Bloodline (2015) s01e06 Episode Script

Part 6

Ripped By mstoll Can you say your name for the record? John Rayburn.
- How old are you, John? - Fourteen.
You understand you're not in any trouble? Yes, sir.
I just want to know the truth about what happened with your brother.
Yes, sir.
And what happened? He was hit by a car.
And was your father there? No, sir.
He was at the hospital with my sister.
Play it again.
Hey, I was just thinking about you.
Really? No, I was.
Is there some kind of problem? No.
I was just wondering how you're doing, that's all.
I didn't talk to you after the service.
Was there something you wanted to say? No.
I just Just wanted to see how you were doing.
Oh, yeah.
I'm great, John.
What was that? Oh, that was just the sound of me cocking a pistol, putting it to my head.
Don't fucking joke around with me, Danny.
Don't fuck around with me like this.
That was a joke, right? Yeah, John.
It was a joke.
Hey, how'd you like to go fishing this weekend? - Fishing? - Yeah, fishing.
I'm busy this weekend.
- This is Lenny.
- Hey, it's John Rayburn.
Hey, John.
Listen, I was wondering if you had a chance maybe we could speak? Well, I'm getting ready to go out and bag a few bonefish.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you'd left by now.
I was going to.
I thought, what the heck, I doubt if I'll be down this way again, I might as well enjoy myself.
Hey, I'll call you when we get back.
No, that'd be great.
I appreciate that.
And listen, good luck out there.
Oh, we don't need no luck.
Bastards don't stand a chance.
Got everything you need? Have fun.
- Oh, good morning.
- Hey.
Mama, I think I need a couple-- Maybe, just, can I just take a break? Can I-- Just a small break.
Couple of days.
- Is everything okay? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I just-- I just-- I just-I think I need a day just to drive down to Key West.
Take a break, you know? All right, then.
Enjoy it.
Welcome back to the dark side, my man.
You ready for another gas run? That's not why I called you.
Serious? In one night you'll make, like, I don't know, six months' worth what your family pays you-.
- I already told you I'm not interested.
- Then what the fuck you doing here? This is why I called.
That's what you want? What? Are you gonna judge me now? Fuck you.
I don't fucking judge.
I just don't take money from my friends.
Okay? No judging.
No, I need more than that.
Gotta get the eight ball rolling.
- Here we go.
- Here you go.
- Take it.
- I'm not taking your fucking money.
Okay? - Thanks, man.
- All right.
You're welcome.
That's a lot of powder for a party of one.
Who you hanging with? I'm just saying, I'm free this evening.
I have no plans.
Let's go.
Have fun.
Belle? Babe, you here? It came today.
Probate court sends a copy to the surviving spouse.
You should look it over.
I did look at it.
Danny's been cut out.
Dad didn't tell you? He tried.
I wouldn't listen.
You didn't want to be involved.
You let Dad make decisions.
I know.
It was a mistake.
I shouldn't have.
I want you to make this right, Meggy.
Talk to your brothers.
Can I get a tequila? Tequila.
Can I get another one of those? Sure.
- Here you are.
- - Hey, Manny.
Thank you for bringing it around.
Hey, Ms.
Rayburn, can I talk to you? Sure.
What is it? I have a problem.
Do you think you should talk to Gwen, or my mom? No, it's not really about work.
It's for me.
Well, for my cousin Carlos.
You remember him? Yes, I do.
He liked you.
Your family was always very good to him.
Now he needs We need you, Ms.
Me? Why? He needs a lawyer.
Could you imagine if he'd come right through here? - Walked along-- - Kevin! - Got your message, doll.
- Hey, Susie.
Excuse me.
So you're doing it.
You're actually leaving us.
Well, my sister's got a house up in Hendersonville.
I can't do this salt air anymore.
Mom's going to be brokenhearted without you.
Your mother and father were good to me after Cliff died.
I'll never forget that.
I know.
So listen, I was talking to your son and I'm surprised you didn't come to me first before you decided to sell.
Nicky said he wanted to handle it.
Sue, we have talked about this for years.
And if you wanted it, you could have made an offer.
I just assumed you couldn't afford it.
A yacht club? Triple the dock space.
It's going to kill my business.
Kevin, sooner or later someone else is gonna come in.
First a yacht club, then what? Condominiums? This place will look like Pompano Beach.
They're offering way above market.
Okay, listen, I can't do that.
But what if I pay in cash? - Cash? - Please, Sue I need this.
Please? If you come up with money by the end of the month, deal.
I will.
I talked to the bank.
Everything's in place.
I promise you, I'll make this work.
I hope you do.
How's Belle doing these days? - Good.
She's good.
- Good.
Tell her I said hello.
And before I move, I'm having the two of you over for dinner.
- Sounds good.
- All right.
What's on your mind? What's the statute of limitations? What for? Giving false statements to the police.
You were kids, and you were scared.
You were all scared.
What happened? - You know what happened.
- No, I mean Your side of it.
What happened? I heard there was a drowning.
Came over the radio.
Didn't know who it was at first.
When I found out it was your sister who had died, I went to the hospital and found your father.
He was there with Danny.
He was having his injuries examined.
I talked to him in the examination room.
You talked to both of them together? Yes.
That was my first mistake.
I should have talked to them separately.
I asked your father what happened, he said your brother had got hit by a car.
- And when I asked Danny-- - He gave the same story.
I blew it.
I let Bobby feed him the lie.
But when I pressed Danny afterwards he said he didn't remember details.
I knew something was off.
- That's when you came to talk to us.
- Yeah.
You, Kevin, Meg.
Your mother wasn't there.
She was out of town.
I always thought it was an odd time to take a trip.
Why is that? Well, you know, she had the inn to manage, and tourist season coming up.
Anyway, talking to you three, it became clear because you had all told the same story.
Which means that you had been fed the same lie.
And I never asked who fed you that lie.
I should have pressed it.
But you all were a family in pain.
Bobby was my friend.
I thought it best to let you all grieve.
My dad never talked to you about any of this? I confronted him.
A few months later.
He kept denying it.
After that, our friendship went south.
I'm sorry about that.
John, you don't have to be sorry.
You were kids.
You were scared.
You were trying to protect your dad.
The problem was, nobody was protecting your brother.
Somebody needed to stand up for him.
To tell the truth.
I failed him.
I looked up the case file.
Read your transcripts.
The tapes weren't there.
I thought Danny should hear the whole story.
I was sorry to hear about your father.
Thank you.
I remember when he first hired me.
I was just 21.
I remember too.
I had no experience.
And he took a chance on me.
And then I let him down.
Now I'm coming to you, like this.
It's okay, Carlos.
We should talk about the charges against you.
I pulled your file.
The prosecution is not going to make this easy.
They're charging you with larceny, robbery, and the knife makes this aggravated assault.
I had the knife on me, but I didn't use it.
That man owed me money, and I was drinking, and I was drunk.
And I lost my temper.
I did this, but I didn't hurt anyone.
It wasn't me, it was the drinking and I've stopped.
Yeah, he goes to meetings every day now.
That's good.
That's an important step.
I could show proof of the meetings.
I can take a test, blood, whatever.
Did you tell the public defender? - He doesn't listen.
He doesn't care.
- That's why we need you.
I don't normally do this kind of thing.
I'm not a criminal defense attorney.
But you know me.
You care.
Please, Ms.
Will you take his case? I don't have nobody else to go to.
- Mom? - Hey, honey.
- I'm trying to get in touch with-- - I'm gonna brighten up these cushions.
Looks great.
I'm trying to get with Danny.
Do you know where he is? No.
He took a couple of days off.
- For what? - I don't know.
But he didn't seem quite right, so I thought it best to give him the time.
- Mom, did he say where he was going? - He mentioned Key West.
Has he talked to you? Is something going on with him? No.
You know Danny.
Danny's Danny.
Thank you.
May I have another? You were in the other night.
I heard you all talking.
Sorry about your loss.
Don't be sorry.
- This place is fucking dead.
- Ten bucks.
- Hey.
- Hi.
You wanna go play? I think you might have something I want.
What do you say? - Come on.
- Yeah.
Black '57 Chevy.
Pickup truck.
No, no.
If you find it, don't do anything.
Just give me a call.
All right.
All right.
So I was looking through some old trafficking cases-- Are you okay? Yeah.
Five years ago, a ring was busted in Dade.
They rescued a group of girls who were coming from Central America.
The rings leaders, they're all in jail.
One of the girls said something interesting in her statement right there.
Her name is Cristina Colon.
I tracked her down.
She works up in Homestead.
Want me to run this? No, I got it.
The right judge, I can get 7 to 10 with no parole.
With only drunk and disorderly in his priors? I don't understand what you're doing.
- He isn't a hardened thug-- - You're not a criminal defense attorney.
If you were, you'd understand that what he's convicted of is only a fraction.
- He used to do landscaping for my family.
- So you feel responsible for him.
- It's personal.
- He just needs a little help.
I've seen this movie.
Don't defend this guy.
It isn't your thing.
He has a drinking problem.
He isn't a bad guy.
- So I let him off on agg robbery? Why? - In trial, you never know.
Karen, we're ready for fines, community service, reparations, time already served.
But no new jail time.
We'll call your office tomorrow with our offer.
But our only offer.
Thank you.
You won't love it.
Hey there.
I'm surprised to see you.
I didn't know if you were still in town.
Looks like I am.
I had to get a mooring license.
- Got a new boat.
- Nice.
Thought I wasn't supposed to be talking to you.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for Cristina Colon? I'm Cristina.
We spoke on the phone.
I'm Detective Rayburn.
You're a detective? I don't remember you.
I didn't work your case.
Then why do you want to talk to me? I'm investigating a different case.
I think you might be able to help me.
Okay? When you and the girls were freed, you gave a statement to authorities.
- Yes.
- There was something in that statement that I'd like to talk to you about.
When you were asked about the men who brought you to the U.
, you said that "they threatened us with fire.
" They threatened us with everything they could think.
Every day.
And this is when you were on the boat? Yes.
How did they threaten you with fire? One night, the boat stopped.
I think maybe they saw the Coast Guard.
So the men shut off the engines and told us not to make any noise.
The girls were crying, and the men got very angry.
And And Just take your time.
I'm sorry.
You don't need to be sorry.
So they said if we didn't stop crying, they would lock us inside and burn us.
And one man light a match and he threw it down into the - The hold? - Yes.
He threw the match in with us.
It didn't do anything.
Just one match.
But after that, we knew.
What did you know? That they would rather burn us all alive than get caught.
I owe you an apology.
No, you don't.
- You don't owe me anything.
- Yes, I do.
It was really bad timing and I overreacted.
It's okay.
I get it.
How are you holding up? I'm okay.
You know, it's hard, but I'm better.
So are you around now? Are we talking again? No.
I mean - I've figured some things out.
- Good.
That's good.
I have to stop acting like a child.
Losing my father made me Clarifies things, right? It makes sense.
- I'm sorry.
- Will you stop apologizing? Really.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Well, I'm glad we bumped into each other.
First tour, I was 22 years old in Spain.
Twenty-two in Spain? I've never even left Florida.
I've never been out of Florida.
Oh, can I-- - Thank you.
- You're welcome.
How'd you know I had some? Sucking the roof of your mouth, bobbing your head off beat.
I wasn't off beat.
You're too old for this bar.
It's cool.
He's a friend.
- Hey- - Hey.
Can I hit it? The more the merrier.
Sure, yeah.
Get a little baby bit of that.
That's good.
- Dad cut Danny out? - Yeah.
- And when did this happen? - Years ago.
And before he died, I asked him if he wanted to go through with it.
He said yes.
You just let Dad do this? I'm his lawyer.
My job is to carry out his wishes.
Anyway, Mom's not happy about it.
She wants us to include Danny.
Can she do that? Dad already decided.
Well, the business is ours now.
As long as we all agree, we can do what we want.
Does Danny know about this? - I don't think so.
- Easy decision.
We cut him back in.
Wait a minute.
Just slow down one second.
Why would we do that? He's been through enough.
He doesn't need this.
What do you mean "he's been through enough"? All of it.
His whole fucking childhood.
That's what I mean.
What are you talking about? - You know what I'm fucking talking about.
- No, I don't.
All right.
You know what? If you want to, do as you like.
But if you cut Danny out, just cut me out, too.
- We're out.
- Where to next? - Home.
- Mm.
Where's that? You're sweet.
See you around, buddy.
Hey, whoa.
Oh, you're back.
Come on, have a drink.
Have one with me.
I don't drink.
Not here.
Surrounded by all these beautiful bottles.
I don't under-- I would be like fucking a-- Fox in a hen house.
Like a Cookie Monster, and a-- What do you call it A couple rum punches please.
Are you in the Navy? Yeah? What's that? ls that a yes? Yes, like this.
Hey, I'm talking to you, Navy guy.
Well, I'm gonna do you a favor and pretend you're not.
- Two rum punches.
- Thanks.
Rum punches? Wow.
I bet you they don't let you order that in the Navy, do they? Because they're kind of feminine, you know.
A bit of a woman's drink.
Oh, that got his attention.
You don't want to do this.
Hey, buddy, I'm not the one that's ordering a fucking rum punch.
Look, why don't you do everybody a favor and get your drunk ass off that stool, pay the lady, and leave? - Okay.
- Come on.
Take it easy.
I'm gonna leave.
Okay? I will leave.
But can I try it? - Can I try it? - Try what? You're kidding, right? Mm.
It's kind of sweet.
A bit like a sailor's ass, isn't it? You had enough? Take it outside, guys.
Oh, you got me good that time.
Shit, man.
Those sailor boys, they must fucking love you, man.
They must love-- - Oh.
- Come on.
Come on, enough already.
Hey, did I mention that you should go fuck yourself? Because I think you should go fuck your own self, buddy.
Is this what you wanted? You had enough? Fuck, fuck.
Let's just do this.
- Hi.
- Hey, are you okay? Yeah, I'm good.
I'm okay.
How are you? Same.
What's going on? I just-- I wanted to give you these.
These are yours now, and I really shouldn't have them anymore.
So, okay.
And listen, I just wanted to say that I know that I've been a little slow on the uptake, and it's taken me a little while, but I just want to let you know that I get it.
I do get it.
And I'm okay.
Thank you.
And, uh And I love you.
And I'm always gonna love you, so you know That's the deal.
- So - I love you, too.
I do.
All right.
So okay.
- I need my car key.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- You're not gonna get far without it.
I know.
Who the fuck is that? Jesus, Danny.
What the fuck are you doing here? Tricia called me.
Who's Tricia? The bartender.
She thinks someone should take you home.
- No.
- I got you.
Let me take you home.
Come on, Danny.
Get in the car.
Fuck off, man.
Fuck off me.
Danny, you need help right now.
Come on.
Why? Because you care? - Danny, I do care.
Get in the car.
- Let me tell you something.
I'm not your way out.
I'm not your fucking lifeline.
And you sure as shit are not mine.
- Yeah, no shit.
- Okay? So let me make this nice and simple for you.
Now's the time you say, "Fuck off," I say to you "Fuck off," and we're done.
Okay? Say it.
Say it.
Say it! Don't want to play the fuck off game? Okay, try this.
I don't care about you.
You don't mean anything to me.
And if I mean something to you, you mean less than nothing to me.
Why are you doing this? This is what I do.
Where you headed, man? Hey, man.
Can I come with you? Yeah, come on.
I'll take you somewhere.
- Need help? - No.
You got it? Oh, look at you.
You're having fun tonight.
Yeah, it's good, brother.
- Yeah? Okay.
- Yeah, I'm good to go.
Let's bounce.
Let's go.
- Safety first, right? - Always.
Oh, man.
I'm so glad I met you.
- Thanks for the call.
- No problem.
- Borrow your light? - Sure.
Take it.
Go on.
Just like that.
Just like that.
What's in this? Some shit that'll do the trick.
That'll work.
Just light it.
Everybody freeze right now! - Get your hands up! - Nobody move! Get your hands up! Up where I can see them! - Hands up, right now! - Don't you move! What are you doing? - What the fuck are you doing? - I'm having a little bit of fun! The fucking position you put us in? - If anyone finds out about this-- - It would reflect badly on the family.
Is that what you're fucking worried about? Except Dad's dead, so I don't think it's going to affect him too much.
What the fuck is that? Some kind of excuse? No, man.
That's not an excuse.
That's your fucking excuse.
Oh, you're going to protect Daddy at all costs.
Is that what this is about? You're feeling fucking sorry for yourself because you found out someone told fibs a long time ago about what Dad did to you? ls that it? Well, let me fucking clear up some fucking things for you.
Let me give you the truth.
We didn't lie for Dad.
We fucking lied for you.
Know why we lied? If they didn't shut it down the cops would have kept pushing, and pushing, until they start investigating Sarah's death.
What do you think about that, asshole? There was nothing to investigate.
You really think just because you didn't mean for her to die - you weren't responsible? - Fuck you.
It was an accident.
Why don't you quit fucking lying to yourself, Danny? What did you say? I'm fucking taking you in.
Fuck! Fuck! Ah! - What did you fucking say? - Easy.
Who the fuck is that? She's with me.
She's been with me the whole fucking time.
Are you sure you want to do this? Listen to her.
Listen to her, Danny.
Don't screw this up.
Give me the gun, Danny.
Time to decide.
Is it you? Or is it them? Fucking listen to her.
Danny? Danny.
Give me the gun, Danny.
- Don't do that.
Give me the fucking gun.
- ls it you? Or is it them? Shut up! What? What's up with you, huh? Marco Diaz.
Did you know if you scramble the letters of your name, it spells ZODIAC RAM? And you're an Aries.
- I didn't realize that.
- And I'm a Virgo.
And the letters of my name scrambled make "Mrs.
Marco Diaz.
" What's going on with you today? Oops.
Can you pick that up for me? Please? Come on.
Pick it up.
Ask me.
Get on one knee, and ask me.
You want me to propose to you? You want me to do it? I don't think you're ready.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I suppose.
I mean, if you want to.
Help me, Rhonda.
Two fingers.
Thank you.
Oh, hey.
I see you're still celebrating.
Oh, yeah.
- Your freedom.
- Yeah, my freedom.
- Sorry about that.
- No worries.
I'm-- You know what? I am.
I am celebrating.
I'm celebrating that this is the greatest country in the world.
Guess how much it costs to get a divorce online? - I don't know.
- Just take a gander.
No idea.
Just take a guess.
Throw out a number.
Tell you what, you come within 20 bucks and I'll buy you a drink.
Uh - Two hundred dollars? - Ehh.
One hundred fifty-nine.
Close enough, you can still have your drink.
And you can do it under an hour.
Who knew? What are you drinking? Anything you want.
- This is my lucky day.
- Right.
- I never win anything.
- Well Um - Obviously, nothing imported.
- Obviously.
And it also has to be a beer, in a can.
But, you know.
Um Can I ask you something? Are you and, um, ahem, my brother I don't know.
You know what? I'll have what you're having.
Sounds good.
Back to work, huh? Oh, yeah.
The guests caught a couple of snapper.
I'm going to prepare them, then grill them up.
Mom said you were taking a few days off.
I drove down to Key West for a day.
That'll do.
Found your truck.
It was out of gas.
I know you talked to Lenny Potts.
Well, he came to me.
- I spoke to him.
- Mm-hm.
Maybe we should talk.
All right.
What Dad did was wrong.
I couldn't see clearly back then.
I just wanted the whole fucking thing to be over with.
Everyone was just trying to hold everything together.
I said what I thought I had to say.
I was wrong.
We were all fucking wrong.
Now that Dad's gone Fucking I don't know.
I don't know.
I'd like to start over.
So you still want to go fishing? What? You don't remember? The other night you asked me, you wanted to go fishing.
Still want to go fishing? Yeah, I want to go fishing.
You know, you don't have to worry about me, John.
I mean You got your own family to worry about.
Just want to be able to get past all this.
We are past it.
It's passed.
It's good to have you home.
It's so good to be back.
Ripped By mstoll
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