The Boys (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Good For the Soul

- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- Yeah, I'm sorry.
Where have you been? It's been days.
I've been handling business.
It's okay now, it's okay.
You said I had to hide, you said we were in trouble and You know, I think, I think I got it worked out.
I think I have some-some good news.
Good news? Stillwell.
She's open to us going public.
Don't you lie to me.
Hand on a Bible.
But, listen, for us to go public, you have to come clean with me.
Like, I have to know who you told about Compound V.
Hey, come on.
This is, this is you and me.
I mean, we're Bonnie and Clyde.
Ride or die, right? I Oh, shit.
I told these guys, you were running the V down near the Noodle Palace.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I had to.
I Why? What do they have on you? I don't know their names, but there was this British guy, dark hair, real smug asshole.
Buzz cut French guy, big black guy with a goatee, and a skinny white kid.
I think they were all working together.
- I'm so sorry, baby.
- Nah.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, it's okay.
- I fucked up so bad.
- It's all right.
You know what I was thinking about on my run over here? Our first date.
Most first dates order, like, a scallop and a bottle of water.
But you (CHUCKLES) got a dark beer, a New York strip, - and chocolate chip cheesecake.
- (LAUGHS) I remember thinking, "Here's someone who isn't afraid to be happy.
" And I fell for you, right then and there.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Why? (GASPING) Well? Heroin overdose.
(HOMELANDER SIGHS) I'm sorry to hear that.
And the V? - She told some guys about it.
- No, no.
I mean you.
(SCOFFS) Come on, A-Train.
You've been shooting it up for weeks.
You really think I wouldn't notice? I'm done, man.
Nah, I'm fucking, I'm fucking done.
- Cold turkey.
- Really? - Yeah.
- Hmm.
You know, you really screwed up, kiddo.
But you did the right thing coming to me, and I'm proud of you.
Thanks, Homelander, for giving me the chance.
I appreciate it.
Come on.
I love you.
We're family.
I'll always be watching over you.
Oh, and the misplaced Asian girl? I'll find her.
(QUIETLY): Fuck.
(HUMMING) Le poulet.
Massage the bird with olive oil, then a sprinkle of salt and pepper, then I bake.
(SNIFFS) Basting every 20 minutes to keep it from drying out is very important.
Till it's crisp, but not too crunchy.
And voilà.
I think you understand me.
It's in your eyes.
Can you speak? Tell me what you know, mon coeur.
So we can find these fuckers who did this to you, so I can get you back home.
Hear them now Stamping feet and hearts Are proud Building like A thundercloud Till heaven is within our touch So take it now And raise it up You've won and it's the sweetest Cup All that you've been fighting for (CHEERING) I like this outfit.
You know, the other one had - Oh, my God.
- (LAUGHS) The other one had kind of like a, you know, a Nikki Minaj thing going on.
Oh, yeah, the other one sucks.
They're only letting me wear this one because, apparently, it's family friendly.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
You know, I'm surprised you came.
I seem to remember you inviting me? No, I mean, I'm-I'm glad you came.
You just I don't know, you don't really strike me as the religious type.
Well, yeah, lapsed, but I served my time in Sunday school.
- Hmm.
- MAN: Hey, Starlight.
Okay, so, do you know everybody here, or just, like, 99.
9%? No.
My mom and I, um, we would drive coast to coast in her brown Honda Civic, just doing the whole Christian Circuit thing.
You know, Power Fest, Capes for Christ, Believe Expo.
(CHUCKLES) (SIGHS) We wore the tires off of that car.
These people are like family to me.
After everything that's happened, it's actually it's really nice to see them again.
- Sweetheart.
- (GASPS) Mom! Hi.
- How was your flight? - Oh, it was a nightmare.
I think we sat on the runway for 45 minutes, and then there was all the, you know, Flight 37 stuff.
But a Xanax and a couple of Pinot Grigio later, - here I am.
- (CHUCKLES) Oh, hello.
Uh, do you want a autograph? H-Honey, give him an autograph.
Oh, no, no.
We I mean, I know her.
- I mean, I don't - Yeah.
- We know each other.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
Do you work at Vought? No.
No, no, no.
Mom, this is, this is Hughie.
He's uh, he's a friend.
- Hi.
- Uh, how nice.
You hydrating? Hey, Donna.
- How was your flight? - Oh, it-it was perfect in every w You have that "Teen Roundtable" in about 15, are you ready? - Mm-hmm.
- Oh, she was born ready.
I should know, I was there.
(LAUGHS) Um, do you want to come? Uh You know what? I'll let you go ahead.
Go, uh, go roundtable those teens.
- Mm.
- We'll catch up later? Yeah, sure.
EZEKIEL: So, Jesus Jesus said, "Hey, bro.
Hey, bro, bring it in.
You shouldn't need proof.
You should just believe because I say so, because you have - faith.
" - (CHEERING, APPLAUSE) "People who have faith, those are my peeps, y'all.
" That's what Jesus said.
But I am gonna ask you one question Two twats at every entrance, armed to holy hell.
In church.
Well, that's America for you, isn't it? And God's watching from up above.
Right there.
Over there.
Security's tighter than a choir boy's asshole.
So let me ask you something: Why could Jesus walk on water? Why does Homelander fly? (CHEERING, APPLAUSE) How about A-Train, why does he get to run the way he runs? (CROWD GASPING) Or how do I get to hold the whole world in my loving embrace? Why were we chosen? Because of the Lord.
Because we were born with his power.
Because we believe! (CHEERING) - We believe.
- $15,000 for an exclusive VIP experience with Ezekiel.
Seriously? There's not an easier, cheaper way for us to get to him? We ain't getting to Ezekiel.
You are.
- I am? - Whoa, whoa, wait.
What? - Well, Starlight's one of the headliners, right? - Wait.
- She'll get you in.
- Whoa.
Look, we've only been on, like, a date and a half, okay? I can't just ask her for a Diamond Club Pass.
What's the matter? You worried your fake Supe girlfriend's gonna think you're using her? Okay, then what? I just go up to Ezekiel, "Hey, man.
What's up with you smuggling blue dope into Chinatown basements?" Yeah, pretty much.
Once you show him this.
This is from that club you took me to? You remembered our first night together.
I'm touched.
Okay, why is this the first time I'm hearing about this plan? This kid needs to be trained up, Butcher.
Yeah, what he said.
I-I don't know how to blackmail anybody.
Hughie, you've done a murder.
Comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.
I know.
I know.
HOMELANDER: We're here today to remember the victims of Trans-Oceanic Flight 37.
123 brave souls lost in an instant, in a senseless act of violence.
Carolyn Kozinsky, a preschool teacher from Skokie.
Julien Barro, an esteemed French neurosurgeon.
(MUFFLED SCREAMING) Susan Lopez from Evanston and her daughter Maya.
Samuel Brown, a teacher of physics from Los Angeles.
(CAMERAS CLICKING) We are all truly sorry for your loss.
Where'd you go? The only thing I hate more than blubbering people - are boring speeches.
- Right.
You remember that nutjob in Albany last year? Killed his wife, and he-he came out of the house with a gun at his daughter's head.
Remember that? Cops pissing their pants, didn't know what to do.
And then you, you you step up, very calmly, ask for the sergeant's Bic pen and fling it 26 yards, right into the asshole's eyeball.
(CLEARS THROAT) - Dead shot, dead shooter.
- What's your point? My point is that you took action.
That's what I love about you, Maeve.
Look, Maeve, nobody wanted that airplane to go down the way it did, of course not.
And now we got to make the best of it.
Otherwise Well, otherwise, it was all for nothing.
What did I tell you about boring speeches? Mom, when did that happen? What are you talking about? That's always been there.
PASTOR JOHN: I know what you're all thinking, "Holy mackerel, Starlight? From The Seven? Here with us?" Well, I knew her when she was still in pigtails and braces and she'd sit right where you're sitting.
- (LAUGHS) - So don't be shy.
You ask what's on your mind.
Starlight is here for you.
Yeah? I have this friend from my soccer team, Sunji, she's Hindu.
I know it's kind of my responsibility, I guess, to get her to accept Jesus, but it feels weird to me.
Well, Jesus also says to love your neighbor.
But if you love your neighbor, don't you want to save them from damnation? You have to look at it as good news.
You have a chance to help your friend find eternal life, right? Oh, yes.
Have you ever had a boyfriend? Well, yeah.
Yeah, I was with Drummer Boy for a while, for almost a year.
Yeah? Um (CLEARS THROAT) Did you have - sex with him? - (GIGGLING) Well, I you know, I think, I think everyone hopes that their first is the one.
And it's private, but I'm a virgin.
Yeah, I'm saving myself for my future husband.
See? Hebrews 13:4.
"Let the bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral.
" Okay.
I think we have time for a few more.
I'm-I'm not really sure what you're saying, son.
I'm saying if there is some geezer up there with a big white beard, he's a world heavyweight cunt.
- What? - I-I'm sorry, did you just call God a C-word? Yeah.
He's got a hard-on for mass murder and giving kids cancer, and his big old answer to the existential clusterfuck that is humanity is to nail his own bleeding son to a plank.
That is a cunt move.
Come on, even you got to agree with me there.
- Hey, hey, hey, please - We should lob a fucking nuke at him, get it over and done with.
- You know what I'm saying? - We're sorry, sir.
We apologize.
My man All right.
Good talk.
Think about it.
- I'm here all day, all right? - You mind piping it down just a little bit? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry.
Didn't mean to offend your inner black Baptist mum shouting "Praise the Lord.
" Fuck you, I'm Episcopalian.
And there's nothing wrong with having a little church up in you, you know? Said the bishop to the nun.
What about you, Hughie? You believe in God? I mean, I don't know.
- What? Come off it.
- Yeah, I don't know.
I don't think it's Morgan Freeman up there or anything, but it can't all be random chaos.
So you think that what happened to Robert was some kind of divine intervention? - Is that what you're saying? - Come on, Butcher.
(PHONE RINGS) Hang about.
Hello? DONNA: So what were you supposed to say? "Yes, I've had premarital sex, go nuts.
" Well, I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to lie to them, Mom.
Aw, baby.
You're Starlight of The Seven.
Millions of kids are looking up to you now.
You're a shining light to them.
How am I supposed to live up to that? Because that's the way God made you.
You're a miracle.
You're my miracle.
Hey hey, you two.
How's it going? You know what? I'll, I'll catch up.
- DONNA: You sure? - Don't worry, I'll be right there.
DONNA: Mm-hmm.
Keep an eye on the lad, all right? Where the fuck are you going? Just do it.
- You okay? - Fine.
It's just this place isn't what I remember.
Hey Hughie? Hey, can I ask you something? Anything.
Is there any way you could hook me up with one of those Diamond Club Passes? You know, to-to see Ezekiel? I mean, I couldn't get one unless I robbed a bank.
But you know.
Ezekiel? Yeah.
Um, okay.
Confession time.
My dad is, like, Ezekiel's number one fan.
So what do you think? Pull a few strings, you know? Hook me up with some tickets? Yeah, yeah.
Sure, of course.
- It's the least I can do.
- Thank you.
- (CHEERING, APPLAUSE) - Good to see you! Thanks, guys.
Oh! How are you, girls? Hey, pal, how are you? How are you? Great, thanks for coming along.
- God bless you guys! - Thanks! God bless you one and all! Take care now.
Keep believing, ha-ha.
Grab Madelyn.
I need to talk to her about these fucking talking points.
Stillwell isn't here today.
I thought that you knew that.
But I'm here to help you with anything, I'll go through the talk Ashley? Where is she? (WHOOSHING) What are you doing here? Skipping work now? I am taking Teddy to the pediatrician.
Maybe reschedule it.
I've already rescheduled three times.
What is the emergency? My speech.
- Your speech? - Yes.
My speech.
It reads like corporate fucking mayonnaise.
We're talking Believe here.
These are my people.
But you're not just talking to them.
Every dove and Democrat in Congress is going to be watching you on CNN.
- You need to appear moderate - No.
- Humble.
- No! You There is an opportunity here.
People are scared.
They don't trust Washington or the coastal elite, and they hate foreigners.
What they want is a little John Wayne frontier justice.
And that is what I do.
Don't forget it was me that saved that Flight 37 thing.
I turned that into a win.
For us.
You're really gonna talk to me about "saving" Flight 37? Ha-ha.
Well, why wouldn't I? Look, can I please just talk to you later? The speech is perfect.
- Trust me.
- Trust you.
That's what you always say.
- Come here.
- You're not even fucking listening to me.
You're so full of shit! You say you want my input, but you don't.
- Yes, I do.
- No, you don't.
- And you never did.
- I do.
Can we please just talk later? Why? You gonna run off and play "strong single mom"? Please That baby is an accessory.
We need boundaries.
(RACHEL SIGHS) Just took a lovely little stroll around St.
And you'll never guess what I happened across.
Who told you? Well, I'll tell you who didn't fucking tell me.
Me own fucking sister-in-law.
Would you like some tea? I got the English stuff.
When'd you do it? Last Sunday.
We used your last name.
We said "beloved wife".
You buried an empty fucking coffin? We didn't bury anything.
Just, um, a headstone.
Well, that's a sick fucking joke then, isn't it? And you're wondering why we didn't tell you.
(CHUCKLES) Look my mom's getting old.
She just wants a place to talk to her daughter.
Yeah, well, she's talking to dirt, isn't she? - It's something.
- No.
It's fucking nothing.
It's nothing, 'cause there's nothing fucking down there.
And for all you know, Rebecca's still out there somewhere, and you put up a fucking headstone.
Stop! You need to stop.
It has been eight years since she's been missing.
The cops never found anything.
You never found anything.
She's not alive.
She got killed or she killed herself.
You watch your fucking mouth.
You're not the only one whose life was ruined.
She is my sister, and I love her.
But she's gone.
We need this to be over.
You got the right to remain silent, bitch.
I did not kill your partner.
And I did not kill Dr.
I wouldn't lie to you.
I love you, baby.
Love is just another lie, Donovan.
- You must think I'm stupid.
- No.
POPCLAW: But as you can see, I'm pretty sharp.
DONOVAN: Y-Yeah, you've got talent.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
(BOTH PANTING) - (STATIC) - POPCLAW: Oh! Yeah, say it.
You're a filthy pig who likes to eat ass.
- I'm a filthy pig - (MOANING) BUTCHER: Hold up.
Easy does it.
We ain't here to hurt you.
POPCLAW: Who are you? This guy's got 34 addresses and at least a dozen aliases.
So, who the hell is he? Something we're running down on our own.
Uh, since when do you guys run down stuff alone? - Trevor - Yeah? Shut up.
- Hughie.
Right? You're Starlight's friend.
She got you in here.
- Yeah.
- (CHUCKLING): There you go.
(CHUCKLING) Good to meet you, pal.
- Good to meet you.
- (CHUCKLES) How do you know Starlight? Uh, you know, we met, um, like, a few weeks ago, actually.
- Really? - Yeah.
- And she got you in here? - Yeah, I guess she did.
Oh, this is a pricey ticket, Hughie.
You must be a special guy.
I no.
No, I'm not I just feel lucky to be here.
EZEKIEL: Um, ladies and gentlemen, uh, I would like to welcome you one and all.
And I would very much like to welcome Homelander, our special guest.
(APPLAUSE) So, without further ado, if you would follow me.
Gather round, everybody.
Now, as many of you may already know, Homelander is an ordained minister in Samaritan's Embrace.
Together, we will be rebaptizing you, my most loyal followers.
Do you accept the Lord, our Father, as your Savior, - and Jesus Christ his son? - Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Oh! - Your sins have been purged.
Christ be with you.
On this blessed day, you will be reborn a Christian.
You will be washed clean of all your sins.
Something wrong, Hughie? No.
No, I'm-I'm totally comfortable.
Why-why would you ask that? Well, your blood pressure's 150/90.
It's a bit high.
Yeah, sorry.
Just, um I'm afraid of water.
(CHUCKLES) Don't panic.
I got you.
Do you accept the Lord, our Father, as your Savior, and Jesus as his son? Yes.
Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(COUGHING) God bless.
Thank you all once again for allowing me to be a part of this beautiful occasion.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Good night.
See you, friend.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
May the light of God shine in your lives.
Excuse me, sir.
Uh, may I speak with you just for a moment? - Sorry, son, I got a packed schedule.
- All right, I understand, sir, but it's just, I need your guidance.
I need Christ's guidance.
What is it? Just hold on one second.
Let me just show you something.
(CHUCKLES) What's wrong? Uh You fucked me.
What? Yeah, in a private Supe club.
You know the one on East 29th? Secret Lair, - I think it's called? - Don't know it.
- There were three of us? - You've got nothing - Oiled up, and you - This wrapped your stretchy arms around me, and it was, it was so fucking hot, and your dick was so perfect.
And long and stretchy.
And you you played my butt like jazz.
With poise and skill and willingness to improvise.
(CHOKING) You come in here.
You try to talk to me? - (CHOKING) - Like this? You are a filthy, filthy liar.
- You are unclean.
- I have a video.
- I have a video.
- What? I have a video of the three of us sucking and fucking.
And if you don't let me go, my friend puts the video online.
Like that.
(GRUNTING) (GASPS, COUGHS) What do you want? You want a little bit of money? Are you here for money? You ship boxes labeled as polio vaccine but they're not really polio vaccine, are they? (PANTING) They're Compound V.
- Who the hell are you? - I want to know everything about 'em.
Okay? You tell me, you tell me where they're going.
And you tell me how many boxes you ship.
No, they will destroy me.
Who's "they"? Vought? Here's how this is gonna go.
You're gonna tell me, or that video trends, number one on Twitter.
And you're also gonna stop the fucking "pray the gay away" shit.
Anyway, it's your choice.
(PHONE RINGING) Hello? Hey, um, so that wasn't a piece of cake.
Hughie, that you? You all right? Yeah.
Yeah, it's me, sorry.
I had to, had to borrow a phone.
Thanks again.
I got baptized.
It's a long story.
Blackmailing somebody is not cake, okay? It is weird, it's scary, you wind up - just saying shit.
- Okay, but did you get him to talk? What'd he say? Uh, yeah, yeah.
I mean, you-you know that charity of his? Samaritan's Embrace? - Right.
- All right.
So what they do is they take boxes full of that stuff and they ship it to hospitals all across the country.
And apparently the latest one is going to the NICU at Mercer Hospital.
It's, uh, i-it's midtown, I think.
You are a natural, kid.
You're like the fucking Rain Man of fucking people over.
(CHUCKLES) Not a compliment.
(GRUNTING) (GRUNTS) (PANTING) - Hey! - Cool your jets, guv.
- It's not a hate crime.
? All right.
(LAUGHS) Fucking brilliant.
I'll meet you at the hospital in half an hour.
HOMELANDER: Let's hear it for Jesus.
- (CHEERING) - Yes! One more for the guy upstairs! (HOMELANDER LAUGHS) Oh, I love you guys.
Let me tell you something.
I am so thrilled to be here.
Are you? - (CHEERING) - Yeah? A terrible tragedy befell our nation this week.
And let's not mince words about this.
We were attacked.
(CHEERING) America was attacked.
(CHEERING) Some people they want me to come out here and speak empty platitudes to you all.
A little bit of corporate talk.
But I don't want to do that.
I can't do that.
You want to know why? CROWD: Why? Because I believe that what God wants me to do is get on over there, find the filthy bastards that masterminded this whatever cave they're in and introduce them to a little thing called God's judgment! - (CHEERING) - That's what I think! Sounds like the American thing to do! Sounds like the right thing to do.
But no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Apparently, I got to wait for Congress to say it's okay.
(CROWD BOOING) HOMELANDER: Right? I say I answer to a higher law.
- (CHEERING) - Wasn't I chosen to save you? - (CHEERING) - Is it not my God-given purpose to protect the United States of America? (CHEERING) CROWD (CHANTING): Homelander! Homelander! - Homelander! Homelander! - Psalm! 58:10! "The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance and he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.
" (CHEERING CONTINUES) MAN: Homelander! CROWD (CHANTING): Homelander! Homelander! (CHANTING CONTINUES) Motherfucker.
Maeve, what, uh - Sorry, what are you ? - I was, um, stopping a mugging nearby and I It's good to see you.
Can I come in? Uh okay.
(SCOFFS) Where's Freckles? Freckles died two years ago.
Look, uh, I'm kind of busy, so, um, maybe give me a call, call first, next time? Elena, you don't have to be like this.
Well, you show up out of nowhere asking about the goddamn cat, so You've been drinking.
- No.
- (ELENA SCOFFS) You're not going to meetings anymore.
Uh, listen (CHUCKLES, SNIFFLES) Water under the bridge.
I miss you.
You don't get to say that to me.
Leave, please.
Elena, I haven't seen you in years.
I mean - wouldn't it be nice - I see you every day.
Every time I walk through Times Square or turn on the fucking TV.
I'm out of your life.
You never left mine.
I'm sorry, okay? I'm really sorry.
- I didn't mean - I don't want your apology, okay? I want you to get out.
Okay? I want you to go back to your ivory penthouse where you can drink and fuck whoever you want.
Go back to Homelander.
(LAUGHS SOFTLY) I can't go back.
Oh (SNIFFLES) - Oh - Maeve? It's too hard.
- What happened? - It's just too hard.
Tell me what happened.
(SNIFFLES) I keep thinking about all - all those people.
- It's okay.
You'll figure it out.
Okay? You'll figure it out.
- You always know what to do.
- (SOBBING) You always know what to do, okay? - I don't know.
They don't - So just tell me what happened.
(SNIFFLES) Tell me what happened.
Uh I don't know, Maeve, if this is - Come on.
- No.
No, this is You're obviously No, I said stop it.
(EXHALES) All right, just - just talk to me.
- (SNIFFLES) Okay? Just tell me what happened.
Yeah, this, um this was a mistake.
No, just talk to me.
Just tell me what If you (GROANS) (PHONE VIBRATING) - Allô ? - CHERIE: They're coming.
They're on to you, babe.
Black Noir was outside my apartment.
What location? Which addresses do they have? If they got to my place, all of them.
So, you want to pay me the professional courtesy and tell me where the hell you disappeared to before? I just had to pop down to the shop.
I was running a bit low on mind your own fucking business.
(PHONE RINGING) This better be good.
I'm burned.
What? Fucking hell, Frenchie.
How? I don't know.
What about the rest of us? Your concern for me is very sweet.
Maybe, maybe not.
So far, they only seem to be hitting my places.
I'm taking off.
- What about the girl? - Fucking leave her.
God knows what they'll do to her.
Supe-on-Supe violence ain't our concern, mate.
I said fucking leave her.
It was the Heartland Beauties "Luck of the Irish" pageant.
The lights went out on stage and this one lit up the room with the glow from her hands.
The show must go on.
Hmm? That's so sweet.
- 15 minutes, Starlight.
- I'm sorry, could you, could you just give us one minute, please? MAN (OVER P.
): Starlight will begin shortly.
Please go to the main stage.
Mom, I can't do this.
A-Are you sick? What's wrong? No, it just doesn't feel right.
- What does that mean? - Honestly I really thought that being here would feel like it used to, but it doesn't.
It's changed, or maybe I've changed.
But Mom, these past few months Mm-mm.
No, tell them I'm not going on.
I've waited 23 years for this.
This isn't this isn't about you.
Isn't it? I mean, I-I kept your secret, scrimped by selling houses, took you to all the Supe events.
All my friends are gonna be watching on TV.
Please? They're coming for me, mon coeur.
I've been ordered to leave you here for them to find.
And Monsieur Charcuter, you know, he knows I'll comply, that's how he sees me.
Like this mad bastard, only good for hurting or killing, you know? Like a gun, he takes me, points me in a direction and fires.
It's not who I am.
(CHAINS RATTLE) It's not who you are, either.
We're the same, you and I.
Like eggs.
Hard outside, soft inside or pineapples, perhaps.
Whatever those bastards got planned for you, you don't deserve it, mon coeur.
(CHUCKLES SOFTLY) NEWSWOMAN: The Deep finds himself in hot water following a harebrained attempt to free a dolphin from Oceanland.
Insiders say when police tried to intercept the hijacked van, Deep lost control of the vehicle and crashed, catapulting the dolphin through the front windshield onto the road, where it was run over - by an 18 - Hello there, Believe Expo! (CROWD CHEERING) I am so honored to be here tonight.
Did you know that my first public appearance was right here on this very stage with Ezekiel and the rest of the family? (CHEERING) Today, I wanted to share with you how I accepted Christ as my personal savior.
(CHEERING) How His way is the only way (APPLAUSE, CHEERING) Uh (EXHALES) Just just please stop the music.
- Please stop.
- (MUSIC STOPS) (MOUTHING) You want me to just suck it up and do this for you? Hmm? You have no idea what you're really asking.
You have no idea what I've been through.
(GROANS SOFTLY) Every single word that I say up here, I'm reading from a script.
I didn't write any of these words.
I don't even know if I believe in them.
I mean, I believe in God, I love God so much, but (CHUCKLES) Honestly, it's it's just how goddamn certain everyone is around here.
I mean, tickets start at, what, 170 bucks, so that these people can tell you how to get to heaven? How do they know? How does anybody know? When the Bible was written, life expectancy was 30 years old.
I mean, I'm not so sure you're supposed to take it literally.
It also says that it's a sin to eat shrimp.
What, if you're gay or if you're Gandhi, you're going to hell? I mean And if you have sex before marriage, that's, that's not immoral.
That's human.
What's immoral is the guy who shoved his dick in my face.
- Shit.
(EXHALES) Here's the truth.
Anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying.
And I know, I know, I'm supposed to be this hero-idol-symbol-whatever, but I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
I'm just as scared and confused as the rest of you.
I'm done pretending, and I'm done taking any more shit.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Compound V? Oh, yeah, and lots of it.
Oh, my God.
That's a fucking baby Supe.
Chosen by God, my ass.
These cunts are made in a fucking lab.
Hey, easy.
That-that was a great speech.
I mean, come on I mean, know your audience, but that was, like, that was Joel at the Garden.
That was I am so glad you enjoyed it.
I'm so glad.
How was your quality time with Ezekiel? Huh? Any more VIP tickets I can get for you? Because I'm so here for you.
- It's not like that.
- You sure? 'Cause I can get you a commemorative cup.
Or I can get you an Ezekiel figurine, - or a goodie bag.
- My girlfriend died.
What? Happened not too long ago, and I came here looking for a way to get out of the shit that I'm in right now.
And that wasn't fair to you, and I'm so sorry.
I really don't think there's anything that can help it anymore or fix it or make it better.
And everything I heard here? Well, that helped a total of jack shit.
(CHUCKLES, SNIFFLES) Except for what you said.
I mean, you're right, there's nobody knows.
And that's the only fucking thing I've heard all day that's made any sense at all, and that is the God's honest truth.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, no, no.
I'm sorry.
MOTHER'S MILK: Okay, easy with that.
You get some air in there, you could kill the kid.
Well, wouldn't that be a crying shame? All right.
Let's bugger off.
All right.
Hey! Hey, keep them busy.
Watch and learn, son.
(LAUGHS) Holy fuck.
That was diabolical.
(LAUGHS) You little fucking beauty.
(PANTING) You done good, lad.
- Come on, Butcher, it's time to go.
- Yeah.
Now, you keep your nose clean, sunshine, or I'll come back and stomp you.
Holy smokes, Starlight shocking the Christian community during her address at Believe Expo, when she questioned her faith in I see you.
I know you're watching me.
You've been out there quite a lot lately.
Always watching.
So why don't you just come on inside? You afraid of me? (SCOFFS) (DOOR OPENS) Come in.
(DOOR CLOSES) Have I not been paying enough attention to you? Are you lonely? It must be hard, feeling so alone.
I'm sorry but you cannot give a speech like that.
You cannot be bad.
You have to be good.
And you have to listen to me.
And then we both can get what we want.
(EXHALES) That's good.
You're my good boy.
(PANTING) (PANTING) (BREATHING DEEPLY) (GRUNTING) (PANTING) (GRUNTING) (PANTING WEAKLY) (EXHALES) Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long Any time she goes away FRENCHIE: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
(GASPS) Wonder this time where's she's gone Wonder if she's gone to stay Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home Any time she goes away And I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know A miracle.
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know You are a miracle.
Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone But ain't no sunshine when she's gone No, no Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Only darkness every day Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home Any time she goes away Any time she goes away Any time she goes away Any time she goes away And I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone But ain't no sunshine when she's gone No, no Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Only darkness every day Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home Any time she goes away.

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