Turn of the Tide (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Ninguém foge de uma ilha

["Eu Nao Vou Chorar"
by Romeu Barros plays]
[in Portuguese] I'm not gonna cry ♪
That life was not for me ♪
I'm not gonna cry ♪
That life was not for me ♪
It's okay, it's okay.
You're gonna be okay, my Sílvinha.
- Zinha.
- The nightmare is over now, my baby.
What is he doing here?
Your father and I, we've been talking.
You're going to stay at his house
for a while, until you recover.
Are you out of your mind?
[mother] You're out of control, Sílvia.
You need the help of a man
to straighten you out.
- But
- Believe me, Zinha.
This is as hard for me as it is for you.
[mother scoffs] Arruda, please.
It's the truth.
Fuck this.
Incredible pasta alla pompino.
This is better than Coca-Cola.
We'll miss you around here, man.
You're being transferred to Lisbon.
[in Italian] To Lisbon? Why?
You know, the mainlanders
want to ship you back to your country.
[ominous music playing]
[in Italian] Are you sure?
It is, dude.
- [Arruda] Oh, shit. What an exaggeration!
- [Elvira] Why don't you give her yours?
Come on, just give a little bit to Zinha.
Your daughter doesn't
even like my cooking.
Don't even think about it.
As long as you're in this house,
you're not touching this.
Yeah, we don't want those problems here.
Wine is not cocaine.
Zinha, wine is cocaine. Same with beer.
From now on, for you,
everything is cocaine, you get it?
Everything is cocaine.
'Til you understand this,
you'll continue fucking up your life.
Mmm, even your fucking cell phone
is cocaine, honey. You know?
[in Italian] I heard
that you could help me.
[in Italian] That you can get me
out of this shithole.
If you give me the recipe
for the pasta alla pompino.
[in Italian] But that recipe is a secret.
The idea is to trade
one secret for another.
[in Italian] Very well. Desperate times
call for desperate measures.
[in Italian] How do I get out of here?
[sniffs] Do you see that wall over there?
[in Italian] That one?
You just jump over the wall.
[in Italian] If you just have to jump,
why are you still here?
It's worse out there than in here.
Bills, obligations,
alarm clocks, paperwork.
Only if I was crazy
would I go back out there.
[gun fires]
Hey! That's my girl!
That was very good.
Beautiful Zinha!
A woman must be able
to defend herself, right?
[Arruda] Mm-hmm.
[Sílvia grunts softly]
There you are.
I appreciate the gift.
And for remembering my birthday.
You were the only one.
- [grunts]
- Hey. Hold on.
What's wrong, honey?
Rafael hasn't said anything in days.
And his cell phone is off.
No one in Rabo has seen him.
[sighs] Zinha, you know
that sometimes that's not a bad thing.
Quite the opposite. You get to know
who your friends really are
- when the shit hits the fan.
- [gun fires]
[can clatters]
Rafael isn't my friend, he's my boyfriend.
That boyfriend of yours,
when you ended up in the hospital,
what'd he do? He ran like a rat,
didn't he? What's left for you?
You have your family,
who didn't abandon you.
[gun cocks]
You have a lot of balls
to talk about abandonment. [scoffs]
[gun fires]
[Arruda exclaims happily and laughs]
There we go!
When the shit hits the fan,
that's when people show their true colors.
Come on.
- [Francisco] May I?
- Of course.
- No one should dine alone.
- Hmm.
You're an optimist, Francisco.
But as they say, if life starts off
with a good breakfast,
it usually means your dinner is miserable.
Let me guess. That's the title
of your, uh, autobiography.
- [chuckles]
- Maybe this will improve your dinner.
The list of people who OD'ed
and went to the hospital.
We have that girl.
- From Rabo de Peixe?
- She's pure Rapexinha.
Sílvia Arruda.
She's Rafael Medeiros's girlfriend.
I thought the white powder
was medication for migraines.
So you really think I believe that story?
I had one hell of a migraine that night.
And who gave you that white powder?
I don't remember.
Everything was pretty chaotic.
Music, the lighting.
There were a lot of people
I didn't know at the concert.
You're saying you accept medication
from people you don't know?
That was before, when I trusted people.
But don't worry. I learned my lesson.
[chuckles dryly]
You can leave.
And know that I'm here to talk,
if you recover your memory.
Some things are best forgotten.
[door closes]
[tools whirring]
[inhales sharply]
[seagulls squawking]
Fucking Arruda is allergic to the police,
you know what I'm saying?
[both chuckle]
He said he would pay
for the cab afterwards.
But he's right about one thing.
It's times like these where you see
who really has your back.
[Carlinhos] Don't say that.
[chuckles] You'll see.
Any day now,
Rafael will show up, totally hungover,
with his tail between his legs,
apologizing. I promise you, babe.
I'm not talking about Rafael.
[lonesome music playing]
I'm talking about Eduardo.
He got us into this mess.
With so many speeches
and so many promises.
And now, he's the first to flee.
Something must've happened.
The Eduardo I know
wouldn't leave us like this.
And besides, I'm not going anywhere.
- [imitates bed squeaking]
- [both laugh]
Muah! It's you and me for life, got it?
[Sílvia] Mm-hmm.
- Whoo!
- [Sílvia laughs]
And this look, kiddo? Yep.
Neither Rafael nor Eduardo together
can give you this!
Look! [exclaims]
[both laugh]
[music intensifies]
[taps club on bars]
And have you, uh have you finished?
[in Italian] Of course! Here.
You got the cash?
[in Italian] Here it is.
- [in Italian] All good?
- [in Italian] All good.
Don't forget, you still owe me
the recipe for the pasta alla pompino.
[in Italian] I won't forget,
I won't forget.
[rain pouring]
[doorbell rings]
Who are they?
The Magnussons. [breath trembles]
They're Scandinavians
and they're going to kill Ian.
Okay. And who is Ian?
Ian is my boyfriend.
He promised them the drugs.
They paid and now the coke's disappeared.
[in Swedish] Hey, you!
[in Swedish] You pig! You don't understand
anything. I am waiting for you.
Wait, wait, wait.
You're saying your boyfriend sold drugs
to some guys called Magnusson?
You mean like that dude
that played for Benfica?
[laughs] The little blond.
Bruna, don't worry. Come on.
You can talk freely.
My father knows.
Eduardo and Rafael
were supposed to deliver the drugs.
But they disappeared.
[in Swedish] You do not
understand Swedish?
[Bruna] And the drugs they promised
never arrived.
Maybe they ran away
because they didn't deliver it.
And now the Magnussons
went to Ian's house.
[in Swedish] No, not that one.
That one has a cool design.
And they threatened to kill him.
- [Magnusson yells]
- [Ian gagging]
They said we have a week
to make the delivery.
Say that you can help us, Dad.
[inhales sharply]
[ashtray rattles]
Sorry, honey,
I have nothing to do with this.
But I do.
Bruna is my friend.
She helped me when I needed it.
[sniffs and sighs]
[Ian] Ah, Jesus fucking Christ.
[Bruna] Look, I went and got us help.
Help for what?
Who said I needed help, Bruna?
[whispers] Ah, damn it.
Whoa-ho! Holy shit!
Looks like you had
quite the party. [laughs]
Hey there, twinkletoes, take a seat.
You're in my house.
Don't talk like that to me.
Are you gonna sit down or
you want me to break one of your wings?
- Sit the fuck down.
- [sneezes]
Hey, playboy, do you have a dog around?
Yeah, I have a dog. It's just that it went
out to buy rolling papers.
It'll be right back.
[Arruda laughs and sighs]
What a funny guy.
So let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
How much money
do you owe the Scandinavians?
Sixty thousand.
Sixty thousand what? Escudos?
- [laughs]
- [Arruda chuckles]
Are you serious?
I don't sell cough drops, right?
- Sixty thousand euros.
- Sixty's a lot of money.
So how many kilos
did you promise these guys?
Two kilos for 60,000 euros. Fucking A.
Should I blow you, or?
- [farmer sneezes]
- Let me explain.
[farmer sniffles]
These are people I met
when I lived in Copenhagen.
- They are
- Man, give me a popcorn. Here.
Take one.
Thirty thousand euros for one kilo?
They're businessmen.
[suspenseful music plays]
Thirty thousand euros per kilo?
And they pay more.
If I want, I can up the price.
They're trustworthy.
Soon as I told them about the cocaine,
they said they wanted it.
And they fucked up your whole house?
[spits] Hmm?
[Arruda and Ian laugh]
One thing is one thing,
another thing is another thing.
- [Ian screams]
- Sit down!
[Ian] What the fuck, man?
Stop it! Damn it!
God, fuck! Fuck! Ow!
- [grunts]
- Fuck, man!
Fucking son of a bitch.
- [Ian groans]
- [sighs]
How many kilos do you think
those dudes can take, roughly?
[Ian winces]
Do you want me
to repeat the fucking question?
They said they can buy all of it.
This stuff here
[cows lowing]
- [Arruda] cash money, motherfuckers.
- [men laughing]
[Arruda] Get to fucking work.
[tense music playing]
[rooster crows]
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you. I have mine.
[Zé breathes heavily]
Let's get the fuck out of here.
[engine sputters and starts]
All right, let's go!
[engine starts]
[cows lowing]
Today's the day, playboy.
[cows lowing]
Out of the way!
[farmer] Hey!
- Hey!
- [honks horn]
[cows lowing]
[horn honks]
Go faster!
[driver] I don't see the truck.
Where the fuck is he?
Wait, there he is. I see him.
Dollars, motherfuckers.
Dollars, motherfuckers!
Dollars, God damn it!
[lively rock music playing]
[engines turn off]
[tense music playing]
- Are you ready?
- Let's do this.
Let's go. Come on.
[taps loudly]
[speaks Swedish]
[in Swedish] It's flour and sugar!
You tricked us, you motherfucker!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Calm down!
- [speaks Swedish]
- [gun fires]
[narrator] Magic.
It's not about how. It's when.
While everyone was looking
in the wrong direction,
my boy Eduardo was doing his trick.
[lively music plays]
Hurry up. You have to leave Rabo de Peixe.
No, Dad, I'm not leaving you here alone.
I'll be fine. That Italian won't rest
until he gets what's his.
Here, you're a dead man. Get your things.
[musical arrangement turns funky]
[Eduardo panting]
I need your help, all right?
- [laughs]
- No, no. Seriously.
I see that you've calmed down. Huh?
What a fucking ass.
So that's the plan.
- [Bruna] We have to help him.
- [Ian chuckles]
- [sniffs]
- Ian, you'll get your share.
Really? If I get my share,
you can camp on my floor, right there.
[Bruna chuckles]
You can take a shit with the door open,
whatever you want.
[Ian moans]
Come here.
I'm not in the mood.
I think you are. Fucking get over here.
[cell phone ringtone playing]
Are you okay?
We don't have much time.
I'm at my dad's place.
[inhales] Rafael?
[melancholic music plays]
I saw Rafael with your dad and Zé
in the trawler.
They took all the drugs.
Don't worry, Sílvia.
I have a plan.
Okay. Understood.
Get some rest.
[knocking at door]
I gotta go. Ciao.
Just checking in. How's my girl?
One day at a time, right?
[funky music playing]
Those are the three essential elements
to a heist like this.
the execution,
and the most important,
the escape.
Where did you learn all that?
If we all stick to the plan,
we'll recover what's ours.
- Ian, are you out of your mind or what?
- [Ian] Shh.
Be careful now.
[gun cocks]
[gun clicks]
Fake. It's a prop.
If we're gonna do a show
[sighs and sniffs]
we need props, then.
Right, Carlinhos?
[Ian chuckles]
Are you sure that it's going to work?
If we follow the plan.
And since it's all thought out
let's execute, right?
I have something for you.
[Zé chuckles softly]
To play the Snake game.

I know you were on the boat
with my father and Rafael.
I need to know what happened to Rafael.
I know you think my father is a good boss.
But that's not kindness.
It's power.
Whatever he does for us,
it's only to control us.
[brooding music playing]
[breath trembles] I have no future.
I'll never be a boss like you.
You need to trust me.
I'm not like my father.
It was your father who killed Rafael.
[striking choral music plays]
[gasps softly]
[Zé] It was him.
It was your father who killed Rafael.
It was in cold blood.
He hadn't done anything!
[both sobbing]
[inhales sharply] Zé.
What if I gave you the opportunity
to get revenge on him once and for all?
[suspenseful music plays]
- [knocking at door]
- [Arruda] Zinha, everything okay?
[doorbell rings]
[Bruna] Eduardo and Rafael
were supposed to deliver the drugs,
but they disappeared.
And now the Magnussons went to Ian's house
and they threatened to kill him.
[Ian sniffs]
[joyful music plays]
Jesus fucking Christ. Ugh.
- I went and got us help.
- Help for what?
Who said I needed help, Bruna?
Whoa-ho! Holy shit!
[farmer] Looks like you had
quite the party. [laughs]
[groovy music playing]
Hey there, twinkletoes, take a seat.
[farmer] Hey, playboy,
do you have a dog around?
[Ian] Yeah, I have a dog.
Just that it went out
to buy rolling papers.
It'll be right back.
[Carlinhos] Come on, come on.
Keep working, come on.
Mix it up now, come on. Mix it up, hurry.
Let's get this train
to the station on time.
Locked and loaded. [grunts]
Come on. Keep it coming.
Give it to me. Perfect.
Thank you very much, ladies.
All right.
[cows lowing]
[prompting cows] Yah, yah!
[cows lowing]
[horn honking]
- [horn honking repeatedly]
- [cows lowing]
[lively music continues]
Next to the lighthouse,
there's a skiff waiting.
Come on, Zé.
- [engine starts]
- Zé! Thank you.
[cows lowing]
[driver] I don't see the truck.
Where the fuck is he?
- Wait, there he is. I see him.
- [chuckles]
[narrator] Life is fucking unfair,
and there aren't many fuckers
who get a second chance.
Rafael will never play for Benfica.
Zé will never get to the boat
that would save him.
And the Magnussons
will never have a taste
of the cocaine they bought.
[in Swedish] It's flour and sugar!
[gun cocks]
You tricked us, you motherfucker!
[guns cocking]
Hey, wait a sec.
- [fires]
- [all screaming]
[aggressive surf rock music plays]
- Whoa!
- [Ian grunts]
[Zé] Fuck! Holy shit!
[Arruda] You fucking son of a bitch!
[Ian exclaims]
- What the fuck's going on?
- We got fucked over.
- What is it, asshole?
- He says it's fucking flour, man!
Eduardo, fucker!
[Arruda yells]
Fucking shit!
- [both exclaim]
- Gimme that shit!
- Huh? [whimpers]
- Come on, give it!
[grunts and yells]
[Zé panting]
[Arruda grunts]
[guns continue firing]
Fuck this.
[gunfire continues in distance]
That fucking chicken shit.
[glass shatters]
Ah, you little bitch.
[surf rock music continues]
Ah, you mother
Where were you fucking going?
- You hear me, you fucking rat?
- Boss!
- Where were you fucking going?
- Boss, I don't know anything!
You got three fucking options.
You either kill me,
or you shoot yourself,
or tell me who fucked me, asshole!
- I swear to you
- You don't?
Then pull the trigger
and shoot yourself, you coward!
Come on, motherfucker!
Fucking do it!
Shoot me, it doesn't matter.
I'm already dead, so just shoot me.
- Oh, you're already dead, fucker?
- Yeah, I am.
It's better than living
that piece of shit life of yours.
- Who was it?
- Shoot me now!
- Who was it? Who was it?
- Shoot me!
- Who was it, you fucking asshole?
- It was your daughter.
[sweeping music plays]
[sobbing] It was Sílvia.
- You're saying it was my Zinha?
- It was Sílvia.
- Really? [growls]
- [gun clicks repeatedly]
[Zé whimpers]
- No! [whimpers]
- [grunts]
[thuds dully]
[ominous music plays]
[narrator] The universe doesn't judge.
It doesn't give prizes.
It is pure indifference and chance.
So if you get lucky
and get a second chance,
fuck me if you don't take it
for all it's worth.
[tender music plays]
- You got it?
- [Sílvia] Yeah.
We're only missing Rafael.
["Hey Boy in the Pines"
by Danny Farrant and Paul Rawson]
Where are we going, hmm? [sniffles]
- We're going where no one will find us.
- And we'll get there in this beater?
[all laugh]
[Eduardo] I think so.
Stay in the pines ♪
Where the sun never shines ♪
And shiver when the cold wind blew ♪
Hey boy, hey boy ♪
Don't lie to me ♪
Where did you stay ♪
Last night? ♪
[snoring gently]
- It's time to go. Come on.
- [keys jangle faintly]
[in Italian] Oh, remember.
Fresh water, good wine, a tight pussy
[in Italian] A hard dick.
[lock clicks, key jangle]
[mysterious music plays]
[exhales heavily]
[musical arrangement turns suspenseful]
[sighs, clears throat]
[mysterious music continues]
The Italian paid
for your annual subscription.
And the recipe?
[suspenseful music continues]
- [woman] Come on!
- [Francesco exclaims]
You have to put the helmet on first.
[in Italian] Are you serious?
Put that on so we can leave. Let's go.
[in Italian] Start the bike. Go!
[in Italian] Start the fucking bike.
Let's go!
[engine starts and putters]
[vehicle approaches distantly]
[engine shuts off]
[RV door opening]
[door closes]
Fuck me.
[bluesy guitar music plays]
Uncle Joe.
Hey, kid.
[lively theme music plays]
[dramatic theme music plays]
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