The Halcyon (2017) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

1 ==sync, corrections by dcdah== You can't do this.
Do you know what I hate? More than the mud the flies, the bloody Boche? It's a coward.
And frankly, you're not worth the paperwork.
(WHIMPERS) (GUNSHOT) Have you not left yet? I don't think I can go today.
- Dad, you always do this.
- There is a lot to do here.
The Ashworth wedding reception for one.
You don't think I can cope with that? - Of course you can.
- Well, then, it's settled.
Come on.
You promised Peggy you'd giver her a hand.
Besides, when was the last time you took a day off? Stop worrying.
And everything will be fine.
Is the car ready, Wilfred? On its way, ma'am.
Not working today, Mr.
Garland? I have the day off.
It's almost as if the place runs itself without you.
Do be careful out there.
These things are moving fast No time left in my hourglass No hopes for you and me Long gone, they left without apology Nothing can stop these Cold clock hands From turning Pray it won't stop these Falling sands Raining down We've had a bit of a problem sourcing geese.
So we're doing truffled chicken livers instead.
How much of a difference is there? Mr.
Klein? Care to share your wisdom? Max.
Different weight, different texture.
But they'll be too busy stuffing their faces to even notice.
So either we tell Lord and Lady Ashworth that our five-star service doesn't include their entree or we lie to protect our reputation.
There you go, Chef.
Contact came through at the last minute.
Geese it is, then.
Charlie! Andy! Any chance of some lunch, Chef? Don't they feed you in the army? Where did you get them? Best you don't know.
I do love a wedding.
They've insisted on a guest singer for the first dance.
The buggers.
Is your Lordship coming today? The air force has had them flying for two days solid.
I'm not sure he even made the wedding ceremony.
Toby's due to step in as best man just in case.
You and him all hearts and flowers.
I take it back.
I was wrong.
Sorry, can I have everyone's attention, please? It is now 15 minutes to three on Saturday, September 7th.
A day that will go down in history because Miss.
Betsey Day just admitted she was wrong about something.
Garland, that's the cars pulling up now.
May I help you? Welcome to The Halcyon.
Thank you very much.
This way, please.
Lord and Lady Ashworth's daughter was wed this afternoon.
The groom serves in the Grenadier Guards.
Married one day, back on the front line the next.
That's some life, Ray.
How long will you be staying with us, Lord Hamilton? Flight Command has enforced a 24-hour break.
Did you make the wedding? I arrived as they were exchanging vows.
- You look tired.
- No, I'm fine.
Have you written your best-man speech? I'll wing it.
That's a terrible idea.
(CLEARS THROAT) Your Lordship, there is a lady here to see you.
A Mrs.
Celina Ra Radimsky.
Stan's widow.
I haven't seen the Ashworths since your father's funeral.
I used to think Margaret was one of my closest friends.
Would you like me to accompany you to the reception? Actually I thought I might invite Mr.
Is that wise? Everyone wants me to be frozen in grief.
He's a gentleman.
He's my friend.
And he makes me laugh.
Is that so bad? I'll tell Miss.
Garland we need an extra place set.
There's no need for you to mope.
I've heard that apparently, the Buchanan girl is keen to make your acquaintance.
Mother, please, no.
I can't bear to see you on your own.
You're so awkward around girls.
Teresa's great fun.
I feel sure that you two are going to hit it off.
Almost got it.
(GRUNTS) Try now.
Ah, thank you.
(LAUGHS) Jim had a whole list of things to do before he went off, but you know.
My daddy is a soldier.
So is my brother.
Daddy is up north, but Billy is um He's at the barracks in Hyde Park.
That's right.
I don't miss him.
He's annoying.
Garland, this is my neighbour Ada.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Likewise.
I'm just nipping out to get Mr.
Garland to the tube station.
Can't I go, too? Go on, Dora, show Ada and Mr.
Garland how smart you are.
What do we do when we hear a siren? Very good.
She'll stay like that for ages.
Won't be long.
Have you heard from your Jim recently? Got a letter this morning, Ada.
Sorry, I forgot.
I love you, dumpling.
I'm not a dumpling.
Stanislav's grandfather gave it to him.
For luck.
For all the good that did, but he would have wanted you to have it.
Radimsky, you and your family will be looked after.
It's not charity.
When one of us is gone, the others help those left behind.
He's not gone.
- I'm sorry, Mrs.
Radimsky, I - He's not gone.
He is dead.
He is dead and not coming back.
And our children I can't tell them.
How could he do this? He was fighting for his country.
What about us? We're the ones he left behind.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know how to go on.
(WEEPS) When I look into your eyes I see them sparkle in the moonlight And when we dance you hold me so tight When I look into your eyes I love to watch you Well, Mummy insisted on getting me an Irish hunter.
But Daddy wanted to get me a Darley Arabian.
I mean, honestly, it's like sometimes he doesn't even remember there's a war on.
Excuse me, may I get you and your friend a drink? Yes, something strong.
You should come with me sometime.
You simply must see the estate.
- Of course.
- Wonderful.
- I'll have Daddy arrange it.
- Mr.
Hamilton, your brother has arrived.
My apologies, Lady Teresa.
We'll continue this later.
He is such a dish.
Mother has decided to pair me up with Lady Teresa so just pretend we have something to discuss.
How about this? Yesterday I was hit.
I didn't even realise it at first.
Leaking fuel all over the Kent Downs.
She starts pitching.
Dropping like a stone and I tried to pull up, but she's not responding.
Jesus Christ, Freddie At the last moment I just caught some wind.
Just enough.
And all I can think about is Emma.
What happens if one day someone comes with news that I just didn't make it? She knows the risks.
She doesn't.
She doesn't.
Not really.
Not what happens to those left behind.
It's Emma.
- She'll stay by your side, no matter what.
- I can't put her through that.
Maybe it's better to end it now.
You can't stop her loving you.
I don't know.
Maybe I can.
Maybe I have to.
Fortune teller.
What is the bird for? Tells her what to say.
Of course it does.
You have never? No, course not.
Maybe once.
When I was 16.
- And? - Oh, no! Can't bring it up and then not tell me.
She told me I was secretly adopted, that my real family are royalty and that one day my heritage would be discovered.
Did you believe her? Richard, I was 16, not stupid.
I suppose it's a nice idea that none of this is real.
And one day you'll wake up and everything will be different.
Do you mind waiting a few minutes? Dora's birthday this week and I don't know when I'll get a chance to pick her something up.
Of course.
Unless you've got to get straight back.
I know there's a wedding.
Emma can handle it.
I'll just be a minute then.
Sam? Sam! Ah! I know.
I know.
You didn't mean to run.
You were scared.
I couldn't let him do that.
I'm sorry.
Were you talking to me? Sam Green? I'm afraid you must have me confused with someone else.
No, no, Sam, it's me.
As I said, you have me confused.
Why don't you move along, friend? Sorry, Richard.
I could use a second opinion.
Of course.
Who's that? I have no idea.
Oh there's a wedding reception downstairs.
I wondered if you might accompany me.
I don't think that would be a good idea.
There will be a lot of eyes on you down there.
I'm only trying to protect you.
Yes, of course.
Please, I interrupted your day.
You know people will just say that I'm after your money.
Turns out I am rather rich.
In that case, I'd better go and change.
Toby! Hello! - Mr.
Hamilton - Shh.
So, what is going on? - I'm working, Chef.
- It's just the past week I would appreciate it if I could concentrate, Chef.
Thank you.
Didn't you use to have a picture of your family around here? Come on, boys! Let's go.
As quick as you like.
Is it true what Emma said that you'd only had one day off in three years? She's exaggerating.
It's more like three days off.
You've been putting in the hours, too, recently.
We need the money.
And work can be a good place to hide.
I envy Emma's generation.
They've got so many more choices now.
- Obviously - War excepted, of course, yes.
When I was her age, I'd already had Billy.
My world was no bigger than these few streets.
Were you happy? I think so.
(SIGHS) Sometimes it felt like just a quiet panic.
This is my life.
This is it.
Even now I have moments where I look at the kids and I just feel Hey.
I dunno where that came from.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
(AIR RAID SIREN) (JAZZY MUSIC) (AIR RAID SIREN) (BRASS INSTRUMENTS MIMIC SIREN) Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for The Air Raid Rag.
- You know the drill, Mr.
- To help any guests who wish to go - down to the shelter.
- Which we strongly advise.
- What about the wedding party? - The restaurant is ready.
We carry on as normal as per the bride's family's wishes.
Hey, the staff don't get to go down to the shelter? - Any member can go down if they wish.
- Which means keep working.
- What is your point, Mr.
O'Hara? - I think you should get to the shelter.
Do you know The Boy Who Cried Wolf? If we disrupted social events at every siren, we'd go out of business.
I also remember how the story ends.
The wolves finally show up and they tear the village apart.
(AIR RAID SIREN) This way, please, sir, madam.
Thank you.
All be over soon.
The noise.
How many planes are there? I've just been up on the roof.
It's not good, not good at all.
There's nothing to be done, sir.
Excuse me.
Lady Ashworth, we need to move the wedding party into the shelter.
- Absolutely not.
- This isn't a union that can be celebrated in a basement.
- Even your father would understand that.
- Lady Hamilton, there are hundreds of German planes over London.
I will not put my staff or your guests in danger.
Well, I suppose if there are hundreds of them.
Margaret? I told his Lordship we should go to the Savoy.
But he had some misguided idea of loyalty.
(AIR RAID SIREN) - I need to get home, to Dora.
- Ada will have got her somewhere safe.
They won't be scrambling any more fighters, - it's too late for that.
- I can't do nothing.
- You don't have a choice.
- LADY HAMILTON: Boys! What do you know about this Mr.
D'Aberville? Well, I wasn't sure at first, but I'm starting to think he might really care about Mother.
You're too soft.
Not everything is simple, Freddie.
Don't worry.
We'll be all right.
(DISTANT EXPLOSIONS) All right, come on, let's go.
We'll set up as quick as we can, Miss.
Thank you.
Most of the guests are in the shelter now and the wedding party is on the move.
I asked Tom to do a sweep of the floors.
Concentrate, keep working! I want everybody downstairs.
I've not finished the main course.
And the cake still needs icing.
It's fine, I will stay.
I'll finish the work.
Make that two of us.
We'll get it done.
So, the rest of you, away down the shelter.
Go on.
Let's go.
Go, Chef, now.
(EXPLOSION NEARBY) We apologise for the inconvenience.
Hotel guests this way.
Rest assured, you will still be receiving five-star treatment.
Wedding party this way.
Could be worse, madam.
You could be in a public shelter.
(EXPLOSION) (BABY CRYING) Don't worry, Sam.
She'll hold.
I was on the work detail that helped reinforce this one.
What about you? What have you been doing with yourself? I'm a manager in a hotel.
Things worked out all right for you, then.
Nice job.
Nice suit.
Nice woman.
You ever think about him? I do.
All the time.
We agreed if we ever met I know what we agreed, Sam.
It's Garland.
Richard Garland.
- And if it hadn't been for me - I know, no, I know.
But what kind of a life have I got? I never got to go home.
Couldn't find a decent job.
I've got nothing.
It's not fair, is it, Sam? You need to help me.
I deserve better.
(GASPS) Peggy.
Peggy! I can't leave Dora! Not with all this going on.
- It isn't safe to go out.
- What if it was Emma? Would you just sit here? Wait and see? Hope for the best? Let me go for you.
I can't stop you going with mem but I won't let you go for me.
(EXPLOSION) You were pretty quick to volunteer to stay up.
I have a job to do.
I have a job to do.
You have a wife and children.
Get yourself down the shelter now.
I'm not asking.
Go! Go! Or does it not matter any more? - Don't do that, Chef.
- You don't talk about them any more.
- You used to talk about them.
- Chef! Today's the day, isn't it? I remember you talking about it.
September 7th, your daughter's birthday.
I think you've given up on your family.
I think you don't care! No, no.
Easy! Easy.
It's all right, it's all right.
It's all right.
(SOBS) (ROAR OF PLANES OVERHEAD) It's bloody ridiculous.
All these folk pretending like nothing is wrong.
(WHIMPERS) Do you know where the phrase "The show must go on" comes from? The circus.
If an animal got loose or a trapeze artist took a tumble, the ringmaster would keep things going so the crowd wouldn't panic.
What's gonna happen to us? We'll be thought of as missing in action.
At best, considered dead.
At worst, deserters or Either way, we need to find a way back.
Fresh start.
New names.
New life.
And pray that this thing doesn't follow us home.
Come on.
Come on.
(MUFFLED) Richard! Richard! Are you all right? (EXPLOSION) All right? (PIANO PLAYS) (MURMUR OF CONVERSATION) Lord Hamilton, we haven't been formally introduced.
I'm Lucian D'Aberville.
I wish we'd met under pleasanter circumstances.
Wherever did you find him? He's only a friend.
He's also younger than you.
We all know your husband liked to run around with girls half his age but, well, as long as you're happy.
That is the most important thing.
Did you know? Well, when you say, "We all know your husband" do you mean that you know now? Or that you knew then? I We all felt so sorry for you.
I'm trying to remember where we've met.
Coffee, dessert and the best man's speech.
Which I'm guessing you still haven't written.
I'll think of something.
It all seems a bit inappropriate now.
Well, what else can we do? (EXPLOSION) They seem happy, don't they? Do you think that will ever be us? I don't think so.
We have to be honest with ourselves.
We both are in different worlds.
And no matter how much we want to make it work, it probably won't, will it? I mean, with all that is going on, it's a good place to leave things.
If that's what you want, Lord Hamilton.
Dora! Oh, God.
Dora! Ada! Be careful, Peggy.
- Peggy, Peggy - (SOBS) - Peggy, Peggy.
- (SOBS) Peggy.
Peggy! Peggy, look.
Dora! Dora? DORA: Mum - Mummy.
- I'm here, darling.
- I need to move this.
- Mummy.
Stay there.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
I've got you.
Come on, darling.
Come on.
Good girl.
(CLATTERING) - Dora! - Are you OK? - Yes.
- Bring your body forward.
That's it.
Argh! Good girl, Good girl.
Come on, come on.
(PANTS) Ah Ah, thank God.
Thank God.
MAX: The real horror is this is what we call civilisation.
We say we're not savages but the things we do Families caught in the middle of it all.
I'm sorry for the way I have been.
I wasn't angry, Max.
I was worried.
Believe me, I understand.
Navy at 20, me and all my pals.
Like wee lambs gambolling off to the slaughter.
(EXPLOSION) And well I was the only one that made it home.
Sometimes that's worse.
Being the survivor.
You've got to keep your head above water, Max.
Your family might have made it out.
- I would have known.
- How? If they'd escaped to England, it's not like they can just stroll down Pall Mall, is it? They would be interned on the coast.
- Yeah.
- Like everyone else.
I want to find out.
I'd ask Mr.
That man knows everything.
At least he says he does.
Is is the cake ready? Take it down to the shelter.
And stay there.
Go on.
- What about you? - I'll be two minutes.
(PIANO PLAYS) (AIR RAID SIREN) (APPLAUSE) Please make your way up to the bar for the cutting of the cake.
We cannot talk of tomorrow any more.
We can hope and pray.
But our futures are uncertain now.
But what I know is this.
Love doesn't change.
It will last, no matter what obstacles or challenges face us.
Because it is ours and ours alone.
We are defined by those who love us and whom we choose to love in return.
To the bride and groom.
ALL: The bride and groom.
Forever Is never today A dangerous game That I shouldn't play The promise of love remains But it's always too far away Forever Is never today When today Is over forever Mr.
- Your Ladyship.
- Well? - Highly inappropriate.
- I don't care.
The clock starts to tick again Forever Is never today Try not to hate him.
It's unbelievable out there.
Sirens, ambulances, fire trucks.
Even the sky is on fire.
I've never seen anything like it.
Have you heard from your father? Let's just hope that (AIR RAID SIREN) No.
Oh, God, they're coming back.
(AIR RAID SIREN) We need to go.
Come on.
(EXPLOSION) (BELL RINGING) (WEEPS) (SNIFFS) Did you get any sleep? You said you'd got rid of your trumpet.
Got rid of it, pawned it, what's the difference? What did you do with the money? This is one of those times I need you to be honest.
I knew your mother was struggling so I lent her a little.
So she wouldn't ask me.
So she wouldn't put you both in that position.
- It's just a trumpet, Bets - No, it was your father's.
Why? - Why would you do that for me? - Because Because I look after my band.
That's why my name is on the drum kit.
You would have done the same for me.
Come in.
I apologise for disturbing you.
No, that's fine.
I was just getting ready for work.
Hamilton What I did yesterday it was wrong and I I understand if you wish for me to resign.
I It's not necessary.
Ah, this bloody thing.
I'm meant to be clever.
Know how to analyse things.
And break them down and understand all the patterns.
But I have never made sense until yesterday.
Hello Toby.
(SNIFFS) A long night, huh? I can't believe the bastards came back.
Used the fires as goddamn guidelines.
You're gonna miss him.
It's not like that.
Hell, even I think the man looks good in uniform.
We wouldn't be suited.
Yeah, I guess not.
He's an aristo, you're staff.
It's a dictionary definition of a disaster waiting to happen.
It must be wonderful to be so wise, Mr.
You don't think it was just one night? No, it's retribution.
For the Great War.
Our past was always going to catch up with us sooner or later.
Good luck, Lord Hamilton.
Thank you, Mr.
One more thing.
I don't know why you have decided to treat my daughter this way.
Whether you have good reason.
But if you come near her again I will ignore my position and your status and I will make you pay.
==sync, corrections by dcdah==
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