Roswell s01e05 Episode Script


Previously, on Roswell.
[Liz Narrating.]
Five days ago, I died.
After that things got really weird.
Oh, the sheriff is Kyle's dad.
- He's gonna find out the truth.
- Kyle, I really don't think we should be together anymore.
- I'm the new guidance counselor.
- It's impossible, right, that she's not who she says she is? Do you know where Michael Guerin is? - The key means nothing.
- Then why did it give me a vision the first time I touched it? [Footsteps Following.]
[Liz Narrating.]
It's funny how the world changes sometimes.
How the streets you walked your entire life suddenly seem darker.
How the silence isn't so quiet anymore.
How eyes you've barely even noticed now look at nothing but you.
How the walk home every night is no longer routine, but a victory.
And then you begin to wonder - [Tires Screeching.]
- Maybe it's not the world that's changed.
Maybe it's just you.
[Dog Barking.]
And then, suddenly you begin to wonder all over again.
[Doorbell Ringing.]
Liz, what? What's wrong? - My journal's missing.
- And? No, Maria, I wrote everything in that journal.
- Everything? - Things about Max.
- Personal things about Max? - Everything.
What? Like where he's from, and what he is? I mean, what he isn't? I mean everything.
- Hey, man.
What's goin' on? - Since you asked, REM sleep.
- Please tell me this is important.
- It is.
I dreamt it, Max.
I've seen it more clearly than I ever have.
- What? - [Paper Rustling.]
It's what I saw that night at Valenti's office.
When I touched the key, that's what I saw.
- You saw a semi-circle.
- No, no.
I saw this, Max.
- This.
- And what is this? I don't know yet.
But I saw it.
I didn't even remember until tonight.
I had to tell somebody.
And I appreciate that I'm the one you chose to wake at 3:00 in the morning to tell you've been dreaming about semi-circles but maybe we can talk about this in the morning.
The morning.
- Would you mind - No.
No, go ahead.
What we need to do is reconstruct the crime.
- Reconstruct the crime? - Motive and opportunity.
That's the key.
This is Roswell.
You can't just ignore things like this.
I told you.
There was nothing unusual.
We were in.
I was studying with Alex yesterday Alex? Okay.
We have opportunity.
Yeah, well, we were in my room, and then he left and went home - and then Wait a second.
- Hmm? Why am I reconstructing a crime when there is absolutely no crime to reconstruct? It's misplaced, Maria.
It's not stolen.
Yeah, until we ask ourselves why would Alex want the diary? Has he been feeling ignored, curious? Asking questions we don't answer? Seeking explanations we don't give? Come on.
And what better way to find those answers than in your journal? Now, that's a motive.
- Was he alone in your room? - This is ridiculous.
Liz, I am your friend, okay? I'm just trying to help you out.
Was he alone? Alex.
At any time? Well, yeah, he was.
- I went to go get a soda.
- So he was alone.
- Ladies.
- Hi, Alex.
What are we talkin' about? - Uh, nothing really important.
- Nothing important.
"Nothing" game again.
Well, uh, I just wanted to remind you about the McCarthy thing we gotta do.
- McCarthy.
- The oral report? Oh.
So we should get together sometime and talk about that.
- Yeah.
- So I'm off to gym.
Dodgeball! - [Liz Giggles.]
- Okay.
So wish me luck.
- Good luck.
- Thank you very much.
How am I gonna tell Max? My advice? Over drinks.
- Hungry? - Oh, no.
Just this machine.
It's always acting up.
Can I ask you something? Sure.
But I have to be honest with you, Liz.
At this point, I don't think I have any secrets left.
- Liz? - [Sighs.]
Look, Max.
There's something that you should know, because - Hope I'm not interrupting.
- No.
You're not.
- Liz? - It's nothing, Max.
It's nothing important.
We just bumped into each other because I was walking this way from and then he was coming that way, and we just Interesting.
Bye, Liz.
You said you'd be nicer to her.
And you said you'd stay away from her.
Let's call it even.
[Footsteps Approaching.]
- Liz? - Ms.
Topolsky? Oh.
Um Yeah, I was just I was just leaving.
- Not on my account, I hope.
- Oh, no.
Oh, not at all.
I was l-I'm just, uh, late.
I'm just late for something.
Liz, I'm sure you have a fine reason for sitting alone in a dark classroom.
But I wouldn't be much of a guidance counselor if I didn't ask what that reason is.
Um, it's nothing.
Yeah, everything's great.
Sometimes, we think we're all alone.
But we're not.
There's people all around us willing and eager to help.
Maybe I'm not the first person you'd turn to in a moment like this.
But I want you to know I'm not only a guidance counselor.
- You're not? - No.
I'm also a friend.
- Now, does that make it any easier? - Uh, yeah.
- It does.
- Good.
Is everything really okay, Liz? Everything's great.
Thank you.
Hey, Alex.
#Ta, ta-ta ta # - Hey.
- Maria DeLuca, ladies and gentlemen.
- Where's Parker? - Oh, Liz, I don't know.
Anyway, she's dealing with some stuff, so Let me guess.
Kyle's making a pathetic attempt at regaining boyfriend status.
No, no.
Nothing like that.
Well, then, what is it? Or is this one of these things that you can no longer talk with Alex about? Look, l-I know it must really bother you, the way Liz and I clam up - every time you come around.
- Yeah, it's a little annoying.
Yeah, of course, and I mean, I'm sure it's our fault I mean, actually, I know it's our fault.
I just hope that What? I just I just hope that it wouldn't cause you to do anything, you know, out of character.
Oh, okay.
What are you talking about? Liz's diary is missing and Wait a second.
Are you accusing me of taking Liz's diary? No, no, no.
I'm not saying that at all.
No, it's just that Liz and I were running through the facts of the case you know, motive and opportunity - So Liz is accusing me? - No.
That's not what I'm saying either.
It's just that, based on certain factors, you emerge as a credible suspect.
I know that that couldn't be true, right? - It couldn't, could it? - Okay.
You know what? The next time you and Liz feel the urge to share with me, you know - feel the impulse to really "open up"? - Mm-hmm.
Do me a favor, okay? Let it pass.
- [Slamming.]
- That's school property, you know? Oh! Ms.
Um, I didn't know anyone was, uh I'm sorry about that.
Actually, it's not the locker I'm worried about, Alex.
Oh, me? [Chuckles.]
Oh, no.
Y-You don't have to do that.
I'm fine.
Really, I'm great.
Alex, could I talk with you in my office for a minute? - Yeah.
- [Lock Rattling.]
No, it's just, you know, things change.
People change.
Y-You accept it.
You move on.
Who's changed, Alex? You? - No, not me.
- Your girlfriend? No, l-I don't have a [Inhales Deeply.]
No girlfriend, Ms.
It doesn't surprise me.
Teenage girls can never spot the good ones.
I mean, look at Liz Parker.
Dating Kyle Valenti? - He's a little obvious, don't you think? - Yeah, well you know, apparently Liz is going through some stuff right now, so - "Stuff'? - It's stupid.
Liz loses her diary.
And the next thing I know, Inspector DeLuca tells me that they have me pinned as the main suspect! - These are my good friends, you know? - Oh.
Would you like me to talk to them, Alex? - Try to straighten this out? - No.
No, it's It's okay.
I can deal.
- [Chuckles.]
- [Stammering.]
Anyway, I'm I'm late for class, so [Dialing.]
- [Line Ringing, Picking Up.]
- [Man.]
- 73290.
- What have you got? Something interesting's happened.
Any chance of sending me some backup? That's good, Ellie.
Remember to maintain your perspective.
To what do we owe this pleasure? - What pleasure? - You, of course.
I mean, it's Thursday, and I don't think I recall seeing you since Monday.
- Of last week.
- Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
But I kinda just really wanna draw.
You "kinda just really wannadraw"? Yeah.
I didn't when they first made me take this class but now I do.
I'm just gonna take this easel here - [Charcoal Scratching Paper.]
- Keep your lines clean, Sydney.
- Hey, Kyle.
- So, you and Max Evans now? No.
We're We're just friends.
Oh, friends.
That is a popular position these days, Liz, isn't it? Look, Kyle, I know that you're angry with me, but this isn't easy for me either.
If you could just, like, try and understand You know the best part about being broken up, Liz? I don't have to try anymore.
- That's a good read.
- Yeah.
You know, I was I was just lookin'.
Of course, Szcerbiak's theory that the military cover-up of the 1947 landing was financed by an international consortium lacks credible evidence to support it.
Still, it debunks several fallacies that have long troubled me.
But, if you're gonna be working here for my money, these are the books to read.
Ah, yes.
- Among Us.
- A bit on the alternative side.
Atherton had an underground following, never truly embraced by the mainstream such that it is but it may be of some interest to a true believer like yourself.
Take a look.
Let me know what you think.
- I know you want answers, Max.
- Yes, I do.
Well, go ahead.
We both know she's more interesting than I am.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Uh, listen.
- Can I talk to you for a second? - Sure.
- Not here.
- Okay.
What's goin' on? Um, not much, actually.
- You? - Not much.
You know, we probably could have had this conversation out front.
Yeah, right.
We could have.
There is actually one thing.
What I didn't tell you before is, Max, um l-I keep this diary.
Still not exactly back room conversation, Liz.
Well, it's actually more of, like, a journal.
'Cause that's what scientists call their diaries.
Look, anyway, in this journal I generally write everything that happened to me.
Well, everything important, anyways, and lately that seems to include quite a few things.
And one of those things would be about Yeah.
So, that kind of leads us to the problem.
The problem being that that journal, with the stuff about that stuff about you and the shooting, and that whole, entire day and everything that journal is kind of just missing.
- Missing? - Not missing.
- Not missing.
- No, it's misplaced.
- Misplaced? - Temporarily misplaced.
- Right.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- No, l-I'm sure that there are [Nervous Laugh.]
I'm sure that it's somewhere stupid like under my bed or something.
What exactly did you write in this thing, Liz? How bad is it? I'm gonna find it, Max.
So, just don't worry about anything.
Okay? And, tomorrow after I've found it [Laughs.]
We're gonna have a really good laugh.
Just give me one day, Max, okay? And just don't tell anyone, please.
I promise you, Max, that I am gonna take care of it.
Where is it? Where are you? There you are.
Alex just called.
Although I'm quite sure that you were in no great rush to speak with him.
Um, how would you know that? How would I know what? That I might not want to speak with Alex.
Why would you say that, Mom? I've never even told you that.
- No, I guess you didn't.
- Mom, that's personal and private.
I mean, have I ever even said anything to you about Alex? Or-Or Alex and me? No.
I don't recall you saying anything.
You're right.
I'm just saying, Mom, that it seems a little strange that you would say that.
You know, that you would conclude something that I've never even told you.
That's something that I've only even written [Chuckles.]
Is everything all right with you? Oh.
Um, yeah.
[Chuckles Weakly.]
I've just been edgy all day.
- [Kissing.]
I'll see you later.
- Okay.
[Door Closes.]
Michael, do you really think you should be doing that here? - Doin' what? - Drawing that thing.
Whatever it is.
In public.
It's getting clearer.
It's getting weirder is what it's getting.
Max, will you please tell Michael this isn't a good idea.
Max? Are you okay? Yeah.
No, it's just, uh Atherton.
Listen to this.
He says this guy's nuts that aliens wouldn't possess the lung capacity or brain capacity, for more than short-term survival on earth.
"Brain capacity"? Max, will you say something to Michael, please? He'll listen to you.
- Wow, that's getting pretty good.
- I've been workin' on it in art class.
Max, this isn't right.
- I mean, we're getting careless.
- Isabel, it's just a sketch.
All right? [Sighing.]
We can't keep pretending that what we do doesn't matter.
That what we do isn't noticed.
Because it is.
! And if we're not careful, then I'm on to you, Evans.
- What was that about? - I have no idea.
- Kyle stole yourjournal.
- No, Max.
Don't go Marie on me, okay? It's not stolen, it's just It's misplaced.
"I'm on to you.
"Just now, he looked right at me and said, "I'm on to you.
" That means he read your journal.
That means he knows about me.
No, Max.
It's not about the journal.
It's about us, okay? Kyle thinks that you had something to do with our breaking up.
And he's not a thief.
The journal has only been missing for one day.
Kyle hasn't been in my house in over a week.
- And the Crashdown? - No.
Not there either.
[Lock Turning.]
Hello? Your room, huh? Good album.
- He was here.
- Who was here? - Kyle.
- No, Max.
I told you.
Kyle hasn't been here for over a week.
- I saw him.
- You saw him? I had a flash, Liz.
When things get intense uh, heightened, sometimes we feel things, see things He was here, Liz.
#[Hip-Hop, Instrumental.]
#[Man Rapping.]
- Hey! - [Groans.]
Hold on, hold on.
All right.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I got the C.
, Kyle, thanks.
- Did you? That's great.
Your dad let me in.
Kyle, I know when two people break up, it's it's not easy.
You know, it's not as easy as they thought it would be, you know? - Sorry, man.
- Yeah.
You know, these people, they might say or do things that they don't mean, you know? Uncharacteristic things.
Maybe they're just confused, you know? Looking for answers, and reasons.
- [Sighs.]
Do you know what I mean? - Yeah.
I do.
That's why I want you to know that you can ask me anything, Liz.
I don't have any secrets from you.
Is that what you think, Kyle? I have secrets? Do you think it's those secrets that broke us up? Well, maybe, Liz.
So, when you were in my room, alone you had a chance to discover what those secrets were, isn't that right? - What? What are you so scared of? - What? What secrets are you so afraid of me knowing the truth about Max Evans? About why you've been so weird ever since that day at the Crashdown? Is that what your secrets are? Kyle, this is serious.
What you have I really need back.
We all want something back, Liz.
It's too bad life isn't always fair.
- This isn't good, you know.
- No, I see that.
It's pretty good, huh? I didn't even know I could paint.
But Mr.
Cowan says it's the best thing to come out of his class all year.
- Michael, this isn't right.
- What isn't? A public display! Your thing just sitting here.
This is not a thing, all right? It's I'm not exactly sure what it is, but What Isabel is trying to say is that it's not a very good idea.
- It could be dangerous.
- Dangerous? How could it be dangerous? It doesn't mean anything to anyone.
Including myself.
But Michael, that's not really the point.
The point is we shouldn't be taking chances like this.
You did.
Yes, l I did, that's right, but But what? You can take chances and I can't? You can roll the dice with our lives, but if anyone else does, I mean - God forbid, you know.
- No, I saved someone's life, Michael.
I wasn't dabbling in the arts.
I think Miss Parker's diary provides one of the most compelling leads I've ever encountered since I joined the unit.
Wait a second.
I cut my vacation short for a diary? - Okay, sorry.
- This is not just a diary, Agent.
This is potential proof of alien contact.
Not from a crackpot farmer or a drunk somewhere but from a straight "A" student.
Treasurer of the Roswell Science Club.
So, uh, any idea where this diary might be? I think I do.
This is where we should get started.
She's been having a problem with her boyfriend.
- [Dinging.]
- Hey.
I'm here if you need me.
[Coyote Howling.]
Kyle? Sheriff Valenti? Someone should tell the sheriff that dead bolts don't work when you leave your door open.
Max, we shouldn't be in here.
You're right, so let's make this quick.
- Which way is Kyle's room? - [Whispering.]
Max! Look, we'll get in, we'll grab your journal, we'll get out.
And in the process, we'll save my life.
So which way is Kyle's room? You start in the closet.
I'll start here.
It's not in here.
Any luck? No.
It's not in here, Max.
Look, maybe Kyle doesn't have it.
Maybe Kyle doesn't have it anymore.
Wait here.
[Engine Rewing.]
- Max! It's Kyle.
- [Car Door Opening.]
- [Door Closing.]
- [Gasping.]
Come on.
Let's go.
I see you've chosen your favorite subject.
You know, I just can't seem to get it out of my head.
Yeah, I see.
It's quite good, Michael.
- It is.
- Thank you.
Don't you think it's time you drew something else? - Somethin' else? - Well, when the class drew fruit you drew this.
When the class sketched a human form, you drew this again.
You're a talented artist, Mr.
But you can't go through the semester drawing only a geodesic dome.
- A what? - A geodesic dome? Perhaps before your time.
It's a type of house, architecturally postmodern.
- House? - As I was saying, Mr.
Guerin an artist of your ability can draw something else, something besides this.
Perhaps [Charcoal Scraping Paper.]
Stick with the dome.
Michael's painting isn't our biggest problem right now.
Does that imply that there's a problem I'm not aware of? But, before I tell you, you need to know that it's not Liz's fault.
You see, Liz keeps a journal.
Everything that happens to her she writes down including that day at the café.
What I did, who I am.
Who you are.
But you can't blame her, all right? You gotta promise me that.
- Blame her for what? - For losing her journal.
- [Isabel.]
Oh, my God.
- I know it sounds bad.
But it'll turn up.
I know it will.
But until then, I'm handling it.
Michael? Did you hear what I said? Michael? - [Water Running.]
- [Doorbell Jingling.]
Sorry, we're closed! - [Door Closes, Bell Rings.]
- Michael.
Um, I'm sorry that the kitchen's closed.
That's all right.
I just ate.
You know, actually, this is for employees only.
Max told me what happened.
Oh, he did.
What did he say? He said you wrote it all down, Liz.
He said that.
What do you want? I want you to know it wasn't smart to write all those things down, Liz.
I know that now.
I knew it a week ago.
Excuse me? That was the night I sat at the first booth.
Maybe you remember.
[Michael's Voice.]
It was late, like tonight.
And you were at the counter.
- Homework? - Uh, yeah.
A little bit.
But it wasn't homework, was it? No, it wasn't.
You could have put us in an awful spot, Liz.
Roswell's not exactly the town you want to be unique in.
If you know what I mean.
You have to know who your friends are.
I had to know the risk.
So I had to know what your journal said.
You took it.
I never meant for things to get out of control.
It's nice to know we have at least one friend in this town.
- Does Max know that you - No.
And you know what would be really great? If you didn't tell him.
But why didn't you just destroy this, Michael? Because anyone that found this would know all about you.
They'd know all about you, Liz.
Thank you for giving me one more reason to envy Max Evans.
And you might want to get better window locks.
For when your criminals happen to be human.
[Tapping On Keys.]
- Hi.
- Oh.
I seem to be finding myself here quite a bit lately.
Well, maybe you'd be interested in a season pass.
Includes the guided tour and a box lunch.
Everything's okay, Max.
I have my journal.
You found it? Ah, I guess you could say that it found me.
- [Sighs.]
- I left it at the Crashdown.
- A customer returned it.
- A customer? A friend.
A-A good friend.
Uh, look, Max, now that this is all over and everything I feel like I owe you an explanation to why I wrote those things.
You don't.
No, I know you think that I was foolish, to write about that day, and you and everything, but What I wrote in my journal it didn't really have anything to do with science.
Um That day that you saved me l-I felt something that I just had to put into words.
So years from now, if anyone ever If anyone ever touches me the way that you did I'll know what it's supposed to feel like.
So, can I see it? What you wrote? Oh.
Yeah, I don't I don't think that's a good idea.
- No? - No.
Why? Because if I read what you wrote in your journal I realize how you really see me.
I can't believe you're still reading that.
Guilty pleasure.
Michael, are you okay? Yeah.
I just wish I had a few more answers.
The dome, you know? I mean, what's the point of having a vision if it doesn't mean anything? - Patience, space boy.
- [Chuckles.]
You're in an awfully good mood.
- Must mean that the diary - Safe and sound.
- So where was it? - Liz wouldn't say.
She said a good friend brought it back.
- Hmm.
- Anybody want anything? - I'll go with.
- Isabel? No, thanks.
Max! Michael! - What's the problem? - This.
Michael, it's your vision.
[Liz Narrating.]
October 28.
I've missed a few days.
But in my absence, I've been thinking about some things.
About life before Max Evans saved me.
About how I used to pray for something to happen.
Something tojust break the routine, you know? Of school and work? Something that would make a small town feel bigger.
That would make a small-town girl feel bigger too.
And ever since I got my wish and Max Evans patched a bullet hole two inches below my ribs I realized one thing: That the bigger your world gets the bigger your problems get too.
#[Rock Ballad.]

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