Equinox (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

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Don't you recognize me?
The little bird always flew by her side.
They were best friends.
But a year known as…
-The Year of the Hare.
Everything changed.
When the goddess of spring, Ostara,
returned with the bird as usual,
a whole drove of hares met them
in the meadow.
One hare was bigger
and more powerful than the others.
-The Hare King.
-It looked at the bird.
And fell so madly in love
that it was beside itself.
So it danced and danced all night.
In the morning, when Ostara
was to go home, the bird wouldn't go.
-It's time.
-I'm coming.
I'll hurry.
The bird stayed with the Hare King.
Ostara went home alone and was sad.
When she returned the following spring,
there were lots of eggs in the meadow.
One of the eggs hatched.
And the cutest little Easter bunny
hopped over to her,
and she was filled with joy.
Ever since that day, the Easter Bunny
has brought Easter eggs.
The night passes quickly, sweetie.
I'll be back in the morning.
-Goodnight, darling.
I'll be back.
-How many times have you been here?
-This is my first.
You'll get used to it.
I'm going home soon.
That's what they told me.
This is my seventh time.
But I'm not coming back.
I'm not sick.
My mom says I'm special.
Yes. We're especially crazy.
You might be, but I'm not.
Then why're you here?
It's good that you came now.
I've just come out
of 60 days of silence.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
Why did he call you Cybele?
Because that's my name.
What about Amelia?
I let her go. She's gone.
She was a tormented soul.
Ida was the only person she ever loved.
But it wasn't good for her.
Amelia both wanted Ida, and to be Ida.
So when Ida disappeared,
there was nothing left.
So I left and buried her.
And now, there's Cybele.
And Cybele lives in the moment
and Cybele is light.
I'm looking for the place Jakob died.
Did it happen here?
Like Amelia,
he chose to end his life here.
Astrid, come.
You're such a nice girl.
Such a daddy's girl.
-Is that me?
-No, that's not me.
That's me if I were a man.
Hi. Why're you sitting here?
Do we have assigned seats?
-Do we have assigned seats?
-I don't think so.
No. We just usually sit together.
Good morning.
Take your seats.
Hope you've had a nice weekend.
Open your books to page 73. Chapter four.
Let's get started.
Pantheism. What does that mean?
Greek. "Pan" means everything.
"Teos" means god.
"Pantheism." God's everything.
Everything's god.
The universe. Nature. You and me.
Are we okay or…?
Are you mad at me?
Won't you say something?
-You have to…
-I don't have to do anything.
-it was you…
-Who what?
What did I do?
You said it was you and me.
Let's do this, Falke.
Jakob called me shortly before he died.
I think he called from here.
-I didn't know you were in touch.
-We weren't.
He was very incoherent
and he sounded like he'd lost it.
He said he saw something,
right before Ida disappeared.
And something about a book.
And he sent me this page,
which I received after his death.
Do you know anything about that
or do you have any idea where it's from?
How did he seem?
Was he scared, or…?
Jabok never really recovered
from what happened.
Jakob has convinced himself
that there was a special day
when he was to die.
He died on the day
he had tattooed on his arm
when he was 18.
December 22nd.
The darkest day of the year.
We ring the bell when the sun sets.
In thanks for the light it gives us.
Why did you call the place Marrakech?
Marrakech was mine and Ida's dream.
And when Ida disappeared,
I went there alone.
But Marrakech wasn't quite
what we'd imagined.
So I had to build this instead.
It's our evening prayer.
Won't you join us?
-Come when you're ready.
-Thank you.
Astrid, it's dinnertime.
Just a minute.
What you're doing is dangerous.
I've seen you.
The medicine helps you.
Don't you want it to go away?
I'm looking for my sister.
She's trapped in a den,
and they say that if I take the pill,
I won't go to the den anymore.
And I'm the only one
who can bring her back.
But it isn't real.
That's what the grown-ups say.
-Can you see me?
-And I'm real?
Then how do you know
that the visions we have aren't real?
I don't have visions. I hear voices.
What do they tell you?
I don't listen to them.
Maybe they wanna tell you something.
Like the den wants to show me
the way to my sister.
Have you finished eating?
Then put your plate in the kitchen.
It's story time soon.
Aren't you scared?
Yes, very.
-Astrid? Are you okay?
Come. We're starting now.
You can just knock on the wall.
I did that with the boy
who was in your room before.
Two knocks mean "OK."
Here you go.
Good job.
Should I leave the light on? Okay.
Sleep tight.
I'm not sick.
Are you never going back to school?
Astrid, leave her alone. Get out.
Just stay in bed, okay, honey?
Do you need anything?
-Just leave me alone.
-Right. Okay.
-Did you let her stay in bed?
-She's sick.
It's been three weeks.
Shouldn't she see a doctor?
-Stop it.
-No, she'll end up flunking her exams.
Then she'll take make-up exams.
It's not that bad.
Ida? You have to get up now.
-Let her be.
-No. I won't.
We've all had our hearts broken,
but staying in bed won't help.
You just don't get it.
It's peppermint.
It'll help.
Oh, my sweet darling.
How long have you been throwing up?
A few days.
Are you pregnant?
-I don't know what to do.
-Don't worry.
I'll help you.
We'll figure it out.
-I was gonna go to Marrakech.
-And you will. Listen…
You will.
-Can't I just get it taken care of?
-Sure, you could, but…
I don't think you should.
I really think you would regret that.
I once got the greatest gift.
Do you know what it was?
It'll be alright.
I need it back. Falke, give me
the Grimoire right now, if you have it.
He seemed different, more serene.
He just said he'd found
what he'd been looking for all that time.
What's with this book? What does it say?
You said you didn't recognize the page.
Everything in that book came true.
Nothing's random. Not even
that Jakob, Falke and I were left behind.
I don't understand.
What does the page mean?
Why did Jakob send it to me?
-He wanted to warn you.
-Against what?
Equinox goes in a cycle,
and is repeated every 21st year.
And that's now. This year.
It will happen again.
Ida was Ostara and disappeared.
Jakob thought you were next.
Ostara flows in the blood.
That's what it says.
But he didn't know.
-He didn't know you weren't sisters.
-But we are sisters.
You don't know?
-God, I'm so sorry.
-What do you mean?
Ask your mother.
She knows more than I do.
What the hell? Ida?
Are you okay?
Ida? What're you doing here?
-Do you live around here?
Where are you going?
I just have
to get away.
Before you get away,
wouldn't you like to get warm
and have a cup of coffee?
We live right down there.
We can talk.
Come on.
I didn't expect visitors today.
It's Lisa's.
She reads the strangest things.
-What do you wanna get away from?
I don't have any reason to stay.
There's always a reason to stay.
Family, school, your friends.
I don't have any.
Okay. I feel that way too sometimes.
Everything I believed was true
turned out not to be so.
I don't recognize myself.
That doesn't have to be a bad thing.
It is.
Ida, you can't know yourself
when you're 18.
Many 80-year-olds
don't even know themselves.
-May I use the restroom?
-Sure, it's down the hall.
I thought I was helping him.
I said we weren't sick.
The hard thing about this illness is
that you don't think you're ill.
You can't tell.
I don't think I can save Ida.
None of us can.
She's not coming back, is she?
I don't think she will.
Everything'll be alright. I promise.
And now the nightmares'll end, okay?
Good job.
What're you doing here?
What? Did Dennis tell you I was here?
What's going on, Astrid?
Lots of things. Yeah.
I have to go home.
I have to go visit my dad.
Can I drive you at least?
How's the radio program going?
I met Knud, who said you hadn't come
in to work for a long time.
That you hadn't been there
for about two months.
-You're lying to me.
No. I just didn't get a chance
to tell you everything.
I wanted to, but so much has happened.
But I haven't really worked on it lately.
Why're you turning?
Huh? Where are we going now?
I don't get it.
We're worried about you.
Where are we going?
You need professional help.
You need help.
You're just like the others.
-Pull over.
You have to take me…
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