Freedom Fighters: The Ray (2017) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode Five

Whoa! What? Really? What did those geese ever do to you? - That was out of line.
- Sorry.
Maybe you could do the firework shows next Fourth of July.
That ought to be cool.
That will give you something to do.
Ha! That'd be one way to pay bills.
But seriously.
This is so cool.
I'm like - Light Man.
- Seriously? Light Man? I think seriously no.
All right, try flying again.
Whoa! What's up? Sorry about before.
First night with superpowers.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Welcome back.
Your earth-bound friends missed you.
Watch this.
What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm not sure.
But isn't it cool? Did you just vibrate the atoms in your body? I have no idea.
But it felt super weird.
And I think you missed a spot.
This is so freaky.
I wish I could control it all better.
What should I do next? I think I got an idea.
Who's this stupid meta-human responsible for dragging me away from my Vino and Buffy marathon.
I picked up a resonance burst from an alternate Earth.
Someone crossed over in the past couple of hours near Tulsa.
Please tell me it's not another version of Wells.
I'm finally getting used to the one we have.
Well, the latest one we have.
I can't tell who it is.
The burst disappeared almost as soon as it arrived.
Maybe they're masking themselves somehow? Or you know, they're no longer with us.
I doubt it.
Check out the radiation levels over Oklahoma.
Whoa! The only thing that could've made that kind of light is Nuclear material.
Or a meta-human.
What is this? Are we celebrating me getting superpowers? Just say it a little louder.
Okay, I don't think the whole bar heard you.
And we're not here to celebrate, okay? - No.
- Uh, yes.
Get over there.
Superpowers did not make me less prone to word vomit.
Show him you can fly.
That should be a great conversation starter.
Definitely not.
Also, back at the bar again, on a Wednesday? Hello, alcoholic.
He's here with his friends just like you.
If having superpowers doesn't build your confidence, nothing will.
I'm gonna grab a different drink.
- Hi, I'm Ray.
- Hey, Ray.
Oh, that rhymes.
Uh, sorry.
That was dumb, wasn't it? I'll try not to pass judgment till your second sentence.
- What's your name? - Jacob.
Nice to meet you, Jacob.
So weird, my glass just broke like that.
Must've been fate, or, you know, cheap shot glasses.
Give me your wallet.
Just give him your wallet.
Go find help, I'll stay here.
- Well, are you sure? - Just go.
Now, if you'd gotten a man to walk you home, you wouldn't be in this situation.
Give the wallet back and apologize.
- Son of a - Do it! Why the hell should I? That's why.
I'm sorry.
Was that so hard? Help! Help! Somebody, help.

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