Battlestar Galactica (1980) s01e05 Episode Script

The Super Scouts (2)

ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica.
Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space And now we near the end of our journey We have at last found Earth NARRATOR: Here are some scenes from Part 1 of "Super Scouts" Our atmosphere and our gravity is not exactly the same on Earth.
Because the force of gravity on Earth is less than that on Galactica, you'll be able to jump higher and run faster.
ALL: Yeah! It's happened again, Colonel.
They almost hit a jumbo jet Have you got it on radar? Until I can check the tapes, I can't be sure about anything.
Get my plane on the apron in ten minutes.
It's almost daylight.
There's just enough fuel left in the shuttle to re-launch it.
Launch it where? Into space.
But it's our only ship.
We have no choice.
From now on, children, we're on our own.
I'd like to exchange this auric, uh, gold, for some local currency.
Where did you get this? What did you do with your hand? Nothing.
Look out, Harry, he's got a gun! Everybody remain calm! Don't anybody move! May I help you? Yes.
I need clothing for twelve young people.
Tell me everything you need.
Twelve of everything.
TROY: They're looking for us in flying machines.
So we have to get out of the area.
Colonel, we've searched everything within a 15-mile radius.
We don't come up with anything except a bunch of Boy Scouts camped in those woods.
Did you say Boy Scouts? Hurry, Captain, everybody's getting sick.
What is it? These children are dying.
This is where they stopped and satisfied their thirst.
What is it? Murder.
Forgive me, but I can't help feeling insulted by this accusation.
You are pouring waste products into that lake.
We ran tests.
With your Boy Scout field kits? You're all dying.
Dying? I want every single one of the Boy Scouts picked up.
And that includes those phony scoutmasters.
The sheriff's on his way to arrest you and the children.
NARRATOR: And now, Part 2 of "Super Scouts" GIRL: Hey, there's Troy and Dillon.
TROY: Okay, children, we have an emergency.
Another one? What are you eating? I told you don't try anything unless you had permission.
It's all right.
I identified it.
As the seed-bearing fruit that grows on a deciduous tree.
It's called an apple, you frimp.
Look, never mind that, now.
We have to pack up.
There are some people on their way that want to find us.
The Cylons? No.
These people are called police.
They won't hurt you.
But right now, they have a lot of questions we can't answer until all the children in space are down on Earth and safe.
Now, you all remember the practice that you had with your force fields to make you disappear.
Oh, we get to disappear? You sure do.
(SIRENS BLARING) Okay, we're out of time, children.
I want you to grab your packs, put everything you can into them.
Now, I want you to jump up into that tree.
DILLON: Now, let's go.
(SIRENS BLARING) CHILDREN: Come on, come on, come on.
(BEEPING) Come on, children.
Jump into the tree.
CHILD 1: Look at that.
SHERIFF: Gone, clean as a whistle.
CHILD 2: Here they come, be quiet.
You say something, Collins? No.
But it looks like we're in the right spot.
Here's what's left of a camp fire.
Neatly doused to prevent fire.
Well, at least they act like good scouts.
(SCOFFS) Acting is what they're doing, too.
GIRL: Frimp, give me your apple.
If those are Boy Scouts, I'll eat my hat.
You all right, Sheriff? (CHILDREN GIGGLING) It's awful early in the season for apples to be falling out of the trees.
Especially when it isn't even an apple tree.
Probably, one of the scouts just left one up there.
We're going to seal off this entire county.
We'll see who's going to have the last laugh around here.
(CHILDREN LAUGHING) Who's laughing? None of us, Sheriff.
That came from nowhere.
They're in these woods, some place.
And we're gonna stay out here and find them.
I don't care if it takes all night.
Come on.
GIRL 1: This is going to be great fun, riding in an Earth vehicle.
GIRL 2: Move over, you're sitting on me.
GIRL 1: Well, how did I know? I can't see you.
BOY: I wanna operate this vehicle.
DILLON: Get your hands off that steering device.
I'm driving.
They're taking our cars.
Who? There isn't anybody driving! (CHILDREN LAUGHING) COLLINS: There's nobody driving them, Sheriff.
Hey, come back here! Sorry to bother you.
I was wondering how soon the children might be able to be discharged? Their parents are getting quite concerned.
I'm not surprised.
Well, then.
When do you think? Maybe never.
What? They're not getting any better.
They're not improving.
What's more, these children weren't normal to begin with.
What an odd thing to say.
They seem perfectly normal.
Take a look at this.
That's a blood sample from one of the children.
But I can't identify those cells.
And if I go according to my textbooks, then Then what's in that blood doesn't even exist.
That is odd, perhaps What's more, that sample doesn't contain any of the blood cells a human should have.
Ah, then, that is interesting.
Interesting? The Mayo Clinic would go nuts to examine these children.
It would make all the medical journals in the world.
Is that what's important to you? No, I'm interested in saving their lives.
But don't you see? I have been trying to get some attention in this town about this problem since I got back from medical school.
But no one will listen to me.
You want to do something that's important? Forget about your article on flying saucers.
Tell this story.
The story of this town.
Get it out that we're better off broke than dead.
Miss Hamilton, would you like to see what this is all about? Very much.
I was just on my way out of town.
Now, what's on your mind? Off the record.
Any way you like it.
There's something going on in this town.
Tell me all about it, Sheriff.
I first realized we had a problem that was directly traceable to the chemical plant when a couple of kids burned themselves trying to put out a fire they started here, quite by accident.
So, they were playing with matches? No.
No, they were throwing small stones at the old riverbed, because they can get sparks when the stones hit the soil.
What is that? Flint? No, that's what you would think, but it's the chemicals in the soil.
Around here, a small child's bicycle tires wear out in a matter of weeks.
Tennis shoes even faster.
From when the old riverbed is used to deposit residue from the plant? That's right.
The waste products are quite literally burning the shoes off our kids' feet.
The same thing happened near Niagara Falls and in Virginia.
Oh, no.
Friends of yours? No, they work out at the plant.
Word must have spread.
You having a picnic, Doc? He's showing me how to make fires without even trying.
What business is it of yours? I'm with United Broadcasting News.
So, it's going to start all over again? Doc, when are you gonna learn to keep your big mouth shut? I asked the Doctor to show me what was going on.
Lady, butt out.
Hey, don't do that.
She's just doing her job, Denver.
Yeah, at the expense of ours.
You remember how long we were all out of work the last time somebody made accusations.
Six months.
Now, you just march your little fanny out of here.
Move! I told you.
You don't tell nobody nothing.
DILLON: I wouldn't do that.
Well, now we get the two we really came to find.
I feel it's only fair to warn you that I'm used to a much denser climate.
Consequently, I'm capable of retaliating in a way that would be grossly unfair to you.
(ALL CHUCKLES) Close his mouth.
I'll handle this one.
What happened? He's not hurt.
I picked a soft landing spot.
You were saying.
I say we can take them.
Come on.
Unless, you guys wanna be out of work for a year, we close them down now, before they close us down.
Come on! That's far enough.
Hold it right there or you're fired.
Every one of you.
I told you men I would handle these people my way.
This lady's with the press.
She's making it her business to close our town down.
Go on back to the plant! There isn't going to be any press story.
The Sheriff is going to take care of these trespassers.
Yeah, sure he is.
I said, go! Come on.
Right, now, we pay the sheriff a little visit.
We can't do that.
That was not an invitation, that was an order.
Either you follow me to the police station, or I get on my C.
And get the police out here.
All right, let's go see the sheriff.
I've got a few complaints of my own.
So, whatever we have in this town, it's one for grand theft auto, suspicion of kidnapping And bank robbery.
COLLINS: Part of the money turned up at a department store where the thieves bought twelve Boy Scout uniforms and some equipment.
Now we got them, Sheriff.
VALERIE: Breaker, breaker, Dr Spencer, are you out there? Yeah, Val, what is it? I've been trying to reach you.
You've got to get here as fast as you can.
All right, Val, calm down.
What is it? It's the children, the scouts.
They're dying.
Hey, where are you going? TROY: What is it? It's the children at the clinic.
It doesn't look good.
Troy, we have to get there.
Don't try anything fancy.
I'm sticking with you no matter what.
And I'm gonna tell the sheriff what's going on.
SHERIFF: Collins, you heard anything from them road blocks yet? No, sir.
I just have to figure they're still in the county.
Of course.
They can't leave.
What? They can't leave, Sheriff.
The children are in the clinic.
Clinic? Heck, if they kidnapped them kids, they wouldn't worry about leaving them behind.
They probably drugged the kids to keep them from talking.
No, Sheriff, they are not drugged, and those are not ordinary children, and that's why there's no record of them.
Come on, let's go.
It's just like I told you.
Them body-stealers have moved into those poor unfortunate Knock it off, Collins.
I want you to alert all units.
Tell them to stop searching the cars and close the highways.
Close them? You heard me, I said close them till I get to the bottom of this nonsense.
Doctor, I didn't know what to do.
(FLATLINING) Chemical shock must have been too much for him.
His heart went into fibrillation, then stopped.
Does this tell you anything, Mr.
Stockton? Oh, come on, our plant didn't have anything to do with this.
I mean, not certain.
No, and we can't be certain that Doctor.
He's still breathing.
No, it's just because the machine is on.
His brainwaves have stopped.
He's legally dead.
Legally dead? There is no absolute criteria for determining death.
Even when there's no chance of a patient ever really recovering, these new machines can sometimes sustain a person's heart or lungs indefinitely.
Dillon, you know what you have to do.
Troy, how can we, with the Air Force already on alert? We have no choice.
What's he talking about? Where's he going? Look, I know how you feel, but there is no chance.
Where we come from, death is a threshold far beyond this child's condition.
Thanks to you, by our standards he lives.
I don't understand what you're saying.
Where is it you come from? They told me Cleveland.
We need a vehicle to maintain these machines.
Well, the machines are portable.
But I can't hold off three children in my car.
We can in yours, Mr.
Hold them till we get where? I mean, I wanna help, but I can't have a company vehicle being used as an ambulance by people who would just as soon sue us out of business as look at us.
You're talking about the life or death of this town.
I'm talking about the life or death of this child.
Where do you want my truck? Dillon, what are you going to do? Send for help.
You're gonna bring help down here to Earth? Jamie, you have to go to the children.
Stay with them.
Make sure they're not harmed or frightened.
All right.
Where are they hidden? Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission.
Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission Dr.
Zee, we've just received Yes, Adama.
I heard the coded transmission.
We have a difficult choice.
Whether to risk the lives of all our people to save one child.
Yahrens ago, I almost resigned my leadership because of the agony of decisions such as this.
This time, I'll spare you.
I'm going.
You? You above all must not be risked.
I above all have the best chance at succeeding.
I will show you.
(ADAMA GASPS) ADAMA: It's finished.
ZEE: Almost.
That's truly equal of the Cylons war machines? More than equal.
They only copy.
They see what we do and try to better it.
What they cannot see is that which a human spirit has yet to imagine.
Zee, with a force of these antigravity ships, we could regain our planets.
We have only one, and no resources to build more.
Then of what use is it? It will save a single child's life, and give us better opportunity to observe our Earth brothers.
Must you go? I alone understand this new ship.
If this is our future, then I'm going with you.
Troy, the sheriff just pulled up outside, and that Air Force guy is with him.
Doctor, you have to delay them.
I can't do that.
Just have your nurse hold them off until we can remove the children.
Why? You said it yourself.
You can't save them.
We can.
Well, if you can save those children, then you're from a lot farther than Cleveland.
Valerie, tell the officers I'm performing minor surgery and I'll be with them in a few minutes.
Thank you, Doctor.
While we're waiting, Nurse, maybe you can tell us something about the children.
How are they doing? Children? The Boy Scouts that took ill.
Oh, well, I'm afraid you'll have to ask the Doctor about that.
Really? Well, that doesn't sound too promising.
Why, is there some kind of complication? As I said, you'll have to ask the Doctor.
How are you guys keeping that machinery going? We have our own energy source.
Which we'll run out of if we don't get to the top of this mountain.
Top of this mountain? What kind of hospital are we going to? Advanced.
Very advanced.
Come on, sheriff.
Where are you going? Find out what's happening.
Wait a minute, you can't go in there.
You haven't scrubbed down.
What's the trouble out here? We would like to see the children, Doctor.
Well, I'm afraid that's impossible.
We put men on the moon, Doctor.
Nothing is impossible.
If you want me to, I will scrub down and put on a mask.
But I don't think that's really necessary, is it? All right, Doc, what's going on here? The children are gone.
Where? Well, I don't know.
That's the truth.
How did they leave here? What kind of vehicle? Well, it's Doc, you know those people that came into this town pretending to be Boy Scouts were imposters? I knew there were certain irregularities, but I don't think Did you know the two men robbed a bank? I find that very hard to believe.
Now, then, what kind of vehicle they have? Turn here.
Turn here? There's nothing up this road.
Used to be an old Nike base, but not the kind of place you'd open up a fast food franchise.
I mean, it's abandoned.
It used to be abandoned.
Breaker, breaker.
This is Sheriff Ellsworth to all you truckers.
Keep an eye out for a van from Stanford Chemical The occupants are armed bank-robbers and are holding children as hostages Do not attempt to apprehend Notify me on your emergency channel Out Talk about a prime fool.
You and your gab about helping people and stopping pollution.
You're bank-robbers.
You're kidnappers.
That isn't true.
No? Meaning you're not armed.
Then I'm free to turn around and check this out.
TROY: Keep going.
You're the good Samaritans.
Now, I wanna be one.
I'm gonna get us a police escort.
Now what? Now I drive.
I hope nobody saw us make that turn.
TROY: According to the map, there's an old abandoned government installation up here.
(SIREN BLARING) No, I don't believe in little green men.
I'll bet the answer to all this is little green dollars.
(BEEPS) Captain Troy to the Galactica, emergency transmission.
Captain Troy to the Galactica, emergency transmission Colonel, I thought you'd wanna know right away.
Our satellites are picking up high-beam transmissions from your area.
What does it sound like? Like nothing I've ever heard in my lifetime.
It's positively eerie.
Fine, what does Intelligence say? They've checked the Palomar Observatory, the Army, Navy, CIA.
Even commercial radio.
There's nothing to explain it.
And the trouble is, we can almost pinpoint where it's coming from Good.
I want you to track it right down.
Colonel, there's more.
Apparently, the signals are being beamed two ways.
From Earth and back down to Earth.
Back down to Earth? What do you mean? Back down to Earth from where? Straight up, Sir.
Straight up? As for the sending signal, it's been pinpointed to be emanating from a small peak in the San Angelo Mountains.
Government land.
Good, Major.
You keep me posted on this.
Sheriff, get your dispatcher to get me Vandenberg Air Force Base.
(BEEP) Have a heart.
What are those things? Well, the gate's open.
It's for sure nobody's gone up this road on wheels anyway.
Why this big old baby must have been knocked down by some lightning.
Look at them char marks along there.
(EXCLAIMS) That turkey's still hot.
Fresh lightening, eh, Sheriff? And I don't see a cloud in the sky.
This is Jay Johnson, Colonel, the National Guard.
I want that tree cleared and I don't care how you do it.
Yes, Sir.
All right, get the anti-tank weaponry.
On the double, let's go.
Did we do the right thing? Look at these children and then ask me that.
Still, I don't see how they're gonna get a rescue team in and out.
The last transmission said it wasn't gonna be an ordinary rescue team.
What else could they send? They couldn't have They can't be ready yet, can they? Couple more minutes, Colonel.
We'll be through and on our way up.
Toward whatever it is you expect to find.
Okay move out.
Let's go.
Stay here, Mr.
We don't want you to get hurt.
Hurt? We don't want you in the wrong place when it comes down.
When it comes down? What's happening? Holy cow! Let's get the children.
Come on, Mr.
Don't take me away.
Maybe I was a little careless about not testing the water, but Come.
Good to see you, Captain.
You did well.
Where are the other children? They're coming.
Why don't you take that kid in and then come back and get this kid? I said come.
Not that I'm afraid or anything.
The glory of the universe is intelligence.
Never be afraid of discovery.
I hope you'll tell them guys that I didn't personally hurt these kids.
Colonel, I got the awful feeling we're getting close to what you're looking for.
Yes, sir, Sheriff.
The child lives.
The others, too.
We didn't dare risk taking the time to bring the other children.
The boy's life was slipping away.
You did well.
But the risk increases with every moment we stay here.
SYDELL: Faster, Sheriff, faster.
Why are we stopping? I don't know.
We've lost power.
Well, then I'll ride in one of the trucks.
(IGNITION TURNING) Lieutenant, make room up there for me.
Colonel, I'd love to have you aboard, but right now we're trying to figure out why this truck just stopped dead.
Not this close.
Not this time.
Colonel, that's a good mile up there! Jake, bring your men and come on.
Commander Adama, if I may intrude.
This is Mr.
Stockton, the man responsible for the chemical byproducts we mentioned in our transmission.
Ah, yes.
How do you do, Your Honor Majesty, Eminence.
I only work there.
I'm not really responsible.
We are all responsible.
We are? Yes.
We have lips so that we may speak, we gave eyes so that we may see.
Does it not follow ironically that there must be some purpose for the brain? Commander, as lieutenant, it may not be my place to suggest, but No, go ahead.
Well, those computron simulations that Dr.
Zee prepares for us.
For instance, the visual image of how the Earth would be destroyed by the Cylon Empire if we did not lead them away.
Is it not possible To show your Mr.
Stockton what will happen in his community if attitudes and events are not drastically altered? Yes.
Stockton, would you like to see a brief glimpse of your future? Oh, I don't know.
I don't want to put you to any trouble.
Computron scanners, direct all stimuli and report feeds to the year 1990.
Hey, I can see this is going to be a big deal and I know you guys wanna get back to ADAMA: The ship is designed to sample a vast area at once.
Literally to profile a detailed scan of every organic thing within a given radius.
Sort of like a medical check-up.
Yes, you might say so.
But additionally, this ship can sample trees, soil, livestock, all metals.
That's kind of like spying.
Whose side are you on? The side of the human race, Mr.
Well, is there another side? Some other time.
What do you say? Your attention to the screen.
This is now the year 1990.
The population density based on projections is now filled in most of the valley, bringing with it air-quality problems that are aggravated by the industry's return to coal as fuel.
The scanners hypothesize a day in late March, or early April that year, in which your family, Mr.
Stockton, will be called upon to bear a heavy loss.
Don't tell me I only got ten years.
Hey, I'm in great shape.
That's me.
I'm okay.
I'm alive.
What did I tell you guys? Wait a minute.
Why am I crying? Who is it? My daughter-in-law is there, my wife, the doc here Sheriff.
Not my boy.
Not Jimmy.
Jimmy Lee Stockton, born in August of 1960, will die, all things being equal to the course of events now projected in the spring of 1990.
No way.
Please! Statistically, it is certain, if he continues to work in the purificationery of your plant, that his system is exposed to the chemical dioxins on a daily basis.
In time, your own research will conclude these toxins destroy the human body's natural resistance.
Of course, it is possible that circumstances could alter these events.
What circumstances? What can I do? Merely divert the waste out of the water supply, and store them in non-corrosive containers.
You have, as a starting point, the knowledge that these wastes are lethal.
Intensify your research program into final disposition of those wastes.
These are possibilities, but, uh COMPUTER: Alert! Alert! Intruders approaching We have to leave.
Wait! What about my boy? What about our town? If these circumstances are altered, will we be all right? If you follow my instructions, perhaps.
I'll do my best.
That is all anyone can do.
All stations prepare for ascent Escort Mr.
Factoring coordinates for sixty microns and counting What about the children? The inevitability of a Cylon holocaust grows stronger every hour.
Boxey, you must find a place for all our young.
They'll be safe here on earth.
Grandfather, when will I see you again? When the time is right.
Can't see.
What the Can't see a thing with this mist.
Well, it was clear just a minute ago.
It literally creates its own rain storm.
It? Their ship, Sheriff.
What do you mean by ship? Nothing, Joe.
It's just a figure of speech.
Get in, Mr.
You're going down the mountain.
You're going with me.
No, you won't be seeing us for a while.
They'll never believe me.
I'll be locked up as a raving lunatic.
What am I going to tell people? What do you want to tell them? About the terrible mistake we're making.
I have to warn everybody.
I got to save my son.
Then that's what you should do.
SHERIFF: This is the law You are surrounded SYDELL: Now, where did they go? Where did who go? I was just out for a little drive.
(DEVICE BEEPS) Now, where are they, Mr.
Stockton? I want to go home.
There's only one road in or out of here, Colonel, and we were on it.
I know.
Hey, Collins, why don't you get the Colonel and I a cup of coffee, and then get the state police on the phone for me.
Sheriff, before you talk to them, you might want to take a look at this.
What the The note said that there was more than enough gold there to repay the bank for its losses.
And I double checked, and it's about twice as much as was stolen.
Where did you get this? On the front seat of your car.
I found it on the highway along with the other one.
I'd like these analyzed, Sheriff.
And just what do you think you're going to find out, Colonel? Well, lot more than you'll find with the state police.
You might as well give up the search, Sheriff.
They're long gone.
You really think them people went up in the air, don't you? Of course not, Sheriff.
We know that's impossible, don't we? I got to take a rain check on the car.
I'll see you later.
Take care, Colonel.
Uh, Sheriff? You believe any of that stuff he was saying? What stuff? Well, what have we here? That's what we wanna know.
What are they? They're called waffles.
You put some syrup on it and they taste real good.
They look like the Galactica They look ew.
It looks good.
Now, listen, you're gonna have to get used to what you have to eat on on the table.
But first, I think we should say a silent prayer of gratitude on behalf of Moonstone, Starla and Jason.
Are they all right? Yeah, they certainly are.
ALL: Yay! (CHILDREN CHATTERING) So, what's going to happen now? We have to go.
What do you mean you have to go? I just received a communiqué from the Galactica We have to go on a special mission.
What about the children? Oh, they shouldn't prove to be much trouble.
We'll get back as soon as we can.
We knew you'd understand.
We do have a job to do.
You You mean me? The children? Oh, no.
Thank you, Jamie.
Kids, we have to do something for a few days, but before we leave, I'd like to take a moment to tell you how proud both Troy and I are of the way you've conducted (ALL GIGGLING)
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