Alma (2022) s01e05 Episode Script


From the darkest hour of night
comes the first ray of dawn.
Where now there are only ruins,
centuries ago stood the castle
that sheltered what was
known as the White Sisterhood.
Traveling far and wide,
it was there that
many young seers found themselves,
having seen glimpses of it
in their dreams.
They all arrived
heeding the call of Enora, their teacher.
You're home at last.
Hidden in the cellars
of the castle was the rare hexaspeculum,
an esoteric navigational instrument
formed by six mirrors that
contained within them magical properties.
Are you prepared?
The mirrors
would reveal to the seers
every tragedy that the shadows
used to enter into various human bodies.
And in doing so,
it would also offer the young seers
the possibility of transferring
their spirits into a new body.
The images that were
revealed by its mirrors
would forever alter the destiny
of these young seers.
Sometimes even leading to their death.
The hexaspeculum would forever
change the destiny of the seers,
opening wide
the door of immortality to them.
Your destiny has been revealed.
I saw two sisters.
Two young girls like mirror images.
A house between the trees and there was
someone else.
There was a symbol.
- And this place was being destroyed.
- But enough will remain standing.
It's all true, you mean?
You can stop them both together, but only
if you are able to accept your destiny.
Somewhere out there ♪
Beneath the pale moonlight ♪
Someone's thinking of me ♪
Thanks for getting here
so quick. I didn't think they'd call you.
But I guess they'd prefer I have company.
- What are you doing with the camera?
- I have something to show you.
My mother said that Lara
used to see a ghost when she was little.
What does
the ghost look like, Lara?
Like this.
Those flashes.
Watch closely.
- Don't do that, it scares me.
- You're such a scaredy-cat.
See? The glass has been moved,
but the ghost is still there.
- I'm not crazy. It's all been real.
- Is this what you see?
I mean, at first it's just flashes,
but they gradually
take shape as they get closer.
- The face is only visible when it
- When it moves in.
- Does that mean you've seen it?
- That night they were letting go of Roque.
I mean, I wasn't sure
if I was dreaming the whole thing.
It's Lara.
I saw Roque.
But Roque didn't even die.
Well, he was there for a second.
The doctors said that
there was no hope for him
and his family
was gonna turn off life support.
And that's when I saw him in my room.
I've only seen something like that once.
You need to see this.
What is that?
A map of memories.
Lara gave these to all of us.
- Do I have one?
- Mmm-hmm.
All the places we went together
are marked on the map.
It's there on Deva's Island.
The first time we all went together.
- What's this?
- It's the ghost that Lara could see.
She first told us in the garden.
One afternoon when
the four of us were together.
It was the summer that Deva arrived.
I love this place.
I'm really jealous.
- Here you go.
- Hey, thanks.
What's on your mind? You're quiet today.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm just a bad copy of someone.
- What's wrong with you today?
- Nothing.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Lara is a terrific swimmer.
And she's amazing at drawing.
And she's so sensitive.
I mean, look at me. I'm boring.
you're not boring.
- I wish I was more like Lara.
- That's it.
What do you mean?
I mean I was jealous.
We didn't get along I bet.
Not at all.
You were insecure.
You had no reason to be,
but there's more to tell you.
Can I?
Girls, I have something to tell you.
I got the scholarship,
I'm going to the US.
No way!
Look, I found out yesterday,
but I'm not sure if I want to go.
On one hand, it's my dream.
I always worried I'd work at the sawmill,
and get stuck here,
and turn into my dad.
But I'm just starting to feel happy here
with you three.
Anyone else have a secret
they want to share with us?
I can see a ghost.
- No way.
- Yes!
- Can you see it right now?
- No, not now.
I see it every now and then
since I was a kid.
The first time I saw it
was right after we moved into this house.
We were watching Fievel, weren't we, Ali?
Tell us everything.
There's not much to tell.
I know when it's about to appear though.
Like knowing there's another in the house.
Stop it, that's eerie.
What's it look like?
It's like a million
flashes of bright light.
Like a ray of light
passing through a water glass.
Does it scare you when it appears?
No, not at all.
I don't know, I guess that
something about it feels familiar.
- You don't know who it is?
- No, not yet.
But when I see it, I feel like it has
the answers to all of my questions.
At the moment,
there's a lot I want to ask.
Why did she say that?
She knew about the cancer already?
Yes. You still hadn't told anyone,
neither Deva or me.
- Lara asked you to keep it a secret.
- That wasn't the only confession that day.
Deva had never told us anything about
her past, but that day, she decided to.
I have a ghost haunting me.
We didn't just move here
'cause of my mom's work.
We came to escape.
My mom had this boyfriend.
Well, she had a lot of them,
but one of them moved in with us.
I don't know when it all began.
Everything's a little fuzzy.
A touch
or a stroke
or an inappropriate smile for a kid.
Further and more frequent.
It wouldn't stop.
What I do remember is how I felt.
It went from confusion to disgust,
guilt to complete terror.
Whatever he did to you,
you know it wasn't your fault.
I can keep telling myself that,
but that feeling
I have that feeling of complete disgust
all over my body.
I don't know if I'll ever be able
to get rid of it completely.
That's what haunts me.
What haunts you?
I left? I didn't say anything?
Well, I suppose you froze up.
It couldn't have been easy for you.
You were keeping Lara's illness from us
and you were sad about
Tom, what aren't you telling me?
That afternoon I felt like I was
part of something bigger than I was.
For the first time,
I felt like I wasn't alone.
That there was a strong bond between
all of us.
I'd never had anything like it.
It was so obvious
how strong that bond was for us.
- But what are we doing here?
- Cool, isn't it?
- Weren't we supposed to go camping?
- Yes, we're going camping.
It's a surprise!
Are you really not gonna tell me
where we're going?
- Not gonna happen.
- Here, let's take a photo.
Smile. Wait, Deva, stop moving.
Ugh, so controlling.
I'll steer!
- Come on.
- I'm the captain.
- No.
- Yes.
- Careful, watch where you're going.
- Me!
But you were sad and distant.
I didn't understand why.
It had been your idea to go.
- Here we go.
- Come on.
They won't tell us
where the fuck we're going.
- Chill, it's a surprise, okay?
- I need you to tell me.
Not saying! Whoo!
Sailor Tom!
Run for your lives!
Oh, no!
- What's the matter?
- My swimsuit's not here.
You don't need it.
What do you mean?
- Hey, listen.
- Nobody's around.
I'm around. I'm right here.
What's wrong? Tom.
That day was perfect.
If I could relive just one day of my life,
it would be that day.
What if we stayed here here forever?
Let's promise here and now
that we'll come back every year.
It's not the places that we'll miss,
but the moments we've lived here.
That's not true.
We can relive this moment
as many times as we need.
It's not the end.
Come on, let's hold hands.
- Come on, please.
- Sure, you little mystic.
Give me your hands.
Everyone, eyes shut.
- No peeking.
- Close them.
Deep breath together.
Try to treasure this moment.
The smell,
the sounds,
the feeling of the humidity,
the coolness between our hands
Every time you hear any of these sounds,
or you feel a breeze like this one,
you'll return to this moment.
It will be here forever.
It will be with you wherever you go.
She was saying goodbye.
She knew we'd never be back.
So did you.
That's why you were so serious that day.
- Yeah, go ahead, smile.
- And the ghost?
It was that night, a bit later.
We decided that we'd play Secret Santa
once we arrived at the island.
With love from your Secret Santa, Tom.
My gift to Lara
was this notebook for her drawings.
Do you like it?
- It's really cool.
- Lara gave you a ball of red yarn.
Just like the one that you used
to make up games when you were kids.
A ball of yarn?
It's a symbol for the invisible thread
that has always connected us
and always will.
Whatever happens, I will always be
on the other end of the thread.
This is how she's communicating with me.
Who did I give one to?
- What's this?
- Deva.
It's a box of secrets.
Your gift was the best of them all.
And what did Deva give you?
A bottle of tequila.
We drank it between
the four of us and passed out.
I knew that you'd come.
I missed you.
I feel like I know you.
Sometimes I think you're me
at the moment of my death.
Reliving all the memories
from when I was happy.
- How long have you been there?
- Who the hell was that?
You tell me.
I only saw flashes.
Now I know the significance of it.
When Lara found out about her illness,
she started researching death.
She started reading
all sorts of mythology about it.
Where did Lara get all the stories from?
From Aurora's library.
Lara adored Aurora. She visited her
whenever she had the chance.
She loved her mystical energy
and the stories about her past lives.
After Lara told us about her ghost,
she let us go with her to visit Aurora.
It was through these mirrors
that one could navigate
between past and future lives.
Collecting that wisdom in a volume
that no one knows the location of.
Death isn't as final as we might think.
There are ways to keep on living.
Just in a different form.
Are you saying
it's possible to swap bodies?
This here is a sacred symbol.
My teacher passed it on to me
a long time ago.
Are you saying
that you're reincarnated? Or
I mean, that's impossible.
- And what will your next life be then?
- There won't be more.
- This is the last one.
- Really?
The point of this journey
is the people you bring along.
Living many lives is like living none.
I don't want to
leave behind any more loved ones.
Did you see
your future in that place?
- In where?
- In that hidden castle.
You know, the mirror labyrinth,
the one where you change your fate.
Legends aren't history books.
They're just entertainment.
But they have some element of truth,
don't they? You told me.
- Did we ever look for that place?
- Lara gave us no choice.
We went to the mountain looking
for the hexaspeculum from the legend.
She was obsessed
with finding it to know her future.
Hello? Is anyone here?
No one's here.
What's that?
It's the emblem.
You're unbelievable.
Does Lara know you've done this?
No, not yet.
Sorry. We had a bit of a family emergency.
Have a seat here, Grandpa.
Do you want a room?
- No.
- Yes.
We're not lugging all this around
while we search.
We don't know yet, I mean
We'd like some information first
and then we'll see.
I don't know who I am today.
How is that possible?
It happens to me all the time.
We're looking
for the ruins of a castle.
If you grew up here,
you might know the legends?
Every stone, stream,
and cave here has a legend of its own.
The castle collapsed
and the ruins are in the weeds.
Are you looking
for something visible or invisible?
I think it's invisible.
Then your eyes
will not help you at all, hmm?
The legend says that the forest
was planted to hide the castle.
Part of the keep remains.
- Did you do all of this?
- How do we get to the forest?
You follow the trail
that goes behind the big tree
until you get to the stone stele.
From there you'll see the tower ruins.
Then you need to leave the trail.
Walk into the forest and go down the slope
into the bottom of the valley.
The place you're
looking for is very dangerous.
That's the old gold mine.
The castle is right above.
Is it pretty close?
It's pretty close.
It's just a little tricky to get there.
Okay, then we'll take our backpacks
in case we camp on the mountain.
Perfect. I'll grab you guys a couple maps.
Great, thanks.
He's cute.
- He's gay.
- No way.
Lara, come here.
You should check this out.
But I thought you didn't
want anything to do with this.
Well, I promised that I'd help you.
Lara, let's just rest a bit.
You all right?
I think we've been going in circles.
It can't be this difficult to find.
Lara, what's wrong? What happened?
That's it.
What the fuck is this?
Look at that. We found it.
Alma, it's just like
the drawing in Aurora's book.
- There.
- Thanks.
Are we going in there?
We need to go down there.
Your sister's insane.
Fuck me.
Lara, be careful.
That place is not the answer.
There's nothing more cruel than hope.
If you've read the book properly,
you'll realize that
what's offered comes at a great cost.
Don't open any doors
that you're not certain you can close.
Deva! We found her. Come on.
It's just some ruins.
I'm sorry, Lara.
I mean, at least we found it.
- Yeah, I know.
- I love it, seeing rocks, bugs
- Come on. Confess.
- No.
You believed
all the legends, didn't you?
You already saw yourself there
as a little witch
living in the castle
with your goblins and your potions.
- There's something I have to say.
- Should I get tequila?
- Alcoholic.
- Deva, it's important.
I didn't ask you here just for fun.
There's something else.
I, uh
hoped the labyrinth
would change my life because
because mine is ending.
I have cancer.
And it's incurable.
That can't be.
Oh, yeah.
The doctors are gonna fight it
to the very end.
They're not gonna
quit on someone so young.
There's a lot they're experimenting with.
There's still hope, Lara.
That's not what the doctors
have been saying, just Ali.
When did you find out?
When did this happen?
- It's not important.
- How much time do you have?
That doesn't matter.
Look, I want to ask you a favor.
You can't look at me with pity.
None of you.
It's important we keep living
as though none of this is happening
while I'm still here with you.
Everyone dies at some point, okay?
And we'll forget to live
if we don't remember that.
What I'm going through
needs to be the reason,
in the coming months, we live
and we remember to feel everything.
I need us to
I need you
need you to promise.
I need you to promise.
We promise you.
What happened?
It's real.
All of the stuff in those books is real.
And there's a way.
- I can change my destiny.
- What did you see?
What did you do?
you can't let them come here.
Not Alma, not Deva, no one.
No one can know about this.
What is it?
- So, where was I when Lara went in there?
- I think you were sleeping still.
I just had a vision like I was inside.
- You never went into the hexaspeculum.
- So what happened then?
The next morning we went home.
But a part of us stayed there forever.
The closer the time came, the more Lara
became obsessed with those stories.
Aurora says that the shadows
are the tormented souls
that have been trapped in this world,
looking for other bodies to enter,
even one of us.
I found a blueprint of the hexaspeculum
and I built this model.
I placed the mirrors in a way
that creates an endless labyrinth.
See? This is you.
That one day we woke up all twisted.
This one too.
No, this is you
with your nerdy glasses.
I have something for each of you guys.
Are they maps?
Of our memories.
The ones that I share with each of you.
The places you can always go back to
when you wish that I could be closer.
When you want to see me,
now you know where to go back and find me.
Each one is different.
But they have many places in common.
Embrace every moment and share it.
It's the only way
that you can expand the map.
It's beautiful, Lara.
Forget the way I look. That's an order.
Just think of me as Hot Lara.
Thank you for being a big part of my life.
I love you so much.
That was the last time I saw Lara.
Did I tell you
about the day that she died?
I know those last few days were
pretty hard.
She was in a lot of pain
and often needed a shot of morphine.
You told me that
she was becoming violent.
- And what took her?
- What kind of question is that?
A brain tumor.
Yeah, but in the end, how did she die?
Why do you ask?
I think it was me.
- That's insane, there's no way.
- Tom, it's all there.
My mom didn't get to say goodbye to her,
but she told me
that she died before it was time.
- And I had this flashback
- Of what?
- I was holding a needle.
- Yes, you gave her morphine.
You, your mom, and the nurse.
She was in pain.
What if I gave my sister too much?
Even if you did, it would've
been an accident just to ease her pain.
It's why she's here, Tom,
because I did nothing for her.
Or I did and should've known
it was the pain talking, not her.
Or maybe I didn't
let her say bye to my mom
Anything you did,
you did because you care.
Tom, even my alleged best friend
completely hated me.
She wrote that
because she was jealous of you,
because you weren't
as miserable as she was
- What is it?
- Because I'm in love with you!
If you ask me to stay, I'll stay.
I can't ask you to do that, Tom.
You need to do what you've always wanted.
I don't believe it.
Why would you want to be with me?
'Cause you're the most amazing person
I've ever known.
I need you to come back,
because I'm nothing without you.
She's there, Tom.
Believe me.
I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me.
I apologize for taking your life away.
No, don't go, please.
No, don't leave.
I need you to tell me
how to fix what I've done.
You saw it. It's not in my head.
I want answers, Tom.
I need you to take me to those ruins.
- I promised her I wouldn't.
- Tom, I need you to come with me.
I need you to take me to the hexaspeculum.
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