Dummy (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Passive Protagonist

longtime friend, Patty Palm,
Diana is missing.
[phone vibrating]
WOMAN [on TV]:
She was supposed to go to our house
on Tuesday morning to help my
son with the air conditioner,
and she didn't show up.
- Hello?
Hi, Cody,
I have Phil Goldman for you.
- Who?
- Phil Goldman, bitch!
What's up? I'm your new agent.
Hey! I'm sorry.
I don't know if you've heard,
but Jason Levy
was recently #MeToo'd, so
he's no longer with the company.
- Oh. Oh, my God.
- Yeah, so it's me and you.
I'm your agent, you're my client.
What's up?
- Okay, that's a little weird
'cause I never even met Jason,
so [chuckles]
- No, I know.
Nobody's really met him.
Who cares?
Yeah, anyway, listen, sorry it's so late.
I've taken over his whole
roster, so I'm making my way
through the list,
and you're the last one on it.
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah, uh, I'm sure it's alphabetical.
Yeah, or-or by talent.
[laughs] I'm kidding.
Who knows? Anyway
- Okay.
- Listen, we got a lot of shows
staffing right now,
and they're looking
for lady writers, yeah.
The problem is I don't have
a current sample from you,
so if you could shoot something
over to me ASAP Rocky,
that'd be great.
- Um yeah.
Um, I'm just working on this,
uh, thing about the tooth fairy.
- Oh, the tooth fairy!
- Yeah
- I fucking love that shit.
- Like, she's the tooth fairy,
but then she's also a stripper
because, you know, like,
dollar bills. [chuckles]
- Yeah!
Yeah, dollar bills,
I fucking love that shit.
I love that. It's so good.
That's such originality. I mean,
it's probably 'cause you're
Dan Harmon's girlfriend.
That guy's such a fucking genius.
- Yeah, he-he's super great.
- Yeah, he's super great.
Listen, if he's ever unhappy
with his current representation,
it would be my honor-- honor--
to take him on as a client,
you know what I mean?
- I will definitely let him know.
- Uh, yeah, please, let him know. Oh.
[line beeping]
Fuck me in the dickhole.
I got to take this right away, okay?
It's Jason Levy.
We're still kind of friends,
and I don't know,
I think he might hurt himself tonight,
if you know what I mean, kill himself.
I think he might commit suicide.
I'm gonna take this.
Just send me some of your writing shit,
and then I'm gonna check it out,
and, uh, we'll go from there,
all right, babe?
- Okay, bye.

What you doing up there?
Are you working on your pilot?
So exciting!
Is it the one about the stripper
who's also the tooth fairy?
That's such a fun idea.
It's so broad, but, like, honestly,
Middle America loves
shitty broad stuff, but, like,
I love it.
- [clears throat]
- Are you stuck?
Maybe I can help.
- Hey. I don't want your help.
You're a fucking dick.
- Is this about the whole
"trying to sabotage
your relationship with Dan" thing?
Because, Cody, I'm so sorry.
That was my bad.
I had so much internalized misogyny.
- Are you kidding?
You're obviously just trying
to get me to take you
out of the dumpster.
- What? No. No, seriously,
I love it down here.
I really do.
- Really?
- Yeah. Cody, actually,
I met someone.
His name's Harold.
He's a piece of wood.
What, babe?
[gasps] Okay, yeah,
he wants me to tell you
he identifies as lumber.
He's so hot, Cody.
He has this, like, knot
that's-that's so sexy in, like,
a Joaquin Phoenix sort of like
- Barbara.
- What?
- I'm so happy for both of you.
I have to work.
- Wait!
I know why you're stuck!
It's because you have
a passive protagonist.
You know what I would do?
Okay, so hear me out,
we start with, like,
a cross-cutty montage,
the music kicks in, we're seeing stuff,
images, but none of it really
matters, because guess what?
Boom! We're in.
We're fucking watching this show.
- [chuckles] Yeah.
Intense close-ups,
just, like, for no reason,
but you're just watching it,
and you're in it.
- What if the guy has
that disease where, like
- Overlapping dialogue. They're
just talking over each other.
- She's not passive, she's reactive.
Making the audience think
something is happening, but really,
nothing is happening,
but everything is happening.
- "You know I only take
baby teeth," but he's like,
"These are baby teeth,"
you know, so it's like,
he has the disease,
but it's also a metaphor
for his immaturity kind of, you know?
I mean, if you think
that's dumb, or, like,
if it feels forced
- BARBARA: Cody!
by King Tuff playing]
- Barbara!

- [snoring]
- Dan.
I think I'm getting a UTI
and I just feel gross,
so I'm just gonna sleep
at my house. I love you. Bye.

- Barbara!
- Cody!
- Stop!
I'm sorry. Stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop. Oh, my gosh.
There's-there's been a mistake.
I didn't mean to throw her away.
- Oh, my God, Cody,
he was totally gonna rape me.
- What's up?
- [out of breath]:
This sex doll, she's-she's mine.
She got thrown away accidentally.
I just, I just need her back.
- Why are you so out of breath?
- How do you accidentally
throw away a sex doll?
- It-it was a mistake, sir.
People make mistakes, okay?
You were the one about to fuck
a used sex doll. Are you okay?
- Excuse me?
I was gonna recycle her.
I'm not some pervert.
- Okay, okay, well, I mean,
I-I don't think we necessarily
need to, like, cast judgments
on other people's sexuality, like
Okay, Cody, you're making it worse.
- Can I just, um,
give you some cash for her?
- I don't do this work for the money.
I do it because I give a fuck
about the environment, man.
BARBARA [laughs]: Yeah, right.
- Oh, um, I'm sorry.
That's fair.
- Do you know how many dolphins
die each year from choking
on used sex dolls?
- No.
- Me, neither.
It's gonna be zero if I have
anything to say about it.
BARBARA: No, no, no, no!
Don't let him take me!
- Okay, sir. No, hey, hey. I
Please, I appreciate your position,
and I think what you're doing
is very noble, and, you know,
it's like a service to the community.
- Who cares?
- Barbara, can you let me handle this?
I really need her back.
She's my writing partner.
["Prank Calls"
by Kelley Stoltz playing]
- What even are all these water bottles?
- I don't know, man,
they're just, like, accumulated
from-from hikes and stuff.
- [scoffs]
From hikes? You don't hike.
Oh, this is plenty.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
Have such a great night,
and thank you so much
for not raping me.
Cody, thank you for saving me.
You're truly such a great friend.
Okay, but just so we're clear,
we're just writing,
that's the whole thing.
- Yeah, no, totally. 100%.
But, like, we're not starting now, right?
Like, I don't know if you
noticed, I just went through
a very traumatic experience,
and, like, I need a second
to decompress.
- Okay. That's fine.
- So where are we going?
Are we gonna go stay at your place?
Oh, no, no, no ♪
- Yeah, I guess, I mean,
I can't take you back in there.
- Oh, yeah.
Fuck Dan. He can eat my ass,
not in a hot way-- I hate him.
- Okay.
Let's go.
- Hey, so I told Harold
he could crash with us for a few
nights. I hope that's okay.
He's fighting with him mom.
He just needs a place to go
where he can, like, get his shit together
and get through this family stuff.
Some old lover who ♪
Ain't getting none ♪
Some old lover who ♪
Ain't getting none. ♪
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