The Deep End s01e05 Episode Script

An Innocent Man

Telling you, I could take 50 of them.
No way.
Why are you even thinking about this? Last night, on my way home from work, I passed this karate school, and inside were like 40 first-graders all doing their little punching drills, and I thought, "if they were to stream out of that dojo and attack , I could take them -- all of them.
" Sorry why are 40 first-graders streaming out of a dojo to attack you? I don't know.
Visceral dislike of Australians.
Are you sure you didn't taunt them? Hey.
In this hypothetical, they started it.
You realize this is, uh, idiotic, don't you? It's not idiotic.
My mind never stops searching for the ultimate hypothetical.
Now, if that sort of penetrating, intellectual inquiry is wrong I don't want to be right.
Did you, by any chance, forget to pay my membership at the sports club? I'm sorry? Yeah, I went to work out this morning, and they confiscated my I.
Oh, that's, uh -- of course.
I usually keep my checkbook in the study, which I don't really have access to since I've been banished to a hotel.
Well, you could have had me bring it here.
It slipped my mind, you know, 'cause we usually have those conversations over coffee in the kitchen Of my home.
Well, maybe if something else of yours hadn't slipped into somewhere it shouldn't have, we would be having this conversation over coffee in the kitchen of our home.
I was just looking for the cream.
I don't need cream.
I raise money for the D.
someone in his office saw Kevin's name on a file, and he called me last night.
When did the police pick your son up? Two days ago.
He got into a fight outside a club.
The man he assaulted died.
Kevin's been charged with second-degree murder.
When you spoke to him, did Kevin admit that he -- I haven't spoken to him.
Kevin has a history of substance-abuse problems.
He and Mr.
Mather are estranged.
Kevin started drugs in high school.
We tried everything -- interventions, countless rehabs.
After a while, when he wouldn't stop, it was him or us.
Had a choice to make.
I understand your frustration, but I can assure you we'll provide him with the most vigorous defense possible.
Mather is an important client of long standing.
He just wants us to ensure that Kevin does as little jail time as possible.
So you want us to negotiate a plea? It's time for Kevin to take some responsibility.
Get the kid out before he goes gray, then call it a day.
I'm in court today, and we're so close, I figured you wouldn care if I used your Of course, some people do have armpit issues.
Oh, I don't have armpit issues.
I'm just wondering, if we're so close, why you didn't tell me about Jason, Your boyfriend from Ohio.
How do you know about Jason? I met him just now in the lobby.
No way.
Why would you keep Jason a secret? I'm not.
Look, it's a long-distance, complicated thing, and when we first got here, we didn't know each other, and I was gonna keep my personal life personal.
Hi! Hey.
Jason Carpenter, this is my best friend, Beth Branford.
I've heard so much about you.
Oh, I can't believe you're here.
I know.
It's great, right? Thought I'd fly in and surprise you for your birthday.
Birthday? Another secret.
Well, want to know my secret? That deodorant was in my desk when we got here.
Ew! So, what are we gonna do to celebrate? Oh.
I'm -- I'm actually court today.
Not tonight.
Blue Velvet after work? Sounds great.
Hey, can I get your keys? I just need to go shower up.
So, you admit you punched the victim two hours before he was found dead in an alley a block away.
it's like I told the cops, okay? I saw him whaling on some little guy outside the club.
I stepped in to help.
He turned on me.
The incident report says that you threatened him.
You were going to "kick his ass.
" Some guys, they came out of the club, and they pulled us apart.
I got a little riled up.
I should have kept my mouth shut.
Well, maybe you'd had a few drinks, feeling a little feisty.
I don't drink.
Kevin, your father told us you have a substance-abuse problem.
" I've been sober five years.
Look, call my sponsor, okay? My boss.
They'll tell you.
Where'd you go after the fight broke up? Home.
And the victim -- see him again? No.
No, he walked away.
I walked away.
Listen I know I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger, okay? I'd do anything to take it back.
I can't.
I've turned my life around.
I thought my father knew that and that's why he sent you guys.
Can anyone verify that you went right home afterwards? No.
But I didn't do this, okay? You got to believe me.
I'm innocent.
The Deep End 1x06 An Innocent Man What do you think? That addicts are notorious liars.
We should call his sponsor -- verify his sobriety.
Yeah, if he's telling the truth about that, It'll give us some leverage with the A.
You know, with physical violence and threat of assault and no alibi, It's possible the cops stopped looking for another suspect because he was so juicy.
It's also possible the cops stopped looking Because he did it.
My God.
These are exquisite! What is so important I got to run over here? I got people in my office for -- hart, I'm in the middle of a conference call.
I didn't know you were gonna be here right now -- Cliff Huddle, Susan Oppenheim I'd like you to meet Doug and Tyler Cook.
How are you? Hi.
Of Cook's candies.
I grew up with you.
Cook's candies? Yes! You guys bought my dentist a summerhouse.
Well, uh, our father had a slogan -- "putting holes in america's smiles since 1945.
" Doug is an activist in the "whole foods" movement, And even though Doug has been invaluable to me for the last 11 years, he has decided to break my heart by branching off on his own.
See, Doug has created a healthy-sweets division of the family business.
Really? I didn't know Cook's candies had a healthy-sweets division.
Neither did I.
Neither does anyone else.
Which is why I want to get out from under the family brand, and Tyler has been cool enough to back me on it.
It's a friendly transaction.
Dshh! Dshh! Doug and Tyler have agreed to waive conflict so we can represent both sides.
Word is, you two are the best negotiators around.
We just want everything handled fairly.
Of course.
Well, hey, we'll get out of your hair and let you get to it.
It was great to meet you both.
Very nice to meet you.
Good seeing you.
Thanks for coming in.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks so much.
Can't we hand this off to a fifth-year? Hart, I absolutely cannot take on another case.
Come on -- the chocolate brothers? All you have to do is divide the assets fairly between the two companies.
I've already tapped Malcolm and Beth to draft up the pertinent contracts.
It'll be the easiest fee you ever made.
Unless you don't want the money.
I'll take Malcolm.
I'll take Doug.
Your client has a history of run-ins with the law.
Misdemeanors, D.
S -- completely nonviolent offenses and nothing in the last five years.
'cause, according to his N.
Sponsor, that's when he got sober.
He goes to meetings, sticks to the program.
His boss says he's a stable and productive employee.
Look, guys, the cops have proximity and intent, and your client has no alibi.
which doesn't change the fact that Kevin Mather says he's innocent.
Hey! What do you know? I got two.
It's my lucky day.
So, I'm gonna share the love.
I'll take your client's predictable claim of innocence and his reformed character to my boss, see if he'll give him five years.
Five years for a crime he swears he didn't commit? When you're in possession of ironclad, exculpatory evidence of his innocence, we can talk.
Until then, if you're inclined to roll the dice, there's something you should see.
That's Judge Joan Anderson.
If you check the docket, you'll see she'll be presiding over your case.
Your honor, I have numerous affidavits from character witnesses all stipulating to the extremity of his circumstances.
You know how this works -- Judges are Kings in their courtroom.
They do whatever they want.
This Judge has a sentencing history 35% higher than average, which means if you take this at trial and lose Your honor, he stole cold cuts from a grocery store to feed his family.
They call her "Maximum Joan.
" Mr.
Gibbons, your attorney tells a sad story.
Watch this.
However, the rest of us confront hard times without resorting to crime.
I hereby sentence you to nine months in prison.
Okay, so we've agreed to fully depreciate the value of all physical assets.
As set forth herein.
Which we agree to.
Except as noted on this addendum.
Ah, look at that.
At this pace, we'll be finished by tomorrow.
The next item on my agenda is to establish Tyler's ownership percentage of Doug's new company.
Oh, well, that's easy -- zero.
I was thinking more like 50%.
You want your client to own half of the new company? Not "want" -- "insist upon.
" did you know about this? Doug took the initiative.
He went and did something original on his own.
Yeah, while working for Tyler.
my guy's the boss.
Your guy's the employee.
Everything your guy did while working for my guy was work-for-hire, which means it belongs to him.
So you're using Tyler's status as the big dog to screw Doug.
I am zealously representing Tyler's agenda.
No, you're being Cliff, which means you're being selfish.
I think you mean "practical.
" Vindictive.
So the last six hours have been a complete and total waste of time.
I think you're letting your personal feelings get in the way of your professional judgment.
No, I'm being reasonable.
This is letting my personal feelings get in the way of professional judgment.
Uh, why don't, uh, you two get, um I'm gonna I'm learning a lot.
You? Can we talk to you for a second? Yeah.
We've been doing this friendly deal for Cliff and Susan, and it's taken on a very vicious, cutthroat "Thunderdome" quality.
Very "Thunderdome.
" You worked with Cliff a few weeks ago.
Did you notice any trouble in their marriage? Why would I notice that? I knew she knew something.
You know what? I don't know anything.
You just confirmed that there's trouble in Cliff and Susan's marriage.
I didn't confirm anything.
In fact, I deny .
Yes, but you already indicated that you had knowledge, So your denial serves as a confirmation.
Then I deny my denial.
Which is a double confirmation.
You know what? My boyfriend is here, and I'm kind of off-balance, and I don't appreciate you two coming in here making me deny the truth about stuff that I'm trying to hide.
What boyfriend? You sure he's here? His secretary said he signed out to this location.
What is so important that you had to interrupt me in the middle of a high-level settlement negotiation? Rowdy, you left your chips.
Are you -- No, no, no, sweetheart.
I'm in.
You just leave them next to my hi-ball.
The A.
Is trying to scare us into taking a premature plea.
What are they offering? Five years.
For second-degree murder? That's great.
Mather will be thrilled.
Turns out his information is a little out of date.
Kevin is sober.
I can't believe I folded aces for this.
So, use his sobriety to push back on the A.
Beat five years.
You'll be heroes.
We'll have a little parade.
Yeah, that's great, except that Kevin's arraignment's in half an hour, and the A.
's using the fact That we're assigned to Judge Anderson to leverage us to take the plea as is.
Joan Anderson? Uh-huh.
Take what the A.
's offering.
Rowdy, Kevin says he's innocent.
Can you prove he didn't do it? Not yet.
Dylan, Joan Anderson's a burr under the saddle of justice.
No, if you take this to trial and you fail to establish reasonable doubt, nothing good will happen to Kevin.
But don't we at least have an obligation to cross-check the police report T-to see if we can get there? The tall Australian has been uncharacteristically laconic.
What does he think? I think we've only had the case six hours.
Now whether I believe Kevin or not we're not doing our job if we don't do our due diligence.
All right.
Well, if you're not gonna bite down on a plea, I strongly suggest you get the hell out of Joan's couroom.
We can file a motion to adjourn the arraignment to another day.
The Judges rotate through arraignments.
It'll have the effect of switching to another Judge.
All right, go get 'em.
Oh, and if anybody asks You're in a high-level settlement negotiation.
Very good.
Thank you.
You're back.
Yeah, just for a second.
I have to file a motion.
Y-you're busy.
No, I get it.
But you got to eat lunch, right? So I decided to bring you lunch from home -- Skyline Chili, Conn's potato chips, and Tiny cheeseburgers from Gooey Louie's.
You brought sliders from Ohio? Yeah.
They're a little sweaty, so be careful.
That's Impossibly sweet of you.
Burger cheers.
Burger cheers.
All right.
Mm! Is it good? Ice-cold.
Boys, it is your lucky day.
Your client's sobriety story holds up.
And given his total lack of violent priors, If he pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter, We'll call it two years.
We'll think about it.
I suggest you hurry.
I've apprised the Judge of my offer.
Here's a copy of the medical examiner's final report.
I'll see you inside.
Two years.
If that's our downside, it's not too bad.
This says the victim died of a blow to the back of the head.
So Kevin hit him -- he fell.
No -- blunt-force trauma.
He was hit with an object.
No one saw Kevin hit him with anything other than his fist.
That's not ironclad evidence of innocence.
No, but it's at least knocking on the door of reasonable doubt.
We just need more time.
Let's go get it.
Your honor, Liam Priory, defense counsel for Mr.
We'd like to file a motion to move the arraignment until next Friday, as both Mr.
Hewitt and myself have schedule conflicts today.
Do I look like your social secretary? Motion denied.
Uh, but, your honor, our schedules -- And I see through your cunning little ruse, Mr.
You're try for a sympathetic court.
That may fly with some Judges, but not with me.
You're staying right here.
I understand Ms.
Hutchins has offered two years for pleading guilty for involuntary manslaughter.
That's a very generous offer, in my assessment.
Yes, your honor, but our client maintains his innocence, and we think the police investigation Might t have been -- Mr.
Hewitt, your client has a long rap sheet.
If he's found guilty at trial and we add murder to his r I will sentence him to life in prison.
And once the trial starts, I will not allow you to change your plea.
I understand, your honor, but our client has just heard the deal, and he needs a day or two to consider it.
Hewitt, every lawyer thinks their case is special, the fulcrum upon which justice pivots.
But I have dozens of these special cases to deal with today, and I cannot make allowances for your indecision.
You have 15 minutes.
I didn't do it, but I don't want to go to prison the rest of my life.
We got a shot at reasonable doubt.
"shot" is not a sure thing, And two years behind bars isn't great, but it beats life.
Is that my dad? We'll be right back.
Rowdy called me.
This has gone on long enough.
We just want to do what's right for Kevin.
Then take the plea.
He says he's innocent.
My son says a lot of things, Mr.
This time may be different, Mr.
Your son has worked really hard to turn his life around.
I think if you just listen to him I've spent years listening to him.
Look where it's gotten us.
Just give him one more chance.
He's broken my heart too many times.
Take the plea.
Make this go away.
Where's my dad? Is he coming back? We don't have a lot of time, so what are we gonna do? Wait a minute.
What did he say? What did my dad say? He thinks we should take the plea.
Did you tell him I was innocent? Look, Kevin, this isn't about your father.
I mean, I know I made some mistakes, but I-I've worked so hard to turn my life around.
I'm going to jail for something I didn't do.
Your time is up.
How do you plead? Your honor -- you've got 10 seconds.
10,9, 8 Your honor, we're simply asking for more time 7, 6 To possibly exonerate an innocent man.
5, 4 This is an abuse -- Can't you stop this? 3, 2, 1 -- Guilty.
I plead guilty.
I understand the kind of pressure your under but you got to let us speak for you.
I didn't want to go to jail forever.
Kevin, look -- the agreement is on its way over, but you haven't signed it yet.
You can still change your plea.
And what good would that do? Look, I know my dad.
If he thinks I'm guilty and I don't take this plea, he won't let you go to trial.
Kevin, this is not -- No.
He's written me off.
He won't let you take this to trial and embarrass him.
He'll fire you.
And then I'm gonna get stuck with a P.
, And then I'm screwed.
We'll do it for free if we have to.
We're not gonna sell you out for your old man.
You're the one in the dock.
Our loyalty runs to you.
Can you fake an illness? What? Y-y-you've got a -- you've got a stomach flu.
I-it's awful.
You have to go to the infirmary -- Where you won't be able to sign the agreement.
That won't work.
They'll never believe me.
He needs a doctor.
And right away.
Feel better, Kev.
No, we're so glad you guys came.
It's like -- Well, so, how's it going? Well.
Incredibly well.
And smoothly.
Which is another way of saying "well.
" We'd like to check in with Susan and Cliff.
Yeah, we just want to get a sense of the rough contours of the deal.
Uh, we'll see if they're free.
Answer me, Cliff! Did you file a patent claiming ownership on Doug's product? Yes, I did.
Why?! Because he is an employee working for Tyler in Tyler's facility.
Oh, God! This is so you! What does that mean? It means you're consistently using your position to grab more power.
Says the woman who just tried to steal my client's board of directors.
I set up a few meetings.
So what? Muster up the courage to stab me in the chest next time.
Stand still while I locate a sharp object! Ugh! You know, actually, they are indisposed.
Then let's Leave them to do their job.
Tyler, I think we should wait.
I'll buy you an ice cream.
You know I quit eating ice cream 11 years ago, Ty.
Oh, let's just pretend that I said "whiskey" Okay.
Let's pretend.
All right.
Shall we? Is my brother trying to screw me? What? No.
Oh, Mr.
Cook -- um, Doug, look, even the friendliest negotiations need a little amicable give and take your brother's offer.
Go get whiskey, and we will be done before you know it.
All right? Okay.
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yes, that is it.
Liquor in the afternoon.
Oh, God.
Okay, what's the problem? What? There's no problem.
Why would there be a problem? Cliff and Susan are at each other's throats.
He was gonna find out, anyway.
I assume they're not talking to each other? Except when they're yelling.
I assume you've prepared all the pertinent closing documents? Six ways to Sunday.
And they keep blowing them up.
Have you tried reasoning with them? It's Cliff and Susan.
Have you tried outsmarting them? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am so proud of you for punching our client.
I know.
It's real growth for me.
Bring on those tiny dojo bastards.
Okay, he'll be in the infirmary the rest of the day, which means we have 24 hours to find enough evidence to convince Kevin not to sign that plea.
The victim died of blunt-force trauma to the back of the head.
So if Kevin didn't inflict it We have to find out who else hit him.
I'll check the interviews.
I'll scour the evidence file.
To the birthday girl.
Let's go get another round.
Pardon us, ladies.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
He's cute and he seems sweet.
Yeah, he's both of those things.
I met her when she was in 10th grade.
Seriously? I know, right? I was captain of the baseball team.
She was, like, miss teen wordpower.
Miss teen wordpower? Mm-hmm.
What does that even mean, exactly? I was smart and shy.
And small.
Nobody noticed me except for Jason.
He was sweet and kind and totally in love with me.
That is fantastic.
It was a dream come true.
"was"? Yeah, she's my rock.
You know, she was always there to support me, especially when I blew out my shoulder, lost my scholarship.
It was really hard when she moved to L.
So I'm looking to make a change.
Change is good.
And let's drink to that.
To change.
So, what do you want? You mean with Jason? Uh-h.
I don't think I know anymore.
Happy birthday Addles.
Thank you Jay-bird.
And now for the present.
You're giving me my apartment keys back.
Well, I don't need them anymore, since I made a copy for myself.
There's a marketing job at a turbine company in Carson.
Our long-distance relationship is over.
I'm moving in! Stomach flu? We did try to call.
Sometimes you have to put away the playbook and use your own judgment.
So you think we did the right thing? Well, not forcing a plea on a client claiming innocence -- Yeah, absolutely, you did the right thing.
But now you got to back it up.
Can you do that? Not yet.
But The coroner's report said there was no way the victim could have been ambulatory after the blow to the back of the head.
No one walks after getting his skull crushed.
Right, which means the blow was inflicted in the alley.
That doesn't help us Unless you've got a witness I don't know about.
Maybe better.
That's a gun shop across the street.
They'd have security cameras pointed at the door -- Down the street, maybe.
Maybe video of whoever hit that guy on the head.
I'll start the paperwork on a subpoena.
Let me know how it pans out.
Gentlemen Tidy up.
This is a place of business, not a dorm room.
What do you mean you moved him? He was in legitimate pain.
I put him in his cell.
An hour later, the kid wasn't even moaning.
I canceled the infirmary request.
The A.
brought over the deal.
He signed it.
They must have pressured him into waiving his right to counsel.
Hey, big fella.
We want to see our client.
Maybe you can bring him some cupcakes.
Here's his new address.
Kevin Mather is now prison inmate 33451.
Got you the standard engagement letter you wanted.
Adelaide? What? You okay? Yeah.
Just A lot going on right now.
Yeah, sure, with, uh, work And jay-bird moving to L.
That was a bit of a surprise.
But you're cool with it, right? Honestly, I don't know.
I wish he would have asked me, you know, 'cause I don't know if I'm ready to go there yet.
Why not just tell him how you feel? Because he's -- he's already got the job lined up, and -- Just be straight with him.
I mean, obviously he cares a lot about you.
I'm sure you guys will work something out.
It makes me feel better, Malcolm.
Addles, please.
Call me "m-dog.
" Such a doofus.
This photo is time-stamped After Kevin Mather left the scene of the fight.
It clearly shows the victim arguing with his wife and another, unidentified man.
Now, I'm not a doctor, but given his verticality and general lack of deadness, I'd say the victim was alive.
Right here in the police report, The wife says she was home in bed alone the whole night.
She lied.
What do you want from me? Support our motion to vacate our client's guilty plea.
You know it's the right thing to do.
I'll talk to my boss.
Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go find these two.
Okay, I know hart said to outsmart them, but we could still get fired for this, so you do it.
The hell I will.
You do it.
We'll both do it.
Buon giorno.
Locanda livornese.
We'd like to make reservations tonight for a party of Six? Two brothers.
What time? Your honor, the legal standard for vacating a plea is manifest injustice.
We have photos proving the victim was up and around after being struck by Kevin Mather.
Do you have indisputable, definitive evidence of your client's innocence? The totality of what we have clearly indicates that -- I don't care what it indicates.
Do you have a photo that shows someone else hitting the victim in the head? No, but if you look -- Your client pled guilty.
When you plead guilty, you give up the right to a trial.
Your honor, you know that's not the spirit -- The plea that I allowed your client to take sends a message to those who come before me about justice.
It is swift and it is certain.
If I reverse that message now, where will it end? I find no manifest injustice.
Motion to vacate the plea is denied.
Your client stays in prison.
You do not my permission Complaint against a Judge -- very serious.
It's the only shot we have at getting Kevin out.
She will take it as a personal attack.
You back a foaming dog into a corner, it'll go at your neck.
Rowdy, Kevin's in jail for two years for something he did not do.
You think she can't affect how he spends those two years? Right now he's in Chino -- three hots and a cot.
He's bunking with some crooked accountant or a pimply car thief.
It could be a lot worse.
Now, Mr.
Mather hired this company to mitigate the amount of time his son spent behind bars.
You boys did that.
You should be very proud of yourselves.
No, we shouldn't.
And neither should you.
Excuse me? You wanted us to take a plea from minute one, and if we'd listened to you, we never would have found out Kevin was innocent.
Let me spell it out for you, hoss.
The likelihood of you successfully censuring a Judge of Anderson's caliber is slim to none.
This firm represents hundreds of clients, many of whom will make their way into her courtroom.
Now, you piss in her mess kit, not only will you fail to free your client, but you will make the lives of our other clients a living hell for year-- decades to come.
So you're worried about our other clients and Kevin's dad.
What about Kevin? Is this what's gonna happen to us If we stay here long enough -- We stop caring about the outcome? Just roll over so an innocent man can serve his could-have-been-worse sentence? Hey, where is everybody? Beth said dinner with hart and the clients at 7:00.
Malcolm told me 6:45.
'cause you're always 15 minutes late.
I did my best to get here on time.
Ch That's splendid.
I didn't order it.
It was requested when the reservation was made.
I was to bring it out as soon as the first party arrived.
Are you thirsty? Around you? Always.
I thought you were gonna grab dinner and meet me back at my place.
Yeah, well, you know how much I hate drinking alone, so And I thought maybe you could use a break.
Do you know that there are four sushi places within a one-block radius of your place? Not that I would ever eat in one, but still -- pretty swanky.
They even have a whole jewelry district.
Jay? Yeah? I love having you here, and I'm -- I'm really glad that you came.
But? Just, living together It's a step, you know? And just I'm not comfortable with the idea.
Oh, my God.
I am so glad you just said that.
Really? Yeah.
It makes what I'm about to say a lot easier.
What do you m-mean? I knew you wouldn't feel comfortable living together, and I don't want that, either.
You know, the truth is There's been something brewing between us for a long while, And it's time just to come out and say it.
Addy, will you marry me? No one's coming.
No one was ever coming.
we've been set up.
Which one was it -- Butch Cassidy or the Sundance Kid? I can't really blame Bennet or Branford.
They're probably just afraid that all their hard work will go to waste since we can't agree on fundamental principles.
Can we? On the deal? Sure.
If that's what we're talking about.
You're pissed.
I mean, you're really pissed.
And you got every right to be, considering what I did to you.
I just hope you don't abandon us -- Abandon me -- completely.
We can't work this out on our own, Cliff.
These negotiations prove that.
We need someone -- an intermediary or something -- to help us.
What? Therapy? Are -- Look, I can't go back to the way it was.
And I don't know how else to move forward.
With a starter salad.
How long have you been standing there? You look good, Joan.
Clean living.
You still at Sterling? Yep -- 10 years.
Time flies.
I'm here to talk about that Mather kid.
Those two power rangers put you onto me.
Oh, Joan, we both know he's innocent.
It's obvious.
I just don't understand why you won't vacate your plea.
Rowdy, you've never understood the responsibility that comes with these robes.
Maybe not, but I know why you wanted to wear those robes in the first place.
You didn't want to give people messages about justice.
You actually wanted to give people justice.
You think it's easy to separate the two? You remember when we went to work for the burrows case? In the heyday of VHS.
Yeah, before somebody could be exonerated by a dna swab.
Now, that kid was innocent.
But we couldn't prove it.
No, we could not.
And I remember when they strapped him on that gurney and they pulled that lever and you cried.
You cried even more when the real guy confessed to the crime and Burrows was already in the ground.
That was a long time ago.
I don't know, Joan.
Does justice ever get old? This is a formal complaint concerning your behavior in this case.
Now,ou can file it under "sterling," or you can reconsider your actions on your own.
Do one or the other, or I will file it for you.
Brought you a strawberry milkshake.
Doesn't its tantalizing artificial color distract you? I can't believe, even with all the facts on our side, we still couldn't get Kevin out of prison.
It's totally unfair.
But then Maybe life's unfair, you know? Maybe as lawyers, that's our job -- To get smacked down by the system again and again yill all the fight's been drained out of us.
What's that? First-graders.
I think I could beat 75 first-graders up and down the block.
Y'all have a hearing in Judge Anderson's chambers.
About what? I don't know, but the hearing's in 15 minutes, And the courthouse is 20 minutes away, So I'd leave 10 minutes ago.
You wanted to see us? It's come to my attention that my clerk failed to notarize Mr.
Mather's statement of fact regarding the crime.
Therefore, the plea is invalid.
In an abundance of caution, I'm going to vacate the plea entirely because I'm not one to stand for procedural errors.
I'm leaving the matter in Ms.
Hutchins' hands.
Actually, your honor, we already have a suspect in custody.
Is Kevin on his way out? They're just proceing the paperwork now.
Someone sent a photograph to my house last night.
It had a note on it.
It said "he told the truth.
" Who sent that? Your friend Mr.
Hewitt? I don't know.
Is Kevin innocent? Yes, sir.
Hello, Kevin.
Hi, dad.
I'm sorry.
So, if you sign here, then the deal will officially be closed.
Great job, everyone.
The agreement's fair.
Everybody wins.
Yeah, thanks for all your hard work.
You know, Tyler, I actually thought the delay Was occasioned by you trying to Shaft you? Why would I do that? Jealousy.
I'm younger.
No -- less experienced.
Not better -- softer.
like our sister.
Well, we couldn't have done it without the both of you.
You did an admirable job.
However, there's still the matter of the fake meeting you two set up.
You can't bait-and-switch us without expecting there to be consequences.
What are you gonna do? To be honest, we thought it would be more fun not to tell you.
Off you go.
Live in dread.
You're good.
You're better.
Miss teen wordpower.
How'd it go with Jason last night? Great.
Is that an engagement ring? Yeah.
It's beautiful, isn't it? What's -- what's going on here? Why? You think it's a bad idea? No, I-I didn't say that.
What, you don't like him? I don't know him.
I-I just know you.
What's that supposed to mean? It's just The Addy that I know, you know -- A-and I haven't known you since 10th grade, But she wouldn't say that she wasn't sure about living with someone one day and then be engaged to him The next.
Well You don't understand.
He needs me.
Okay, then.
And if you were my friend, you would be happy for me.
Then I'm happy for you.
I'm happy for me, too.
I heard Judge Anderson changed her ruling.
You got Kevin out of prison.
Just wondering how that happened.
I have no earthly idea.
Do you happen to have that complaint I wrote? No.
I threw it in the garbage.
I ever tell you about the time I drove a truck into the Lincoln Tunnel? No, but I'm guessing it's coming.
The truck was too tall.
It got stuck, and we couldn't pull it out Because it would do too much damage to the tunnel.
So, finally, this very wise old man says, "why don't we let the air out of the tires?" Ssssssssh.
"the truck will have room to pull out.
" That so did not happen.
Which does not undermine my central thesis.
Sometimes the softer touch of experience is required.
I'm proud of you.
Did you just steal my wallet? Never dis one of my stories again.

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