Shark s01e05 Episode Script

In the Grasp

Help me.
You are so bad, you suck.
So let me get this straight.
They played this game last Sunday? Yeah.
You've run the same draw play five times for minus three yards.
And you already know who won? And I got the two grand to prove it.
Okay, a little play action.
Roll out, pass and touchdown! I never doubted you, baby.
So why are you watching this? Research.
Arnie, give me two dimes on Carolina, and I'll buy the half point.
right So how's that Longfellow term paper coming along? I get it back tomorrow.
I'm sure you nailed it.
It's all about doing your homework.
And breaking the law.
Massaging the law.
Hey, I only use Arnie when I can't get to Vegas.
Oh, I'm sure a judge would be fine with that.
I'll give up my bookie when you agree to pay for Stanford on your own dime.
Speak to me.
There was three of them.
They took me into a room and grabbed my throat.
I-I tried to scream, but they held me down, started ripping off my clothes.
I fought back, but they were too strong.
Sydney, can you identify these men? They're football players.
I've I've seen two of them before.
I don't know their names.
But I know the third one.
Josh Carpenter? She's positive it was him.
He's the top college quarterback in the country.
So he can't be a rapist? Did I say that? Enough! Game plan? Let's bring in every guy who was there, get Sydney Blair to ID her attackers.
You want to pull an entire football team out of bed for a lineup? Just the ones who were at the party.
It'll give us a chance to question Josh Carpenter without a lawyer present.
That's borderline illegal.
And yet I like it.
Looks like the word's out.
Something tells me CU's about to blow their perfect season.
Only if we nail these guys.
Who they play on Saturday? Arizona.
Arnie, Stark.
Yeah, give me five dimes on Arizona Saturday.
Just a hunch.
Just take your time, Sydney.
Sorry, I don'tI don't see them.
Look, I can't do this.
I know this is hard.
No, I want to go home.
And you will, but these guys hurt you.
And if you don't help us now, they're gonna hurt somebody else.
And I know you don't want that.
Okay? You can do this.
Number two.
And number five.
You sure? Yeah.
Yeah, they raped me.
Did you see Miss Blair at the party tonight, Josh? No, sir.
It was pretty crowded.
I was just partying with some friends.
Sydney ID'd the other two suspects as Seth Taylor and Brent Freeman.
This guy's lawyer's on his way up.
Did you get a name? Ted Jeffries.
Party's over.
Were you aware of anything that might have been I'm sorry to interrupt, Detective Frye.
I just have a few questions to ask Stark, you're out of line.
You know, I get that a lot.
Who raped Sydney Blair tonight, Josh? How should I know? Did you, Taylor and Freeman take her into that room? No.
She teased you a little bit, you lost control and you raped her? That's not true.
I know.
You're the leader, you're the quarterback, you spot Sydney, she's looking hot.
You call in a few of your blockers, then you go to town.
That's not what happened.
If you're lying I will find out.
So, if you have something to tell me, son, now's the time.
Don't say another word.
Oh, hey, Ted, I was wondering when you'd show up.
You arresting my client? Hey, this is a preliminary investigation.
It'd save us a lot of time and effort if he'd just confess now, let us all go to bed.
I got a better idea.
Arrest him or let him go.
Come on.
And if you want a DNA sample, make a motion.
Now we lost his DNA.
I don't know how to lose.
You just take this bad boy to the lab, and you let me know when you get the results.
And I'll give you the name of my tailor, 'cause those lapels went out with disco.
Thanks for seeing me, Jessica.
And I assure you that all university resources are at your disposal.
I appreciate that, Ben.
Sorry, I didn't have a chance to meet Mr.
Count your blessings.
You know, um, I'd never ask you to compromise your position, Jessica, but the university PR department's driving me crazy.
If you could give me any indication as to where this is headed Downhill, fast.
Stark, I presume? Sorry, I'm late.
Not that it matters since the district attorney can't discuss an ongoing case with an interested party.
Right, Jess? The chancellor and I were just wrapping up.
I was hoping we could work together.
Well, that presumes our interests are the same, which clearly they're not.
You're trying to protect the university's million-dollar meal ticket.
I'm trying to prosecute a gang rape.
I'm sorry, Ben.
I'm not.
Your boys are going down.
I came to discuss a strategy for managing the avalanche of publicity to the benefit of all concerned.
At least to you.
Flynn feels the less press, the better.
Hmm, what a shock.
I wonder why.
Oh, maybe it's those big fat TV dollars at stake, alumni contributions, lost recruits.
Now, that's unfair.
The university wants justice done in this matter.
Oh, you're in luck, Ben.
I happen to be in the justice business.
Okay, let's break it down.
Victim attends a victory party at the defendant's on-campus residence.
She arrives at 9:00, has some drinks.
Find out how many.
Carpenter, Freeman and Taylor take her to a room downstairs make sexal advances; victim says no, they won't listen.
When the guys go back upstairs to the party, victim runs outside, calls the campus police.
So what's the good news? Torn clothing, bruising, overwhelming evidence of forced intercourse but here's the headline Josh Carpenter's DNA found inside the victim.
Oh, there goes the Heisman.
Bad news? According to witnesses, she was inebriated, she was seen flirting with the suspects, and she went into the room willingly.
But the law is clear.
None of that constitutes consent.
Trials aren't about the law.
If Casey bumped on it, then the jury may, too.
So, we attack it on direct.
Portray her as an unsuspecting teenaged victim.
The problem is that it's he said, she said.
And he is a star quarterback who will be starting in the NFL next year.
Which means our case is based entirely on Sydney's credibility.
Jules? Um, I'm sorry to interrupt.
I need to talk to you.
What? I got suspended.
They're accusing me of plagiarism on my Longfellow paper.
They say I stole it off the Internet.
That's insane! Well, there's this Web site and it's got all kinds of stuff.
It's got essays and outlines and old papers And now I have to face the disciplinary review board.
And if if they find that I'm guilty, I'm going to get expelled, Dad.
No, don't worry, that is not going to happen.
Yeah, but this is going to destroy everything I've worked for, Dad.
And Mom Mom is going to kill me.
Jules Jules, take a breath.
Now, who do I talk to? Uh, Vice Principal Saunders is in charge of the review board.
I want you to collect every note you took, every quote you cited, everything.
and have it waiting when I get home.
I promise everything's going to be okay.
Witnesses saw Sydney on the dance floor around midnight.
Apparently she was doing her share of watermelon shots.
Drinking is not against the law, unlike sexual assault.
I think it's down here.
This is where it happened.
They call this place the rec room.
No clocks, no windows, buried in the basement it's the perfect place for rape.
Or for studying.
What's your problem? Teammate of mine in college broke up with this girl.
She freaked out, accused him of date rape.
Almost didn't graduate.
That sucks.
It also has nothing to do with this case.
Sydney Blair was raped.
I suggest you wrap your head around that and do your job.
I'm going to go look around.
Whoa! You're early.
Strippers don't start till 10:00.
I heard steroids shrink your genitals.
Apparently, they have the same effect on the brain.
I'm Deputy DA Madeleine Poe.
Any of you attend the party here Saturday night? Any criminal justice majors? You might want to reread the chapter on obstruction of justice.
We already spoke to the cops.
I've read your statements.
There were at least 25 of you down here, and yet none of you saw Sydney Blair go into the rec room with your teammates.
Loyalty's an admirable trait.
Covering for rapists is a crime If any of you suddenly grow a conscience, my number's on the card.
Nelson, you got a second? How do you know my name? Your number's on your shorts.
I've got a team roster.
Starting receiver as a freshman that's impressive.
I've got to get to practice.
According to your statement, you saw Sydney Blair here Saturday night.
But I didn't see what happened.
You seem like a decent guy, Nelson, and I know it's tough to do the right thing here.
Do it anyway.
What's the buzz on campus? Typical code of silence.
Where are we on the arrests? Warrants have been issued for all three suspects, Freeman and Taylor have retained separate counsel, and I'm waiting on a call from Jeffries to arrange a self-surrender for Josh Carpenter.
Why are we cutting pretty boy any slack? The more public his arrest, the better chance he'll cave to protect future endorsements.
Private arrest gives us less chance of a media backlash.
Well, shockingly, you're both right.
Let's pick up all three on the down-low.
Keep Carpenter's million-dollar smile off camera as long as we can.
We may be a little late on that.
Josh Carpenter is a great talent.
He's also a fine young man.
The D.
's office has levied charges that are completely baseless.
Is it true an arrest warrant has been issued for your client? Josh offered to surrender voluntarily.
The D.
clearly wants to humiliate him.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
So much for the down-low.
Okay, I want ten LAPD officers over at the CU campus in one hour.
Now, it would be completely unprofessional to anonymously tip every crime reporter in town about the big arrest that's about to go down at CU.
Got it.
It would be even worse to get Stu Gates over at KCEI on the phone using the personal cell number that I just happen to have on my trusty phone.
Jeffries wants to play games? Let the games begin.
Hundreds have gathered awaiting the fate of Heisman hopeful Josh Carpenter.
The LAPD entered the sports complex only moments ago.
Sources inside the D.
's office say arrests are imminent.
Reporting live, I'm Tom Phillips, Channel 8 News, Los Angeles.
Stu Gates, KCEI.
Stark, why are you sneaking these suspects out? We're protecting their right to privacy, Stu.
Is that Josh Carpenter under there? Uh no comment.
I'm sorry.
Care to comment on Ted Jeffries' claim that this is a witch hunt? You know, a young woman was raped.
And, despite defense counsel's attempt to turn this into a media circus, we intend to pursue justice in a dignified and professional manner.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, there you have it.
An uncharacteristically media shy Sebastian Stark pledged a by-the-book prosecution in the CU rape case.
Reporting live for KCEI News, I'm Stu Gates.
This just in.
I'm too good.
Hey, so when can I go back to school? I went through everything, including the school's plagiarism policy, and I have a meeting with this Saunders guy, but you can't go back to class until after the review.
In the meantime, I look guilty.
I'm really sorry, Jules, but I promise you, this is my top priority.
I won't let you down.
Well, what about your case? This is more important.
Aren't you going to ask if I did it? I don't need to.
Preliminary hearing, State v.
Carpenter, Taylor and Freeman.
Ted Jeffries representing Josh Carpenter, Your Honor.
Vivian Anderson for Seth Taylor and Brent Freeman.
Stark, ready to proceed? Yes, Your Honour.
The State calls Detective Gordon Frye.
Your Honor, the defense will stipulate to Detective Frye's statement.
Well, then, the State requests this matter be held over for trial, Your Honor.
Affirmative defenses, Mr.
Jeffries? Yes, Your Honor.
I call Josh Carpenter to the stand.
I do.
Josh, were you at the campus athletic house on the night in question? Yes.
I live there.
Did you see the alleged victim, Sydney Blair? Yes.
Do you know Ms.
Blair? I know Sydney very well.
In fact, the two of you were involved in a relationship.
Is that correct? Kind of.
I have a girlfriend, but Sydney and I had been seeing each other for a few months.
No foundation.
Josh, can you explain why your DNA was found inside Ms.
Blair? Because we had sex.
The night of the party? No.
That morning.
In her apartment.
So Sydney Blair isn't just a girl you met at a party.
She's someone with whom you routinely engaged in consensual sex.
Well, that changes everything.
So Josh Carpenter didn't rape you? No.
But everything else happened just like I said.
You lied to us.
Your false accusation is now admissible.
What jury is ever going to believe you? We can rebuild her credibility.
Not even I am that good.
Now, you got ten seconds to tell me the truth or I am going to drop the rape charges, and I am going to prosecute you for lying to the cops.
I thought if I told you the truth about me and Josh, then you wouldn't believe that I was raped.
That explains why you left out the consensual sex, not why you accused him of rape.
Five seconds.
What do you want me to say? Nothing.
Time's up No.
I don't know why I lied.
I don't know why I lied.
Josh and I met three months ago.
He needed help studying for a history exam.
I never met anybody like Josh before.
He he could have any girl he wanted, and the fact that he was even interested in me blew my mind.
We never went on any dates, really.
I mean, he would he would call and and tell me that he wanted to come over and I know he was using me, but I didn't care.
I was in love with him.
What happened that morning? After we had sex, I told Josh I wanted a real relationship He got mad.
He said that he had an image to uphold.
He said that I was a decent booty call, but that he could never be seen in public with me.
Why did you go to the party? To get him to change his mind.
Josh wouldn't go near me.
And that's when the two guys came up to me, and they asked me if I wanted to party with them.
What does that mean, party with them? I was angry, and confused.
So I went downstairs.
I was just trying to make Josh jealous.
I swear to you, I never wanted anything to happen.
I just wanted the pain to go away.
And instead, I made it so much worse.
So how do we win? Our victim accused an innocent man of rape.
Game over.
The physical evidence is overwhelming.
Did you ever consider that this girl had a really bad night, took on two guys, then blew the whistle when things got a little too rough? Isn't "rape" a synonym for "things got a little too rough"? No.
Not when the sex is consensual.
No, it isn't.
She's telling the truth.
I know it.
I love the arrogance, really, but you've been out of law school for roughly ten minutes.
This one's a loser.
If we believe a crime has been committed, it's our duty to prosecute.
With liberty and justice for all.
It's over.
Drop the charges.
No! Oh, I'm sorry.
I missed the coup.
I said we're done.
You also said, "Trial is war.
Second place is death.
" So? So I'm too young to die.
Sydney Blair was raped by Brent Freeman and Seth Taylor.
Just give me one day to prove it.
Dismiss the charge against Josh Carpenter.
Find out every detail of Sydney's life.
I mean, from the point of conception.
Find a way to discredit Taylor and Freeman.
You've got 24 hours to live.
Make them count.
Thank you for meeting me, Nelson.
How's Sydney? How do you think? Did you know she was seeing Josh Carpenter? No, but I'm not surprised.
Look, that guy's a serious player.
Keeps track of how many girls he's had Calls it his completion percentage.
That's charming.
He's a scumbag.
He's also the only shot we have at a national championship.
If you could live with that, you wouldn't be here.
What do you want from me? The truth.
What did you see that night? I was downstairs.
I saw Seth and Brent take Sydney into the rec room.
Did you hear anything? Screaming? Sounds of a struggle? Music from the party was too loud.
Were you there when they came out? Sydney ran past me.
She was crying.
Her shirt was ripped.
When Seth and Brent came out, they were laughing.
I need you to come with me to the precinct and amend your statement.
If I do, I risk everything that I've worked for.
And if you don't, I'll throw you in jail and force you to testify.
At least, this way, you can stay on the team.
Let's go.
Julie, I'm home! She just got out of the pool.
Julie, there's a half-naked boy dripping in my kitchen! Um, Eddie Lyndon.
We met, uh Yeah.
Eddie the Kissing Bandit.
I remember.
So what do you say we save a little time, and I just kill you now and bury you out in the backyard? Julie said you were funny.
I also own a gun.
Can I get your legal opinion on something? I've had a really lousy day.
My brother's friend Craig was arrested for joyriding.
Nobody saw him, but the cops don't care.
The thing is, my brother knows the lady who owns the car.
Your brother thinks that if he takes the rap for Craig, the whole things goes away.
Let me get this straight.
You want to take the rap for Julie because you think the school will go easy on you.
This is all my fault.
I gave Julie the name of that Web site.
I was going to use it myself, but she wouldn't let me.
I'm captain of the track team, my mom's on the board, there's no way they'll kick me out.
Forget it.
It's totally sweet, but totally out of the question.
Let me ask you something.
You think Julie cheated? Of course not, she's way too smart.
I agree so let me handle this.
You're a stand up guy, but if I find out you're sleeping with my daughter, I will kill you fair enough? I'm getting major heat to drop this case.
Half the city council are CU alumni.
And they don't want their New Year's trip to the Rose Bowl ruined by something as trivial as gang rape? Your victim's credibility is trashed.
You're dead in the water.
Sinking fast, not dead.
We found another witness.
Can they verify the attack? Not exactly.
Exactly how far from "exactly"? He saw the girl go in the room, he saw her come out crying.
Oh, well, surprised these boys haven't pled guilty already.
Well, he saw the suspects come out laughing.
It still brings us back to a credibility contest, which you lose.
I've been following up on accusations against the players in that house.
DUIs, fights, improper sexual conduct Anything on Taylor and Freeman? Checked with the CU police, apparently most of these complaints are handled by the student/faculty court.
I'll put in a call to Dr.
I already did that he denied our request to view all cases involving CU players over the past four years.
Told you that gut was a weasel.
I'll get a warrant.
We can't risk the university's lawyers tying us up in court.
You know, I'll speak to Dr.
Flynn personally.
He has the right to withhold files pending a court order.
And I have the right to request he reconsider.
Hmm? Yeah.
Uh, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to call you back.
Uh, what is going on? My office requested university disciplinary files.
Given the high-profile nature of this case, the university felt that protecting student privacy is paramount.
A student's privacy has already been violated.
He name is Sydney Blair.
Would you have withheld those files if she had been raped by, say, the math team? How dare you imply I'm not implying anything, I'm telling you right to your face.
You give me those files or I will have you arrested.
You should call the university counsel's office.
Maybe I'll call the L.
I'm sure the parents of your female students will be thrilled to read that you condone rape on campus.
Hold on.
What's it going to be, doc? One more underage drinking bust, I'm going to kill myself.
Yeah, here's one for topless sunbathing.
I miss college.
Whoa, hold on.
In '04, Freeman got picked up by CU police.
What does the report say? He and Taylor took a girl to the basement, tried to have sex with her, wouldn't let her leave.
You got a name? I was on a college tour with some other kids from my high school.
Brent invited some of us to a party.
I had a few drinks, danced, he seemed cool.
Then what happened, Tandy? He introduced me to Seth Taylor.
They took me down to this room in the basement.
The rec room? It's where they raped me.
The file says they tried to have sex with you, there's no mention of rape.
Trust me, it was rape.
I filed a complaint with the university, but they said there wasn't enough evidence.
Why didn't you go to the cops? I had a scholarship pending.
The day I filed the complaint, it was granted.
I needed the money, so I took the scholarship and I kept my mouth shut.
And I've hated myself ever since.
We all make mistakes, Tandy.
But, you are about to get a second chance.
Please, state you name for the record.
Sydney Blair.
Make eye contact with the jury, Sydney.
Connect with them.
On the night in question, did you attend a party thrown by Set Taylor and No first names, think I won't be there to hold your hand tomorrow Did you attend a party thrown by the defendants Yes.
Don't went down Sydney.
You have nothing to be ashamed of.
You are the victim.
Can you describe the sexual Madeleine, focus, okay? The two of you have to work together.
Walk us through that night, put the jury in that room.
Make them suffer through it, moment by excruciating moment.
Remember, this isn't a recitation of facts, this is a plea for justice.
Sydney, could you please tell us what happened when the defendants lead you into that room? At first, we were laughing.
Then Brent started touching my breasts.
I told him to stop, but that's when Seth grabbed me from behind.
and held me down.
I know this is difficult, but can you tell us what was going through your mind? It was like a nightmare.
They were on top of me, tearing off my clothes.
I knew what they were doing, but I tried to pretend like it wasn't happening.
They raped me.
No further questions.
Miss Blair, isn't it true you were angry at Josh Carpenter that night? Yes.
So you went to a party, you had a few drinks and then willingly entered a room with two men you knew wanted to have sex with you? It wasn't like that.
Were you drinking at the party? Yes.
Did you willingly go downstairs with my clients, who you openly flirted with? Yes And yet it wasn't like that? It sounds exactly like that.
Withdrawn Earlier that morning, you had consensual sex with Mr.
Carpenter, correct? That's right.
And the sex with my clients was consensual as well.
No, they raped me.
But didn't you tell the police Josh Carpenter raped you? That was a mistake No, that was a lie, Miss Blair.
And now you expect this jury to believe you're telling the truth about my clients? Yes.
Isn't it true you decided to get even with Josh Carpenter by having sex with his friends? No, that is not Josh dumped you.
He broke your heart, and you wanted revenge.
Objection, badgering.
This little performance you're putting on here today, this is all about revenge, isn't it, Miss Blair? No.
I'm telling the truth.
Really? And which version of the truth is that the one where Josh Carpenter raped you, the one where you lied to the police? Or is it the version where you were lying before but somehow you're not lying now? Objection.
I appreciate your candor, Miss Blair.
So what's it gonna take to make this go away? Give me a number.
I'm kidding.
Just a little ice-breaker.
Had you, huh? This is an awkward situation, Mr.
I think the world of Julie.
Well, then why not give her a break? We both know she didn't do this.
Unfortunately, the evidence against her is strong.
Speaking of the so-called evidence Julie's case will be decided by the full review board.
But you run the show.
Which makes any prior discussion of the details inappropriate.
But for the record, Julie is completely innocent.
Okay, so if we're not discussing the case, why am I here? Because I care about Julie.
She's one of our top students and a terrific kid.
I'm just trying to understand how this happened.
How this allegedly happened.
When students exercise poor judgment, often it stems from larger issues.
Drugs, sexual experimentation That's crazy.
Forgive me, but from what Julie's told me, you're extremely busy with your legal practice.
So? It's just that your ex-wife seemed more active in Julie's life.
But she's in New York now.
So with all these changes, it could be that Julie's feeling abandoned.
You are aware the Julie chose to stay in Los Angeles with me? This is not a personal attack, Mr.
I'm sure you're doing the best that you can.
I'm perfectly capable of raising my daughter.
I'm sure that you are, it's just that Julie never had a problem before her mother left.
What is this? That is a civil suit alleging defamation and slander.
Five million dollars? No, that's just for starters.
By the time I'm done, this place'll be a Burger King.
Reinstate Julie pending a hearing, I drop the suit.
Well I guess I know how you got your nickname.
And if I were you, I'd take the deal, 'cause during all those years when I was being a lousy, irresponsible father, I somehow became this bitchin' lawyer.
Not feeling the love, people.
We're toast I read the transcript.
Sydney got torn apart on cross.
Big time.
Not a shock.
But we still have Tandy Parker.
Uh, well, you know, about that.
Please tell me we didn't lose Tandy Parker.
I really wish I could tell you that.
But instead you're going to tell me She snuck into the court room and now she's refusing to testify.
Can't imagine why.
Oh, maybe the same reason prisoners don't cut in line on their way to the gas chamber.
Well, you guys are right about one thing.
We're definitely toast.
We can subpoena Tandy, force her to testify that Freeman and Taylor raped her.
She'll just deny it.
We're already on thin ice with the jury.
Okay, I may be reaching.
I've been going over the details of Tandy's original statement and she says that she got away from Freeman and Taylor and made a break for the door, but there was someone standing outside.
They used a lookout.
So, two different women were raped by the same two guys at the same location.
If their MO is consistent, that means Ladies and gentlemen, we could have an unknown eyewitness.
What the hell are you guys doing here? We know you were in the hall when Sydney went into the rec room and when she came out.
So? If you were involved, now's the time to come clean.
Wait, you think I was part of this? Look, I tried to help you.
I'm out of here.
I believe you didn't do this.
I just think you know more than you've told me.
I told you everything that I saw.
You didn't tell us about the lookout.
We know that there was someone standing outside that door when Sydney was being raped.
Someone who was making sure that Taylor and Freeman weren't interrupted.
Who was it, Nelson? Look, don't make me do this.
You know I feel bad about Sydney.
This isn't about Sydney.
One day, this could be your wife or your daughter.
I know No.
You don't know.
I know.
When I was 11, we had to live with my aunt in St.
Louis and she was seeing this guy, Larry.
Larry was big and handsome, always laughing, playing around, telling jokes, but the joke was on me 'cause one night, handsome Larry came into my room and he got into bed with me.
And this went on for ten months, because I was too scared to say anything.
And then one day, my brother saw us, and he called the cops.
It just takes one person who's not afraid.
Who was the lookout? It was Josh Carpenter.
There's a special place in hell for Josh Carpenter.
But before you call Dante, let's run this thing down.
Nelson Moore's statement puts Carpenter at the scene.
But outside the action.
We could use Carpenter as a material witness against Taylor and Freeman.
He may not be willing to cooperate.
Then we charge him till it hurts.
His false statement to the cops, perjury, obstruction of justice We need more.
Ted Jeffries isn't gonna bend over for misdemeanors Then let's take our chances with the jury.
Prosecute Josh Carpenter separately as an accessory to rape.
He's got no record.
He'll just walk away with a slap on the wrist.
Hmm, no, not necessarily.
In his statement, Nelson Moore said "I approached Josh, asked if everything was cool.
He looked around, said it was and told me to take off.
" Okay, so in effect, Josh Carpenter prevented Nelson from aiding Sydney Blair.
Making him an active participant just as culpable as the others.
Rape in concert very creative.
There's just one problem.
Without Carpenter's testimony, no jury will convict these guys of rape.
And without a rape conviction, there's no standing for rape in concert.
Okay, we've got two options.
Plan A, we go after Taylor and Freeman for rape without Carpenter's testimony and then charge Carpenter with rape in concert.
If we're extremely lucky, we nail all three.
If we're not, they all walk.
Plan B: We use the rape in concert charge to leverage a deal with Josh Carpenter, and then force him to testify against Taylor and Freeman Which strengthens our case, but lets a lying jerk go free.
Let's go talk to Sydney Blair.
Wait, I don't understand.
He was outside the door, standing watch.
That can't be true.
I'm afraid it is.
Oh, my God.
I-I mean, I knew Josh was angry, but to stand there and let those animals attack me, I Look, our problem is this: We can't prove that Josh knew what was going on inside that room.
But if we offer him a deal, we can secure his testimony against Taylor and Freeman.
Does that mean that Josh would get away with what he did? Well, I mean, this has been in the press, it will definitely hurt his reputation and career.
No, that's not what I asked.
It means that Josh won't be prosecuted.
Josh planned this.
He wanted to punish me.
He pointed me out to Brent and Seth, and he watched the door while they raped me! Please understand this.
If we don't make a deal with Josh Carpenter, Taylor and Freeman will be acquitted, and no one will pay for what happened to you, Sydney.
I understand.
But Josh Carpenter helped them rape me.
I'm begging you, Mr.
Don't let him go.
I'm sorry.
Hmm, what was that for? Getting me back into school.
Well, we still have to deal with the review board.
I know, but it's just nice to be back to the normal routine.
Where you headed? Uh, Katie and I are gonna go see a movie.
It is a school night.
Yeah? It just seems like I should know where you're going, probably, just, you know so I know Okay.
It's just that you never really seemed to care that much.
Well, I do.
Okay, so can I go to the movies? Yes Okay, see you later.
Not too late.
No deal.
A witness put your client at the door during the rape.
Alleged rape, and standing by a door isn't a crime.
It is when you prevent help from entering the room, and you lie to the cops about it.
Then file charges.
Trust me, I would love to.
Fine, this meeting's over.
Josh, you walk out that door, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life.
Stark's just bitter.
He hasn't lost in a while.
I'll stuff every petty offense I can dream up into an indictment, and I will splash it across every sports page in the country.
See what that does to your standing in the draft.
Even if you beat every single charge, your reputation is trashed.
Not to mention, you'll be handing over the bulk of your signing bonus to Mr.
Jeffries here for his legal fees.
Think about it.
Full immunity.
Sexual misconduct.
18 months, paroled in six, he's out in time for the draft.
You're dreaming.
Ted, he watched a girl get raped.
Without his testimony, you have no case.
Full immunity.
I want the courtroom closed and a gag order on the jury.
I'll draw up the paperwork.
What do you want me to say? I was pissed off that Sydney came to the party.
I was with my girlfriend.
I didn't want a whole weird scene.
So, what did you do? I asked Brent and Seth to help me out, and they took her downstairs.
To the rec room? Yeah.
At first it was cool.
Sydney was having a good time with those guys.
Then she wanted to leave, and you know, they wouldn't let her go.
And you know this how? 'Cause I was at the door standing guard.
And you're certain what happened in that room was rape? Yes.
At one point, I could hear Sydney crying.
I opened the door, and What did you see? I saw Seth on top of her, and Brent was holding her down.
And he looked at me, and he smiled.
So, what did you do? Nothing Tell me, Josh what kind of a person sees a young woman being raped and does nothing? Last question.
Did you ever at any time consider going inside that room and joining in the rape of Sydney Blair? Absolutely not.
And why didn't you? Because I'm not a rapist.
No, right.
You're just a guy who guards the door.
No more questions.
Working late? Just wanted to say, you were really great on this case.
A compliment! Strictly professional.
The way you got Nelson Moore to cooperate, it was amazing.
Just doing my job.
It was more than that.
You were willing to share this horrible secret so he'd do the right thing.
That took a lot of guts.
Actually, it took a lot of imagination.
I don't have an aunt, I've never been to St.
I just made it up.
Why would you lie about something like that? I said what he needed to hear.
You look disappointed.
Of course not.
I guess I thought maybe I was starting to understand you a little.
Intimacy's overrated.
You want to grab a drink? I think I'm gonna pass tonight.
I'm a little tired.
Suit yourself.
Five years a piece for first-degree rape.
And they'll be out in three.
Considering where we started, it's a good verdict.
Except for Josh Carpenter walking away scot free.
Obviously, I'm disappointed that my teammates were involved in something as-as horrible as this.
Josh, can you tell us why you decided to testify? Well, at the end of the day, I just had to do the right thing.
I say we kick his ass.
Now you're talking.
Much as I'd love to see that, and I'm getting aroused just thinking about it, he's not worth it.
The world's not fair, guys.
Just take yes for an answer and move on.
Aren't you gonna say, "I told you so"? No.
Wise choice.
Pretty serious expression.
Just thinking about everything.
You know, from now on, I'm gonna be more involved in your life.
School, hobbies, everything.
I'd really like that.
We're gonna get through this, Jules, trust me.
That review board won't know what hit 'em.
Thank you.
I haven't done anything yet.
Oh, but you have.
Everybody doubted me.
My teachers doubted me, my friends I even started doubting myself.
But you were the only one who still believed in me.
And it only took me 16 years to show it.
Hey, Dad? I plagiarized that paper.
I-I got distracted and ran out of time.
I just downloaded it off the Internet.
I'm so sorry.

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