Blue Eye Samurai (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride

[shamisen music playing]
[shamisen music stops]
[hyoshigi sticks playing]
No one man can defeat an army,
but one creature can.
How does such a creature come to be?
[shamisen playing]
Long before our great shogun
ordained the sun to rise
[thunder rumbling]
there lived a ronin.
Seared into his soul was the day his lord
- [audience gasps]
- was assassinated by a rival clan
whose crest was the phoenix.
[phoenix cawing]
[phoenix cawing]
On that day,
he felt something rise within him.
- [hyoshigi sticks playing]
- A storm in his soul.
[tense music playing]
[stick playing intensifies]
Kill everyone, then burn it down.
[narrator] A hate that radiated
from deep in his heart
to the tip of his sword.
[sword chiming]
[sword slicing]
[sword slicing]
[Ringo] Master.
Get everyone to the cellar.
You have murdered us all.
Ringo, stand guard over them.
I don't have a weapon.
[Mizu] Start with a kitchen knife.
- [tense music playing]
- [door banging]
Come on! This way, this way.
[door banging continues]
The ronin returned home to his village
where his parents implored him
to begin a new life.
But hate is like a typhoon.
It begins as a breeze at sea
[tense music intensifies]
[tense music stops]
[Mizu] Mama.
No one can find us.
[narrator] that is swallowed by darkness.
Bad men are looking for you, Mizu.
For a girl.
You must be a boy, always a boy.
[narrator] Then deepens. Energizes.
I'll avenge us, Mama. I swear it.
[narrator] And grows ever stronger.
Swirling and raging
until it is ready to strike!
[thunder rumbling]
The ronin set on his quest,
vowing to cleanse the Earth
of all who wore the phoenix crest
or shared their blood.
[sword chiming]
[tense music playing]
But he would soon learn
the demon's path
is paved with sharp stone.
[door banging]
[sword clashing]
- [sword clashing]
- [grunting]
Do you have a death wish?
Now they have to get through both of us.
You're the bravest princess I've ever met.
I'm not brave.
I've been a captive my whole life.
If I die today, I die free.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [swords slicing]
- [loud thuds]
- [groans]
- [grunts, moans]
- [grunts]
- [screams]
- [birds chirping]
- [water dripping]
[Mizu] Excuse me.
I'm told opium from the West is sold here.
I want to find
the white men who supply it.
I seek no trouble, only information.
[man scoffs]
- [grunting]
- [sword chiming]
It looks like you do want trouble.
No, I only want to ask [groans]
- [choking]
- [man] You half-breed piece of shit.
- [knife stabbing]
- [groaning]
[moaning, panting]
[men grunting]
- [grunts]
- [blades clashing]
[narrator] The ronin's soul grew weary
and his body ill.
[men grunting]
He did not fear death,
only that he might die
before fulfilling his vow.
[Mizu moaning] Help me.
Please. I need a doctor.
[narrator] All seemed hopeless
[birds chirping]
the ronin saw a vision
as if sent from the gods.
[dreamy music playing]
[Mizu groans]
Help me.
Mister, come with me.
- [panting]
- [women gasping]
A few coins, and I'll show you heaven.
Can you help me?
Mama, you you're alive.
The beautiful woman
took the ronin home with her.
And for the first time in many moons,
the ronin rested.
[Mama humming]
Mama, you're alive.
[moans] How?
Medicine for my headaches.
Eat up, then I have to go back to work.
You must never do that again.
I earned money, more than enough.
Ah. How honorable you grew up to be.
[Mizu groaning]
I knew it'd be hard on you,
thinking me dead,
but I knew it was for the best.
Being on your own,
you could be like water.
Impossible to catch.
Now the gods have brought you back to me.
[shamisen, hyoshigi sticks playing]
[narrator] The ronin
regained his strength,
ready to return to his journey of hate.
The woman beseeched him to stay.
The ronin told her of his vow,
a vow he could not break.
Desperate, the woman recalled
something taught to her long ago.
[shamisen music playing]
[shamisen music continues]
[door opens]
The money is gone.
Don't worry about money.
Don't worry about anything.
I have the answer to all our prayers.
I found you a husband.
[shamisen music continues]
He's an outcast,
so your looks are no matter.
He's getting old and needs
a strong woman to help him with chores.
Out of the question. I made my vow.
What woman doesn't want
a man to take care of her?
Of her mother?
The men who hunted you as a child
think you died in that fire.
If anyone found out you were alive,
they could turn you in for a great bounty.
Let them. I am nobody's wife.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm off to work now.
We need the money.
You see, I'd do anything for you.
[door opens, closes]
[shamisen music playing]
[Mama] You're going to love the mountains!
No other soul will ever see you.
You'll have to work, of course.
Cooking, cleaning,
helping out with the horses.
Change your clothes.
He raises horses for the lord.
Mikio was a great samurai
until he transgressed.
Oh, lords execute their men
if they tie a belt wrong.
The point is, you're both outcasts.
He has money and is in no position
to complain about your face.
[gasps] Makeup.
[dramatic music playing]
[horse neighing, galloping]
[horse neighing]
[Mikio] Hmm.
You're not as hideous as I expected.
You're much older than I expected.
[grunts] Might as well get this over with.
[shamisen music playing]
[narrator] His loyalty was no longer
to his slain lord nor to revenge
[bell chiming]
but to his bride.
[shamisen playing]
[clears throat] Okay, back to work.
[door closes]
Let's get you ready for tonight.
[footsteps approaching]
[women gasping]
Mizu can't possibly hold them all off.
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
[gasping, panting]
[Mizu exhales]
[footsteps approaching]
[tense music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
I'm not a brute.
[dramatic music playing]
- [door banging]
- [gasps]
[man 1 laughs] What do we have here?
They cornered the samurai upstairs.
Let's steal a little fun for us.
- [grunts, groans]
- [man 1 laughs]
[fearful breaths]
- [grunts loudly]
- [groans]
- [grunts, groans]
- [gasps]
You little son of a bitch!
Stay here. Keep watch.
[footsteps approaching]
[Mizu panting]
[door opens]
- [sword stabbing, slicing]
- [men grunting]
[Mizu panting]
[panting, groaning]
[Mizu screams, chokes]
[man grunts]
[Mizu choking]
[horse neighing]
- Whoa.
- [horse neighing]
- Easy. Easy.
- [horse grunting]
That's okay. That's okay.
[horse grunting, snorting]
You can trust me.
[horse neighing]
[horse snorting]
[Mikio] Shh.
- [crashing noise]
- [horse neighing]
Stay away from the horses!
[horse neighing]
[upbeat music playing]
[Mikio] Hmm.
[slurps, grunts]
[Mikio clears throat]
Well, back to work.
[Mikio coughing]
[door closes]
[horse neighing]
[Mizu grunts]
[Mizu sighs]
Who is this one?
- Name's Kai.
- [Kai snorts]
Beautiful, but a beast.
- [Kai neighing]
- Been trying to break her for months.
- [Kai grunts]
- [Mikio] Hmm.
[Kai snorts]
This is what Kai thinks of me.
Ever since I was banished by my lord,
I've held onto this fantasy
that if I bring him the perfect creature,
he will welcome me back.
Hmm. It's silly.
[Kai neighing]
Yes, it is.
- [Kai neighing]
- [chuckles]
[Mikio] Hmm.
[both laughing]
[Mama laughs nervously]
[Kai neighing]
[Kai neighing]
Can I feed Kai?
- [Kai neighing]
- [Mikio grunting]
[Kai neighing]
[Kai nickers]
[Mizu] Oh. [chuckles]
Can you ride?
[Mizu groans]
- [Mizu choking]
- [man grunts]
[knife stabbing]
[whispers] Wake up! Wake up!
Come on! Come on!
Go fast.
[hoofbeats approaching]
Too fast! You're going too fast!
[Mizu laughing]
[horse neighing]
[upbeat music playing]
I'll get you a ripe one.
[Mizu chuckles]
[Mikio] You try.
Come on, I'll show you.
Hold your hand back.
Aim for that one right there.
Not bad for a first try.
[shamisen playing]
As time passed
the ronin and the bride
enjoyed their simple life.
The demon's path
seemed like a distant dream.
Though sometimes, if he stopped to listen,
the ronin could still hear it
calling his name.
- [tense music playing]
- [birds cawing]
Mama, are you sure
you can go into town like that?
Once I get my medicine, I'll be fine.
[coins clinking]
Get some dried mackerel. Mizu likes it.
There isn't enough for my medicine.
We think you should try going without.
[upbeat music playing]
[horse neighing]
[Mikio blows]
[upbeat music intensifies]
- [Mikio grunts]
- [Mizu laughs]
[Kai neighing]
[Kai neighing, snorting]
[Kai galloping]
[Kai neighing]
Slow down!
Keep up!
The lord is going to be so pleased
with this team.
With Kai, your wish may come true.
Kai is too good for any lord.
Kai is yours.
[romantic music playing]
[Mizu moans]
[Mizu moaning]
[Akemi whispers]
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Come on!
- [tense music playing]
- [footsteps approaching]
[man chuckling]
[romantic music playing]
[Mizu sighs]
[man chuckles]
- [Mizu moaning]
- [Mikio grunting]
[Mizu moans]
[Mizu moaning]
[both moaning]
[fearful breaths]
[man chuckles]
[sword slicing]
[pants, gasps]
[sword slicing]
[tense music playing]
[phoenix vocalizing]
[Akemi yelping]
Akemi, when I strike, run to the others.
Strike who?
- [wall crashes]
- [Akemi yelps]
- [sword chiming]
- [door opens]
[tense music intensifies]
- [groans]
- [sword crashes]
[man gasps]
- [screams, groans]
- [men groaning]
[blades scratching]
- [men grunting]
- [Mizu grunts]
- [Mizu groans]
- [men groaning]
- [tense music stops]
- [birds chirping]
You wanted to be a man?
I had to live as one.
All so the men
who were after you couldn't find you?
And so I could have my revenge
against the man who made me this way.
A monster.
I want to see all of you,
not who your mother
wants you to pretend to be.
All I did was train with a sword.
Show me.
- I've never faced a naginata.
- [horse snorts]
A bit old-fashioned,
but no better weapon
when outnumbered in battle.
Don't worry, we can start slow.
Don't hold back.
- [swords clinking]
- [upbeat music playing]
[Mizu panting, grunting]
[pants, chuckles]
Not bad.
Unsheathe it.
Show me your blade.
I don't want to hurt you.
[chuckles, grunts]
[sword chiming]
[Mikio gasps]
Okay, that's enough.
Did you also lose your backbone
when you lost your title?
- [sword chiming]
- [both grunting]
[Mikio grunting]
- [sword chime echoes]
- [Mikio grunts]
[tense music playing]
- [Mizu pants, grunts]
- [Mikio grunting]
[both grunting]
- [grunts]
- [Mizu panting]
- [Mizu exhales]
- [panting]
[Mikio grunts]
[grunting, panting]
You are a monster.
[hyoshigi sticks playing]
[shamisen playing]
After what seemed an eternity of sunshine,
one day, the sky darkened.
The rain washed away
the dye on her kimono,
revealing the phoenix crest
of her former clan.
The ronin now realized
the bride shared
the blood of his sworn enemy.
[phoenix cawing]
The bride exclaimed she had run away
from her father's evil clan.
She swore her loyalty
was to the ronin alone.
But for the first time in years
the ronin felt the storm rage inside him.
[tense music intensifies, stops]
[Mama exhales]
He left early
to take the horses to the lord.
All of the horses.
Yours too.
I made you tea of gold leaves,
and you spat in it.
[melancholic music playing]
Hoping to soften her husband's heart
[shamisen playing]
the bride danced.
[shamisen, hyoshigi sticks playing]
- [men grunting]
- [Mizu grunting]
[shamisen playing]
[Mizu grunting]
[tense music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[breathes deeply]
[hoofbeats approaching]
[tense music intensifies]
- [sword slices]
- [audience gasps]
[sword slices]
- [shamisen playing]
- [phoenix cawing]
[Mizu grunting]
[man grunts]
[horse neighing]
[tense music playing]
Those eyes. That's her.
[Mizu] Which white devil do you work for?
[man] The only white devil I see is you.
Let's kill her quick.
Who told you I was here? Was it her?
The bounty is a sum few could resist.
- [horse neighing]
- [gasps]
[romantic music playing]
- Hyah.
- [horse neighing]
[sad music playing]
[narrator] And so the bride met her death,
but she did not meet her end.
Within her lifeless body
roiled a tempest of hate,
betrayal, injustice, possessing her soul,
transforming her into a nightmare,
into an onryō!
[Mizu grunts]
[sword chiming]
[thunder rumbling]
- [man grunting]
- [Mizu grunting]
- [tense music playing]
- [Mizu grunts]
[Mizu grunting]
[man groans]
[man groans]
[metal clanking]
[Mizu grunting]
[man groans]
[metal clanking]
[Mizu grunting]
- [Mizu grunting]
- [men groaning]
- [Mizu grunting]
- [men groaning]
[men groaning]
- [Mizu grunting]
- [men groaning]
[man groaning]
[Mizu grunting]
[Mizu grunting]
[tense music intensifies]
[thunder rumbling]
[fire crackling]
[gasps] No, no, no, no!
[gasps, groans]
[Boss Hamata groans]
[Mizu] For Kinuyo.
You are more man
than any come through my door.
[Boss Hamata] Oh no! No!
- [women grunting]
- [Boss Hamata groaning]
- [footsteps approaching]
- [Mizu grunts]
I came to help.
I was a coward before,
but I came back. Forgive me.
You did this.
I would never.
It was her!
I saw you smoking opium again.
How did you buy it? You turned her in.
- Admit it!
- [Mama] Mizu, I didn't!
I sold myself back on the bridge!
I needed my medicine.
He must have turned you in
to win back his title.
I am your mother. Your mother.
[Mama] He stood by to watch them kill you!
He's dishonorable!
Shut your mouth, you lying whore.
- [Mikio grunts]
- [groans] He's hurting me!
- [Mikio grunts]
- [groaning] Mizu! Mizu!
[Mikio] Stop it. [grunts]
- [Mama panting]
- [Mikio grunting]
[somber music playing]
- [Mikio grunting]
- [Mama screaming]
[Mikio] Mizu. I love you, Mizu. Mizu.
[Mikio grunts]
[somber music continues]
[Ringo] Master! Master!
You beat them.
All of them. An entire army.
Akemi and I helped.
She killed two men. I killed one.
Something came over me from inside.
It felt dark.
You want to be like me?
Don't hide from the dark.
[horse neighing]
More of Hamata's men?
[guard 1] That's her, Princess Akemi.
We found her.
[guard 2]
By order of Lord Daichi Tokunobu,
his daughter must return with us.
[both grunting]
I'm not going anywhere.
Right, Mizu?
Do we have a problem here?
Get him.
Take her. [sighs]
[grunting] Get off of me!
Mizu! Get off of me!
- [horse neighing]
- [screaming] Let me go! Let me go!
Master? You just stood there.
She's better off.
[somber music playing]
You are no samurai.
A samurai is honorable.
I never said I was a samurai.
You did. I am on the path of revenge.
There's no place on it
for love or friendship or weakness.
Now, I have a man to kill.
[bell jingling]
How did this terrible creature come to be?
Hate alone was not enough.
It took one more ingredient.
Love poisoned by betrayal,
to bring so much bloodshed and woe
to create the onryō.
[thunder rumbling]
[shamisen playing]
[audience applauding]
Our humble thanks
to our most benevolent shogun.
A terrifying tale.
We promised you
the finest entertainment here in Edo,
did we not, Akemi?
Yes, my lord.
Only one thing was inaccurate.
Huh. Was it now?
You see, I met an onryō once.
A real one.
But it was incapable of love.
I searched its eyes for a sign of love
or mercy or good.
[whispers] There was only darkness.
[hyoshigi sticks play]
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
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