Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Ruby Ring Hello? Let's set a date.
For what? For our wedding.
What do you mean set a date for our wedding? Let's talk about it in person.
I'll be there in half an hour.
I, Bae Gyeongmin, am coming to pick up my future bride.
Don't come.
What if people at the office see us? Who cares? They'll find out sooner or later.
That's not what matters.
What matters right now is that I, Bae Gyeongmin, misses you, Jeong Ruby, very much.
Even the music's great this morning.
Do you want to hear it? Remember this? We used to love it when we were in college.
Now you only have 20 minutes left.
You're smiling ear to ear.
I am? "I am?" Are you mocking me? What was that about anyway? He wants to get married? Yeah.
Good for you.
Have you told mom? Not yet.
Yu Gilja will be doing a victory dance, ecstatic about getting a rich son-in-law.
It's not set in stone yet.
As far as I can tell, that man has totally fallen for you.
He says he wants to marry you.
Why can't you just say yes? Why play hard to get? We have nothing going for us.
I don't have a lot of money saved up.
His family's loaded.
They'll take care of everything.
In any case, congrats.
Why's she? Gilja.
Hey, Runa! Jeong Runa! Come out here for a second.
What is it? Runa, isn't Ruby working today? Yes, she headed out.
Why? Yeah? But why was she with some guy in an expensive-looking car? They drove away.
Does this mean Ruby's skipping work to be with some guy? Don't worry.
Jeong Ruby's in a passionate relationship.
Relationship? She acts so innocent, but she's a real player.
Do you know what's going on? Not really.
All I know is that she's hit the jackpot.
What? What do you mean she hit the jackpot? Have you met the guy? What does he do? I don't know.
He was driving an expensive car.
Is she dating a dirty old man? To be able to afford a car like that Oh, no.
This is bad.
Runa, is the guy married, or divorced? Runa, tell your aunt that's something inappropriate for an aunt to say to her niece.
Runa, tell your mother an aunt can joke around with her niece.
Runa, tell her that her joke was offensive.
Mom, are you at it again with Aunt Chorim? Good grief.
Hey, Runa.
What else did Ruby say? I want details.
He asked her to marry him.
What? Really? That's all I know.
You know how sneaky Ruby is.
She's such a pain.
Tell us more.
Tell us everything you know.
Hey! The weather's so nice.
It's perfect for playing hooky.
Should we be bad? What? I was just reminded of how we used to play hooky in school.
That's why I got a D in econ.
I managed to get a C.
I must be a lot smarter than you.
You were a major distraction.
Dad asked me to invite you over.
He wants a formal introduction.
He's totally taken with you.
Gyeongmin, I'm not ready yet.
I'll get everything ready.
You won't have to lift a finger, okay? Where are we going? We're playing hooky.
Not bad, right? Try it.
I'm scared.
You're doing well.
Pull the reins.
It's espresso.
Where did you get this? You still like espresso, right? It's nice.
Here you go.
Hello? Yes, this is.
Audition? Okay.
What time? Got it.
Thank you.
Are you going out? Yup.
Put your clothes away.
And put these in a drawer.
What, mom? I'm busy.
Look at your room.
You should put those away.
Ruby, that good for nothing, was in a hurry to get to work, so she left them out.
Don't call your sister that.
Why are you always nagging me? Ow.
That didn't hurt.
So what's Ruby's boyfriend like? I told you.
I don't know.
Why don't you ask her yourself? You said she was in a relationship and that the guy asked her to marry him.
I don't know.
I'm in a rush.
It doesn't have to be detailed.
I'm busy, mom.
I'm busy, Mrs.
Mom, do you know where I'm going today? To audition for a new show.
If all goes well, it might even air in Seoul.
Once I make my way to Seoul, I'll make it big.
I'll do whatever it takes to succeed.
And when I do, I'll pamper you like a queen.
All I want is for you to tidy up your room.
That's how you can pamper me.
What are these? How lame.
So this is what she's been writing so secretly? A diary? Hello? What are you doing here? I'm busy getting ready for the business trip, but I made some time for you.
There's something I had to give you.
It's the most precious gift I've ever given someone.
The most precious gift? Here, Hyerin.
Aren't you having lunch? Huh? It's lunchtime already? The head of the team's left for lunch.
Why don't we eat too? You guys go ahead.
I'm going to finish this up.
Why don't you come with us? I know you're just being nice.
Go on.
Hello? You're not out having lunch yet, right? I was just about to head out.
I'll be waiting for you at the back gate.
I don't know Why don't you join us? No, thanks.
You two can go ahead.
I don't want to be the third wheel.
Thank you.
Come again.
I'm stepping out for a bit.
Tell Chorim to watch the chicken stock.
See you.
Did you have an argument with the boss? Let's have ice cream.
I have some I put away in the freezer.
What is the matter with you? How can you be chummy with me when I gave you a black eye? As for me, I'm still mad at you.
Come on, Chorim.
We're not in grade school.
We're adults.
Truth is, it wasn't fair what you did to me.
But if I stay angry, it's my loss.
Stress ages you.
It gives you wrinkles.
I won't mention you and Dongpal to the boss anymore, so let's make up.
I don't think so.
Fine then.
I can tell her about the movies, right? I'm just kidding.
So what happened with Mrs.
Yu? Did you get into a fight with her as well? It's none of your business.
But still Be quiet.
Don't fuss over nothing.
I heard you and our producer Na Insu work very well together.
Yes, I suppose.
You must be disappointed that a different producer will take over since Mr.
Na's going to China on a business trip.
I heard.
I was told I would have to do my audition over.
You're experienced, so I wouldn't even call it an audition per se, but Of course I should re-audition.
Oh will take it from here.
All I do is sign off on things.
It's Mr.
Oh who actually makes all the decisions around here.
Let's go, Ms.
Thank you.
I have to audition here? And is it just me? Truth is, I was set on casting you, but I don't know if I should even tell you this.
Please be honest with me.
I thought I was going to be on this show.
I'm sorry, but I cast someone else.
Why? I heard you were getting married.
Pardon? Who? Me? I know everything.
But this is news to me.
I know you need to keep it under wraps.
Oh, there seems to be a misunderstanding.
Don't worry.
I'm tight-lipped.
Insu told me in confidence that you two were getting married when he returns from China.
He told me not to cast you for this program if at all possible.
Not to cast me? Did he really say that to you? Why would I lie? In any case, congratulations.
Insu is thrilled.
The person you are trying to reach I'm in the middle of a meeting.
I'll call you later.
We've put together a staff in China.
They asked for more than I had expected, so I'm mulling it over.
I hear the rates have gone way up.
It's tough not having an assistant producer.
And I'm sorry you're doing more than your fair share.
What is this? How could you think you were helping me? Who are you to cancel my casting? Who do you think you are? Hello.
I'll get going, Mr.
We'll talk on the phone.
We still have a lot to do.
You have something more urgent at hand.
See you later.
What do you think you're doing? The most precious gift? Precious? You don't know me at all, Na Insu.
This is not what Jeong Runa wants.
Don't you get it? Jeong Runa.
Why did you do it? Why did you tell Mr.
Oh to not cast me? Sit.
Let's sit down and talk.
Tell me why.
You know very well why.
Getting married? Yes.
We're getting married.
You and I.
Did you think I was one of those girls who'd use pregnancy as an excuse to snatch a guy? Jeong Runa, it's me who's snatching you.
Please marry me.
I'm not getting married.
You know what I really want.
I was ready to do a great job on the new show.
Who are you to get in the way? You said this was an important show that may even air in Seoul.
I'm doing it.
I know I can do it well, so call him.
Call Mr.
Oh and tell him we're not getting married.
Tell him to cast Jeong Runa.
The decision has been finalized.
It's still not too late, so call him.
You and I will go and see him.
Tell him it was a misunderstanding.
Tell him you were just kidding.
You know how badly I want this.
How can you do this to me? I know.
But what's more important for us is Getting married? I'm not getting married.
You had me all wrong.
I'm not ready yet.
Jeong Runa.
I'm not ready! I see now.
I see why you went out with me.
We won't get married.
But if we don't, what about the baby? I'll figure it out.
What do you mean you'll figure it out? Are you going to raise the baby as a single mother? It's my baby.
I make the decisions.
How is it your baby? It's mine.
It's Jeong Runa's baby, okay? I decide whether it lives or dies.
If you're going to be like this, I'll kill myself.
How can you even say such a thing? Do you think this is easy for me? But this is easier than ruining my life.
Call Mr.
Call him this instant! If you don't, I won't ever see you again.
I'm done here.
Let's call it quits.
Go, Jeong Runa.
Get out.
Do you think I won't? It's all over.
But if you get an abortion without discussing it with me, I'll make sure you're barred for life from this industry.
This is for the best.
Turns out Na Insu doesn't have money or connections.
I picked the wrong guy.
So how far have you two gotten? You smell sweet and in love.
Just do it.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Just get married.
You're involved in an office romance, and with the director no less.
If you drag this out, rumors will abound, and you'll be the one who looks bad.
You did the dating thing before.
Now it's time to get married.
Nothing's really changed though.
What are you talking about? It's so obvious to those around you.
Hello, Mr.
The weather's amazing.
Yes, it's way too amazing.
It makes you not want to work.
I know.
Work at a comfortable pace.
Yes? When do you plan to get married? Well Perhaps very soon? Have a nice wedding gift ready.
See? He said very soon.
He's so cool with these things.
So cool.
Ruby, would you like a wedding gift that'll knock your socks off? Jinhui.
A washing machine? Fridge? Tell me.
Just a little.
You have to give it a little at a time.
Hello? Hey, Gyeongmin.
Dad? He's fine.
What? Tonight? What's the hurry? Why? What is it? He asked me how you were.
If you're feeling okay, he wants to know if he can bring his girlfriend over for dinner.
Really? Of course it's okay.
Tell him to do that.
Don't you think it's too soon? What do you mean it's too soon? Have him bring her over.
I'm all for it.
I don't think I'm ready for it yet, but dad says he's feeling fine and wants her over for dinner.
Is she coming? Yes.
I don't see what the rush is.
Women are so strange.
Is it because you're jealous of her for stealing Gyeongmin from you? Of course I am.
I'm seething with jealously.
Here, Chorim.
What is the matter? How have I wronged you? Tell me.
What did I do so wrong that you refuse to talk to me or even make eye contact all day long? Fine.
I'm mean and nasty.
Yes, I am.
I'm glad you know.
What did you say? I may not be your daughter.
I'm merely your sister-in-law.
Be that as it may, we've lived together for 30 years.
30 whole years! So how could you get restorative tonic for Ruby, Runa, and yourself and leave me out? And yours is deer antler tonic, the priciest.
Anyone will tell you I have all the right to be angry.
It's not deer antler tonic.
The lady at the tonic place I'm not your blood relative, but we live in the same house.
What you did was wrong.
I'm really upset.
And it says deer antler on the box.
Why lie to me? Of course you have all the right to have deer antler or even Yup.
I have no right to judge you.
I'm just a freeloader.
That's right, Chorim.
You are a freeloader.
I've taken care of you ever since I married your brother.
Just a month after we got married, your mother got remarried, seeking a better life.
Ever since then, I've taken care of you.
Only a year into the marriage, your brother died, and as you know, he cheated on me that whole time.
He was never home, and he even had a baby with another woman.
Despite it all, I never said anything to you.
I never once thought of you as anything but family.
Have I ever discriminated against you even when Ruby and Runa were little? I accepted my fate as the guardian of 3 children.
You are a freeloader.
I gave you a few pieces of kimchi when our family had meat.
I gave you water when our family had restorative tonic.
So, yes, you are a freeloader.
Chorim, I'm not that mean or nasty.
If I were really mean and nasty, I would've abandoned you a long time ago.
And yet you make all this fuss over stupid tonic.
I know.
It's been tough for you too.
I do know that.
Your mother left you in order to get remarried when you were only in middle school.
So you had no choice but to live with your widowed sister-in-law.
I tried my best, but it probably wasn't good enough for you.
Life's been tough for you too.
What am I supposed to do though? I do the best I can, and yet you think I'm mean and nasty.
Let's just take it for what it is and try to get along.
Why in the world would I hate you? I should've been more considerate and attentive though.
And do forgive me for slapping you.
It won't happen again.
Don't cry, Chorim.
I'm sorry, Gilja.
I was wrong.
And I had this made especially for you.
I realized how upsetting it must've been for you.
So drink up and find yourself a nice man to settle down with.
I'm not getting married.
I merely have my selfish interest in mind.
It's tough living with your husband's sister.
I hope you end up living with a sister-in-law just like you.
Drink up.
Go on.
It's delicious.
Is this really deer antler tonic? I can feel the tonic firing me up inside and giving me a surge of energy.
Good for you.
What are you doing? Let go.
Let go.
I'm sorry, Gilja.
Stop it.
Let go of me.
This way.
Why's the restaurant so far away? We've been driving for an hour.
It's no ordinary restaurant.
It's a very special place.
Where is it? You'll get it from me if I don't like it.
Yes, ma'am.
Let's go.
I made a reservation, so don't worry.
This isn't fair.
Hurry up.
My parents are waiting for us.
Is everything all set? Yes, mother.
You seem very happy to be meeting your future granddaughter-in-law.
Of course I am.
I'm happier than I was on my wedding night.
Hon, is everything ready? Good grief.
What? You always take Gyeongmin's side.
At my age, my son comes before my old, wrinkly wife.
Right, mom? My goodness.
The really old, wrinkly lady here is uncomfortable with what you said.
I didn't mean it like that.
I know how you really feel.
Deep inside, your wife always comes first.
They must be here.
I'll show them in.
Let's go.
Good evening, sir.
Welcome my darling.
Thank you for coming all this way.
She was complaining that I hadn't told her we were coming here.
Grandma and mom, don't be upset that she came empty-handed.
I didn't tell her until we got here.
That's good.
We don't mind one bit.
We're not upset at all.
I'm sorry.
Come on.
Let's eat.
I'm hungry.
Thanks for coming.
Are Ruby and I really twins? We were born on the same day and came from the same womb, but why are we so different? From now on, we are bound together like this forever and ever.
Lucky you, Jeong Ruby.
What did you do to make him fall so madly in love with you? What's the secret? You like me, don't you? Are you really seeing Dongpal? Do you believe in love? I don't.
Have you gained weight? Go on a diet.
Will you come with me to the hospital? That's murder.
See you next time
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