need eyes on the North side exit.
Sean's on the move.
He's not going anywhere.
[Soft beeping sound.]
Sweetie, I can explain.
But first, you might want to cover your ears.
[Fast beeping.]
I think you got your spy legs back! Yeah, thanks.
Are you okay? What? I said you are an idiot, huh? And one day, you're gonna get yourself killed! Actually, you're both idiots.
That hurt! Cullen will be in the hospital for a long time and then in jail for even longer as will the attempted buyer of the drive.
Job well done.
God, I love when you have to say that.
I'm sure you do.
Although I did read your mission report and I do have one question.
For you, Mrs.
I assume that when you saw your husband give Cullen the money, that you somehow knew that the briefcase was going to explode.
Of course I knew.
Well, I just wanted to make sure.
When you've been married for as long as we have, communication's sort of second nature.
You know all there is to know about each other with just one look.
Thanks for taking care of Waldorf.
Are you kidding me? I love that dog.
He's the best cuddler in the world.
What are you doing? You house-sat.
Walked the dog.
You should be paid.
Steven, no, stop it.
We are family.
You don't pay family for staying at your house and taking care of your dog.
Otherwise, I'd do it every weekend.
Are you sure? Yes.
I'm sure.
But thanks though.
We got to talk.
I know.
I have a confession to make.
See, I knew it.
Your sister asked you for money and you gave it to her.
I loaned her $700.
That's not what I want to talk about.
What's going on? I've been thinking a lot about our pact.
And the more I think about it, the less I'm sure it's such a good idea.
I mean, if I had known about Belgrade, we could've worked together in that garage.
I can tell you about Belgrade, honey.
It's not just Belgrade.
It's not telling each other things about ourselves.
It's no different than lying.
Look, I want to tell you something.
It's about why I left the Agency when I did.
I thought it was because we fell in love and wanted to live a normal life together.
Yes, that was part of it.
Then I don't need to hear anything else.
As long as that first part is true, there is no other reason.
My life started over when I met you.
And the part that went before became nothing but a prelude.
I don't need to know about every mission you went on.
I'm not even sure I want to hear about all the dangers you faced.
You're not just saying all this 'cause you don't want to talk about your past? Why is it always a conspiracy with you?
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