Blood (UK) (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5 of 6

It's my dad.
I think he killed her.
One of your frog things is missing.
If you undermine me again, I swear to God Do you understand me? I'm leaving.
What? I was burgled, you know.
They took all my money.
You're not the only one with a score to settle.
Did you find a gun? No.
Dad was here the day mum died.
I don't trust the guards, not with Dad.
I don't want anything to do with this, OK? Dad was there that day at Eddie's, and then Eddie killed himself.
We had to tell them, Dad.
They all know now that I am not a liar.
Do you want to go? Hm? Not yet.
What time is your flight? Not till tonight.
He should have something with him.
He shouldn't be on his own, he wouldn't want to be on his own.
He's not on his own.
He's with his mum.
He wanted to hide, he wanted me to be with him.
I should've stayed with him.
I shouldn't have left.
It's not your fault, Cat.
You shouldn't feel guilty about this.
You weren't to know.
You should've told me about that gun.
You could've come to me when you found it.
You should have spoken to me about it.
You made me think that I imagined it.
I wanted to protect you.
I didn't know how you'd react if you knew there was a gun.
Did you know he had one? No, of course not.
Jesus Christ.
I don't know what's going on in Frank's head.
What did you say to him? Really? Cat Are you suggesting that I put Frank up to this? This is breaking and entering.
I wasn't breaking and entering.
The window was already broken.
What? The window in I'm sorry.
I was told you were up at the funeral home, but I didn't want to catch you in front of your dad, so You followed me? I wanted to talk to you.
What are you doing here anyway? Just wanted to find something for him For Barry's coffin.
You know, his dad did the same thing.
Parents kill you in the end.
Their genetics, their diseases their secrets.
That's what gets in the end.
Come on.
Why are you even slavin' after him? I'm sure if he wants to go he can wash and park his own shit, can't he? Is it still all right for us to come round? I mean, the kids adore you, and this house.
Yeah, of course it's all right for you to come round.
Then we need to talk.
We need to clear the air.
I don't want us to be walking around each other like Well, like this.
I think it's Cat that you need to have this conversation with.
I know.
Oh, God Why is it so hard to just talk? And why can't we just be honest and vulnerable and talk about our feelings like normal people? It's not normal.
Normal people don't do things like that, weird people do things like that.
Do they? Think we're the normal people.
God, that's depressing.
You should ask Dad to stay if you want him to.
You should ask.
It's not about what we want though, is it? When has it ever been.
Take a look at this.
It was on the desk when we found him.
From his His old man to yours.
Doesn't paint Jim in the best light.
Yeah, I've I've read it.
I got the gun tested.
Pulled in a favour from a pal in the lab, on the QT.
Your dad's prints are on the gun.
I know it's not for your mom, but at least it's something.
Another death, another link to your dad.
But Dad was at home all that night, he didn't do this.
Cat, no.
I'm just talking about presenting the evidence.
There isn't any evidence, that's just a lie.
The man's a killer, isn't he?! Isn't he?! I would've made detective by now if it wasn't for your dad.
I cut my leg open chasing after some little prick.
Got a bit infected, so I went up to your dad and he said it'd clear up.
And I trusted him.
A week later I collapse on the job, nearly lost my leg.
So, I made a complaint.
Super shot it down - "Jim's a friend, Dez.
You understand.
" I didn't understand.
It wasn't fair that he should just get away with it, so I went higher.
That's when I started picking up disciplinaries for shite I didn't even do.
The kind of jobs you wouldn't give a security guard.
They would even transfer me.
Men like him they come in here with their money.
They buy the big houses and they buy the authorities, and they to do what they want to who they want.
And then they all get to move on while we pick up the pieces.
Even bringing him in for questioning would be enough.
People talk.
There's more than one way to ruin a man.
And all you have to do is say he wasn't with you.
You don't know where he was the night Barry died.
He's leaving tonight.
Just let it go.
Where? I don't know.
We have to move fast, Cat.
I I need to think.
I just need to think.
Cat, I won't wait forever! Fiona thought you might want these.
Oh, yeah! Good.
So, we're having a bit of a drink this afternoon before my flight.
You're around, aren't you? Yeah.
You're hovering, Michael.
It's just It's just Mam's only just died, like.
Everything's just been turned upside down.
Michael, you're not going to make me feel guilty.
I'm not trying to.
I have been picking up after all of you for years now, so it's perfectly acceptable for me to look after myself now, after everything I've been through.
You're not the only one who's been through it, Dad.
Look, Michael, OK, look, listen, I'll tell you what we'll do.
When I get myself sorted out, I'll give you a call.
You can come down and see me.
It'd be great to see you.
You might even go to Dublin and hang out with Cat, find yourself a girlfriend.
I'm gay, Dad! Michael, hi.
Er, I've got to head back up to Dublin.
Erm I'm leaving soon.
But I'll be back for for his funeral.
He wasn't really saying he was.
Dad was here the day Mam died.
We make decisions throughout our life, Cat.
And some of them have consequences that we really do not see coming.
Your dad's prints Fuck! FUCK! So, are you coming or going? I have no idea what to do.
I can tell.
Do you think I should do it? Set Dad up? Do you think he deserves it? You tell me.
Do you think you could live with that, doing that to your father? Could Fiona? Could Michael? I don't think you'd be satisfied with revenge.
I think all you really want is the truth.
You all lied to me.
My whole life.
So this all began with a lie.
And now you want to end it with one.
Why did you lie to me, Mam? How could you let that happen? It's Michael.
Have you gone yet? Are you all right? I need to talk to you.
Where are you? Oh! Hello, Rita.
I'm glad you finally made it in.
Yes, well, I was under strict orders from Dr Hogan to come in for a blood test.
He knows I hate them.
Your nurse can never find my vein.
Well, I'm sure she'll manage.
Just take a seat.
Could I speak to Dr Hogan? He isn't here, I'm afraid.
He's, erm, leaving.
Well, actually, he's left.
His last day was a few days ago.
I think he's planning on going abroad for a while.
I understand.
His poor wife.
I wanted to give this back to him.
He must have left it for me this morning.
I think he felt sorry for me after the break-in.
Are you sure this is from Jim? Oh, yes.
I recognise his handwriting.
You can't mistake a doctor's handwriting.
Rita, I didn't know they'd taken so much.
I don't know how much they took.
I don't keep a very good record of these things.
Perhaps I should post it.
Well, I could take it.
I mean, I could drop it round.
Unless that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Oh, no, not at all.
I trust you, Sarah.
You'll tell him.
The only people who should give me any money are the bastards who took it.
This is a bit emo, isn't it? I didn't think.
Do you want to go somewhere else? No, of course not.
Do you want one? My mam's favourite.
I'm sorry for dragging you out here.
What's up? Well, I kind of came out to Dad.
Sort of by accident.
What do you mean, by accident? Just like, I didn't plan it, it just happened.
And what did he say? Just I fled the scene! Wow.
Oh, my God.
Are you all right? Yeah.
Yeah? Mmm.
Do you want him to stay? I just wish he wanted to.
Listen, Cat, I wanted to say I'm sorry for anything I did that pushed you out.
I'm sorry for lying.
I'm sorry for lying about Sarah for Dad.
I'm sorry for not listening to you.
After all, it's just going to be us now for a while anyway, so.
I know Fiona feels the same.
There we go.
Hey, did you sort things out with your window cleaner? I think that's finished.
Oh, shit.
Ah, it's fine.
I'm getting back on the dating apps, actually.
What? Don't blame me, it was Mam that got me onto them in the first place.
The problem is finding someone who hasn't had Dad check out their privates first.
Why are you wearing the same shirt in all of these? It's my good shirt.
What? I want to look smart, I want to look like someone who doesn't use dating apps.
What if you look like someone who's only got one shirt? That's good.
Mam took that.
Just before she died.
It was a nice day.
What? You said Mam took this? Yeah.
When? Don't know, like two or three days before she died? That's the frog.
Huh? The one from the pan, the one that's missing.
So? But it's there before she died, right on that spot, and now it's gone.
Where you going now? I'll see you at the house.
Did you know he's leaving tonight? Jesus Christ.
I need him to stay just a little longer, I was wondering if you could talk to him? Jim and I aren't together any more.
If you want my advice, let him go.
Look, I'm worried for him, I don't think his head is in the right place and he won't listen to the three of us.
But he'll listen to you.
Please, I don't think he should be on his own.
That's not even remotely convincing.
This is about your Mam.
God, I'm not getting involved in this again, OK? And I've no reason to believe a word you say.
You don't want him to stay? You don't need him any more? Don't put this on me! Look, it doesn't need to have anything to do with me, just tell him whatever you want, it doesn't matter, I just need you to delay him, please.
Look, aren't there questions you want answered? I just need time.
I was sorry to hear about Barry.
Will you just ask him to meet up? I know he will.
Sarah? Hello? Hey, it's me.
Cat, is everything all right? Where are you? Are you coming to Dad's drinks? Yeah.
What time should I be there? Five o'clock? Sure.
I'll see you then.
You've got that look in your eye.
Did you speak to Dad? Haven't gone in yet.
I was waiting for you.
Where were you? Nowhere.
What have you got? Oh, it's just whiskey for Dad.
Listen, I was thinking maybe we shouldn't mention the frog thing tonight.
But he's leaving tonight.
What's the endgame here, Cat? The endgame is that we get the truth.
What if we already have it? What if this is just something, another thing that we've got wrong? We've already had enough drama.
I just heard you talking.
We were just coming in.
Is that for tonight? It's just something for Dad.
Let me take it.
No, it's fine.
When's the funeral? Er Friday.
I leave after that.
Take all the time you need.
I'm so sorry.
Come here.
What would you lot like to drink? Wine? Beer? Something a bit stronger maybe? I know she's way out of our league.
Way, way out of our league.
The only chance we ever had of laying our eyes on her, right, was to sneak into her mum and dad's back garden.
I nearly did it one time.
The next thing she grabs the rake, and she starts swinging it at us! Chasing me around the garden.
Her parents were looking out the window thinking, "What in the name of Jesus is going on out there?!" I say, "Mary! Mary! Mary, please! "It's me, it's Jim! It's Jim! And she's like, "Fucking Nora!" I mean, how could we not fall in love after that? My question is, how could she? Now, hang on a minute! I used to be quite charming in my day, you know? Stop smirking at me! Yeah, no, listen.
You know, your mother, she was an inspiration to me.
I mean, all of this All of this was because of her.
I mean, I'm going to be sad Sad to leave it.
Well, we'll take good care of it.
Well, here's the thing, guys.
Look I've decided to sell the house.
Yeah, I mean, it really is a big, big place to keep going when you're not living in it, and I really don't want to stay here any longer.
Not since your mother's gone.
I mean, you'll each get your share of the selling price, don't worry, everybody is going to be looked after all right, but it's what your mother would have wanted, and I think now's the right time.
Do we not get a say in this? I mean, it's our house as well.
I mean, it's our home, Dad.
Yeah, but who's going to pay the mortgage, Michael? I'm only doing what your mother and I talked about doing for years, but we never had the chance.
And I'd like to thank you all for understanding.
Especially you, Fiona.
My eldest.
My toughest.
My right-hand man.
I'm so proud of you, Fiona.
So proud of you.
You're your own man, Michael.
You're a better man than me.
You don't need my advice.
I just want to tell you that I love you.
If you ever need anything, you only need ask, do you understand? Cat.
I love you, Cat.
And I really should have done better by you.
Anyway a toast.
To Mam.
To Mam.
We got you this.
What?! It's from all of us.
Oh, no.
So sweet.
You didn't have to do that now.
Oh! A lovely compass.
So you can always find your way back.
A very thoughtful gift.
Thank you.
I think, um, Cat's got something else for you.
Yeah? You said you got something for Dad.
The bag! Yeah, she got Just leave it! It's just something silly.
Yeah? Silly is good.
Give him the present, Cat.
It's nothing.
Oh, well! I didn't know you had a soft spot for garden ornaments, Cat! Oh, wow! Is this a new obsession of yours, or what?! No, he's great.
He's great! Hang on.
Hello? 'I heard you were leaving tonight.
' Yes, I am.
'Can we speak?'No.
Not now, no, I'm with the family 'Please, it's important.
I'm in Floods.
' Look, guys, I just have to go out for half an hour.
I'm sorry.
Just carry on without me.
I shall be back before you know it, I will.
Back before you know it.
Where's he gone?! I don't know.
You got him a frog.
I wasn't actually going to give it to him.
Why did you buy it? Where are you going? Going to go for a smoke.
Yes, Sarah? I heard you're leaving tonight.
Yeah, that's right.
Rita came by the surgery today.
She wanted me to give you something.
You gave her 5,000 euro.
Yeah, you know, it was a gift.
It's 5,000 euro! Yeah, but that's how much she lost, you know? If she doesn't want it, that's fine We didn't know how much she lost.
She had no idea.
Yes, but she doesn't know from one minute to the next, does she? Did you take the money? Did you take it? Is that why the girls keep asking questions? No more stories, just be honest with me, Jim.
Did you take Rita's money, because this doesn't look like a gift, it looks like guilt! What does it matter to you? What does it matter?! Yeah, what point are you trying to prove?! Jim! She's your patient! Why did you bring me here, Sarah? To make you feel better, is that it? Jim, I just think you're not in a good place right now! I'm just trying to make it right.
Why couldn't you leave it alone? Why didn't we just go?! Jesus! I'm fine, I'm fine.
What did he do to you? I asked him about the money.
What money? I just wanted to be wrong.
I wanted you to be wrong.
'Cat!'Michael, is Dad there? No, why? Where are you? 'Could he have gone to the airport?' His stuff is still here.
What's going on? Call me if he comes home.
'I wanted to show you something.
' Your mother thought this place was so beautiful, it was holy.
Dad? Cat.
You frightened Sarah.
What? Did Mam find out you were taking money? Is that what happened? Is that what those phone messages are about? Jesus Christ, Dad, for the love of God, you've got to tell me the truth now.
I just want to go, Cat.
Did Mam find out? Yes.
And she forgave me.
Look, I have a flight to catch.
Oh, please tell me what happened.
Tell me, I have to know.
Did you kill her? Oh, for Christ's sake, Cat! This is just about some lie that I told you years ago! If I'd known it would come to this, I've never have done it, but I can't make you feel any better about not being there when she died.
I have a friend in the Gardai.
He said they found your fingerprints on Frank's gun, the one Barry used, and all I have to do is say that I don't know where you were the night Barry died.
No, you won't do that, Cat.
Just tell me the truth, please! Wouldn't you just let it go? I'll lose everything.
We'll both lose everything, Cat.
Just tell me.
What happened to my mam? Then you can go.
You never have to see me again.
You wanted the truth, Cat.
You were right.
I killed your mother.

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