Birdy the Mighty: Decode (2008) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

1 Federation police suspect that the aim of the terrorist bombing that took place in the Altan district before dawn this morning was to assassinate Bay Gelabu Bela, a Union consul general and special ambassador for peace who was paying a goodwill visit to the Altan district.
The investigation is ongoing.
They say it was terrorists.
Ugh! The world is so dangerous these days! This is a very serious problem.
We must not give the Union an excuse to invade the neutral zone.
What's the Union? They rule the half of the galaxy that the Federation doesn't.
Right now we're facing off over control of the Beliosta neutral zone.
May I have your attention? Uh, yes, Sir! This is footage captured by a surveillance camera before the attack.
He's an Ulgarian! You'll only be here for another two days.
No further time was approved.
It's enough.
I'm grateful that I'm allowed to participate in the investigation.
Man, this place is sketchy Pretty much.
Will the sky one day grow tired of looking down and lose its blue color? There's just one blue sky over this world rife with countless emotions The sound of the battle raging somewhere And the laughter right nearby You can never hear it all Because you have only one story Only this sky sees all at once the sorrow and smiles That simultaneously fall in different places around this wide world Will the sky one day grow tired of looking down and lose its blue color? How can it stay unchanging after watching innumerable dramas? Even now everyone heads to his own story without knowing a thing There's just one blue sky over this world rife with countless emotions Wordlessly marking out time longer than anyone's The terrorist bombing has turned the Altan district area into an unrecognizable heap of rubble.
Due to this, the body of Bay Gelabu Bela hasn't yet been found, but the probability of his survival is regarded as almost zero.
One Panglian milk soda.
To ease tensions in the neutral zone, chief consul Tirulu Gize has expressed to the Union that Machuman is here! - Oh, Machuman, save me! - That's twelve palus.
You pay in advance.
FYI, I'm expensive.
I don't find another Altan around here too often.
How much? What about that guy? You interested, Boila? I-I hate Altan women! They stink! Now that's harsh.
H-Hey! I'm really good, you know! - Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle - Oh, you are good! Say, you were in the Altan district yesterday, weren't you? I-I'm impressed you know that! I liked you at first sight.
So, what were you doing there? I-I can't tell you that! Oh, I see.
Don't stop, please! No more for you unless you tell me! W-Well Well? You're no ordinary hooker, are you? That gun's a Benoga blaster.
It's illegal for civilians to possess those.
Maybe it would be easiest to arrest you in the act now? You're a cop?! What the hell was that for?! All-Powerful Staff! Please stop! I've gotta keep a permit for this place! They're getting away! Out of my way! I think we've lost her Found you! You're under arrest for possession of illegal firearms, and you never answered my question! Th-That's true W-Well, then! Let's p-pick up where we l-left off! Wedola! Help me! As usual, you're not on your guard.
Nechla! How could you do that?! Shouldn't I have? Obviously it's not okay to kill him! Then what should I have done? Bring him in alive! You understand nothing.
What's that supposed to mean?! Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go, Musclewoman! Then you cut it out, you psycho killer! What's this stuff?! Hi, Wedola! You really saved me, Nimukay! They got away I don't understand this at all! If that pontiff hadn't interfered, I could've arrested the suspect! Why did she? Pontiffs work directly under the Sanctum Sanctorum.
The law can't touch them.
Plus, she has special powers.
She has superpowers?! "Superpowers" She has superpowers?! She has superpowers?! No! He means she has a license to kill.
And she interfered with the investigation We can safely assume this matter is of interest to the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Either way, we're back to square one now.
Not necessarily.
A few hours ago, an organization calling itself the "New World Order Revolutionary Front" claimed responsibility for the bombing Weegie.
Yo, Federation public servants.
Are you working hard wasting the taxpayers' money? Hi there, I'm Commander Kinzel of the New World Order Revolutionary Front! Kinzel?! The just acts the Front recently took in the Altan district were our great warning to you! Yes.
Kinzel Hower, the man you and Nechla apprehended at El Kazan.
The just acts the Front recently took in the Altan district were our great warning to you! He's an intellectual who graduated from Milaton University The just acts the Front recently took in the Altan district were our great warning to you! He's an intellectual who graduated from Milaton University But the incompetent Federation government has lost all racial pride and a vicious terrorist who even committed cannibalism on Planet Eon.
But the incompetent Federation government has lost all racial pride and a vicious terrorist who even committed cannibalism on Planet Eon.
And continues its weak, sissy diplomacy with the Union.
And a vicious terrorist who even committed cannibalism on Planet Eon.
It seems they don't understand the true meaning of this warning! He broke out of the Atola satellite prison six months ago.
It seems they don't understand the true meaning of this warning! It seems they don't understand the true meaning of this warning! So we've decided to give you ladies and gents another warning! In twelve hours, we'll bring down the hammer on that dirty Union consulate general! But since I'm such a merciful guy, I think I'll give you one last chance.
If you meet our demands, we are prepared to call off this completely just act.
We appoint these two to be the negotiators! Just you watch: Those two will brazenly walk in here to negotiate! I had to eat smelly food because of those she-cats! I'll never, ever forgive those bitches! - There, there - Oh, that's good! By the way, who is this person who's always giving us financial support? Yes, Sir, please tell us! Haven't the foggiest! But he understands my revolution, so he's obviously a good guy who graduated from college.
And this job is a special request from our sponsor.
Yeah, we're going to blow up the Union consulate, right? Oh, that's a bluff.
Get a load of this: Our next target is the very nest of all those computer people! Huh? So you mean the Sanctum Sanctorum? College graduates really know how to go all-out! After all, these fireworks are gonna be big as an antimatter bomb! Boom! Are you settled in with the mobile security police? It's an active unit! At my age! Why not? You're not suited to desk work.
More importantly, it looks like the Union is assembling a fleet over the Beliosta neutral zone.
Is there going to be war?! We're doing our best to prevent that, Weegie.
It's one reason we have to catch Kinzel as soon as possible.
I'm ashamed to be the same species as him.
But Kinzel is a pseudo-ideologue.
Do you think he planned this all by himself? Are you onto something, Skeletso? Oh, hey, I hear those two are teaming up again? Why do I have to work with her? And on the Kinzel case again, too?! Kinzel, eh? Maybe we've all got some sort of karmic bond.
You've got to be joking! Yes, I am.
Why, you Whoa, she knows how to joke? Are you from here? No.
Ever since I can remember, it was Violin who raised me.
A childcare marionette I see, so she was your substitute mother.
Violin? You mean that Where are we? A mass burial site for us Altans.
Kinzel! Birdy Cephon and party have come to negotiate just like you asked! Show yourself! We've been in this situation before.
You mean it's like El Kazan? This guy's stuck in a rut.
Hey! You see 'em? Nope! Look at this wreckage.
There's no way they survived.
Serves them right.
Huh? What's this? An Altan brat? What do we do? He saw us.
Take care of him.
Wait! You can't! He's just a kid! Please, darling, don't kill him! Please What if we hold him in our hideout until we've finished the job? Jeez, fine.
Where am I? Birdy? Birdy! She's not answering, huh? Heh, I never would've guessed you were our sponsor! You played dead, eh? I have to admit, I'm impressed Mr.
Consul General Gelabu.
Enough idle chatter, Kinzel Hower.
You just need to do what I told you to.
Look at this.
It's an abandoned electricity satellite in geostationary orbit 10,000 myules above the capital.
I'm going to crash it into the Sanctum Sanctorum.
The plan is to crush everything in a 40-myule radius.
Beginning satellite drop.
Current altitude: 8000.
Angle of approach: 75.
Error correction: 25 pectars.
Currently descending along predicted course.
What now? What should I do, Birdy?! I don't mind quitting now, if you like.
I mean, hey, if I press this button, the satellite will self-destruct! Kinzel! I'm joking, I'm joking! You Union types have no sense of humor.
Tsutomu, is that the controller? Birdy?! My fleet will advance into the neutral zone's airspace as soon as the Sanctum Sanctorum is destroyed, and regain our lost territory with their overwhelming military force.
I, the special ambassador for peace, have been assassinated by the Federation! With this pretext to act upon, our invasion will be justified.
You're some ambassador for peace.
Kid? Er Y-You brat! Hold it right there! Give that back! Whoa, there! W-Wait! Um Don't move a muscle, kid! I'm gonna eat you alive! Hmm, I'm not so sure about that.
That's! Nobody told me you were here! Give up, Kinzel Hower! Kinzel let an investigator in here?! That fool! The Union's supposedly dead consul general in a terrorist's hideout You make an interesting pair.
You're! Kinzel! Where are you?! Surprised? Behold the masterpiece I created in college, the Amubis 777! He has the power of a heavy tank You oughta listen until I'm finished! That damned Kinzel I can't believe he's going to do a satellite drop.
We've calculated the landing point.
Their target seems to be the Sanctum Sanctorum.
No use, no use, no use! This thing has more power than you Ixioran Altans.
Never underestimate a college graduate! Huh? I told you to listen until I was finished! O-Oh no! Darling, what should I do with this? Nimukay! Give that to me! Distance to target: 60.
Listen up! If that thing falls, lots of innocent people will die! Huh? Um so about fifty? Don't listen to her! More than that! How many? A lot! What? A lot of people will die?! I love you, my honey! I'm sorry! Huh? H-Hey! Too bad.
You were so close.
I don't know what you mean, Pontiff.
My fleet will advance into the neutral zone's airspace as soon as the Sanctum Sanctorum is destroyed, and regain our lost territory with their overwhelming military force.
This is what she means.
I-If that's made public, the Union will! I see, is that what you're doing here, Pontiff?! Your understanding will certainly expedite matters.
That's what my country what the Union government wants, then? Your Excellency's brave actions shall surely benefit both governments.
I know how to conduct myself! I shall prove the justice of the Union with my own blood! A political settlement, eh? Now all that's left is Wh-Why, you! But But! You bitch! I won't I won't go down in a place like this, dammit! Okay, where's the scrawny dog?! Over there.
I graduated from college! Thanks to you, Kinzel and his men have been safely confined to the Atola satellite prison.
And when the Union received notice of Gelabu's death in the line of duty, they withdrew their criticisms.
We've averted what could have been an explosive situation.
It's what you'd call a political settlement.
But I don't understand.
I was unconscious and couldn't contact you How did you locate their hideout? I'll answer that question.
Hey! It's you! Let me introduce you.
This is our undercover investigator Kashu Geeze.
Huh? Huh?! He's also a subordinate of Skeletso's.
Not that I knew anything about it either Forgive me.
It was a covert operation.
I'm a student of Instructor Skeletso's, too.
You could call us fellow pupils.
If you were doing an undercover investigation of them, I assume you could have prevented the original bombing.
If I had acted differently, we couldn't have exposed the Union's plot.
Hey, Birdy, stop! Don't misunderstand this.
He carried out his mission.
At the cost of innocent lives? In order to save even more lives.
In order to save more lives, eh? Heh, I guess that was out of character.
I hear there are military spies at work too.
We have to keep the Tragedy of Bilugeva from happening again Let's put our faith in our daughter.
Sheesh! Hurry up and answer! Hello? Senkawa? Oh, yeah.
There were family circumstances.
I was out of Tokyo for a while.
Sure, I'm okay.
I'll be at school tomorrow.
See you then.
Good work, Tsutomu.
That was like a dream "Receiving Email/Text" "Inbox" "Sayaka Nakasugi" "Party" "I'll be having a party to celebrate my recovery on Sunday.
I'd really like you to come.
" Like a dream.
Let's go! Have a good time! A peaceful, happy cheek-to-cheek time for everybody Put your hands, let's become one now Come on, make some noise, clap your hands, slap slap! Lift your hands, clap your hands, slap slap! Everyone has their worries Given they're neverending, what'll you do from here on out? Live out the tight days without getting upset about it Am I right, or am I right? Everybody in the audience, lift your hands Don't cry anymore; come on, lift your head And show us your smile, okay? Right now we're gonna forget all about the hard, painful, and sad stuff C'mon baby, c'mon baby, everybody yeah yeah Let's go! Have a new time! Everybody give your best good smile with all you've got Happy smile, everything'll become one now Let's go! Have a new world! Don't worry, I won't let go of your hand I know it'll help you get through the future Let's go! Have a good time! A peaceful, happy cheek-to-cheek time for everybody Put your hands, let's become one now Let's go! Have a good time! A peaceful, happy cheek-to-cheek time for everybody Put your hands, let's become one now Shion Arita here, yessiree! Tsutomu was invited to Nakasugi's party, and his little heart's aflutter! He's such an innocent! But Birdy has a job: To look for the Ryunka, yessiree! Tsutomu is scared! But if he gets to see Nakasugi, he gets super-happy, Sirs! What a simple guy! Boys are even dumber than me, yessiree!
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