The Bay (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Dylan and Holly Meredith didn't come home after a night out at the youth club.
We have one child dead, the other's still missing.
- I'm Sean.
- I'm Lisa.
Did you tell anyone? What do you think? - I can trust you, can't I? - Of course you can.
Who was the man at the station with Holly? Could Holly herself have been involved in Dylan's death? Her DNA was found under his fingernails.
Do you think this is easy for me to come here? Krzysztof is my husband.
Nick, if you know something, anything at all that could help us find Holly.
Hi, Holly.
REPORTERS: Jess! Jess! Has there been a breakthrough in the case? [REPORTERS SHOUT QUESTIONS.]
Oh! Where is she? Where's Holly? She's here.
They're just getting her ready to be examined.
- What's happened to her? - It's just routine.
- Can I see her? I want to see her.
- Jess, it's OK.
She's here.
We've got her.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Oh - Where is she? - We've not been in yet.
But she's here.
She's alive.
She's alive! [SHE SOBS.]
Has she said anything yet? Not a word.
And she won't even let me touch her.
Do you mind if I try? Hey, Holly.
Is it all right if I sit down? Now, we can talk about everything that's happened later.
But for now, we just want to make sure you're all right.
So, we just need to take some samples from you.
You've met Dr Malik.
She specialises in these examinations.
So, she will tell you everything she's going to do before she does it.
We'll get it over with as quickly as possible, all right? We won't do anything without your consent, Holly.
Would it help if I brought your mum in? Yeah? - Hey.
Hey, is Jess there? - Yeah, yeah.
Just round the corner.
Jess, Holly would like to see you.
Just Jess for now.
Is it in here? Oh, darling! Well, there's no outward evidence of sexual trauma.
The hospital doctors have treated scratches on her arm.
She's exhausted more than anything.
- We should let her have some rest.
- Thanks.
You did really well, Holly.
Can the others come in now? - I think we should let Holly rest.
- Cos they're desperate to see you.
Your nan's come.
And Sean.
Hey? Jess, it's late.
We should let Holly rest.
No, I'm staying here.
I'm staying right here, OK, all night.
So, if you need me, or you want anything Hey? Hey? Have you seen my rings? - What? - Thanks.
My wedding ring, my engagement ring, they're not here.
Have you checked the shower? - The sink? - No, I always keep them here.
They should be in here.
Oh, it doesn't make any sense.
She's still refusing to see anyone but Jess and she's still not talking.
The hospital's happy to discharge her.
I'm just waiting on the results from her HCP.
Well, let's get down to the station.
We need to find out what she knows.
- She is still a suspect.
- Yeah.
DS Armstrong? Oh, boss, I'll call you back.
The results from Holly's blood and urine tests are back.
Is it all right if I join you? Sure.
Hi, Holly.
The hospital says you're ready to be discharged.
So, we'd love you to just come down to the station - and answer a few questions.
- The station? Yeah, we just need to talk about what's happened over the last few days.
Your mum can come.
Have you got the results back from the tests? What did they say? What is it? I'm going to have to ask you some personal questions, Holly.
Did he? Did Nick do something to you? Did he hurt you? Then what is it? Why won't you tell me? Why won't you talk to me? Hey? I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, Mum.
What are you sorry for, love? I'm pregnant.
Oh, darling Come here.
I'm so sorry.
OK, don't worry about the camera, Holly.
Just ignore all of that.
MANNING: Holly Let's go back to the night you went missing.
Can you tell us what happened? I was at the youth club with Dylan.
It was just a normal night.
And after we were going home.
Did you and Dylan argue about something? What did you argue about, Holly? Did Dylan know you were pregnant? Yeah.
And did he know who the father is? Holly, we know from witness statements that there were three people at the lido that night.
Who was the other person? It was just me and Dylan.
We had a row.
He said he was going to tell Mum and Dad.
He said horrible things.
Holly, traces of your DNA were found under Dylan's fingernails.
Can you explain that? We had a fight.
He was trying to stop me from going.
He scratched me.
When you say he was trying to stop you, where were you going? I was just trying to get away from him.
I didn't know where to go.
Except, the rucksack that we found was packed full of clothes, Holly.
There was money, there was a phone.
You don't pack like that for a night at the youth club, do you? Was Dylan still alive when you last saw him, Holly? Holly Yes, he was.
He was alive.
I don't know what happened to him.
I don't.
I swear.
How much for these? Well, got any ID? It's over 18s only.
I am over 18.
Well, if you don't want them I didn't say that, did I? You just wait here.
This is the 10 o'clock news.
I'm Gary Wales.
There's been a breakthrough in the case of missing teenager Holly Meredith.
West Lancashire Police have confirmed that the missing teenager has been found alive.
Bloody hell! What? It's really good news, isn't it? I shouldn't be learning this on the radio.
I can't believe the police haven't told me directly.
DI Manning! Over here! There will be a briefing in due course, but Holly is currently helping us with the investigation.
We have nothing further to say at this time.
- Thank you.
- DI Manning! Tony, wonderful news.
Thank you, Councillor Hesketh.
Can I just ask, how is she? I can't tell you anything, except that she's been found alive.
No, of course.
I understand.
And obviously, there's been a huge amount of interest in this case.
My office has been inundated with e-mails, phone calls It's very important that I be kept up to speed so that I know how to address the concerns of the community.
- I'm sure you understand that.
- Yes, of course.
But like I say, I can't comment any further at this time.
Now, if you'll excuse me? Excuse me! DI Manning, over here! Have you got any more information? All I can say is it's wonderful news that she's been found.
Thank you.
Were you planning on running away? Is that it? You'd already made that decision? Yeah.
- Just you? - Yes.
But when you were at the train station the night before, there was someone else with you.
You've got it wrong.
It was just me.
- You bought two tickets.
- No.
If you were already planning on running away, why did you run off with Nick? I don't know.
I wasn't thinking.
The phone that we found was brand-new, no contacts or anything.
Why was that? It was supposed to be a new start.
A new life.
What was wrong with your old life? What were you running away from, Holly? Everything.
I just wanted things to be different.
I didn't want my life to end up like Mum's.
Stuck in a house, no money, no nothing.
I'm sorry, Mum.
I'm sorry, but it's true.
So, I've arranged somewhere for you to stay.
But why can't we just go home? It's a precaution, really.
It's just to keep Holly safe while the investigation is ongoing.
OK, but we're gonna need some more of her things.
We're gonna need some more of her clothes, a washbag.
Yep, I'll sort all of that.
OK? Here we go.
Lisa Yeah? What's happened to Nick? Nick's still in hospital, darling.
- In hospital? - He's going to be fine, Holly.
You can see him when the time is right.
I'll arrange everything.
Mate! What's going on? [DOOR BUZZER.]
Thank you.
You see? It's all right, love.
Can I get you anything? No? OK.
Lisa, when's Holly coming home? When can we see her? Kells, take Jake back inside, please.
Go on.
- I've packed Holly's green hoodie.
- Thanks.
I washed the red one, but it's still drying.
- Will you tell her? - Yeah, sure.
When can we see her? I mean When can I see her? She just doesn't want to see anyone at the moment.
I'm sorry.
- Krzysztof! Krzysztof, I'm sorry! - Yes, you said that already.
I couldn't just let him take the blame for it.
You think he gives a shit about you? Excuse me? Sir, you need to calm down.
You think he cares about you? Sean Meredith? - Krzysztof - Hey, can you take this outside, please? You weren't even the only woman he was with that night.
You weren't even the only woman he fucked that night! All right, that's enough! - Fuck you, Hanna! - Are you OK? I'm fine.
They keep asking questions.
I don't know what to tell them.
I don't know what to say.
No, if you say anything, it'll just make everything worse.
Can you come to the hotel? The Clarendon, tonight.
Wait outside.
I'll sneak out.
I love you, too.
- What do you mean, gone? - I mean that she's gone.
How could she do this? How could she do this to me? OK, we'll start looking for her right away.
- Have you called home? - Yeah.
She's not there or at my mam's.
Jess, it's best if you stay here, just in case she comes back, all right? OK.
Oh, God! Oh! Nick My God.
Oh, my God, what happened to you? Holly You shouldn't be here.
Excuse me, miss.
Miss? Control from 3365 [KNOCKING ON DOOR.]
Are you all right? Money first.
Come in, I'll go and get it, then.
Go on.
Can you shut the door behind you, yeah? You know what it's like round here.
Come on.
Just wait in there, yeah? I'll go and get the cash.
Are you wanting some? No, you're all right.
Well, go on.
Make yourself at home.
HOLLY: Does it hurt? The doctor says I'm going to be fine.
Was it my fault? No.
No, of course not.
Your dad was just worried about you, that's all.
It was my dad? Sean? - He did this? He did this to you? - Holly Bastard! Holly, come with me.
Come on.
What kind of a bastard would do that to Nick? It's not quite as straightforward as that.
You don't know what he's like.
- You don't know what Sean's capable of.
- What do you mean? - Check his boat.
- What? Just check his boat.
- Hi, love.
- Hiya, Penny.
- Are these yours? - Yeah.
Where did you find them? In here.
Can you go and find your mate? Fine, then, I'll go.
Sit the fuck down.
Found anything? Not yet.
The team's still searching.
- What the fuck's going on? - Sean - Have you got a warrant? - Yeah, we do, as a matter of fact.
Find! Sir - Here, man, where's the money, yeah? - How should I fucking know? Right, I put it under my bed.
Where is it? I don't fucking know.
Oh, man, come on.
Where is it? Where's the money? Hey, hey! Where are you going? Where the fuck do you think you're going? Get your fucking hands off me! Where the fuck is it? Where is it? - Abbie! - Sam! Don't move! Stay there! Come on, then! Come on, then! Come on! Fucking scumbags! - You'll have to stop.
- Leave it, go! LISA: How did you know what was on Sean's boat? Dylan told me.
He used to go out on the boat sometimes with Sean.
But then Sean started saying that, no, he couldn't come.
Saying he needs to concentrate on school or something.
Dylan knew that was bullshit.
He knew there was something going on.
And then he found out what Sean was doing.
But it didn't surprise me.
It didn't surprise you that Sean was involved with drugs? You can't trust him.
He lies.
He cheats.
He treats my mum like shit.
She just takes it.
He doesn't give a shit about the family.
He doesn't give a shit about anyone.
He's got shedloads of money, but he doesn't spend it on us.
Is that where the money in your backpack came from? Yeah, it was Sean's.
I took it from the boat.
- Urgh - Jesus! I'm OK.
It's fine.
We need to get you to the hospital.
- Sam - If we go to the hospital, they'll start asking questions.
Is that what you want? Let's get the fuck out of here.
Come on! - Is Lise around? - She's in the obs room.
- Anything I can do? - Yeah.
It's just the exhibit officer needs the CCTV from the Royal.
Only, the USB's not in the store.
Do you think Lisa still has it? - I can go and check with her.
- Cheers, mate.
SEAN: I knew these guys in Manchester.
It was only supposed to be the once.
The one job.
But once you're in you can't get out.
There's these shell traps just off Fleetwood.
Shipments come in from Spain, Morocco, wherever.
So, we'd get a call.
And we'd go and pick the stuff up, bring it back, drop it off.
- There's a guy in town.
- What guy? I ain't naming names.
- And he pays you, this guy, so Where's the money? Cos you're certainly not splashing it out on your family.
As soon as it comes in, it's gone again to debt collectors and loan sharks.
- Jess doesn't know the half of it.
- Sorry, Lisa, it's just Med, I need to hear this.
MANNING: And how did this start? How did you meet this guy? - Are you all right, Jo? - Hi.
Lisa Look, I know you already have enough on your plate, but there's something you should know about your Rob.
Rob? I didn't get the money.
I know.
I heard that your boyfriend turned up.
- He's not my boyfriend.
- It's OK.
It's all right.
- Shush, now.
- No, that's it.
I'm done.
- Abbie - No, I'm being serious.
- It's too dangerous.
- Come here.
Come here.
Shh, shh, shh It's going to be OK.
Oh, but I've already gave one of your lot a copy.
Unfortunately, a section got corrupted.
Do you mind if I take a look at the original? - It's probably been wiped by now.
- Can I check? It looks like you're in luck.
Due to be recorded over this evening.
Knock yourself out, mate.
All right? What do you want? - A word.
- Well, I'm not interested.
All right, I'll keep it short and sweet, then.
A bit of advice for you.
You need to keep your mouth shut.
Yeah, and you need to stay the fuck away from me.
You have no idea who you're dealing with here, pal.
Neither do you.
LISA: You're embarrassing the family! You're embarrassing yourself! ROB: I said I was sorry! How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? - What were you thinking? - I don't know! - I wasn't thinking, was I? - Oh, great, fine.
- So you weren't thinking? - Lisa No, Mum! No excuses! - What's going on? - What? What forum? What kind of forum? Just a forum.
- Loads of people are on them.
- Oh, my God You get dared to do stuff and - But why, though? Why, Rob? - I don't know.
- This isn't like you.
- But that's just it, isn't it? I'm sick of always been the one that doesn't cause any trouble, that's no bother.
At home, at school, it's It doesn't matter why he did it.
The most important thing is he knows he did wrong.
He knows it and he'll pay for it.
Isn't that right, love? Yeah.
I'm sorry, Gran.
LISA: You'll pay back everything you owe.
Hey You will apologise to anyone you've upset or offended.
Make amends.
Do you understand? Right, good.
- What are you doing? - What do you think I'm doing? You'll get it back when you've earned it.
Karen You haven't seen Lisa, have you? Yeah, she's gone home.
She had some personal stuff to sort out.
- Are you all right? - Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
- Thank you.
- OK.
Just a walk, get some air.
I can't stay cooped up in here all the time.
Look Lisa said it's best if we stay put.
So, that's what we're going to do, all right? How is he? Licking his wounds.
How does it feel to be the good one for once? Oh Sorry, love.
They're asking about their dad.
Well, I really can't deal with this now, Mum.
Look, just tell them whatever you want.
Do you understand why we want to talk to you, Nick? About Holly.
OK, let's, erm let's go back to the beginning.
Let's go back to that night.
You went to the shop to get cigarettes for your mum.
What happened then? I was on my way home and I heard somebody crying.
And it was her.
It was Holly.
You know, she couldn't stop crying.
I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't just leave her there, so I said I'd take her home to her mum and dad.
But that made it worse and so I just took her to the old club.
And I thought she could stay there until she feels better, until she wants to go home.
And next morning when you heard what happened, that they were missing, the twins, that everyone was looking for them did you talk to Holly? Yeah.
Of course I did.
I said that we should go to the police.
But But she said no.
And she made me promise not to tell anyone.
And you can't break promises, can you? Did? Did you ask her about Dylan? About what happened? What did she say? She said that it should have been her.
It should have been her that died.
I want you to think very carefully, Nick.
When did she say this? That morning.
That day.
The day after I found her.
I need you to be really clear with me.
It was during the day? Yeah.
Because it was light outside and I brought her something to eat.
Because Dylan's body wasn't found until that evening.
We didn't know he was dead until that evening.
Did Holly already know Dylan was dead before his body was found? Erm I don't know.
I'm getting all muddled now.
Try and think, love.
Yeah, yeah, she knew he was dead because that's why she said she ran away.
Why didn't you tell us this before, Nick? Because I promised.
Well, can I go now? Because I've told you everything that I know.
I have to tell you, at this point I have no choice but to arrest you for obstructing the course of justice.
I have to tell you that you're still under caution.
- Do you understand? - You can't do that! - No, I don't understand.
- A young boy's been murdered, Nick.
And you withheld information that could have been vital to the investigation.
You knew he was dead before we did and you didn't tell us.
- I thought I was helping.
- No.
I thought I was helping.
Holly, you need to tell us the truth I have told you the truth.
about who was with you that night.
Look, if there was an adult that was making you do something, maybe you and Dylan, getting you involved in something illegal, that's the person that should be sat here, not you.
You're safe here.
- You don't have to cover for anyone.
- I'm not.
Look, we all want justice for Dylan.
I'm sure you want that more than anyone.
But if we're gonna find out who killed him I killed him.
No, Holly.
- You've got to tell the truth.
- Jess - No, Lisa, it's not, honestly.
- I need you to step back.
- Why are you telling us this now? - Because it's true.
We had a fight at the lido.
I just pushed him.
He was shouting at me and I pushed him.
There was this noise.
Like a crack.
He hit his head.
He was bleeding.
There was so much blood.
I knew he was dead.
The second I heard that noise on the concrete, I knew.
I just knew.
And did you touch him? Did you try and move him? No.
No, I just ran.
I just ran away.
I just don't buy it, boss.
She doesn't know the body was moved from the lido.
Whoever this third person is, they've got a hold over her.
You know, they've got her so scared she's willing to take the blame for her brother's death.
Or she's protecting them.
- Lisa - Not now, Med.
No, now.
- It has to be now.
- Oh, what? Let's go outside.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hey.
What is it? I know what happened.
You and Sean.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Come off it, I've seen the CCTV from the Royal.
You shagged him, didn't you? That night.
The woman Sean was with, that was you, wasn't it? And that's why you've been keeping me at arm's length the whole time.
- Bloody hell, Lisa.
- Med, I didn't know him.
I didn't I didn't know he was married.
I didn't know anything about him.
- Why didn't you tell us? - It didn't matter.
- It didn't matter? - It didn't change anything and it didn't affect my ability to do the job.
Well, what are you going to do? I don't know.
What would you do, if you were me? Med, listen, I swear to you, I swear to you, right, if I thought for one moment that I had done anything that got in the way of the investigation, I'd go straight into the boss's office and tell him myself.
Lisa, you destroyed evidence.
Yeah, I know.
Look, right, that was stupid, that was wrong.
But that evidence wasn't relevant to the case, Med.
It wasn't relevant to the search for the twins.
I was just covering my own embarrassment, nothing else.
Excuse me? Excuse me, have you seen Lisa? I need to talk to her.
This is all a mistake.
I think she's just popped outside.
Thank you.
Look, right I was with him that night, yeah.
I had sex with him.
But it wasn't at the time that his kids went missing.
I established that I wasn't his alibi.
How was I supposed to know this guy's kids were going to go missing later on and I'd end up on a case with him the next day? - What? - Oh, my God, Jess.
- Jess, listen - No.
You came into my house, you came into our lives - Jess, I didn't know him.
I didn't - I trusted you! - This was before I met you, Jess.
- No, no, you stay out of my life.
- You stay out of my family! No! - Look, I'm sorry.
Jess Oh Boss, can I have a word? It's best you hear this from me before you hear it from somebody else.
We've worked side by side on this case.
And all the time you knew.
You knew.
The minute No, no, the second Sean Meredith was linked to the case, you should have come to me.
You should have said, "I had sex with this guy, - "I am off the investigation.
" - I know.
I know.
I should have.
I've fucked up.
I swear, I just wanted to help that family.
I wanted to find the twins.
I wanted to do my job.
What happens now? I'll need your warrant card.
- Boss - No.
- Tony - No! What did you expect? Did you think I was going to say, "Never mind, we all make mistakes," - and sweep it under the carpet? - No, of course not.
You compromised an ongoing murder inquiry! No, I didn't do anything to impede the investigation.
You destroyed evidence.
You betrayed your colleagues.
You betrayed me.
And, erm you've lost the trust of the family.
So Now, go on.
Clear your things.

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