Selection Day (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

You should have let the place burn down.
As for that idiot Tommy Sir what the hell is he playing at? The man is an Olympic idiot.
Trust exercises?! Making batsmen bowl? Benching Champion Number two! Enough is enough.
You're not going back to that deathtrap.
We'll find a better school, and a coach who knows what he's doing.
You can't take us out! Today's the first match of the Harris Shield.
With that clown Tommy as coach, it will be your last.
I hear there will be a selector there.
How do you know? The other team has a bowler, Deepak.
He plays for the Panthers.
He's the selector's favorite.
You must rip this Deepak to shreds.
Knock him all over the park.
He won't know where to place his fielders.
Hey, Mohan.
You've to give rent by tomorrow morning.
Don't bother me.
They have a match.
We're strategizing.
Plan a strategy to avoid your landlord.
He's an arsehole.
He wants his money on time.
Where can I buy lotus roots? I have to make a special tonic for them.
When you become homeless you'll remember my words.
It's payday from Miss Tina madam, I'll get his precious rent money and throw it on his face.
Let's never talk to him about Tommy Sir at home again.
We can't leave this school.
He'll behave if we keep our averages up.
You have to focus though.
He'll go crazy again, if one of us loses form, Oh, there is my hero.
Great boy.
Aren't you proud of your brother? Ma'am, you shouldn't have kept him in after school.
- He has to focus on cricket, or Dad - I've been trying to call your dad.
Where is he? He's not answering the phone, I've been calling all the parents to reassure them.
- Give me your mother's number.
- We don't have her number.
She needs to hear it from us.
She may get worried.
- I'll tell her, ma'am.
- Yeah, you better do that.
Have you got any lotus root? - Excuse me.
- Yes? Where I can get this? Excuse me, do you know where can I find this? Harry, sniff it.
Sniff it, sniff it.
Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff.
Go find it.
Go! Go, find it! So what really happened with you two on Friday? What do you mean? One theory is that Javed set it alight while smoking.
And the other is that he did it on purpose, 'cause he's like that.
Yeah, but my money's on you.
He got you banned from the team, you got mad at him and tried to burn his kit.
- Then things just went out of hand.
- People think that? Javed had to save you.
- He's my hero.
- That's bullshit, I saved him.
That's impossible.
We were in the lab after school.
What were you doing there after school? - My punish - Manju was punished, and uh, I was just trying to distract him.
You know how honest he is.
Manju said that he saved your life.
- How are you doing to repay him? - I wasn't in any danger.
Your shirt was on fire.
I had it under control.
It was no biggie.
- Anyway, I'll see you all at the match today? - Yeah.
So enigmatic.
Hello, what about Kalpana? Who? Harry! Harry! Harry, stop! Harry! - Harry? - Whose dog is this? - Take him.
He's scaring the customers.
- Do you have this? - Can't you get it up? - It's for a tonic.
Do you have it? Here.
How much? For you and your dog, it's 100 rupees a kilo.
- Give me two kilos.
- No way! Two kilos is not enough.
You want it? Buy the lot.
It's 3,000 for 30 kilos.
Firefly flickers.
One brave light to brave the night, broken-chained dipped in flame.
Firefly falls unseen.
Tea and coffee for Anand.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Not a patch on the coffee in America, but at least they get my name right here.
Anand Hey.
- Hey, dude, huh? - Dude.
- How are you? Wow! - Good, good.
Good to see you.
Who's this lovely lady? - Monica Tandon.
- Gulshan.
Thrilled to meet you.
How do you two know each other? We worked on something together.
- It was a while back.
- Huh.
- What was it again? - I can't remember.
Can you? - How are things? - Things are good, things are very good.
Actually, I I got some really good news last night.
Prospects are looking really good.
You wanna tell me about it? When the time is right, I will.
Smoothie for Gulshan! Yeah.
So let's catch up.
- Yes.
- Yeah? - Properly.
- Yes.
Step step - be careful.
- Where are we going? It's a surprise, silly.
Isn't she beautiful? She's Kalpana.
Named after the first Indian woman to go to space.
We built her.
It's for the All-Indian Moon buggy competition.
- How many gears will she have? - Five.
Once she's done, we're going to race her across an obstacle course that simulates the Moon terrain.
Next month is the inter-state competition.
The winner goes to the U.
for the finals.
Are 22-inch wheels enough for protection? It's still a work in progress.
That's how we need your help.
But I have a match today.
I'm too busy with cricket.
- I thought you were banned.
- I've been reinstated.
Even after what your father did? They know that's a lost cause, no point arguing with him.
You can still help us.
Trust me, it's completely worth it.
Last year's winners got a full scholarship at Mumbai's best engineering college.
It's a big deal, Manju.
What do you say, Manju? - Why aren't you ready? Toss is in 20 minutes.
- Hm Looks like I need to wait a little longer before I can see you return to the Harris Shield.
What? Are you okay? - I won't go if you don't want me to.
- No.
You have to go.
- Don't miss the toss.
- But you I need you there.
This is for us.
I'm alright.
You better go.
Good luck.
I'll give you the full detail by commentary when I get back.
- Okay? - Mm.
Make sure you get some rest.
Let's go, all right? W-E-I-N-G Weinberg Academy.
We really need a catchier name for the team.
I thought you didn't even like cricket.
Colonial hangover and all that? Yeah, but I'd crawl across cut glass - to support the school if I had to.
- Hope that won't be necessary.
So you need another W, right? - So, you have Weinberg Wizards? - Uh-uh.
- Wonders? - Won no.
Uh, Tommy Sir? What do you say if the school team is called Weinberg Wolverines? - Yeah, that works.
- Uh? Next, you'll be asking them to plai in colored pyjamas, Nellie.
Why not? - Uh - Wolverines? - Sofia? - Yes, sir? - Do you have a camera phone? - Yes, sir.
- Can you film the match for me? - I will certainly, and, oh, do you want some commentary as well? I do a very good Harsha Bhogle.
He's definitely the selector.
Everyone looks like a selector to you.
See how tall he is.
I'm sure he's a selector.
I'm going to take five wickets today.
They're a rubbish team.
And thanks to Radha, I will thrash them with this new bat.
You can see it on their faces, they're begging for it.
Javed! Never take anyone for granted.
They are one of the weaker teams, their batting line up is not the best.
And Saif and Hrithik's speed will cause them real problems.
But that doesn't mean that you can just relax.
Their pace bowler, Deepak, can change the game in a single over.
His economy rate is 2.
6, with an average of 26.
Learn to respect him.
- What's his danger ball, sir? - He has a wonderful late-inswiinging yorker.
I can play inswing.
That's why, I want you to open.
I'm good with inswings too, sir.
You'll come in one down, Javed.
Manju you will open with Radha.
Come on, pad up.
Yes, sir.
One brave light to brave the night, Manju.
Why did you write that? I thought you'd find it interesting.
What was that about? Nothing.
Don't let him get into your head, Manju.
This idiot likes to tease people.
When will Dad come? He is too embarrassed.
He'll not come.
Harry, baby?! Harry?! Where are you? Huh? You want to have an apple? Come to the daddy.
Here, come.
Come to.
What the hell have you done, huh? Hey! Come on.
- I'm already late because of you, huh? - What's going on? Wh-what are you doing on my bed? - What have you done to my Harry? - Harry - Harry! Oh, my god! - Ma'am, it's nothing.
It's just a bit of mud.
I'll clean him.
Get out of my house! Get get out! Get out! - Give me my salary first.
- What salary? Get out before I call the cops! I've earned that money.
I have to pay rent.
You should give me money, huh?! 1,000 for cleaning him up, 1,200 for trimming his fur.
Do you know what the bed sheet costs? Get out! Get out! I hope that dog gives you fleas! My Harry doesn't have fleas! Do you? Isn't Deepak that same guy from The Panthers? He's not better than us.
Let's show him who we are.
- Play! - Very good! Well played.
- Nice bowling.
- Good shot.
Good shot! Come on, come on, come on.
Ooh! What's the matter? I heard that Tommy Sir was back on the field.
I had to see it for myself.
It's all because of Geeta.
She wants to keep me busy.
It's been a while since we all saw each other.
How is she? She has cancer, Sandeep.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know.
And how would you know that? Anyone I should keep an eye on, for selection? That's not my job anymore, Sandeep.
You know that.
You better get your head in the game or you may lose it.
Over! What's on your mind? You are God.
Figure it out.
Firefly flickers.
One brave light to brave the night.
Broken-chain dipped in flame, firefly falls unseen.
Run, run, run! Am I right? It's a quatrain.
What? It's a sort of poem.
Four-line poems are a popular part of the poetic tradition of many ancient civilizations.
But what does it mean? You're not meant to find meaning in these things.
It is a thing of beauty in and of itself.
Meant to evoke an image of the natural world.
These donkeys don't know what's hit them! - Do you want to take the strike? - No, you play.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
It doesn't evoke any images of nature, for me.
That's because poetry is fundamentally boring and serves no other purpose apart from seduction, reflection and teenage angst.
But science, science on the other hand is fantastically practical and helps us all to a better world.
Now, see for example, the biggest challenge that the humans are gonna face in the next century is when they flee this planet, and the distance to Mars.
Now, currently, it takes about a year to get there.
What if I told you I can fix that? Who cares about Mars! If you can't tell me the meaning of the poem, I'd rather you left me alone.
I hate puberty anyway.
- Run, run, Manju! - No! Now I can see where they get their talent from.
Your boys are playing well.
- What is Radha's batting average? - Seventy point two.
And without Manju? Hm? Slightly lower.
He struggles with outswingers on a new ball.
Even Kohli struggles early in his innings.
All batsmen have their weaknesses.
Yes, but not every batsman has a brother who helps to disguise it.
Sir, the record for the fastest century in Under-16s is with 37 balls.
- The scorer asked me to tell you.
- Come here.
Tell him the record is about to be broken.
- Fourteen! - What? 4-4-6.
Bastard! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Yeah! - The fastest 100, he has broken the record! - Yes!
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