Undercovers (2010) s01e05 Episode Script

Not Without My Daughter

I'm here right now.
No, I can't, at least not yet.
At some point, they're gonna figure it out.
I don't know.
Liz, what's taking you so long? Okay, she's calling me, I gotta go.
Coming! What are you doing in there? Stealing all my jewelry? Yes, all of it.
So here's what I am going for.
Cute, but not glamous.
Put together, but not like I tried too hard, and sexy, but not slutty.
Basically a dress that says, "look at me, I am 90 days sober, and we're celebrating.
" So I like it.
Sam, you can't just go for the first one.
Besides, I'm don't really know if this my taste.
It's not.
It's mine, remember? Right.
Hmm? Ooh, I like that color on you.
Mm, it's cute.
Okay, that goes in the maybe pile.
Um Honestly, I have no idea whose dress that is or how it got in my closet.
Oh, yeah, I think this is the one.
Actually, I kind of need that.
You do? For what? Steven and I are going to San Francisco this weekend, and I wanted to wear it.
It's not for the hotel.
It's our Rutigliano's trip.
You guys still do that? Do you really need to keep celebrating your first date? That's how we keep the magic alive.
- Hey, honey.
- Mm.
- How was your workout? - It was great.
What is this, a dress sale? Lizzy's 90-day sober ceremony is Sunday night.
Pleeease? Okay.
Because you're my sister and I love you.
I'm proud of you.
Thank you.
We both are.
Yeah, come here.
Oh, you are too sweaty.
I will get you later.
You guys are gonna be back, right? You not gonna get roped into some hotel business while you're there? Of course, Liz.
We are not gonna miss this.
Oh, thank you.
[Keypad beeping.]
[Buzzes, lock clicks.]
[Keypad beeping.]
[Chimes, lock clicks.]
[Speaking Korean.]
[Alarm blaring.]
[Lock clicks.]
[Latches pop.]
[Lock clicks, chimes.]
[Door slams.]
[Suitcase zipping.]
Undercovers 1x05 Not Without My Daughter [Knock at door.]
About time.
[Steven laughs.]
How is it that even when you call us, you're still disappointed when we show up? I thought you were room service.
I ordered a quesadilla 35 minutes ago.
Look, Shaw, this thing the three of us got going on, it's working.
So when are you gonna stop wasting the CIA's money on hotel rooms and settle down? I know this really nice place just near us.
My lodgings are not your concern.
That is.
Shin Won? Brilliant North Korean particle physicist.
A crown jewel of North Korea's covert weapons program.
We've gotten word that he wants to defect.
Your mission is simple.
Facilitate said defection.
North Korea's not what I'd call a simple defection.
Operationally speaking, North Korea is off limits.
Shin Won will be attending a particle physicist symposium in Geneva.
Geneva's nice.
Glad you approve.
Our latest assessment indicates that he might be carrying a prototype of the Delta, his latest invention.
What's it do? War birds at the Pentagon say it has limitless weaponry applications in terms of changing states of matter.
He'll be assigned a handler.
Which is exactly why you're going to go undercover as a fellow scientist.
Your mission will be to infiltrate the symposium and facilitate an undetectable defection.
[Knock at door.]
That would be my quesadilla.
Transport plane for Switzerland leaves at 0400 hours.
Hi, come on in.
These folks were just leaving.
This is like science fiction.
This Delta he created can apparently change the state of any solid form in seconds.
Can you imagine the things this guy is capable of making? Mm-Hmm.
He also created styrofoam.
And air.
Sam? What? Hey.
Oh, sorry.
Sweetie, I know you're upset about missing our trip.
I'm not.
This is clearly more important than our going to San Francisco, but I can't miss Lizzy's thing too.
Look, we'll be back for Lizzy, okay? And we'll go to Rutigliano's next weekend.
Actually, we can't.
We have a dinner party.
Somebody booked us for a dinner party? No, we're having a dinner party.
I told you about it.
Couples night.
Okay, first of all, just saying, "I told you about it" doesn't make up for the fact that you never told me about it.
And what couples? We don't know a lot of couples.
We do know a lot of couples.
It's just that you always have some problem with one of the two people in the couple.
That's ridiculous.
It's Laurie and Ron and Joe and Patty.
Joe and Patty? Really? What's wrong with Joe and Patty? Come on.
I can't talk football with a guy who's still rockin' a jheri curl.
Well, I guess you'll have to talk about something else then.
This is what normal people do.
They have dinner parties.
All right, we'll talk about it later.
This particle physics is tough.
I got eight hours to learn eight years of schooling.
Have I ever told you how attracted I am to intellectuals? Have I ever told you about the string theory? Because I love These strings.
Particles, atoms, whatever.
String, quantum, or particle? String.
Ray Parsons, Brookhaven National Lab on loan from Caltech.
- Brookhaven? - Yeah.
So you must know Dr.
Barnes-- head of Brookhaven's nano particle project.
- Of course.
Wrote the paper on the higgs boson attraction.
His paper on the Higgs Boson attraction as it relates to dark matter-- is asinine.
This guy's asinine.
I loved that paper.
He's just the reason I went into the field.
Oh, that's silky smooth, sir.
Excuse me.
[French accent.]
Professor Parsons? - Louise Bergher.
- Hello.
I'm with the symposium hospitality committee.
Please follow me.
But of course.
Hospitality indeed.
Thanks, honey.
Shin Won's lecture starts in ten in the Savoy room.
Should last about 20 minutes.
Soon as he wraps up and heads to the elevators, we'll make the move to grab him.
You okay, Hoyt? Pulling up elevator control panels now.
I am liking the horn-rims, sweetie.
Hmm, smart's the new sexy.
Trust me, it's not.
Chem engineering- poly sci double major, and, technically, I'm still a virgin.
There he is.
Shin Won.
Hoyt: And that must be his security detail.
You know, if we wanted to, we could neutralize the guards and take him out right now.
Let's stick to the plan, hotshot.
Prying Shin Won away from those guards isn't gonna be easy.
[Speaking Korean.]
[Speaking Korean.]
As you can see, by manipulating quarks Okay, agents Bloom, Operation Shin Won Defection is on.
After the Q&aA they'll have to pass by you to get to the elevators to get downstairs.
On my way to the elevators now.
Signal me when you're close.
In addition to the deviations from reflected radiation, this also involves both diffuse and spec-- something's up with the guard.
Any questions? Sorry.
No questions.
We got a problem.
[Speaking Korean.]
Change of plans.
The guard's taking him the other way.
I'm checking the hotel floor plan.
If they're not going to the lobby, they must be going to the two service elevators in the back.
Steven: I'm on my way.
Steven: Hold It! Thank you.
Hoyt: Almost got control of the elevator, sir.
Ten more seconds.
Okay, buckle your seatbelt.
[Machinery whirrs, stops.]
[Stun gun crackles, men groaning.]
Hoyt, we're clear.
Elevator doors unlocked.
Let's go before anyone else shows up.
Are you the ones they sent for me? Are you ready to do this? Welcome, sir.
How about an ice cold soda to commemorate this moment, huh? Okay.
I mean, it's a good idea.
It's not even that cold, and I've obviously put my fingers in it, so I'll alert the debrief team.
I wish to modify the conditions for my defection.
Modify? How? If you want to know where the Delta is, you must do one thing for me.
Hold on.
That was not part of the plan.
Listen to me.
When word gets back what I've done, they'll try to find my daughter and use her to get to me.
I can't let that happen.
You need to go and get may for me.
She's the only reason I'm doing this.
I want her to have a better life.
We don't have approval to enter North Korea.
Do you have children? Family then? A sister.
If she needed you, you would do anything for your sister, right? Of course.
This is my daughter.
Without her, I would have nothing.
Get approval and rescue my daughter.
Only then will I tell you where I've hidden the Delta.
A wrinkle? You do have the asset, correct? Uh, yes.
And the Delta? That we don't have.
He says he'll only give it to us if we get his daughter out of North Korea.
No, absolutely not.
No, no.
North Korea is not approved.
We cannot send non-U.
government covered personnel into a denied area with the possibility of diplomatic repercussions.
No! Sir.
Sir, with all due respect, Steven Bloom, while his career was tragically shortened by a combination of marriage and catering, is a legend.
I'm talking Khartoum in '02.
That is superhero stuff.
The Kozlowski Defection? How could he be in six places at the same time? Hoyle, how would you like to spend the rest of your service as a cipher clerk in Botswana? It's Hoyt, actually, but, no, I'm all set.
And as for Shin Won's daughter, that's a matter for the state department to sort out.
We can't risk the lives of agents on such an operation.
I repeat, any and all operations inside the DPRK lines are strictly forbidden without approval of NSC.
You will convince Shin Won that it is in his best interest to cooperate and hand it over! Do you roger that? Loud and clear.
I could check with accounting, see if we can bump up his resettlement package.
Throw a car at him, let him have his pick of cities to settle in.
You know, a car's good.
Maybe 20-inch rims, like, a house with a jacuzzi.
He's not going to forget his daughter for rims and a jacuzzi.
You got any better ideas? As a matter of fact, I do.
Oh, no.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not what? We can't do that, honey.
- We can.
- What can't we? I don't care what Shaw says.
She wants to go to North Korea.
We're going to North Korea.
The news has already leaked at home.
My daughter is in danger.
If the United States is not willing to help, I'd like to leave.
We've been cleared to extract your daughter.
- You have? - Yes.
We'll leave as soon as we can.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Where is she? In Pyongyang.
I can give you the address.
She's safe for now, but it won't be long before they find her.
- Then we should get going.
- All right.
[Speaking Korean.]
Passport, please.
[Speaking French.]
[Speaks Korean.]
[Speaking French.]
[Speaks French.]
This guy shouldn't be hard to lose.
We don't have a lot of time.
How long can a 16-year-old girl hide from the North Korean police? Let's not find out.
[Pounding at door.]
[Loud thuds at door.]
[Door crashes open.]
[Glass shatters, objects crashing.]
[Objects crashing.]
[Pounding at door.]
We're in.
I knew it.
Food programs are genius.
They have a transport plane leaving tomorrow night.
That is the last one.
You'll need to be on that plane with Shin Won's daughter, or you'll have to cross the DMZ, which I do not recommend.
Got it.
Our tour guide's on us like glue.
Any idea where we can ditch him? I understand, sir.
Where's a good place to lose somebody in the city? Lots of people.
Kangdong Market.
It's always crowded.
They must hurry.
Okay, Kangdong Market's your best bet.
Tell him to take us to Kangdong Market.
I don't like what's going on.
We need to get out of here.
What do you have in mind? See those crates? I think that's our exit.
Follow me.
Ooh, what are you gonna do, start stabbing people? No.
Create a diversion.
We need to moveNow.
[People screaming.]
[Speaking Korean.]
This is it, right? Yep.
This is the address Shin Won gave us.
Let's hope we got here before anyone else did.
You know what I love about picking locks? Every country's a little bit different, but never gets boring.
I know.
No matter how many times I do it, there's always something so satisfying about it.
Hold this for a second.
[Lock clicks.]
[Door squeaks open.]
I'll check in here.
I'll check in the bedroom.
- We got company.
- Police? Hope not.
Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? [French accent.]
Probably the same thing as you.
Looking for Shin Won's daughter.
We work for DGSE.
French intelligence? You are CIA, right? I'm Marcel Geffard.
This is my wife, Camille.
Why so surprised? Didn't your supervisor brief you on who else Shin Won contacted? No.
And it doesn't matter that Shin Won double dipped.
We have him.
It was our understanding that the Americans were unwilling to accept his conditions.
Well, here we are, so your understanding is incorrect.
Excuse me.
What does it say? It's a name.
"Captain Nahm.
" Sam.
I spoke to Hoyt.
He confirms Shin Won called the DGSE because he thought we were saying no.
And they check out, but I don't trust them.
We should stay close just in case.
Okay, here's the plan.
We find out where Captain Nahm's police station is, use the French as a diversion, break in, and extract Shin Won's daughter.
Okay, hold on a second.
You're doing this thing again where you're making a decision without consulting with me.
I do not do that.
You had our bedroom repainted when we were in Germany and planned a dinner party without telling me.
Okay, I get it.
I do that, but we're not leaving North Korea without her.
I know that.
I'm just trying to figure out what to do with these two.
Look, we both want to get the girl and recover the Delta before it's lost.
Instead of working apart, I propose a joint effort.
It will save us the trouble of wasting time keeping tabs on each other.
Besides, I'm very familiar with Captain Nahm.
My ex-partner and I were here posing as journalists once.
We were pulled into Nahm's police station and my partner's cover didn't hold up under his questions.
He didn't make it out.
So you'll take us to the station? Yes, but now we must hurry.
[Cell phone chirps.]
What is it? We're missing Lizzy's ceremony, and I promised I'd be there.
I don't like lying to her like this.
Look, I know it's hard, but she'll forgive you.
You know that.
Maybe this time.
But what about the next time I miss something and can't tell her the truth? It's just Sometimes living this double life isn't so easy.
We'll figure it out.
Come on.
That's it--the station.
That doesn't look like a police station to me.
You sure this is the right place? Shop in front, police station in back.
In North Korea, nothing is as it seems.
Believe me, if Captain Nahm has her, she's in there.
So what are we gonna do? We need a plan.
The interrogation room is near the rear exit.
They probably have her there.
Guards? Three, maybe five.
That shouldn't be a problem between all of us.
I say we split up, go two in front, two in back, attack from both sides.
We have no guns.
We overpower a guard and get a gun.
We don't have time to waste here.
We're talking about the North Korean police.
We can't just walk through the front door.
We at least have to wait till it's dark.
We go in as the sun goes down.
[Speaking Korean.]
Captain Nahm.
Captain Nahm.
[Speaks French.]
[Horn honking.]
[Speaking French.]
[Both shouting in French.]
[Shouts in Korean.]
[May whimpering.]
It's okay.
It's okay.
Your father sent us.
Don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.
[Man shouting.]
Marcel! Where'd they go? I thought they were with you.
They double-crossed us.
Come on.
[Cell phone rings.]
Hello? Marcel: We retrieved your daughter.
You have? Thank you.
Can I talk to her? [Speaking Korean.]
Are you listening? I look forward to cooperating with your country.
We're not so interested in that.
Listen to me.
You will hand over the Delta to us.
I don't have it.
It's someplace safe.
You tell us where it is, you get your daughter back.
We'll be in Geneva in the morning.
Secheron train station tomorrow, 7:00 A.
We'll find you.
Secheron train station, 7:00 A.
[Dial tone.]
[Door slams.]
Laura? 6:30 in the morning.
Am I on The Today Show? I thought you checked out the French! I did.
I did.
I checked them out like a library book.
As of yesterday, they were French agents in good standing.
Hey, did you bring any coffee or something? Or like a Danish-- Hoyt, so what happened? Okay, we'll talk danishes later.
Best guess, they went independent, right? Capture Shin Won's daughter, leverage her for the Delta, which goes to the highest bidder, and then-- any contact? Not yet, but Shaw called.
He was not happy.
Mentioned Botswana again.
- Where's Shin Won? - Sleeping, although probably not after your husband slammed that door.
Man, you slammed that so hard, I didn't know what was happening.
Hoyt? He's gone.
Now, when you say gone You must have missed the contact.
He could be anywhere.
Please tell me you bugged the room.
Sir, this isn't my first North Korean defector.
Okay, it is.
This is number one, but I did bug the place.
Hoyt's voice: Now, you're also gonna need a baseball team to root for.
I'm partial to the Cubs.
Just pretend like you didn't-- Shin Won's voice: I want my daughter first, then I will tell you.
Secheron train station, 7:00 A.
We have 20 minutes.
I'm on it.
You and Hoyt need to figure out where Shin Won hid the Delta.
If I miss them at the train station, getting the Delta is our only shot at saving Shin Won and his daughter.
Be careful.
Okay, are you sure he didn't have it on him? 100%.
I tossed the room and his clothes when he was asleep.
He must have hidden it before we grabbed him.
He's only been to the symposium.
And I've been looking through security camera footage from there.
Let me see.
Yeah, smart.
Fresh pair of eyes.
There's nothing there.
Hold on.
Look, the power point's being run off the laptop, right? Right.
He uses the keyboard.
What does he need the remote for? When he's taken off the stage No remote.
The remote's gotta be the Delta, and the Delta's in the podium.
It's the last day of the symposium, the first speaker is in 20 minutes.
Ah, Martin Vilner.
His theory-- Hoyt, Hoyt, Hoyt.
Let's just go.
[Woman making announcements in French on P.
Get in the car.
May! [Speaking Korean.]
Where is the Delta? Let her go, and I'll tell you.
You are in no position to negotiate.
Do anything to me.
Kill me if you want.
Just let her go.
After we get the Delta.
Nobody's going anywhere until we have it.
It's at the hotel in the conference room.
I hope you're not lying.
It's the truth.
I hid it under the podium.
Now let her go, please.
Electromagnetism is responsible for keeping electrons and protons inside atoms.
And we all know the implications of electromagnetism led Einstein's development of special relativity.
And this is brought on without altering fundamental force.
But let's take a look at what we have going on here.
What we have is, you'll notice the meditating gauge bosons reverse their current state.
Now I will open the floor to questions.
Yeah, hi.
Uh, I think there's a mistake with your third vector.
There is? Yes, let me come up there and demonstrate.
Hey! Hoyt! Get out of the way! [gunshots.]
If you got a shot, take it! Cover me! [Siren whoops.]
Don't say a word.
I'll do the talking.
Aah! [Grunting.]
[Speaking Korean.]
Aah! You lying, conniving bitch! [Gunshots.]
Aah! [Steven panting.]
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't even think about it.
Give me that.
You should probably take it.
I'm sorry, but we have to leave.
Thank you again for helping us.
For saving us.
Of course.
I don't know how I would survive without her.
You don't have to.
It's called protocol, folks.
This is why we have a chain of command.
You can't just infiltrate a totalitarian state without creating an international incident.
Do you read me? Yes, but-- I have been on the phone 24/7, putting a spin on this little fiasco trying to save your sorry asses against my better judgment.
Luckily, the North Koreans have yet to acknowledge Shin Won's defection for fear of losing face.
Look, we acquired a strategic piece of equipment, successfully brought back a scientist, and brought a family back together.
Doesn't that count for anything? A regular lifesaver moment.
Now if you'll excuse me.
Come on.
Good job.
I am so sorry.
You promised, Sam.
I know, and I feel terrible.
That hotel job was more important than being there for me? Of course not, Lizzy.
It's just, you know, with dad gone and mom who knows where, you are all I have.
You're my only family.
I know, and we have to look out for each other.
You're totally right.
And it won't happen again.
I promise you, nothing is more important to me.
I just want you to know how proud I am of you.
Well, I know it's not San Francisco.
It's perfect, just the two of us.
Feels really normal.
We are gonna do this, Steven.
Lead a normal life.
And I don't just mean couples night or dinner parties or going to the movies.
I just want to feel that everything here's still real.
By the way, um, I love the new color of our bedroom.
But I'll ask you next time.
No, you don't have to.
And if you want to have couples over, I'm good with that.
We can hold off on that.
The last couple that broke bread with us double-crossed us and tried to kill us.
Good point.
Dinner for two's all I need tonight.

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