Sky Rojo (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

The Escape

["Diferente" by Sananda and Alex Olmedo
playing in Spanish]
Even though I'm not that beautiful ♪
[Coral] When an overweight man
is busy penetrating you,
your brain finds
creative ways to slip away.
A helpful form of survival.
It's called "escape."
Gina's escape was in the ceiling.
She could momentarily overcome her disgust
by making childish drawings.
Joining the dots again and again.
the stars that are in your eyes ♪
But they can't see ♪
No, no ♪
Don't be fooled by appearance ♪
[gasping and panting]
[Coral] My escape was
slightly more destructive,
but the aim was the same.
Amphetamines when I needed to be up.
Opioids when I needed to float.
That was my escape.
But I didn't learn
that little trick at the club.
Take the rough with the smooth ♪
Take the salt with the cinnamon ♪
I see the stars that are in your eyes ♪
[music stops suddenly]
[Coral sighs]
Get out of the car, Coral.
If you go back,
they'll make you get an abortion.
That's if you don't end up
in a septic tank.
You choose to save Wendy.
I choose to save my family.
You aren't choosing anything.
You didn't even choose hooking before.
- And you're not now.
- Please just get out of the car.
Do you only wanna go back
'cause Fernandito turned out
to be a piece of shit? Hmm?
Do you get to choose the cocks
you put in your mouth, Gina? No.
The only decision you've made
since your mom sold you
was to stand up to Romeo,
and that's what got us into the shit,
and we're on our own here.
Fear is a hot potato.
If you get it, you lose.
["Diferente" playing again]
[tense music abruptly starts]
[Wendy panting]
- [panting]
- [music loses momentum]
[gasps in fear]
[music builds]
[tense music continues playing]
This way. This way. This way.
[horse snorts]
[music slows]
[Moisés] Come on.
[suspenseful music playing]
[whispers] Psst. Hey.
[footsteps crunching]
[gasps in fear]
[suspenseful music builds]
[exhaling sharply]
[man] Stop where you are.
Put your hands up
and your gun on the ground.
Stop! Gina!
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
[mysterious music playing]
Did they kill Wendy?
No, they haven't.
Oh, yeah?
And what are you now, Coral? Hmm?
Someone from CSI or
For starters, she doesn't wear glasses.
I don't know who this poor guy was,
but it wasn't her.
[inhales sharply] Another death.
What are we gonna do?
[Romeo] To escape from their lives.
That is why our clients come to the club,
sheer escapism.
And especially
during important religious holidays,
such as Easter, Christmas, and whatnot.
And we all have a responsibility
to transform these dull holy days
into a divine fantasy
they'll never forget.
The Internet is killing our civilization,
and our small businesses.
It's killing reading.
And worse, it's killing our imagination.
People used to use their brains
when they were whacking off.
They imagined.
And now they stopped imagining.
A society with no imagination
is a dead one.
That's why they come.
Because I do all their imagining.
But you're gonna help me
restore their faith.
When they fuck the whole convent,
you'll make them believers.
I won't be fucking anybody.
[tense music playing]
All right, Rubí,
you've been here for five days now.
I've allowed you to come down to the club,
and you refuse to do your job.
But each time you come down here,
you cost me money.
So your debt is growing by the day.
If you insist on not doing your job,
do you know
who's gonna end up paying for it?
Jacinto de la Cruz, from the neighborhood
of Villa Consuelo, your old man,
who's gonna melt
in a big old barrel of acid.
So what do you think?
Shall we get your mom in there too? Hmm?
Or how about we avoid these deaths
by actually doing
your fucking job for once?
[inhales deeply]
Very good.
Work sanctifies, my child.
And now, my little altar girls
go out and dance. [laughs]
Play music!
["La vida es un carnaval"
by Celia Cruz playing in Spanish]
Anyone who thinks that life is unfair ♪
Needs to know that's not the case ♪
Life is beautiful ♪
You have to live it to the fullest ♪
Anyone who thinks they're alone
And thinks it's bad ♪
Needs to know that's not the case ♪
No one is alone in life ♪
[music fades out]
[panting in fear]
We're actually undercover officers.
We're looking for a female fugitive.
[Christian] We're on duty right now.
- So kindly don't fuck this up.
- I don't know what the fuck this is about.
But if you don't drop the gun,
you'll be leaving here feet first.
You're making a big mistake.
[gunshot in the distance]
[man] Hands on your heads.
[Coral] Wendy had her own way of escaping.
Dancing, feeling the music,
moving on the stage
as if she was in a nightclub somewhere.
But really, behind the spotlight,
that dance was a tactic
to turn on as many men as possible
who had the money to fuck her.
You're gonna be a prostitute,
and as you may know by now,
you'll have to work very hard to pay back
that almost 6,000 euros you owe me.
But don't worry,
there are lots of girls here
that felt like you on their first day.
Today's overwhelming, like any other job,
but if you work hard,
you'll make quite a lot.
[Romeo] In a very short time.
You're privileged really,
compared to
your old neighbors back in Villa 31.
[Romeo] Behind every whore,
there's a hopeful woman.
But also a very guilty one.
Because all of them at some point
have paused and said to themselves,
"What if they're lying?"
But their ambition is way stronger.
And thanks to that guilt,
they'll spend the next two years
fucking approximately 15 clients a day.
That is to say,
10,950 different men in two years.
We're talking investment of 6,000 euros
to earn almost 300K from each girl.
Anyone know anything else more profitable?
- Like diamonds? Art?
- Gold?
[Moisés] Not cocaine, right?
Pamper the ladies. Show them love.
Yeah, let's give them
some motherfucking affection.
'Cause what we have here is the greatest
business opportunity of a lifetime.
Come on. Let's give those girls
a round of applause.
Shit, they deserve the best.
Am I right? [laughing]
[clapping continues]
My name is Wendy.
I'm a trafficking victim.
These two aren't policemen.
They're my pimps.
They kidnapped me, but I ran away.
We must call the cops, sir.
I need your phone!
[action music playing]
[phone ringing]
- Yeah?
- [Wendy] Hi, police?
Come right away. There's an emergency.
Wendy, is that you?
I was kidnapped, but I have a gun.
I'm pointing it at them.
[Coral] Where are you?
Are you in a warehouse?
Yeah, in a warehouse.
In El Médano.
Keep your gun pointed at them.
These fuckers are dangerous.
[Christian panting]
- The police, Moi? Oh, fuck me.
- Just breathe.
- Oh, Moi. I don't wanna go to jail.
- You're not going to jail. Breathe.
[music fades out]
Wendy, are you all right?
[Coral groans]
What the fu
- What are you doing?
- Hija de puta.
[sniffles] You left me there.
Breathe deep into your belly.
He's got real bad anxiety.
He's always getting
these massive panic attacks.
If he doesn't relax,
a switch inside him's gonna flip.
And believe me, it won't be good.
[tense music playing]
- And you? You beat the fuck out of Romeo.
- [Gina] Wendy.
- And stupid me went in to help you. Hmm?
- Wendy, leave her alone.
She's pregnant.
[panting] Back off.
Just leave her alone, please.
I was almost killed 'cause Fernandito
the bungalow guy wanted to raw dog you?
- I'm so sorry, Wendy. I really am.
- Oh, yeah?
I told you to back off.
[Wendy groans in effort]
- [Gina] You OK?
- Fuck.
[Wendy gasps and coughs]
- [panting]
- She fell in love, OK?
[both panting]
- [Gina] Please, guys. Stop it, please.
- This isn't her fault.
You know you're right there.
This poor bitch fell in love
with that scumbag to survive.
[whispers] OK.
But you, you got yourself a love story
with the bastard chasing us.
- Wait, who's your love story with?
- I don't have a love story with anyone!
[both grunting and groaning]
Why were you at the club?
Who the fuck are you?
[slow, wistful music playing]
Where have you been?
[laughs] I was with Moisés.
- [Coral sighs]
- [Wendy] Again? What does that guy want?
[whispering] Why would he want anything?
He's teaching me to bullfight.
I like to hang around a bit
after finishing up a gig.
[Coral] I don't know, to talk and
just listen to music in the car.
It makes me feel
like I'm living a different life.
[slow, wistful music continues playing]
[Wendy] A fake life.
The life of a whore and her pimp.
Seriously, what's your deal?
- Did you see Pretty Woman too many times?
- What's your deal?
I'm just trying to remind you
that this is your real life, Coral.
Fucking for money, not for love.
Moisés treating you badly,
not treating you right.
And being trapped
in a place you didn't choose to be.
You're wrong about the last part.
I did choose to be here.
Well, you know what?
I think you're full of shit.
I had a gun in my mouth,
and you just ran away.
[Gina] That's enough!
I was behind the wheel.
OK? I ran away.
Why are you pointing it at her?
Stop it! Stop fighting!
Let's just get out of here!
[both grunting]
Coral, please stop. Please, please.
I didn't run away, you idiot.
Listen, I'm the one who messed up Romeo,
and now I'm gonna get you out of here.
[dramatic music playing]
She's gonna kill them?
Fuck. [gasping]
- Who are you?
- Step aside.
Give me the code to Romeo's safe
or I'll blow your brains out.
[Christian gasping]
- [hyperventilating]
- [Coral] I'll give you one more chance.
And if you lie to me again,
I'll pay a visit to Mommy dearest.
16 Drago Street.
I'll take a big syringe and inject her
with morphine until she bites it.
- Now give me the code.
- [Christian gasping]
Enough. Give me the fucking code.
[gasping] One, four, zero, four.
- [Moisés] What the fuck are you doing?
- Are you kidding me? Mom's off-limits.
Nah, these whores
don't have the balls to touch her.
[Christian panting]
Do you know
why you always treat me so bad?
Because deep down,
what you like is being good to me.
[slow, wistful music continues playing]
[Coral] The cops are on the way.
[Coral] Let's go.
- [Wendy] All right. Drive.
- [engine starts]
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
[Gina] No, the mud.
- You're sinking it deeper. Stop.
- [Coral] We have to push.
[Christian] Fuck.
- Come on, Christian. Let's count, OK?
- OK.
[gasping] OK.
[tense music playing]
- A thousand one.
- A thousand one.
[tires spinning]
Step on it, Gina!
Come on.
- A thousand two.
- A thousand two.
[Wendy] Stop, stop!
It's getting more stuck. Stop!
[both panting]
Give me the gun.
[both] A thousand three.
[gasping] Shit, I need to smoke.
I need to smoke.
- Stay there!
- It's heroin.
- He needs it badly.
- [Coral] Let him smoke.
Give me the car keys.
Give me the fucking keys! I'm not playing.
Take 'em yourself. They're in my pocket.
[Moisés] In the other one.
[keys jangling]
[footsteps receding]
[music fades out]
[sighs in relief]
You and I know
they haven't called the police, right?
- [Moisés] You're making a big mistake.
- Either way, you're criminals.
And you brought 'em here through lies.
Do you know what the parents
of those girls do when I tell 'em
I'm bringing their daughters
over to Spain to work as hookers?
[Moisés] They hug me.
Because they're the kind of people
who can't afford
to put doors on their houses.
Because over there,
in every favela, they're all starving.
But thanks to the money those girls make,
their families can eat and live.
Which means good and bad
are all pretty damn relative.
For instance, take you.
You think you're doing the right thing.
You call the police. They come,
they arrest us, and they throw us in jail.
But what would happen
[panting in fear]
if, one of these days, some friends
of ours were to knock on your door,
wake your wife in the middle of the night,
put her in a barrel, and cart her away?
Would you still think that this was right?
[whispering] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
[music building]
[music fades out]
Wanna know why I was at the club?
Because I killed someone.
And now there's someone else
on my tail trying to kill me.
That's why I was hiding at the club,
with a fake life and everything.
So there's no looking back for me now.
[melancholic music playing]
[Coral sighs]
["I Get No Joy" by Jade Bird playing]
Military march in and out my head ♪
Everything I did, everything I said ♪
Take you to the arch
For your happiness ♪
Or spend it like a lark
Singing for nothing ♪
I get no joy ♪
I get no joy ♪
All the words my mother said
Can't seem to get them out my head ♪
Everything becomes everything ♪
You live, you learn,
You love, you're dead ♪
I get no joy ♪
Together and apart, do it all again ♪
Right back to the start
Straight up to the end ♪
I'm such a fool
Got everything and you ♪
Yet my heart is so blue
I'm singing for nothing ♪
I get no joy ♪
I get no joy ♪
All the words my mother said
Can't seem to get them out my head ♪
Everything becomes everything ♪
You live, you learn,
You love, you're dead ♪
I get no joy ♪
I swear that I don't pay attention ♪
If I did, would intervention
Come to me in a dream? ♪
Or is that just
What the directors and the pills ♪
And other deflectors
Would have you believe? ♪
Psychotic, I know the sun will shine
Another day, another time ♪
I know the sun will shine
Another day, another time ♪
I know the sun will shine
I know the sun will shine ♪
Electric, connected,
Unexpectedly affected ♪
What do you need? ♪
What do you need? ♪
I get no joy ♪
I get no joy ♪
All the words my mother said
Can't seem to get them out my head ♪
Everything becomes everything ♪
You live, you learn,
You love, you're dead, joy ♪
I get no joy ♪
No joy ♪
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