Blood Ties (2006) s01e05 Episode Script

Deadly Departed

Hey, Mike.
Glad to see you alive.
I was going to have to send out a search party.
I got your messages.
I've been busy.
Well, look who over-ordered, as usual.
Gotta help me.
I'm not here for Chinese.
This is serious.
I've never seen you turn down free Chinese.
You should have told me Fitzroy was a vampire.
Yeah, because you've been so open to that kind of thing before.
So what do you want me to do? Rally the villager? Light a few torches? Drive a stake through his heart? Yeah, maybe.
You're kind of forgetting that he saved my life, so he can't actually be a threat to me.
Okay, so you do admit, though, that he is a danger to other people.
Don't twist my words.
Last time I was at the multiplex, these were the bad guys.
Do you believe everything you see at the movies? Look, he's helping me.
Helping you with what? Catching zombies and werewolves, that kind of thing? Mike, I know this seems unbelievable, but is it any stranger than any of the guys that we put away? How about that guy who stuffed his victims and used them as marionettes? Does it get any weirder than that? Comparatively, Henry's a frigging lightweight.
How much did you order? Far, far too much.
You got any Kung Pao in there? I think I lost my appetite.
Hey, hon, lost track of time.
I'm leaving right away, - 5, 10 minutes max Stamp - O'Connor? You failed me.
How'd you get to a phone this late at night? You're a dead man.
Look me up when you get out of prison.
- I'll buy you lunch.
You hear me? Leave a message at the sound of the beep.
You hear me, Stamp? You're dead.
You're all dead.
Stamp You falied me.
Nono NO! When Freddy wasn't home by midnight, I knew something was wrong.
A janitor found him in the elevator.
They're saying it was a heart attack.
But, uh, you believe otherwise? - Oh, I'm sorry.
- Let's just It's okay.
Just take your time.
It was Magnus O'Connor.
Magnus O'Connor.
He's a former client of Freddy's.
Yes, defense attorneys are bound to make a few enemies, but why do you think Magnus O'Connor is involved? This is from his cell phone voice mail.
You failed me.
You're a dead man.
You hear me? You're dead.
You're all dead.
What did O'Connor have against your husband? All I know is that Freddy loved to win.
But when he lost that case, he seemed relieved.
Whatever you want is going to cost more than doughnuts.
You can't hide ulterior motive behind a box of doughnuts.
Plus, I would make sure that we were totally square before I asked for any favors, you know, like everything you have on Magnus O'Connor.
And what is so important about Magnus O'Connor? Remember Fred Stamp, the defense attorney? Found dead in an elevator.
And it couldn't have happened to a nicer bottom feeder.
Coroner's report said natural causes.
Well, Mrs.
Stamp thinks that O'Connor wanted her husband dead.
Oh, all right.
O'Connor, Magnus.
Oh, he's a sweetheart.
Solid jacket of assaults from his teens on.
Suspect in six hits with the Irish mobs in Montreal and, a couple of the bike clubs.
- Any affiliations? - No, pure freelancer.
Seems like hurting people was a vocation.
Ten years ago, he got nailed on a traffic violation with a severed head on the passenger seat of his car.
Nobody likes riding alone.
They gave him dangerous offender status, no chance of parole.
His first night in Millhaven, he kills his cellmate.
Did he try to turn him out? No, I think he just wanted his own room.
Well, what about prison? Any gangs, any other affiliations? No, total loner.
Only one visitor, every week.
He's not your guy.
Why not? Killed himself a week ago.
Henry? Work not going well? Is this really necessary? If you want to talk you have to pose.
Okay, Fred Stamp is a defense attorney, right? He's found dead in his elevator.
Coroner says cardiac arrest, but his wife finds a threatening voice mail on his phone from psycho freak ex-client, Magnus O'Connor.
This works a little better if we bounce ideas off of each other.
Why? Because we want to consider every possibility, you know, you don't want to commit to any one theory too soon.
What if the first theory is the correct one? This is the way we do it, okay? You said you wanted to learn how to work cases? This is how we work cases.
Fair enough, I'm listening.
Stamp thinks that Magnus O'Connor is the prime suspect, but there's a little problem with that one, the guy committed suicide a week ago.
He hired somebody.
That was easy.
Why go to all the trouble to have someone killed when you're planning to commit suicide? Maybe this is just a coincidence.
Or maybe, O'Connor sought revenge from beyond the grave.
Oh yeah, that is great.
That is just what I need.
I thought you wanted to consider every possibility.
Are you done? Just about.
Yeah, it's just you forgot the cheesy job, bad eyesight and demon tattoos.
Well, that's how I see you.
Vicki Nelson, warrior princess.
The salon is closed.
I'm not taking any customers.
This is a house of mourning.
I'm not here for a haircut.
I'd like to ask you some questions about your son.
Brady? What have you been up to now, you no good layabout? Actually it's your other son, Magnus, I'm here about.
I'm a private investigator.
What do you want to know? Just wanted to know about any of his friends or acquaintances.
Why don't you just let him rest? Mrs.
O'Connor, your son's defense attorney was found dead the other morning.
He was a good lad! He quit school when his dad died so he could support me and Brady.
He built me this salon.
They killed his spirit in there.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
You have no idea! Get out.
Get out now.
You shouldn't have done that made her cry.
You come round here again, you'll live to regret it.
You're not like your brother, and he might have actually intimidated me.
People who cross this family get hurt.
That's not intimidation.
It's a fact.
Brady? On your way then.
Is it possible something besides cardiac arrest killed Fred Stamp? Oh, no.
Everyone will die of cardiac arrest.
That just means that your heart has ceased to beat.
What you want to ask is, "What caused the myocardial infarction that led to Mr.
Stamp's cardiac arrest?" What killed Fred Stamp? There were no injection marks on his body and nothing unusual in his toxicology report.
So no external triggers? Not necessarily.
Bruises on his heart.
See it? Observe.
Someone reached into his chest and squeezed his heart until it stopped? Like I said, a heart attack.
What do you know about Magnus O'Connor's suicide? I have access to every coroner's report for the last 20 years.
Oh, yes.
This is the coroner's diagram showing the location of wounds Magnus O'Connor inflicted on himself.
Right up your alley.
What? No doughnuts? Did O'Connor's file happen to mention he had a pentagram carved into his chest when he killed himself? Uh let's see.
Well, now that you mention it And you failed to tell me this why? Because I am not going to give you any more excuses to go hunting for the boogey-man, that's why.
So you lied to me about a case? I'm trying to stop a killer.
And I'm trying to keep you alive, Vicki.
Detective Celluci! You have homicides to investigate.
Your socializing can wait 'til after hours.
You're one of those kids who got off on being the hall monitor, weren't you? The rules are there for a reason, Nelson, not that you ever understood that.
Rules don't solve cases.
Detective Celluci my office.
Look, Mike, I need that coroner's report,okay? There's something hinkey.
Fine, on one condition.
I'm feeding you information, you tell me where it takes you.
- Got it? - Fine.
So, the guards found him on the floor, surrounded by aircle of salt with a burning candle, a glass of water and incense.
Okay, keep going.
He carved the pentagram into his chest then sliced open his arms with an elaborate shiv made out of a flattened spoon.
Apparently it was Arts and Crafts day on the cellblock.
There are four Celtic elements of life-- Earth, air, fire and water.
The pentagram is the connection between the elements and the spirit.
Now I think killing himself was part of some sort of magic ritual.
So what? He sacrificed himself to kill Stamp? Look, people hate their lawyers, but that's a bit much.
I need to find out exactly what this ceremony means.
There's someone we can talk to but I haven't talked to them in a while.
Well, now's the time to catch up.
No, well you see, initiating contact with this person carries certain implications I'm compelled to consider before Well, consider on the way.
This is your expert? Henry Fitzroy! I never expected to see you again.
That's one hell of an entrance And you brought a friend.
No thanks, I'm actually just here for your professional opinion.
Anyone can purchase my services.
Cash only.
In your case, I'd consider an alternative form of tribute.
Oh, Henry, you do miss me don't you? I'd like you to have a look at these.
All in good time.
Have you been tattooed recently? Scarred? Show them to me.
Don't! What do they mean? These marks are like these sticks.
They're spells or rituals.
They can focus great power.
I knew this was a bad idea.
Your faith brands this magic as evil, Henry.
My interpretation is much more enlightened.
I prefer the word 'foolish'.
So what else do the sticks say? The photos you brought, they show a cleansing spell, the Wiccan equivalent of last rites.
What does it do? It prepares the spirit for the journey to the House of Donn, or Heaven, you might call it.
It's a very simple spell.
Anyone could do it.
Even you.
I'll keep that in mind.
Now, unless there's anything else you want to talk about? We're done here.
Then I'll ask you to show yourselves out.
Gratuities are always welcome.
- There's a box on the table.
- Don't touch that.
Vicki, everything she said about magic was a lie.
- Those marks are evil.
- You think I need reminding? She's hiding something, and so are you.
Sinead and I were involved, before I realized how immersed she was in the Dark Arts.
I'll give you one thing, you have the best break-up stories of anyone I know.
Thank you.
This is going to be one of those, "I want to know, I don't want to know," situations, isn't it? His name is George Neeley.
He died by the same hand as the defense attorney.
Neeley, the prosecutor? Tell me, have you ever heard of iodine and a-naphthoflavone fingerprint visualization? What do you think? A process that can lift fingerprints from generally 'unprintable' surfaces, such as human skin.
Are you telling me that you found fingerprints on George Neeley's heart? Partial thumbprint on Neeley's, and a full finger on Stamp's.
This would never stand up in court, but, the fingerprints match those of Magnus O'Connor.
You do realize we're talking about dead people killing people? It would appear so, yes.
Can I borrow this? Coreen, hey.
I need you to find out if George Neeley ever prosecuted Magnus O'Connor.
You know, find out who the presiding judge was, while you're at it, sooner rather than later.
I was surprised to see you the other night.
- It was a good surprise.
- Now is a bad time.
You painted.
You really here to talk about decorating? Don't be such a grouch.
So I used a little magic on you.
I never complained when you drank my blood.
It's impolite to refuse a drink when offered.
I never asked you to use magic on me.
I did it for us.
To keep me tied to you.
You used to enjoy being tied.
You don't want me to use my craft, I won't.
And you can still drink my blood, as much as you want.
Justice Pettigrew! Hello! Justice Pettigrew! Who are you? My name is Vicki Nelson.
I'm here to help you.
He told me he killed, Neeley and Stamp.
And I was next.
I tried to call 911, but all I heard was his voice.
Judge, what's going on here? What is this all about? I have no idea! He's a psychopath.
You see, in my experience guys who go to jail blame either the prosecutor, or their defense attorney, but not both, and not the judge.
What exactly are you implying? I'm not implying anything.
I'm not the one who was hiding in a panic room.
What does Magnus O'Connor have against you? Nothing.
Magnus O'Connor is a killing machine.
So you all put your heads together and decided to railroad him? Okay, sorry to have bothered you.
I will be on my way, but be sure to say 'hi' to O'Connor when you see him.
It didn't start out as a set-up.
Everyone knew he was guilty of all the killings, not just the one where he was caught red-handed.
Everything needed to convict him was in that car.
And then a rookie detective blew the whole thing by opening a door.
The evidence fell out, the cop covered it with a jacket.
The evidence was corrupted.
So you, Neeley and Stamp buried that information in the name of justice.
Stamp never knew.
And now Miss Nelson, it's your turn.
I'm working for Stamp's widow.
I figured out the connection between Stamp, Neeley, yourself and O'Connor.
I figured O'Connor would want you dead as well, so I came here to try and stop that from happening.
And now the full story? Magnus O'Connor isn't quite alive.
It's going to take me some time to explain.
I just need you to what I say and I will try and get you out of here in one piece.
Pack a bag.
We're getting you out of here.
I missed this.
It did have its moments.
I'm on my way.
Henry, no.
Stay with me.
I have to go.
You'll have more fun if you stay.
That's more like it.
You did it again, didn't you? That's what you want.
You dare use magic on me? It's to protect you.
I saw your future.
You're in danger and I just want to keep you safe.
Vicki Forget about her.
It's too late.
Pray you're wrong.
Hey, I want you to take him to a hotel.
Make sure you're not followed.
Pay cash.
- Don't contact anyone.
- Okay.
How do I know I can trust him? Because I trust him with my life.
You do? Thank you.
How do I know I can trust you? Would you like to stay here and wait for O'Connor? Let's go.
Mother of god! You okay? Come on.
Vicki, no Don't! Victoria, he's dead.
I can smell it.
Please just meet me back at the office.
I have to call 911 now.
I know these men are connected.
I want to know why they are dying Quid pro quo or persona non grata.
Neeley and Pettigrew conspired to railroad a con named Magnus O'Connor.
Stamp got painted with the conspiracy brush.
Evidence? Pettigrew confessed before he died.
Suspects? I think a member of the O'Connor family is trying to avenge Magnus' death.
Any of them wear loud silk tracksuits? A neighbor saw a guy lurking around Pettigrew's house yesterday morning.
When he confronted the prowler, he told the neighbor to 'eff off you effing wanker'.
His 'effs', not mine.
Had to be Brady O'Connor.
You two, go question O'Connor.
- You should have come to us first.
- I wasn't sure And now a judge is dead.
You never could follow protocol.
Pettigrew's death is on your hands.
Come on Mike, I don't need this from you, too.
What happened to our deal? I didn't have anything concrete.
You've always been a bad liar, Vicki, and you better start talking right now before I arrest you on obstruction.
Yeah, but just remember if I do, you can't freak out.
Pettigrew, Stamp and Neeley were killed by the ghost of Magnus O'Connor.
- Got any proof? - I saw him.
Any real proof? Two crushed hearts with Magnus O'Connor's fingerprints on them.
Anything else? Neeley and Pettigrew forced a rookie detective to lie on the stand in order to ensure O'Connor's conviction.
I think that the ghost is going to after that cop next.
You're taking this rather well.
Well, you know, in light of everything else lately a killer ghost seems like nothing, right? Okay, I can ID the detective from the casebook, but listen, from now on I am part of this, do you understand me? Somebody's got to watch your back.
You could lose your job for this.
Well, I guess I'll just have to open up a private investigation agency, won't I? We've got to find a way to stop this son of abitch, and fast.
That might be tough when he can walk right through you.
- We can't even touch him.
- I can.
We were on the stairs at the house I reached out for him, it was just instinct, but I grabbed his ankle.
Henry, my marks heated up and glowed.
He was as surprised as I was.
Maybe Sinead's right about these things.
It's not that simple.
Dark magic marks you.
It draws forces towards you and you're already in enough danger because of it.
So be my safety net.
You can throw them all you want, you're not going to find a future with Henry in there.
I'm closed.
Well, you start talking this won't take long.
All your answers are in here.
What, are you going to tip me to death? You don't want to know.
Now tell us the truth! Three men connected to your brother's trial are dead.
Now one, I'll say is natural causes, two, an unhappy coincidence.
Three? I'd say that smells like revenge.
You know what I smell? Look, you've got motive! Witnesses place you at the scene.
You killed three men, right? Is that a question? - Look - Dave.
Look Brady we understand, really.
He was your brother, your blood.
Now he's dead, you had to do something.
I get honor, family.
If somebody messes with one of my own, I'm not waiting for the system, you know what I'm saying? The reason he's dead is because of the killing.
That was my brother's way.
He knew I wouldn't do it, so Who knew? Brady, you know who did this.
Tell me.
I don't know anything.
Who did Magnus hire to kill these men? He didn't hire no one.
That's the truth.
I'm not saying nothing else, not without a lawyer.
I touched a ghost tonight, even though I know that's impossible.
We're trying to save somebody's life.
It's in your best interests to help.
Your marks.
Do you notice anything familiar in the photos? - The pentagram? - It's a powerful symbol.
The soul and the flesh.
The natural and the supernatural.
- You and the demon.
- What are you talking about? How is Vicki bound to Astaroth? Only time will tell.
Look, all I want to know is how to stop O'Connor.
Okay, that was not a cleansing spell he performed.
What did O'Connor do? It blocks the spirit's passage.
Traps it.
Binds it to what? Something or someone.
Why did you lie to us? I know better than to cross any person who is capable of teaching that kind of magic to a thug.
Who's doing it? Take a look at you photos.
You already know the answer.
Let's go.
Goodbye, Sinead.
See you soon.
Is it true what they say? Were you at that judge's house? - No! - Liar! - I didn't do anything.
- Quiet.
Whew, I'm glad she's not my mom.
Yeah? So is she.
She said we already had the answer.
What are we looking for? I don't know.
Just keep looking.
Let me think about this.
Revenge is personal, right? Crushed hearts are personal.
I mean if you just wanted somebody dead, you'd hire a hit man, you know? One shot to the head, it's over, right? It's a binding spell, and it binds the spirit to someone.
And the pentagram is a binding symbol, right? And that's Gaelic for mother.
Son of a bitch and I mean that literally.
We got a problem.
One guess who screwed up O'Connor's case.
Just put it down there.
Who knows who else O'Connor was going to target.
He was in and out of the system so many times anyone could be his next kill.
- Okay, well I'll help - Thank you detective.
I'll take it from here.
So let me get this straight.
Magnus kills himself in prison and his mother makes his ghost get revenge on the people who put him there? Stamp loses his case.
Neeley, Pettigrew and Crowley all conspire to conceal the evidence.
It makes sense.
What terrifies me is that I'm starting to get to the point where that makes sense to me, too.
- Where's Crowley? - Back at the office.
You need to go keep an eye on her.
O'Connor's being summoned by the mother, so we have to go find her.
Well, if she's behind this, then I'm coming with you.
No, someone has to stay with Crowley.
I mean, I really don't think she wants to spend quality time with me, so.
So I'm supposed to go baby-sit her while you go square off with some psycho ghost all by yourself? I've got her covered.
I'll hold you to that.
I can't believe this.
All these years, Crowley has been riding me about obeying the rules and she's the one breaking protocol.
- She's not the villain here, Vick.
- I know! It just still sucks to have to go save her.
We need to talk.
I don't have time.
Make the time.
Lavena O'Connor? You're too late.
Oh, my God.
It doesn't pay to cross my ma.
Where is she? She's gone off to kill that cop.
- Crowley.
- We have to help him.
No, no, don't! She says it will wear off she lets it.
I can't believe she'd do this to her own son? What she did to Magnus was worse.
He performed that binding spell all on his own.
Magnus wasn't always a killer.
She turned him into that.
She used her magic and made him get a taste for it.
When the prison put him out of her reach, she made him kill himself.
Said she could bring him back.
That's insane.
Sanity is not this family's strong suit.
Go help your friend.
You try not to hurt her, yeah? She is my ma.
I pulled the Magnus O'Connor case.
You had just been assigned to homicide when O'Connor got pulled over.
You were the rookie cop who spoiled the evidence in the case, weren't you? Nice detective work.
Even after I opened the door and the head fell out, we still would have had him dead to rights.
So what happened? A playground.
Kids everywhere, I didn't want them to see the head so I draped my jacket over it.
You can't beat yourself up for being compassionate.
I do not want this becoming squad room gossip, understand? Breathe a word of this to anyone and I will bury you.
This doesn't make you look incompetent.
This really doesn't make you look weak.
I mean, if anything it makes you look human.
Thanks for the hug.
I'm tired.
I'm going home.
All right, well then, I'm going with you.
Three men have already died because of this.
You're likely the next target.
I can take care of myself.
I touched him before.
If I have some kind of connection to him, I'm going to use it.
It would be silly to try to convince you otherwise.
Straight up, waste of breath.
At least you're consistent.
Crowley! Don't do that, Celluci.
Hey, ma's boy! No, Vicki, Don't! Kill her! Kill her! Kill her! You talk too much.
Mike, are you okay? Oh, she's alive! Oh, thank god.
- Where's Lavena? - She's dead.
How did she die? Heart attack.
I was just trying to stop her.
- Here, help me.
- You're okay.
hat did you tell them? The truth.
That Lavena O'Connor attacked Crowley in the parking lot.
I just didn't tell them that her weapon of choice was the ghost of her dead son.
Thank you both of you.
All right.
Oh, for god's sakes.
Would the two of you pretend to play nice just for a minute? It's been a long night.
Saving lives is exhausting.
Saving lives, that's a first for you, huh, vampire? Like you'd know.
Your job doesn't even start until it's too late for the victim.
I have this You two better get going I've got this report to file.
Oh yeah, I've got to figure out how to bill this.
- Goodnight, Mike.
- Goodnight.
Just like magic.

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