City Hunter (2010) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

-= The events depicted in this drama are fictitious.
Any similarity to any person, institutions or events is merely coincidental.
=- To the happiness of our family.
What's going on? Why did the electricity go out? Candidate Seo, please don't move and hide under the table.
Everyone do not panic, please hide under the table.
- Please hide under the table.
- Honey.
Honey! Honey! Don't turn on the lights! Stay on the ground! Go there.
Block all exits and check all the elevators going to first floor.
Standby on the first floor.
Yun Seong.
=This is Squad 2, awaiting orders.
= Yun Seong, hurry, hurry! We discovered a car, over.
=There is a situation in the front, situation in the front.
= Hey, what do you think you're doing? Where were you looking? Suddenly popping out of nowhere! Are you crazy? Where were you looking? Suddenly popping out of nowhere! Are you crazy? What about me? The one who suddenly popped out was you! What are you guys doing? Quickly move your cars! What do you mean move? We have to check the CCTV and fix this situation first.
Go look into it, quick.
I just have one question.
Are you the one who turned off the lights? Yes, it was me.
We agreed that whoever finds the 2nd target first gets to deal with him! In order to achieve one's objectives, one must adapt.
I learned that from you, Father.
Captain, meeting like this it's a bit strange.
The opportunity to kill the enemy you just screwed it up.
Even if you killed Seo Yong Hak, then what? Does everything end with revenge? If we killed Seo Yong Hak now, people will just think he was murdered because of the upcoming elections and his true colors will remain hidden.
He would just become a martyr for democracy once the reports are released from the media.
Is that what you want? From now on, security will be heightened.
Revenge will be more difficult.
So, you want to give up? If I wanted to give up now, I wouldn't have started it in the first place.
Father, please help me.
Security Officer Kim, what are you doing? Candidate Seo and his family have boarded an ambulance.
Really? Let's go.
Thinking about it makes me tremble with fear.
If the power hadn't shut off, someone might have been shot.
At that time, I should have been shot.
What? Not shot to death, only injured enough to be exempt from military service.
I'd be exempted that way and wouldn't have to stay in the hospital like this.
That would be so great! Just a little.
Dong Hoon, you have to go.
I was a war hero and started out as the Minister of Defense.
Of all my sons, how could not one join the armed forces? Both hyeongs didn't go.
Why must I be the only one that has to go? (Hyeong - Older Brother) Dad, I'm really hurt.
I injured myself playing sports.
Though I had surgery on it, it still hurts when I walk.
What? Honey, aren't you busy? Go back.
Also, I don't care whoever that person is, but you must track him down quickly.
Unexpected gunshots.
Ah, it was really scary! I understand, I'll catch him by all means.
You must take good care of yourself, okay? Dong Hoon, don't get any funny ideas! Mom, didn't you say you would convince Dad? You should look at the atmosphere before you say anything.
Is this the time to talk about military service exemption? You really have poor judgement.
Security Officer Kim Na Na.
Thanks to you, we are all safe.
At that time, if you hadn't used your cell phone light, my family and I wouldn't have known where to hide.
It was nothing.
That was an emergency situation.
It was the security guard's responsibility.
You did a good job.
You handled the situation very well.
I'm just doing my job.
Please take good care of us too in the future.
Being the protector of democracy is a difficult task.
Today, with the North-South division, egoism must be dispelled for the country to improve.
There are always elements that can only ever be satisfied by direct action.
Today, because of this bullet, I now deeply understand that being President is not easy.
But you seem relaxed.
It looks good.
Of course, I've come a long way over these past four decades hearing gunshots.
The press is ready.
Is that so? Then let's go.
Candidate, Wouldn't it be better to inform the people about the suffering you've endured? You should go to the hospital before accepting interviews.
This would be the best step for your public image.
All right, all right, this way will be better.
I'll help you.
Like you said, we have the same goal when it comes to revenge.
Captain, you too are wise.
This is the so-called two heads are better than one strategy.
For this, let's drink a cup of red ginseng, okay? The TV advertisement sales were closed within 5 minutes, and I was able to grab it.
Seo Yong Hak is the Minister of National Defense.
He was recognized for increasing the supply of military weaponry.
He is a candidate who has great influence on the country and the people.
He's not a simple man like Lee Kyeong Wan.
The more powerful the enemy, the sweeter the victory.
There is a way Boots.
Boots? Because of poor quality boots, army soldiers were not satisfied.
Does changing the supplier solve the problem? That is after Seo Yong Hak resigned, he was appointed the representative of the company.
It will be very difficult to change since they are dealing with the Defense Ministry.
Looks like we'll just have to leave that alone.
Also, there's another problem.
Seo Yong Hak's sons All three were exempted from military service.
All three? They could have had a disability or had an illness.
Are you really going to let him handle the problem? What if Yun Seong catches Seo Yong Hak? When the time comes, I will handle the problem my way.
Yesterday Candidate Seo, was involved in a shooting incident.
Everyone must have heard.
That's why the candidates must be guarded.
We don't know when the next shot will be fired.
Block the bullets using your body as a shield.
Yesterday's event was an example.
Those who saved candidate Seo Yong Hak, Security guards Kim Na Na, Shin Eun Ah, you both did well.
As expected, with the help of the police department, prepare to strengthen security for prospective candidates of each party.
Do not let your guard down before the end of the elections.
Lee Kyeong Wan has he gone insane? Yes.
According to the attending physician, it's due to a heavy emotional blow.
Not only was he mailed to the Prosecutor's Office, his political career was destroyed.
Right, what about that delivery truck driver? We've called someone in to try to identify him.
Another thing.
What is this? It's a complaint letter about Seo Yong Hak.
It's getting common.
Is it a complaint? It gives detailed accounts on matters of corruption.
It doesn't look like it has been fabricated.
Investigate it discretely.
Make sure you find out whether these allegations are true.
Actually, it's suspicious It is highly possible that this complaint has something to do with the shooting.
Is this what you mean? You you're becoming a little lazy.
Deliberately blocking the security footage! Fingerprints? Nothing was found, even on the railings and door knobs.
The elevator had too many fingerprints, it's impossible to differentiate.
Wait a minute, rewind the screen.
Yes, it's there.
Take a look at here.
It's clear that he isn't wearing any gloves.
Identify all the fingerprints that appears on the elevator's 41st floor button.
How's it coming along? It seems we have something.
Did a lot come? He asked me to retrieve the mail, so I went.
Investigator Jang Pil Jae, exactly how many credit cards do you have? They're all your bills.
For you! This is for you, prosecutor.
What is it? Birthday party? It's an invitation to a birthday party, right? The gifts have become bigger these days.
Looks like you will have to spend a fair bit of money.
I heard about yesterday's heroics.
There's even a wound on your face, seems it was pretty intense.
I just did what a bodyguard should do.
Aren't you a woman? Aren't you afraid of scarring? That's true, it is easier to be a bodyguard with a vicious face.
To face those who joke about me, of course I must have a fierce appearance.
No matter what, how my face looks shouldn't be your concern, Lee Yun Seong.
Miss Kim Na Na.
Recently, the court's letters are coming very frequently.
-=Enforcement Of Order=- Yes, aunt.
I received an eviction notice.
Is there really no solution? If you don't vacate the room, they will prosecute.
And in the end, they will evict you.
What should I do? Na Na.
It'll be a little hard on you, but why don't you move into our house? The house is a little small.
It has 2 rooms to squeeze in 5 people.
There's no need auntie.
I can't impose any more favors on you.
Can you help me find a room with a cheap monthly rent? I understand, thanks.
Ajussi, it's me.
(Ajussi - Older man, uncle) If you're so worried about her, why don't you buy her house at the auction? I still need to do business.
Please go.
Do you really not intend to re-sell it? I will pay extra.
I already said that I'm not selling.
Why do you keep nagging people doing business? Leave now.
Hello, Minister.
Did you buy out Rainbow Apartments No.
305? Yes, what's wrong? Sell it to me.
I'll give you more money.
What is going on today? There's so many people trying to buy the apartment from me.
That apartment is not for sale.
You can go, go.
It's not even a particularly good apartment, not worth fighting over.
I'll give you more money.
Sell it.
Why do you want to buy this apartment, and at a higher price as well? There must be something in it for you if you're doing this.
Brat! Back then, my gambling debts almost cost me my hand.
In order to save me, my father had to sell this house.
Now that I have money, my father says he must die in that house.
Aren't you going give filial devotion to parents as a child? Isn't it right? Wait Your shop's not bad! Even if this were a casino No, level it and make a motel.
You! What nonsense are you saying? Mister.
If I spread some rumors, in a short time, this shop will just go bankrupt.
There is no need to consider.
I'll pay you.
One thousand, another thousand.
Hey you! This fellow Do you know how much money I spent on taxes when I bought that house? I understand.
I understand.
The one thousand before, add another thousand.
An additional of two thousand Won.
That building According to rumors, there will be a redevelopment? This person! I'll give you another thousand, and another thousand.
Together with two thousand and another two thousand.
Boss! This building, according to the rumors After the development, it will have a larger acreage.
You are unbelievable! How much more do you want? You scared me! How much? How much do you actually want? Let's draw a bottom line! Don't get angry.
You don't want this, right? You don't want it? Forget it, then! No, wait a moment, wait a moment.
Okay, then it's enough, right? Miss Kim Na Na.
Have you been well recently? Whenever I encounter any difficulties, I always remember this sentence.
Don't be afraid of the shadows.
Because not far from you, there is light.
Hyun Jun is having a birthday party? He already has three children.
He didn't know we were already like this.
He told us to go together.
They got married because of us.
We became like this in the end, but they gave birth to three children.
Na Na is coming.
See her before you go, okay? I invited her over to get some data samples.
She's coming here? I'm really sorry Na Na.
I really can't thank you enough for what you've done.
Thank you for coming back.
Mi Jin, Do Jin, be good, okay? Here, this is for you.
What is this? Do Jin wanted to give Eonni and Oppa a gift, (Eonni - older sister) (Oppa - older brother, boyfriend) so he gave you the most precious thing he has.
Thank you! See you again.
Got to go! Goodbye.
Why did he give me this? Just accept his kindness.
He even said he gave you his most precious thing.
Wait a moment.
A gift from a child.
Having said something about sincerity Bring your face closer.
Didn't I tell you before to put on a band-aid that wouldn't leave a scar? Kim Na Na, even if your face is a weapon, can't you appreciate it a little more? Are you trying to show off the fact that you work very hard at your job or what? I hate women like you the most.
As a woman, you don't cherish yourself one bit.
Nor do you know how to dress up.
And you live so casually.
Look here Mr.
Lee Yun Seong.
What? Whether I take care of myself or dress up, I feel that there's no reason to have to listen to you talk about this.
Is there? Yes, I'm not like you, who has so many good qualities.
I don't even have time to buy band-aids.
When I think about the problems I have, my head Just forget it.
Really Na Na, the postcard you were waiting for has arrived.
Thank you very much.
It's Long Legs ajussi.
Hey Hey, Kim Na Na, where are you going? You didn't even say anything Didn't I tell you to just go? I am going.
Where exactly are you going? Why are following me? I'm just following the GPS.
- Eonni.
- You came.
You two know each other? Oh! Why did you follow me? I didn't follow you.
I came because I also have something I needed to do here.
Eonni, you know this person too? Right, I accepted his help last time.
I'm really grateful to you for that time.
If not for Mr.
Lee Yun Seong, something bad could have happened.
Don't mention it.
Doctor, I would like to raise a puppy, I need some recommendations.
All right.
Oh right, Eonni.
Have a look at this.
Today, Long Legs ajussi sent a postcard.
Really? Long Legs ajussi? Isn't the handwriting beautiful? I especially like the sentence at the end.
Don't be afraid of the shadows.
Because not far from you, there is light.
How is it? How can it be that he seems to understand my situation? Where did you get this from? These pick-up lines are used by men when they want to seduce a woman.
Even if they use it, it still might not work.
Look here Mr.
Lee Yun Seong.
Don't mind me, just continue.
Se Hui, I need to leave.
Prosecutor Kim Yeong Ju.
You two know each other? We became friends 10 years ago.
Oh, that's right.
But, Miss Na Na, your face.
I was wounded in Seoul while I was performing my bodyguard duties.
It's all right.
She just happens to be reading the postcard that Long Legs ajussi sent.
Eonni! Don't be afraid of shadows.
Because not far from you, there is light what? That's one serious fellow you got there, right? I have to go.
Look at my memory.
I still owe Mr.
Lee Yun Seong a favor, right? Wait around.
I'll treat you to a cup of coffee.
You want a cup of coffee too, right? All right.
Me, too! Miss Kim Na Na.
That postcard just now, let me have a look as well.
I don't want to.
Long Legs ajussi gave it to me, why should I give it to you? Ah, really Forget it.
I don't have nice looking cups.
Is that okay? How about paper cups? Okay.
= Ex-Minister of Education, Kim Gon Geh, serving as director of the Consortium's famous school, = =has set up a historic scholarship system.
= =This system allows a majority of students to get a scholarship.
= =This can help students with tuition problems.
= Can we watch something else? What's wrong? I really don't like that Kim Jong Shik person.
Thank you, Eonni.
This will feed Blackie for a while.
Thank you for taking care of an abandoned dog.
Kim Na Na, I'll take you there.
Ride with me.
There's no need.
I can walk back.
It will be really heavy if you hold that.
Get in my car.
I'll drive you.
The prosecutor's office seems to be getting a lot of calls.
Shouldn't you be heading back? I've already given out instructions for the investigation.
There's a bit of time left.
Don't bother this busy man.
Just get in my car, ok? I have a lot of time.
Let's go, Miss Na Na.
Sorry to trouble you Mr.
I'll get in your car.
I'll take that, okay? That guy, a man carrying dog food.
You're friends with Na Na, right? We work in different departments.
But she's my self-defense instructor in the Blue House.
No wonder you guys are fighting.
Don't tell that to Na Na, or she's going to step up the training again.
Did you say you wanted to raise a puppy? I'll give you some recommendations.
There's no need.
I'll contact you next time.
I said there's no need to buy it.
Give me a pack of those band-aids that won't leave a scar.
Really, it's all right.
It's only a scratch from a piece of glass.
Glass can leave deep scar.
Let me have a look.
They said this bandage will not leave scars behind.
Put it on carefully, okay? Thank you.
Oh, by the way Prosecutor about a decade ago, there was a traffic accident.
The case can still be re-investigated, right? I'm afraid it cannot be.
That case has been closed.
The prosecutors and the police will not do another investigation.
However, there can be a re-trial.
But, that can only happen if the family members appealed to the court.
Ten years of continuous search, and ten years of petitioning the results.
Do you know something that needs to be re-investigated? Yes.
There's something I have to find out the truth about.
At the time I was too young.
I couldn't contribute to our home.
Although I don't know what truly happened.
I'll go and see if there's any way to reopen the investigation.
Thank you for saying that.
-=Kim Na Na.
=- -=Minister of Education Kim Jong Shik.
=- -=The Mars Inc.
held an appointing ceremony for Kim Gong Geh.
=- If it wasn't for you, then our family would not have ended up like this.
Mother, father.
So far I'm doing well.
I will continue to do well in the future.
Now, very soon, we'll return to full strength.
Of course.
Are you asleep? Really asleep? Ah, this guy! Sure enough, you look more appropriate wearing a Pororo bandage.
Miss Kim Na Na.
Reply to my message, okay? Coming, coming, coming Still not replying? Are you planning not to have any reaction? Just forget it.
Okay, okay.
He's already home.
What? Okay, I understand.
Turn on the TV, the TV.
Have you heard anything related to Seo Yong Hak? Recently Seo Yong Hak once again opposed the introduction of top notch weapons from Mars Inc.
due to problems with defects.
But The first time the military acquired weapons from Mars company was during Seo Yong Hak's term as National Defense Minister.
=Really?= At the time, the problem with the defects were suddenly forgotten.
It is a bit strange.
The director of Mars company is Hodson.
I've verified on his travel itinerary that he will be coming to South Korea in 3 days.
When he meets with Seo Yong Hak, I will use the opportunity to find out the real reason.
Due to all of the security personnel at this stage, it might be hard to get close.
=You found out a lot.
= =Dinner?= I've already eaten.
How about you dad? =It's possible that because of the rain, I'm feeling the arthritis in my legs.
= =Anything good to eat?= Do you want me to come over? If not, just let Ajussi come over.
=No need.
= =There's no need to come out that far just to prepare a meal.
= =Please rest.
= Aigoo, our captain is aging already.
(Aigoo - Oh Dear, Oh My God) In the past, he never complained of any pain.
Who is the culprit? Do you have any idea? Could it be that I heard there have been questions about your company's problem with defective boots.
Boots? Why would you plan to kill someone just to cover that up? The United States is siding with the Mars Company.
What's wrong with Mars? It's not you.
When the two aircraft crashed in Russia, the suppliers were changed.
How did you hear about it? Are these indeed just the only thing? This person really! If there was hatred because I rejected them, they wouldn't hesitate to shoot me.
Then the world will be free from chaos.
It's not like they are inexperienced businessmen.
Such things don't happen.
Who exactly do you think he is? I'm saying That time, when Lee Kyeong Wan was sent to the prosecutor's office, military dog tags were hung on his neck.
Do you still remember? Wasn't it said that the tags belonged to those missing soldiers? I got the information from the Department of Defense.
Looks like those belonged to the members of the special forces whose whereabouts are unknown.
They disappeared in October of 1983.
October 1983? Yes, that's right.
We were against that plan.
Against the plan? At that time, it was 1983 right? Aung San.
October 9, 1983, right? I had completely forgotten about it.
How can all 21 men be dead from that time? If if this matter is related to that year, we had used whatever means to stop that plan.
Those 21 people we sent we already buried them with our own hands.
If this incident is made public, you and I we're both finished.
On the day of Lee Kyeong Wan's publishing anniversary, you said he threatened two kids.
That fellow called the City Hunter was around the children.
He came out right away to the place where the kids was taken.
You must investigate those kids.
I feel that there is a connection between him and those kids.
And add more guards to my security force.
If possible, find 20 reliable people.
Yes, President.
Do you think you can still live a peaceful life? I have come to take it.
Is it Jin Pyo? That's what I want to ask.
Twenty-eight years ago he took my newborn child and disappeared.
That was the last time I saw him.
Jin Pyo.
At what stage will you finally be able to let go? Aigoo, you scared me.
Dad, did you see a UFO? Why are you always lost in thought when staring at the sky? It's nothing.
Dad's heart was excited, makes me want to look this sunny days.
I really admire you Dad, even if you're strict.
Of course, this time you must come to see your little daughter.
That I am brilliant.
This girl This girl there must be a reason you came to see me, right? Father.
Sometimes people are really strange.
Recently, I wanted to study.
I actually had such thoughts.
It's really amazing.
But It might be because I really didn't bother to learn anything before.
My foundation is really weak.
All I do is worry.
I can't keep it up.
So the international communications team's Dr.
Lee Yun Seong.
Please, please! Have him be my tutor, okay? Your Dad doesn't like people who can't separate work from personal matters.
Who says I'm begging the president? It's because I'm a repeat student.
That's why I'm begging you, Dad.
This girl I really want to learn for the first time, like a true student.
Dad! This girl.
Dad! Again with more power.
Flip me.
Again with power, more force.
Drawn your strength firmly.
This is Judo.
Do you understand? Do your job properly.
To be learning from me is an honor.
Have you seen the news? Seo Yong Hak's terrorist attack.
If it wasn't for me at that time, then something big would have happened.
That's funny.
Wasn't Kim Na Na there as well at that time? Are you talking back to your instructor now? No.
It's not that.
Almost looks cute, even more cute.
This woman, where are you touching me?! Go Gi Jun.
It doesn't matter what gender you are.
Since she is the instructor, you should respect her.
What do you mean this woman? It's not like that.
This woman No.
Instructor Shin Eun Ah touched my face.
Go Gi Jun.
Do not waste time.
Train quickly, understand? No, wait Section Chief! You must believe me.
Section Chief, I Wait a moment, Section Chief.
This woman! First you grab hold like this.
Use your left arm to pull and then use your legs like this.
Trip the person like this.
Ah, really When someone is teaching, you must listen and learn from it the right way.
I'm not a guard member, why do I have to learn these? Is that so? Do you think you are working in an ordinary organization? Don't you know how valuable you are in this organization? That's why I said you should just protect me.
Just protect me! Ah, really! So unpredictable! Someone is investigating through the night just to catch the sniper.
Don't you feel embarrassed? Kim Na Na.
So now because of that person, you have to put a patch over the scar on your face? And you still said you didn't care about your face.
You better learn this, hurry up.
What? To that person, you want to be more like a woman, right? Yes.
A good person like Prosecutor Kim.
It would be great if he were to see me as a woman.
Recently, I am dying because of my headache.
Is being an instructor that great? What has happened to that? What is that? What photo is this? Why won't it stop? Go Gi Jun, stop it quickly! Because of these attacks, the system overloaded.
The communication system has been frozen! Is this because of a hacker? Go Gi Jun, you are responsible for keeping the system safe, aren't you? Replacing the server administrator's account.
The information is void.
In addition to the recovery server, there is no other way to access it.
The recovery server? Exactly who dared to hack Cheong Wa Dae's computers? Hey, let me try it.
Let me try recovering our hacked server.
It's a relief we have an MIT graduate over here! Will such an approach work? That's it, that's it! Not anyone can keep up with this.
Analyzing data packets.
I'm in the process of decrypting enciphered passwords.
Oh! Done! Successful recovery! Good job! Track the hackers' IP.
Who did this? Hurry up and email it to the police department.
Do you all treat the Blue House as your amusement park? You intentionally did not do it, right? What? Just now with that hacker.
With Gi Jun sunbae's capabilities, you can't just say "I can't do it.
" (Sunbae - senior, mentor) What's the reason? Why didn't you do it? Didn't do what? What are you saying? Who is it? This is Mi Jin's home, right? Is Mi Jin home right now? Mi Jin? Ah, that's the child that stayed here before.
Do you know where she moved to? Or any ways to contact her? I know the place.
But what's the matter? Who are you? Yes, I was her former school teacher.
Ah, is that so? That tuition center should have the contact details.
You can go there and find out.
Team leader, I've updated the security code and completed the test.
And it's already six o'clock.
I want to get off work.
How can you just get off like that today? Everybody, how about a gathering today? - That's good! - That's good! Today? Why, you can't? It is not working overtime.
Let's dine together.
With your blessing, let's eat some meat.
Chief, let's go to the sushi place.
Do you know how expensive sushi restaurants are? What do you think about Han ton's Five flower meat, 3 miles ahead, Dr.
Lee? Five flower meat? Good idea.
I'm sorry.
I'm just the kind of guy who really hates the smell on clothes.
I'm leaving first.
The menu can be changed.
Anything you would like to eat? Then, let's eat sushi.
Ok! Then sushi it is! Cutting live fish on the spot.
Then after that, let's go to a karaoke room.
~ As long as you call me, I'll just run to you.
~ ~ Unconditionally run to you.
~ Woah! Dr.
Lee! Our Dr.
Let us listen to Dr.
Lee's singing voice, okay? Wait for Dr.
Lee's song.
-=Private letter.
=- My song, this is my song.
Go Gi Jun, this is Dr.
Lee's song! ~ Leave home, get on the train.
~ ~ To train by that day.
~ ~ A corner of the heart.
~ ~ Leave a trace of regret.
~ Really! Someone take him back home! I'll take him back.
After taking him home, come back immediately.
I already called for the replacement driver.
Bullet head's driving.
Bullet head's driving? Ah, geez! What's anti-hacking? You, don't be such a know-it-all.
A fellow who didn't even serve the army.
Ah! You were sober already! Yes, that's right! I deliberately did not stop the hacking! What do you want to do? A normal guy who was once a Taekwondo athlete, returned just because he recovered after his legs got crippled.
Why should I buy a pair of poor quality boots? Why let them wear boots with nails? My dongsaeng got tetanus from a nail.
(Dongsaeng - younger brother or sister) One leg gone just like that? Yes.
=Did you call for a replacement driver?= We're in front of the karaoke bar.
Hey, Kim Na Na.
What are you doing there? Why are you here? You're the replacement driver? Security Guard Kim Na Na.
What are you doing here? That, that is You and Lee Yun Seong are in a relationship? No, it's not.
The two of you are in a relationship, right? You're dating, right? Hurry and say something! Should I tell the truth then? How come the replacement driver hasn't come yet? What is it? Not answering my call? That's really Do you plan to advertise that you're a replacement driver? Sit in the back.
Where are we going? Mr.
Go Gi Jun! I already said just drive straight! So how long do we keep driving straight? Lee Yun Seong, please drive carefully! What did I do? I'm actually a very fierce driver.
The smell of alcohol! The washroom.
No one is going to open it? I'm going insane.
I originally wanted to throw it away, but I haven't had time yet.
This isn't my brother style, drinking a lot of soju.
Usually, he won't touch things that are bad for the body.
Something must have made him want to drown himself in alcohol.
Gi Jun, you poor guy.
Couldn't kick the leg again.
We'll leave first then.
Sorry for disturbing you at this hour.
Let's go.
Thank you for bringing my brother home.
Please take care.
Why must Go Gi Jun be the caller for the driver? Anyway, thank you.
Thanks to you, I won't get dismissed.
Why should I buy a pair of poor quality boots? Why let them wear boots with nails? My dongsaeng got tetanus from a nail.
One leg gone just like that? Lee Yun Seong.
I said, Lee Yun Seong.
Are you listening to me? Lee Yun Seong, what are you doing? Yes, I'm at Kim Na Na's house now.
She was at Lee Kyeong Wan's publication anniversary.
She seems very close to the chosen flower children.
So tiring! Are you always walking to work everyday? Of course.
But as an exercise, it is good! You go to work everyday in a car.
You'll become lazy, fat, soft and weak.
Your body will be out of shape.
Hey, a car is made for us to sit.
Tell me the truth.
You wanted to be with me, so you purposely didn't wake me up, right? Don't pretend.
I'm really speechless.
I've been asking you to get up.
I thought my shoulder was going to break.
That's really Say no more.
I have done the driving for you.
I even took you back here.
You should be grateful to me.
You should just be grateful.
So, give me more of the kimchi you gave me last time.
Did you put the kimchi at my place for me to keep? Who told you to make it that delicious? Just give me some, quickly.
It's not me who made it.
My aunt made it.
There's only two left.
But you still have some left over! Why did you follow me here? This is a single woman's house.
You can't come in, wait here.
I'll go get it for you.
Looks like you see me as a man.
But I absolutely don't see you as a woman.
Move aside.
I already said you can't.
Why can't I? Move aside.
Just wait here! Didn't I lock the door before I went out? Kim Na Na, how long will it take? Where did he go? Why did you just come in? The kimchi juice is about to spill out.
Where? Really! Why did you come into my room? Just wanted to look around.
It's done, you can leave now.
That lock is really bad.
The door can't even be locked.
Really? A few days ago it was working fine.
I'll just repair it during the holidays.
Hey! You scared me! Why are you yelling? As a single woman, aren't you afraid? What are you going to do if thieves come in? I'm a 4th degree in Judo.
I have a dog in my house.
Where is the toolbox? Make sure to lock the door.
If it gets stuffy, don't just open the windows and sleep.
All you did was repair the lock.
Nothing to be so proud of.
This kimchi really is the last time.
I'm only helping you to repair for the sake of kimchi.
It's up to you to be careful on the road.
Look at these, look.
How does he know Na Na? Oh, Shik Jong ajussi.
I'm afraid I can't go home today.
Well, something came up.
Kim Na Na This is the first time I've heard the name.
Blue House guards.
Collect information about Kim Jong Shik.
Continue to investigate.
Even if it is a little suspicious, you must report it.
Actually, I've found one person that might be the City Hunter.
Who is it? I'll tell you once it's confirmed.
Deposit: 5 million Won - 30 pyeong.
(Pyeong - a unit of measurement approx 35.
6 sq ft) Ah it's not good.
Aren't there others? Security Officer Kim Na Na.
Yes? I heard you got a reimbursement for car fare in your monthly salary.
What's that about? Ah, that And the Court is always sending in unusual letters.
How are you still qualified to be a guard like this? Section Chief! If you were me, would you let someone with serious financial problems be your security guard? If you can't solve the problem immediately, then pull out from the security team, understand? But that's In relevance to the relationship within the guards.
Because of you, the entire team will be affected.
Nobody will believe us anymore.
I'm sorry, I will think of a way to resolve it.
That I'll move out immediately after I find a room.
Please don't tell the court to send those kind of letters again.
My workplace became a more difficult place to work in because of what happened.
There's no use telling this to me.
I already sold it.
It doesn't belong to me anymore.
What? Who did you sell it to? Hey, this is not the taste.
How does Kim Na Na make it exactly? Kim Na Na! You came just in time.
No matter what I do, I just can't get the taste right.
Help me make some coffee, okay? Mr.
Lee Yun Seong.
Oh, are you going to say that the contract is over? Okay.
Just tell me.
Lee Yun Seong.
Who gave you permission to interfere in another person's life? How could you buy my house? -=Next Episode Preview=- Did I make any mistakes yesterday? It is quite complete.
So do you want to show off your loads of money? Let's just pretend we don't know each other.
Why did you decide to come to the hotel, and refused to be even summoned? I heard that you are responsible for the security of Seo Yong Hak, right? Dr.
Jin Se Hui came to the hotel to drink by herself? I see you are drunk too.
We have to choose the day of action.
What happens if someone discovers the truth? Don't worry, I have been trying to create the black hole.
Prepare the warrant of arrest.
The Seo Yong Hak events seems to relate to everything.
Seoul Prosecutor's Office Special Department Prosecutor Kim.
You know very well the reason why I came.

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