Psych Webisodes (2006) s01e05 Episode Script

Answering Machine

Psych Webisode
"Answering Machine"
Thank you for calling Psych.
We knew yoe were going to call,
but leave a message anyway.
Dude, this is a psychic detective agency.
Our outgoing message should be cool
and ethereal and even a little bit spooky.
Shawn, this is a place of business.
Our message needs to sound professional.
You mean tedious,
you mean pharmaceutical.
No, I mean professional,
as in people don't hang up,
because they think we're morons.
Just just watch.
Hi. You reached the offices of Psych.
We are unable to receive your call right now,
so if you please leave a message
we get back at you as soon as possible.
Have a nice day.
I'm sorry.
Are you finished?
Is there a problem?
That's not what we're about.
Thank you for calling Psych.
We've felt your sympathetic vibrations
deep in our tender loins.
So about sounding like idiots.
Look, Shawn. I'm a salesman, okay?
And in business if you want to suceed,
you need to present yourself professionally.
- Look, I agree, but..
- Professionally, Shawn.
Hi. You reached the offices of Psych.
We're not able to take
or receive your call
No. No, no, that doesn't make any sense.
I got it.
Thank you for calling the offices of Psych.
Please leave a message and No!
No, wait, not at all.
You reached the Psych offices of Psych. No!
Damn it.
Please call Psych and No!
Please call
Leave a message
Please leave a message
and we'll get back at you soon sometimes
- Shut up, Shawn.
- Why would't you
- That was painful.
- I got it. Don't worry about it.
Just do it.
You reached the Psych offices.
Pressing obligations
in the fourth dimension
proclude us from receiving transmissions
from this
actual plain.
Leave a message.
Yes! That's it! That's the winner.
It was very professional.
Let's try one more. This time
I make outer space sound effects
with my mouth
and nostrils.
Whenever you are ready.
Sync and Script by glumpf
for SubCentral
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