Brand New Cherry Flavor (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


["Another Day in Paradise"
instrumental playing]
- [toy squeaks]
- [Boro] He's like, "I've got this,
I've got that.
Look at my mouth."
I don't know what that meant.
I said, "I don't care
if you have a hundred gold teeth.
You can have freaking, a gold"
- That thing in the back of your Uvula!
- Uvula. That's the uvula.
"And I couldn't care less,"
you know what I mean?
Oh, my God. That is amazing.
You spoil me.
You do.
- Come back and visit me soon, buttercup.
- You know I will.
See you tomorrow. [chuckles]
- Go!
- [grunting]
- Hi.
- Hi.
Are you Mike Nathans?
Yeah. Can I help you?
Uh, it's about Jennifer.
You mean Jennifer, Jennifer? My wife?
What about her?
Jennifer's in here?
[Lisa] Usually, yeah.
What does she do in here?
[Lisa] Jennifer's into
some weird shit now, Mike.
Was she ever in a gang
or fuck with the wrong people?
- Anything like that?
- What? No.
Everybody loved her.
She was special.
She's still special.
[sprinklers running]
This is what she left us for?
Maybe she had a stroke
and forgot she had a family.
Or maybe she was never
who I thought she was in the first place.
all I know is, when she's talking to me,
her name is Boro,
and she's a witch or something.
And when she was with you,
she was, no offense,
a boring lady named Jennifer Nathans.
So she's Boro and she lied to you,
or she's Jennifer Nathans
and she lied to me.
Or she's someone else
and she lied to both of us.
We have to figure out
which one it is, right?
[moaning softly]
- [wheezing]
- [Lisa] Uh
[Mike grunts] What What's with this guy?
Get off me, man.
- Let go of me.
- Oh.
No, no. No!
No, stop!
No! No!
- Coming.
- [Lisa] Stop it. Stop!
- [Mike grunting]
- [Lisa] Get
[Boro sighs]
Mike, I'm so sorry about that. Oh, Mike.
Pierre's a really good boy.
He just plays rough.
Are you Jennifer Nathans?
You know me as Boro,
he knows me as Jennifer.
It's not that complicated.
Which one were you first?
Now that's pretty complicated.
Were you married to this guy?
This poor little guy?
You have kids?
What mystery
are you trying to solve, Lisa?
[Lisa] You're really gonna stand there
and act like this isn't weird?
This is fucking weird.
Why'd you leave, Jennifer?
What were you running from?
I don't run.
My nails.
Mike, let's go home.
- Okay.
- You're coming too.
[Mike] What?
She has to come, so I can explain to you
where I've been the last ten years.
You wanna know what I'm running from,
so you gotta come too.
You don't wanna know?
You can meet the kids.
They were abandoned
by their mother, just like you were.
If it's all the same to you,
I don't need to watch the end again.
Oh, right, right.
[clears throat] You've probably
seen it a million times, huh?
Well, you know, I'm an editor.
That's the job, watching things
a million times, but
that scene
I I don't know how she did it.
I just don't really want it
in my head again if I can help it.
Mr. Burke, why did you ask me here?
I drove all the way from Fresno
'cause I thought this was a job interview.
So you probably spent
a lot of time with Lisa.
Right? When you were cut
[high-pitched buzzing]
- [groans]
- Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
[coughs] I'm fine.
I heard a bunch of shit
went down on that set.
She tell you anything about it?
Yeah, she didn't really go into it.
What about her little movie star?
The lead girl?
Mary what's-her-name?
All I know is that her parents
own the house from the movie.
Um, or they used to.
I think they're dead.
But, yeah, the two of them, Lisa and Mary,
they were crashing there the whole time,
and that's where whatever
went down, went down.
You know, I would even take
assistant editor and work my way up.
[Lou] So where is the house?
[soft jazz playing on stereo]
[Mike] You can't just come back like this.
[Boro grunts]
What are we gonna tell the kids?
We have to tell them something, Jennifer.
It's been ten years.
They're teenagers now.
And they're gonna be home soon.
I don't think the story
we tell them is that important.
Are you kidding?
Why don't you go get washed up for dinner?
What are you doing?
[pots, utensils clattering]
[Boro] You should've thought of that
before you dragged
Schmucky Joe back into this.
[eerie music playing]
Yeah, it's done.
[front door opens]
[teenagers chattering]
Don't do anything fucked up.
[water boiling]
[timer dings]
Garlic bread's done.
[girl] Are you still talking? Dad!
[ominous music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[knocking on door]
[woman] Who the fuck are you?
And what the fuck are you doing here?
[woman] Answer me!
Hold on, hold on.
You've got me at kind of
a disadvantage here.
- What the fuck do you want?
- I, uh
It's a little difficult to explain,
given the circumstances, but
Do you know a girl named Lisa Nova?
Do you know where she is?
Yeah, Lisa's in L.A. and
if you move the sharp thing
away from my neck,
I'll tell you everything I know about her.
Lisa's in L.A.?
Look, my name's Lou Burke.
I'm a movie producer.
And if you are who I think you are,
I just have to say
you have great fucking screen presence.
Oh, God! I'm not bullshitting you!
I'm not! I don't say that a lot!
You're You're just raw talent.
You're the real deal.
You're a fucking killer.
I'm a fan.
All right? I'm a fan. And
I've been dying to meet you.
[dramatic music playing]
[music playing softly on stereo]
I told everybody at school
that Mom got murdered.
Now they're just gonna think I was lying.
That's all right, just tell them you were
repeating something you'd overheard.
They'll understand.
No, I told them I saw it happen,
you know, when I was little.
[Mike] Jesus, Tim. Why would you say that?
He was showing off, like always.
Will someone please tell me
who the fuck this person is?
[Mike] Tim.
[Boro] I know you're mad at me,
but watch your fucking mouth.
Santa's watching you now.
[girl] There's this girl, Jade,
in homeroom,
and her parents are getting divorced.
- Everyone's talking about it.
- Where have you been?
What are you doing in our house?
Why did you come back?
[girl] Everyone's saying Jade's dad
had an affair on her mom,
but our situation is like,
wow, compared to them.
She's just tired.
What are you talking about?
Teenagers need a lot of sleep.
[Lisa] What the fuck did you do?
I put something in their food.
Wait, what?
[Boro] Yes, Tim.
Poison, oh no!
- Relax. I just used a little bit.
- Jennifer, what the fuck?
I'm not Jennifer!
[Boro chuckles]
Although, I always liked her name,
Jennifer Nathans. So American.
Who are you?
I'm Boro.
I've always been Boro.
Oh, you're still confused.
You think you know this body, right?
You lived in here.
But now I live in here.
I'm just borrowing your mother.
You're a fucking beast.
Before Jennifer, I jumped into Misha.
That was strenuous.
He worked with his hands.
But then he got old,
so I had to change bodies.
That shit takes a whole lot of energy,
so I can only do it every few decades.
Let me just make sure Tess can breathe.
This time, I just wanted somebody
simple and open
nice, simple and dull.
Aww. I know you're sad.
I can't believe how selfish you are.
- How fucking selfish I am?
- [Boro] Yeah.
These kids were doing just fine
without a mother.
And now?
Now they have to suffer because of you.
What is that?
You made a mess, Lisa.
Now we have to do
a little procedure to clean things up.
Just a little memory extraction,
so this poor family
won't remember you or me,
or any of this monkey business.
- I need your help.
- Absolutely not.
Come on, hold their heads up
so I don't accidentally fucking kill them.
I can't do this by myself.
Brain surgery is very difficult.
Just hold his head back.
[squishing, crunching]
Of course.
Wait, what?
No matter how you try to spin this,
it's your fault.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- My fault?
- Uh-huh.
I didn't ask for this.
I didn't want any of this.
And you know what? I'm done.
With you, with this whole thing.
I'm out. This is the last time
you're going to see me.
I don't think so.
It doesn't matter
what you think. I'm done.
Stop being a baby.
Before you go
[coughs, groans]
[door slams]
Ugh. This thing itches.
You can look at it.
It's not a big deal.
But, seriously, man,
I don't know how I can help you.
I don't have anything
you can actually use against her.
Well, just humor me.
You know, just tell me what happened.
How do you know that something happened?
I heard from someone who knows Lisa.
So she's just going around
talking about me? Is that right?
- Well, I don't know exactly how badly
- Oh, my God. That's so Lisa, you know?
She just takes, takes, takes,
but she doesn't owe anybody
a goddamn thing.
Do you know I paid for the whole film?
Like, all of it.
Thought it would be
a good investment in my career
as a fucking one-eyed actress.
So she fucked you over, huh?
I mean, for what it's worth
you're great in it.
And whatever she said she saw was real.
I don't wanna be tactless
but can I ask
what happened to your eye?
[clears throat] I
I don't know.
You don't know?
Okay. So, um
for the first three days of shooting,
she was pushing me
and pushing me and pushing me, you know?
Like, really pushing me
and pretty soon, I didn't know
who was Mary and who was Lucy, and
I don't know, man, I would lose my shit.
And on the last day of shooting
it was just me and Lisa,
it was just the last scene,
and I looked at her
I saw something.
I saw
this thing.
Inside of her.
- Inside her?
- Mm-hm.
And that's all I remember.
They found me on the side
of the road, like, a mile away,
with blood all over myself,
skin and stuff under my fingernails.
So I guess I just clawed
my own eye out, I don't know.
I don't even know what I did with it.
You haven't seen it, have you?
You should see it.
You paid for it.
Mm. No thanks.
You really should
I don't want to see
her stupid fucking film!
[clears throat]
I'm having my house gassed
for bugs right now.
I'm staying at the Bel-Air Hotel
but if you change your mind
come find me.
[door opens, then closes]
[scratching on wood]
[mysterious music playing]
[scratching continues]
[phone ringing]
[voice whispering in Portuguese]
[speaking Portuguese]
[trapdoor bangs]
[phone ringing]
Leave me alone. I told you I was done.
[water running]
[phone ringing]
- [water stops]
- [ringing continues]
Go fuck yourself!
[Code] I often do so
without your encouragement.
- Okay?
- Hey, Code.
Do you have a bunch of stuff
in your mouth?
Yes, I do.
Okay. Well, after you deal with that,
how about you meet us down
at the hospital to see Jules?
They put new bandages on him again.
Seems like he's doing better.
- Mm
- See you in an hour, hour and a half.
[engine cranking]
[engine turns over]
[Lisa] Jonathan?
[dramatic music playing]
[Jonathan moaning softly]
[Lisa] What are you doing?
Go home!
Go. [clicks tongue]
Come on.
What is wrong with this hospital?
Your son is an adult.
And that means if he wanted to leave
against medical advice,
there's nothing stopping him.
It's his decision.
[Veronica] That is unacceptable.
I want you to check again.
He's still in a medically induced coma.
[Jules screaming]
- [Christine] It's amazing he's even alive.
- [screaming]
Considering how badly he was burned.
What are you waiting for?
Pick a color.
Not that color.
[eerie music playing]
Jonathan Wilbur Burke,
you had us worried sick!
Oh, Jonathan.
Time to come sleep this off.
You've had your fun. Come on.
Jonathan, why aren't you eating?
Say something.
Jonathan, where did you get that jacket?
Okay. You need to eat the burger.
Don't you wanna eat the burger?
Little pickles?
- [door opens]
- [dog barking]
[Lou] Look who's back! Hey!
- [Veronica] Oh, God, Lou.
- Hey, bud.
- I don't think that this is just pot.
- Hey
Look, he isn't even blinking.
[dog whining, barking]
Hey, kid. Hey.
Hey, Veronica,
will you shut up the fucking dog?
- Hey, buddy, where have you been?
- Fine, I'll feed him.
We've been worried about you.
Bud. Come on.
Come on.
- Jonathan, buddy.
- [can opens]
[ominous music playing]
[Veronica] Jonathan!
That girl you've been
running around with, she was there.
She probably gave him drugs.
Lisa Nova?
Lisa Nova?
Lisa Nova.
- [moans]
- What's going on?
I will find out.
[machine beeping]
[Christine] He looks like a rainbow mummy.
Or a gummy worm?
He's gonna love his new look.
Yeah, I bet he will after
his 18th or 19th skin graft.
What'd you do to Jonathan, Lisa?
What'd you do to my son?
I didn't do anything to your son.
He's eating dog food.
His personality seems to have been
He's nearly catatonic. But you know what?
He perks up when he hears your name.
It all comes back to you.
[ominous music playing]
Whatever happened to your son
I didn't want it to.
Do you know what happened to him?
No, not precisely.
Then tell me imprecisely.
I don't know, I
But I think he might be dead.
How do I get him back to normal?
How do I fix him?
- Hey!
- Hey! I got mace!
Yeah. Burn your eyes
right out of their sockets.
You've crossed the line.
- [Christine] Who the fuck was that?
- [Lisa] That was Lou.
That was Lou Burke?
Why is Lou Burke's son eating dog food?
Lis, you need to make her stop.
I'm working on it.
[upbeat music playing over speakers]
Well, boys. [clears throat]
Sad to say it's come down to this.
[clears throat]
I think you both know I'm a
measured, reasonable guy.
But Lisa Nova is out of control.
[sneezes, then groans] Yeah. Sorry.
She needs to be just
- Ankled.
- Ankled?
[Ralph sneezes]
Do you have, like,
a preferred method, or?
Look, best way to get good work out of
an artist is to stay out of their way,
so I respect your expertise.
We'll surprise you.
Yeah, just
as long as she's gone.
Yup, got it. Not around. Doesn't exist.
Yes. [clears throat]
["Prophecy" playing]
[Tim gasps]
Where am I? [sniffs]
Who are you?
Who are you?
Your son is gone again.
But, oh, look, you've got a visitor.
Your mail is on the coffee table.
And I'm going home.
You're staying here.
I wanna see my movie.
[dramatic music playing]
[scratching on wood]
[ominous music playing]
[Lisa grunts]
[eerie voices whispering]
- [shrieking]
- [gasps]
["Le Premier Bonheur Du Jour" playing]
- [bone cracks]
- [screams]
[ominous music playing]
[eerie shrieking]
[Mary] What the fuck?
I fucking ate it?
[lights buzzing]
[voices whispering in Portuguese]
[woman speaking Portuguese]
- [bones crunching]
- [groaning]
[lights buzzing]
Take me to Boro.
[mysterious music playing]
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