Rebel (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Heart Burned

Stonemore authorized us
to make you a settlement offer.
I did it because I saw an opportunity.
ANGELA: I accidentally flirted
with her husband,
and I really want to apologize.
Cruz just opened a bottle of wine.
I would hate for him
to have to drink it alone.
GRADY: Nice seeing you jealous.
It's kind of like the old days.
You were fierce if
I looked at anybody else.
I'm still fierce.
MARK: I offered a settlement.
I need them to accept it.


Bone crusher, sin eater ♪
Stone cold, get in your face ♪
Let's get the rhythm of the head ♪
Let's get the rhythm of the feet ♪
Let's get the rhythm of the ♪
Oh, my, my ♪
Ooh-la-la ♪
Yes, yes, yes.
Ooh. Yes, right there.
Right there.
Oh, you're so good.
- This is good?
- Ooh!
- Yeah.
- Ooh, ooh!
That is
Say ooh-la-la ♪
Mm, ooh-la-la ♪
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Um, don't you knock?!
What are you, uh, doing?
What am I doing? What are you doing?
What does it look like
we're doing? We're making up.
You said you wanted us to make up.
I wanted you to go to counseling.
- This is better than counseling.
- Better than counseling.
Whatever. I need your blow dryer.
See ya, then. [CHUCKLES]
[LAUGHING] Oh, no.
Oh, man.
Oh, it's killing you.
It's killing you. Just check it.
[SIGHS] Well, it's just
It's just because Helen's
having her surgery today.
Is it Helen?
No. It's, uh, Benji's office.
It's Luke Chapman, his associate.
I wonder what he wan
Oh, I've traveled
all over this world ♪
What in the hell?
- And now to another I go ♪
- Talented.
- Uh
Oh, my God.
I know that good quarters
are waiting ♪
- Oh, my God.
- To welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪
You have strange taste in porn.
- No!
- To welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪
AMIR: Are you alright?
What is it?
D Oh! No, no, no, no, no!
To welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪
To welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪
Oh, wow.
Is there something you need to tell me?
No! Just turn it off!
Why are you still playing it?
Oh, to welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪
To welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪
So this is how they do it at Benji's?
Stop. Oh, my God.
'Cause it's ridiculous.
Oh, my God.
To welcome old Rosin the Bow ♪

Luke, you think that was cute?
To send your new co-worker hardcore porn
- before she's even had a cup of coffee?
- No, I didn't think it was cute.
And for what it's worth, you're not
the only one who got the hardcore porn
before you had your morning coffee.
What do you mean? I-I D-Did
you mean to send something else?
- Is it a joke?
- I didn't think anything,
and I didn't send anything.
It was my ex-girlfriend.
She sent it to everyone.
What do you mean everyone?
I mean everyone.
Luke, can I expect
your resignation letter?
Within the hour, sir.
A-And again, sir, I'm I'm very sorry.
Wait a minute. W A-Are you packing?
Are you firing him?
I'm not firing him. He's resigning.
I'm guessing you haven't
checked your email?
I have, but he says he didn't send it.
- Doesn't matter who sent it.
- Doesn't matter who sent it.
It went from my email address
to my entire contact list.
Clients, colleagues, judges.
I'm resigning,
and I'm checking myself into
rehab for sex addiction.
Are you a sex addict?
- Doesn't matter.
- Doesn't matter.
Can't save his job, but the
rehab might save his reputation.
- Good luck, Luke.
- Thank you, sir.
Wait a minute.
Dad? Dad.
Excuse me.
Hi, can you? Thank you.
Listen, he is the victim
of revenge porn.
If you let him just crawl away
and resign in shame
to some rehab he doesn't need,
what precedent are you setting?
Julian, Rebel, it's good to see you.
No deal unless Mark Duncan agrees
to pull that valve off the market.
Annie, we're still
standing in the lobby.
Oops. Did I forget the small
talk and niceties again?
Life's short, gentlemen.
Get to the point.
Can you please just let me do what I do?
All due respect, I am not
finished with our conversation.
But I am.
Cruz is here to discuss
the Stonemore settlement,
which takes precedent
over Luke's personal life.
I apologize for the email
you received this morning.
That associate no longer works for me.
Oh, that's too bad.
From what I could see,
he was quite an asset.
Mom, ew.
Dad, he does still work here,
because if he's fired,
I'll quit and represent him
in his lawsuit against you.
Cassidy, you know what? Just
Cruz, follow me, will you?
She is irritating. Relentless.
It's not just her.
It's the entire generation.
They do not know their place.
They refuse to know their place.
Refusing to know our place
is how we fix the stuff y'all broke.
Your friend's in trouble, huh?
It was revenge porn, and
Benji's forcing him to resign.
Well, that's not right.
That's what I said.
Don't be too proud
to ask your mother for help,
because I am way too stubborn
just to offer it.
Mother, will you please help?
Introduce us.
Mm. Impressive.
Reminds me of Tiger, the early years.
You can do better? Have at it.
Stonemore recalls the valve,
takes it off the market,
and you have a deal.
Sorry, man.
According to Mark Duncan,
that's a non-starter.
How about a phased removal?
Listen, real talk?
Counter on the money.
Aim high.
He's got deep pockets,
and he wants this thing
to go away quietly.
Well, my clients want
the valve recalled
At least temporarily.
Your clients are sick in America,
which means they need money.
You tell Duncan to pull it, study it.
If we're wrong and he can prove it,
it goes back on the market.
It's a non-starter, man.
It's not gonna happen.
What's gonna happen is you settle
or I make you chase me
through the courts for years.
All that money Duncan is prepared
to hand your clients to go away?
He's also prepared
to give it to me to fight you.
The only thing he's not gonna do
Is the right thing. I got it.
You should probably
take this club out of my hand
before I accidentally use it
to break all your windows.

What'd you do to her?
I broke up with her.
I mean, nearly two years ago now.
And then, last week, she asked
me for a large amount of money,
- and so I said no.
- So she's extorting you.
She trashed his reputation and his job,
which doesn't exactly lead
- to an increased income.
Sounds more like revenge than extortion.
Well, yeah, apart from the threats.
- What threats?
- What threats? What threats?
Oh. Oh, she sent me
a nice, little love note this morning.
are red, violets are blue.
If you think this was bad,
wait for tape number two."
WOMAN: Good morning, Luke.
- Okay, thanks.
So she's an extortionist
but not a very bright one.
Also not a great poet.
What's on tape number two, Luke?
I mean, we were long-distance for years.
We kept in touch through videos.
So I don't know what tape number two is,
but, I mean, I assume
it's a bit more graphic.
- Luke, you need to call the police.
- No, I'm not calling the police.
I'm not putting her in jail
and ruining her life.
Well, she seems pretty happy
ruining yours.
Alright, look, I've I've
known her since we were kids.
I loved her for a long time.
No, let's just Uh, forget it.
I-I will take out a loan,
and I'll just pay her.
If you pay her,
she's gonna know threats work.
It'll never stop.
Alright, so, what do I do?
- Um, I gotta go.
You're gonna give your ex's name
and everything you know
about her to Lana, alright?
And, uh, for God's sake,
change your passwords.


Benji, you have a security risk
and a pretty major one.
Your associate is being extorted
by an angry and seemingly stupid
who now has access to all his contacts.
I've issued apologies
to all those contacts,
and I've accepted Luke's resignation.
There are more tapes.
They're more graphic.
How much more graphic?
He could barely assure me
it wasn't a snuff film.
Oh, my God.
And, you know, if if graphic
sex tapes go out to judges,
peers, from an RSS email address,
that is a big problem.
You're talking lawsuits or worse.
Honestly, I think the Bar might
have some feelings about it.
Lucky for you, Lana and I
are pretty good at making things
like this go away.
In exchange for what?
How hard have you tried
to get Mark Duncan to pull
that valve off the market?
So now you're extorting me.
I didn't extort. I asked a question.
Consider it a negotiation.
I haven't tried
because I know he won't budge.
You are so good when you
set your mind to something.
How about you do that
while I deal with your thing?

That was some quick thinking.
Thank you. Think it'll work?
I certainly hope so, because
I can't afford not to settle.
- What do you think's on that tape?
Oh, I'm trying not to picture it.
'Cause Grady and I are back together
and if I start picturing it,
it feels like I'm cheating.
You and Grady are back together?
Since when?
Since we can't keep our hands
off each other.
Well, in that case, I'm happy for you.
- Thank you.
- And I'm gonna ask you
to forget about the things
I said about him
when I believed you that it was over.
They're already forgotten.
How are things going with Angela?
I'm cooking dinner for her this weekend.
Apparently, the eggplant emoji
means something more
than just eggplant parmesan.
How are you gonna make
that sex tape go away?
Oh, I put Lana and Cassidy
on it. [SIGHS]
I gotta get to the hospital
to see Helen.
You're afraid that surgery
might kill her.
[SIGHS] You should just
let me resign and go to rehab.
And while you're in rehab,
every judge and every lawyer
you've ever worked with
would have received a tape of
Okay, okay, okay. I got it.
No, I'm asking. What's the tape of?
- You're not funny.
- [LAUGHS] Come on.
I'm sure whatever's on it is not
as bad as what I'm imagining.
And what are you imagining?
Okay, never mind. Forget it.
I hate this. I hate this!
You know, when I sent that stuff
to Tamsin, I trusted her.
You know? And she used it like a weapon.
And now everybody I work with
has seen, you know, my my everything.
Such a violation. It feels awful.
Hey. What are you doing here?
I'm Well, Lana's helping Luke.
- He didn't send it himself.
- Got it.
Yeah, sorry you had to, uh, see it.
Yeah. Me, too.
He's a victim, Amir.
Yep. It's just, I'm having
trouble accessing the sympathy.
I'm like a computer.
Uh, can't quite reboot.
- Okay, we're just gonna go
- Yeah.
- Yep, mm-hmm.
- Okay.
And don't let Auntie Mel take the piano.
It's yours.
Grandma wanted you to have it.
I'll have to nail the door closed.
Auntie Mel's so pushy.
She's so pushy. [CHUCKLES]
I have a good idea.
How about you just don't die?
I'm trying my hardest.
I promise.
She really can't wait
till she's stronger?
- She's not going to get stronger.
- I'm not gonna get stronger.
We have to remove the Stonemore valve
and replace it with a porcine
valve as soon as possible.
Until we do, her liver function
will only get worse,
which will only make
her odds of survival worse.
- Thank you.
- What are my odds?
I want to know.
Your odds of getting
my attention were slim,
and you did it.
Our odds of getting Cruz
on board were slim,
and we did that.
And your odds of keeping a sense
of humor through all this
were real slim, and you've done it.
I swear to God, Helen,
if I were a betting woman,
I'd bet the house on you.
I just got an upsetting email.
- Luke was hacked.
- What?
You got the sausage swinging email?
No. What?
Oh. Okay.
Uh, what email?
The hospital.
They're denying Helen's surgery.

The patient's insurance company
sees no evidence her valve is failing.
I'm aware, but I've shown them evidence
that her liver is failing.
It's great research benefit
for the hospital,
and I've already agreed
to do the surgery pro bono.
That leaves hospital costs,
which are still substantial.
Can't you just send her a bill
after the fact?
That's how much Ms. Peterson
currently owes us
for copayments and procedures
her insurance company refused to pay.
The hospital did bill her
after the fact.
But with her current payment plan,
it'll be over 100 years before
she can pay off that debt.
She'll die.
Without this surgery today,
this woman will die.
Do you want to live with that
on your conscience?
I work in hospital
administration, Ms. Bello.
Every day, multiple people die
because they can't afford
the care that they need.
So for my own well-being,
I choose to dedicate
my conscience elsewhere.
I sponsor children in the Sudan.
I-I give to my local food bank.
I do all these things with
the money I earn from this job,
which I would lose if I caved
every time someone like you
accused me of not having a conscience.
I need the outstanding debt paid
before I can approve this surgery.
So, they're not asking
for a permanent recall.
- No.
- They're asking for a temporary
- No.
- They're asking you to study it.
They're asking me to trash it!
I got a pornographic video
from one of your colleagues
this morning.
And I've apologized for tha
And I'm saying Uh, no, I'm asking.
Benji, I'm asking you,
what were you worried about
when you first opened that video,
and when you realized
it had gone out wide
to all your peers and colleagues,
what was your first thought?
My firm's reputation.
You are asking me
to send the equivalent
of a pornographic video
to my peers and colleagues, okay?
A naked, drinking-song-singing,
humiliating email
that says, "Hey, guys.
[LAUGHS] T-There's probably
not a problem here.
I mean, there's zero evidence
of a problem.
But we're pulling our
best-selling, life-saving valve
off the market to study it
really carefully.
And when we determine that
there's absolutely no problem,
we'll let you know,
and we'll put it back out there
for you to put in people's bodies."
All they will read in that email
is, "problem, problem, problem"!
They will never recommend it again.
The answer is no.
And it's not no because
I am some evil corporate bastard
who likes to murder people
for fun and profit.
The answer is no because heart
conditions run in my family.
I grew up watching people I love suffer.
My father couldn't kick a ball
with me past the age of 40
without getting winded.
I got into this business to help
people like him, and I have.
And I'm not burning it down.
CASSIDY: Maybe you didn't realize this,
but when you sent that email
this morning,
you violated at least three sections
of the California Penal code,
probably more.
Penal what?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
- Luke seems to think you do.
- Mm.
He says you asked him for a loan,
and when he turned you down,
you started issuing threats.
Well, Luke here
He came here to go to law
school, and I stayed in London.
And then Luke decided
he didn't want to come home,
so he asked me to move here with him,
so I shut down
my whole entire life in the UK.
And then when I got here,
Luke decided he didn't want me anymore.
Yeah, well, that's because you turned up
with a satchel full of baby clothes
- and paint swatches for a nursery!
- Oh, oh, that is not fair!
- You said And I
- It was an ambush!
- I told you
- I wasn't ready for kids!
- I needed to focus on work!
- I
And then I did whatever
a lovesick twit would do.
I tried to get him back.
And when I stopped being a twit,
my fiancée visa ran out,
and I developed a liking
for sunny weather.
Yeah. So my lawyer says
that my best option
is to get a business visa.
So I need a business.
And the yoga studio's for sale.
And I do not consider this a loan.
I consider it what he owes me.
You sent it to judges, Tam To judges!
I mean, my career may never recover!
Well, you should have
thought about that, Luke,
before you wasted
the best years of my life.
So you did send the video.
I mean, yeah, I have a lot of videos.
Sexy ones.
Long distance is hard
on a relationship, isn't it?
[CHUCKLES] Thank God for smartphones.
[CHUCKLES] Are we done here?
Look, Tam, if you ruin my career,
I'm not gonna be able to help
you with anything ever again.
I mean, I won't even be able
to get a loan or a job.
Poor Luke.
And then what would you have to do?
Would you have to move home?
Would you have to live
in the constant fear
of that happening to you?
Because that's what
you're putting me through.
Okay, listen, lady.
You need to decide
what you're really after here.
Now, either you want money,
or you want revenge.
I want both.
And I will get it,
because Luke is smart and wily,
and he has you clever cats on his side.
So I am sure
that you can help him help me.
Ooh, before I accidentally
send things that [LAUGHS]
he really, really
doesn't want me to send.
He's a naughty boy, that one.

Hey, there, sexy.
That's a really nice suit.
Who was that?
I don't know, but I like her.
I need 150 grand.
And I need a bird-watching trip
to New Zealand.
Oh, no, Cruz, you don't understand.
The hospital is refusing
Helen's surgery.
Can't the company cover it?
Can't we call it a litigation expense?
Well, I would say yes if I had it.
I don't want to see Helen die
any more than you do,
but I don't have it.
Tell us he said yes.
- You have until midnight.
- For what?
The deal we offered you
plus another 20%.
No motion on the valve,
and we're putting a clock on it.
- Benji
- Don't. Don't start.
You're gonna help Luke anyway
'cause he's Cassidy's friend,
and she's got almost as big
a bleeding heart as you do.
I kept my word.
I did what I could. I tried.
Guy's a real prick.
I don't like the way he talks to me,
but he's paying me well,
and this is his offer.
I came here in person
out of respect, Cruz.
I appreciate it.
I'll present it to my clients,
and I'll get back to you.
Uh, since you're here,
how about giving us
some unredacted discovery,
you know, out of respect?!
Can't believe I married that guy.
You cannot push them to settle
just because you're worried about money.
It is unethical for me to push them
in any direction for any reason.
You know that. I present the facts.
There are tones of voice.
"Tones of voice"?
You can't use any words
to suggest that they should
or shouldn't settle,
because then they can come back
and sue you later.
However, you are a master
of tones of voice
at pushing them in one direction
or the other.
You're like a vocal symphony
of influence.
It's a good offer, Annie,
considering what we have
Which, at this point,
is basically nothing.
[SCOFFS] We have Helen.
And A-And for a measly 150 grand,
we can get that faulty valve
out of her chest and study it.
- "Measly"?
- They're scared, Cruz.
I can feel it in my bones.
You don't put a clock
on an offer like this
unless you're scared.
- Come in.
- [SIGHS] Excuse me.
Hi. Oh, am I early?
We have a lunch date.
Yep, we have a lunch date.
Do you need to cancel?
- I'm I'm easy. We can reschedule.
- Oh, good.
Because opposing counsel
just put a clock on an offer,
and I need to gather
the the steering committee.
Oh, w Y It's gonna take them
some time to get here.
And look. Angela brought a picnic.
Come on. Put it down there.
I love that dress.
- Beautiful color.
- Thank you.
You need to eat, Cruz.
Because if you're hungry,
you're gonna have less control
over your vocal symphony.
Have fun!
What's a vocal symphony?
Well, it's something she made up.
We could have Flynn pick her up
and bring her in.
He could hold her for questioning
so she can't send any more tapes.
W-Who's Flynn?
CASSIDY: My brother's dad. He's a cop.
No, no. If you have her arrested,
she'll just use
her one phone call from jail
to dial a friend and have
her friend send the damn tapes.
You don't know her like I know her.
Got it. So your type
is straight-up sociopath.
She's not a sociopath.
She's just She's tireless.
I mean, she's always been
tireless. And driven.
It's a quality I fell in love with
when I was young and rudderless.
I mean, she put me on the path
to becoming a lawyer.
She helped me with
my college applications,
my law school applications.
It's just, she's She's relentless
when she wants something
for herself or for someone else.
So putting her in jail
is just gonna do two things.
One, it's gonna make her hate me more,
and, two, it's gonna
make me hate myself.
'Cause the fact is, I [SIGHS]
I do owe her. I owe her a lot.
Have you seen the video she sent?
Yeah, I'm not saying
I'm not furious, alright?
I'm just saying, I'm
I'm not out for revenge.
I just want it to stop now
before it gets any worse.
Fine, fine. She has
half a million followers,
and it looks like her brand
is power yoga and feminism.
Yeah. Oh, we could work with that.
How's it going?
Find anything useful?
No, and I'm going blind
from staring at these
random words that mean nothing
mixed in between these giant black lines
that also mean nothing.
- How is this legal?
- I don't know.
We went to court, and we won.
And they're just allowed to hit
us with boxes full of garbage?
How much does Cruz charge an hour
for us to waste our lives
wading through this crap?
Seriously, Mom, this is
how our justice system works?
Now you understand why sometimes
I work just outside of it.
God. What's gonna happen to Helen
and Maddie and all of them?
Are they just supposed to wait years
for us to sort through this crap?
I miss your Aunt Sharon.
I miss her every day.
Me, too.
She's who I would talk to.
She's the one I would call
if I was feeling really stuck
or scared or broken
or didn't know how to handle Cruz.
She's She's the one I would call,
and she'd always give me
the best advice.
Her voice was always so
comforting, and not just for me.
- I know. To everyone.
And now Cruz is on a lunch date
with another woman,
and I have a terrible feeling about it
even though it was entirely my doing.
And, I don't know, maybe it's
Maybe it's just because
Helen right now looks so much
like Sharon did in the end.
And I And I want to save her life,
and I don't know how to pay for it,
and I, uh
I don't have Sharon to call.
I can't even ask Sharon for advice,
and now I am just I am feeling it.
I am I am feeling it, and I'm in it.
Cruz is on a date?
It's lunch.
It's nothing.
That's Forget it.
Carry on with what you're doing.
Just, you know, read the other
lines, not the black lines.
Yep, I'll be here.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm sorry.
For what?
For forgetting.
I haven't been on a date
in over 40 years.
I have a good idea.
- What?
- Give me a quick kiss.
We're grown-ups.
We're attracted to each other.
We're gonna kiss eventually,
and you haven't kissed anyone,
other than your wife, in 40 years,
so let's just get it out of the way.
We can break the tension and
just have a good conversation.
That was nice.
[CHUCKLES] Now eat your cheese.
And tell me what
you're so stressed about.
But don't tell me any of the details,
'cause I watch a lot of lawyer movies.
I know all about
attorney/client privilege.
Well, I have a big case,
and, uh, there's an offer
to settle on the table.
And you're deciding
whether or not to take it.
Well, I don't decide. My clients decide.
But it has been pointed out to me
that, uh, my tone of voice
carries some influence.
Well, here's what I was taught.
And I sure wish I could say
it was something old-fashioned
like my grandfather taught it to me,
but the truth is, I learned it
from a really good therapist.
You You sit still,
and you imagine both of the outcomes,
and you let the imagining of it
kind of course through your body.
And one outcome
will make your body relax,
and the other will make you tense up.
The one that makes you relax
is the right one.

You make me relax.

Stonemore is now offering $300 million,
which roughly comes down
to 100 grand per person.
But they won't take the valve
off the market,
and they want us all to sign an NDA.
Yes, this is true.
Stonemore is holding
at not recalling the valve.
So it comes down to
How much we're all worth.
How much your pain and suffering
is worth.
It's different for everyone.
Some of the plaintiffs have been
able to remain employed.
Not me. I'm on disability.
If we go to trial,
a jury could award more.
Yeah, or we could lose and get nothing.
CRUZ: That is correct.
It's a gamble, at this point.
If we go to trial, we need
to prove that Stonemore knew
that their valve was defective
and at fault,
and they did nothing about it.
Well, how can we do that?
We keep going. We We fight in court.
We demand unredacted discovery.
It will go a long way
when we have Helen's heart valve
and study it.
I thought Helen
can't afford her surgery.
We're working on it.
I say we settle. I need my mom to live.
I need her not to die because
she couldn't afford to live.
This surgery is her only shot,
and the settlement will pay for that.
Maddie, your mom voted no.
She was very clear that she did
not want to settle
I know. I know what she said.
I know what she wants.
But what I want is my mom.
I want my mom.
My baby's not gonna live,
so I need my mom to live.
- Honey, we are gonna
- Can you add that?
If we agree to settle,
can you make them pay for my
mom to have the surgery today?
- Oh.
- What was that?
Oh. Wow.
- Is that my, um
- REBEL: Uh, it's okay.
Is that my
It's - It's It's just water.
- CRUZ: Her water broke?
- Yes, and it's okay.
We're gonna clean it up.
Uh, Ziggy, bring me my bag.
And you are gonna go
and meet your baby soon.
Oh, my God. You got her. Okay.
And the rest of you,
think on this offer.
We cannot settle
just to pay for Helen's surgery,
because if Helen lives, she
won't be able to live with that.

Could I get a mop?
I came as fast as I could.
- What's the emergency?
- Maddie's in labor.
The hospital is demanding
that Helen pay for her surgery up-front,
so we have to take a second
mortgage out on the house.
Hal drew up something really quick.
We just have to sign it,
and then he'll expedite it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Come on, Grady.
We'll get the money back.
I'm supposed to risk my house?
Ziggy's house?
Oh, Ziggy doesn't care about the house.
She could live in a shack.
Y-You said it yourself.
She needs stability, right?
I'm not gonna do anything else
to mess up her sobriety.
Nothing is gonna change.
I'm gonna win the case.
Yeah, and if you don't, we're bankrupt,
we're homeless, Ziggy's gonna suffer.
No. It's stupid 10 different ways.
Don't you dare forge
my signature, either.
Okay, I won't.
But can't we just please
do this for Helen?
No. Babe, I'm sorry.
But I am kind of touched
that you even asked,
'cause in the old days,
you'd have forged my signature
straight away.
It's progress. You're
treating me like a partner.
LUKE: Feminist yoga teacher
Tamsin Pless,
who also happens to be my ex-girlfriend,
used revenge porn against me.
[CHUCKLES] She leaked private videos
of my private parts
to my professional colleagues.
Revenge porn is a feminist issue
with upwards of 80%
of its victims being women.
Revenge porn destroys lives.
It destroys careers.
It's cruel, it's painful,
and it's humiliating.
It's abuse.
Tamsin Pless is a fake. She's a fraud.
And she's definitely not a feminist.
TOGETHER: And she is
officially canceled.
Yes, well done. Well done.
Take it down. Take it down right now!
What's the matter, Tamsin?
The truth hurt?
Luke, you know that that will end me.
Please, you gotta take it down.
Hurts when someone uses
how well they know you
to try and ruin you, doesn't it?
Lukey, please.
- We haven't posted it yet.
- CASSIDY: But he will.
And I will, and I'll have
my 16-year-old sister
and all her little friends
post it, hashtag it,
and spread it like wildfire.
Unless you give over your phone
and your computer right now
and let us scrub it
of all of Luke's professional
contact information
and your homemade porn.
- How much of it?
- All of it.
And we're gonna need
your passwords to your cloud.
Lukey, can you "Lukey"?
Excuse me.
You Can you come
Lukey, those videos,
they're sacred to me.
They're all I've got left of us.
You've got a very weird idea
of sacred, Tam.
Luke, please No.
- That is not fair!
After everything I've done for you!
- Excuse me? "Not fair"?
- I don't care!
You owe me a lot of money
- for everything I did!
- Owe you?!
Are you kidding?
Hey, I heard about the water
breaking in the conference room.
The whole office is talking about it.
Yep. Oh.
It was dramatic.
I'm at the hospital.
Hey, are you still working
- on that revenge porn thing?
- LANA: Yeah.
Do you think Luke
could afford to pay us?
- TAMSIN: Oh, I don't need you anymore?
- LUKE: Oh, the fir Yeah first
How much?
150 grand.
Okay, so we're extorting him
in exchange for helping him
not get extorted?
We are not extorting. We are charging.
Why does everyone keep
accusing me of extortion today?
Because you're getting desperate.
And when you get desperate,
you get pushy.
Luke is a corporate lawyer.
He makes good money.
Okay, you're too late.
His problem's over. I'm that good.
Didn't you say
your new boyfriend was rich?
- How rich?
- I'm hanging up now.
[GROANS] I need my mom!
I need my mom! Please, I
NATE: Maddie, it's okay.
You're doing great.
Dr. Nelson just thinks
it'd be a little too much
for your mom to be here.
But we're we're right here
with you, okay?
She's only 2 centimeters. I'll
call you when we need you, okay?
Hey. Just, uh, wanted to see
how things are going.
MADDIE: Rebel, please.
Please, I don't care what my mom says.
Please make Cruz take the settlement.
My mom will die
if she doesn't get this surgery,
and I won't survive
losing this baby without her.
She's barely dilated,
and her blood pressure's
through the roof.
She's got hours left.
If she doesn't calm down,
I'm gonna have to do
an emergency C-section.
Maddie? Maddie, honey?
I promise you, hand to heart,
your mom is not leaving this hospital
without that surgery, okay?
- I promise you.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Okay.
So just calm down. Calm down. It's okay.
It's alright.



Mom. H-Honey, go in therec
and hold her hand.
She needs company,
and right now, I can't
Mom, my college fund.
You say that again
so I know you mean it.
My college fund. It has
over $100,000 in it, right?
Yeah, but I want you to go to college.
I will. I-I'll go to college.
I'll go to law school.
- What?
- I know that you hate lawyers,
but I want to get inside
the system so I can fix it.
I love you.
And I love that.
But I-I I may not be able
to pay you back.
If we lose this case,
I cannot pay you back. I c
Then I'll take out loans
like everyone else.
[CRYING] Mom, she's in there
right now in so much pain
giving birth to a baby that's gonna die.
Her mom can't die, too.
She can't I can't handle that.
Please, just take my college fund.

You cannot tell your dad.
Okay, go.

NATE: Alright, Maddie, it's time.
You can give me a push, okay?
Yeah, good job. There you go.
MISHA: Push cardioplegia.
Alright, Helen.
Your heart is gonna stop briefly
while on bypass.
Do not go toward the light.


- Maddie?
- Huh?
I need you to push one more time, okay?
- No! I can't! I can't!
- One more time. Yes, you can!
- You can do this! One more time.
- No, I can't.
- Yes, you can. Come on.
- Maddie, you know how you need
your mother to fight like hell
right now?
You need to fight just as hard.
Let's go. Ready?
- Now. Push!
- Push!

MISHA: I got it, Helen.
It's out.

are we ready to re-warm?

Okay, Helen. I got you.
We're almost done.

NATE: You did great.
You both did great.
[WHISPERING] Hi, baby.
Let's give them a minute.

Thank you.
Hi, baby.

I love you so much.

Hey. Hi.

- Hey.
- REBEL: Hey.
- It's late, Annie.
- I know.
- How's Maddie?
- Just as expected.
That baby's not gonna live long.
But she's so beautiful,
and Maddie did great.
And Helen made it through her surgery,
and all indications are
she's gonna be okay.
Oh, thank God.
Yeah, and it gets better.
Misha noticed deterioration
on the valve.
- What kind of deterioration?
- Doesn't matter.
Those valves
are not supposed to deteriorate,
which means there could be
something leaking,
like, some kind of chemical
or metal into the bloodstream.
- Misha's gonna study it.
- Great.
But, Cruz, this is it.
This the smoking gun.
Got it. I'm gonna
run it by the plaintiffs
in the tone of voice you like.
Then I'm gonna call Benji,
and I'm passing
in a tone of voice I like.
No deal.
No deal.
How did you pay for the surgery?
Oh, never mind about that.
Just do your thing
and meet me at the hospital.
Unless you're busy gettin' busy
with Angela.


BENJI: Thank you.

So, there are no more tapes,
there will be no more threats,
and Luke will not be resigning.
He will instead donate his pro bono time
to helping other victims,
thereby turning his personal humiliation
into good press for the firm.
Why does this matter so much to you?
Well, if Luke were a woman,
particularly a woman of color,
the State Bar would already
be investigating.
They'd say she was
undermining confidence
in the legal profession and hit
her with disciplinary action.
So, the both of you are
cisgender, heterosexual men.
With that comes privilege.
You need to use that privilege
to set a precedent
so the next time this happens
and it happens to a woman,
she can't be forced to resign.
Ah, it's Cruz.
You think he's settling, Luke?
We taking bets?
I mean, d-do I still work here?
Work here?
I got $500 says they don't settle.
- No.
- Oh, come on. Cruz is going broke.
He needs to settle.
- Put some skin on it.
- Alright.

Hey, Cruz. What's the word?

And just like that, I made 500 bucks.


Hey. Thanks for coming.
Anytime, kid.
How was your day? Wha What'd you do?
I don't know. It was kind of boring.
Thought a baby was born.
Yeah. I mean, yeah, that was cool.
What about Helen?
Did Cruz come up with the money?
'Cause I know your mom was stressed.
I think that I want to be a lawyer.
For real?
I mean, it's like
I really love working at Cruz's,
and everything's really messed up.
But Mom saved Helen today,
and I-I r I like being in it.
[CHUCKLING] That's sick!
That's cool!
That's so so cool! I'm
Well, I'm proud of you! Yeah! Hell yeah!
Your mom, her work I-I gotta admit,
sometimes it feels great
to be part of it, right?
- [CHUCKLING] Right?
Law dog. Whoa! That's crazy.
Come on. Wow.
Hi. Dr. Nelson, cardiothoracic surgery.
I need Helen Peterson's
heart valve, please.
I can't wait to study it.
Stonemore has a patent on the
coating, but we can sample it,
can break it down,
analyze the components,
and then I can compare it
to the older version of the
I'm sorry, but I can't find it.
W-What? [LAUGHS]
W-What do you mean, you can't find it?
I mean it's not here.
- Where is it?
- Where else could it be?
Nowhere. This is where.
Can you look again?
It's not back there.
Uh, you need to go look again.
Okay, okay. Okay.
- You need to look again.
- Please look again.
Okay, I will look again.

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