Thundercats (2011) s01e05 Episode Script

Old Friends

I thought he be smaller.
I thought he be less 'spiky'.
Go on.
Lord of the Thundercats.
See if your loyal subject needs help fixing his tank.
That is.
Unless you're scared.
Go away.
Can't you see I'm busy? Oh, Come on! You really gonna ignore us forever? Why you so grumpy about anyway? You're standing on my 'Samo flange'.
Look, maybe I can help.
I dabble with a little tech myself.
The Thunder-Tank is out of Thundrilium.
Now I gotta risk my hide To get more from the Cloud Peak Mine.
If you're going after Thundrilium, we're coming with you.
Let me put this as respectfully as I can.
I am the King now, General.
if you slow me down or get in my way You're on your own Any question? What's a 'Samo flange'? Thundrilium, the life blood of Mumm-Ra's army and it is under my control.
Section 4, completed.
Awaiting your next command, General Grune.
Go deeper.
and let nothing stand in your path, Driller.
Wait for us here, we'll back before dark.
If we all don't die first! You sure have a motley crew on your hands, kid.
It's a miracle you survive this long without any adult supervision.
We've been doing just fine under my command.
If you wanna stay alive, you have to listen to me!.
I'm the King now, Panthro.
Huh, never gonna fool me.
Your Father, now he was a leader.
The King fought to his last breath trying to save Thundera.
In the end, Grune's betrayal was too much to overcome.
We've been inseparable ever since that first day we met on the battlefield.
Fire! Finally, another cat who pulled his weight around here.
Name's Panthro.
I don't know about you.
But grunt work wasn't what I had in mind.
when I enlisted.
Just gotta prove yourself, rise to the ranks.
I don't have the patience for that.
Look at us, Panthro, soon we run this entire kingdom.
You're planning on becoming a Lion? No.
I planned on becoming King.
If you wanna make it to General.
you'll have to do better than that! I'm eleven lizards ahead of you, Captain.
Make that nine! Don't hold back, Tygra.
You're stronger! Faster! Use your advantages! Excellent! Now continue your training and remember.
What you cannot earn, it can always be taken! My two finest warriors.
I know what you're waiting to hear.
I've chosen Lynx-O to be the General of the army.
Lynx-O has less experience than either of us! That's why I'm keeping you together for a much more important task.
The Book of Omens.
I believe it's more than a legend.
and if anyone can find it, is you two.
I hope you understand.
Our roles is not to question, Your Highness.
That's the access tunnel we need to get to.
Doesn't look too heavily guarded.
I say we take em now! We'll wait for darkness.
Whose in charge here?! Guess old Panthro under estimated the lord of Thundercats! Whiskers! Drop your weapons! Please? Kill him! What is wrong with you?! Me? I gave an order! You ignore it! He is the King now, Panthro.
So that's mean I've got to listen.
to any idiotic order he gives me? I guess all the stories of your undying loyalty were exaggerated.
You'll have my loyalty when you show me you can do more with that sword than just carry it around.
Come on! Lets find the Thundrilium, and get out of here! Thundrilium! Enough to power a thousand Thunder-Tanks for a thousand years.
Grune See?! This isn't so bad.
You're already a legend! Legend? If we were return with the Book we'll be greeted as Gods.
This is a waste of time! We're out here chasing a myth! We're out here in service of our King! Our roles is not to question his orders.
- But to fol.
- Don't be a fool, Panthro! Claudus knows there's no book.
He feared my ambition! This impossible quest.
is to rid me from his kingdom! That crazy! Grune.
Listen to yourself! Come to me.
The power you seek awaits you.
What?! Who said that?! No one said anything.
Are you okay? Come.
There! I heard it again! Come to me.
Where are you taking us? We've been walking for days! We need to turn back, or we'll die! We're here! We're where? We move on my lead.
Got it?! Thundercats! Fools! You brought the Sword right to me! And now you'll never make out of here alive! They will! I just can't say the same for you! You've always been hard to kill, Panthro.
I can be stubborn when it comes to dying.
This isn't gonna go well, is it? Nope.
Now let's see.
when was the last time I saw you.
Come to me.
He is waiting for us, inside! Whose waiting?! Whats going on?! How do you do that?! Closer.
closer Grune, wait! Open it, Open it I will grant you the limitless power you desire! The power you deserved! We shouldn't be here! Can't you hear it? Release me! Mumm-Ra! It can't be! Your loyalty will be rewarded.
Something was taken from me long ago.
And you're going to help me get it back! The Sword of Omens! Join us, Panthro! Together we can rule all of Thundera! What has he done to you?! He's promise me the means to do.
what i've always dream of.
I can't let you do this! I am your friend! You are my enemy! We sure have some great memories together! You betray me, Grune! You betrayed your brothers! All those deaths and you're still not the King! Don't lecture me, Panthro! If revenge you seek, then come take it! With pleasure! What is that?! The only thing you can trust! A machine! Destroy them, Driller! Until next time, Panthro! Grune! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats! Ho! Now that's what I've called impressive! The driller weaken the mine! We need to go! Now! Not without this stuff! Well, that will slow down Mumm-Ra's army for a while.
I guess so far the sword wound up on the right hands afterall.
I've served him proudly, and you can expect the same.
So you think, when we get the Thunder-tank fixed.
I can drive it? Not a chance my King!
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