He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

We Have the Power

1 [exciting music plays.]
I have the Power! [singer.]
The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours Hey, we'll find our purpose 'Cause we know we're worth it And we'll be remembered We are the defenders, defenders - Oh - We fight for the win We fight till the end - We fight for the win - The Power is ours It's in our soul [dramatic music plays.]
We managed to retrieve this footage from the memory bank of a damaged bot.
The brute's identity remains a mystery, but we've confirmed him as the thief's accomplice.
She's been identified as a Hand Witch from the lower wards named Teela.
We may need to consider soliciting the aid of our neighbors in the sea and sky.
We don't need the Merfolk or the Avion to help us with anything! Widen your search, General.
Repurpose every RK drone in the kingdom to help you.
We must find these enemies of the republic.
[guard over comms.]
Search parameters for persons of interest expanded.
Encoded information included.
Jungle confirms receipt.
Hey, do you know where the - Oh! Sorry.
- [guard over comms.]
Badlands in motion Whatcha listening to? Security chatter.
It helps me focus when I'm doing something important.
How is fixing a statue of ghost lady important? My hope is that if we clean up the mess Keldor made, she might come back out of hiding and give us some answers.
Makes sense.
She dropped being Master of the Universe on us, then vanished without telling us what that actually means.
And there's no such thing as a free lunch.
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn't.
We had free lunch back in the village every day.
That isn't what I meant.
Okay, what is your deal? Uh, quick question.
How much of the castle have you explored? Why? [mysterious music plays.]
[Adam gasps.]
[both grunting.]
Oh, hey, Krass.
You weren't about to do your business in my dad's helmet, were you, Adam? Not like you haven't done it plenty of times on hunts.
It's my helmet to do whatever I want to do in it.
I'll just use the moat? [grunts.]
What are we still doing here? Figuring out where the bathroom is in this place? [Krass.]
Adam, I'm serious! We're learning to become Masters of the Universe, right? - Protecting the Power of Grayskull? - From who? The only people that even knew about this spooky pile of rocks were your uncle and his Word Witch.
And they're gone now.
So what reason do we have to stay? [Adam grunting.]
That's what I thought.
No, Krass, wait! Oh, that's a long way down.
[thunder booming, [wind whistling.]
[sinister music plays.]
[metallic squeaking.]
[Kronis groans.]
Must you do that here? [metallic squeaking.]
It's not like we can go see a medic anywhere.
Besides, this looks worse than it really is.
- [groans.]
- [scoffs.]
Attend me, my minions! So in the eyes of the skeletal despot with delusions of grandeur, we've gone from coconspirators to minions.
How much longer we have to put up with this? Long enough to seize the Havoc Staff for ourselves.
[staff crackling.]
What are you two conspiring about? [Kronis.]
We were off discussin' our, uh, concern for you, mighty Skeletor.
After all, you spoke so eloquently of ushering in a new era for Eternia but have been pouting in the bath ever since.
[Kronis groans.]
[Kronis grunts.]
[Evelyn chuckles.]
Don't confuse pouting with plotting.
We were routed by children, after all.
The only reason they gained the advantage was your nephew's decision to share the Power of Grayskull with them.
An unexpected application of an inferior product.
Havoc is where it's at.
Then perhaps you should do the same for us with Havoc using your staff to share in place of his sword.
A fine idea.
Yet the Sword of Power was crafted from the rarest metal on Eternia, Kirbinite, the only known metal capable of transferring cosmic power.
Unfortunately for you, my Havoc Staff is hewn from more common metals.
[clears throat.]
I, uh, might know where you could find some if you were interested in a Kirbinite upgrade.
- [Evelyn snickers.]
- What? I made things.
I know where Randor has some Kirbinite stashed away.
But he's beefed up security since the sword got snatched.
And we're short our usual thief.
What if we just find a new thief, one that's guaranteed to get under Randor's skin before I claim his throne for myself? [laughing maniacally.]
I have a bone to pick with him anyway.
[nervous laughter.]
[engines whirring.]
[dramatic music plays.]
Are we certain they went this way? Jungle Unit RK's uploaded vectors from some of those bots that encountered the thief and her warrior.
Apparently, a bunch of them flew this way in pursuit of their vehicle.
[alarm blaring.]
[radar pinging.]
Multiple inbound contacts in violation of airspace and speed restrictions.
Multiple citations pending.
The poacher's robots? - [soldier grunts.]
- I think not, General.
[ship thudding.]
[soldiers screaming.]
- [screeching.]
- [grunts.]
[mystical music plays.]
All right, ghost lady.
I finish this, you tell me that I'm still in control of my own fate.
Because powers or not, I'm nobody's puppet.
[shimmering tone.]
- [distress signal blares [over comms.]
- [gasps.]
Ouch! What now? [statue crumbles.]
[Dolos over comms.]
Mayday, mayday! This is General Dolos calling for an emergency evac! We have crashed and are under attack! Fall back! Fall back! [dramatic music plays.]
And that's it? - I was able to turn - [Cringer.]
Incoming! [Duncan yelps.]
This place is unpredictable.
This place is amazing.
You were able to what? Sorry.
I was able to track the signal all the way out to the Badlands.
It'll be a while before anyone from Eternos can get to them.
Randor's thugs can take care of themselves.
- [shimmering tone.]
- [Krass.]
Not our problemo.
What if it was? We have the Power of Grayskull.
Let's use it.
Like we owe it to destiny or something? [shimmering tone.]
[solemn music plays.]
I don't like owing anyone anything.
[shimmering tone.]
He-Man will just save these soldiers all by himself.
[door creaks.]
He doesn't know how to fly the ship, does he? [Adam.]
No, he does not! And I'll bet there'll be plenty of things to ram.
I hate it when he uses my own words against me.
[engines whooshing.]
[dramatic music plays.]
Nothing like coming back to the place we were buried alive, huh? Hope these guys are worth it.
Let's just get this over with.
Sister, you are speaking my language.
[adventurous music plays.]
Why does them teaming up make me feel sick in my tummy? [sighs.]
We need to talk.
I'm sorry this is all so weird.
All what, you racing off to rescue your dad's guards so he'll be impressed and ask you to move in? Not without the rest of you.
Do you really think the King wants a thief, a jungle girl, a criminals' assistant, and a tiger living in the Royal Palace? We're in this together.
What if we don't choose to do this together? Um, I didn't say you couldn't.
[communicator chimes.]
Quiet down.
We're here.
Then let's master up.
Power up.
I'm working it out.
Shh! [whispering.]
By the Power of Grayskull [whooshing.]
[shimmering tone.]
[dramatic music plays.]
We Have the Power! Teela, what gives? I'm good with my own magic, thanks.
[ominous music plays.]
[electricity crackling.]
Where are the soldiers? There are the soldiers.
Identify yourselves.
We're here to save you.
[engines whirring.]
Persons of interest located.
Initiate arrest protocols.
Unidentified warrior and Hand Witch Teela, lower your weapons and stand down for arrest.
Oh, we're the persons of interest from the encrypted message.
Yeah, you stole the sword and I'm clearly holding it, so that tracks.
Guards, lock them inside the ship until we can locate General Dolos.
Exactly what happened to General Dolos? [faint growling.]
One assumes that.
These beasts have not walked this planet for many millennia.
How are they even alive? I don't think they are.
- I'll keep the guards out of the way.
- [shimmering tone.]
[all yelp.]
[soldier screams, grunts.]
The rest of you, break some bones.
[exciting music plays.]
Come and get it! [roaring and snarling.]
[thrusters whirring.]
This green stuff looks real familiar.
It's Havoc, your uncle's favorite kind of magic.
I guess he might not be that vaporized after all.
Then why attack these soldiers? [roars.]
[Man-At-Arms grunts.]
Does it really matter right now? [shouts.]
[thrusters whooshing.]
[Man-At-Arms roars.]
- [roars.]
- [yelps.]
It is illegal to prevent the apprehension of a subject of ro [Man-At-Arms.]
Sorry, little guy.
But thanks.
[Ram Ma'am grunts.]
These things won't stay down.
Maybe we just aren't hitting them hard enough.
Hold on! Lightning strike! [fireballs whooshing.]
[heroic music plays.]
I don't see how that's possible.
These things are magic, Teela.
Any suggestions? Try separating the Havoc from the bones entirely.
Easier said than done.
Ain't that something I don't know Sorceress might be good at? [thrusters whooshing.]
If I drop my tut, my spell breaks and these soldiers come out to arrest us and then get eaten.
And I don't want to use magic that isn't mine.
Just an observation, but that didn't seem to bother you when Adam gave it to you.
The first rule of life in the wards is survival.
We were getting our butts handed to us when Adam gave it to me.
We won't have any butts left to be handed if you don't power up and help.
Teela, please.
[dramatic music plays.]
Say the words, Adam.
All right! By the Power of Grayskull [whooshing.]
[exciting music plays.]
[falcon screeches.]
I have the Power! [whooshing.]
[falcon screeches.]
[shimmering tone.]
[ethereal music plays.]
That falcon was that you? The castle's powers and yours are one and the same.
You are the Sorceress of Grayskull, just as I once was.
Does that mean I'm gonna end up like you, a ghost? Is that what your hesitation is about? You fear having your future decided for you.
You only need fear winding up a ghost lady like me if you make the same choices and mistakes I have.
Your future is your own.
Whether you use it or not, the Power gifted to you by Adam belongs with you.
What if I do mess up? We are all here to help you, Teela.
You are no longer alone.
Who are you? You may call me Eldress.
That was odd.
Teela? Are you all right? Sorry it took so long for me to make a decision to transform.
I'm just not used to looking out for anyone else.
Hey, this whole friends-as-family thing is new for all of us.
That is what's happening here, right? Did I just put myself out there too much? [Krass grunts.]
Does this for sure mean Adam's uncle and his cronies are still alive? [Duncan laughs.]
Kronis is a crony.
Ah! Am I the only one just getting that? They can't get away with what they did to our village.
I know.
And we won't let them.
Right? We're in this together.
- Yes! - Yeah! [Krass laughs.]
[Teela giggles.]
Merriment aside, one does, however, have to wonder what Keldor wanted with those soldiers.
[soldiers coughing.]
[dramatic music plays.]
[engines whirring.]
We'll see the criminals again.
Let's get back to searching for the General.
[sinister music plays.]
General, I have to say you've looked better.
Despite the interference of your nephew and his friends, part one of your plan was a success.
Kronis, it's time for part two.
Why steal the Kirbinite when we can just take it? [whirring.]
[dramatic music plays.]
How do I look? [exciting music plays.]

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