Brainchild (2018) s01e05 Episode Script


[deep rumbling]
[dramatic action music]
[Sahana] Err
Yeah, what's that rumbling noise?
[sound girl]
It's from the asteroid.
Cut, cut, cut.
Okay, I don't mean to spoil your movie,
but, err
there aren't any air molecules in space
for sound to travel through,
so there's no sound in space.
Okay. Losing the rumble.
Reset the asteroid. Goin' again.
Asteroid Apocalypse, take two, mark.
[dramatic action music]
No offense, but that asteroid
is entirely too small.
Earth gets hit all the time by asteroids
this small, and there's no damage.
Okay. Flying in a bigger asteroid.
Bigger asteroid coming in hot.
[man] Funny. I get it.
Roll sound and camera
-I mean no sound. We're in space.
-Asteroid Apocalypse, take three, mark.
[dramatic action music]
Hey! Whoa!
Yeah, this asteroid is way too big.
If this was heading towards Earth,
scientists would know about it.
It's not like asteroids
can just sneak up on you like a tiger.
Copy. Bring in the space tiger.
No space tigers.
All right.
Sounds like that's a wrap, people.
What? Just 'cause we can't film
an asteroid hitting Earth
doesn't mean we can't show
the awesomeness of space,
like how big is the universe?
Where are we in the cosmos?
What are stars made of? And most of all,
are we alone in the universe?
Err. That's a rewrite, everyone.
Props department,
how long to get some aliens in here?
Question. How long
would it take you to drive to space?
Pretend there was a road
sticking straight up in the air,
and let's say you're obeying
the speed limit.
That's a good question.
-At least a day.
-At least a day or a year.
Oh, probably five to six days.
It would only take an hour.
Ten, 15 years.
Longer than the average human lifetime,
I would say.
Were any of these your answer?
Do any sound right?
Well, one was.
-This kid.
-An hour.
-How do you know that?
Space officially starts
62 miles from Earth,
so if you were driving 55 miles per hour,
it would only take just over an hour
to drive to space
without traffic.
But it's not like there's a visible line
drawn in the atmosphere.
So how did scientists decide
where space starts?
Turns out, 62 miles is the point at which
the air is too thin for planes to fly.
Plus it helps that, converted,
62 miles is a nice even 100 kilometers.
So, that's where space starts,
but where does it end?
To find out, we're taking a trip
to the farthest reaches of the universe.
For our first stop, we're heading
to the edge of our solar system.
Sweet hat, right?
I've always wanted to be a star!
Get it?
The point is,
have you ever noticed
in images of the solar system,
the planets are always grouped
into one shot?
It gives the impression
that the Sun and planets
are relatively close to each other.
Oh, but I can assure you they're not.
Even on the fastest
spacecraft ever,
it would take you 36 years
to get to the edge of our solar system.
-That's a lot of
-[kid] "Are we there yet?"s.
Now, our next stop is way out there,
so we'll need to travel
at the speed of light.
All right. Let's take this bucket
of bolts into hyperspace.
Warp speed, baby. Punch it!
I know. That's how every space movie
and TV show does hyperspace.
But there's no way
it would actually look like that.
According to Einstein's theory
of special relativity,
hurtling through space
at the speed of light
would make the wavelengths of light
appear shorter, not longer.
So, how should it look?
It would probably look
a lot more like this.
That looks really exciting.
It hasn't been invented yet.
I guess we can let it slide.
To travel across our entire galaxy,
the Milky Way,
it would take you 100,000 years.
Hope your spaceship
has some good entertainment.
And now for your biggest leap yet,
we're leaving our galaxy and traveling
across the whole known universe.
At light speed,
it would take you 93 billion years,
and you'd pass hundreds of billions
of other galaxies along the way.
-Hey, galaxies!
-[galaxy 1] Hi!
-[2] Hello.
-[3] Sup?
[Sahana] The universe isn't just huge.
It's literally everything.
There are more stars in the
universe than there are
grains of sand on Earth.
And each one of those billions
and billions of stars
is thought to have
at least one planet orbiting it.
So, it makes you wonder,
does all of this really exist just for us,
or is there other life out there?
So, who wants to look for aliens?
To find them, we first need to figure out
which spots they like to hang out in.
And how do we do that?
Well, gather around
for this next experiment to find out.
-♪Rosie Locks ♪
-♪Rosie Locks ♪
Rosie Locks!♪
Once upon a time,
there was an alien species called
the Rosie Locks.
Now, the Rosie Locks
wanted to find a new planet to live on.
One day, they touched down on a planet
that seemed nice and toasty.
Can you guess what happened?
Sorry, Rosies. We'll never forget ya.
That's okay, 'cause the next day,
a second Rosie Locks spaceship
landed on a new
planet, and this planet seemed
pretty sweet.
It even had some cool, blue oceans.
Any idea what happened here?
Things aren't looking too rosy
for the Rosies.
But they really needed
to find a new planet,
so, they tried again.
And this time, the Rosie Locks discovered
a new planet that was just right.
So, they settled in, started a family,
downloaded all the apps,
and lived happily every after.
But can you figure out why
our first planet
was too hot,
our second was too cold, and our
third was just right?
It's because of their distance to this,
the Sun.
To enlighten us,
here's our science friend, Alie Ward.
Any planet that's too close to its star
would be way too hot to live on.
Water would turn to gas,
and any kind of
life as we know it
wouldn't be able to survive.
Now, this is the case
with planets like Mercury and Venus.
The further away a planet is
from its star, the colder it gets.
For example, the temperature on Saturn
is a nice, chilly -178 degrees Celsius,
making life pretty much impossible.
When a planet isn't too close
or too far from its star,
the conditions are perfect
to sustain life.
So, can you guess the inspiration
for our story?
Duh! It's Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
This fairy tale inspired scientists
to come up with the phrase,
'the Goldilocks Zone,'
the perfect distance
a planet needs to be from its star
in order to sustain life.
Because Earth is the only planet
in our solar system
in the Goldilocks Zone,
it's the only one, with life.
But remember, there are tons
of other stars in our galaxy
with their own planets orbiting them.
So, how many of those planets
do you think are in the Goldilocks Zone?
A thousand?
Got your answer?
It's way more!
Scientists estimate there could be
up to 40 billion Earth-like planets
in the Milky Way Galaxy alone.
So, it's almost certain that there is
other life out there.
We just haven't found it yet.
But every day, we're
discovering more about the mind-
boggling light show that is outer space.
If this looks like magic to you,
you're not far off.
Lemme show you what I mean.
Hi. Ben Seidman, NASA engineer,
and professional liar.
I was recently commissioned
to study black holes in space.
Did you know that a black hole
has a gravitational field so strong
that nothing can escape it,
not even light? It's true.
Anyway, my colleagues and I, we located
a black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy
2.5 million light-years away,
and we had it shipped here overnight.
Yes, I know it just looks like a ring,
but as a professional liar, I assure you
it's a consumer-level black hole.
I know because anything that goes inside
disappears completely.
Fortunately, I know how to
bend time and space,
so I should be able
to get my finger back unharmed.
Now, other scientists,
they find my methods unorthodox.
They say things like,
"Ben, your methods are unorthodox,"
and, "Ben, you're not a real scientist."
They even say, "A ring isn't a black hole.
Stop lying to strangers."
They might have a point.
But there's one thing I've learned.
That's if any matter
even comes near a black hole,
it disappears completely.
Now, I'm obligated to tell you
I'm only legally allowed to practice
science in three states
solid, liquid, and gas.
That's a little science humor for you.
But nobody knows what happens to matter
that ends up inside of a black hole.
What we do know is
anything that gets pulled inside
becomes isolated from space and time.
It's almost like matter disappears
from the universe we live in.
I'm so good at science.
Why won't Neil deGrasse Tyson
answer my phone calls?
Okay. Science lesson is over.
Be careful of black holes,
and never listen to a fake scientist.
Who needs fake science anyway
when the real stuff is so mind-blowing?
But space can seem so out there
that it's easy to wonder,
what does it have to do with me?
Well, what if I told you
that space is you?
Star Struck!
Imagine these Lego bricks
are the elements,
and sulfur.
Together, they're known as
These six elements are all found in stars.
Question. Did you know you're also made up
of elements?
Sulfur, phosphorus,
oxygen, nitrogen,
hydrogen, and carbon.
Wait a sec. Am I saying
that people
and stars
are made up of the same stuff?
Why, yes. Yes, I am.
The elements that form you and me
were born long ago
in the bellies of stars.
When those stars died, they exploded,
blasting their chemical contents
into space.
This ancient stardust
became the building blocks of life.
Now, and I know what you're thinking.
How can everything in the world
or the universe
be made from the same basic ingredients?
Well, you're about to find out.
Here are the six building blocks of life.
How many combinations can you
make from these bricks?
About a 100 different things.
At least a thousand.
I don't know, maybe a million.
How about you at home?
I can all but guarantee your guess
is too low. Don't feel bad!
It took a mathematician
and a supercomputer
several weeks to figure out
there are nine hundred,
fifteen million, one hundred,
three thousand,
-seven hundred and sixty five ways
to combine
six eight-studded lego bricks.
So, at least 1,000, I was kinda right.
Just like with our Lego bricks,
a handful of
basic elements can combine to form
virtually everything
from Centaurus A
to Cardi B.
Now, unless you're going
to the International Space Station,
you'll probably never get
to experience space firsthand.
But would you want to?
Your body has evolved to live on Earth,
so what would happen to your
body in the cold vacuum of space?
Your body in space!
Would you like to find out
what happens to your body in space?
So, this is actually a vacuum chamber,
which allows me to suck out all the air.
So, basically,
it simulates the conditions in space.
Who can tell me
what our bodies are
mostly comprised of?
Correct. So, we're gonna expose this water
to a vacuum,
like the vacuum in space.
And keep in mind, space is freezing cold.
-Whaddya think will happen?
-You freeze.
Wanna see what'll happen?
-[all] Yes!
-[Sahana] Awesome.
Our vacuum pump is
sucking the air out of the chamber,
creating space-like conditions
for the water.
Whaddya think's gonna happen?
Do you think the water will freeze?
[kid] Oh, wow! Okay, yeah.
Oh, my God!
-Woah! See what's happening?
-[man] It's boiling!
Instead of freezing,
the water started boiling.
What is going on here?
You may think that boiling equals hot,
but really, boiling just means
turning liquid into vapor.
On Earth, it takes high
heat to vaporize water because
our atmospheric pressure
holds all the H2O molecules
tightly together.
Now, in space,
there is no air pressure,
allowing the H2O molecules to spread out
and vaporize without having to heat up.
Y'know the expression,
"making my blood boil."
Well, in space, that would be true.
So, let's say you're floating in space,
and your space
helmet comes off.
What would you do?
I, personally, would hold my breath.
Yeah, that makes sense. So, let's
say, this water balloon
represents your lungs.
We're gonna see what happens
when you hold your breath in space.
-[man] Let's see what happens.
It's expanding.
That could be your lungs!
-Uh oh!
-[woman] Oh!
[kid] Oh, my god!
-[woman] Okay.
-[Sahana] There goes your lungs, buddy.
On Earth, atmospheric pressure
keeps water inside a water balloon
and air inside your lungs.
So, without that pressure, the oxygen
inside you would start to spread apart.
When you hold your breath, it seals off
your lungs like a tied balloon,
so the air inside has nothing to do but
expand, and eventually
Here's a little life hack.
If you ever find yourself floating
in space for some reason,
don't hold your breath. Exhale.
Okay. Last one.
So, think about your body itself.
It has a thick, outer layer, protecting
a gooey, soft middle,
kinda like these
sponge cakes.
So, how do you think these sponge cakes
would fare in our space chamber here?
-I think it's gonna melt.
-I think it's gonna pop or--
You think it's gonna pop?
Let's go for it.
-They're expanding.
-There she goes.
-Oh, my gosh.
-They are expanding.
It's leaking out too.
This represents your bodies in space.
[girl] That was so cool.
So, the lack of pressure
would make your skin stretch,
and then you'd basically become
this bloated blob.
Oh, boy!
So, anyone like a space cake?
What's even more crazy
is that we've invented technology
like the space suit
that can protect people
from the perils of space.
[astronaut] Houston,
we've got no problems.
But, unless you know someone
on the International Space Station,
you'll never fully understand
what it's like to go to space.
But turns out
I have some friends in high places.
This is Houston.
Sahana, we have your call.
Hello, International Space Station,
this is Sahana. Can you hear me?
Hello. We can hear you, and welcome
to the International Space Station.
I'm Joe Acaba, and this is
My name is Scott Tingle.
And welcome to everyone
watching the show today.
Thank you so much.
As you can see, I've got some
very excited friends with me here.
Say hi to our astronauts.
Who wants to ask the first question?
What's a day in a life like
on the space station?
The space station is in low Earth orbit,
which is about 250 miles above
the Earth's surface,
and it moves at a speed
of 17,500 miles per hour.
At any given time, we have
between 200 and 260 experiments
Some research we're doing
right now includes combustion research.
We're also looking at
how plants grow in microgravity.
Okay, so, what about other things
in microgravity,
like my friend Elon here
has a juice pouch,
we know what happens
if we squeeze a juice pouch on Earth.
But what would happen
if we did that in space?
That's a great question, and we have
a little demonstrator here for you.
Whaddya think will happen?
Will the juice stay stuck in the bag,
shoot up to the ceiling,
or pop out as a floating bubble?
[Sahana] That's pretty cool.
Gloop! Yummy.
-So, why does that happen?
-With no gravity,
the water sticks together using internal
surface tension forces,
and that's what makes it a sphere.
[Sahana] That is pretty neat.
Okay, so my friends here
were showing me earlier
how good they are
with their fidget spinners.
Think you could beat'em
in a competition?
What do you think?
Who's gonna win this contest?
Fidget showdown.
Earth vs space.
Here, we can let it go,
and it's gonna spin for quite a while.
Hmm. Sounds like you have
an unfair advantage over us.
Yes, and we like it that way.
[kids laugh]
Oh, I just learned a special guest
has a question about space.
So, what's the most awe-inspiring thing
you guys ever seen there in space
that you're allowed to disclose?
[kids laugh]
The coolest thing I've seen is,
believe it or not, the sunrise.
And we see it 16 to 18 times a day.
It starts off in total blackness,
and then you see a thin, blue ring coming
around the outer perimeter of the Earth,
and you realize how thin
our atmosphere is.
And then, a few minutes later,
everything is full day,
and you just went through a full sunrise,
and every time is just amazing.
One of the coolest things
I ever saw was looking at
the southern lights, the auroras.
It was just incredible.
[Sahana] Beautiful.
-So, we learned a lot. Right, guys?
-Yeah. We did.
And thank you so much
for doing this interview.
-And from all of us here on Earth, bye.
[kid] Thank you.
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